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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 6, 2022 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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of the $32.00 teams, only 16, remain as the fif, a will cup. and now as we approach the knockout round, who has water to take the battle through to the pools of vinyl casa, 2022 on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah. hello, until mcbride, this is the news. how alive from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. l g 0 files the case against israeli forces at the international criminal court for the killing of its journalists. sharina ob o'clock will be live from the hike. russia accuses kiva of launching drones strikes di, inside us territory,
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new developments and the ukraine war. remembering the victims of a massacre and the democratic republic of congo, the government blames in 23 fighters for killing nearly 300 people in the east. indonesia is parliament approves controversial legislation that band 6 outside marriage and morocco hub to make history when they faced spain and choose days will top knockout action. ah, al jazeera has taken the killing of its correspondent, sure in our bach, lie to the international criminal cause. the tame was accompanied by a family members of the palestinian american journalist at the hague. the laws suit comes with a 6 month investigation by the television networks, legal, tame, sharina, apple. alkali was shot and killed by israeli forces and may,
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while reporting from the jenin refugee camp in the occupied west bank. the press conference at the hague is just gotten underway. we're going to cross their lives now. good morning, ladies and gentlemen. thank you for coming this morning. my name is kevin de leon. i'll just as external counsel and i'm sharing a space that the more important voices flanked on either side of me. just to confirm that we have just come from the international criminal court. where the network has submitted sharina case to to the prosecutor, the office, the prosecutor, the submission comes 6 months off killing on the 11th of may of this year. and during that time out there is legal team has conduct to the full and detailed investigation into the case. and we have
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a new evidence based upon several eye witness accounts, the examination of multiple items of video footage and forensic evidence pertaining to the case. the submission to the prosecutor has highlighted the new witness evidence, some video footage which clearly shows that sharina and her colleagues were directly fired at by israeli defense forces. the claim by the israeli authorities, that serene, was killed by mistake in an exchange of fire is clearly unfounded. the evidence presented to the office of the prosecutor concerns with, without any doubt that there was no firing in the area where the reading was other than the idea of shooting directly into the journalists were in full view of the ideas as they walked to the group slowly down the road, wearing distinctive media vests, and there were no other persons in the road. the idea of the inquiry, but found there was no suspicion of any crime being committed is entirely undermined by the available evidence which is now being provided to the office of
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the prosecutor. the evidence shows that this deliberate killing was part of a wider ideas campaign to target and silence al jazeera. the network welcomes and acknowledges the continuous efforts and support of the international community and human rights organizations in calling for the perpetrators of this crime to be held accountable. i am now going to pass to various evac might my colleagues here are distinguished colleagues, but also and people are intimately involved with, with, with serene and, and, and with her case. and to start with my professional colleague or rodney dixon, casey. good morning. thank you very much for attending to day. it is a very significant day because we have as cameron explained, and just submitted on behalf of l 0. the full
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file of evidence that has been gathered to the ice, is he prosecutor? and what we're urging is that, given that in the palestine situation, there's already an investigation open. that this case should be one of those prioritized to be taken up as soon as possible. a really 6 months has passed or without the officer, the prosecutor giving india indication about what is happening with this case. many have called for an investigation. terean's family are here to day have made the own request. the palestinian authority has provided a comprehensive body of evidence and yet there's been complete silence from the office of the prosecutor on this case on cases across the board. in fact,
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in the palestine situation. but we're here to day to, to focus on sharon's brutal killing. so we are urging in, in, in our submission that the prosecutor, now hairs a comprehensive body of evidence. we have over the last 6 months, interviewed eye witnesses who were there who recorded it. we've also unearthed a whole lot of new footage that has come out from different angles, different places showing what happened. there's been a comprehensive inquiry done by al hack or which also looked at a crime scene analysis or which put together with the evidence that we are providing and all the evidence that there makes a overwhelming case for the prosecutor to investigate
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their there. there can be no reason now we say not to take the next step, which is to investigate, find the persons responsible and charge them. there is no obstacle, of course the prosecutor would have to go to the judges to request those or arrest warrants but, but that's what needs to take place. now the prosecutor's office has had this evidence already for some time. they certainly have all of the available material now, and we are that as most hopeful that in the coming months we can finally see progress. in this case we are in particular hired outing that not only should the prosecutor be looking at those people who were directly involved in the, the shooting. but those who. ready were in command,
