tv News Al Jazeera December 16, 2022 12:00am-12:31am AST
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satellite out in the biggest sports event on the planet, the price, the greatest trophy of all, and a chance to cement their name in history. katara 2022. on out, is there a ah, no protest is keep up their support for peruse, ousted president, despise his state of emergency as the supreme court decides whether to jail pedro castillo. ah, hello i, mariam, noisy. in london, you're watching al jazeera, also coming up on the program. thousands riley in supportive stumbles niagara. mo, you, who's been banned from politics out of next year's presidential election. as her
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heaving arizona hit by more russian as strikes a, you government's agree on a new raft. of sanctions, of russia's invasion of ukraine. ah, nurses in burse and go on strike for the 1st time ever joining a wave of public sector a walk out. was the cost of living crisis. fine. ah . when you begin this hour in peru where demonstrators of again blocked roads in protest at the removal of president pedro castillo. and in defiance of a state of emergency, at least 8 people have now been killed in the ongoing protests on wednesday. police fire t gas and rubber bullets in an effort to disperse protest is in costco. the army is being deployed to stop. protest is blocking roads like major pon american highway.
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some demonstrations want the new president, dina, but what a to resign and for new elections to be held. the supreme court is currently deciding whether to give castillo a year and a half preventative detention. he's been charged with rebellion and conspiracy after illegally trying to dissolve congress. let's go live now to marianna sanchez . she's been following development. she's at a protest that it will probably begin in the coming out as in lemur. and just to give us a sense of what's happening around you, marianna, we can see that obviously the government security forces appear to be prepared by deploying that troops on the streets behind you. that's right marianne, the army is say she has been deployed to the center of the capitol. we're also 5000 police officers were deployed since yesterday to can try to contain protesters from going all the way to congress. that is the intention to day as unions, a very powerful union. the workers unions of teachers unions are going to have said
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that they will be gathering in the next couple of hours to march towards congress. they want to force congress to change the laws and to bring forward the general elections. now, now this is what many people want, but it will not be easy to do this as congress needs to legislative periods to approve that change of those laws. and the legislative period was to finish today, but the president of congress have extended this period until the end of february. this means that they could vote in this period of time from today until the 28th for the 1st time. and after that, a 2nd vote after the 28th of february, that is a very long time in a country that is demanding new general elections now. and
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a judge is going to decide if a form of present pedro castillo is going to be freed. we understand that that hearing has been postponed for a couple of hours. any update on when it's going to be out well in about an hour from now, a judge should be deciding that he has heard the arguments of the defense of prosecutors this morning. and he should be deciding whether former president, bill garcia, will stay in jail for the next 18 months, preliminary preliminary detention. it's called here in bed. and it's, it, prosecutors have asked for this a preliminary detention because they said that former president federal castillo can flee the country. he tried to do this one week ago when he called for the closing of congress and ordered true troops to go on the streets of patrol the streets. and he was on his way to the mexican embassy to take a political asylum there. so prosecutor say this very likely that he would go on.
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so that's why they're asking the judge to impose this fit this 18 months in prison . now, former president federal garcia was not in the hearing today. he didn't acknowledge receiving the notification. his lawyers didn't attend that either. so there was a court lawyer to defend the former president saying that it is unlikely that just the you would leave the country because he has 2 small children and a family to work and sustain. so that's what we will hear from the judge in possibly an hour from now and see if the former president will stay or not under arrest for the next 18 months. marianne. all right, thanks very much. marianna sanchez there in lina. ah, thousands of people have also been out in protest and is stumble against the
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conviction of the city's mayor, which could see him jailed and barred from running in elections next year. and a stumble, court sentenced equipment malia to more than 2 and a half years in prison on wednesday for insulting public michelle's in a speech. he also faces a political bad opposition. parties have been rallying and supportive. the mayor though pneumonia is seen as a potential challenger. to turkish present rush of type o to one and next year's elections was o. susan room party ordered the verdict to be issued by the court to take the man who people voted into office. and they wanted to imprison me. oh, so they realised that the judge of the court would not decide as they wanted, so they exiled him. i'm bought in another judge and made the decision. and al jazeera said him casio lou has more from that rally in istanbul. thousands of people gathered in front of his stumble, metropolitan municipality to show support for sambal may re cremmit mo mo lou. and
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it is a protest against the court decision. the which wants the jail is stumble, mayor, and impose a political been. now what is next for a crown, mo, mo law is a matter of concern, and now away for a court of appeals is open for him. and the next step is there. even the court of appeals up holds the verdict, the current that verdict. then another way is open for him until the is supreme court decides in, in the opposite way, until the final decision by the supreme court extra mo, mo lou has the legal right to stay as the mayor of his stumble and the political band on him will not be imposed, but many people he are here who are mostly the main opposition party members, and people who voted for him are saying that the yesterday's court decision against a criminal moley is totally unlawful.
