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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 8, 2022 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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will lift the truck, but more often than women don't. what do you guys think of the resolve? ebay ah, ah! she's safe. she's on a plane. she's on her way home. u. s. basketball a brittany griner is released from a russian jail swap, twin arms dealer known as the merchant of death. ah, your entails is out as they are alive from london, was coming up the long road ahead for peruse. new president d number who are to seeks a political truce. as you propose to form a government. claim that nigerian army ran an illegal abortion program forcefully, terminating thousands of pregnancies and keeping carmen carrying on king charles
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refuses to comment on his son's title tv series. ah, hello, russia has freed basketball or brittany griner in a dramatic high level prisoner swap, where the u. s. she was exchanged for notorious arms dealer, victor boot. it was once one of the world's most wanted men. the days before russia invaded ukraine in february, griner was detained at an airport, having less than a gram of cannabis oil in her luggage. she was sentenced to 9 years in prison for drug smuggling. it to boot who served 12 years of a 25 year jail term in the u. s. for conspiring to support terrorists and kill americans, he's accused of selling arms to warlords and rogue governments, and is known as the merchant of death. the one for one swamp was a surprise as us officials had also pledged to bring home for the marine and
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corporate security executive pool whelan. he's been detained in russia for 4 years on espionage charges. his family and the us government say baseless white house correspondent kimberly huck it begins our coverage. president biden announced the news in a tweet, releasing a photo of himself, vice president comma la harris and brittany grinders wife sharelle, speaking to the basketball star. as she flew back to the united states, she said, she's on a plane, she's on her way home. after months being unjustly detained in russia, ryder was arrested in february at moscow airport for drug possession and smuggling after authority found trace amounts of cannabis oil in her luggage. she was convicted in august and sentence to 9 years of hard labor in a rush and penal colony us officials, led by the president condemned her sentence as disproportionately harsh for months
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. the u. s. has been negotiating with russian diplomats to release her. she endured mis treatment and showed attitude in a show trial and russia with characteristic grid. the white house will say what suddenly changed only this week brought a breakthrough on thursday. griner was said to the u. a as part of a prisoner swap for russian arms dealer, victor boot, he'd been serving 12 of a 25 year sentence in a u. s. federal prison for conspiring to kill americans. acquiring exporting anti aircraft missiles and providing material support to a terrorist organization at the white house grinders wife expressed relief. her ordeal was finally coming to an end. the month y'all have been so privy to one of the darkest moments of my life. and so today i'm just standing here overwhelmed with the emotions,
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but the most important emotion that i have right now is just sincere gratitude. subsidence still faces questions about american poll wayland left behind, and currently serving a 16 year sentence in russia on espionage charges. his family says he's innocent, sadly, for totally illegitimate reasons. russia is treating paul's case differently than brittany. and while we have not yet succeeded securing paul race, we are not giving up still, their fear about present and violence decision to swap a convicted arms dealer for an american convicted of drug possession. their fear is it could encourage further hostage taking and send a global message about the price, the white house is willing to pay for american lives. kimberly, how can al jazeera, the white house, elizabeth rose defense specialist and senior research for the the role united services institute. she joins us live from washington. d. c. thanks very much for
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being with us. just to go back to victor, boot himself. tell us more about him and why the russians would have been so keen to get him back. so victor boot is one of the wells most famous arms dealers and he is not. so let's say an official arm still another depends are not representing an offense company. he trades in the world of illegitimate arms transpose, and that makes him known as the merchant of death. so he is really a very notorious character. he is a russian national and he was convicted in the u. s. criminal court that years ago for his arm stealing, which has contributed to, to american death. the allegation was that he was convicted. so he is really a very notorious person, and russia has wanted him back ever since. i mean, he's report repeatedly denied in interviews that he was linked to the russian intelligence. so says, but is it likely that he would have been given what he was up to? i think it's neither here nor there. what he did was serious enough and trading
