tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera November 13, 2022 12:00am-1:01am AST
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invest indonesia, now prisons, beloved curry houses are in crisis to indian don is shut down every week, due to bricks it financial friday, and the pad in $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigate on out you 0. what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's international perspective with the human touch zooming way in, and then pulling back out again, challenging the brazilian dictatorship for the democratically run for the whole team. the corinthians changed the course of in the center was a revolutionary football known to locals as the doctor football rebels concludes with the celebration of the life and legacy of socrates. and the corinthians, democracy movement on al jazeera. ah,
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this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm sorry, i'm no my the welcome to the news ally from london coming off in the next 60 minutes. if you're up he has government and to grind forces agree to facilitate immediate humanitarian access to to gray and neighboring regions as a sign a road map for that piece deal ah, as ukrainians continue to celebrate the we taking of hire. so on says he works, begins to restore vital services. president zalinski says the russians destroyed all critical infrastructure. the anonymous st artist, bank c unveils a mural of a gymnast on a bombed out building nick eve. but is this also his work?
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ma kelly's midterm. wait an hour, zona, put the democrats one sees away from keeping control of the senate. now, all eyes on nevada. and i'm on the richardson with all the latest world cup news. it's the phone ran of late games before the council of finals. england counts entire returning signing off to the go on a win them in the premier league. ah . hello and welcome to the news our. oh, easier up his government and rebel forces have agreed to facilitate immediate humanitarian access to war. tone tag wry and other regions in the north. the pledge signed in nairobi is the latest step 2 and 2 years of conflicts. rival signs of now signed an agreement which lays out a road map for the implementation of a cease fire deal they reached earlier this month. fighting between the 2 sides is
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left thousands dead and displaced millions of people. so easy to use as to look in the room in to do a b a b as in dog with speed and understand according to lead, we want to express one of them and for bringing peace and disability to open the door. we fully dedicate our service to implement the agreement and this
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collaboration. so let's just take a closer look at how this conflict is unfolded. fighting broke out in november 2020 . when prime minister made accused rebels of attacking a federal army count and sent troops into northern tig, rye internet access to the region will cause this caused a major humanitarian crisis. us back to investigations accused the ethiopian government of using starvation as a weapon of war. a claim it denied in june 2021 if you appear to try to unilateral see fire followed by a nation wide state of emergency in november. despite that fighting continued or off until just last month when delegates from both sides met in south africa. on november, 2nd, a permanent cessation of hostilities was agreed since monday representatives from addis ababa mckelly been meeting in kenya's capital nairobi to discuss how they are going to implement it. will dr. for seeka. i'm this l i. c is
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a surgeon at 2 grade largest hospital, which is struggling to operate because of the shortage of essential medicines, joins me live now from mckayla. and i do appreciate you taking the time to speak to us. first of all, can you describe for me the situation now? i know it would have been very difficult over the past couple of years with to grow essentially cut off from the world. but how would you describe conditions inside your hospital right now? thank you very much. the hospital we have been dependent on the federal government for budgets, which included the running coast salary and medical supplies, but sees the work records and especially for the month of the supply has stopped. so we don't have medicine, we don't have teams, it's drugs, drugs, antibiotics, laboratory, and especially since last august everything has stopped because more used to come
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by at a later date. but since august everything has stopped. so. busy our patients, the number of patients coming to those didn't had because significantly, we have almost stopped every service except the emergent service. so we are almost at the edge of the cliff. nothing is coming so far. so i would describe it like we are at the edge of the cliff, almost collapsing with the fuel services functional service. what do you mean by that that you are on the edge of the cliff close to collapse? what does that mean in terms of being able to treat the people coming in and being able to diagnose them and or to save lives? so we have the, the basic, who don't get into him who come complicate the bizarre because some of them die. and some of them are waiting there this, we have the patient on that is the beginning of the war. the dad department used to
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have the 90 on dad is 65 of them update. now said 5 remaining, and unless there is a place comes in the coming few days, then they may die one by one. we have started, you can fish and images that you can. patients who we have operated this week. and because there is not about the, they are complicating with interrupt. i mean, i love this, this infectious thumb. we need to re operate again and again. so basically we have sold very so for the best so far that's on mostly out of closing. last, it's almost close to understand something it want to ask you about supplies very quickly. you said that the patients have the number of patients has been accelerating. is that as a result of fighting or is it an accumulation of people that have been able to get
