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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 2, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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and what is the future of democracy in this country? join me more from on hill for up front on al jazeera ah al jazeera, with all this is al jazeera. ah. hello mr. hall robin, you're watching the al jazeera news. our lie from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. south africa's governing a n. c is holding an emergency meeting. the could decide the president's political future. the kremlin says president vladimir putin is open to talk about the war in ukraine. but only to secure what he calls russian interests, also israel,
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or does the deportation of a palestinian french lawyer detained without charge since march will speak to the wife of salah ha marie. and cale synthetic owls parliament, as months of political tension descend into violence. ah, welcome to the news or we begin in south africa where the governing n c party is holding an emergency meeting. on the political future of the president . there comes after an independent panel found several rum oppose may have violated his oath of office. the panel was set up after accusations, ram, oppose a fail to report the theft of millions of dollars in cash from his farm in 2020. the president denies any wrongdoing. mama jam jin is our correspondent, following events for us in johannesburg. and it seemed so very much of the heat is
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on the president. so just set the scene for us and exactly what is happening right now. well, it's very interesting so well because everything is very fluid at the moment. we're outside of this convention center where the african national congress is executive committee. that's the decision making body of the governing party. they are going to be meeting to be discussing this political crisis. that is from sprung up around president silver. i'm opposed. now there's been a lot of speculation as to whether or not mister opposite would actually be attending this meeting today. whether he would be coming here in his capacity as the leader of the party, or whether in fact he would just be coming here to defend himself and to try to ask for the continued support of this executive committee. now, as you see behind me, there is a convoy, there's a large crowd inside it just outside of this convention center. there has been a lot of speculation as to whether or not mr. ra, a poser was arriving this convoy that just made it here. it seems that this is not his convoy, but still there are
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a symbol journalist here that do expect him to show up very fluid right now. basically, people aren't sure, and part of this is because there has been so much confusion as to what exactly this rom, oppose is going to do next. one example is what happened last night, thursday night. there was expectations of miss rom, oppose it was going to be delivering a speech to the country. in fact, the press conference was set up, then it was his spokesman, who came out instead said that miss roma posey was still considering contemplating what he was going to do. pondering his political future as it were, and said that at the moment, all options are on the table, what i can tell you is the next steps are going to be interesting because what's going to happen is there could be various scenarios out of this meeting today. you could have this body decide that they want mr. rom opposed to step aside as leader of the party. they could decide they want to ask him to resign as president. we don't know if that will happen. that's one of the scenarios that could happen. but then you also have a meeting that happening in just a few days, the national assembly. they're going to be discussing the findings of this independent panel. that said, the mr. rama poser may have acted inappropriately and that there may have been
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corruption involved in the scandal. and then if they vote on that, there might be an impeachment proceeding going forward. all of this comes at a time when we're just a couple of weeks ahead of election time for the a in see for the governing body here for the governing party in which they are going to decide who their leader is going into the next election. so a lot going on right now. it's a very fraught moment for mr. i'm a poser and everybody here is wondering what exactly he's going to be doing next. so he will of course i will continue to monitor what happens with you as the hours progress said damage. i'm due for a st. janice bag. thank you. now the kremlin says vladimir putin is open to talks about the so called special military operation in ukraine. but it's wally washington stance on territory. under its control would make negotiations difficult . it follows a phone call to putin from germany's chance not calling for a diplomatic solution and comments from you as president joe biden, or he says he's willing to meet the russian leader. if he moves to end the conflict
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. i am prepared to speak with mister prudent if in fact there is an interest in him to sign and he's looking for a way to end the war. he hasn't done it yet. if that's the case, in consultation with my friendship, who no friends, i'll be happy to sit down, recruiting to see what he wants has in mind. well observed mohammed valet surf back forth in moscow, mama, let's just begin with the comments are coming out from the kremlin in reaction to what president biden has said. yes, earlier today. yeah, the company spokesman admitted pest cove commented on that offer from president biden by saying that the president put in has always been ready for negotiations open to negotiations. but there is her condition while she's not going to negotiate . and this has been repeated many times over the last several months. russia is not negotiating on withdrawal from ukraine. and the understanding from the statements
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by the here is that to, that seems to be a free condition that russia should come to the negotiating table already ready to add to think about it. the withdrawal from those territories that russia now considers a part of the russian federation. and he said that put in his willing and not only willing but adamant on continuous special military operation until and until that goal is achieved. and until everyone recognizes a russian possession of those territories. so this is very difficult. negotiations have always been talked about by both sides. since the beginning of this conflict, as the only way out, and russia has always been repeating the same lines by the way. and now there is no change in that, but they seem to think that there is this precondition we saw during the last couple of days that
