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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 30, 2022 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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and yes, hunting up, aghast, the british demanding return of their lives. nearly deacons if i document. so in a light on prisons colonial past, there is systematic torture, a reign of terror in these count, major human rights abuses. how was this happening? a very british way of to a chance i wanted don't in to deny on al jazeera, a weekly look at the world's top business stories from global markets to economies and small businesses. to understand how it affects our daily lives in home exam with counting the cost on al jazeera. ah,
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this is al jazeera ah, hello, it's great to have you with us. i'm cyril van. yeah, this is the news. our alive from doha. coming up to day had came, jeffrey's is elected democratic leader in the us house of representatives. he will be the 1st black person to lead a major party in congress. a religious school comes under attack in northern afghanistan, at least 15 people have been killed. china's former leaders, young men who lead the communist party after the tenement square crackdown, has died at the age of $96.00. a researcher's hail of breakthrough in the treatment of the early stages of alzheimer's. and at the world cup, it is delight for australia as they secure a place in the knockout stages with a victory over denmark. ah,
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so democrats in the us house of representatives have elected, had king jeffrey's as their new leader. he will be the 1st black person to had a major party in congress. jeffries will take over from nancy pelosi, who served for 19 years. his leadership comes at a critical time as the democrats lost their house majority during the mid term elections. id show, castro joins me now live from capitol hill. i mean, if i came, jeffries has anywhere near the longevity and the power that nancy pelosi did. he will become a household name for viewers. so please do the introductions. just who is a came jeffries? that's right, at least for the next 2 years, he will be a household name. jeffries just want election from his peers unanimously with house democrats voting to become the new leader of the democratic party within the u. s. house of representatives. he is a congressman from new york. he comes from brooklyn and he is proud of his roots.
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interestingly, he's been known to quote, the notorious b. i g, the rap artist, he even quoted him while serving as an impeachment manager in the 1st impeachment of former president donald trump. but he's also as self describe progressive with strong ties though, to establishment democrats. and he's one support unanimously new unanimously from both factions of the party and he is the face now. 6 a new generation of democratic leaders in the house, his number 2 and number 3 are also in their forties and fifties, and they represent a more diverse leadership group, as well. with pete argue are being from the hispanic caucus. of course, jeffries himself is a 1st black american to lead either political party in a chamber of congress. so celebrating today's vote as a historic one. id. thank you very much. no, jason nichols is
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a democratic strategist and a senior lecturer in african american studies at the university of maryland. you joins us from ellicott city in the state of maryland. thank you for being with us. look as a democratic strategist, how do you feel about this new leadership? well, i think 1st of all, it's time. nancy pelosi certainly serve the democratic party very well. she's a very wiley and, and slick politician that got a lot done over the last 1000 years. but it's time for a new guard now. you know, there are some of us who are a little more progressive, who have are concerns about hockey jeffries. the fact that he is a kind of a corporate lawyer worked for viacom, but i think what your earlier package said is correct. and that is that he is somebody who kind of bridges the gap between progressives and more establishment moderates and can bring the caucus together. he was elected one with a unanimous support. he certainly still has the guidance of nancy pelosi and of gym
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. cliburn who were still in congress and is actually going to be the number 4 person in the democratic party. so he's in a good position, but he certainly has a lot of challenges coming up. we have a potential rail strike that could be catastrophic. and congress has to do something about that. so cyril, i think he's in a good position in the sense that he has the support of his caucus. but he also has some serious challenges coming up in this, in this next session. what makes us successful house leader? i think it's being able to be unified. and in this particular time, when you're in the minority by a very slim margin, he is going to have the challenge of going and finding 9 or 10 republican votes to not stall the president's agenda. and that's going to be very challenging. but right now, republicans are in disrepair. they are, you know, very dis unified of because they have of course, kevin mccarthy who was not even,
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it's not even clear. he's going to be a speaker. and there are people who are on the extreme, marguerite and some that are more establishment. and he asked to be able to find those votes in order to more things to a democratic senate. and then of course, to the president's desk. and you know, it's finding the votes, when you need to pass a law, it's twisting arms within your own party. it's elevating voices. it's, it's sometimes raining in others, putting people within your party in a position to succeed, come election time. you use the word and wiley when describing pelosi does jeffries have those skills? well, i think that remains to be seen sarah. well, we'll see if he's able to do that. we haven't seen him in leadership yet. we know that he is obviously very smart guy and makes very strong arguments and has made really good relationships within the party and within a congress. but whether he is an effective leader,