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treatment for things like diabetes or, you know, cancer treatment and various things. and so now that sort of build hop so the patient number has decreased. that's what i was describing because what i was sort of as a whole reduced and people coming go say mckelly has decreased because there is no transport. there is no fuel. and even in motherly people who use used to come, but now they have an understanding that those that are getting services for the last, almost a year, a month. so people losing hope almost coming. that's how i describe it. so the number of patients that come to the hospital has significantly decreased because of transport problems. and because there is no service. and of course that will be concerns about securing supplies from 8 organizations when they manage to access to cry. what a you in touch with anyone right now about getting supplies to the hospital. what
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are your hopes from this roadmap? this is this, this is very, i personally am very hopeful. and the people also, i mean, you know, we are hopeful and happy that the leaders have agreed to this piece. so we, we, we hope that medicine supplies that come as soon as possible because we don't know where the patients may day, even if there are a lot of patients or individual day all over the great saving one lake, which is, it would mean a lot. so any, any type of medicine arriving here, it all would be saving lives, right? and so we are hopeful, and we somehow we have and we are anxious. that's the piece process may reverse. so therefore bit, we don't want that. the ones that continue and we want the medicine to come to our
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patients because our patients have suffered for very long our headquarters have suffered for very long, and i think now is a said to index. thank you very much, dr. for seeka. i'm dyslexia surgeon. there at to grey's largest hospital, joining us from the regional capital mckelly watching the news. our lie from london still i had for you on this program canyon troops arrive in the east and democratic republic of congo to join the fight against and 23 rebels. why every vote counts in nevada, senate race will bring you the latest on the midterm results and we meet the mariachi band looking to lift mexico at the cattle world cup. ah,
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now ukraine is present. rosemary zalinski says that russian forces destroyed all of her songs. critical infrastructure before they fled the city. this includes heating, electricity, water, and communications networks. that's not stop the celebrations though, and the retake and regional capital, where officials already working to improve living standards, they're after more than 8 months of russian occupation, it cried in police officers of returned to the city national t. v and radio broadcast, sir, again available humanitarian aid is also started to arrive from the neighboring nikolai of region. but a daunting task lies ahead. work is underway to find and neutralize on exploded ordinance with one person already injured while the mining and administrative building evidence of possible war crimes are being documented as well. and roster and washing forces remain close by 4 to 5 battle lines on the eastern bank of the neat pro river. just opposite the city around 70 percent of the harris on region is
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still under russian control. as bay reports from creevy re ah, for the 1st time since march, the 2nd, the residence of carson woke up to sights and sounds of a city who stored to life. this is vo, body square. in the center, the world means freedom. and with it comes joy and laughter. it's not peace time as such. but 1st longest possible, the pretend it is. the russian army has merely retreated to the east side of the guinea pro river easily in artillery range. as they withdrew the russians destroyed critical infrastructure. the tv tower bridges over the din april, including this one, did the cut over dam, causing significant damage of parts of the dam. wool and satellite imagery shows it damaged and tune of sky bridge. the main crossing from west to east russia announced that it had completed an orderly withdrawal on friday morning. but the
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evidence suggests it was anything, but some units were forced to flee across a temporary pontoons and a heavy ukrainian fire the reports of drownings. and that the unit is said to have been ordered to dress in civilian clothes and skate by any means available. many russian dead and wounded are said to have been left behind, stolen lexi, which of salem oberon, of so long as of this evening. the defense forces have established control over more than 60 settlements in care saw region. the police have started stabilization measures mercy everywhere in liberated territory. our expert technicians have low to worth to you might have almost 2000 explodes. you items have already been removed or still will replace he for russia. it was the latest in the series of battlefield defeats. and all the more humiliating coming just 6 weeks after her son was formerly annexed by moscow. for now, ukraine has rejected the idea of negotiations with they want to negotiate,
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but they have written russia here forever. they want to go shared with us and keep bumping the infrastructure. they want to cease fire, but they're not talking about the withdrawal of their forces from the entire territory of ukraine because they need an operational pause before not peace, a liberal. ringback a city that resisted the occupation when it began almost 9 months ago, until that resistance proved futile. that was so recently proclaimed russian for ever by vladimir putin has proven itself in scenes of re for ya. that won't, and any time soon to be ukrainian to it's called the question now is whether ukrainian troops can replicate this victory. elsewhere in the country. fighting in the east is particularly intense, but with the return of the region capital to ukrainian hands, and the morale boost that comes with it. they believe they can win this war. a sad beg i'll de 0 quivery. i let alexander now jenkins,
