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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 10, 2022 11:00am-11:31am AST

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ah, a sense of community on a just, you know, indonesia, your investment destination, the world's 10 largest economy is busy transforming, ready to beat your business. partner with a robust talent pool, politically and economically stable and strong policies being the powerhouse indonesia is confirmed by the g. 20 presidency. bringing opportunities for you. invest indonesia. no. ah, al jazeera, with no i
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ukraine. i just caution after rush announces its withdrawing troops from the city of the song. ah, hello there i'm to start the attain. this is al 0 life and also coming up while the press to the planets are predicting a giant red wave, it didn't happen. us president joe biden calls the midterm elections a good day for democracy as control of congress hangs in the bonds. ending the war on drugs efforts are underway to legalize columbia's cocaine industry. and anger is about the rising cost of living and gonna parliament there is set to vote on sacking the price. the finance minister we began in ukraine where president william is lensky, has cost down on russia's announcement that it's withdrawing from the key southern
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city of cassandra, the several weeks now ukrainian forces have been advancing in that region. russia's defense minister says he's ordered a retreat to the eastern bank of the denise pro revonika san, but ukrainian officials award. their troops may walk into booby traps and more attacks. if i don't hear from you. well, this says to us, having comprehensively assess the situation. i propose that we take up defensive position along the left bank of the disney pro river. i understand this is a very difficult decision. at the same time, we will say most importantly, the lives of our troops and the overall combat effectiveness of our forces, whom it is futile to keep on the right bank in a restricted area. in addition, it will free up some forces and means they will be used for active operations, including offensive ones on other fronts. what is it that you have that are unique
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to understand that no one just goes away? if he doesn't feel the pressure of power? the enemy doesn't give us give, he doesn't make gesture of good. will the fight for all that correspondent alphabet has worn out from the ground and hustle. what is very difficult to know exactly what's going on because the ukrainians are being very secretive about they offensive. what we do know is that they've said that they offensive continues, but the command is here, the ukraine commanders said that they haven't received any russian provocation or the fact that they can actually take this seriously. because this thing actions speak louder than words for weeks. now the ukrainians have been saying that russians have been reinforcing their position in her saw that the soldiers russians holders have been putting on civilian coals, taking a position, getting ready for st. battles and even until last night, the ukrainians, a thing. yes, the russians have said that they are going to withdraw, but at the same time they are putting it, putting an extra troops into that person region,
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so as the ukrainians advance. and they have been advancing, taking towns and villages. and we've seen images of that time and only tell what happens when they begin to end to actually enter the city. of course, on already on line, we've seen official channels from the ukrainians showing the left over military equipment as the ukrainian forces move forward. while meanwhile, russian president vladimir present it will not be attending the g 20 lead summit and bali next week. russia is likely to face west and criticism at that meeting about the war in ukraine. moscow says foreign minister said, calibre will attend and push in may appear on video link. us president joe biden previously said he had no intention of meeting person up to 20. the while you as president joe biden has meanwhile hailed the democrats performance in the midterm elections, calling it a good day for democracy. but he's also acknowledged that americans are frustrated
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with the political divide by and says he's willing to work with the republicans as his party could still lose control of both the house and the senate. my county has more now from washington. it was in pennsylvania that the predicted red wave was revealed to be little more than a trickle in a crucial senate race. john pittman overcame both a stroke and stiff competition from the trumpet. back to celebrity dr. mehmet oz, giving the democratic party a fighting chance of keeping control of the senate. and president joe biden has welcome the preliminary results. while the press in the pundents are predicting a giant red wave, it didn't happen. and i know you were somewhat miss by my my obsession optimism. but i felt good during the whole process. i thought were going to do fine in the 1994 terms. president bo clinton left 52,
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how seats in 2010 barack obama last 63 this year the last could be in the region of 20, making joe biden, one of the most successful 1st term precedence in recent history. the major republican party decree came in florida, which is now a merged as a fully republican stronghold and were in a strong showing governor run de santis easily held onto his position, confirming his status as a most likely challenger to any possible reelection bid by the states most prominent resident, former president, donald trump, will be fun watching take on each other. president biden also took note of a noticeable change in both demographics. both registration figures and the results themselves indicate a huge increase. the number of voters between the ages of 18 and 30 stood it would appear by the desire to combat climate change and an anger at attempts to stop