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the way that nancy pelosi has been the way she was able to pass the affordable care act, which she, i think doesn't get enough credit for if he is able to do those kinds of masterful politicking, if you will, that remains to be seen, will look apparently close the notorious b i g. so he's got that going for him. more seriously though, the party leadership just got a lot younger, like 30 years younger, is their message there for a joe biden who just turned 80 years old. well, i think again we're, we're not going to see much more of joe biden, after 2024. if he, if he runs that will be, is obviously his last term, but i think the party will get younger and continue to get younger, of course, comma hairs. he's are still in her fifty's and you have all the people that are on the horizon are all in their forties or fifties, whether it's pete buddha, ginger,
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wretched, whittemore. oh, so the direction the party is moving in as much younger, but i think there is something to be said for experience and that's why people like steady hoyer and jim cliburn and nancy pelosi are still in congress and order to help out some of the younger people through this transition, my senior lecturer and democratic strategist, jason nichols. thank you very much. and ah, at units you're out of the world cup, despite meeting the reigning champions, france, why? because reagan chin is his 1st goal of kotor $20.00 to $22.00. and that means that was enough for a one know when, but it was not enough to put them in the last 16. it also means australia's one neil window. denmark put them into the next round, matthew leki got that, go it put australian to the knockout stages. for the 1st time since 2006. so that's
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group d sorted attention. now switches to group c tubing deciders coming up in less than an hour and all 4 have a chance of reaching the last 16. it's one of the pre tournament favorites, argentina facing poland, that is at stadium $97.00 for, and saudi arabia up against mexico at loose sale stadium. and watching the build ups to this one outside the stadium is sarah. hi, ross, sorry. tell me what you're seeing and who you're talking to well, i way in the south of, on, and it's a promo that takes he just to the cell stadium or about 10 minutes away live in frenzy is saudi fans. not as many mexicans. those meant to be caravan moving from here, we're say done before every game you can tell. 7 that the mood amongst them is very subdued, and i have a mexican bonham. he's about to attend the game. brian, what do you know about the performance? how do you feel? make the kind of thing to policy that no one,
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any college holes. com. what do you think will afford today, or of course you said it, we haven't gotten a goal seen approach up 2018. so we believe today we're gonna ask for at least 3 goals. that's mostly about what we need. we need a dinner, a beliefs or he needs to know that today would need, i believe 3 girls and if not for gold to not that bent on the other matches. but i believe we still have some good way yours. i took it off. i know a henry martin that i believe they can perform. busy well, today i believe hopefully that we can wait today. i need not to be a qualified today, a 16 round up lease went today and get some bolts because we haven't celebrate any goals. it's our peers walk annual that the largest number of fund tear off, and i can literally law, even if somebody everyone's been planning in to get him. i believe it's the 2nd a best nature to bring funds throughout the world. we spent
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a lot of money in this trouble, my family or into all the mexicans. so i believe when i saw a great one, i had these hidden from saturday. you come from across the border especially haven't you in that the bus, the board, not just from saudis, but pretty much from all of the reach. and why is that? do you think? i think because some of the nurses doing that show the world that we can do better than what we thought about us and we played did it when i get one of the tournament favorites to when we played again and see to yeah, it's why it's not a shot for people. yeah, of course is that what do you think is kinda happened a my personal opinion. i think i was going to make history today and we went over to neil that there were next. yeah, of course. well, as you can see, i mean a lot of fans are very much excited towards this that are in st. reputation with
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the mexican mexican fans rather specifically the saudi size, that even if they do this bother, they've got this ball. it's fairly strong team at the moment on this well, has been increasingly thank you very much, increasingly surprising with surprising results, especially from themes in the region. and well, there's a lot of people who are very welcoming and i just got my remarkable boys as you accept the rose and and finish your reports are thank you so much. looks like the really great thing is, i know it does good. it looks like a great, a great fun crowd where you are. thank you so much for your report and sorry you got a feel for the mexico fans also. who would like to see just one go. all right, our world cup special is coming up shortly later this news hour. so you do not want to miss that also ahead. mozambique. biggest corruption scandal of course in makoto is handing down his verdict against 19 former officials. ah,
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at least 15 people have been killed in a bombing in northern afghanistan. this happened that a religious school and i back the capital of some mangan province at least 20 others were wounded. the interior affairs ministry says students are among the dead . no group has claimed responsibility. 5, the land is a professor of political science at cobble university. and he says, the attack is a challenge to the tele bands hopes of bringing security to have kind of staff. no, the no gun is done again and post one year there were several such said big tags happened on my books. i was like in missouri, butler and also when those but didn't as someone going to just the 1st time, usually such a tags. isis taken the responsibility to talk. somehow again,
