tv News Al Jazeera November 9, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm AST
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show an employee exhibition that is entering new territory that has been organizing employee exhibits for nearly 100 years. but this is the 1st time one has been open to the public. more than 400 of the med, 1700 workers submitted. there are so even the security guards here are artistically talent, especially the security guards that demanded for me. that's really interesting. it's the people who have jobs that don't seem to be ones that involved necessarily the artistic talent. it felt an exhibition design manager daniel kershaw to organize the works installation, gives you a slice of what's on the minds of more varied types of artists in new york, then you can possibly get anywhere else. the exhibit is a sign of appreciation for the met employees and a fresh approach to art from an age old institution. oh.
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defying the poll certainly results from the u. s. midterm elections show the fight for congress is a lot closer than most people thought it would be. we are gonna take the house back right far from the half way mark about republicans are confident they're gonna take the house of representatives. ah, i'm all about the senate. this is, i'll just live from joe. have also coming up at least 9 people have been killed and an overnight attack, a democratic republic of congo. several vehicles and houses have been burned. ah, thousands of people go in striking 3 sangree at the wising cost of living
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we're going to begin in the united states were early results and choose his mid term election. so a close fight for control of congress that defies predictions of a so called red wave of big games for the republican party. but it does appear to be in the lead in the house of representatives. if you believe in freedom, hard work and the american dream, these results proved that there is a place for you in the republican party. ah, no to night. we build upon those gains 2 years ago. and it is clear that we are gonna take the house back. oh, well control of the senate sits on a knife edge. both parties have secured $48.00 seats, the battleground states, verizon, nevada, wisconsin, and georgia, are being closely watched so far. only one, the senate seat has flipped democrat,
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john feldman as defeated trump bank celebrity, dr. mehmet, ours in the crucial state of pennsylvania. okay, we can talk to my cannon, who's at the white house for us or mike. so the word wave hasn't happened. what does this mean about representation in congress? well, that is still a very open question that does appear to be leading republican in the house. it does appear to be evenly split in the senate, so a very tight grace indeed, and one that is so tight that was not predicted by the polls. and certainly not expected by the republicans. been saying very clearly. they believe that this was the opportunity for a red wave in which they would make massive gains, both in the house and in the senate. now that wasn't an unreasonable expectation. that's been the pattern in virtually every previous midterm election. and president
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biden, who has been sending messages to the democratic party, victors throughout the evening and into the early morning. very you aware that he's done better than any incumbent president in mid term elections, in terms of the amount of seats lost by his administration. so, democrats quiet me happy with these results, although they may lose control of the house, but still doing far better than they expected. mike, i mean with a small majority, there is still nevertheless, a majority isn't. if indeed, the kinds that we're going to see over the next few days or so much up to that, what impact is not going to have both for republicans and democrats when it comes to trying to get through the legislation to both sides, want to get through over the next couple of years. well, let's just take a look at the various options here. if the republicans do get control of the house, every indication is it will be by
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a very slim majority. that is going to make it difficult for the republicans to be able to exercise their own agenda. it would make it difficult for the administration of president biden to be able to do what he wants to do without that majority in the house. if that is a republican majority in the senate, it makes it even more difficult for the bite and administration. but there's a couple of points that must be remembered. most importantly, the president wields a veto. so even a house controlled by the republicans with the swim majority, he can still direct to a large extent, what part of the agenda can succeed and what part can't. so it's a kind of stand off that you are looking at here, which would have a massive impact on the administration's ability to be able to fulfill its agenda over the next 2 years. a lot of control of house and senate could well lead to a lame duck type administration. that being said, though, perhaps the most significant thing that is merged throughout the course of this
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evening is the fact that the losses have been so slight for the democrats that this particular stage. and what that does is it cement jo biden's position as leads up the democratic party. that is something that some have called into question in recent months. but these results, which are very favorable for the democrats, given what has happened in the past, is something that is likely to cement biden's authority as the leader, which is going to give him a greater power within the democratic party. and certainly perhaps the ability to be able to push through more strongly the things that he says he wants to do. my kind of why does mike, thank you very much indeed. okay, of course the focus is now turned to the races, which haven't been decided yet. let me show you one of them. george's senate race is still very close is being described as a must win for the republicans if they want to regain control of gain control. it