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chair of the ukrainian parliament's committee on foreign policy, joins us live now from keys. and of course, the presenters already said that critical infrastructure, our water, electricity, heating, has all been destroyed by the russians inside. harrison. what information can you give us about the situation ather residence? well, situation is very difficult because russia had created intolerable conditions for people to stay and leave in her song. and before there are the 2 a retreat of russian troops, russia had deliberately tried to great or humanitarian catastrophe. or they have looted everything. what they can, for example, they had stolen ambulances. they had stolen equipment from hospitals that had stolen a fire fighter scars everything. what they could they had stolen and if they couldn't do it, they just destroyed it. so situation is serious. there is no electricity in many
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parts of the city, no water. there is no communication or internet. some villages next to her song are 80 percent destroyed. so our russia had graded, this humanitarian catastrophe, and also before leaving a russian troops had mind are many buildings, including a civilian objects. there are miles booby traps, and of course, it presents very serious problem for those who stay here. so is it that, that effort to remove any explosive ordinance and d, mind the area will slow the ability to get humanitarian aid and to try and start fixing that infrastructure because you have to and make sure that the, the area is secure 1st. yeah, exactly. first of all, our troops need to do mine to make it safer. but despite these, even though the process of demanding has already started,
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the humanitarian aid has started to floor to the city. and we hope that within a month we will open post offices will start given money to and pensions and salaries to the workers in here, so on. so the look a minute or an aide is going because there are still russian troops in the region. there's been a great deal of concern about the structural integrity of the nova cohort could damn, do you fear that that could be a great deal of damage and destruction if that dam is attacked or sabotaged in some way? it might happen. unfortunately, we should be prepared for the worst case scenario, because booty and his troops, they are wrong. they are known for committed war crimes, crimes against humanity. they're absolutely ruthless when it comes to destroying civilian infrastructure and civilian objects. they're capable of doing this. so we
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should be prepared for these can you be sure that the area is free of all russian troops who were reporting that some of them managed to disappear and mingle with the local population by wearing civilian clothing? yes. are we sure to above these cases? some of the russian soldiers who were masquerading and pretending to be civilians, they have already been handed by our police, the regional ready police inside the inside here. so on. and i hold that we also will be able to to, to finish against of sub tours. they can also be inside in the city, and i suppose it this, we'd like to see the war continuing to grind on though, because russians have fortified positions in the area there in other parts of
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ukraine. course present landscape stated his aim to retake all of ukrainian territory, but it could take a very long time will. oh, we are moving fast. we are the spirits of our troops are very high with strongly motivated to liberate the whole territory of ukraine, including crimea. and we hold that next year, we'll be in grania and we will liberate the whole territory of ukraine. all right, well thank you very much for joining us. alexander nourish co chair of the ukrainian parliament's committee on foreign policy. thank you for your street. are says, bank c has unveiled a new mural in a town near keith bar. danco is one of the places hardest hit by russia's bombardment at the start of the invasion. the figure of a gymnast is among other similar works not yet claimed by the bank. see what the residents make of it as they tried to call normal life out of damage and
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destruction. joan holl, asthma amid the brutal destruction of bordeaux dunker, the poise and grace of a tiny gymnast on a canvas of rebel the art world's most famously elusive figure banks. he has left his money, the banks he has come to a place like borrowed the anchor, isn't the great surprise in the context of some of his previous work. but it is, of course, a big surprise to the people who live here. the stenciled artwork 1st appeared about a week ago, but not until it was posted on bank sees own instagram account. could anyone be certain? it was his fault of his signature at the bottom for delta u brain, talking about balance, gymnast balance. somehow, year old balancing. and the people who live here also balanced in between the daily routine and the like, was back from days when russia were here all next, he was
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a graffiti l to one story about 12 years ago. he created this to celebrate world youth stake in his now shattered hotel, the tagline that you could see at the top right corner. like to the black one. it's like all the best for the children. and i think it's kind of it has some kind of symbolism. we could see the 2 different worlds, like the world on these picture, like all the best for the children and the another picture of like russian aggression and what they can bring to to the world. spit, lana's home was another in the random line of russian fire. it was built, she tells me in 1914, surviving to will. but it's unlikely to recover this. it is
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a minor consolation that she now lives across the street from a bank see original with young ways to keep or d, if not for what happened here. he might not even know that ford younger exists. and it's really pleasing today to see people smiling and taking pictures, artist than aesthetic pleasure at heels our souls. so this is very cool. 2 other works have appeared not yet officially claimed by bank c. here, a child challenges uprooting law trigger a judo. here an anti tank defense enables children at play. and above a whole ripped by a tank show, the delicacy of a rhythmic gymnast. they seem to stand as tribute to life in the ruins of war. joe, the whole al jazeera borrowed danco. although it's as still being counted after tuesdays us mid term elections. this is