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the prosecution has clear responsibility to look at those who bear the greatest responsibility for the commission of these crimes. and that means going up the chain of command, the icy c, undoubtedly a jurisdiction over the doctrine of command responsibility. and, and that means not only looking at those people who directly over saw the operation, but also those who have failed to prevent it and take any action after the fact. at the, at the very least, those in command should be held responsible because they have said, there is no suspicion here of, of, of any crime. so there's been a complete cover up there. it is the statute, the geneva conventions, and the additional protocols require that those in command must at the very least, investigate and punish those responsible. otherwise they are as liable as those persons who pulled the trigger. they can be held responsible for the murder as,
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as though they were they, if they do nothing afterwards. that's the state of international humanitarian law. that is what applies here. and that's what we're asking the prosecutor to turn his attention to. we are aware, and we've mentioned this in our submissions of the fact that the f b i has indicated that they are going to conduct an investigation. that is to be welcomed. but to make it very clear, that is not a reason for the prosecutor to step back and say, i am now not going to take any action under the complementarity regime, the i, c. c, should be investigating, alongside national states. clearly these ready authorities are not doing anything, they're not playing their part, but if other states are that is to be encouraged, the prosecutor can work with them. they can share evidence, particularly if they have evidence of. ready those who are responsible, those in command, that can be done or a cooperative basis,
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and the prosecution here in the hague can intervene if the national jurisdiction is not covering it sufficiently. or if they're only looking at certain perpetrators. this has happened before. those can be looked at by the national jurisdiction and others particulars at a higher level by the atc prosecutor for there's no reason not to take this forward or or to freeze things because of the efie i investigation. lastly, we also want to emphasize that the case that we presented is one which shows a wider attack on elders era over a prolonged period of time, which is now escalated to the direct taking of life. but prior to that, they had been the bombing of elders errors bureau in garza, that is included in our submission and evidence of that. and those who were there
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at the time together with an number of other attacks and assaults and torture of l 0 journalists. and of course we add to that journalists under attacking palestine generally. so there's a wide patton and policy. yeah. in relation tell to 0, a clear attempt to shut it down and silence it in palestine to prevent the truth and the information that the public once coming out. so there's also no reason to say this is only an isolated incidents, not one for the i t c. no, it is a streaming service incidence that falls in the context of a widespread and systematic campaign. and that's why we are seeing the prosecutor look both at crimes against humanity and will crimes. to conclude, we are hopeful that they. ready will now be justice for sure
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in will, urging on behalf of al jazeera on behalf of hearing and family that the prosecuted to the right thing. now, with all the available evidence and looked at den to find those responsible and charge them so they can be put on trial. thank you. thanks for trout rod mentioned sharing family and we have with us lena, who is lena black, who is assurance nice. hello everyone, and thank you all for being here. i'm lena barclays, shooting our barclays nice. who as you know, and as we mentioned, shot and killed by an israeli soldier over 6 months ago. i am here today on behalf of my family because months after multiple requests have been submitted to the i, c. c. the court has still not taken meaningful action towards accountability when individual states are unwilling or incapable of investigating their own atrocity
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atrocities, as in the case with israel, it is the responsibility of the international community to intervene, to insure war crimes, don't get unpunished, don't go unpunished. while there is overwhelming evidence from multiple eye witnesses over a dozen of investigations by reputable news outlets and human right organizations and the united nations that shit in was targeted and killed by an israeli soldier. my family still doesn't know who the person is that shot that deadly bullets and who was involved in the chain of command that allowed them to, to kill my aunt. and these answers are critical in pursuing accountability. and just as for shitty and it is clear that israel has a history and a div defacto state policy of targeting palestinian journalists like my aunt in order to silence their reporting on israel's human rights violations against palestinians. israeli soldiers are almost never held accountable for their war
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crimes which creates a culture of impunity that allows for these atrocities to continue. but we must end impunity if or for israeli war crimes. it's past time for justice for shooting and for every palestinian that has been killed by the israeli army. my family is here in full support of as of al jazeera submission regarding an investigation into my aunt's killing. just as we stood in support of last month, submission to the i, c. c. sheen worked at angelina for 25 years. they were like her 2nd family. we expect the prosecutor to wear quickly to pursue the truth and justice and we expect the court to deliver with accountability for the individuals and institutions responsible for this crime. and we also request a meeting with the prosecutor himself. the evidence is overwhelmingly clear. it's time for the i c c to take action and we'd expect anyone to do the same if it was
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your sister, your aunt, or best friend that was killed. thank you. thank you lou, but i had no invite to lead a murray who was al, deserves man on the ground as it were, and was a close working collie of, of she room to, to address that you were young. thank move for little body. we came here to ask the general scooter to take action. in the case of shirley in now more than 6 months have passed since the mother of our dear colleague, friend and sister, she and i barkley and all the eye witnesses, the videos, the evidences and the investigations were conducted by international institutions and locals and the international media, they confirmed the fact that the shooting was from where the israeli