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looks like it is going ahead for a runoff. and the reason for that is pretty simple because rafael, one on the democratic incumbent, has 49.42 percent, and hustle. walker has $48.00 to that's not a huge margin, but neither of them is over 50 percent. and that is a quote of georgia they had, somebody has to get over 50 percent in order to be able to win the seats. and interesting common combination of people here. my file one, it is a church pastor, hassle walker is a former and football star. and he was very, he was boosted by president trump. he also has a very strong stance anti abortion stance. but there's been controversy during his campaign because previous girlfriends have come up and said, well actually he's been responsible for paying for their abortions. it is interesting that this has been one of the most expensive senate races visa, but $250000000.00 has been spent by both sides on attack ads to try to get through
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the campaigns. she harbor tansy is in capitol hill and he says that abortion has been a key ballot issue. it's difficult really to tell what is, is driving this place. it was all trying to come to terms with how on earth democrats, even though they will, it would appear lose control of the house, how they've managed to avoid a complete disaster in the senate. and it seems from the exit pros elsewhere around the country. that abortion was, as many has told posters, months ago was the major issue that had brought pieces. and both of the given, given the democrats that turn out amongst young people, along suburban, suburban women and others. now the question is, is that, does that hold true for, for georgia as well? i mean, clearly, if abortion is a major issue, that's something that herschel walker may be a little bit concerned about. he's a very anti reproductive rights and he's been there allegations that he himself
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there despite that position, have paid for to abortions for former former girlfriends in georgia. we also have a 3rd candidates on the ballot. the libertarian candidate, who it seems might have got around 2 percent of the vote, who will now drop out of this if there is a, is a run off election. the question is, why were people voting for that libertarian candidate when he had no chance of winning wasn't a protest, but was it people on the rights you who just bought and there was a good level of this just couldn't handle herschel walker's happy lack of experience is lack of graphs to some of the issues, will those, where will those votes go? so these are some of the issues that we're looking at now in georgia as we, as we move forward. and, and there is now, there is that expectational that we can't confirm anything that this may end up going into a run off, which will be decided until december. so let's take a look at some of the key races that have been called pennsylvania was one by democratic john fatima and he address supporters a little earlier. we have the line i
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never expected that we were going to turn these red counties blue. well, we did what we needed to do, and we had that conversation across every one of those counties. internally, that's why oh, be the next us senator from pennsylvania. or meanwhile, republicans have dominated in florida. ron desantis has been re elected as governor fueling speculation that he could run for the presidency in 2024. when marco rubio secured another time in the senate. the people in this country are going to vote for the people to fight for people like them. they're going to vote for people that are going to fight for people that care about being safe. they don't want drugs coming across our border that don't want illegal immigration running rampant into our country that don't want to have to pay $4.00 for gasoline that don't want to have to pay 22 percent more than they used to for their groceries. so when you see the results across this country tonight,
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that's what it's all about. the people who make this country great have been forgotten and have been left behind. and what i'm most proud of is that this community, miami date and the state florida. a diverse state, you find people in the state from everywhere. you find people say from every background. and they enjoy this incredible new movement that isn't just going to change the country. it's going to change the republican party after tonight the republican party will never be the same. and that's a great thing for america. and a great thing for julie norman's the co director of the center of us politics and university college london. she explains what republican parties gains mean for us politics. they can really cause a lot of gridlock and washington can still push their agenda. so in real terms, the majority of the majority, but it does mean that they did not get the bump that they thought that they would. and that democrats are probably a little better, better position than they thought they were going into yesterday. it's been
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a mixed bag for chunk back candidates to there were a couple of victories i, j. d, vans and many other trump that candidates either have lost their races or in some of these races that really should have been the public in for the taking. so i do think it will raise some questions about their trumps electability going forward towards 2024. this is couple by a serge by his main rival in the party. ron de santis, who had a major victory in florida, just a double digit victory flipping districts that had been safe product strongholds for a while. so i think its setting up a bit of a battle there for 2024. your trump is very savvy about taking any results and leveraging it for his own gain. i think, oh, take credit for the victories and blame others for the under performance of republicans and whatever the outcome he will still probably use as leverage for a future campaign is still ahead and al jazeera and keep the faith and keep looking to mid term coverage. continues,
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we're going to have the latest on the make or break races. we're going to take you inside a bunker and central ukraine where people are preparing for cold winter and more power outages. ah, anticipation is rising. and so is the atmosphere. you're ready. with. most of my cattle airways, right. the coat stand itself is gathered. it's coming up behind this frontal system which is vague, massive cloud. but it's in mongolia and just drifting across the northeast of china, but it has effect for the south terms of coming down in shan. they've been higher than usual to range developing here in a line that stretches up towards the yellow river. significant rain. and you'll notice now on the backend of the code is certainly talking in the minus 5 day max if you're on baton. but fatty obviously will han and then towards the south coast.