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where it stands at a moment house of representatives, republican party leads, but by a smaller margin than forecast democrats in the us, in our one seats away from keeping control of the senate. they are tied with the republicans at $49.00 seats. art a democratic senator mark kelly was at reelected an arizona, georgia is you to hold a run a vote in december. so all eyes are now on nevada, and there is at nasa her seine is in las vegas and says that counting is likely to continue until next week because the race is so close. mrs. talking in nevada here about 75000 votes and ballast that have not been counted. now in the nevada map, it's literally right now divided $5050.00 or 2 or the combat for the senate job. catherine musto is at $48.00 right now. and adam like salt is the republican who is looking to get the seat from her. and i'll take her, he is at 48.5 per cent. it's merely an 800 difference votes between the
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2 right now as we speak. so we still have to wait until probably next wednesday for the, for the different admins. look at administrations here. took out the remaining $75000.00 ballots. my counter is falling list joined us now from washington, the democrats hoping that her very close to keep in control of the senate. indeed, yes. all eyes on nevada. the vote is continuing there. if the democrats, when that seton, nevada, that will give them 50 seats in the senate, which with the casting vote of the vice president means that they will retain control of that institution as should they lose this particular seat, then it's all eyes switching to the runoff. election in georgia, which takes place on december, the 6th, whichever party winds that and then that would give control of the senate's own. absolutely. raise a thin margin that we're looking at here as to the house. well,
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that county is still continuing, as well as republicans inch to head there. it does appear that they may gain control of the house, but it would be by the slimmest of margins, which would make it very difficult for the republicans to push through whatever agenda they may have with control of the house. so margins, very slim everywhere, but the boat continuing proceeding, although slowly it is continuing going on. yeah, that's right, it's so close that now we're going to see counting, possibly going into next week. what's behind all this delay? well, let's take a look in the bottom, arizona, for example, the electoral officials have determined that in addition to the counting of votes by electric machine, they are then going to count the votes by hand, which is what they are doing at present. so they are checking against the results
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are given out by the electric machine, bike counting each and every ballot by hand. so obviously this is a process that adds a long period of time on to the count. but if you add on to that as well in a state like california, for example. traditionally the favored method of voting has been by mail in ballad in california with more than a dozen seats up for grabs in the house. still some 20 percent of the vote still to be counted. that's because it takes a while to get those metal invalid counted add to all of this as well. new electro regulations and some areas concerning the identity of the voter. the checks that happen there are also adding on time, so it's grinding through slowly but election officials are adamant that they are doing it right. it's the way to do it to remove any doubt whatsoever about the results that are coming out. all right, well thank you very much. all the license, washington, the mike and the crypto currency exchange f t. x is investigating unauthorized
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transactions after analysts that millions of dollars worth of assets has been moved from the platform staff f t x, which fall for bankruptcy on friday i try to keep hold of digital tokens so they can be used to pay back creditors. company found at some bank when fried down or a c e o on friday. it's been speculation that he'd flown to south america, but he's told the reuters news agency that he is now in the bahamas. it's denise our lie from on the most offspring on the program in troubled waters. we visit south korean port court, but she military drills and missile task. and i'm andrew simmons reporting for veronica in cyprus, a result city of london decades ago because of conflict. there are now contrivances over why it's being turned into a result again. on is 4 easy then women when
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a thrilling rugby while comp final against england and you will be here with that story and more ah hello. hi, fresh, it continues to dominate the weather across ships, a lot of try and settle weather around. we have got some cloud and rain just down around the italy through the atlantic, pushing across towards greece. larry of low pressure here, producing some live di showers, longest spells off right now their area of low pressure making its way in from the atlantic slowly but surely, bumping into i rary of high pressure. but we will see cloud and rain gathering across a good part of ireland as we go through sunday, pushing into a northern nodded late running the day. so bad. a ton of rain runs down into our port school. the go central air is lottie. dry single figures now for vienna and full read zurich wet or whether they're just around italy,
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easing across the balkans and just nudging its way into greece as we go through the next day or so. notice that clouded rain, which was west will that pushes rod across northern ireland, scotland, england, seeing some sherry right here, front sinks in wet weather and that makes his way a little further. a switch will see some heavy burst of rain into southern parts of france may be a sharrell too. still lurking there, across spain and portugal. not too much of my west, whether across northern africa. here it is lossy fine, and dry. still a few shall was into west africa. might see some lively once that the ivory coast. i'd also forgotten. ah ah, ah. ah
