tv News Al Jazeera December 13, 2022 7:00pm-7:30pm AST
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o, unprompted, and uninterrupted discussions from our london broadcast center on al jazeera. ah, the u. s. says it's made an historic breakthrough in nuclear fusion. it's being held as a potential game changer for clean energy. ah, you're watching al jazeera light from a headquarters and del finding abigail also a heads stepping up to help ukraine allies pledge more than a $1000000000.00. an aid is russia targets energy facilities. the u. s. host an african leader summit as it looks the counter russian and chinese influence on the continent. and getting set for a world cup, semi final showdown midfield, maestro line up for the battle between argentina and croatia.
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ah, hello. it's being held as a potential game changer and the field of clean energy. the u. s. has just announced its calling a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion. the department of energy says scientist carried out an experiment to using the technology, producing more energy than it consumed. fusion is seen as a potential clean power source that could revolutionize the energy sector. last week at the lawrence livermore national laboratory and california scientists at the national ignition facility achieve diffusion ignition. and that is creating more energy from fusion reactions than the energy used to start the process. it's the 1st time it has ever been done in a laboratory anywhere in the world. simply put,
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this is one of the most impressive scientific feats of the 21st century. so advocate say if the technology is perfected and could provide limitless clean energy colon baker explains how it works. nuclear fusion is joining adams together at high speeds. it's what happens in the sun, and it releases huge amounts of energy. scientists have wanted to replicate that process since the dawn of the nuclear age. unlike vision, power fusion does not dump dangerous radioactive material into the environment, and it doesn't produce carbon emissions. it does need extreme conditions, very hot, very pressurized, and it's difficult to sustain. however, it cannot cause a chain reaction. if the process fails, it simply shuts down. as well as the u. s. france, china and the u. k. all have invested billions of dollars into this research, but they're still decades away from delivering
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a system that works. many experiments use a machine called a took a mac, which looks like a donor, and uses powerful magnets to contain the reaction. another uses a modified canon to smash 2 targets together in california, scientists have fired a powerful laser. the size of a building at a ball of hydrogen isotopes, smaller than a p, the p implodes, fusing to make new elements. and the force that was holding them together is released as energy that can be captured and converted to electricity. we've been hearing announcements about fusion for years, but this time scientists say they have generated more energy than they used in the process. which could be good news for the planet. anika carne as a research fellow in nuclear fusion at the university of manchester in the u. k, she says it could be some time before we can actually use fusion energy. in the past experiment, a fusion actions have required input more energy into the reaction to diffuse the
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atoms together than has been output from the reaction itself. so this result is the 1st time in history that the fusion community have managed to output more energy from the reaction and they've put in which is really, really huge milestone for the community. previously, this doesn't take into account that the energy that was required for the lasers in this case. and so there is a while to go before we can say we'll have fusion power on the grid is going to take several decade more. i believe it's going to be after 2050 before we have fusion energy on the grid. but the fact that they've, they've had this scientific breakthrough is massive, but we still have materials challenges, engineering challenges, and people challenges. we need to train much more people with the relevant skills to work in this field as well in order to make a reality on, on a big scale. ukraine allies have pledged a $1000000000.00 worth of aid to help us get through the winter as russian forces continue to target the vital civilian infrastructure. more than 70 countries on
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institutions offered to help officer an appeal by president below the resolution sky. during a donor conference in paris, the french president, somebody run across, says russia as a tax on energy infrastructure among 2 war crimes. that we see a place in the fed meeting there, sort of the following its recent military defeats, russia has decided to system ethically target critical civilian ukrainian infrastructure to plunge ukrainians into cold and document. this is why we decided to organize an emergency response to unlock immediate help and basic coordination of how a cry mckinney or a child, isn't she? and she says, ukraine is in dire need of international health. the reality here in ukraine is that this is a country with very, very little a huge deficit in energy at the moment. with pretty much every thermal power station in this country, damage in some way or another up by russia's recent drone and missiles strikes. m
