tv News Al Jazeera November 10, 2022 8:00pm-8:31pm AST
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ah, the climate has changed every year for millions of years, decades of talk, but little action. it's all about distract, create confusion to crate, smoke and mirrors the shocking truth about how the climate debate has been systematically supported. the oil industry was a main bank roller or opposition to clock back to campaign against the climate. do you think that's a bad thing? more shoot you a debt, which here's a good thing. absolutely. on. on jesse, i didn't cover all of latin america for most of my career, but mil country is alike and it's my job to shed light on how and why ah
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ukrainian forces make gains in the south. but keen reacts cautiously to russia's announcement that it is withdrawing troops from her son. ah, it's good to have you with us. i'm cyril vanya. this is l. 0 alive from dough. also coming up today, supporters of pakistan's, former prime minister, him on con, resumed their march to the capital a week after khan was wounded. in an attack. anger grows about the rising cost of living in ghana with heated debate in parliament on censuring the finance minister . and the 1st luxury cruise ships set to be a floating hotel for world cub fans arrives in guitar just 9 days to go before the tournament, kicks off for a ukraine's army chief says his forces are making gains in the south, but it means unclear weather. russia has begun pulling troops out of the key city,
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of course, on, on wednesday, russia's defense minister said he has ordered forces to withdraw to the eastern bank of the negro river near person on that ukraine officials and worry that their troops may walk into booby traps or that they may be ambushed as bringing jonah ho in cave was monitoring this joan. i appreciate it is difficult to know exactly what's going on inside horse, on city. but what can you tell us? well, if the military command of the ukrainian army is admitted as much, they simply don't know what is going on inside the city. the ukrainian counter offensive that has been building up to the north of san since august applying pressure on the russian occupation has by the accounts of the military themselves, made very rapid progress through the course of thursday. advancing from the north east and west taking as they do a number of settlements along the way, including importantly, the railway, have
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a snigger rifka that's about 30 kilometers to the north of san city. it had been a major staging post for the russian occupation. and preceding beyond that, the most recent reports put ukrainian troops somewhere in the vicinity of the airport to cast on city about 15 kilometers just to the north of the city center. and there one imagines at nightfall, they may wait because they will be trying to ascertain what lies within that city, perhaps trying drones for surveillance. they will know that the russians began to prepare for their exit from her song weeks ago. they began moving artillery assets from the west bank of the denise, bro river and capital city to the east bank. those gums may not be trained on the city center. they will not know whether all of russia's forces have evacuated. the city sent that they certainly had left some behind maintaining defensive positions, and they will worry that there is a trap being laid for advancing ukrainian forces. perhaps hidden russian forces
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within the city or a plan to bombard the city from the east bank. and that has led to these calls for caution and restraint from blood lensky, the president. in the last 24 hours, we warned that this is a russian army that simply doesn't do us favors will give us goodwill gestures. we will proceed with great caution and all in all likely would have to fight our way. and this the most recent warning from the administer here and give me kind of for the. yeah. because senior advisor to zalinski saying, if he rushes modus operandi to booby trapped these places as they withdraw, they will quite likely have mind everything from apartments to sue. as it is their intention, he will and potentially to turn that city into a city of death. you know, we've been monitoring the incremental developments around her son because this is a strategic city as we've been reminding our viewers for weeks now. if indeed the ukrainians do complete the takeover of course on then what will this mean for the
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ukraine? russia war it's a huge symbolic city for both sides and a strategic one, as you mentioned there for the ukrainians. if the russians do, in fact surrender san city, it will be hailed as a genuine victory, a try and for the ukrainian side, it will be a huge morale booster will put them on the front foot. again, compounding territorial gains that they've made in the northeast during the course of the autumn, around her keep city and her keys as well. it will be a humiliation for the russian side, no doubt about that for their troop morale, as well as for president putin himself, remember, it was just weeks ago that he announced the annexation of 4 ukrainian regions, including the have san region has san city itself, the only regional capital, the russians have occupied during the course of this war, a humiliation for him to have to retreat on that. and of course, it would call into question big achievements like the land bridge between occupied