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generation football folks sold the french captain. patrice deborah, you never content because you keep chasing, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for an illuminating, open conversation. there are very people that they can about the child abuse. as you have done, i am a human being and i think we need to help each other and also showcases the incredible story of the football this in flood afghanistan to escape the tell about . generation football episode won al jazeera lulu ah,
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welcome back. look at the main stories now. if europe his government in rebel forces of agree to facilitate immediate humanitarian access to war, tony take wry and may bring regions. the pledge sign deny, robi is the latest step 2 and 2 years of conflicts, which is left thousands dead and millions displaced. ukraine's president says, russian forces destroyed all of harrison's critical infrastructure before they fled the city. that's not stop celebrations in the retaken regional capital, though officials are already working hard to restore vital services. after months of russian occupation and vote counting in the u. s. midterms is continuing in the state of nevada. if democrats, when that state the party will control the senate with more than 90 percent of the vote tallied republican adam black salt is leading the race, but only by around $800.00 votes. meanwhile, you as president joe biden is met with leaders of the southeast asian countries. at
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the assay on, sa, might, in cambodia. night had statements to shore up support and strength and security backs in the region. and the, china's growing influence. tiny chang has more on this now from pen you as president joe biden on a tour to strengthen ties in the asia pacific employee pen. he met cambodian prime minister who anson host of this year's s e n and other regional leaders of the summit. the message he carried was clear that the united states has committed to its strong ties in the region. today we take another critical step, beginning a new air and our cooperation with the launch of the u. s. c. on comprehensive strategic partnership. together we will tackle the biggest issues of our time from climate to help security defend against the significant threats of rule based order to rule based order and, and to threats to the rule of law. elsewhere in the capital chinese premier li
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coach young was meeting cambodian king, the strained relationship between china and the u. s. in recent years, has left many southeast asian nations torn between choosing chinese investment or us security guarantees. the meeting next week between cheating, ping and joe biden will be watched closely here and closer to home. the issue of man mom raised once again after a week statement on friday from s yes. and acceptance from the un secretary general, that it was not just regional leaders who were letting down the people of man ma, everybody has failed. the invasion to me and the international community as a whole, as failed. and the when is part of the international community. it is that it magic to see the suffering of the me a nice people. and this is the start of a week that we'll see major meetings in volume bangkok to and lead us from across asia and beyond getting the business of international diplomacy. on the way with
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just the closing ceremony had been perhaps less contentious as here. and some of the many people expected and many southeast asian leaders will be reassured by the message they heard from us president joe biden. today, the united states is committed to this region, a message that will be reassuring the trouble economic waters ahead. tony chang al jazeera, non pen, i on the gender of scarce discussions as yon was the flurry of recent missile launches by north korea. south koreans living near the borders say they are increasingly concerned about their livelihoods, and the threat of a full scale war. rob mcbride reports for me, northern most corner of south korea on the peninsulas east coast, which has been at the center of recent military exchanges in the port of day gin, fishing boats return from increasingly troubled waters close to the border between north and south. there's been
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a recent rise in artillery firing drills out to sea by north korea. people here are reluctant to talk about the dangers, but like this fisherman admit they're concerned about the impact on their livelihoods. these women say they could hear the shelling new. they're not following the when i heard the artillery shells, i was wondering if a war was about to break out. probably even get some little sun life becomes difficult if north korea keeps firing artillery, how can the fish survive? the drills have been in protest against a return this year to joint military exercises between south korean and us forces. it's divided opinion here with this demonstration in sold by japanese and south korean, religious and civic groups, warning the saber rattling could lead to a wider confrontation number got near the now the korean peninsula is becoming a powder keg for new cold war that could expand to a confrontation between china and america. last week,
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north korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile. and dozens of short range weapons, one of which has been recovered. one of the missiles flew over the de facto maritime border landing in the seas close to south korea's territorial waters. the 1st time that's happened since the peninsula was partitioned and further raising tension levels on it. as a precaution, fishing boats were told to return to port here, good enough, the navy and the coast guard urgently asked us to stop fishing and some boats had to abandon their nails in a sign of increasing brings will shift south korean fighter jets responded by firing missiles of their own across the dividing line. this corner of south korea had hopes of benefiting from the friendly relations of recent years. as it travels, one of the main roads fall into korean exchanges. that road like chances of