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a woman's right to choose. the. it also reflects that the president, a future generations impatience and anger at the political rancor of the past. my cana era, washington will not nyak is the president of the center for american progress action fund. he says, democrats had an impressive performance because many americans didn't trust republicans make america great again, ideology. people may not be happy with everything that's going on, but they feel good about the effort the president is making and some of the successes. and just as importantly, this election is really a repudiation of republicans that you know that there is a choice in the selection. and when americans were presented with the alternative, they said we're not interested in the very simple fans. mid terms are almost always a referendum on the president. and i think what president biden and democrats in
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congress did, right, is they put mango republicans on the ballad this year. and so that this mid term election, it became a choice. and once maga republicans were on the ballot, people were turning out in really record numbers. we saw the historic turn out for a midterm election in the united states. that doesn't usually happen. and the reason it happened is, a lot of americans are very scared about what my republicans would do and their power, whether it's on abortion, whether it's the attack or democracy, whether it's privatizing or social security and medicare. and that was really a motivating factor. we saw people who don't sharpen a mid term, actually come out and it change the outcome of the election. meanwhile, vote counting is still under way the into battle. ground states in arizona officials are tallying the half a 1000000 nail and balance while a neighboring nevada. it could be another 9 days before the final results room.
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let's take a look at how things stand right now. the senate is almost neck and neck. the democrats have $48.00 seats, while the republicans have $49.00, all eyes on those battle ground states of ours and nevada and georgia will be holding a run off in december and take a look at this is the house of representatives. i'm sorry you were looking at that now. the republican party is, you can see is in the lead here, but by a smaller margin than full cost, a party needs 218 seats to take control of a man accused of attacking the husband of us. how speak nancy pelosi is facing federal, could nothing and assault charges. david de poppy allegedly broken to the couple of san francisco home nearly 2 weeks ago. he reportedly demanded to see proceed before using a hammer to beat 82 year old husband pool. the pump is already facing state charges including attempted murder, a tropical storm. nicole has strengthened into a category one hurricane as it made land fall in florida. its lashing the us states
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east coast with fierce wind, heavy downpours and dangerous storm. nicole is expected to move north over the upcoming days, passing through georgia and the carolinas. the storm already for people to flee their homes in the bahamas of columbia. as well as largest cocaine producer and now former presidents. and we'll need to say it's time to legalize it and bring an end to what they call a failed war on drugs. at a 100 m p. s, he has more from boca production. as cocaine, marianna, in synthetic drugs, is that a normal time high despite decades of military efforts and billions of dollars spent to stuff the trade. now a global commission and drugs, which includes the former president of columbia, mexico, they signed to change what it calls a fail strategy worldwide. that's produced, as their report focuses on colombia, the biggest go came producer in the world and calls for the legal regulation of all drug production and consumption. columbia has been the country that has paid the
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highest costs in the war on drugs that were declared by the world by united nations . more than 50 years ago. we have tried every single measure by the book with many resources, many lives sacrificed. and we still have this problem, we're still the number one exporter of cocaine to the world markets. the port calls for ending the criminalization and incarceration of people who use drugs and poor farmers who make a living growing coca leaves and regulating drug markets, stupid government control and race revenue. something the former president clearly understood when he was columbia. as defense minister in the mid to thousands, i was the one who sprayed more and who read again more. and that's when i was
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convinced that it was like, i call it like in a static bicycle, you peddle, you peddle you, you to write the same position at a very high cost. the recommendation comes at a time when the country seems open to a different conversation on drugs. newly elected president co, several pay 3 spear having a regional efforts to change drug quality, c, drug production and trafficking, as fuel to columbia, deadly civil conflicts for decades. this proposal i demand from here from my wounded latin america to end the irrational war on drugs and the war and drugs and allow people to live in peace, get a regional approach that the commission hopes it will be recognized globally. now we have the evidence that, that conceptual questioning of the war on drugs is true. so that is why i think the time has gone actually a long time ago to change radically. the approach changes never easy,
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and nobody can underestimate the complications legalization with bring, especially in consuming countries. but these former precedents say it would be insane to continue doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. i listen that i'm just, you know what the fella had here on the back on his face after being shot on the leg pakistan's former prime minister in ron con. does that to review his protest. march was on the gun. we look at what's causing the toxic and new delhi that's leading to a surgeon. hospitalization with anticipation is rising with most of my cattle aways.