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crimea and the russian mainland that would potentially be jeopardized by this move . it certainly would count out the possibility of extending that land bridge all the way to odessa and potentially it opens up a pathway as well for ukranian advancing forces to move further beyond her song in time along that southern colorado taking in occupied cities like meli topple, and perhaps eventually even mary jo reporting from keith. thank you very much. but as you remind us, the story of her son has not yet been fully told. so we appreciate your reporting. mom at vall has more on their reaction to this from moscow. most russians are still trying to absorb the shock and swallow this bitter pill, but the reaction here is mixed even the hawks. and this is not surprising in the hawks among the military and the government. those who of those of them who spoke about this have supported the decision by the national leadership and the military
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command. we have 4 of those churches that i'm on, guardian of who once usually wants a more aggressive approach to the war. but he has supported the decision to leave her son saying that it is a difficult but the right choice, saving the priceless lives of soldiers. so they said, here are russia opposition to supreme decisions is rail and there is no exception here. but some of the people who are, who are not that close to the government independent blood is probably some of them are not living in fi. darcy itself, they have another opinion. they see the decision of one of the worst taken by the russian leadership. and they see what happened, the most serious defeat for the russian army. so 1991 foreign military blogger, you quote you and says,
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the decision is shocking to thousands and millions of people who are fighting for russia die. and for i believe, and russia and share their beliefs of the russian world. it is a tough situation. it is a tough stop here in moscow and across russia for people trying to absorb what happened to understand what's going on a form, a pakistan prime minister, iran con long march 2, islam of bad has resumed a week after he was shot in the leg. the rally to demand immediate elections was pause for a week following an assassination attempt on con. now count plans to join the march when it reaches rollo tindy in punjab province, which is just outside is some of that same bus for avi reports from the hor work on his recovery. the former prime minister in ron holland and the pockets study army were 2 sides of the same coin. but since his allies to earlier this year, he's become the most popular politician to ever directly challenge the country's
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military job plaited violations. there are blatant violations happens with a state of terrors be created in people's minds that pakistan's army is untouchable . don't say anything to them, they can do whatever they want. pakistan's army will be stronger when there was accountability, it will not be weaker for con blames a conspiracy for the attempt on his life in wazir about earlier this month. top leaders deny any involvement so that his dad and dom but he doesn't. blair emron can, has blamed me as the prime minister and the interior minister and the senior army officer. so i say again, if there is even the slightest evidence that i am in any way involved, i will not only resign, i will lift politics forever, de baseless and irresponsible allegations by the chairman of the p t. i party against the institution. and particularly
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a senior army officer are absolutely unacceptable. no one will be allowed to defame the institution or it soldiers with impunity. imre hans political rise came only when he aligned himself with the army. his fall like many before him, when he tried to push his own agenda. now he is tapped into public anger against the army, often seen as controlling the countries affairs from behind the scenes. ah, you know, america, good day to day these people, america's dogs, americans, lackeys, are acting against their own. people. are beloved soldiers. that are brothers mean, nothing without them. but don't act as if you are angels. the round that people among you get rid of them, are risk worsening to grow and hated for you in people's heart. i employ the amateur. you've done enough dirty business. now have mercy on, i mean, still recovering from gunshot wounds at whose residence here in for him. ron hahn
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has said that in the coming days you will join his supporters and raoul pin and leave them the rest of the way to islam about completing the long march. and continuing to ask for early election. but open criticism of the military has potentially put him and his supporters on a collision course with one of the largest standing army in the world. khan is a threat to the status quo. the primacy of the military and pakistan, while no prime minister has ever challenged the army successfully, some have died trying. he's in basra, the old to 0, low. the nice of else's, the return list, sharina clay, has been addressing a un commission investigating alleged abuses in palestinian territories. lena oakley and palestinian journalists spoke about violations that they face while trying to do their jobs. un body found that sharina clay was likely deliberately