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a lot of anger has been expressed here by russian officials about nieto in particular. and also about the european union. a for there are limited unconditional, a support for ukraine, and even involvement, and also global security issues. russia willing to negotiate a broad range of those problems, the expansion of nato, the military 8 to ukraine, and a specifically, what's happening, the war, the ukraine itself, and how it, there can be a way out of it. manager, my model put me in moscow. thank you so much. the israel has ordered the deportation of a palestinian french human rights lawyer. it comes after the government revoked sela ha, movies, jerusalem, residency rights. he's been held without char since march, and has been imprisoned by israel several times in the past. amnesty international says deportation would constitute
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a war crime. while i'm joined now by the wife of selah. ha moody l. seller fort. she's in paris. good. happy with us on the program. miss la for i just begin with your reaction to your husband's deportation. thank you. are you in a invitation yesterday we, we've learned a little decided to put 2 people, my husband and father, probably on sunday the, until now we, we don't have the exact day. and i mean it's, it's on an annual exam that i cannot imagine how, how i am as be ready for him. it's, you know, he's, he's a son after his name. he is life, but there has been there until he was born. he was monday and i am kareem this. the city is about of in south. so yes, it's a,
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it's and the rebellion yos for crow salon for me and also yes it does. it covers any surprise to you, considering you yours, you yourself were deported. back in 2016. it seems the israelis where you do have a gripe against your family. no, i don't think it's so just to just start getting a salon del delta getting solid because he's a lawyer and human right defenders. and am i used to to target the human right? defender, jeannette, east or so since the since the 20 years? the last been heiress a failure and he's spend the money is spent mode on 9 year in fit and he has been submitted to a travel balance. and so as you say it, as you mission,
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i was denied to palestine and devoted to friends. so a slice boss to leave for me and our kids and, and he has been and, and the, i mean a, he, sorry, a software because this was found on mal bye. so now he's a, it's a long narrative. it's obviously very difficult situation for you as a family. i'm wondering what sort of support you get from the french government. have they tried to help you? have they offered you any help or have they ignored your situation? no, no, since it's been so since the beginning of this detention they are following the case and the claiming that they are acting am in doubt as king days. failure to,
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to release allow him to enable him to leave in jerusalem and also to hello me and my kids to join salon, jerusalem. but until now we can see that the whole, the diplomatic efforts it didn't, that didn't succeed. so yes, i know now i'm sure they did something and also they, they claimed that the, even the president my call as a prime minister days, pretty prime minister her already. so the right of seller is until they did a good vendor as successful. and we'll just see what happens. certainly. we'll keep a very close eye on the events that affect you and your family as silly for thanks for joining us from paris. thank you. lou.
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a sticky back to south africa. worthy governor and z party is holding an emergency meeting on the political future of the president. south africa main opposition party says it's table to motion to dissolve parliament in order to hold early elections. and as the large crowd gathering to try and get gonna any news that they can be out of that meeting. let's bring in our political analyst. i show k g is also in johannesburg. good to have you with us on the program is catchy. and i just wonder if we could just start with how much of a mess president, rama foes has got himself into. and is there any graver than other incidents? the a and c and it's presidents in the past have experienced well, thank you for having me. yes. and it is certainly a deep messed up. the president is stopping himself into an essentially the report from the parliamentary committee. 1 is quite damaging saying that miss ramos
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a fan to declare assets that he or caused to, to be brought into the pantry. undeclared, foreign parents the which has been stolen from his game farm, et cetera. so. ringback his credibility, both personal and professional, is being called into question sources inside the n c at high levels within the end he had indicated to me that he has said he is prepared to resign. however, there's been no news of a resignation yet as you said, there is an anti meeting current happening. and really the repercussions from this the going to be very widely felt whether or not the president resigns. you might have noticed that the ran the south african currency tank yesterday. it strengthened considerably by this morning or with the news that there was no formal announcement of a resignation resignation as yet. but should that resignation happen on the
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repercussions for the economy here? will really be dire, and that is why major players within the economic and political sectors are scrambling to try to ensure that the president remains an office. ok. however, whether his own party will enable him to do so. and whether the opposition parties in parliament will call for an impeachment if he doesn't resign, is yet to be see. okay, so let's just talk about the party itself. at the moment, there was a meeting going on, we normally see a south africa presidents being able to negotiate with their fellow colleagues somewhere along the line. and so we're a within the and see to sort of wiggle out of problems that they face. is that sort of negotiation? a possibility right here, or as you say, is it a can of worms that spin opens at not box where he can't be closed? well, the possibility for wiggle room, especially given that
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a former president was involved or alleged to have been involved in gross corruption and still manage that wiggle room. that's just assume i'm referring to that possibility, but we don't room within the party still exists and out to be and will undoubtedly also be welcomed by key sectors economy. however, the repercussions or mr. rama goes down the line in terms of the upcoming in the conference and whether or not he stands for the presidency come the elections in 2024 will be brought into question because he came in on a ticket of keen governor and his own actions seem to have indicated him in corrupt or at least an ethical delay. and while it is not here yet, whether there is sufficient grounds for a constitutional challenge or a legal challenge against him, there is certainly grounds for doubt as to whether he's declaration to bring