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troops stationed in jeanine and they targeted sharon and the other police who was in combining with her and the blaze. and they also confirmed that the all the shooting was to sharon and others. and the traces of the bullets in the car of trees were surely enfold, is arranged between $127.00 centimeters and $178.00 centimeters which confirm that they target it to kill. and the 2nd thing that all the journalists, including the actually in they wheeling, in the same time, they're wearing the vests, and the helmets labeled breast, which means that it was very easy for the israeli soldiers to identify and to recognize them as journalists in the area and also,
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all this investigation were conducted there, confirmed that it wasn't there any and ballasting people was in there, an exchange of fire in the area. and when the glue of the journalists including should in they arrived, it was calm. it was by it, wasn't there any dangerous for anybody and they start working, working just to do their job. and they were well from the is a little bit more than 180 meters. we came here to ask the general recruiter, as i said, to take action in this case. we will follow all the steps and we will continue to support the family and to support our employees when we asking or we demanding justice for sharing. this means that we need protection, we need to protect ourselves because they will continue our issue here. our case is not against the soldier who pressed the trigger. it's
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a systematic bullet see in there. they continue shooting and attacking journalist. and since the israeli commission has started in june, $67.00, and now more than $100.00 and for a journalist will kill for us. they culturally in twice they culturally when they shut her and jeanine. and they called her when they attacked the casket. the coffin inside the french hospital is julius had him while people preparing themselves for the funeral. and we didn't have any kind of interpretation for this action that the israeli occupation police when they attacked and they invaded to inside the hospital. because as i said, for us today, culturally and twice as i said before, and does my colleagues here in font,
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we came to ask the general scooter to take action in this case, action, which means to open investigation and to follow her who is responsible for this policy and the killing of our there is surely. thank you. thank you very much running m at next we're up front mary. a friend mary mary. h for the i are executive director of the international press institute. please. hello, good morning and thank you at the international processed issue. it is a global network of editors, journalist that is k to the quality in independent journalism. and in this context, sharina killing in may sent shock waves through our media community impressed freedom organizations. as i said already, sharina and her colleagues were wearing blue vests emblazoned with press,
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clearly marked, and therefore were clearly targeted. as journalists, several journalist organizations grouping belin carrier, including the forensic architecture theme, helped to counter initial efforts by the israeli authorities to so doubt over who killed sharin. and this is another example where the media are doing key investigations and reporting on the facts. and asked a initially denying responsibility in september israeli authorities admitted that there was a high possibility that sharina was accidentally hit by its forces by they refused to pursue a further investigation or bring any charges against the soldiers involved. and this is in this conduct. we welcome the submission to the international criminal court by the family by al jazeera and the announcement recently by the us that there will be an f b. i investigation into sharina killing. but this has to be,
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as was said, already complimentary to the investigation by the i c. c. because states have a responsibility to investigate attacks on journalists promptly thoroughly, and independently and to prosecute. those are cook who are responsible. this is one of states fundamental responsibilities. it's the fundamental right of the right to life. and this responsibility does not disappear in a conflict or in a conflict zone. on the contrary, the authorities are legally bound and the international law and human rights law to ensure the safety of journalists, even in situations of conflict and a deliberate attack on a journalists can constitute even a war crime. and as we heard, sharyn was the latest in a long list of journalists killed by the israeli military. i saw the figures by
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unescorted, at least 18 journalists in palestine have been killed by these railey forces in the last 20 years. that is almost one every year. in addition, many have been attacked, threatened had their equipment destroyed. and this killing of sharina represents a particularly egregious attack on press freedom. not only because of the credible reports that sharina and other journalists were intentionally target, as journalists, and said they were wearing clearly marked best as press. but because of the impunity by these railey forces for crimes against journalists. and the government announcement that they will not investigate the skill inc. further adds to these concerns. the international press institute together with 34 human rights groups, demand an independent investigation into the killing of sharyn. in august this year
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we together with international media support. ready honored sharyn, a barclay with a 2022 world press, re them here of ord, noting that sharina dedicated her career to report them on a range of issues in these railey occupied palestinian territories. often risking her life to work on the front lines. she inspired millions across the arab world with her professionalism and dedication to pursuing the truth at our general assembly. our members met in new york in september and the. ready unanimously adopted a resolution calling for full justice in the case of sharin a barclay. so in the absence of an independent investigation, any partial investigation by the government of israel, we. ready call on the i c. c to conduct this investigation, interact, circumstance. so she is killing. and whether this constitutes