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killed by israeli forces in may while she was on an assignment in the occupied with thank for alpha 0. the grief anger, sadness and trauma that we are the family have had to endure and continue to endure is painful beyond words. we did not only lose a renown journalist, but we lost our one and on the aunt, my father lost his only sister. it's very difficult to put into words and explain the suffering, but this is exactly what injustice feels like. the killing of shooting could have been avoided. if there was accountability for the countless crimes committed by these read the army in the past, or for the numerous journalists who were targeted and killed the sister of a hunger, a striking egyptian british activist says his lawyer is negotiating with authorities to gain access to him in prison, earlier the family of bill ferris said prison authorities had started giving him medical treatment. the pro democracy blogger has been on hunger strike for 7 months and stopped drinking water 4 days ago. he's serving
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a 5 year sentence for quotes spreading force news fil, ahead on al jazeera, a mass firing at meta will tell you why the heck giant is laying off $11000.00 employees. ah ah, with a change of season, as sort of halted half way. we've had clouds and rain spread across from eastern europe through turkey, towards the east, and met mr. a light on shore breeze for egypt and showers the cypress, and maybe for lebanon's. well, but mostly that's as far as it goes in the bigger picture, you see the line goes across iraq, dancers towards q 8 and saudi arabia, temperatures have been dropped in, took malice down good part of iran, but then it stopped. and we certainly had no progress for the size,
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which means attempts you encounter. for example, bahrain. you have been on the high side of normal approaching record highs, which is the high thirty's this time of year. you would expect this to see this, which is the change of seasons and sweep south eventually, but it's not in the immediate future. likewise, the tropical rain should be going south with the sun, but the still line from the t appeal hardens through sas, sudan, and towards said, the republic of congo, which is weather, which is where the rays. certainly there is heavy rain south about as well. that was on girl away, you might expect it to be. and the spring rains have been pretty wide spread throughout all of southern africa. a once again is a good development dance for the eastern side, namibia, and through botswana. so the oak of anger dallas is getting wet again with a commitment to continuously conserve its wonder. it is vital with providing breakthrough solutions to renewable
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energy for an environmentally responsible future with transformation and collaboration indonesia urges and leads to the world in moving forward as recovery together recover a stronger ah ah, you're watching al jazeera as get your reminder of those headlines, ukraine's army chief says his forces are making gains in the south, but it remains unclear whether russia has begun pulling troops out of the key city . of course, on keep has worn troops of possible booby traps and more attacks. the sister of
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a hunger, striking egyptian british activist says his lawyer is negotiating with authorities to gain access to him in prison. the blogger is serving a 5 year sentence for spreading force news. a former pakistan prime minister abraham cons long march to islamabad has resumed a week after he was shot in the leg. the rally calling for immediate elections was paused for a week following an assassination attempt on the so vote counting is phil underway in some states after the u. s. mid terms, but crucial for senate control or to swing states in the south west in arizona. officials, italian, half a 1000000 male in ballots, while the neighboring nevada. it could be several days before the final results are in and take a look at how things stack up right now. the senate is neck and neck. the democrats have 48 seats. the republicans have $49.00 and all eyes are on those 2 battleground
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states that we just mentioned, arizona and nevada, while georgia will be holding a run off in december, the 3 states to remember there. and this is what the house of representatives looks like at the moment. the republican party is in the lead, but by a smaller margin than what had been forecast a party needs 218 seats to take control of france says it will allow a migrant rescue vessel to dark outfit was turned away by italy around 230 people on board the ocean biking word see for more than 2 weeks. for ships carrying migrants were initially denied permission to come to shore in italy. but following international pressure 3 were later granted safe harbor. frances called italy's refusal to take the ocean biking unacceptable. and economic crisis in ghana has led to a heated debates in parliament with opposition m. p. 's demanding the removal of the finance minister. this follows major protests over the prices of food, fuel and transport. and as many interests reports from acura,
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the government has approached the international monetary fund for help it gone us only organic chocolate factory production is still on, but at a fraction of its capacity. making these sweet tasting balls these days has become a bittersweet experience. sales in europe as ultimately dropped very significantly, so you're forced to then manage with what resources you have the cost of production as well. so uh that we actually plan up with us if the company fails better than most here because it's shareholders can access money from abroad. this food processing plant couldn't survive the crisis. it's machines are gone and the building itself is up for sale. if a buyer can be found, it was mainly to present their perishables, their raw materials and also to give employment and to give reading market to their