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russian shelling is killed at least 2 people in harrison unless the whole of the recent elaborated city without power or key was also in the latest round of strikes . the empty warehouse was badly damaged by the rocket attack. millions of ukrainians are enduring freezing, winter temperatures without power water, as russia continues its assault on crucial energy infrastructure. meanwhile, the mayor of the separatist held danielle region in east in ukraine says the city has suffered its heaviest shelling for years. the pro russia administration says 40 rockets launched by ukrainian forces hit the city over night, injuring 6 people, including a child, ospital and apartment block were damaged in the attack. or one of russia's richest men has been sanctioned by the nighted states mining. magnets vladimir per ton is the largest shelter of nor nichol wells, top palladium and refined nichol producer company isn't affected by the latest sanctions, but pertanins wife and adult children have been affected. baton and in his family will have any u. s. assets frozen,
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and be prevented from doing business with americans. meanwhile, european leaders have agreed on a night round of sanctions against russia for the war in ukraine. the additional sanctions are expected to be formalized by lunchtime friday. exactly. what's included in the new measures isn't clear yet, but the european commission had previously proposed travel bands and asset freezes on some 200 russian officials and military officers. while the u. s. is expanding his military training program for ukrainian soldiers. it's designed to better prepare, keeps forces for the battlefield and teach troops how to use specialized weapons provided by the west. brothers and understandable focus on the equipment being provided to ukraine training is and has been essential to ensuring ukraine has the skilled forces necessary to better defend themselves. this program is expanded. training will provide training to approximately $500.00 ukrainians per month. tens of thousands of nurses here in the u. k. have gone on strike in the 1st have
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a national walkout nurses with the national health sadness want a 19 percent pay rise as they face a cost of living crisis due to inflation. but u. k. government says it can only afford 4.3 percent now says will also strike on the 20th 21st and 28th of december, a joint, a wave of strike sweeping the u. k. and run up to christmas. they'll be rail stripes on some part of the network on 13 of the remaining 16 days of december. border forces are also going to down tools that you case borders and postal workers were on strike on wednesday and thursday as well as december 23rd and 24th. just as the service is at is most stretched during the fastest season out. there is joan, how reports from oxford it's minus 8 degrees on the picket line outside oxford warned for the hospital. the nurses here undeterred, this passing cause honk their support. they're joining colleagues across england,
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wales and northern ireland in the 1st strikes of their kind in the history of the national health service. a service that medi say is on the brink of collapse, or we've lost thousands. i thousands and thousands of nurses during the pandemic, but pre pandemic compost pandemic. actually, the nurse impression has been chronically affected by our government and things have happened in the world for a really, really long time. we met one of the nurses, rachel ambrose at home, the day before the strike full time heating is no longer affordable. so when the children are out at school, it's freezing. she's been a nurse for 20 years and for much of that time, rachel says her salary has been stagnant or fallen in real terms, as the cost of living, particularly this year has gone up. well sir, from the summer we were average in about a $160.00 pound a month, and that was already an increase from that a price in clinic 110th. and yeah,
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it's shut up. it's nearly $400.00 pound. now, prices just keep going up and we're just expected to follow it and it's, it's not physically possible. and so is time that we took a stand. and yeah, well basically asking for what has been lost over the past 1015 years. and we just want a fair wage. sheena, when i ask him for tweaks, we're just asking and for a fair wage. so we can afford to continue working businesses back on the picket line. the nurses say they regret the effect strikes will have a non urgent patient care, but they say the effective staff shortages caused by those leaving the service is worse. that is, are asking for and 19 percent higher eyes or 5 percent above in place to meet face a 20 percent fall in real terms wages in recent years. it's a negotiating position that the government so far isn't engaging with beyond around
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4 percent currently on the table any more they say will have to be paid for in higher taxes. the support has grown as the day goes on. the nurses joined by representatives of other unions. it's not only health care that's on the pressure but railways, airports the border force, bus drivers, and more the government facing a winter wave of disruption. right across the public sector. joe, to hold al jazeera, oxford, slack years. government has lost no confidence vote in parliament despite last ditch effort to gain support. 78 or makers in the 150 c parliament voted to ask the minority government of prime minister edward hagar. it won't mean an immediate change of government, but it could pay the way early elections. opposition parties have criticized the government for doing too little to help people cope with soaring energy costs. watching al jazeera life from london much more still to bring you on this program.