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reconciliation, seemingly not hiding anywhere. rob mcbride, al jazeera goes on county south korea canyon troops arrived in the democratic republic of congo to help fight the rebel group known as m. 23. congos army says the rebels are backed by rwanda acclaim. kid, golly denies. mark web reports. now from goma canyon soldiers are the latest to arrive in democratic republic of congo. under the banner of an east african regional force is part of an agreement made by east african leaders earlier this year. they say they'll be supporting congos army reserve. the ship, the, the instructions and the concept of the heads of state are very clear or canyon friends are here on a purely offensive mission. congos army says the canyon soldiers will help them fight the m 23 rebel group. it's widely understood to be a proxy of neighboring rwanda. well,
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they were one that denies it. there were about 70 soldiers here. can you says inside sell it'll send a battalion of around 900, which is insignificant compared to the vast territory held by great. anything kong over people waiting to find out if the soldiers will actually engage in combat with the m. 23 great. m. 23. recent advances have forced nearly 200000 people from their homes. congress army known as f a r d. c. has been fighting the rebel group this week. he says is trying to push them back and forth, is quite a part of the fee on the fraud of what i believe it's not the question of the main thing is that he's on that be with you, but there's been armed conflict in eastern congo since you can there, and rwanda invaded in the 1990. you have been accused of meddling and looting mineral since then. and of backing m 23. you can the troops entered congo again
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a year ago under an agreement with the government. they since come under the banner of the regional force, many congolese people don't want them here. civil have demonstrated several times in recent months against rwanda. and you can see they blame for decades as ministry aggression and against un peacekeepers who they blame for. failing to protect them, campaign is say, a strength and congress, his army should defeat the armed groups, and that it's congos vast mineral wealth that attract for an armies. it's money unfortunately, when they what that is war festival there going to be a bill to become going to people and 2nd. well, there will be always mining pitch all road construction co drug. following with on the east africa leaders say canyon troops and the regional force will bring stability. others here say foreign forces of the problem,
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not the solution. malcolm web al jazeera coma, democratic republic of congo, shop owners are on strike in the west in iranian city. as that c hometown of 22 of mass armine is death in police custody spawn nationwide, protest video uploaded to social media on saturday shows close shop fronts along the street rights group, say the crackdown rally since death has killed more than 300 people. armine was detained for violating headscarf rules and died in the capital to one in september . state media is reporting the iran hotline judiciary is indicted, 11 people over the killing of a member of the besieged security force as it sought to quell the protest. now at least $24.00 people have died off to a bus, plunged into a canal in northern egypt. countries health ministry says at least 3 children are among the dead. boss was carrying 35 passengers when it fell into the canal. northeast of the capital cairo police are investigating what caused the accident.
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egypt has a poor transportation safety record traffic because it's crime thousands of lives that every year. of course, the un climate talks is still going on and they are reaching a halfway point is negotiate his work to drop deals on a wide range of issues. a 2 week meeting and chombo shake started with strong appeals from wild leaders for great efforts to curb emissions and help poor nations coat with global warming. u. s. i'm and boy, john carries as his country is ready to discuss, moves to address loss and damage, compensation and all nations have a responsibility to find solutions. i've said again and again, the climate crisis is not a bilateral issue. and no countries who, you know, so do i do ship come to the table to help us solve a global crisis? an existential issue that involves every nation in the world, including, ah, including our friends, china. so i mean,
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we need to make this happen and we're just sitting tight. and we'll see where we go . an abandoned town in cyprus is coming back to life after almost half a century. greek cypriots left the resort of russia in 1974. when it was captured by turkish troops, now turkish cypriot lead is a pushing head with plans to reopen it, but is under simmons reports, former residents a still locked out. this is veronica mirage in turkish. it's been a ghost town since 1974. when people fled to escape conflict, greek cypriot, livelihoods, and homes were lost along with lifestyles of the rich and those with modest incomes . the towns been sealed off from time by its captors and the turkish cypriot north . but for the past 2 years, people have been allowed back into the town again, just a small part of it, mainly tourists on day trips. there are exceptions,
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like andrea's lotus. but for now he can only look at his property. he was 6 years old when his father's hotel was hit by a rocket propelled grenade. one of the 1st losses in a multi $1000000.00 business empire. we have 1st, i've heard a gun needed leslie for half a century. we're undergoing a monitor him close his of being locked out of our houses every day. there is no air ostensible reason for these to be happening and to the toes heads can do better, but can they prove things? taurus are coming here in increasing numbers. attracted to a place that was a holiday choice of 60 stars, such as richard burton les taylor. and so feel a ren but this isn't just about business politics or at the heart of what's going on here. veronica has long been a bargaining chip in fail talks to get a settlement in the frozen conflict of cyprus, the self declared republic of northern cypress had offered the return of the town