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in government. is it still holds a given that he's now personally indicated. so having said that, the alternative at the moment, the current alternatives within the ruling, the n c, to contest the presidency, our to run premise, who are both themselves, not untainted by corruption. the one is woman help ministers really. he's there, and the other is current and the treasurer general, or masha taylor, and both of them as a said are not untainted themselves. and so it looks like the n c been quite a bind right now, particularly if it hopes to ward off challenges from with and aiden, of course. so with those elections are pending very soon. we'll try and find some wiggle room to invite you back for some more analysis. miss katie,
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thanks for joining us from dallas. vogue. thank you very much. now us back group that helped defeat iceland, syria says it stopped old joint operations with american troops. the serbian democratic forces say it's the result of turkish bombardment of territory that its controls to kia has stepped up, strike the northern serious in the bombing and the stumble. last month, anchor playing, the attack on separatists are linked to the pentagon, said joint patrols with the group has not stopped, but have just been scaled back. well, the guy stations aren't away for a possible turkish ground. offensive in northern syria center consider has more from guns into the yes, the f announcement of the whole thing, the joint counter islip raisins with the international coalition, followed the latest statements by the us officials that said they have privately also warned turkish officers about their concerns. with regard to the possible
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ground offensive, what the sd of expects from the united states is to be more vocal to be more against the turkish offensive in northern syria. and the focus is they are still and the focus shouldn't be, it should, it shouldn't be. harm. turkish officials have been always emphasizing that the fight is not only against the kurdish bar to group all, but all kinds of terrorism and northern terrain. clothing, we are hearing that the americans, the russians, the syrian government and iran are negotiating, some details about the possible operation. time will tell whether this operation will really be conducted or all parties will compromise of some of the benefits on the ground. the certain democratic forces control large parts of the northeast and region highlighted on the map in the yellow, while turkish back syrian groups are in charge of some parts of the region and the
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north, as well as the south east. these can be seen in purple and green. the syrian government controls the rest while in cobbler is had a policy analysis of the our centers, the research and policy studies joins me now from the how good to you. it is on the program. again, mr. cobbling, we just begin with how significant this announcement from the s t for and then the u. s. is in terms of the ramifications for the region. thank you very much. thank you for having the i think the latest announcement by the caea democratic forces we should, we should maybe mention here that the back one of which are the court discourse, which shared key actually was off being the cdm prior to that becket. k, which 2 key for believes is that the organization, this announcement just express guy of protest between the see that the market forces and the united states. the see, the course was afforded that the by the administration might be sending them out to
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the church on behalf similar experience under the clump administration in 2019. they will insect my station and the president from the allows the withdrawal of us forces from battle of the, from the northeast of syria leading to see a democratic forces under the, under their massey, of the 2 of his shirt forces. so i think that they are trying to put some pressure on the was administration in order to comment themselves to the alliance, which has been built between the 2 sides in 2015 in which the seated and look at their forces acted as the ground forces for they was meet the fight against ice that i think this is, this is what the seated the market the points are trying to do. so, but what do you think actually that, did you think this, this a fort processed by the s d f is getting to work because it does seem that turkey is calling the shots. so the us for the moment is just playing ball. well i think
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the u. s. is in a very was a sion, if you, if you want to say the least because both are allies. so they're not just as turkey is a major to ally for that matter because they need to key and they agree, and they need to be bought in and the war and ukraine. on the other hand, the cd and they are fighting ice and on behalf of that many cars, i think they were trying to blame some sort of apparently between these 2 allies. they are trying to, from best, not to lawyers, dot com is the person. on the other hand, they want actually to keep their alliance with, with, with the suited them courses. but what also push them a little bit away from the orders because they, they need a daniel that if you get something in order to venture to not to launch count on friendship against. again to see that it's one problem for us in doha. thanks for
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your time. thank you for having a routine session and set goals. parliament has descended into violence. fighting began on thursday, when a male politician wanted to a female colleague and slapped her in the face. she retaliated by throwing a chair, the budget presentation was suspended as an administrative punch is an insult. tension has been growing between the government positions as the governing party lost its majority in july. well at spring and nicholas, hank ker, who's in deca for more of this extraordinary scenes, nick in parliament and sort of this comes at a time when the country is already sort of talking indirectly. i'm directly about violence against women. that's right. there's a cap. the country to try to end gender based violence. and then this, this happened. and of course we were in the parliament just now there for billing
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right behind me. just moments ago in the fight continues without people throwing fests around. but that debate heated debate, although it's their conversation right now, over access to electricity and power. what we've noticed is that women came in great numbers, not only as bit reserves, but also a women m p 's. now, almost half of this national assembly is made up of women, members of parliament, and most of them are members are members of the ruling party, whereas the opposition is made up mercy of men. so there is a demographic conflict happening inside the national assembly, but certainly what has happened inside has effected what's happening outside. let me show you the headline of the newspapers here today in senegal. here, one of the main newspaper look. so tell, says, barbaric eggs inside the national assembly. then another one about amy and die the m p that was slapped in the face saying that she is