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these arms to, to and from very dangerous regimes. arms that, that then went on to kill americans. and so that made him a high profile. the person for the us criminal justice system to try to trying to bring to account, which is what then happened. but the, the russians have been very keen to, to get him back. but it's, he's not, he couldn't be freed in that, in a traditional spice walk because it was, he was not convicted of espionage. he was convicted of on things. they seemed to have been a convenient and actually very desirable trade to make for the russians. and what are the potential risks associated with this kind of deal with this kind of exchange. so bought is known to every day government around the world, including barry, very nasty governments, is that the u. s. government will do anything and it's hard to get your citizens out if they get into trouble in another country. and that makes it very attractive
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for companies that, that want something from the u. s. to sees an american citizen and trade, that person for somebody they want or something they want. and that, that hostage diploma is incredibly powerful because the u. s. will never engage in a sort of fit for tattoo, for example, say, well, if you see one of our basket, you seized one of our basket based basketball players on, on spirit ground. so we will do the same to one of your that's not with liberal democracy dust, but the u. s. government is so committed to getting and citizens back that, that all the governments will then say, well, you know, we want something from the last. we'll take somebody and then we'll trade a the, to people and we will win. and this seems to be the case through just one little intention to hang some pictures on social media of ground leaving prisoner. and the white has been a pain, is to say that no other concessions were made to, to russia to secure grind his release. why would they be so keen to, to make that point that i think that the,
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there may be a doubts among the general public among, among other governments, and maybe as to other concessions. maybe not additional people being freed because that would be obvious from, from, from press coverage, but other concessions in other areas. but i, frankly, i don't think there is any recent us would have had to make any other concession simply because, because the boot is such a prominent a crooked prominent criminal problem, the personality and the russians have been wanting him back for so long. it was a very big concession by the u. s. government that has been resisting for so long to, to exchange him. and now it's clearly snow, saw no choice, but exchange him to get her britney grinder back and what, what about so many people come to have said, well, what about pull whelan that the, who's also still there? what, what, what are the prospects for people like him? now that this has happened, that's right, it,
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it really is very bad news. we'll call we'll, unless you remember, he is a former us marine a secure the contract arrested in and, and serving jail time in russia on espionage charges. so it's a bit more so rather very much more serious. and brittany greiner, who was convicted, convicted of pacific dead narcotics, a very small amount on the catholics. so he had his case is much more serious. and now the u. s. as essentially given up its biggest prize, i hate, it holds an american jail in american jails. victor boots against brittany grey now . so that raises the question, how can i get poor wheeler now the clearly needs to get him out. it's not fair that he should sit therefore, in russia dale for, for years where his birth and greiner gets up after less than a year in a negotiated deal. and i think what the american government will have to do is grant russia concessions in some in another area because it doesn't really have
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that sort of price personality that russia wants out at this point. and so we could see, for example, sanctions concessions. it would be a very painful concession for, for the us to make, but it is, it's one of the hallmarks of american diploma. it gets it price, it's very hard to get. it says sit, says out and pays very high, a very high price for it. and is with bro, thank you very much need for you to thank you. ah, cruise as to former president is facing a rebellion charge a day after his removal from office. hedrick castillo was arrested just hours after saying he would dissolve congress by presidential decree. move, the country's constitutional court said was a, could a talk. his vice president, deena, blue arctic has been sworn in becoming the 1st woman to lead the country or even a sanchez joins us live now from lima. ma'am. okay,
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just about what's happened on thursday. oh lauren, a has given a press conference at the residential pilot, which is something new because i see you have the 2 b, r o 2 on the brand. and she again asked politicians a because she wants to bring together the country. but he also, i was for a to, she said they ask too many questions. and at one point somebody asked her if she, if she was going to make it to do tend to seek food and the person until term. she has been a dad to one of the best for the country. it didn't have to wait one to interpretation. one would be