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zalinski was talking to this conference by video link and he was saying that, what's ukraine needs at the moment? our basic bits of infrastructure, basic things good. that can remedy the deficits in energy. so generators, transformers backups for those transformers. back up with a back up so that when russia strikes, again, which is probable, then these systems can kick in and get power back on line as quickly as possible. if you have eli d's to make sure that it's the illumination that people have and buildings and, and homes is as low energy as possible money to basically make sure that this is all streamlined and an online platform, so that ukraine's needs when they, when they arise can be fulfilled by its friends and allies around the world as quickly as possible. now at the conference, i it wrapped up basically with more than $1000000000.00 in dollars in aids being
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pledged to ukraine. $400000000.00 of that or so is going to go to the energy grid. then the remainder when it's properly allocated will guys, things like health care and transportation and water, crucial things that the ukraine needs to get through the winter. there was president, job aid and as attempting to counter growing chinese and russian influence in africa. he's invited dozens of african leaders to washington d. c. for a 3 day summit. it's the biggest international gathering in the u. s. capital. since he started a coven, 19 pandemic. biden's also expected to use the event to announce us support from the african union becoming a permanent member of the g 20. kimberly how can is joining us now from outside the white house with more on this summer to tell us why it's being held now and, and who's attending and who's not attending. yeah, that's really of
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a lot of interest. the who's a who of the guest list, what we know is the white house was keeping a closely guarded secret, mostly because they were little embarrass. last june when the summit of the americas, one of the major gas, the mexican president did not attend. they didn't want that to happen again, so they kept it to really hush hush until just now. we know that the, the leader of south africa, not attending, instead of who will be attending is the international relations minister. we also know that not in attendance will be the leaders of working fasa, molly, guinea, sudan. they'll be excluded because the african union has suspended them because of unconstitutional changes of government. eritrea also not attending because there are no diplomatic relations with the united states. but we do know $49.00 leaders in total were invited. among them. we know that kenya, zambia d, r. c, nigeria,
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malawi, namibia, mozambique is the opium. so sudan among others are either having their leaders or representatives in attendance. but again, it's all about making sure that this is robust as possible. because as you mentioned, the united states really keen on trying to get as much influence on the continent, given the fact that one of his main adversaries has already put a pretty big footprint that being china as well as russia. so what are some of the top issues that are going to be put on the table? well, in terms of economic investment, the white house was really playing catch up, given the fact that you'll remember back in 2014 brock obama was saying that to, you know, this is something the united states was going to make a priority. then along came donald trump, who really backed off on all of that. so nothing's been done kind of in the interim . so this is an attempt to revive that pledge in that province. but in the interim,
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china has done a lot. and so the white house is trying to not only reinvigorate in terms of these relationships, but they're going to do so by making a couple of big pledges. you mentioned one of them already. and that is that the white house is going to make this big push by saying, look, we're going to back you african union. we're going to say that we're going to give support for you to become a permanent member of the g 20. but the other big push that the president's going to make here is that they're going to make the united states and investment in africa in a range of sectors range of countries in terms of 55000000000 in terms of direct investment. that's the other big pledge that you can expect to hear from president biden in the coming days. thank you so much. kimberly how can reporting from washington d. c. south africa parliament has voted against adopting the findings. if a damning report on president cyril, roma, po, saw an independent panel concluded he may have violated his oath of office. the
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inquiry was launched after room of hosa was accused of covering up the theft of millions of dollars, an undeclared cash from his game farm in 2020 the european parliament has stripped one offense, vice president off her duties after she was accused of receiving bribes. greek m e p. a kindly was arrested after belgian authorities drawn bags of cash in her home. it was part of an investigation into a ledge attempt by ago state, named by belgian and greek media as car through influence. parliament decisions cuts are, has denied any involvement. he was financial authorities have charged the founder of the collapse crypto currency exchange f t x with fraud. the securities and exchange commission says sound bank men free to use customers money as his personal piggy bank. it alleges he spent it on luxury property and political donations. bank meant freed was arrested in the bahamas on monday. he's being held, pending extradition. gabriel is under, has more. his lawyers are flying down to the bahamas as we speak to meet with him