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it's in the stabilizing the country talking about a strong hold of security taliban and ninety's. they were known that they brought security to themselves while they were so many other things going wrong. but people who are happy, ordinary people this time facing to blows, ation and security aspect brought us awhile. phemann, drought, joblessness, and other problems take sanction is on exemptions on telephone is government. they have been increasing the difficulties for taliban and so many on mother says, which are the main areas of recruitment and stronghold of taliban leadership on probation level. it should be affiliated with the governor's office or the police chief of taliban out the district go into attacking such kind of centers. again, it shows that the taliban has been challenged on this important area of improvement, which is bringing security to talk got has done after the fall of carbon. a key
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figure in china is transformation to global power. a status has died for president young them in with 96. he came to office just after the $989.00 gentlemen square protest and crack down. katrina, you looks back on a life. rare among chinese leaders. joncelyn seemed to enjoy the spotlight. he stepped into the top job during a turbulent period. he was appointed communist party general secretary, in june, 1989 following the military crackdown on student led protests in tenement square. his predecessor jobs, the young, had been removed from power for openly sympathizing with the demonstrators. john was a former mayor of shanghai, a city then at the forefront of ambitious, economical forms, slowly spreading across the country. those reforms would eventually allow china to grow into the worlds 2nd largest economy and shanghai into a global financial hub. although china presents itself as a communist country,
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an increasing number of party members are becoming millionaires. and some billionaires, as economic growth surged under junk, foreign investment poured in. in 1997 patriotic pride sought when britain returned hong kong in 1999, john initiated a ruthless campaign against the spiritual practice of fallen. ha, human rights group said hundreds of thousands of people were imprisoned or sent to labor camps. under his rule, china became a member of the world trade organization and was also awarded the 2008 olympics. but some things remained unchanged. the leadership continued to crack down on descent. china's market possession of its centrally planned economy brought dangers . the gap between rich and poor widened and corruption worsened a legacy junk successive huge and pow inherited in 2002 in chinese history. only
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mounted on dung shall ping and the current president she didn't ping larger than jung. it remains to be seen whether he will receive the same reverence as china builds its position on the global stage. and staying with china to major cities, guam chow and chunking have eased coven 19 restrictions. this comes a day after violet protests, as frustration, mounts against the government. strict 0 covey policy. patrick, for reports, protest taking a violent turn of the southern city of gong. jo, one video posted on social media, people tear down a cove at 19 testing tent, in another protest, his whole glass bottles and police officers. moments later security forces dressing has met, suits advance information, holding protective shields. the reuters and air p news agencies of verified the videos were filmed and high jew district,
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but are unable to confirm when they were taken all the sequence of events high jew is where the bulk of china's recent infections have been reported. much of the area's been under locked and since october, the unrest mark's an escalation and a movement that spread to several large cities from shanghai and beijing to chung do and will harm. i would say that the, the commune party actually under estimated anger at a cross level. i will, i will not think early are a well prepare for a protests ah, a curry over the past weekend. the latest developments come despite stern warnings against taking part and demonstrations in a statement, john, as top security agency, has called for a crackdown on what it says, a hostile forces. it's not clear who or what the governor referring to and as yet to provide evidence of any external interference. it's also reiterated confidence in its approach to the virus tune can do me to go back over the years,
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have fully proven the china covered protocols have protected the security and help of the chinese people to the greatest extent, genuine and minimized impact on socio economic development some countries have made remarks on china recently. these nations have enough issues to with at home. we hope they would hit the weiss's interests of their own people, instead of pointing fingers at others. meanwhile, authorities have begun easing restrictions in some areas including jung joe home to the biggest i phone factory and china, reduced mass testing requirements, and allowed more businesses to reopen. still demonstrate as fear possible retribution on beijing. some people have voiced support for the protest is not doing that, or i can still work from home, so they're locked on. hasn't affected me too much. but seeing them fighting for freedom, i think, is very inspiring. her anger about the 0 coven policies more to people speaking out against censorship. and what they say is an overbearing government. patrick, fog,
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al jazeera hong kong, ah, a new drug has been shown to slow cognitive decline in alzheimer's patients. japanese and american pharmaceutical companies have published results of a trial of la can't mab. it was tested on about 1800 people in the early stages of the disease. henry faucet has won this. for over 30 years, scientists have tried and failed to design a drug that tackles the cause, not the symptoms of alzheimer's disease. now comes the 1st evidence of real success and antibody infusion that attacks a specific protein in the brain. slowing the development of early stage alzheimer's by around a quarter professor john hardy, 1st develop the theory of it. we said that this approach might work 30 years ago. and you know, if you'd asked me 30 years ago how long it would take, i'd say 5 to 10 years. so for me it's,
