tv The Bottom Line Al Jazeera November 25, 2022 11:00pm-11:31pm AST
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experts and match analysis for my studios in doha and excitement from around the city and across the globe. join us for catherine 2022. on out to 0. the ma ma uprising in peter movements that takes place in kenya, coming up against the british, demanding return of their lives, nearly declassified documents showing a light on prisons colonial past. there is systematic torture of reign of terror in these count major human rights abuse. how was this happening? a very british way of torture. who wanted though new to deny on al jazeera, ah hello there, i'm dealing with dogs. here in london are current top stories on al jazeera european interior ministers of held an emergency meeting in brussels to address
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tension over migration, and the fate of people whiskey in the mediterranean figures from the you border and coast guard agency show more than 280000 asylum seekers arrived in europe this year . now that doesn't include the 4000000 ukranian refugees have been granted permission to stay in europe. dominic cane has more it is not particularly surprising given that the mood music here was that it was unlikely that a definitive solution would emerge from this meeting. while i've been lots of warm words, i have a statement from the cheque ministry of the interior of the minister of the interior, rather who obviously has been presiding over this and says effectively that today's meeting ministers reiterate, reiterated that commitment to finding concrete common solutions that can be put in place immediately while working closely together on concluding the ongoing migration reform. as soon as possible, the serbian police event hundreds of migrants living and make shift camps in an abandoned house near the border with hungry. they say they were calls of the
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northern town of horrible early on friday, the following reports people were shouting at each other or shooting at each other rather on the street at these one person was treated for gunshot wounds. a search operation eventually found about $600.00 migrants in the area and the stash of weapons. in brazil, at least 3 people have been killed and several others have been injured when a gunman opened far at 2 schools in the southeastern state of spiritual some. so the attacks happened in the small town of r, a cruise official, say, a teenager and military. it's har, open far a 2 schools, one private and one public. suff date has not been arrested. brazil's president elect lewis in our field, lula da silva, colby incident, quote, an absurd tragedy. want to kiana kia visits in rio de janeiro with more the camera, the cctv that was in the school caught the image of this man was dressed in camouflage clothes. he had a mass covering his face. he entered one school 1st shot to our people there.
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killed 2 on the spot and he moved to a 2nd school in a car. ah, without his, the plates were covered. and there he shot another person dead, there are 11 injured. and this took everyone by surprise odd the man was allegedly um, i apprehended already detained. china's reported a record high of new cove at 19 infections for the 2nd day wanting nivi 32000 were registered on friday. that's the most in a 24 hour period since the band and make started. nearly 2000 of those cases were in the capital beijing where most people been advised to stay home as his, his, his ang too. and john queen had the highest number of cases. restrictions have been imposed on the china 0 coven policy, including lot dance and mass testing. and 23 fight to say they reject coals by east african leaders to withdraw and disarm from territories. they've taken
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democratic republic of congo. the group, which is widely believed to be back by rwanda said in a statement it with respect to cease fire, but would retaliate if attacked by convalesce. horses were wanda's repeatedly denied accusations that it supports m. 23 radicals. russian missiles have damaged nearly half of ukraine's power facilities. electricity has been restored to parts of the capital, but people being arch to stock up on essentially lacy's, have been set up in key for people can keep warm. president brought him, he has to landscape cold on ukrainians to ensure the temperature is forecast to drop further in the coming days and well come action the host cast i have been eliminated losing their 2nd successive march. they were beaten by african champions, senegal free one was the final score at alpha mom, a stadium that counselor did, scored their 1st world world cup goal. casias fate was sealed with the
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results of the netherlands, ecuador game. that much finished one. also the side of americans in college in the 2nd half inner valencia who is now the top tournament school with sweet goals, netherlands to the door can pause, qualify for not passage by winning their final. bottom line is back next to asking if we've reached the end of the walk movement or by ah hi, of steve clemens and i have a question. is the woke agenda on the declined in america? let's get to the bottom line. ah, while the democrats pat themselves on the back for doing better than they thought they would in the elections earlier this month, an interesting trend is emerging, both conservative and liberal. americans move to the center and they rejected