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as r. u. s. prosecutors expect the u. s. prosecutor is going to ask the, the bahamas officials to extradite him to the us as soon as possible. and he will be most likely coming here to new york to face charges, charges that are now growing by the minute if you will, the securities and exchange commission overnight or early this morning, announcing that they are filing a civil charges for security fraud. they say that he built a house of cards on a foundation of deception in their announcement of these charges. and then he's also facing, of course, his criminal charges that came down on monday. but the southern district of new york, these are the very serious ones, is expected, a space wire and securities fraud. add it all up. and if convicted, he could face decades in prison. now for his part, sam, bakeman fried has been speaking to the media over the last several days before he
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was arrested. and he said that he denies any wrong doing. he said that he certainly made some mistakes, but that he, he claims he had no idea that any fraud was ever taking place. still ahead on al jazeera protest over the hosting and peruse former president show no signs of easing. despite a pledge to hold early elections and why gloss blowers in afghanistan, fear their industry is dying and are appealing to the government for help. ah, anticipation is rising. and so is the atmosphere. you read the width of my castle aways. now they've got a tropical cycling in mix and i but this one up here we can just barely ignore it. it's probably going to dissolve itself is just an indication of how much potential energy there is. it is being recognized and released. so the sas in the southern
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philippines, possibly across parts of bornea and once again norden, passa, sumatra. the far sas of updates from malaysia even thailand, south of that. and it's tis the wet season that you get daily thunderstorms, a quite big in sudden sumatran western java tube no is going to be immune to be honest. man, if you follow the line up to change the season, the season really has change. these temperatures in china are well below where they should be compared with the average. and that cold out which is really came out of sight barrier, can be crossed. the open waters will produce huge amounts of snow on the western slopes, in honshu al qaeda. but a bound to be increasing was increased risk of avalanche. there'll be warnings out for all that and the snow low levels in the korean pressure as well. mostly we're talking sunshine, but cold rain will be felt in hong kong and record amounts of randomness falling in taiwan. we might break the east asian reco very soon. there was happening on the west coast of india, a developing cycling,
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maybe one. i'll certainly watch it's unusual to with sponsored by categories. how does the team from a smaller league draw the bigger crowd? why does the irish flag fly high? he's got his club. what is it about that has the world over healing them all? politics and football fan is now with the friends who make football. when i was with me. oh,
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hello again. the top stories on al jazeera, the sour, the u. s. is announce what is calling a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion? the department of energy says the discovery will lead to clean energy and an end to dependence on fossil fuels. us president joe biden is hosting african leaders is washington tries to strengthen ties with the continent. talks will focus on the corona virus climate change on russia. invasion of ukraine and trades. u. s. financial authorities have charged the founder of the collapse crypto currency exchange f t x with fraud san bank min free it is accused of using customers money as his personal thinking bank. he was arrested in the bahamas on monday. so the world cup, semi final showdown between argentina and croatia, kicks off in less than 3 hours. jemina has more it's well cup semi final
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day here at castle 2022. the match at lee sale stadium will pit 2 of the great his players that to our non potentia against each other. that's crazy as like a budget. jad argentina's and lino messy both a captains of their respective countries and both that won't be crown champion for the 1st time as well. it's likely to be their final wild comp appearance. the winner of this match will be back, at least they'll say to him in front of $80000.00 fans to pay the final on december 18th against either france. will morocco, hey samantha johnson, to give us some more context to this fixture games or one and last, often by the very finest of margins, the funded the margins with great to the heartbreak for the loses. brazil and benevolence would have dearly wanted to have been playing in this game with a was stopped by 2 penalties. say even go. hi i'm samantha johnson. this is woke up
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what a room so here we are. a 1st 2022 woke up semi final glacier made to the final in russia 4 years ago. watching tina have won the competition twice. but to get here they have 2 men in particular to thank her way. she is dominic liver clue rich and argentina's, and he lost all his penalties all a lottery. but martinez was will shield of brilliance against the dutch and live a co rich efforts not only kept them in the game against brazil, but in short, 6 argentina. we'll be looking to martinez all the more now because 2 of the key defenders, 2 of them most don't determine players won't be there. console him on to put so hot he led to win the corporate america final last year was ak unit is equally tough. he grew up playing bad 1st on stony grasses, patches of land. neither will appear against croatia. i picked up too many, anna cods, that would encourage luca. mont, rich, gracious captain. he's 37 now. and this is likely being his last,
