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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 19, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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particularly demanding 28 percent of social workers with that job last year. many of them left the city altogether because i'm clinical uncertainty many relying to help me find it difficult to get this. they me the me this is al jazeera. ah, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters in delphi, daddy and gauge are coming up in the next 60 minute european union minister as agree to cat gas prices in a bit to contain high energy costs. a london court rules the u. k. plan to the port asylum seekers to wanda is legal, but the government must consider situations on a case by case basis. more police officers are shot dead in
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a raid following protests against raising fuel prices in georgia and ah, sharing the champions. what a ride for origin tina to their 3rd world cup title as we gear up for their return home. ah, welcome to the news. our energy ministers from the european union have agreed to implement a cap on gas prices. they'll be kept at $180.00 euros a megawatt hour. that's $190.00 us dollars. you members are under pressure to bring down high energy costs amid concerns about shortages. the block has been trying to reduce its reliance on russia for gas after moscow invaded ukraine. dominic cane is joining us from berlin. so why has this agreement taken so long to reach dominic
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you get a sense of how unlikely this agreement seemed fall many weeks. in fact, some would say several months when you hear what the relevant check minister, the check government has the presidency of the ear at the moment. and they have been driving these negotiations. you get a sense of their reaction to this agreement. when you hear what use of secular had to say to reporters after the meeting broke up, and other mission impossible accomplished, and as it this, in the movie a series, this last was probably the most difficult one. i am proud that the chick presidency finally solved the last piece or far the of the energy puzzle. once again, we have proved that her d e all can deliver. ah, the points here to remember is that there were several different sides to this. on
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the one side you had the germans, the austrians, the dutch, who really were not sure about the value that a price cap could have him would bring this idea of a fixed financial value for each megawatt hour. and then on the other hand, you have or is one of the other sites you had several southern mediterranean e, u member states who really were as it were crying out for some degree of help. the greek minister last week in brussels and said this was ground 0 for greek citizens, but also e, you citizens, the commission. the e. u commission had wanted $275.00 euros per megawatt hour to be the price cap. the fact that it has been dropped to 180 gives you an idea of the lengths that everyone has had to go to to find this compromise. remember also that this is not going to be in operation actually effectively until the 15th of february point.
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they're trying to stress all of these. this is a weapon they can use to try to deal with what they consider to be the worst parts of russia's war. with ukraine, in so far as the u. member states are concerned. okay, thank you so much. donna cain reporting from berlin. the high court in london has ruled the u. k. government's plan to send asylum seekers to rwanda is legal. the deportation policy was suspended in june after a last minute challenge here. he faucet has more from the london court. it's ruled in favor of the government, but with a significant caveat, you'll remember earlier this year the previous home secretary pretty for tell the interior minister of the united kingdom. under this conservative government, signed an agreement with or wonder that the mandated every asylum seeker who arrived in the u. k. by what the government deemed an illegal method,
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such as over the channel. between france and england. on a small boat, they would immediately be deported to rwanda and have the site and applications process. and if they were found to be asylum seekers, they would be resettle that it would never come back to tonight, kingdom. now the 1st time the government tried to enact this policy with a flight in june, there was an injunction, and it was said, now that has been this, this legal challenge by individual items. because in that case, and also other organizations and the justices have ruled that the policy as a whole is lawful. it isn't accordance with the refugee principles. it's in accordance with the the human rights act in the u. k. and that it can go ahead, but they're also saying that in the individual 8 cases that it was looking at, they were not properly considered by the government. and so the government would
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have to reconsider those cases. and in every single new case, have to look individually at those cases, yasmina murders the u. k. director for human rights watch. she says the court decision will put the lives of many vulnerable people at risk a terrible ruling on so many levels. the fact that the u. k. high court has said that it's lawful for the government to expel asylum seekers from its territory before they even had the chance to claim asylum and send them to wanda. a place that human rights watch, the un and even the government official not be safe to be silent, take it deeply, deeply disappointing is the possibility that people after 7 days will be eligible to be sent to wanda. the government said that there are certain categories of individuals that will not be sent to rolanda, including children and others. but there is a vast majority of people who can and this includes people who are here,
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who have sled situation on syria or elsewhere. so essentially, there are many, many asylum seekers who arrived after 7 days will be very, very considerate. and we know that received the notices of deportation of expulsion to why we're extremely psychologically traumatized. we know, for example, that people work so harming them with threats of suicide and other things, because these are often people who have been respond via persecution, that being traffic. and they're in extreme extreme realty. and then they receive and even receive a notice from the government that they go just be expelled to a country that they have never been to before. they have no family, they know nothing about 3 police officers have been shot dead during a raid in the southern jordanian city of mine. the officers were looking for people involved in killing a senior commander during protest against rising fuel prices last week. police officials say one of the suspect was killed during the rage. 9 people were arrested,