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a victim of barbaric act inside the national assembly. not only that she's also pregnant. now we spoke to her husband who told me that she's in the hospital, she's receiving treatment. but of course, this is the 1st time that there has been violence inside the national assembly. at the last session, we've self members of parliament again exchanging fist, but the fact that it is affecting women move in member apartment, that has really shocked people. let's river a few statistics here. now. although half of the parliament is made up of, of women in, according to the united nations in africa, 44 percent of women say they've been victim of gender based violence often from members of their family. their partners are people that they work with. so this is an issue that will be continued to be addressed only outside the parliament, but inside that building as well. so in the long term, it will sort of repercussions,
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can there be well that the member parliament that through that, that, that, that punch towards the female m. p while he is under immunity as a member of parliament. but there has been discussions of lifting that immunity so that he would face justice because of course this happened, which is extraordinary. so in front of the minister of justice now he was talking about his budget when this fight took place. and so, since he witnessed this event, there might be repercussion for these men. if this wasn't happening inside the national assembly, in fact, there would be, this is a criminal offense, and the people involved would end up in prison. so that's what many activists here wants to see for that the member of parliament who threw that punch towards that woman, that it looks like force in duck. thanks very much. now the call is always as i'm 23 fighters of killed 50 civilians, the eastern town of kyshay,
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the rebel group has denied responsibility. fossil faced with the populations refusal to submit to their dictates the m. 23 rebels proceeded to massacre innocent and in defenceless civilians. the latest case is that of 50 civilians, cowardly, murdered. on tuesday, november 29th in kisha, in the territory of rome shuttle. several other people are now missing or kidnapped by the m 20 play doubles. we also deplored the forced recruitment of young people, became of us as an trim leader ibrahim to rory has said that he was the target of an attempted coup last week. local media reporter for or a made the announcement at a meeting with civil society groups. he says those responsible have been identified, but he favors talks rather than prosecuting them. picking a faster has already seemed to cruise the share all time for track all the world, whether history f it's been pouring rain for days in southeast brazil. this is one
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of our top weather stories today. so i want to show you this video near florence. apple is over the course of 24 hours a months worth of rain fell here. so the streets flooded out. and the number of rescues are being carried out. the rain is still falling over top of that area. we'll talk about that one sex storms, abrupt dean, around oblivion, and pe ruffian andy's on friday. now let's go to the se, brazil, pretty much rio de janeiro cell paulo flor novelists into portal lake ri. that's where we've got the biggest downpours now to the gulf. there is snow rain in the forecast here, but what's going on is those winds are picking up and we're seen a bit more cloud cover, but that's more for the top end of the golf around kuwait for example. so let's go much bye match. now here's your forecast at 6 pm. got south korea, portugal education, city temperature of 26 degrees. but again, the winds are the big storm, right? so gusts of 30 kilometers per hour and we got a pair of matches at 10 pm. we'll dip down to about 20 for serbia, switzerland,
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again, the winds, the issue 30 kilometers per hour. but if we look towards saturday throughout the day, those winds will again begin to back off. so her as a temperature of 29 on saturday, have fun. the company is now full time champions, germany out of the group stage for the 2nd told of running the costa rica for 2, but it wasn't enough. the result that germany meant join for japan, that to one whenever spain means that bay top group be friday is the last day of the group stage matches and all teams will be going home. brazil has already qualified for the last 60, but need to avoid defeat to cameron if they want to finish at the top of group g. serbia, set 2 points behind 2nd place, switzerland. and last, when to have any hope of progressing 2nd place, gonna will face a require knowing
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a when will see them through every group hage already qualified. portugal will be bidding for the top spot when they take home. south korea. well, crane fans are renowned for their carefully choreographed chance and cheering on all the support of the national team rally misses and overseas match. rob mcbride went to the city to john to meet him. i go to say paul young sick is a super fan, is 21 the stated by a long mile humming his barbecue restaurant is a shrine to football south korea and his lifelong devotion spoke about a lot. he attended his 1st world cup in 1994 in the us and was hooked orders of append to go to twice. i chewed my dream of cheering my side. i thought that would be it would go and then return to my original life. but i went crazy. this world cup will be his 60th trip after his beloved team,
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who's patchy performance can result in mixed moments of sometimes ecstasy. often agony is it that i think you, you know, when you, when you can't put it into words, the feeling of joy in relation. but if the lose and so deeply saddened it's very heart and his proudest moments to metal. just take us in 2012. our men's team won the bronze at the london olympics. that's the most memorable of all the cheering trips i've taken overseas. and of course, taking pride of places, parks, photo of himself with superstar kept in and talk them strike. a song hung been coming from a poor upbringing park has for decades, been helping out at a local orphanage and for the past few world cups as been taking one lucky youngster from here with him. each time going to guitar is 16 year old park. you
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been to hunger as i've been to a lot of local games, but this will be the 1st time abroad, so i will cheer extra heart whether the take of warriors progress from the group stage part will have to be back in 10 days. his business and his marriage, he says, sounds afford more cut. i want to cook. my wife told me to sign the divorce papers before i go to the doctor, but i told her i'll do it when i get back, because i know i can change your mind when i return to yeah. who are? yeah. the price some pay for the love of the game. mcbride, al jazeera de jones, south korea well done. well we'll have more days. well, collection in our special coverage, whichever nation's summer nation after the break. so do stay with us. ah.