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hardliners. of course there's some exceptions here and there, but political demands like defend the police that were once popular after the murder of george floyd by a white policeman in minnesota 2 years ago. well, they really weren't on the agenda at all this cycle. so what's the future of identity politics of social justice, critical race theory, things like climate. absolutism, language policing, and cancelling people will woke ism take a back seat in the democratic party from now on as it tries to reach for norm ease in the middle. has the pendulum swung the other way, especially now that the big 2024 election is fast approaching? today we're talking with re, to share a political scientist who predicted in his book, written 20 years ago, the emerging democratic majority that america's demographics were shifting 20 new progressive era. rou, it's great to have you on the show. thank you so much for joining us. look, i remember doing one of the launch events for your and john judas, his book about the coming progressive era, the shift in of you know,
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demographics in the united states, and how this was what came undone. and i, and i'd love that you've written a very provocative article called the peak of woke ism, and i'm interested in what you see is the fundamental dynamics. not only for the democratic party, but also for the republican right now. yeah. well, going back to our book, which came out 20 years ago. i mean, one thing we did talk about in the book was yes, the things were changing in america. you mentioned the demographics. there were other things as well. but it did seem like democrats were well positioned to practice a sort of progressive centrism that could net these emerging constituencies together into a fairly strong majority coalition that might have some durability. and that seem to happen in 2008 bama elections seem to bring a lot of these constituencies together as well is very important. ready ready doing fairly strongly for a contemporary democrat among white working class voters,
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which we talked about in the book and which is widely ignored. but we thought that if they stayed on that course, they might in fact be able to realize this working majority. mean, i think in a very broad brushed firms, what's happened since then has taken the democrats away from what we might call this progressive centrism. this emerging sort of common sense of america and take it in different directions. and it's a longer story that john judas and i are going to detail in our new book. where of all the democrats gone about the evolution of the democratic party in the last 20 years? that will come out next year. but certainly one thing that happened and you mentioned, you know, the rise to request, you know, woke, and he woke us. i mean, what have you is what the democrats really did move pretty solidly to the left and cultural issues in a way that does with them at variance with i think the, the median voter of the common sense of american this really took, took force. i think after hillary clinton last at trump in 2016,
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a democrats cast about for some explanation, any explanation how they managed to belong to this buffoon. and i think what they basically settled on is that the people who voted for him and moved against him in the midwest states and toward him in the midwest states where a bunch of you know, racists and phobic troglodytes, who represented the declining america. and we shouldn't worry about them any way and they're hopeless, etc. and i think that set the democrats a bit of a course toward endorsing a lot of these more who tre and hard line tennis identity politics. and i think that obviously becomes turbocharged george boyd summer where it's sort of seem to take over all the institutions in america and with which the democratic party is pretty, pretty identify. so you put all that together with i think the aftermath of the great recession where
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a lot of areas of the country never really recovered from that. and in fact, been going through an economic transition for decades that made them think their communities were being left behind and world down upon by the lead on the coast. i mean, you put all that together, those economic changes taking place in the country to which people didn't feel democrats responsive and the sort of cultural, increasing cultural alienation, almost the chasm between what dominates the democratic party and the discourse and sort of the media, academia nonprofits accuracy groups and the sort of the average voter well, so that's where we got, you know, sort of the, the situation we found ourselves in, in the summer of 2020 and we still find it ourselves in today. and then the question i was addressing you alluded to is as that as that cultural left is, i'm a radicalism that woke ism, has it peaked? and i think there are some signs in this recent election. and then some of the things that happen since 2020, that at least in abroad society and speak when,
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unless europe city is whether it's peaked in the institutions where a lot of these people are entrenched, they have significant power. ready resources and they back and down. do you think it's the tactics? and i think one of the struggles that i have with this is, i think america has been a racist society. i think that you did see red lining that, that kept black community stuck without assets and without financing, you saw differences in institutions, etc. but part of it is the the crusades and the kind of we call it cancelling people. anything you may have done in the past that might have been on the wrong side of line is ending up disrupting. so that in an effort to try to evolve norms and civil justice, social justice, there's no harm created. and i'm just interested in whether that is part of the woke culture that voters and citizens are saying we didn't sign up for that.