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to greek cypriots as part of a federation. but now the turkish cypriot leaders here favor a 2 state solution which changes the situation. greek cypriots, they rejected all the plans we had proposed before. if they had said yes, they would enjoy the ownership here. so somebody should it bring this, please, to the usage of the international community to the usage of the earth and enjoyment of a private owners. the turkish cypriots plans have been condemned by the un. it has reasserted that view. only legal owners should be allowed to reclaim their properties. the future for veronica looks like the failed attempts of the peace deal, the cypress, unsettled, divisive andrew simmons al jazeera bratia. and iranian man who lived in power says charles de gaulle airport for 18 years,
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has died in the airports. he called hun maron, carry me necessary soccer, loosely inspired this steven spielberg film the terminal necessary lived in the airport terminal one from 1988 until 2006 1st and legal limbo because he lack residence. he papers and later, seemingly by choice, i sorry he died after a heart attack in the abs, voice terminal to f staff nicknamed him lord alfred and he became a middle celebrity among the passengers. now it just one of the story to bring it to aircraft have collided during a demonstration as an air show in dallas, texas buying b 17 and a smaller plane crash in mid air for falling to the ground, causing a large fire and plumes of smoke emergency cruiser at the scene, but to the condition of the pilots and passengers is not yet known. will slat this hour? oh, we hear from
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a famous mexican commentators he proposed to hang up his mike off to the wild camp . ah, it's every football is dream to play at the world. a new series follows plays from 6 countries and meet some up and coming stars with hopes of making it to cut off 2020 to everyone. so back ever since we were kids to where the national team jersey in the work of episode one looks at how the host nation is gearing up to compete at the highest level, the world cup dream cattle on al jazeera, the latest news, as it breaks with pandemic restrictions being lifted for the 1st time, the streets were filled with tens of thousands of party. go with detail coverage all cents a month. here, we want to share dissolution much with the politicians in general from around the
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world. everywhere you look there young man carrying machine guns, an example of how this quote recruit their soldiers. lou ah, it's now just over a week till the world cupcakes off in cats are in here with more on that and the rest of the sports. andy. ah, well, in their last match before the world cup premier league champions manchester city suffered a shock home to feats. to brentford ivan harmony not selected by him and put the
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visitors in from sylvia to have stadium one man, he will be in cassandra gareth southgate scored phil phone and he crossed the city . but an injury time tony struck again to give you sort of famous c one when a 1st home league defeat the city. on the 2nd of the season or international coaches nervously watching this last weekend of club matches. spanish current loose and retail b hoping will defend the armored fort suffers now long term problems after that head injury most schools have now been confirmed countries leading to confirm their final 26 man line up on monday with the king of a height of for switzerland grant shatter, left the fit jelly during assholes, much against wolves of his illness rather than injury, though the reason asked the willing, mismatched soon ill, meaning they had in the work of right with a 5 point lead over city. at the top of the table, england captain harry cain,
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signing off with a goal and a wind fits on them, spurs sharing 7 goals with leads and other cats are bound play europe wise. rodrigo been sung, her school twice, lights on a spurs, finished up as full, 3 winners. sometimes it's holly and coach, giving his world cut backing to kane and england. he want to play are an amazing the tournament, or i wish for the him of the best for him and, and, and england also because italy, i thought bring their work up for the cities or know, ah, i can or i can find to become a supporter of england, of germany to walk upstairs out by merely bit shall curt soon. l search can angry with the 1st and eric like sin, shabamo sing who was named for 3rd san m. i cameron got the 2nd by and pulling 6 points clear. and the sovereign boundless league will, italy may be watching the walking from the sidelines,
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but napoli flying are in syria 11 boys clear now with a 32 interviewed maisie collins peered. zelinski will be of interest or few more goals, like vance in caps, also to what i can. napoleon, sir, opening games against mexico. they're preparing to take part in their 8th consecutive world cup finals. right now. they're in spain preparing for a friendly against iraq on wednesday. mexico of never want to walk up before but did reach the quarter finals when they hosted the tournaments in 1970 and 86 that also play argentina and saudi arabia in the group stage of the country bring not just passion to the world cup, but music as well as i will be getting a taste of mexican culture in the shape of one of its best known mariachi bands. it's not the 1st time the group as brightened up footballs. biggest tournaments. nobody, nicholas blender is so integral to represent band with anybody at you, my dear, you seem otherwise like a lease for locals as he must been in maria g
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is life. sincerely, felice could make an elaborate, essentially, a decent daily that only levy willa look into it and see how much notice in the landmark you're looking for us on those in the sam would just say it's almost sink with amazon with all a penny. i presume you added and was like was what was the most value for this part was a member who wonderful. now the study, but i see is the problem and i was in the bottom was what those, where was soon i legally have to remember a very from one thing on our mass. a last by settlement he can or seen oil where to call more like in there. and i'll put us in seattle. maniachi lazy, another lady, alexander, monsieur. oh