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in depth analysis of today's headlines from around the world, whatever the deed was supposed to been, they have to sign because they didn't, they wouldn't get in frank assessments. do you think diplomacy still spends a chance? i'm not very up to about with any kind of negotiation informed opinions. everybody tweets. everybody's on tick tock, tick, tock doesn't vote. you have a winter, it's going to have a whole there pretty soon. inside story on al jazeera, a with a whole
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lou with hello, i'm devin ash welcome. see you at a wildcard today as we try to make sense of an incredible nighted drama, which sent japan into the not out 8th, and germany crashing out of how much were joined by our circle monkey said to help build up the final day off a good game for to go out already through, but it's still 5050 where the christiano are now the will say again, south korea and favorite brazil are expected to feel the reserve team that get the camera on the left when to have a task progressing with
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. well, let's start with what was by far the most dramatic nice with the wild cops. i thought i'll try and talk you through it all 4 teams in group. they went into the final round of group games with chance of qualifying and the situation. it didn't stop shifting throughout the 90 minutes. japan were up against spain and germany will take known costa rica here's how things stood heading in today's games, the spain, or top with the 4 point side of japan. do lead costa rica on goal difference with germany, boston, with just want to points. that was all about the change. it was germany, he struck 1st on the night, said not re opening the scoring against the costa rica without sale. a wasn't enough to break into the top 2 as they needed spain to school. and that is exactly what happened as it did take the lead against japan, oliver and murata, going to the 2nd game and right. and that did shift the table
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a put spain of further clear at the top on at 7 points. and crucially bumped to japan down to 3rd and germany and to 2nd, for this stage it was spain and germany heading into the next round. but then a back came to japan. they equalized against spain, approve it, so and and then just 3 minutes later they find themselves at head with a goal from outside africa, which was controversial because the ball it did appear to be out to play in the build up is that incident. they are decided otherwise. in japan it was suddenly who are not. and again, that completely changed everything and it suddenly, they were top of the group on 6 points ahead of spain. you had 4 and germany were knocked down into 3rd and out of the qualification places behind on goal difference . then there was another twist in costa rica, sports who goes to go ahead against germany, gets into data with the 1st. and then a man,
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well know your own go put them who are not and that really sure things up with just as 20 minutes left to play because incredibly, it was japan and costa rica going for at that point. as you can see on the table here with heavy weights, spain and germany heading home, he would have predicted that it wasn't to be though for costa rica chi habits scored twice to put germany back in france. and then nicholas of added another to make sure we're now that helps spain, but it still wasn't enough for germany. he still needed spain to keep life against the plan, which never happened a so after all that drama, here is how group he finished a japan that had through as that if windows had of spain,
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costa rica are allison for the 2nd straight. well cut germany also exits in the group days. japan had 3 to play of croatia next while spain a comma. okay. and these are the scenes entirety, as japanese fans celebrated it getting into the last 6 things. ally said, as you can see, we can now hear from the head coach and what he had to say in the price match needs to go cycle. everybody was excited that we were able to play as one. again, there were many, many friends who came all the way from japan, as well as ppos that stayed at home with gifting. this wind the people of japan and were very, very happy about that. well as get more reaction to germany getting dumped out, this was that their team bus leaving their hotel until her early on friday as they make their way back home. we spoke to dominic cane and burling earlier, and he summed up at the mood of following germany, 2nd straight group stage exit. the moods here is
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a bit like the weather in berlin. gray, cold, miserable. certainly. that's the feeling, perhaps of many millions of germans after what happened on thursday nights and though ha, winning the match, they were playing in but losing anson tournaments and sat miserable mood is reflected in the newspapers. i've got a couple of them with me. this is the bit set newspaper and they make a play on words, the name of the manager and the flick, and the name of the country hosting the competition. i want to translate that because that is a rather rude reference from german. that what they say here is germany is out because spain did not want to win its game against japanese. now the thing is, that's an interesting element because it's also born at to a certain extent in build site on where it says here, millimeters, hama miller, metric drama, which obviously is a reference to that. second goal. the japanese scores which some in germany belief they were awarded. and it's gives you an idea that there is this sense of despondency at the performance of the german scene. but there is also an element of