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families. gunners, economic crisis is a worse to generations, pushing many people into poverty. it's in markets like these wagons as economic crisis is felt the most while people's purchasing power has eroded because of the depreciation of the local currency. food prices have tripled since the beginning of the year. fuel costs have doubled and because of that, the cost of transportation has gone up into the price of this food. keep increasing, making it harder for families to face economies. blame this on excessive government borrowing without investing in areas of growth. and that officious aren't responding well to the situation in the action that says, i'm ready to fit my problems. i'm ready to fix it. i'm ready to make a you tend from the a responsibility of the past. what will it do? it will restore confidence. so gone as opposition is demanding the sucking of the
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finest minister. my biggest concern is i do see in every leaf inside i do see in the who i had of me, i don't have fit. i don't have trust in and i did down by the governor, stand to the international monetary fund for help. and the assist sucking the finance minister in the middle of negotiations would be a mistake. we expect also to have a staff level agreement with them before the end of the year. so that from next year we can start, you know, fully embracing the fund pro real, gone as economic flight is made worse by a week production base, as existing manufacturers struggle to keep their machines running home at degrees, algebra across the parent company, a facebook, instagram and whatsapp has announced its cutting more than 11000 jobs. this is being called the most difficult change for tech giant meta rob reynolds reports
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from california. when his profile pictures did better boss mark zuckerberg called it a sad day, but said the mass layoffs were needed. you're due to lower than expected revenue forecasts, and the need to operate more efficiently across the company's various platforms. analysts say there's another reason and it's right there in the company's name. zuckerberg has gone full obsession on met averse. he believes that's a future of you know, human existence and that's the future of meta, even changed the name of the company in to pursue that. and he's thrown hundreds of millions of dollars at as every quarter. he and the result it as nothing people who have tried it, don't fight at that exciting. almost a lonely experience. the met averse is sort of just sitting dead in the water and it's become a gigantic financial sinkhole. more than 11000 workers or 13 percent of metas workforce will be notified by email that they are out of their jobs. it's an
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international corporation and firings will be felt globally at facebook's european headquarters in dublin, a 1000 workers will reportedly be let go. these are tough times in the tech industry overall. in addition to meta other companies that have recently announced wide scale layoffs include lift, sales force, zillow, and stripe. and of course there's twitter which under new boss, ellen musk slashed its workforce by half last week. besides the failure. ready of the met, averse to take off as zuckerberg had hoped. facebook is losing younger social media users to newer hipper apps like tick tock, tick, tock is taking over the world. i mean there's no question about a google is beginning to really feel the impact of tick tock as well. so i think he did get the next big thing for kids. better stock has nosedive nearly 75 percent since last year,
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bringing the company's market value down from one trillion dollars to less than $240000000000.00 with profits down nearly 50 percent. rob reynolds al jazeera, menlo park, california, a southeast asian heads of state, will head to the cambodian cambodian capital on friday for the annual. as an summit, u. s. president joe biden will join them in plum pen. the differences over men. laura threatened to cause division. tony chang reports handling darya, wheat chinese premier leeker chung arrives implant pen head of the san summit. the weekend we'll bring together high level delegations from the world. 3 superpowers. china, russia, the united states with concerns about the global economy, the war in ukraine, likely to dominate discussions that could do rail local issues at the summit of southeast asian nations. make any resolutions difficult. now russia and you
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as well, president your by then, and i china by premise that come to talk, there will be our discussion as i'm how it is a double play will be of course, and then there may be not an easy to issue. a said many getting to that is asia as a b one local matter, the will top. the agenda is myanmar. the governing generals have not been invited to participate as yet remains divided on whether to pressure them to follow a 5 point piece plan or quietly allow them to slip back into the fold. that dilemma could be so divisive, some are concerned, it could even mark the end that i see on it. so one extreme, of course, is that the people are already written concerned up. it's just a mocking to in the fashion would as to break up because of this. oh, me and my going its own way and having super power of bacchus of patrons outside of the region. one leader, likely to escape censure is the host and send currently enjoying his 37th year in