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. oh, we will need papa sierra. what has been taught us? that is one of those places he spent will be in the corner. no. hill is your celebrity and momento. it is sad, cassandra present. thomas was alex your ill? karen? yes. ensure what, what are the thoughts with what i see on part up? we'd ask that 11, b m e t i represent that he, apple, yahoo selection for tobias asylum. we will need to put a, a, someone we can put down for you. what was that? i'm also mostly coming. he cannot enforce the info. and when the i look at that it was needed a c make equal, you gotta look, you know what? i can't be on the moon. but presidio and i got on fiesta jacket. it was already a local all mexican fans,
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as well as musicians getting ready for the well cut, they'll be one of the best supports it seems aside from house cats out with an estimated 80000 supports is expected to travel full, the tournaments cats here. lopez, hardy on his mall from dark horse casara village. ah, i forget here i am ready here. i think you're here and they're getting ready for it out here in the middle east. ah. got the number for you on mexico and they were both always. we have a nice party,
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we always have a great game. so with a friend, family members preparing for the big day for a year. they are ready a board or a national team. so this is historical. we are just bad football fans and of course, funds of our national team. we are here ready to support them in syndrome. got that appointed with the tool, which is an extension of them. buffy is part of the jealous brother g, developed defined by the government with one of the reasons why the school provided for gathered here. adequate paras, cultural villages because of this neuro was created by a mexican artist precisely to market to celebrate the upcoming world cub. it images,
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iconic images of both mexico and guitar as a show of unity and excitement for the sport and the world which will of course, for the 1st time he celebrated here in the middle, oh, well willed cups kind of to mount the end of an era is play is in manage. he has retired from international chains. he cast 2022 will also be the end of the ride, for one of footballs. most famous forces. ah, a big valley. him. deena, marino attempts have been by your john several bus one. the lead randall got out said out, we pick me up and then we don't know what else. ah, maybe when i was young, it would warrant. he said, when value, what have you ever read those wasn't enough was reactive to where. and while i got out of the rock on broad you, on joel beetle wanting bonds, doors green. i mean, i know he's in baltimore and i love it with one year we have all of which was on
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you. did my team on my own to leave that group. i got it learning when you call that are going, but i didn't you going to be here? was the order going not me for my going down. mm use was dave. you normally get a report from the us and i don't understand a when and these numbers have been, but jayce has been busier than me. i'm not under that agenda. deliveries are temporarily off. you have been by your georgia 9, your vs. reza, for in the land on with none other domains, janet regularly been decided. let me, let me know what i'm gonna let you learn how to get her grades or what else you onto what he asked, what are what is on i was relieved or what not to go to for him, but i thought it was young, pull it up he would, i'd say to you got it. oh, really what i'm using you. even in ringo my team would have been big with overage on out on those could shuttle vineyards. redeeming losses and also to make the book . novels are not going to be medical giambi and g. it's also needles. and
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a lot my daughter who doesn't want the garage or get a forced, or school bar many mom a for those who knows, i'm going to be sort of just make when i was reported revenues, i was only damaged, it was the one i long as i was one is which i'm with as well as exchanging gross regulars. if you're not even a general bengal based, isn't it? oh, now in the yeah, rugby woke up, new zealand, women have won the trophy for 6th time. they beat england the furling final in
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front of crowding. all cleaned, 11 tries in all the blacks and eventually winning 34 points to 31 you zealand retaining their world title england. 30 test going straight at an end in melbourne . the cricket is of england and pakistan are preparing for sunday's t 20 work final, the england seam, looking to get hold of this title at the same time as the 50 over. welcome. okay, but as i suppose looking for now, let's get back to my room in london. lovely. andy, thank you very much. that's it for the news. al, but i'll be back in alone with much more of the day's news. gonna bring you over a chest on that road map between the a to grind regional force in ethiopia and the central government to get more humanitarian access into take line one moment. mm
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hm. with the bolts journalism, the police violently, the person protest this, these are sort of a book, tens of thousands of people try to flee. gobble, inspired to program, making welcome to generation chains, unrivalled broadcasting. white people did not want black children in their schools . we have to apply for it and al jazeera english proud recipient of the new york festivals broadcaster the year award for this 6 year running on counting. the cost is germany to dependent on china is the economic reliance overblown. the developing world calls on uses to pay the climate bell at $1227.00,
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and diana is balancing it will be honest, threat to the environment. cancelling the cost on al jazeera spiraling costs dwindling supplies. the shock is being felt around the world with the war in ukraine, triggering gas supply uncertainty. europeans bracing themselves for an unprecedented winter. al jazeera reports on the human costs of the winter energy. a new series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous community is helping tackle today's environmental catastrophes. we see how the melanesians people of the torres strait fighting rising sea levels, which threatened to swallow their islands. first nations frontline, the torres strait swallowed by the sea on al jazeera oh.
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