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a war crime under the wrong statutes. this is about sharon's right to life. and every journalist's right to life, there must be accountability for this senseless and horrific killing. thank you. thank you very much. at finally, antoine bernard, her director of advocacy reporters without borders hearings, murder is the ultimate demonstration of a pattern idea of targeting journalists. this is call the wall crime hearings. murder is not the 1st case of journalist targeted by idea. if we fear it is not the last one. as long as justice is not
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served independent in partial effect of justice. this is why a report is without borders, calls the i see, see procedure to her to take action. his investigation on palestine must proceed. it must get to conclusions. herein was murdered on 11 may 2022. in janine 4 years before may 2018 garza journalists covering the march of return are repeatedly shot at by idea of snipers. 25 may 2018 iris have filed its 1st criminal complaint on palestine where the icy c proceed cuter. after analyzing the case of
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20 journalists, including 2 shot dead, there are yessir more tiger 30, a photographer, for the independent, an media agency, and a med abu, st. 27. a reporter for jab and b sanusi. both we are clearly identified as journalists, either by a vest or by your helmet bearing the word press. in all at least 20 journalists have sustained gunshots, injuries one year before shoe ins. murder may 2021. in garza, again targeted is ready for his attacks. destroyed the bureaus of as he shouted, trace and a jazeera in more than 20 media outlets. 25 may 2021 r s. have filed its 2nd criminal complain where the i c c prosecutor asking
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for the procedure to include is ready as tracks in the investigation into the situation in palestine. yes, palestinian journalists have been targeted for doing their job as journalists very likely those frames including sharon's qualify as war crimes. at a minimum, there are reasonable grounds to believe say, where is distinction? where is precaution? where is proportionality? not only international humanitarian law imposes a new negative obligation not to harm. it imposes a positive obligation to protect, especially journalists for their social function is a corner stone of democracy in palestine, the occupying power. israel is very far from it. violating such
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negative and positive obligations have a name and a criminal law war crime. independent investigation. prosecution by restaurants are long overdue for accountability to prevail at last. israeli justice, mere camouflaged alibi. and eventually escape the caricature of quote, unwillingness in the words of the room statute. this is way reporters without borders dies support sharon's family, lena triggering the icy persecutor. this is why i reporters without borders, does support our job here as fighting to the i. c. c. investigation today, this is why reporters without borders called the i c. c. procedure to acts in his
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investigation on the situation in palestine, including the crimes against journalists, including sharon's. murder must proceed. thank you on time. thank you everybody. i'm. we've heard the legal perspective, the professional perspective and, and, and the perspective of assurance family as well. and if anybody has any questions from members of the panel, please let them be known and keep faith all time are professional are or you can hear the horror. oh okay. okay, so yeah. now the question i,
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i don't know can answer debts mertz. ah, is it how, how difficult sir, would it be to also prosecute, stir now important to politicians or military commanders who are responsible because sure. now can you oh yep. abs, are they deliberately decided to kill or shrieking, and or how can you prove that? because you cannot, of course, or if israel don't cooperate or you don't get older, the evidence dare. so ah, how is shirt with possible to get the real property to oh, for perpetrators. thank you. all is perfect and then at rome, you touched upon this when you spoke briefly. yes, thank you. and this is a challenge in, in every case that, that the i see he has to take up is how to link it to those high up who, who are in command and we see in the ukraine situation at the moment of the prosecutor
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is looking at the same complexities arising, but they are clearly ways through this through the, the prosecutor focusing on, on getting the right evidence and to find the routes to achieve that is, is, is vital. our concern at the moment is that no steps haven't been taken to try and do that. i mean that's what prosecutors have to do, that they have to engage with the tough evidential issues and show a commitment to doing that, as we expect from, from all of our national police forces and prosecutors, when is a murder, we don't just say, aha, how we're going to do this? no, we, we expect the police to find a way of doing it in after work around the clock. 24 hours, 360 days to, to, to, to make sure that they exhaust every single channel at and, and find that evidence. so there they are certainly ways of doing it. and the
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important thing now is to show the commitment to chasing a doll or in sharon's case, there is ample video footage of the vehicles that were involved. we have number plates identified it, it will be possible. ready to identify the units involved, those are in command and then extend it all the way up. likewise, as i mentioned early on the if the i are looking at this matter, there can be a cooperation with national bodies who may well have evidence to show who was directly involved. prosecutors can also draw inferences from, from one of the circumstances in many cases that i've been involved, and you don't always have direct evidence, but you can look at all the circumstances and show what is the only reasonable conclusion. and then lastly, at the very least, that the doctrine of command responsibility is, is a safety net for all where a military force like the idea of simply says there's no suspicion of any crime