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anything up to 10, maybe more degrees above average. that still warm. it's been watered all summer so it has not permanently come back down to where it should be. for the green blitzer in japan, things are much more settled and then not overly war either. that the ne monsoon is given significant rent china as you know when it burst in the heavy rain. recently has been sri lanka, but i think it come back to was is east coast of india same time. a few showers snow will rain depending on your height above sea level, around the far north west of india and pakistan, they won't do much to change what is very poor air quality, but they're all the same. at least they are on thursday. come friday. it's hard to see anything different at all, except is getting colder and the western tibetan platter. the, with sponsored by catch on a ways with pandemic restriction being lifted for the
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1st time, the st. whitfield with tens of thousands of party go with detail covering the whole sentiment. here we want to hear this illusion much with the politicians in general from around the world. everywhere you look, their young men carrying machines and an example of how this school recruit their soldiers. ah ah, what's your old 0 reminder of our top story? this are the house and senate still hang in the balance hours after polls close in the us. mid term elections votes were still being counted in several crucial states . all 435 seats in the house. and
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a 3rd in the senate are being contested. muslin jordan wraps up the midterm results so far. ha, it was billed as the red wave of 2022 republicans winning control of congress to become president joe biden's biggest political obstacle. but democrats of won several important races. mark kelley of arizona was re elected to the senate. he'll be joined by pennsylvania's john thurman, who overcame both a stroke and stiff competition from the celebrity, dr. mehmet oz. i'm proud of what we ran on. health care is a fundamental human right. ah, it's a little bit if you know, be there for you. the midterms came after months of republicans accusing democrats of plotting to steal the vote. despite fears of potential disruptions at polling
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stations, nothing significant was reported. the president spent tuesday evening congratulating democrats who won their races, and he urged people still waiting to vote in western states to stay in line. democrats hopes died early though in florida, where republicans now control all of the top seats. we will never ever surrender to the woke bob horta as well. oh, or country flanders, due to failed leadership in washington, florida is on the right track. former president donald trump promised he would take credit for any republican victories. and he did just that. i wonder what biden would do right now, but we, one of the candidates trump endorsed, did not thank him during his victory speech. now the people of ohio have given us a job and what we need to do over the next couple of years over the next 6 years
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for the full, the full length of the senate term, whoever's in the majority, whatever the president looks like. we have a very simple job to do it, go to work every single day and fight for the people of ohio. let's get america back on track. house minority leader kevin mccarthy has long dreamed of taking the speakers gabble from nancy pelosi but voters may not be ready for that. rosalind jordan l jazeera when we bring you some break in usual facebook parent company matters just announced it's going to be letting more than $11000.00 employees. jo mazacco says he's reducing the size of the team by but 13 percent. he's also said he's extending a hiring freeze through the 1st quarter of next year. this news just coming out, but investor confidence in the company had been shaken out of facebook's parent company matter had ramped up its spending and made a strategic pivot towards the matter verse that had shaken investor confidence.