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it seems definitely momentous. i think for patience, it's a real step forward, a real step forward. and it's going to take a couple of years to get it into the system. it's patients like john teeling in the early stages of the disease who stand to benefit the most. john says he felt the ground open up when he was diagnosed. he'd embrace anything that gives him more time with his wife and family. you put him on, you know what you're going to end up like. and you know, there's nothing you can do about it. but you can't worry about it because there's no way you can do someone be accepting of it. the new drug laquanda mab inhibits the build up in the brain of a protein called b to amyloid visible is so called plaques. in the brains of alzheimer's patients. nearly $1800.00 patients around the world took part in the study which showed a 27 percent slow down in the deterioration of their cognitive skills over 18
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months. but it's approved. the treatment will be laborious and costly to administer through blood infusions twice a month. and will also require major investment in screening for the disease to catch it sufficiently early. and at the moment we do that through pet scans or drink cerebral final testing for from a lumber puncher. and that is we need to broaden access to ways in which we can have access to those kind of test. we also want to see new techniques that are quicker and faster and potentially cheaper. for example, let her have 30000000 people around the world. subtle without highness in itself, just one form of dementia. much difficult and costly work remains before treatments . that loan cures a widely available, but this is a hugely significant 1st step. harris will sit al, jazeera, london, and nato, who discussed sending more air defense systems to ukraine. it was part of a meeting in romania where the alliance also pledged support the rushes neighbors. the foreign ministers reassured moldova, georgia and bosnia and herzegovina,
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which all fear being the stabilize they moscow i think is if there is one, the lesson learned from ukraine is that we need to support them. now, the more support you are able to provide to these countries being the front, but under russian pressure in france in different ways. and it is much better to support them now than, than the one we have seen. her developments in going the absolutely wrong direction as we saw with the invasion of ukraine earlier this year. and her simmons has more on this from eucharist. antony blinkin assured ukraine, it will get all of the repairs and the equipment that needs to get its energy infrastructure back working properly. again. once more he said there will be air defense to protect that infrastructure. then he moved on on to the issue of china,
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making the case that was systemic challenge hoses. he said he didn't want to see conflict. he didn't want to see a new cold war, but china must change. nato has to pressure it to change. the members of our alliance remain concerned by the p r. c. course of policies by its use of disinformation, by its rapid opaque military buildup, including his cooperation with russia. but we also remain committed to maintaining a constructive dialogue with china wherever we can. and we welcome opportunities to work together on common challenges that have been reports of the us was mounting diplomatic pressure on european allies to ramp up the rhetoric on china, putting more pressure on it, criticizing it more true or not, nato is more critical than has been before nate, the eastern alliance of europe and north america. but the challenges we face are
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global and we must address them together in natal. we do not see song, ours neither, sorry ru, continue to engage with china when it is in our interests, nor pleased to convey our united position on russia's illegal war in ukraine. oh, for us and nato see china as in directly supporting russia in this conflict by refusing to criticize vladimir putin and continuing to buy oil from russia. a court in mozambique is delivering its judgment in the country's biggest corruption scandal. 19 people are facing charges related to the disappearance of hundreds of millions of dollars in government backed loads. her room with us, a reports aided acosta's avius. his corruption in mozambique is making life even more difficult for the poor. the country is one of africa's fastest growing economies with billions of dollars worth of natural resources, but many people here are struggling. oh wow. 2 rush,
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if money stolen by politicians is returned and used proudly, it will help many poor families. we have no jobs, electricity or running boucher. we dont know, we the money is going dod. ada is talking about a $2000000000.00 deb scandal that crashed mozambique cekada a court in the capital. my puter is hanging down its critic this week 19 high profile. people are implicated, including former state security officials, and the son of former president, armando capua, goes over. the accused have denied any wrong doing. back in 20132014 state own companies borrowed $2000000000.00 from international banks to buy a tuna fishing fleet. and surveillance vessels. the government failed to disclose the borrowing to parliament ordones. an independent audit of the debt found the government had not done enough to explain how the money was spent. and that roughly a quarter of the $2000000000.00 was unaccounted for. we still have the government
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officials from the central bank, from the municipal economy in finances, and that we're not part of the trial, but somehow they have received a bribes and they were involved in this condo, but let's do it saved somehow from this trial. so we have mixed messages in terms of how you know the public was a beacon population receives this trial and how just it becomes to them was in beacons. when the full extent of the scandal was revealed in 2016, don't as cut off support for the country triggering a did default and the currency collapse. prosecutor here, one tough sentences had a down and for the 19 accused to pay back the money with interest. had a mater algae, there a thousands of members of south africa's governing african national congress have protested against the release of a party. we're assassin, janusz welsh. he's been granted parole after serving nearly 3 decades in prison.