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yeah, i mean, i think that's clearly happening. i mean, i think in the george floyd summers so to speak. and it's immediate aftermath. no one can really say discouraging word about black lives matter about the concept that all white people are privileged. that america is a white supremacist society. that you know, all white people are complicit and maintaining structural racism, etc, etc. and all of which is far different than sort of acknowledging america's races path. way it may have some echoes in today's society. some of the things we've done in the past were very bad. but you know, this basically a, a loose that are politically and departs from the common sense of americans to say, well, every one of you folks is guilty. and the only real problem in this country, a structural racism which must be ever advocated. and that explains all differences in society, etc, etc. so i think that i approach that kind of analysis and sort of the
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cancellation sort of culture that grew up around it more or less you actually asked or endorse these kinds of points of views. you were, you are subject to being mobbed on social media and otherwise, you know, sort of, but at a disadvantage, maybe lose your job. it's a really unpleasant culture. it wasn't, wasn't a discourse, trying to understand the good bad of american history of the good and bad of american society day. it was in a sense, enforcing and almost logical conformity and a lot, you know, white sectors of the country and white sectors of institution. and i think there is a reaction against that. i think people are sick of it. i think they don't believe this is, you know, america's intrinsically in a racist, this toby in place that, you know, people of color can barely subsist in. i don't think people of color. ready believe that, so i think there's really a move away from that again and the common discourse. but i think what's interesting is that it's well entrenched to the institutions and in
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a certain sex of the democratic party as well. and i think that one is going back to the 2022 election. i think that i'm not sure the signals that the democratic party is receiving from this election or going to put them on a course for moving to the cultural center. because i think a lot of elements of the party basically summarize the election is saying, well, you know, we approved that if we just talk about cultural issues, in this case, abortion and you know, january 6 and what have you, that's really going to be adequate to insulate us from all these criticisms about crime, immigration, gender, ideology, race essential, ism in general will culture will culture basically is not a problem. we need to change nothing as by the famously put it after the election. so i think that the extent democrats need, and i do believe it's true to move to the cultural center and sort of re embrace the common sense of america. i think this election, oddly enough,
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may not put them on the right course, even though i think you're right steve, that voters in general. ready rejecting extremes on both sides and show that they wanted to, you know, have some semblance of political normality. right. well, one of the questions i have, and you wrote this very interesting piece in the atlantic recently. you know, looking at how the democrats lost the white working class, and i'm interested in, you know, the antenna of those white working class, many of whom have gone to vote for donald trump or moved into the republican party . but they are finding a party that has very big currents of evangelical christianity, a very big current of q. and non conspiracy is very booth elements of, you know, some elements of, you know, corporate supremacy in some part of this. and i'm just interested in whether that's a comfortable alignment on the republican side of the equation. now that they have moved away from the democrats, the, i don't think it's a, it's a completely stable alignment. i think that there are many aspects of today's
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republican party that a lot of these voters would be uncomfortable with. i mean, even something like abortion. most white working class voters, including most of them who would vote for consider voting for republicans. are probably moderately pro choice is certainly not pro, banning abortion in all circumstances. and critically you mentioned the issue of corporate influence and power and what have you, these voters that are actually quite populous in an economic sense. they don't really trust the, the capitalist to take care of them so to speak. and they're not averse to the government playing a role in making their lives better. they just don't trust the government to do it . but they're not at all. sort of your classic was the libertarian to get the government off our backs, just cut taxes, and that's all we need to do. kind of republicans are coming out of a different bag and it is a bit. it's a challenge for republicans now that they have become such
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a working class party to figure out how to take care of these voters and actually improve their lives. instead of just taking advantage of the fact, these voters feel culturally alienated, somewhat betrayed by the governor. ready democratic party, so i do think that's up and it a big problem for them. and i actually would add to the steve that if you look at other games, the republicans have been making, they've increased becoming a multi racial working class party, doing a lot better among hispanic working class. voters especially and even to some extent, much less among black working class voters. so how do you keep those loaders in your coalition? there is evidence from this election that again hispanics move fairly strongly towards the republicans in 2022. so, and these are overwhelmingly working bus motors. so how do you keep those motors in the bowl in a republican party that has all these moving parts and these are not hispanic voters who are necessarily certainly not enamored of the traditional economic