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a fact that she could, it be ousted. i decided to leave before that the general election, a lot of challenges. i had more a day of how well my be do with vice president. he never knew out of the been sworn in the country from you. so there's no cost to you to solve congress by presidential decrease ah, moved. the countries constitutional court said was a, could a talk to do that. as a result, he quickly lost the backing of his political allies, geography, though in fine thought a co attempt has been made an initiative laid by mister piedro castillo. it was not echoed by any democratic institutions or the people following on from the constitutional order. this congress has made a decision, and it's my duty to act accordingly. what it was congress's 3rd impeachment,
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attempt to oust castillo. he tried to save himself with a bold move. thomas, though this, this young wilcox rarely digital congress and establish an exceptional emergency government while calling for elections for a new congress and drafting a new constitutional. ah, he then went even further ordering the military to patrol the streets with a night m curfew. but as lawmakers began voting for the impeachment castillo left. the presidential palace with his family. police say he was going to request political asylum in mexico, but instead he was arrested. his supporters clashed with police outside the station where she was held throughout his presidency. castillo had constant confrontations with the political opposition. he was even expelled from his own party. now lawmaker say they want to work with a new precedent. get wang, i go when guy we knew that she should come with a cabinet that helps to deal with problems, not ministers who will only praise her. i mean,
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run the novel new out of the is the 1st female precedent of be due. she has asked peruvians for unity and lawmakers for a truce. ah, ah, there is outside of the jail where president of lewis loan in last night that there been hell are of you. i was facing the station. there's a group roll says there's a small group here to support me there. well, they say he should not have been, i've been vacated and that he should not be in jail because the people they say they want. and they wanted to know who is now he's in today with those who have asked for a preliminary detention because it was a danger that he may leave from the country. because in fact, president a mexican put it in my middle of
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a former student. you had asked him for asylum and that he had said, rick, and that's exactly what i feel was even yesterday when he left the potential policy . so for now, it will be a 7 day, a preliminary detention until the process, you know, what will come there in the center. thank you very much, dee still to come with 0. german officials say they expect more arrests and raids as they unravel a right wing plot to i was for the government and we visit the so called one bank set up by u. k. charities to help the vulnerable whether rocketing energy prices. ah, is a look at the international weather thanks so much for stopping by so still cool air
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toward the se, mixed them with some showers, but your fortunes will be changing the same time or dialing. temperature is up for western australia. look at marble bar 46 degrees past few days. the temperature has been above 45, and certainly we could hit a 48 degrees by the way, painted the colors on dark with the red, the higher the temperature. see those high temperature through the outback and things are starting to bounce back toward the southeast by the tail end of the weekend. other side of the tasman right now we got this system winding up so it's throwing rain and wind mostly to the south island on friday and for the south pacific right now it's our usual scattering of showers in storms in the sewn next stop indonesia wave of rain is going to brush up against what's java province. so some big downpours and forecasts there on friday. now, for indo china, we'll see most of that energy has come further toward the south, but this could cook up into something tropical. just east of the philippines. we'll keep our eye on that temperature is coming up across china. we've got this steady
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stream of rain for northern taiwan and in japan. more snow for that western side of hoko island on friday. see you later. the 2 in co cater culture of knowledge, openness and pluralism worldwide, and to reward merit and excellence and encourage creativity. the shake him out, award for translation and international understanding was founded to promote translation and honor translators, and acknowledged their role and strengthening the bonds of friendship. and co operation between arab islamic and world coaches o
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a tough storage and under 0, russia has fried basketball, brittany griner, in a high level prisoners walk with the u. s. she was exchanged for notorious alms due to victor boot years. president joe biden says, griner is safe and on her way home. peruse asked if the former president petro castillo is facing a rebellion charge a day after his removal from office is successful. do you know who i was wanting to know? because you was impeached and then arrested. nigerian army has been accused of running a secret illegal abortion program among victims of all groups. reuters reports that at least 10000 pregnancies have been terminated in the countries northeast since 2013 reports. as many of the women and girls had been kidnapped and raped by