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i'm an miller has more more than 20000 people outside this prison in pretoria. a trying to prevent the release of a man, they consider an apartheid criminal. up to serving nearly 30 years for the 1993 assassination of antea party leader chris honey. janusz wallace has been granted parole. he was arrested along with now deceased politician clive darby lewis, who was convicted of conspiracy to murder. our government going to live the person who killed him under to the water us more. so. how do i lose a person who could our hill view of the panel for the for started to roll out to do? what do you want to do? the middle i was before this protest and on the eve of his release, wallace was stabbed in prison by another inmate. prison officials say he's in stable condition. wallace has for years applied for parole off to serving the
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minimum time required. and for years it's been denied, but the constitutional court ruled last week that he should be released on parole within 10 days. oh, the honey family, along with many south africans have always opposed his release. they say, while he may be remorseful, he has never explained, ordered the killing and why he did it. he and today's been granted barrels. and with that, let us mobilize on how our me, our we met with because the will ha, need their lives to please. she is, there we go to death had children, how without a father and you, we as women leave that behind head, it can be like that. go well my name is barbara because yeah, why lose took away the life of his i need was 8 it on my daughter was 5 g and quite belie, i'm sorry, number again. god, honey, was
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a leader of the south african communist party, as well as the liberation party. the african national congress observers describe is killing just months ahead of south africa's 1st democratic elections that dismantled racial segregation as pushing the country to the brink of civil war. many of calling for the quarter of the decision, even after so many years, it remains a wound for many sub africans who have unanswered questions. especially since few people have been held accountable for crimes committed in the name of a party. for me, tamela al jazeera after the break on al jazeera, the news hour is live from our world. come studio for around the days game so far round up, including a bittersweet victory for to miss you over from state to dallas. ah
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hello. if season wet weather across northern parts of the middle east, recently, this is the scene in a lebanon where we had huge amounts of rainfall. it has caused flooding in to parts of the country there. and you can see some really nasty conditions coming through waste, deep or water coming through here. that wet weather is now in the process of moving across or iraq drying out a little as it pushes up towards southern parts of the caspian. charles have a little more clad to down towards q 8, but here in kata it should stay dry and find temperatures around $29.00 celsius gentle breeze. over the next couple of days. cool enough, you can see there fall advanced to care. seeing a little bit of wet weather still as we go on through friday, but a much better picture by this stage. some like wet weather, maybe as clipping the far north of africa. but we are going to see
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a lousy drive for many northern parts of america. could see a shower to mr. king on to want to coastal showers across west africa. joining up with the seasonal rains that extend the way into where the democratic republic of congo system, or big storms rolling through higgs to that line of cloud, which comes down across sir zimbabwe into central parts of mozambique steps. rather went by the 2 for a time in to wear madagascar. but lottie dry for south africa. ah . when the taliban took control of afghanistan in august 2021. it spark a mass exit in a special to part report, $11.00 east makes the chinese entrepreneurs with the other way. one out of europe
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a shot to the head and the silencing of a renown palestinian american journalist. ah, a doable outpouring of grief and condemnation, and yet no accountability. a thorough investigation into the final moments of her life and its untimely end at the hands of israeli forces. the killing of shabby, my barclay on a jessina. lou with
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welcome to welcome that i am roll top back. i read live at altitude here, dental hot water front in the high station cutoff, la 16. light is up for grabs on another busy bat in the font around all the group of matches, the soccer raised our right to the knockout stages. you lakita here on august friday, a feel deadbolt if any 2nd in the group can if it's triggered outside the box. but it's not enough to stop the defending champion, going through. as good with it clashed all of the tie tunes as nato met the tight tone. robert levin darcy with argentina flying, poland at stadium 974. i'm can saudi arabia rick de la, fixing for the 3rd party. right? yeah, yes, they're up against mexico. ah. but you already me in the studio for the show as ever. is football alex fly around, go get your full. so i'm in just a moment, but wow, watch
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a matic tie. you have the algebra stadium and a great wanted to for the soccer ruse. they were one mill weight is i've a denmark to book a bad ticket into the round of 16. now it was a when old got hard situation, the denmark and the 1st half, so the unable to get past the spreading. don't keep up matthew warren, a quick counsellor attack on the album. so, australia, ford, matthew lucky, divided lovely cities to put the soft ruse ahead. well denmark kits on attacking is i needed 2 goals to go through, but i proved no match for the australian defense. you managed to hold on australia qualified for the round of 16 for the 1st time since in 2006 walk up in germany, finishing 2nd in the group with 6 points. they'll face the winner of group c. sorry . so i'm very happy found dana, yellow and green coming out of the albany stadium and richardson was watching the matcher. us well, some very happy australian fans. i'm playing in our wacker australia through to the last 16 for just the 2nd time in the history and all the fans here hoping that this
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team can do even better than the side of 2006. it were beaten in the 1st round. the very last country has us for the one very, very much we got with the top we got we got a we came into this world having reached the semi finals up the last european championship having dominated that wilco qualifying group and having beaten friends twice in the wafer nations league, but they leave cats all having school, just one goal and with no wins headed israel cup. very excited about them is tim and some other teams as well. but today it's too bad, but it's like you're the good championship overall. so it's still good to busy and