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well, the relative warm, the atlantic is still being pumped across a good part of northern europe, keeping temperatures well above where they should be stirring in cloud, wind, and rain every now and again. so the active systems, this one here, this is now inactive. that was the last one to be thrown across central europe. and as it goes through, it is a bit of cloud and rain, for example, in australia. and the important one is it's gone through temperature will actually right, it's a cold front behind it temperatures, right? because the sun is still there, as you see, is a rather weak feature, but it will develop right in the barracks and later in that part of east in spain as well. but look at this, look at these temperatures across the british isles, a constant pump of relative warm. so 60 degrees in london, rain just catching the edge of ireland, scotland. these terms are 5 above the average, and it's the same and you get time to vienna was, are grab, but of course nights are longer than days. so this time eventually, well, the world's can't win. and even in vienna with nothing else happening, temperature will creep back down towards the average. by sunday. in north africa
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you would expect to see the main rain belt go away and it is doing, but it hangs around the coast of places like the re coast for quite a long time. the next 3 days, it remains sundry to with sponsored by catch all day was jumping to the streets when no topic is off the table. i don't think that anybody should be borne to privilege to dinner at the end of the day. we are the subjects of the royal family, plus one person's opinion, but what's yours? amplify your voice. the judicial system in mexico is incredibly weak and it is not just corruption. we're a global audience, becomes a global community. those scariest part of this moment in my country is this toys for more weapons, the stream? oh no. g 0. ah
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ah, and i watching out a 0. that's remind you about top stories. the salad ukrainian president vladimir lensky, had stressed the need for caution. following russia's announcement that its withdrawing from the southern city of cas on cave has warned troops, if possible booby traps and more attacks. you as president biden has hailed the democrats performance in the metabolic sacrament. wanting it a good day for democracy. however, his party could still lose control of both the house and the senate. vote counting is still under way into battle ground states and arizona officials on tallying half a 1000000 malin ballots, while results neighboring nevada could only be finalized 9 days. awfulness, pakistan prime minister and run cons. long monster islamabad is expected to resume in the coming hours. a week now after he was shot in the leg con is planning to
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join the march when it reaches roll up india punjab province. as amos ravi reports now from level former prime minister iran clone and the pakistani army were 2 sides of the same coin. but since his ouster earlier this year, he's become the most popular politician to ever directly challenge the country's military yob, blatant violations already. there are blatant violations happen here, but a state of terrors be created in people's minds that pakistan's army is untouchable . don't say anything to them because they can do whatever they want on what they got. pakistan's army will be stronger when there is accountability, it will not be a weak affordability o. hon blames a conspiracy for the attempt on his life in wazir about earlier this month. top leaders deny any involvement, so get his dad as arm,
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but he doesn't. blair emron can, has bloomed me as the prime minister and the interior minister and the senior army officer. so i say again, if there is even the slightest evidence that i am an anyway involved, i will not only resign, i will leave politics forever. it says that the baseless and irresponsible allegations by the chairman of the p t. i party against a institution and particularly a senior army officer are absolutely unacceptable. emron hans political rise came only when he aligned himself with the army. his fall like many before him, when he tried to push his own agenda. now he's tapped into public anger against the army, often seen as controlling the country's affairs from behind the scenes. ah, you know, america, good day to day these people american dogs, americans lackeys, are acting against their own people. a beloved soldiers that are brothers,
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me and nothing without them. but don't act as if you are angels. the rob, that people among you get rid of them. are risk worsening to grow and hatred for you in people's heart. i implore the, i'm sure you've done enough dirty business now have mercy on i still recovering from gunshot wounds at whose residence here enough for him. ron hon has said that in the coming days, you will join his supporters and raoul pin and leave them the rest of the way to islam about completing the long march. and continuing to ask for early election. but open criticism of the military has potentially put him and his supporters on a collision course with one of the largest standing armies in the world. con is a threat to the status quo. the primacy of the military and pakistan, while no prime minister is ever challenged the army successfully. some have died trying. zane basra, the oldest era, la, across the board,