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well. watch out for bruno peck of it. it's like he's got them to draw a game with bill to force the penalty shoes out. but standing right opposite them will be football fans and around them will be argentine. it's sunday. expect skilled expect, good drama. and above all expect and then metric atmosphere. yeah . well, in other news, a boat carrying migrants on refugees trying to leave. cuba has been stopped by the coast guard and have on a bay. it's estimated that a quarter of a 1000000 people have left the island in the past 12 months. many of them are looking to escape cuba struggling economy and are making the dangerous boat ride to the united states at augusta and has more from have you been leaving that country and unprecedented not been over the last 12 months. the loan of almost a quarter of a 1000000 cubans to migrate in, i'd say, just one country why they're leaving the country. economic situation primarily,
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the backdrop is a highly inefficient, essentially find the economy one of the last in the world. but in recent years, the island has been hit by the 12 punch of the pandemic. and us sanctions, us functions rushed up to unprecedented levels under the trump administration. lawsuit largely left in place by the current by ministration, and upon them it has crushed tourism revenues. one statistic to make the point about how bad things over the last 3 years, foreign currency inflows, the amount of money coming into the country has been cut almost in half. that's less money for food, less money for medicine and less money just to keep the lights on. people are fucking me through and we do think it's very sad because if a country doesn't have a new generation to take the baton over from the old generation. well, there is nothing, it's empty. we're going to go through my necessity, that the problem is there is a lot of cost. if you work hard,
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you can buy any st. everything's very expensive. we work too much and, and too little economic. i mean those that leave leave out of economic necessity. i work, but my salad is not enough to get by. gosh, i bought a blue boat with about 10 cubans washed up along the shore. i don't if you can see behind me, but it's currently being pulled away by the cuban coast guard vessel that says at all until people see real improvements in the lies until people see a reason to stay. hundreds of thousands of people are going to continue making that threats restraining to united states more protest. hers have died in peru let's as crowds continue to call for the reinstatement of the former president pedro castillo. the appointment of deena buller warranty has the new president's on her promises to call her early elections, have not appeased. angry protesters. marianna sanchez reports from lima. oh, nearly 2000 protesters over run the air coating. nikita good 2nd largest city. they
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blocked axes and clashed with police main, highways and several regions remained blocked, but whose political turmoil is growing with people protesting in large and small cities in the centre, south, and north of the country. for some, the demonstrations have turned deadly. the family of 17 year old dick, i'm to remind you of kiss b is devastated by his death. alina, my mother is very hurt because he has been killed like in a slaughter house. he was a student, an athlete. my mom wants justice. on monday flights were canceled, bus terminals, closed tourism officials say 1000000 passengers have been affected. as the u. freedom, they shout in front of the jail were former president b lucas to you is under arrest. following last week's field qu garcia's allies say he is the legitimate president. not the no one dorothy can i know,
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did you not dina, below, archie must resign. she is the one who perpetrated acute she was a leftist, and now she sold herself to the right. from his cell castillo said in a handwritten letter that he's been kidnapped, miss tweeted, humiliated and accused, but what they of stealing the presidency a this cd? the last we meet in a message, a national tv early, monday. only 5 days after being sworn in the new president said she will send a bill to congress advancing elections to april 2020 for 2 years before she should finish her term. many people here are corners, a former president bill august the year, and they said that whatever the number one is says or doesn't, they will not believe in her because they call her a traitor. these protestors said when one of the most resign and castillo should come back, we're going to stop. okay, more early. rather we want another election. we want the president to be reinstated
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that because he's unjustly imprison, no one ever played who has been immersed in political turmoil with 6 precedents since 2016 now most protesters are demanding that new general elections are simply not enough. but in a sanchez, i just see that lima be doing brazil as president elect has broken down in tears at a ceremony ratifying his election, went into capital brazilian. the we sincere lula, da silva, wept, says he told the audience that brazilians have re conquered democracy. he'll be sworn into office for the 3rd time next month after defeating jerbill scenario. and october is running for election. nearby supporters of the outgoing far right, president jacob, also narrow, tried to storm the federal police headquarters and brazilian military police deployed officers to disperse protest or is angry about the arrest if an indigenous leader who's a bull scenarios supporter. let's go more now on that world. cup semi final