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agenda, the republican party. they're not even that an emory of sort of some of the trunk crazy. they just really don't like the democratic party and they like some of what republicans are saying and doing, but not all of it by the stretch of the imagination. what they're looking for. and this is a mistake, the democrats that made spanish voters are not sort of primarily immigration, voters are primarily usefully thought of as people of color. their patriotic, hardworking, socially moderate, the conservative people, primarily concerned about upward mobility and fighting their pe place in america, which i actually think a pretty good country and, you know, sort of making sure their children have a better life. so, democrats, they used to trust them much more, and this, i think they do today. but republicans, even though they're giving them a try either, or, i guess, one way to think about the steve as ever renting these hispanic working class voters, they really succeeded and purchasing them and owning them. you know,
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one of the things i've been writing about and talking about over the last couple of years is that, you know, particularly i organize a lot of events in washington and we somehow, you know, sometimes we sort of fake the issue that we're creating a bipartisan event by having a republican and democrat in an event. but oftentimes the divides within the parties are much more serious than between the parties. we've been watching the battle over bill back better, the inflation reduction. you know, the jo mansion wing of the party, you know, versus the a o c wing. and this has been going on a long time. but it, but it does really raise the question and i know you watch this. i'm just interested in how these schisms internally traditionally get process so that you see some, not unity, but sort of a consensus as to what the fundamental principles of that party are. and i don't think the democrats have done that yet. i'm interested in what you yeah, i think neither party, i mean i think broadly speaking you know,
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i talked about the. ready for the democrats to move to the center, particularly in cultural issues. and there's other things that could be said, i mean, you mentioned climate absolute as of a while ago on your production. i think. and i think that's a division between the left and the center of the party, just how many chips you're going to put on that particular issue and how much of a price you're willing to pay for a clean energy transition. and what about, there's sort of the needs and concerns of the, of the working class. but that's sort of a broad sense. there's the left of the party which wants to press the accelerator on a lot of this stuff in their economic program. but we saw the beta around that better you talked about where they wanted to spend a gazillion dollars and everything, which wasn't particularly popular. and of course on cultural issues, the left of the party is adamant that it wants to change. nothing at all. nothing at all. they don't want to back down on crime. they don't know it back down and immigration, they want to back down on, you know, so the way they talk about race and sort of general rhetoric that use, they don't want to back down at all. and yet, there's
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a reasonable case to be made that went, democrats really need to change their image, which is pretty terrible. white slots in america is a sort of sister soldier moment where they started make some, they could make it clear that democrats do not stand for some of this sort of pretty radical stuff associated with the left to the party. my recommendation of this a while ago was they need to check the moment check the famously got thrown out as san francisco by the liberal voters of san francisco. they thought he was totally falling down on the job in terms of crime homeless public disorder. why, you know, would have been a great time to say voters to san francisco, us and spoken. we democrats were tough on crime. are tough on the causes of crime. and we don't hold with people even in our own party. we don't put public safety 1st and foremost, which is a little bit with cha shapiro centers for governor data, which i thought was very good. so you need those, those attention grabbing media friendly. everyone will hear about it moments where
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you aston, taisha, so we move the party to the center against the left. and i think on the part of the republicans, we, the divisions fairly clear. it's between the dead and trumpeters and emerging consensus. and a lot of areas of the party that trump is and elect reliability. we can't run in this way. we can have those kind of politics and we of all, we can have that guy. i mean, if you look at the data from the 2022 election, it just couldn't be clear that republicans bad night, relatively speaking, was primarily attributable to trump back candidates and being associated with from prism in general. this was the secret sauce where the democrats have been estimated that republicans play to pay to 5 or 6 point penalty in competitive districts and incentive races, or having those kinds of candidates having those kind of associations. so the debate and the party will come down to people who want to essentially move on from trump and people who do not. and neither one of those things will be easy to
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resolve for either party. but i think those are the divisions that will be operative in the, in the coming period. i'm just, as we watch an anti woke guy you on mosque come in and, you know, essentially, i think dismantled twitter. do you think that some of these social media platforms are going to come undone as you see, woke ism decline? well, i think i'll take some of the wind out of their sales. i mean, i don't think there's any question that some of the changes we've talked about. stever have been enabled by the rise of social media, particularly twitter and that kind of nature, the conversations and the sort of quote interactions and, unquote that it, it produces. and the ability to gang up when people essentially and enforce norms. you know, i think the best thing you must do for twitter is, is just take those servers and fire the outer space on one of his rockets. so again, i think that would be by productive for those social discourse. so yeah, i think there's,