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ambivalence because let's be clear about that. fewer germans of watch the matches that, that he was taken part in, in this world cup than did in the last world cup. it's winter. normally there would be a large area. not that far away from where i'm speaking tonight, where many hundreds of thousands, perhaps funds german fans would have congregated to watch the games. none of that has happened. so yeah. ambulance about the tournaments and despondency perhaps about the performance of their teen. i'm gonna glad vying for the final clarification spot and group h, it will be the 1st on the sides have met since the controversial 2010 call to final and south africa that you lie. one, well let's get live to ra, whole path acquisition alden, new stadium. to what this one for us at, raoul, it's been 12 years now to since got since that controversial windfall yoga. do you think the fanta,
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the dyna fans have moved on 100 percent? no, i have not moved on santa i'm as the own, our newest suarez of you regard back using shall we sell you under her tactics to stop by gone for reaching the semi finals on our african fe was ever come as close to reaching the law school out of welcome our new as far as remains lab, the revised public enemy number one, not just a marks gone about a month old africa football fan, but of course, remember this guy is still very important in the context of this. well, chop don, a 2nd in a group could qualify with just the draw as long as i south korea federal to the porch go in the other group h, guide you regarding the baltimore, the group, a 100 percent need a way. but of course, most people really talking about gary aids. why do you tie neals? how about that? i have a thought, a little bit of history with as well. his models. i hardly one of the most
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infamous moment. peter welled comp history. the god of versus year ago, i called a fargo of africa, twin head forever be remembered for this had bull uruguayan louis suarez stopped assess the widow for the black stars and presented them to reaching the well cub. $75.00 going gold to lose the gave it a penalty shoot. it met the south africa. well compet, last last african team. and for one algebra, sports reporter covering the gag with johanna. the beverages that match fresh is all you know, i could still remember all these years later, the crushing disappointment across africa were gone. last not much to year ago. you have to remember that the governor with a lot of african team left in that total that for every single african sign, all the concert was praying that i could beat your glide and reach the semi final. so the matter of that fate, thanks louis flores is games and ship still rankles over
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a decade later. but despite still being public, enemy number, want to go to the 9 at the center of the 2010 coach of se relates repentance towards the 20 to the 1st time. i don't, i didn't say there. apologize about that because i think their humble the board. but they're, they're gonna play a mix up, anybody know me, the black styles of going to say, vaguely, don't from that bar to johannesburg. 12 years ago. the please say they're focused on reaching the lookout stages for the 1st time since the south africa. well kept in towards the ted, we have to stick to our plan. what hop in some years ago will be always history that is in our mind. but this is a different game goddess coach in states. they're not thinking about revenge. but if they can qualify out of group h one at the same time, dr. lewis suarez
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a year ago, why it will make a lot of people that africa. very happy. i've got to, sorry, i'll be livable fine. of course louis flores used to play for level, so i'd often say no, as far as getting up some opposition, did it really help to raise his game? so i don't think a big that's a big box to go and i bought a lot it's i think you've been enjoying all the attention he's been receiving to be honest with you. so don't be surprised if he once again. how's it impact tonight? all right, john, i had heart back to you. i'm sure i've gone in, fans will be hoping for a little less control this evening. now, you saw luis flores is lots of apology that in a row who's reports, and we speak to a man who will say, played that game back in 2010, gone those wilma, captain steven happier. and he told us there was no need for us to apologize. he was asked to, to, to, to how i. and i don't know why, what i mean, i didn't have, it just didn't happen. so i don't see anything wrong. i
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might say to have my time to, to, to go to the face. i will have this money and i mean, playing back 2010 walking and b a particle. i'm a little and some of us to be to then we go to seattle and at least brand know that with 10 going to the $75.00, i'd be happy. so we still, we still have it in our mind and i will have this money waiting for this afternoon when i get to start and day there is a lot of pressure. i mean, there's a lot of tension. this made me realize that we play as a fire that fit into what you said differently. i. so you and i are going to that game later on. we're going to be cheering for
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mama africa. i'm i going to see you a little dance later. yeah. as you can see, my necklace, i'm already set to go. what do you think the blacks are going to get the job done? i mean, there's a lot of attention from the funds back home in ghana and just generally africa as a continent. but looking at the quality that this team has, you know, 100 kudos and sally, so i've really shown that, you know, they have what it takes to deliver at the big stage the, if they're playing their 1st woke up. but they youngsters who are very, you know, experienced they've had a good season back in europe in their leagues with acts of course, for kudos and a lot of support from my former players of ghana, you know, calling into the camp and saying, you know, we got you back go out there and deliver so i think they have what it takes to deliver today, especially i guess the you guys side that is yet to score a goal in this tournament. a moment ago we had from stephen saying, as far as it doesn't need to say, sorry, do you agree?