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that's a clear breach of the doctrine of command responsibility. because you have a duty to have an effective investigation and investigation which would look at all of the angles including it, interviewing the very witnesses who we've interviewed there. there's no evidence that the idea has made any effort. they certainly haven't interviewed the witnesses who interviewed to find out what happened. yours are required under the doctrine to have contact with the family. with the employer with al jazeera is me no contact, no effective investigation has taken place to, to get to. ready the bottom of this, and that's a violation of international humanitarian law. and as i say those in charge of that he refused to do that. can be prosecuted as though they were the murderers. it's a, it's a very particular doctrine that exists in international all that can be used here. it doesn't exist in. ready all a national jurisdictions answer isn't for complementarity, but it certainly does here. so at the very least,
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the doctrine of command responsibility can be deployed. and it's not any military commanders. it's actually called superior responsibility because it covers both military and political if they had effect of control over the perpetrators in the situation. yes, you have to show that they knew or should have known, but that is a different mental standards to directly intending it. and in this situation with all of the information out there, and also the fact that people know now they certainly know now, and they've brazenly said they're not going to do anything about it. so that's the basis alone to trigger the prosecution's actions. in addition to all the direct forms of responsibility. thank you, rod and gentlemen may 2nd row. thank you. with this as your professor at the international to do the social studies over adams university. rotterdam, i teach human rights and international law and i'm very pleased by this press conference. i also want to extend my,
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my simply my condolences in my solidarity with the family of a, a berkeley. thank you very much. also for being here. i just want to say ask rather for confirmation, did you meet with the international criminal court? what was their response and do you not get the sense that they realize how this is part of a continuing pattern of harassment of prosecution? not just a journalist, but also of human rights defenders including representatives of many palestinian human rights organizations here today. thank you. frankie, i am gonna have to pass her to rob coffee within the man who went into the i c. c, today to pass over the filing. yes, thanks we, we didn't have a formal meeting with the, the otp we handed over the material. there's a lot of material on usb devices to the evidence unit so that they can process it and it'll now be reviewed. and as has been mentioned, we will be looking to follow that up with a, with a formal meeting. but the 1st stages is to get it in and to get it all reviewed together with all the evidence that they are ready. and then look to to take up the
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matter further with a formal meeting this morning at the i says he building since also i would have lime foreign courses. i'm foreign correspondent, he and the egg that he bought for media in germany, switzerland. aust, if you are just joining us, you've been watching a media conference from a delegation from al jazeera, which has highlighted at the steps the international criminal court should take to pursue justice for correspondent sharon outlay. she was shot and killed by israeli forces in janine in the occupied west bank in may. jonah ha, has also been at that press conference at the hague and joins us now. joanna, the delegation has outlined its evidence. egg handed it over to the i see, see, can you explain the, the process from here was described as
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a significant moment by rodney dixon. casey, the lawyer, leading the investigation and leading al jazeera as submission to the international criminal court to the participants in the room. in that prescott you've been listening to will be hoping this amounts to a significant step further down the road towards justice and accountability. for the killing of serene walkway on may the 11th of this year, and i wrote a dixon casey the basis upon which they are filing this formal request to the i c. c. to launch an investigation and to prosecute those responsible. he said that the case was submitted as part of the wider responsibility undertaken by the i c. c. in march to 2021. recognizing its own during addiction, over events and claims arising in the occupied territories. he requested that this become part of that wider investigation and also noted that it is being presented
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in the context of a wider attack on al jazeera and journalists more generally in palestine by the israeli military. in an attempt, he said to silence the media. now the package, if you like, the dose of evidence being presented here is the result of a 6 month long investigation by al jazeera show rooms employer of course, which he said shows eye witness reports, new video being analyzed, forensics and crime scene analysis that she read and her media colleagues with fire that directly by the military that the israeli military is claim that she had been killed essentially by accident, by mistake. as part of the gunfire being exchanged by israeli and palestinian government was founded. there is evidence, he said, that puts in no doubt, so there was no other firing taking place apart from that that's coming from the israeli soldiers and that the media were in full view of them wearing very clearly
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marked media style insignia. therefore, the contention is that the claim of the israeli military, that no crime was committed, is entirely unfounded and undermine what happens now to answer your question. sorry for that lengthy explanation. well, all of this evidence is handed over to the i c. c to the office of the prosecutor, korean khan, who will pour over it and essentially decide whether to launch an investigation. all of that said, though it has been pointed out and pointed out very strenuously by sharing nice lena blocks. but in the month since, so definitely 7 months now after repeated requests to the i c. c to investigate. still no action has been taken. so the hope, as i said, this is a step along the road. but no immediate work from the i. c. c. no immediate sign of whether indeed the prosecutor will take up the case. okay. you know how thank you so much for that join. how from the have for us. thank you.