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showdown between argentina and creation kicks off in less than 3 hours. and alexi o'brien is standing by for us at the lucille boulevard, to tell us what the mood is like amongst the fans there, and how much anticipation there is alexi. mm. i have to say there is a huge amount of anticipation, excitement nervousness, everything going on, only emotions for the fans down here. as you said, i am on the loo sale boulevard. it's about one boy, 3 kilometers. just a couple of up. i have to read it that way. is that stadium of the side of that all important semi final slide between imagine tina and croatia. this boulevard actually was modeled on the shorter lease. i am paris button. i reckon have got more time square vibe. there's lots of colors, there's lots of big screen size. going to have a conference with getting a bit chilly out here. i have to say, no, i think a lot of people in the middle of went to my lot makes it still 21 degrees. but i was speaking to some identity in fans earlier. i know on our cameraman is one of
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them absolutely terrified about tonight's game. one guy was actually pale with anticipation heading into the match. this is, as you heard from jimmy earlier person to max of football and giant's against each other, argentina's, liam elementary, up against growing croatia. luca aldrich, by hoping to take that team not only through to the final but also hopefully get that title. i'm actually joined now by one agency and i've been in iowa and his father, my daughter who's come you all the way from argentina. how long was your journey to get a weekday would like a 24 hours for what a site. so what are you hoping may not be your big journey for tonight's match against correlation day with bay. we were waiting decide to say much easier. we get here. ah, we are so narrow. but we are going to wait. what do you reckon the school will
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be? in a while i is going to wait. you know, last time you met argentina at last the world costs and 2018. you lost 3 now. what do you think is beta about your team now? and we think we have a very good players now on macy's. he's, he's moment when he's playing so very well. are very go, deborah. they argued hello. they are all the players. fantastic, thank you so much for your time, man. thank you. have it done. so you can see that confidence actually from these guys hitting into the match. i was making some correlation bands early, a very confident as well, possibly thinking they could even take it to, you know, who knows what will happen in this will come, they have made so many surprises. we're just got a few hours to wait until we know who will be making an end to the vinyl via i do that a count way. thank you so much, alexia brian, reporting from the sale boulevard in dell ha. now the hirata region of western i'm
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gone. hassan is renowned for its traditional glass blowing and dates back centuries and has long been a draw for tourists. but just to gloss blowing, companies are left in herat and they're calling for government support and donate valencia yes. issues as had a had a my name is glen sucky and i'm one of the glass blowers here in harass i me on that one day cuz he won't need any philip. i've been practicing for 40 years or the artist here unemployed. one of them has become a laborer, other itself has wheelbarrow al ot now skills of vanishing known as paying attention to us know and saving us, especially me. i am disabled. this out form doesn't provide an income right now. we can't benefit from these skills because our country isn't safe labs, a tourist, don't visit and place orders from us. previously, they were 5 kilns, but now they're only 2. we only turn one on if we have an order or someone asks us
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to turn it on because the killed is very expensive to operate. so we can't turn it on every day and work because we don't have any orders. we make things some glass left here. no one buys them. under the previous regime, it was better foreigners and tourists would come and buy from us. but now with the taliban, there are no foreigners here. we only turn on this kill every 2 to 3 months. as you know, the economic situation is not good and people are worried. many people in herat wonder why we buy glass to make decorations, when we could be buying other things for ourselves, like food and clothes. for this reason, the glass blowing industry is struggling and vanishing. a member of the cape op group bts is starting his mandatory military service in south korea gin, the oldest member of the band posted a picture of his new military haircut. fans have expressed concern that the band might have to go on hiatus, and 6 other members are likely to enlist in the coming years. surveys conducted
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show the issue, the spark debate over whether the countries conscription system should be revised. ah. hello again. the headlines on al jazeera, the u. s. isn't own so it's calling a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion. the department of energy says the discovery will lead to clean energy and an end to dependence on fossil fuels. last week at the lawrence livermore national laboratory and california scientists at the national ignition facility achieve diffusion ignition. and that is creating more energy from fusion reactions.
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