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we thought we were, i thought we were going to win the cost, but that will be completely lost watch. that's how it is. but it's still a great and very well organized going it, it didn't play well. they had the euro and also the qualification here, the place of i don't they games not a lot. just this one and yeah, during his time, hey, in capsule, australia had coach graham on or has said that right now, football is only the 5th most popular sport back home and the national team has endured some lead times the current score as talk to just how inspirational, australia is run of the 2006 world cut was to them, and they now have the chance to be every bit is influential. what you need to be there as well, champions, france, and group. these are the guy, but they still went out of the told him it shanicea thought they'd gone ahead in the 1st half. why he has the free kick was wanted in by not a gunnery, but also flag will that one else was goal is going into the 2nd hall with this
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present on the why line? why? because we again said some of the friends go still had a lot less to do. but he went path raphael around and beat steve montana to get to meet us 1st goal of the toner. now many from choice buys came off the badges. they try to get results and i'm good thoughts. he's gone, but they are dramatically rolled out from still through those as a group. where does well dramatic finished education city stadium watching with find from both teams was jealous. alas, it was such a roller coaster of emotions, these friends sonia, especially partner, nice young. com base. they managed to them all difficult thing to score a goal day. first goal in these woke up again defending champion front barry the parent chance france ha ha, 9 changes in the squad of the the other challenge you could tell they haven't been playing together. that much. they traveled it's yeah. where the brave team guys
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regarding 5 minutes i was between the fun base it they were in the last 16 there was an explosion of joy to they are after that goal you where they're qualified, but then how do you feel after this really feel like our gods, the pairs were acting like a warriors. and now the end of the day, we will all is in this room. you know, this is our minimum. we came here to win reborn as a winner, and that's what we did today. but proud of the team, i guess course we're all is proud. we're all is proud. we're all, isn't this a all right with everyone is brought. i don't know. you. the friendship funds are relevant thing. what happened today are you happy still with the call? we are still very up young's young don't system was so nice. we were friends from tunisia. it was so great. and we were supposed to next too much, or will we see, but we are very up in on the las and these friends when again the world off course
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of course we see of course all of that rain saturday, gone for then to going again to walk up the donations are broke, the theme it definitely of fighting, quite a while for let denisia that they go on a couple of for one of your pref back off is that there was some pretty dramatic opening games about shopping. fraud at bay to budget is your though the front still through as group the, when is shanicea eliminated? how will they be ruing, that loss against australia in the previous match? uh, great deal because even if it would have just gotten a point out of it, it would have been successful for the boss trailer. you have to give them a lot of credit because of the way they were able to fight. not only in that match against an issue, but again to the again, so a very, a very disappointing denmark. yeah. and, and again, you know, a team of australia hammered by francis be honest for what in the opening game and managing to turn it around. i mean, look, you don't wanna sound patronizing, but they got some gus, may they do it in? it's a reflection of personality mean australia in the past few years have gone from ange
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ball now to arnie. bought it. of course you, you see in australia side with grammar, not likely that the previous kind of course. exactly. and do you see a team that has that rugged personality, that, that, that, that very blue collar type of attitude that despite getting knocked down, they get back on. but they're able to continue fighting, which was their success to be able to get in for the 1st time in 16 years. yeah. and it's at it's, that's the kind of attitude, the australians back back in australia and about some like 3 or 4 in the morning. i think it is del debbie bell to get behind and that there will be some real momentum behind the sleep, even though it's the middle of the night there. yeah, exact. i was talking to some friends the actual one friend a particular she was in melbourne, just told me about the, the exuberance the, the happiness that there was in, in, in melbourne after their victory. so it's, it's huge for football. there. they are great for australia, but we'll get to move on to group. see now the deciding gains there are not far away or when the top of the pipe table, poland will see argentina. yes, argentina eliminated from the world cup. a big guy with plenty of riding on the outcome. so how my leak is a luck enough to be watching this? what at stadium 974. so how a massive night,
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a massive light for both streams. well, let me tell you something. it really feels he said it's a massive night. it really feels like a home much argentine he just in its area where i was why i am right now. we're hundreds, thousands of people in argentina, california thought continuance people from all over the world. and i've seen anything like it, even from asia, the, from africa, the middle east, europe, all getting behind argentina. they definitely have a 12 man in the pocket for this much with them. but you might remember the last woke up that diego, my don't know, cheering them on the crucial, much as they tried to get in to the knockout around this time. they have a very special find. is that all the way from argentine, our south american correspondence, sharing them on we have teresa bode well here we are doing the time is now now. welcome to bill. i'm sure you have a good time. yeah,
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i never saw you. i am so much a 2nd game, but so many people who know that have come all the way up. huge prices in argentina and i want people are just coming your i've met people who sold the car lurched up pieces of land and other things to be here today. and many of them are inside. that's when you're hearing stuff huge from that whole thing that they'll make it to the next wrong. well, let's see what happens whether they can do one man very crucial, possibly even more popular than the whole team. then on the how much of the mean? george continues to be not just dr. tina, but for message when the big one, well there's a lot of state that's been not teaching him delivering him. being able to wind up. that's what i can times are hoping he's enough for that to to when you have trouble with the comparison with the. 1 ability to carry the team ahead for that for