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members of the groups such as her. many of the bushes were reportedly carried out without the women's consent. agirri and military leaders deny the program existed. in the beginning, we were in our town, vocal harass, came in, attacked. they grabbed us and took us away to the bush. after that, we were in the bush in their hands. soldiers came and took us. after that they took us to get our barracks and they boarded our pregnancies. i'm going to mina has more from boucher o'neil on thursday. the night julian government addressed the media as well as issued a written statement in response to the allegations made by the reuters news agency that thousands of women rescued from book around fighters had been forced to undergo abortions. and that report by reuters agency had said that at least one of the women they had spoken to had described how she had been taken to
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a dark room off to being rescued. forced to take tablets as well as given injections, which then resulted in abortion. and in her situation, there were at least 5 other women in that room now be doing military has, in that statement that they issued as youth, the number of adjectives to respond to these allegations, saying that they alive it. these are concocted stories concocted allegations that they're wicked, and also calling it demonic journalism and a fictitious series of stories intended to insult nigerians and nigerian culture. that statement issued by the military also went on to say that thousands of booker, i'm fight to specifically, had surrendered in at least the last 18 months. and many of them were part of a re integration program following their surrender from the book of fighters. and it did also said that it had wanted to respond to this. reuters
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report as to the journalists from way to the agency had to be collecting their information. but it has now had the opportunity to respond. it is said that the nigerian soldiers have, under no circumstances taken part in any systematic or legal operation to conduct abortions that this hasn't happened and to show soldiers they cherish life and death. despite the difficulties and the challenges the nigerian government is facing in terms of security in the country. germany says it expects more arrests and raids in connection with a far right plot to overthrow its government. police raided $130.00 sites across the country on wednesday. a small town in the east was at the center of the plan. so many came reports from ballad bought lorden stein is
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a sleepy town in the eastern german state of 13 year. and yet in this castle, police say the alleged plotters would meet to discuss their plans and stole their weapons. it belongs to hi, miss weiss, a minor aristocrat who styles himself as prince heinrich, the 13th, but who investigate his believe is the ringleader of the group. a man long denounced by his family and by other towns people for espousing conspiracy theories of all citizens of bad lunchtime received a letter this past summer in which we were told that we were not german because our passports were not german. we were then given the opportunity to apply for a german origin documents with, with the sender called the voice administration. the driving ideology of the royce group is from the far right rice burger tradition. it would do away with democracy and reimpose, the imperialist rule by a monarch or kaiser. many thousands of people have a loose and not criminal affiliation to the wider principle. but very few have
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actively plotted to bring it about. convince people can be very st, and germany can be very radical and can be violent. we have seen that in our history, and this is the very reason that the big majority of the people say not again. certainly the mood among many germans is one of incredulity. this is michelle, it is fasfa. it's not really comprehensible you hear, but such lands and other countries. but for this to happen outside my front door to the government, we have is not ideal, but probably better than what they had planned to look to be honest. i have no words so far away from what i personally believe in. so i find it hard to grasp. one central question being asked is how some of the alleged plotters could have reached positions of relative power and influence in society. another question is
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what the country should do to remove such people from office earlier. rice borders have a love hate relationship with this building. as the bond is target federal parliament, it's a demonstration of a democratic germany. they would abandon. but as the old rice tags building, it's a reminder of the imperial germany, they would bring back for now. ministers say they've sworn in that ambition. dominant cane al jazeera berlin. iran has announced the execution of a demonstrator who is involved in anti government protests mos in chicago. he was convicted of wounding a member of the power military forces with a weapon. and blocking st. nationwide. protests broke out after the death and custody of 22 year old massa. i mean, in nearly 3 months ago, she was detained for wearing, quote unsuitable attire. here in the u. k. charities and community group. so responding to a surge in energy prices where the creation of so called warm bags spaces where