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power. he's been accused of using cove at 19 locked downs to detain political opponents and silenced descent, such as these striking workers who were arrested back in february with so many were leaders in town, the security services affecting much more of a back seat, allowing protest like this to go on within the past with barry elsewhere, security is tight, is the cambodian capital prepares for a weekend in the global spotlight? but with many contentious issues on the program consensus at this assay, an summit may be hard to find. tony chang out 0 and then ah, with 9 days now until the 5th a world cup kicks off in katara. the 1st cruise ship has arrived in doha to house thousands of fans during the tournament. natasha her name was there. the arrival of
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the m. s. c. world europa right behind me. she is yet another reminder that the start of cut, our 2022 is near. this ship has 22 deck decks and can accommodate more than 6700 guests. i, with bernhard stature with m. s. c. cruises to talk more about these ships. this is one of 3 that will be arriving. the next one is on the 10th, the 3rd one on the 18th. you'll be able to accommodate what? $12400.00 guests. it's insane. why did people pick? do you think a crew ship option for a world cup and what kind of experience can they expect? i think the pick up because it's a destination in itself. so we have $33.00 restaurants and lounges. we have shows we have activities, we have slides, try slides, we have comcast, we have a role in disco, and it's all a destination integrated. it's built like this, sir,
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because when we cruise normally people, so it's each circle. look for us to have an experience and i think here it will be also an integrated experience. so yeah, this cut our 2022 is a year of 1st. it's the 1st world cup in the middle east. it's the 1st world caught that's aspiring to be carbon neutral. and for m. s c cruises, it is also a 1st in terms of sustainability. why is that, and what can you tell us about m s. c, world europa, i think so, sustainability is and everything we to and in this particular case our ship is filter with a l, n g. so our engines, bonham, l, a, g, it's our 1st ellen, she shipping this to rooms biggest so fine. so liquefied natural gas, and i read that does their cell fuel technology involved to run into also how to send the sale those sell so which go power to ship and it's important and what's the benefit to the environment? well, it's cleaner and his new job. so it'll, it'll reduce carbon a emissions,
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correct? yes. okay, and can i ask you, why do you think it's so important for em se cruises to offer this kind of sustainable option? i think it's the future, the future of cruising, and we have to be carbon neutral. absolutely. so this boat, we'll take 2100 staff members to maintain over the course of the world cup. what kind of preparations go into making this kind of thing happen? a lot of logistics, a lot of logistics for finding out true for flying them to the ship, training, loading up the ship, getting all the restaurants ready and getting all the provisions on board. so it is, he is in the planning. and so we're here, i'm very excited to show it off to the visit of kata. thank you so much. i want to mention that rooms cabins on the ship start at $700.00. if you don't want a cabin. there are many other options according to the country, 2022 accommodations portal. they include a night on a dow boat for about a $1000.00. and then to the other end of the spectrum. there are fan villages with
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cabins that run $200.00 a night. that was natasha good name reporting. now how might international airport here in doha is expanding its main terminal or the world cup? passenger capacity is now 58000000 people a year. that is an increase of nearly 50 percent. victoria gotten b went there, check it up, opened in time for the world cup. this new part of hammered international airport has been designed to offer often tired and stressed out passengers a different travel experience. the vision is to completely change the idea of her and the vision and to see for passengers who are used to come and not all corridors got places. there's less the time they said they're put them to the airport until they get into the flight. this is what we want to change. the main concourse contains a 6000 square meter tropical garden. it's made up of 300 trees and 25000 plants,
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sourced from sustainable forest simulation and thailand. in order for the rain forest to thrive in doors, this building has been designed in a particular way. for example, the roof above me is made out a special glass which controls and filters the life surrounding the tropical garden or $65.00 new shops and restaurants. the main terminal has been expanded by a 125000 square meters, and passenger capacity has increased by nearly 50 percent. is quite significant because it is her raising the capacity of huh. international from 40000000 to 58000000, but of course this is not the ultimate capacity we info huh internation. but we are getting there very close to what eventually capacity of over 70000000 passengers. we envisage with the final expansion that really start thinking smith.
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