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the roemer community in greece lay to rest. a teenager shot in the back of the head by police after allegedly stealing $20.00 of petrol. most coveted prize in football goes on display and cat are with the stage set for sundays, nail ice and final ah hell i will see a change in the weather across a good part of europe as we go on through the next couple of days. but for the time being, it's all about very heavy rain across southern parts now towards the se, bulgaria, $180.00 millimeters afraid in just 24 hours. still a lot of cloud around here actually. just pushing up towards the ukraine. we arsic, i see some wet weather and on the northern flank of this weather system, we'll also see a fair bit of snow low pressure that across southern parts of europe, further north things, a little quieter for the time big. but here comes
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a change. we have got some wet weather out into the atlantic. still a few showers at the moment. there friday, across spain and portugal heavy down pools. they'll slide the way across italy for the 80 arctic into the balkans. more than flank of our system there. there you go. with that snow which is pushed its way up towards belarus, very wintry, very cold, still across a good part of ukraine. take a look at saturday. see things a little more widespread. the moderates starting to to feed its way in central areas, generally dry and quiet. but out towards the atlantic here comes at milder wet weather, which will grassy pushing across western parts of you up to london, getting up to route a celsius on sunday. a similar temperature too for paris, be to double figures next week. if the central parts list stays at least, it is dry. to inculcate a culture of knowledge, openness and pluralism, world wide,
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and to reward merit and excellence and encourage creativity. the shake ahmad award for translation and international understanding was founded to promote translation and honor translators, and acknowledged the road and strengthening the bonds of friendship and co operation between arab islamic and wild couches. lou ah, welcome back. main stories are following now, demonstrators and prove again blocked roads in protest at the removal of president pedro castillo. and in defiance of a state of emergency,
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at least 8 people have now been killed over the past week. unrest, thousands of people are protested in istanbul against the conviction of the city's mayor, which could see him jailed and barred from running in next year's elections. programmer, molly was seen as a potential challenger to president ratio typo one. and russian shelling is killed at least 2 people and knocked out the recently liberated city of harrison. our key was also hit in the latest round of strikes. now ukraine is forming a sexual violence, mobile justice team in response to the growing evidence of rape and similar crimes by russian forces. the unit will be made up of international and ukrainian, prosecutors and investigators will be able to rapidly deploy resources as a conflict continues. evidence is emerging that children as young as 4 and grandparents as old as 85 have been subjected to rape and sexual violence. some perpetrators appear to include convicted murderers and sex offenders who've been
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conscripted in exchange for pardons. from the kremlin. there are growing concerns that documented patterns of rape and sexual violence indicate pre planning on a more systematic level as part of humiliation tactics in order to subjugate ukrainians. wind. your dash is an international criminal lawyer. he's been whacking acquaintance. 2015 prosecuting will crimes is leading this sexual violence. my ball justice team, he joins his life and the capital key. can you tell me about your initial deployment and the evidence you uncovered a war crimes and sexual violence. thank you. well, the initial deployment actually was working with the prosecution to develop a strategy, to be able to investigate and support survivors of these crimes. we didn't just go out into the field without the proper preparation. and now what we do is we go out into the field with the prosecution's own teams and support them in their
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investigation. so we go into places such as hassan and we build trust with survivors in order to be able to conduct an investigation into what happened during the russian occupation. so it's both a strategic deployment, as well as a tactical deployment. you spoke about survivors. hill had been previously living under russian occupation. we were just saying that crimes include children as young as 4 years old and the elderly up to 85 years old, grand parents. did you speak to anyone? what did they tell you? well, the evidence is slowly being uncovered and what it is clear is that 1st of all, victims are reluctant to come forward because the traumatized by the occupation, but also what's happened to them. but it's very clear that survivors are coming