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the with the other news now ukrainian drones been used to attack and in the field in the russian region of kursk. that's according to the governor. there's been no comment from keith or moscow when. meanwhile, russia's defense ministry accused ukraine of 2 strikes on monday proper. and golfer reports the blast came and early as of monday morning, daylight revealed the damage at one of russia's ab bases not far away from moscow. the defense ministry accusing care of using drones to attack the facilities or the russia claimed some success in blunting the strikes. ukrainian you avi's, flying at low altitude, were intercepted by the defense of the russian aerospace forces. russian officials say several servicemen were killed in the explosions at military bases near the
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cities of reason. and serrato of kiff hasn't commented. but if confirmed it would be the deepest ukrainian strike in russian territory. since the start of the war on the ukrainian counter punch of to weeks of russian bombardment on energy infrastructure, the ukrainians are being up brain o l bombardment from long range russian sprite weapons brown miss bow against civilian targets. and it would be both ukraine morale to know that they're also hitting russian target in return. so if a call, a combination of crane always want to do that or you raise and now they have an act go window to do it. ukraine was blamed for an attack on the cash bridge and crimea less than 2 months ago. on monday, russian state television should president vladimir putin assessing the damage. meanwhile, his forces continued to rein done missiles across ukraine. some hit this village
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ins, parisha killing, at least 2 people and destroying property. and further strikes on critical infrastructure has left many areas without electricity. barbara and grampa now to sierra the ukraine war is on the agenda at a summer in albania, leaders from the european union, and western balkan countries, a meeting in the capital to ron em. they're also discussing e u membership prospects, migration concerns, and the global energy crisis. the summit comes as fears, grow of rising influence from russia and china. natasha butler has more on the significance of the summit, and to runa, this is the 1st time that an e. u. western book and some it's actually been held in a western balkans country and so the prime minister of albania, the host the nation. this is a positive sign about western balkans, you aspirations now. the western balkan countries have low wanted to be part of you,
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but is a, it's a process that is been dragging on for many years. that's often been a source of great frustration in western bulk and capital. now there's no doubt within the e u. there is, there are some divisions over enlargement, but russia's born ukraine has certainly focused minds. and what we are seeing is more and more leaders sending the message here, wanting to send the message that the western focuses very much part of the family. we just heard as much from shell, michelle, the head of the council as he arrived here in toronto a short while ago. what the you doesn't want to do is try and mitigate the risk of people in western vulcans. becoming disillusioned with the you, with the whole process and possibly turning elsewhere. whether that be to china, that is investing heavily in the region or to russia that has those low cultural and historical ties. particularly with countries like serbia that still has links
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to moscow. at least 16 people have been killed in an explosion in northern afghanistan. it happens in the city of massage sharif, explosive zone of roadside, wood detonated as a bus was passing by. 18 people were injured. the congolese government has accused him 23 fighters of killing 272 civilians in north keeping province. people in the city of goma have held vigils and called for justice for the victims. the attack happened last week in 23 fighters have denied responsibility that the congo accuses neighboring were wonder of supporting the ripple group. then denise, his parliament has passed a new criminal code which makes 6 outside marriage, illegal and punishable by up to a year in jail. the revision applies to both citizens and foreigners. the law also bans unmarried couples from living together. opponent say it allows the government
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to police morality and limit free speech. the code will come into effect in 3 years time. i remember, we have done our best to accommodate all input and concerns. but in the end, we have to take a decision, a historical decision to leave the dutch colonial criminal law behind the own. patrice hasanti is electra at the indonesia in terrace school of law. she says the new code is unconstitutional and breaches human rights. there is research published by national commission on women's rights. there are more than $400.00 local regulations that are actually discriminatory against women. so we are afraid that with the article said that living law is recognized as some article in the, in my pass prime. then those kind of local regulations can also be a leak above and as the national commission on women's rights,
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those luckily lincoln are mostly women. but when women cannot be outside the house, are that women cannot leave it on public officials and all that. there is also very effective group in indonesia at this moment, just like in many other countries, i believe really just the group. and the ones that want to be recognized as well by the politicians have quite a strong bargaining position. the development telling them that this current government has at the moment. so having this kind of code which basically will shut down any against the government will make it easy for the government to