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that he has that leadership team and in a way you might want to pass the way you can 1020. i want many or didn't. he knows i saying that we have met the on the fields and we have met in heaven and many hoping that would be enough. but obviously, you know, those along the message have been able to deliver but for the national team, he has struggled and many, this comparison with might have been a weight on his career. at least he didn't, you know, people are supporting him and you know, they're expecting that you'd be able to make it to the next long. well, my husband think of it. well, i hope you get to get that for the nation on, since i know you're hyped up the much, we gotta go back to do it now. thank you so much. teresa. well, big, much trays are going to run in stadium. and so are we big much it not big game feel bacteria who we should see? who in this? hopefully huge exciting much at stadium 974 vices. how thank you very much for that
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one. argentina, one of the favorites are pre tournament favorite. so on a $36.00 match, i'm beat run coming in to this well cut, but, you know, even though they beat mexico, it's not been vincent argentina. what's been the problems? you can attribute to a lot of things. one of them is the actual pressure of being in the term. and number 2, you do have players that have come nicked and, and they're suffering from some knots that they had during the season. they loved better. martinez hasn't been at his best level. you know that there's been other players that have left to johnny le chancel. you're starting to lament his absence because he was one of the primary pieces urgent in midfield. i mean, if they get through to day, do you think that they can go all the way in this total? yeah, i don't see why not. i mean, you hear another example is lou yvonne hall and netherlands. now he saying, okay, now the world begins for us, for many, it was that said process to get the kinks out of the way and kind of iron things through for when things really start mattering now or do you think lation correct? get i get, get those pay get in place as it were. and during me for big substitutions today for luna's calona, that lineup that he's had from for to the match against mexico. but can they get
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through to like that because i think they should. i think they could, yeah, you think they will, i think they will make them well our cable for. busy more on this or are we going to closer to our latin america, our editor. let's see, newman, to find out what the argentina founds are feeling back hardly. she's in white as there is with some of the support as they say, a great to talk to you. the shock, the fate to saudi arabia will be quickly forgotten by argentinian fans if they beat pollen tonight. and when the great work that yes, so everybody is telling us 2 things, anxiety and nervousness. that's what people are feeling here. are there are, there was a problem and it was there was going to pass it. there would be thunderstorms, but the cloud and i'm not joking. they have miraculously disappeared, and people are just, they're all they're trying to send their good vibes. not just thousands of argentines from that stadium where it is a boy and where all of you are in doha, but millions of argent over this country. in fact,
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when i got into this fan fest park, we were given these little argentine flags. that's the very least, that argent times of carrying the address in there, a national colors wearing their flag. and let me say, the vast majority of the little children are dressed in t shirts with the number 10, and then a messy on the back. it kind of saying we're going to be the next generation of messages. they know that this is going to be the last time that messy is going to take part in a world compet his last chance to make or break world cup. and certainly a would make or break gain that's just about to start in a corner on then our so a lot of anxiety, but a lot of hope is riding on this. and with that is i was mentioning that yeah, what might i learn? i is now in heaven and people here are saying the same thing that he will look down and help their team here, our nurse, and that's being repeated all over here. there's a lot of superstition and in argent,
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tina writing all this as well. so we've got messy, we've got, might have, i know we've got the flag, we've got everything they're gonna do, they're all for this for argentina to win this game. well, you know, maybe my daughter is looking to approve of it. maybe he clear those clouds. he says, so the arguments are certainly looking good for you, but we'll have to leave it there for now. there is a small record store in what is out as a music collector has been all carving songs and tribute. so argentina's greatest football players and the songs of long inspired is countries national team and its funds and continued to keep the hopes a large for a trophy i've discuss are welcome, minimalist, alexandra, monique thing was in gwen daniels b o. and one of site is a container, so collection is that equally, we need to meet on the east coast. they've been, you know, building on a, a, a in it there by, he's on a down will draw from what those are in the national by move. and i live for the
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lease to come and many cobra for us a lot less than the not gonna build them in origin. they say the so to go to the old one. the other thing is, is they the seller for us, it, but really they've gotten because they get plenty to eat a lot for him. a note in a while, i thought i bought in a but a lot of them, but then i guess they're gonna be nice. they will know what exactly, but i'm going to, well, i for the class. if you got a little babies, can't be on the message on, on the local bar. my gosh, well, i need to replace
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a grand tape. i can take down. my name is natal. boyish. nobody came with it better than i meant the contest. i got it in a moment, or i can it, i see on the policy that you're in for, i'm the for the dental amending form or for i will also in this group, there is a small matter of saudi arabia applying that to god co saudi arabia could also go through addicts, a must win guardian, but for mexico get to school at this. well, cut out of course i faced out saudi taylor back. right. when it gets argentina in the right place. paul race is out in the shallow stadium, traditional ah,
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mexico and saudi arabia face each other for the 6th time in their history. but never had the states been as high as this. mexico must win job. any chance of going through to the knockouts a victory would be enough for saudi arabia? so yeah, any news before this one? yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. of course, even i oh, i was nervous in the previous match. this one, i think i am, i mean they're more nervous. you know, but they're, everything's possible. we have hard and that's all the matters. i feeling good one . this feeling we're all upon. so did it. yeah. that's why this much is fighting. oh no, since this 1990, how much the gun failed to reach the last thing i wanna know is, is well, this is a statement in a row when they yes, the school that we're missing to study. so when they did hear him, we'll give him a lot. he, when it goals, he got goals. the saudi started the campaign with