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100 percent, you know, suarez. he did what he had to do for his team. and you can even claim that he just did it out of instinct to, to try and hold that book. but it sort of just reminds me of the hand of god, you know, with my, i don't know. and it gives you the context that he has nothing to lose, you know, from what he did. it's one of the most iconic moments we know about football and the game of, you know, the beautiful game. but also just really in terms of looking at england, fans that can never forgive him for that. so, but why as he doesn't have to apologize to gun and he owns him. nothing. i said, if gonna make it through will be the 3rd african team to reach the knockout stage. and of course we have camera and playing lead to one. how do you rate their performance in this in cut us 2022 african teams come into this particular edition . knowing that in 2018, no african side went to the round of 16 to the knockout stage, and they had to make that correction. i think they started, you know, poorly or you can say average. but in the 2nd round of group games they picked up
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good momentum. and one thing led to the other looking on moral, could be belgium, sort of encouraged ghana and also camera and decide their game against a sub yet they could have done better, could have gotten eventually the victory. but they didn't have andrea or nana who is their star plan. goal was place for into milan, but they bounce back nicely. and i think i guess brazil they started us. if we can just switch to faces from gone it to your life. i meant, how have you seen, how had you rate that performances in casa, if you've been impressed by what you've seen? absolutely not. i think coming into the tournament, i thought that you guys are, you know, the team that can be the dock close is of course you can start poorly and then bounce back. we saw that we didn't tina, but this you said you have new. yes. you have the, you know, combined the, you have structure, is that a lot of quality just upfront before we even go deeper into the team and looking at them know, go scored is really as statistic to be worried about when you talk about footballing nation, which is as great as you guys so know they've not been impressed, but as we've seen, this woke up they could actually come back, you know, with
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a lot of momentum today and get that victory to take them to the round of 16 shallow portugal and south korea are the other 2 sides and group h south. we need to win this game. if they are to stand the test of reaching the last 16 man, it's just a single point. so for the 2 teams met back in 2002 when the asian side, 11 mill on home oil. and you can now get more on this with the pool. we to be educated at city stadium. but for us, for that again, south korea from a year ago, a victory against or to go to any child to a jury, korea, that's all, i'm very happy i'm fighting a jury,
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but me now says do you think you can win and go through to the next round, i hope so. i don't know, i can credit. i'm not the god we believe we believe read him, make it to roll already through a christian or another. we went through his home phone, the humble beginnings of one of the world's biggest, who's gone. but i mean, there's one all the way for me. christiana, rinaldo is a hero. i believe more in my dream because he's also from madeira christiano, rinaldo passed, and his footballing legacy. come together on these pitches. rinaldo played her as a boy 30 years ago. not many players make it off, the small islands become big stars. but rinaldo has shown that it's possible you can thing on thing and combo was looted. if i continued to train,
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i think i will be able to be like christiano even though that's difficult. but i actually want to be better than him, as he says, you always have to believe that you're the best coach. he kado santos played in the same team as ronaldo here. it under ina mccullough 3rd, an english bizarre. we'll go at that time. no one believe ronald was a kid that would win 5 ball on door was at every one knew he was different. you would do think no other kid would do the door, but no one would say you would be the best player in the world. mason against vehicle the astronomers of overman. rinaldo grew up a short distance away in the hills above madera is capital from shall. it's one of the poorest areas on the island, but his talent has brought him riches. none here can dream of and an almost unrivalled trophy cabinet. christiano. rinaldo lived in this neighbourhood till he was 12 playing football on this street since leaving here. he's one pretty much
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every title at club level and the european championship with portugal. the only thing missing is the world cup. at age 37, this could be his last chance. for the 1st time, rinaldo club carrier, his faulted at manchester, united perhaps adding extra drive to rinaldo mission, with portugal and cats are his godfather for now? so sir, has seen how rinaldo has pushed himself to succeed ever since he was a boy. that i knew what the precinct directly of these builds wall. he would never, never miss training session. always put so much effort in he wants to be someone in football from a very young age and that's why he became what he is. if portugal can win the world cup, it will be the greatest joy. it's not just rinaldo going for the well comp. it's the whole team, but i think he would be extremely sad, frustrated and disappointed. if the team doesn't get that fall. the c r 7 museum inform shall may yet get the chance to add
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a world cup victory exhibition. but whatever happens in katara, rinaldo is already a colossus. here on his home, ireland and the cross the football world. the one form a portugal saw apollo bento was not felt like, felt great at the 2003. well, he's now in charge of the korean but will be suspended for that biggest game of capital 2022 in great g switzerland have qualification in their own hands when against guarantees that progression wallet drop would be enough. providing brazil avoid defeat should. and lisa, they would miss household around 16 for the 1st time since the 23rd, we need to take all 3 points to santa 10. so reaching the last 16 for the 1st time as an independent nation, they look into event their defeat to switzerland to the last that will come from 2018 when twist came from behind a score 90 minute when up by between may not be enough