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we're gonna have more than that story as it breaks throughout the day. in the meantime, let's turn to some of the other stories we're watching around the world. ukrainians are preparing for a tough winter. as russia targets the energy facilities president flooding his lensky, says, 4 and a half 1000000 people are already going without electricity. i said, beggars in central ukraine, speaking to people about how they're planning to stay warm. the war has taken a new turn in the last month. russia has been targeting ukraine's energy facilities . a 3rd have been damaged so far. ah, the are plant electricity blackouts taking place across the country in the city of treasury. they're getting ready for the cold weather. the industrial city was hit by a drone, according to authorities. it's caused considerable damage to the energy facility. are you sure i would assume they say they have set up 300 heating points around the city, p o. r virtual shores young produce the russians continue to launch terrorist attacks
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. so we must be prepared for the worse than usual. we're not trying to make a 5 star hotel in this place is made to survive. there are blankets, food, and baby cripps. this bunker can house hundreds of people, those marcia loses middle school at the, on a left, the don best region in the east of the russia invaded. now the family face is a harsh winter by we'll see if we have everything here sleeping bags and blankets. a warm place for the worst scenarios. i think we won't phrase, ah, this city has become home to internally displaced people, but quivery has been targeted by russian forces. the prospect of leaving again is a very real one. ah, in another part of the city, a soviet era nuclear bunker is being used to show a football mansion authorities here say they feel it's important to provide entertainment. watching the football match in a nuclear bunker may not be normal, but it's a chance for them to come together. oh yeah we oh,
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i like the atmosphere here. i'm cheering for my football team and i believe we went over the world. it would do better to watch it in a stadium. but do you hear that? what do you have because of the situation in the country? ah, and just for a moment, they forget the war outside and have something to cheer about. i says johnny, me now live from creamy re in central ukraine, so winter is getting closer. more power blackouts on the way. absolutely. we've heard that 4500000 ukrainians without electricity. president, lindsey has said that 40 percent of the country energy infrastructure has been damaged. now that's up to 30 percent from what we heard last time, but people are getting ready for the rent up front to get hold of generators. the heating points as he saw it across city. lots of lots of authorities are replicating that methodology of getting ready for the winter,
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setting up bunkers and food. i'm blankets and making sure that people can stay warm already, the temperature is dropping. but if i could just update on what we've been hearing about or saw that 1st on a pensive just south of here is that the russians have gone to bridges. and in someplace the russian flag has been taken down. now the ukranian authorities are treating that's rarely because they, they, they say that the russians are reinforced the position of the disney pro ravendie. don't think the russians will be with george any time soon. in fact, if they think that sometimes russians do this, it's up, take your time, draw ukrainians into the back to them. what president president said that even though there's not much news coming from the front line, the fighting is intense. and here increase every the mood has definitely been more tense. we've heard an increased frequency of the air raid sirens going off. we've heard reports of explosions and the size of distance birds. and although there are lots of reporting restrictions, you can go out sometimes to see what's been hit last week, a pallet that was hits,
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but generally were not allowed to go because of the restrictions on it. and the part of the reason for that is that you can, you don't want news crews turning up broadcasting live, broadcasting, pictures that give away to the russians that some facilities may, they may have missed or may have partly destroyed, so they get hit again. so that's part of the restriction. the other part of the restriction is the ukraine has been very quiet about the offensive. again, this offensive is taking place, a rush and a saying that the buttons focus on is a size of one of this war. and the ukrainians have said that at least 20 to 25000 troops still remain in her san city. that strategic and politically, militarily important city for both the ukrainians and the russians are so thank you very much. indeed. i said, beg, talking to us from cleverly in central ukraine, all in democratic republic of congo, at least 9 people have been killed in an attack on the north eastern city of benny . a rabble group called the allied democratic forces is being blamed for the violence of tuesday night. it comes as the government renews its fight against
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another revel group m $23.00. malcolm lamp has more from a camp in goma for those who have been forced from their homes by the violence. we're in a health center at the moment, just north of the city of goma, but lining the road all the way from the city to here and far beyond. tens of thousands of shelters made from sticks. plastic sheeting and leaves where people are sleeping rough. it's raining very heavily every day at the moment. conditions really aren't good at all. now with me is baptist through zone is a logistics manager for the charity doctors without borders. have been providing some services at this health center. what are the conditions like have they changed following this massive influx of people in the last week or 2? yeah, we've seen the situation changed a lot since the less than these speakers, tens of thousands of people have arrived now and taking refuge in genoa. ginia. so, so now we are facing many, many needs and also um the increase for example,