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india supreme court has been asked to weigh in on how to tackle the capitals, deteriorating air quality. that's as hospitals and you, delhi are seeing a surge and patients struggling to breathe happening. miss al reports a few that caught the wound is being rushed to the i see you for the 2nd time in weeks she's been struggling to breathe. doctor. see the air pollution has triggered her as the mom. it's also taking the toll on her family. but go, can there be a symbol of yankee op integral on the doctor's such as to believe daily because it would be difficult for her to live here, that i have already spent a lot of money on her treatment. so the location will be expensive. i'm really struggling, but we'll have to find a way her life is more important than one. new daily's air has become toxic. once again, pollution tends to increase at the onset of winter. while most of the small gets from the hickle's. some is caused by fires like these 4 weeks farmers in
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neighboring states have been burning the straw stobel that remains off to harvesting the government in new delhi has imposed restrictions. non essential construction has been stopped, and many older vehicles are banned. but people say it's having little effect, thought, all that hot, your dea hot, awful memory. think about that. i was out of that i have shortness of breath. i caught my eye sting as if someone had put chillies in them. this has been going on for a month and a half was fully bundle. the challenge of your current air pollution levels are several times higher than the safe limit. doctors are calling it to public health emergency with many long and short term effects. sadie suggests poor a quality is causing more than 50000 fremont or decked in the city every year and reducing life expectancy by nearly a decade. people with pre existing respiratory conditions, children and senior citizens are most vulnerable. hospitals estimate the number of
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patients has doubled in a month, and doctors say every one is affected. even people who have no exposure to smoking or have know his family history of respiratory diseases. now we see that many of them come with problems oblong there that x rays look like they have had like, like a smokers. they also want to father has the fact infections last longer. there's a higher risk of heart attacks stroke. it also impacts mental well being docked to see a heart is need to do more to reduce pollution as it's the only way to reverse some of the damage path middle. i'll just see the new delhi french president emanuel macro has announced the end of his country's defense mission. in africa. french military personnel have been fighting against armed groups and the regions in 2014, but they've faced growing hostility and even protest from civilians who view them as ineffective. now the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court says
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investigators have documented evidence of war crimes and libya. the 1st time dream khan has met the victims of the civil war. and the conflict between the internationally recognized government and war. for half the he visited prisons and inspected a mass burial sites in the town of ta, horner and the north west. it's it presents very vividly misery on an unprecedented scale. and wherever you go in the world, in different crime scenes way we're dealing with crimes, was in the court jurisdiction a beggars belief at how man inflicts terra and torture and cruelty upon his fellow men at woman and child. so in tahoe, we saw an agricultural centre boxes where people had been kept. metal boxes affects the end, the workstations, in which they were kept in terrible conditions. we went to farms were, which were mass graves with a hundreds of bodies. and we went to
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a tip which was filled with dietrie us with rubbish, with dead dogs and dead animals and all kinds of filth and bodies. human, our brothers and sisters were thrown in these conditions and the libyan authorities have been a working a hot tour soon. them but and i, i went to see a claim for hafta and i was very clear to him that we received information. i was as close, i am to him as i was to this, to this camera. and i said we received the offices, received evidence and information regarding allegations relating to the libya national army. that these are serious matters. and i was absolutely clear that whether one, he's a military commander or a civilian superior. the law of was applied the obligations not to take part in criminality. the obligation also to prevent and punish crimes of make taken place on the wells. health organization says access to ethiopia is teagle region remains