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forward and the stories that they're telling are pretty horrific. as you've just said, we're talking about sexual violence against children. we're talking about sexual violence against the elderly. we're talking about sexual violence against women and children. it is horrific and you say that it's important to establish the way in which you're going to what is coordinating with different teams. but the main purpose of this is to try and gauge a pattern of sexual violence. something that suggests it was planned and systematic . so we see the same crimes taking place, regardless of perhaps which city we're talking about in ukraine happens to be on the russian occupation. how important is it to establish that? well, it's what we're doing in the 1st instance. he's looking for survivors and that will tell us what happened to the ground level, of course, as the investigations continue. and we start to see that the crimes are widespread . that tells us something about the acquiescence of the commanders. and it tells us
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about the encouragement that the commanders were giving to the foot soldiers to conduct these sexual violence crimes. now the more we investigate, the more we see it's widespread. we also start to see that the military and political command not only were aware of it, but having taken no steps to prevent it or to punish those who are conducting it on the ground. we begin to see that they intend to do as well. we begin to see that they're responsible and when i say, i mean those who are the upper levels of the military and pointing towards the kremlin. right, that's very important, isn't it for accountability? it's looking at about the passes of crimes you described there on the ground level . not that it's necessarily randomly happening by chance, but it's that, that it goes up the change a chain of command. so trying to see whether they were ordered to do it,
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whether they were prevented from doing it. the strategic purpose is d. c. a situation where anyone will ever be held to account very difficult question to answer that scene. and i was of the russian military for example. well i do, i do, yes. it's not going to be easy and it's not going to be short term. but we are overall talking about the campaign by the russian military, which is aimed at civilians and not just in relation to sexual violence, but in relation to a range of crimes from indiscriminate michelle attacks to torture, to murder, to sexual violence which is aimed at terrorizing and humiliating and subduing the civilian population. this is a method of warfare. and the question for us with the mobile team, looking at sexual violence is, was the sexual violence. also part of the method of warfare were at the beginning of the investigations, but it's beginning to look like that. okay, well, thank you very much. i wish you best of luck, clerk, with all of your efforts. wayne joe dash. thank you. you as
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president joe biden, his call for the african union to become a permanent member of the g 20. the group of the wealth 20 biggest economies is being on the final day of the last africa summit in washington. he also announced billions of dollars in support. and investment for africa, the u. s. is king to counter chinese in russian influence on the african continent, as she apprehended explains. president biden participated in 2 leaders sessions of the summit, one on the african union's agenda, 2063 planned to transform the continent over the next 50 years and one on ensure and food security. once again, biden's message was of equitable development mutual success and us investment over the next 3 years. working in close cooperation with the united states congress. we plan to commit $55000000000.00 in africa to advance the priorities we share and sit down to support the agenda. 2063. however, when asked us,
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government officials were unable to provide a breakdown of how the figure of $55000000000.00 was arrived up, or how the bite administration intends to get congress to prove that some the president of the african union. welcome the u. s. has renewed commitment to africa, but called for washington to end its economic sanctions on symbolic way and its plans to sanction other african countries via the so called malign russian activities in africa act still working his way through congress. suppose you start gum dysfunction. this bill with its sanctions, which targets the whole continent, is the 1st and international relations african asking why such a bill exist. and why is africa targeted? at least outwardly, the u. s. has changed its tone at the summit, not publicly hectoring african nations about decisions. washington doesn't agree with, but there is still skepticism about whether anything really is different. the problem isn't what they're saying. they're saying all the right things. the problem is
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they're not doing anything differently. they're still focusing more on, on, you know, open societies and values rather than on increasing investments and sort of a more concrete approach to encouraging businesses to invest in the region. and even as the biden administration talks of democracy and human rights, it was notable that the only african leader to get an honor guard was the objection president who overseas, a government not noted for its democratic values. the u. s. e. 's itself is the world's indispensable nation, but as it'll patients without sort of talk here, there are simply too many other countries willing to do business with africa who don't demand economic and political obedience. she has the al jazeera washington. now harvard university is appointed at 5 african american and 2nd woman as a new president. claudine gay is currently head of the university's faculty of arts and science will take office in july. our appointment comes as harvest faces are