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there's reasons to be mildly optimistic that if social media is dismantled or otherwise the parts of it are dismantled or otherwise sort of takes less of a front seat and our political culture things will get a little bit better. personally, i try, i stay off of the twitter entirely and i detest the medium. and i've seen my basic view as almost nothing good has come out of it. so a lot by those servers into outer space. i'm probably going to make it make it to twitter in the last gasping moment of winter. but let me also talk to you about a new crowd coming in. nancy pelosi is of course stepping down as speaker of the house. a new round of leaders has nominated itself to come in hockey jeffries at the lead from brooklyn, new york. and i just need to see what kind of council you would give them about restoring what you consider to be health, to democratic discourse. you know, this town, washington d. c was never supposed to be a place for the come by are,
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you know, part of this is a place where i is an issue struggle against each other, but it's become so toxic and i'm interested in what, what you would advise them to, to do by way of undoing some of this toxicity and trying to set a tone that's healthier for their kind of leadership in the country. yeah, i mean, i like hockey, jeff reece and i do think it was time for someone else to step up. i mean, close in a few here is honor and i think people are looking for doing the leadership that said, i mean one thing i worry about with jeffries is one of the hardest parts of the job will be, you know, how do you actually are the cats that constitute the democratic caucus, in which cats do you have that knock on the side of the head to get them to behave . and you know, i think the nature of that sort of moving ascending to the level the has he had to be friends with all sides of democratic caucus, aggressive, moderate,
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and all the various flavors in between. and i think that may make him an inclined to do the kind of knocking of heads that might be necessary to have the most productive possible minority clock. as in the coming congress, let me ask you finally, really about the health of democratic discourse in washington. the role of think tanks, the role of policy writers and journalists like myself in yourself. are we doing a good job? and i'm just interested in whether the institutions that were supposed to be about objective distance and about, you know, trying to think about policy choices for the country. are they in a healthy spot? now it's not healthy at all, steve. i mean, it's pretty corrupt. i guess you could say, you know, i'm now at the american enterprise institute. i moved over from the center for american progress in a while at leans right. has series of scholars and they do, you know, sort of. ready in civil discourse and they do try to do real analysis about real
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stuff. and they're not really necessarily telling any party lied, but i think it's, you know, home, basically, with some exceptions, i guess brookings inception, a few others, most of the so called think tanks and washington are basically pretty party line, pretty partisan, pretty causey, as it were. i mean, they decided there was one tribe or the other and they basically tend to produce stuff that. ready reflects the point of view of their side and sort of in list and that army. and, you know, increasingly the internal cultures of these, the think tanks of course specially advocacy groups lean towards policing. the views of people within the think tank and the sort of research they produce to make sure it supports and says the appropriate things back to locus. i'm a. ready big problem on the left brain, difficult to produce research or even have discussions. and a lot of these institutions that depart from the conventional wisdom about a variety of things. so i think it's not a good place, not in a good place. well,
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and i think that the think tank world needs to sort of, you know, movement toward reform and toward trying to be more credible and objective and even handed in the analysis that these students do. that said, do i have any hope is going to happen any time so no. well, i hope you'll come back another time and kick around that topic with me, cuz that deserves the whole show political science this read to share a thanks so much for being with us today. this was, this is terrific. thank you. like you're having it. so what's the bottom line? radical progresses have brought real change to american society. massage any and sexual harassment while they used to be accepted, tacitly encouraged, and then just laughed off. ha ha, boys will be boys. racism was and it still is baked into american education into employment voting, participation, home buying even marriage laws, gays, and lesbians were harassed, discriminated against, murdered there injustices and grievances throughout american society. just like any
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society. but there are always folks here willing to speak truth to power and fight for change, no matter how long, how complex and how controversial the struggle is. the culture wars are like a pendulum, they swing left and right over time. my guess today might be right. the woke movement may have reached the point where it faces too much blow back for now, the trick for american society will be finding a way to undo historic arms in a way that ends up with a healthier side. and that's the bottom line. ah, the latest news as it breaks, the thanks. he has come to a place like bowler. the anchor isn't a great surprise in the context of some of his previous work, but it is of course, a big surprise to the people who live here with detail coverage. taurus are coming here in increasing numbers with this isn't just about business politics or for halls of what's going on here from around the world. this is the 3, that's what the thousands of pictures of farm land here in apple. how my several
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