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stalled. despite last week sci fi deal, the when agencies, as millions of people need urgent aid after 2 years of conflict, to ryah's under what the un calls a de facto blockade, imposed by european government forces. or as anger grows about the rising cost of living and gonna parliament there is set to vote on sacking the finance minister and follows large protests over the prices of food, fuel and transport. the government has now approached the international monetary fund for health. as ahmed address reports from a cra, it gone was only a gun chocolate factory production is still on, but at a fraction of its capacity. making these sweet tasting balls these days has become a bittersweet experience. sales in iraq, i can drop very significant from so you are forced to then money would. what's resources you have? cost of production has gone so up that we actually went up with axes. the company fair is better than most to you because it's shareholders can access money from
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abroad. this food processing plant couldn't survive the crisis. it's machines that gone, and the building itself is a poor seal. if a buyer can be found, it's was manly to preserve their perishables, their raw materials and also to give employment. and to give read the market to define mis gun is economic crisis is the worst in generations. pushing many people into poverty. it's in markets like these, why gone as economic crisis is felt the most while people's purchasing power has eroded because of the depreciation of the local currency? food prices have tripled since the beginning of the year. fuel costs have doubled and because of that, the cost of transportation has gone up into prices is $30.00 increasing, making it harder for families to face economies. blame this on excessive government
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borrowing without investing in areas of growth. and that officious aren't responding well to the situation. any action that says, i'm ready to face my problems. i'm ready to fix it. i'm ready to make a you tend from the a responsibility of the past. what will it do? it will restore confidence. so gone as opposition is demanding the sacking of the finest minister. my biggest concern is i do see in every leaf inside i do see in there who i had of me. i don't have fit. i don't have trust in and i did down by the government to stand to the international monetary fund for help and the assist sucking the finance minister in the middle of negotiations would be a mistake. we expect also to have a staff level agreement with them before the end of the year, so that from next year we can start, you know, fully embracing the fund pro real gardens. economic plight is made worse by
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a week production base, as existed, manufacturers struggle to keep their machines running. oh, my degrees algebra a cra. what? meanwhile, workers across europe has squeezed by the store in christ of living. there are holding major protests. paris is expected to come to a standstill later as metro star strike for better pay. on wednesday, thousands also marched in greece unions. there are demanding y'all a taxes and and increased to the minimum wage. in belgium and the country's largest airport, canceled close to half of its flights because it strikes public transport across the country or the ground to a halt. walk as have been struggling there with the highest inflation since 1975. and now britain's national health service could face major disruption with tens of thousands of nurses that to strike before the end of this year. members of the royal college of nursing under mounting better pain. it's the fast industrial action and the unions, a 160 a history please. the message is for everyone today is lloyd and player. hundreds
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of thousands of nurses have spoken to her today and said enough is enough. if turned my the auction and to anger and, and right across the u. k. in all parts of the in a chest, we will see strike action. and those nurses have been pushed to the now famous brazilian musician, gal costa has died aged 77. ah ha, musical movement public aaliyah became famous in the late sixty's for its criticism of brazil's past rulers costa had been recovering from surgery, but the cause of her death is on that. ah, well, it is 10 days now until the wild cup takes off here and cats on the 1st of 3 cruise ships that will host fans has arrived. the m a c. well, europe
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a cost $1100000000.00 and his doctor here, and our ha at can accommodate nearly $6800.00 guests. well, cameron is one of the team's coming to cattle and they've been getting a colorful send off from fans. as nicholas hock reports from you, one day, a deal like a celebration, a with toby had never been so induces the country that have posted the african admissions. just generally, when synagogue now been using said to go, i saw jill monday injuries, the people here in the mail here told me that this is a disappointment. not just hor, synagogue. we're pretty, it's hard content because he is the best player in africa. but there is hope that either be lions the don't.


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