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a serbia also need cameras not to beat brazil. let's bring in a savvy in a football analyst as sonya in each of it. she's in madrid. song, thanks for joining us. now serbia must be switzerland to even have a chance of getting through and even that may not be enough, but can they get that part of the job done? at least i mean it's a high pressure situation just like you said, serbia has a very unique chance to qualify past the group stage of the world cup for the 1st time in their history as an independent nation. yugoslavia having been the last one to do that with our current coach, adams brokovich, who has been the captain of the team. and i think that serbia has no choice but to go out all out in attack and try to get that when again arrival where there has been so much tension within the past arrival that has a very sturdy, strong defense, as we seen with switzerland before. and it's,
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it's an opportunity for serbia to show the attacking force that they have in the scene. they have mixture the true, broke all kinds of records and the championship and who's now on a scoring spree, both in full him and the premier league and breaking records in the serbian national team. we have lots of each who has yet to make his mark at this world cup . he only played a few minutes against brazil and didn't even feature against cameroon, gets their gambling of each savage. for last, you know, we have the captain of this team and the serbian team is being talked about as a shining example of how attacking players can come together as we saw in that 3rd goal. busy against cameroon, before things fell apart and defend. and this is sir b as chance to show that that attacking power can actually get them through the group stage here. and so you mentioned the tension between the sides. just remind
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you as what happened the last well up in 2018, lots of controversy in that one indeed. so serbia has founded bell in the group here in copar with both brazil and switzerland, who they were in the group with in russia. and in that match against switzerland in 2018 period leading one now before. 8 jessica and chicky were the players who staged to come back for switzerland and basically ensured their qualification through to the group stages. and what happened there was that both jack and katie are 2 players in the 17 who are of albanian origin. and obviously serbian, and i'll be in, you have a very tense political situation over costco. and both of these players celebrated the goal by showing the eagles celebration with their,
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with their hands, which is the symbol seen on the obedient flag. and it was seen as a clear provocation for serbia. and serbian fans have not forgotten this. and both neither has the media and their strong strong calls for revenge in serbia broke profound from, from media from, from all sides basically. and this is seen as a unique opportunity, not just to go through the group, but as payback against a switzerland team that serbia beliefs have been better than in 2018 and who many believe has a better team this time round as well. and the question that i see here is, well, the players able to get out of their minds when they get on the pitch and focus solely on the football. will they be able to walk out all the things that are non non football related and just be out there show what they can do show that the
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schemes does have power to get that, but we are running short on time the 6 interesting in more ways than one is when you need to be in football is thanks for that. and the same group come over and have a tough task on there has head coach. rog, birdsong says they're cheating their game with brazil as a final player, had a special visit that training someone at. so the president of the country's football federation and one of the greatest african player of all time cameron must be brazil. and this encounter, yes, this is a very interesting machin prospects, ayesha and thank you very much, shoot for your expert analysis or we appreciate it will love to hear much more from you throughout the tournament. and you can also get much more wildcat content on our websites. al jazeera dot com, forward slash wowed. com,
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and we're back at 15. 30 g, empty with plenty from kata 2022, including with small build up to the final 4 games in the group stage. at the beautiful early ones, k called that 1500 d m. he had educated this. i'll dedicated join the debate. when we talk about climate change in africa, we should focus on education, not mitigation on our online, at your voice. it shouldn't be exploiting that. what that love, what not is doing right now is doing everything that is going to benefit them more revealing new perspectives like getting this out of proportion. no, no. his reach and has power is what is this proportionate? the stream we're a global audience becomes a global community on al jazeera, a new series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous community is helping tackle to these environmental catastrophe. we journey across new mexico and meet those who
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fight to protect their culture and raise awareness of the impact of climate change and pollution under secret land. first nations frontline native nation voices of survival analogy 0. we are all response even people, faraway are so helping with the environment, problems in the amazon because their consumers, i teach kids about the threats that our oceans are facing today. i've been working in earnest, trying to find ways to get to sleep, reach out to the ocean y. yes. and what are you going to do to keep out of the sort of language that keeps your rental blood payment right? they have wanted to circle back over to applied for equality and got them. eric, i was told the things that were texting, women were made a challenge in the region. i will not be in pro life. i want freedom.
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we don't have read them in this study. these are about 2 weeks now, 3 days. journey to a shelter. we wish to be great. so and this choice, our country someone needs to reveal ah no decision from south africa's governing amc party on the president's political future after an emergency meeting? ah, the whole robin you're watching out, is there a life headquarters here in the also coming up? russia says a president vladimir putin is open to talks about the war in ukraine.


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