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you know, to conduct further development which, which might destroy the environment and against the humor. right? but so, so this having this kind of, you know, god will be very handy for the government to punch all the development. china has held a public memorial service to on a former president young women who died last week and nationwide, 3 minute silence with and served as siren's sound as president shing ping led tributes to the former leader in beijing. joan was cremated on monday. at a ceremony attended by past and presently this from the communist party. the 96 year old died and shanghai from leukemia and multiple organ failure. petrik faulk hairs more from hong kong. got a copy of today's oriental daily news of with john in black and whites as a mark of respect is remembered in hong kong. of course,
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as the leader who oversaw the cities a handover from britain back to china, it was appeared of great optimism among many people here. many people were excited about the trajectory that china was on to day. perhaps many people feel differently. it is a sensitive time and as far as we understand, there is a continued heavy police presence in cities like beijing and shanghai as well. notably, that's the formation yesterday. huge, it's our is gens predecessor made his 1st public appearance since he was controversially removed from the communist party, the congress. and you know, in many ways gens that death. the timing of his death was remarkable. not only because it came so soon after that highly politicized moment, but also because it's come amidst this unprecedented wave of civil disobedience. any one trying to get into beijing international airport will no longer require
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a niggas of covered 19 test results. testing requirements have also been removed for people to into most public places in shanghai. it's the latest easing of pandemic restrictions prompted by wide spread protests across china. when media report suggests, a new set of nationwide roles will be announced. protest is in mongolia capital have dispersed after storming the government palace. officials had ordered police to use force to break up the crowd up the scuffle. this broke out to demonstrate his calling for an into corruption and the angry about the village. 5th of a $12000000000.00 coal shipment to china was south africa. the parliament has delay decision to discuss in battle prison, several rema foes as future. it will now take place next tuesday will earlier ruling party bosses indicated, they would vote against adopting a report which accused him of further of misconduct. mama jim june reports from
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johannesburg on a day that had the potential to feel 0 room opposes feet. supporters of the embattled south african president came out to sing his praises as the executive committee of the ruling african national congress met to discuss findings from an independent panel that mister rom oppose a may have violated his oath of office. these members of the agency had their own message. i'm saying we want to continue, we end up building up the car to say we need to visit the country. and the agenda if you need to. and the new one, but not everyone in this small crowd was there to express support. these are the people that mr. paul must have mr. i'm a poser who showed up to refuse himself from the proceedings in the middle of an
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ever growing political scandal that's been dumped farm gate. it concerns the theft of at least $580000.00 from fall apollo, his private game form, and allegations that mr. rama poser attempted to cover it up for days it was unclear if the a n c is top leaders would back mr. roman, closer, or ask him to step down. but after hours of deliberation, that question was finally answered. let the kid with the responsibilities on 2 sides time that all this process, it requires that you can continue mr. rama poser, who continues to deny any wrong doing, has filed court papers challenging the findings of the independent panels report. some analysts believe the agency's leadership ultimately decided to support mister, i'm a poser, not because they believe he's innocent, but because there are no credible alternatives,
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there is currently no untainted contestant for leadership of the party. and so they're deciding to back mr. m. oppose that largely because of both the political and economic fallout that might result. and if they went ahead with an impeachment process, parliament was originally set to meet on tuesday debate the panels findings and potentially vote on setting up an impeachment procedure. but that session has been postponed by a week. and since the a and c has the majority of seats and parliament president rum, oppose. a who's been assured of his parties backing may now have a lot less to worry about. how much am drama 0 johannesburg? ah, for monday nights world comp action from the round of 16 saw 5 time champions, brazil breeze past south korea. sh with the for one victory. die now go to the
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quote funnels with a face, croatia. bad sound to the 2018 funnels croatia, b, japan, 31 on penalties after one all full time to repeat. assume it was at stadium 974 with reaction to the brazil, south korea again an emphatic victory for brazil. the 5 time will champions hammering south korea here at stadium 97 fool as they march they way into the quota finals way, croatia all waiting as the next opponent. joining me here is one rango to discuss this fixture. one in modern football, defense obstruct is all really, really tight. and oftentimes it's very difficult to break them down. but tonight we saw a little bit as eco, a little bit of remark, little, bitter on obedient little bit, a cocker. this is good to see wasn't yeah, it was and you started to see around in the press area, how they would say there you started hearing of those echoes of 1982 but 1982 with the intention of being able to go and get to