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crucial supreme court decision, which might force it to revise its longstanding emissions processes. university is long and criticized for considering race. when choosing students in greece, a teenager shot by police has been buried in an emotional sammy that brought out his entire roma community. the shooting calls days of riots and felony k, 16 year old cost us for a ghoulish was shot in the head during the chase last week of the allegedly stole $20.00 worth of petrol resource. he's now investigating it as a potential racist killing. jones roblis has more from the northern port city. the family and friends of costas from gullies held him all night vigil around his coffin. the combination of 3 days of grieving on the day of his funeral. his father spoke to him for the last time before he was carried out to awaiting hurst cost. us young wife and mother of their child, overcome with grief,
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continued to talk to him as relatives helped her to walk to her husband's funeral. this roma community is not only grieving for from ghoulish. there also shocked that he should have died shot by the police and fire police are looking. he was a really good carriage. he would all sorts of jobs. he worked in scrap metal and building wise. he'd gone up to be a set nightmare. his man, he wanted to listen to music in the car, but he was added field in the small hours of december 1st, 16 year old courses, frank ghoulish drove into this petrol station behind me. he drove to the pump nearest to the shop, put 20 years worth of fuel into his pick up truck, and drove off without paying. moments later, for policemen who had been sitting inside the shop, pursued him down the highway on their motor bikes. from coolly strove at high speed, trying to get back to the safety of his rama community a fenced in area in the midst of facilities industrial zone. but the pursuit ended
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on the steps of this hotel where franklin crashed his truck. he was taken to hospital with a bullet in the back of his brain and for a week he fought for life. the robber community has questions about when and why he was shot. then $39.00 about up on the bed. the roost i took doesn't take more than 5 minutes. and the police called in the incident after 25 minutes. me? yes. what were they doing? they could have shot him in cold blood and needed to figure out the cover up. police say they shot him in self defense after he tried to ram their bikes. a story thrown into doubt by the fact that he was shot from behind the roma say it was a racist killing. there's a judicial investigation underway and the police officer who followed the fatal shot is in pre trial detention. but police killings of roma have gone unresolved before and few here her 1st look, this time will be different. i'll a film of if you see, we want just if someone has done something,
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let them go to jail, dug it out one day, but it's cost of you going to rise out of the earth and go back to his wife and child jobs are open, close al jazeera, for solo need you. european union leaders have agreed to make bosnia and herzegovina, a formal candidate to join the block. it joins a number of other candidates from the balkans in the process of joining. now, the use willingness to consider lessing and more of its eastern neighbors as increased since of war and ukraine with concerns of chinese and russian influence spreading in the region. so the stage is that for sunday's walk up fine off to france and did morocco's dream model the tournament down our face argentina during football fans took over paris wednesday night. people danced in the streets and climbed up lamp post, setting off fireworks of flesh to celebrate their teams. victory. france hoped to come the 1st country in 60 years to successfully defend their walk up title, the trophy of the treasury, the winner of sundays,
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finally got to get take home was on display indoors cornish earlier. many people lined up to see it, but only certain people like championship winners. the fee for present or head of state are actually allowed to touch it. our plan space hold by russian cosmonaut bought the international space station has been cancelled after a pound coolant leak. fluid spewed from the saw you spacecraft, doc, to the i assess. bit to nasa says now the crew were in danger. and the fisher from the russian space agency says that was likely caused by a micro meteorite strike. ah, just want to take you to our main stories now and in peru. people have again blocked, rose and protested removal of present pedro castillo. and in defiance of a state of emergency, at least 8 people have been killed in ongoing protests.
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