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a historic to on when over argent, tina. but that's fall from enough for that. a good all play, use it to very good generation, but keeps a warmth the funds. remember them? they have to make history otherwise. a real everybody will forget in 20, so 2 years because the last time a so with the area richer, the 2nd wrong. it was in 199428 years ago. the result of poland against argentina across town, at stadium 974 is also crucial for the destiny of this group. but mexico and saudi arabia. com think about that. they've got to take care of business here. at least now, stadium. okay, we are joined by saudi football. i believe my habit,
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my habit very. thank you very much for joining. it's a very simple question. first off, is this the biggest game in saudi football history? oh yeah. city, it's now another and they have to think that this is the closest they've ever had. the woke up to that homeland dep technically playing like a home nation in front of almost $80000.00 times. you can see the numbers of saudis flooding into though high over the day and yeah, it's a unique opportunity for this generation of study. put bowlers to just engraved the names in history and yeah, go back to 28 years when they made it to the 2nd drug and surprise the world once again defeating mexico. it's more than doable now, because the supported by the find the play almost at home or even at home, let's say, let's be honest. and yeah, mexico look doable over the last couple games. and what we have seen from the saudi players can prove this as well. it's a big challenge still playing experience side. they're missing some of the key players, but this is one thing here, very nice should deal with with the drive they have with the motivation,
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with the amount of support they're enjoying here. this is a great opportunity for them to just sit in history almost wherever. yeah, i why. why does looking at about why to football perspective no matter what happens tonight. this is been a well cup. that's why exceed expectations? are the saudi safe? i would say so, but they'll be little bit of a bitter taste if they do come up short tonight, like i said, are close especially against mexico side. that really is a very underwhelming mexico side. if they don't get the result against this team, then i think they'll be a bitter, a bitter taste at the end of the day. but the overall work that they're not into in this team of able to do is commendable what they were able to do against argentina . first and foremost, they were able to fight against poland. but they, this is the match that really is going to transcend to make this a really successful work up in every sense of the word ahamed. i mean, you're saying that for saudi found, this is almost like a home well company at the end of the shall close to catch army. how important is
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it that chain from this region has made such an impact at this cat? oh, it's absolutely important, but i think the wind and that saudi arabia managed to achieve over aunt and tina just paved the way for some other teams to just step up their game and believe in themselves us all with c, morocco bit belgium would seem to nicea beat fran sally to day, and all this wouldn't have happened in my opinion if it wasn't for saudi arabia winning argentina. early into the tournament. it's massive for saudi football. sorry, the football has been always big in the region, but on the international level that's suffered some setbacks from 1998 on even when they made it to the woke up. they would lose my big margins. we remember germany in 2002, when we're rush on the open game, now it as it 2018. so for saudi arabia to make it true, this is going to be a testimony for all the hard work that has been achieved over the real. this is real quick lot on the spot prediction. it's going to be a tight one. i would go for a side doing the very narrow one and a very late one. they have to be very patient and make sure not to can see that as
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mexico. i thought that would be in keeping it with this well, comp. alexa, get a sense of how found the feeling back home in mexico manual or apple. i was standing by fresh in mexico city. i got some nervous saudi fans here, but well, i'm guessing it's a nervous couple of out the head for the founder in mexico. did i really expect to qualify for the last 60 who's and i can tell you. one thing we're seeing here is a lot of nervous faces. walk with me for a 2nd. i'll give you a sense of where we are, where downtown mexico city. this is a restaurant home and me, he got no fans or just now starting to trickle in. you can still see a lot of empty tables here. we and joking around with a restaurant staff who are decked out and their mexico national kids, saying that most of the mexico friends are actually in door. and that's why it looks as empty as it does here right now. but look, the truth is that mexico is in a very, very challenging position right now. ahead of this match against, against saudi arabia, saudi arabia,
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a national team that really defy the odds and left everyone's head speeding. following that game against against argentina, mexico is dead loss right now in route see. and what many of them fans that we've spoken to say is that what they're hoping for? what they need is a miracle. and in order for that miracle to happen, mexico has to, with more importantly, mexico to score if they are unable to score many, many goals, that's in the rules of room is over from mexico. but as you guys know, as we know here, this is the world and anything can happen. the one thing we can expect is a really high energy and a really passionate game today. thanks very much for that, for now. we got 30 seconds. johnson said our candidacy to it, i believe they can. you have a team that's that starting to improve, especially after that 2nd half, against mexico. that will be a very important thing. so, so much so the intensity you can hear the fans from the other side of the port already screamed the anthem, i guess they're going to be here law. you might say to help him out. he talked to
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o barb south. no, and i think his teammates should pull it off today. our car thanks very much collide, its going to be a dramatic hour and a half. i would look all looking forward to re hair, but as i, thanks very much for joining me on this show the light up for the last 168th taking shape table change still decide that price to die from group safe. bought the fuck rows are already getting ready for the knockout site is australia, baking deadlock, fall apart for the next by the 1st time since 2006 frogs finished top of the group . this part being beaten by janasia on nick. well, top special is at $21.00. 30 g m t will have action from all the dies guys, both myself, antoine will be back then that joined us right here on al jazeera, our target company. thanks very much for now. good luck. ah ah.
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ah. with
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a whole now he's o in now with all of the you know, while i mean all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is alike and it's my job to shed light on how and why ah.


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