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a final and also 1982 with some defensive prowess. so again, you start to see this brazil side all of the attackers lucas bucket done name odd when you choose junior. so, and he sadly, so all were integral to the victory here. a very fundamental, a very, very impressive victory for brazil who can say the argument right, of saying, you know, what, we are probably the best team in this during the right. now. clearly the case know before the game, we were talking a lot about name or to know inside 15 minutes for know before half time, how important was he in the in the created, he attracted, he started to be able to create spaces and opportunities for everyone else that's how brazil ends up being yet name. are you the numbers? he's one of goes away from from equal emberly's number of goals in there. there was a national team, you start to see a brazil that opens up a bit more v, shadowy. so has more space finishes junior has more space covering your has more space on and on and on it because of the more in his movement and his ability to
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understand that he is the one that attracts, that he's, that magnet in the middle that attracts the vendors to and fro, but it's always good talking to you. we'll speak again closer to that quarter. final brazil versus correlation. it's coming up on friday. and. and today's no account matches. morocco will be looking to qualify to its 1st will cup quarter final when it tries to spine at 15, g m t. that game will be played at education city later on at 19 gmc portugal take on switzerland at lou sales stadium. and the middle east's. first world cup morocco represent the last chance retained from the region to lift the trophy this year sarah hart has more. a climmer. okay. made it through to the knockout stage. if they weren't the only on celebrate, oh, it's the 1st time in 36 years in our nation has got this far as a world cup. the wind was for the entire region. after the other 3 middle eastern
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countries, kat artemisia, and sandy ravia went out in the group stages of little sort of a lot of them. this is an honor for all of us. morocco represents us arabs in a good way. this shows the european and the american teams at the world cup is not just for them. it's morocco's time now. but merge jeff working at american restaurants in central cats are, is enjoying the outpour of support. it makes her feel less homesick. salia lot in the, in what they have been door hack allowed the moroccan community and cut that felt great pride to meet our people coming from around the world that they went to, challenges and difficult flights to meet us residents living here. they made us forget the pain of being away. moroccans make up one of the largest communities in qatar with many working in the food and beverage industry. cabella motley valley, vivica, them abroad. but when morocco one, wherever you went, you would find people congratulate and cheering for you from different arab nations,
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even for foreigners. it gives a person so much pride and happiness that the moral crunching reach. last 16 can learn more to have money more from. no matter if the atlas lions can be spain and get to the quarter finals, moroccan say they're proud to represent the arab bulls loss hope to make it to the world cup. final certified al jazeera of today's 2nd game sees portugal take on switzerland's. christiano. rinaldo has dominated the headlines ahead of that match. he reacted angrily to being substituted in the a to one defeat to south korea on friday. his coach says he was very unimpressed with what he saw and refused to confirm if rinaldo would be captain for choose days match line camp. novi, neither not when i saw what happened, yes, i didn't like it. not at all. i did not like it. i really didn't like it, but everything is finished, a full stop regarding that issue. and now we have to think about the match and
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everyone is focused on that equipment. you can find much more on our website. the address for that is al jazeera dot com. ah, i they all ready for the 1300000 football fan. ah, maybe that is totally the beginning, the noise going to keep moving forward with the make or break moment for synagogue. more than happy here, i can tell you that funds with green cities displayed in my queue and i got into that. they would not, i do believe is what argentinians are feeling here in central when inside
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and here in the center of so you could almost have been given. but thinking that south korea with an opportunity for found to be created and celebrate their team. ah there was a time to be direct. there is a growing realization that rights can be taken away in this country to cut through the rhetoric. how can we resist this narrative in the hall dangers and demand the
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truth? join me, mark them on hill for up front. what else is here? with me i just need a file is a case against israeli forces at the international criminal court for the killing of its journalists. should not walkley those who come on should be held responsible because they've said there is no suspicion here of any crime. so there's been a complete cover ah .


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