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of consultation here. and also the living conditions are that are really tough with, with shall really small shelters and people living nearly on each other. so it's really complicated. what kinds of health problems is that causing o, as of a risk of the, the main risk would be, for example, because as people are living in very tough condition was odd term, for example, almost no sanitary stretchers. or we have a lot of risk for example to have um this is like go there are like, ah, with the rainy seasons you have for what a bond disease you have also missile. so. so we are, we are trying to, to manage the suspect cases and also to, to, to answer and to, to manage to the risk we face. offenses bonded italy as unacceptable after rome refused to allow several rescue ships to dock for vessels carry migrants refugees. but initially denied permission to land in italy over the past week. some were later allowed to dock and disembark passengers. it's part of a cracked on,
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but the country is new right when government now one ship, i said to frances time, thousands of people of walked out of work in greece as part of a general strike against the rising cost of living. i think schoo schools have been shot and flights and public transport are facing severe disruptions unions of demanding lower taxes and increased to the minimum wage. inflation hit 12 percent and september the highest in 2 decades. okay, i'm john by john said alkalis. who's in athens for us of so kate, don't tell us more about who's striking of what it is. it's driving them to do it. it's public and private sector work is represented here today by the federal unions . very large number of people out here on the street and a complete shut down of public transport. so even people who might have wanted to go to work are going to fight it very difficult to do. so. flights in and out of
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the country seriously disrupted ships are tied up in port. what people are demanding is that the government either more heavily subsidize their electricity and gas bills or eliminate taxes on them altogether so that they can come drastically lower gasoline prices, for example, increase a very high above 2 years later, that's among the full highest in europe. and definitely, ah, greece is the poorest european country with such a gasoline price, 80 percent of that price is government tax. the government makes serious money off these consumption taxes and can't really afford to give them up. because it would then have to go and borrow a lot more money from markets to balance its budget and borrowing and is now more expensive than it used to be. it's 5 percent interest per annum for the greek government twice what it was a year ago. the full central banks began hiking their rates. so it is a difficult proposition for a government that has already committed to spending molten $13000000000.00 on
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subsidizing electricity and gas bills. that's for this year alone. probably more money is going to be spent next year and the 2nd half of winter. this government can't really afford to do more. it's also the european union to set up a solidarity funds to help sovereigns deal with the subsidies. but the european union is not going to do that because it says that would be a subsidy to fossil fuels in the midst of a european energy transition to renewable sources of energy. johnson, romulus in athens, john, thank you. a private art collection from microsoft co find a poll. g allen is being auctioned off in new york for charity collection represents 500 years of art history. kristen salumi high school. it is a private art collection that could rival a museum who's who of the artists from sandra about a chelly to vincent van gogh and george
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o keith. but it's not just the artist names that are driving the sale. it's a chance to own one of more than 150 works of art from the late microsoft co founder paul g allen. like everything that that painting can and could be is in these rooms. max carter handles 20th and 21st century art for christie's auction house. most collections we tend to see at the very highest level even are tend to be focused on one artist or one period or one style or one medium. and this is 500 years of the greatest works of art. take la mountain san vig twice by policies aren't rated. there's of course a direct thru line from what says ons during here in 20 years later was picasso on brock. we're dealing with cubism is on, is, is widely regarded as them the father of modern art. and this is, this is very much why this one piece expected to fetch $120000000.00. alan, before he died in 2018, agreed to donate as well to philanthropy, just to roughly inspiring that one individual could collect these works
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in his own collection engine. it's beautiful to be able to see that the works include landscapes like birch forest, by gustaf clamped and portraits like this one by lucy on freud. and the spent the last month on display in cities around the world, from shanghai to london, to los angeles, tahira, new york. art lovers have been lining up to get a glimpse of the paul g. l and collection i had of its sale here at christine on november 9th and 10th where its expected to bring more than a $1000000000.00 for charity. kristin salumi al jazeera new york. ah. this is al jazeera, these are the top stories, the house and senate still hang in the balance. i'll resolve to polls close in the u. s. midterm elections folks are still being counted.
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