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people can go to stay warm if they can't afford to heat their homes, with temperatures falling fast, new fog visited rock switcher level, it is helping vulnerable people, whether the cost and in crisis. rural england on the coldest day of the year. so far. picture perfect villages. but for some increasingly rustic living standards, saint mary's church is opening its doors every week during winter, for those seeking warmth, comfort, and company. in uncertain times, everybody was affected. we had it so easy to may. you know you've turned the tap has been hot water. i'm have money to pay a bill so many turn heating on. there's only been very, very lucky in this country. very lucky and we always rate how others. now we need the how across the country. thousands of public buildings are being turned into so
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called warm banks, where people can go to heat up for free, especially if they can't afford the soaring cost of energy bills, which have doubled it down to charities, businesses a community groups to step in amid a worsening cost of living crisis. this is an affluent part of the country. chocolate box, england for this crisis is affecting a broader spectrum of people than ever before. every one is getting poorer, every one's wages are being squeezed and every was costs are going up. for those people who've been just about managing money, couldn't be any tighter. and now, increasingly, poverty is embedded within communities. swarm. banks operate on the same principle as food banks like this volunteer joe payton is packing surplus goods destined for people who can't afford to feed themselves all their families. it was seen again the last month is we're seeing people that are working or people who've been on benefits, but they've coped. and now they've got to stages there's,
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there's nothing left, there's nothing left me to put on the metre, i comp heating on because i hadn't got any money left this week. buquet is the only g 7 country with a smaller economy. the before the pandemic and inflation is at its highest and 40 years, the pandemic and worn ukraine are undeniably of fault, but breaks it in recent political mismanagement of stifle hopes, of a fast economic recovery. the result, more people relying on the kindness of strangers to meet their basic needs, needs, park al, jazeera oxfordshire, and a new series produced by netflix britons. prince harry has opened up about why he left the u. k for his wife megan and their 1st child in the 1st episodes released on thursday. the fiercest criticism is reserved for the media. the series also touches on attitudes within the royal family that the mother reports. it's really hard to look back on it now and go. walmart happened. it's 2020 and prince harry
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and his american wife megan, that you conduct years of sussex, believing the u. k. we've just finished ah, 2 weeks on the final crucial loss. stent of mortgage, once it's just 4 years after they 1st met the level of 8 that has been stood over the last 3 years as, as she gets my wife and my son as my mother, fagley archie. i'm generally concerned for the safety of my family of 4 children. the 1st of 6 episodes of his netflix series goes back to harry's childhood. i think we can look at if can replace this one. but i'm, it explores how he felt the glare of the media of the effect it had on his mother, princess diana, who died in a car crash while been chased by press photographers. as a panel in the series, harry says, members of his family questioned why mega should be protected from the press. the
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difference he told them was the elements of race the way tabloid. newspapers used racist strokes when talking about megan, marco has been well documented. but there was, according to the suffixes, also racism from within the royal family. something the families denied. it led to a break down in relations, most notably with harry's father, king charles and his brother, prince william, and contributed to megan, feeling suicidal for a long time. people at myself had been talking about the insidious nature of the racism in britain. and we've seen it so many times. light reflects to us in the british press, and we've been told that we imagined day or wo beings, he sensitive. what this does is it all says a conversation about race and racism and the class to stem within brits. over interviews in the netflix series were done by august this year, the month before queen elizabeth died. oh, it's very much the couples accounts and the royal family says it's not commenting on it. the worsening relationship between the sussex is in buckingham palace as an
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institution dominated royal coverage here in britain during the last years of queen elizabeth's life with prince harry's father. now on the throne, you might think there'd be a chance for a reset. this new documentary suggests it's still complicated. nadine barbara al jazeera london ah top stories now she's here. russia has freed basketball and brittany griner in a high level prisoner swapped with the u. s. she was exchanged from the tories arms dealer, victor boot should been sentenced to 9 years in prison for drug possession and smuggling after months, been unjustly detained in russia, held under intolerable circumstances. britney will soon be back in the arms.


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