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a secret army who, who's the director of global engagement at the american university bay routes on to senior fellow at the harvard kennedy school. joining us live from cambridge, massachusetts. welcome back to al jazeera. how concerning it is this for the authorities in jordan? it's concerning, but as routinely concerning and the same stuff this has been going on for about 40 years or so. the 1st big big and so they had went back and they and the late 19 eighties and i was actually in living and working jordan and i spent some days down there writing a report about the situation in my and, and it's been clear ever since then that there are structural problems that are economic and poverty, unemployment neglect, and there are political problems, attentions between the local residents and the central government. and this is not unique in mine. it's all over the provincial areas of jordan to fairly muffler
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other places where populations i had lived a decent life for, for many, many decades, suddenly found themselves marginalized, starting in the 19 seventy's and eighty's, and this led to unemployment. and then it was an oil ball and lots of more corruption neglect. so this is, this are all structural issues. they flare up regularly, right? 3345 years. and this is the latest flare up. so there's very little that's unique about this situation. but it is troubling because it keeps getting worse because the underlying economic and social and political tensions continue the worse. right . but if we look at the recent past, back in 2018, there were promises that were protest at the time rather. and then there were promises maids to reform, and this latest flare up that you speak of. we understand has been spearheaded by
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truck drivers complaining about the rising cost of living in the cost of fuel in the country. so why do you think not much has changed for jordanian since at least 2018 when these promises were made? it's because the economic system and jordan has simply unable, like it is by the way across virtually the entire region. except for the oil producing countries is the system is unable to create an of decent jobs for the growing citizens. number of citizens. jordan had a population of about one and a half 1000000 and the 1917. when i 1st lived there. and then when i moved away 30 years later, i had a population of around 7 williams. the government cannot provide jobs, the private sector cannot provide jobs, social services has been declining all across the region. and this is typical and jordan and you have the added problem of rural communities like
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mine that had lived a pretty decent life for actually a couple centuries when they were on the main caravan route between damascus and, and the holy islamic sites and, and jazz. but then. busy became sideline when a new highway was built and they lost most of their economic income. same thing happened with other cities, all across the provincial jordan that had lived off agriculture or trade or other things. so these are structural issues that the government simply has been unable to deal with. they've tried really hard and sincerely, the government is trying to figure it out, but the system is not successful. unemployment rises, disparities, and inequalities increased. people feel neglected, and that's why some of the signs that people are holding up and these demonstrations use the word dignity cut, alma had some people don't mind that can live with their core somehow. but if
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they're mistreated and they're not given the attention they deserve. as citizens, they feel that their dignity has been taken away. and this binds with the latest problems and jordan and other parts of the region, which is the moment select from car and isis. the government uses the word, the tech theory to talk about the people who are there and they use that general word. but that's really the linkages between disenchanted, sometimes just per citizens. and the a slam is militants will come in and try to take advantage of that. thank you so much. you're welcome. thank you so much. we'll have to leave it there. thanks for speaking to us from massachusetts. plenty more head on the al jazeera news hour, including despite being embroiled in a scandal, south africa. presidents will lead the countries ruling party in the 2024 election and doing all they can to preserve,
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crushes coral reefs. we look at the thing taken by a fishing community in kenya. ah, but 1st, the dutch prime minister margaret has issued a historic apology for his country's role and 250 years of slavery. it comes a middle wider consideration of reparations for those affected, including efforts to return looted arch. it's been long in the making, but for many descendants, it isn't enough. as for your car reports since nearly 150 years after abolishing slavery, the netherlands has apologized for its role in the state of trade. from the 17th to the 19th century dutch colonize was kidnapped and estimated 600000 african men, women and children, and ship them to south america and slaving them on plantations. they were not alone . several european empires traded in millions of human lives for humbler from the
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mainland. since today, i apologize on behalf of the dutch government for the actions of the dutch date in the past, from my post simply to all enslaved people who have suffered from that act worldwide . to their daughters and sons into the descendants felt in here, and the apology comes among after the recommendation of an advisory panel set up by the government after worldwide protests against the murder of american, george floyd in 2028. described the slave trade as crimes against humanity with ongoing impact for descent, and the netherlands formerly abolished slavery in 18. 63. but the practice lasted another decade in its territories, including saran em, to day 60 percent of the population of the tiny caribbean country lives below the poverty line. groups from former colonies have criticize the timing of the apology . a calling it hurried and her father, it with
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a lack of consultation writes campaigners say more needs to be done to address racism in dutch society. they point to the practice of blackface during the festive season, where people dress up as the christmas characters warranty peace, which translates as black peas. prime minister rata says more than $200000000.00 will be allocated to awareness campaigns and $29000000.00 to opening a slavery museum. for many descendants of slaves, it's just not enough. human rights watch says, a true reckoning requires reparations, including restitution compensation and rehabilitation. but for now, the dutch government isn't willing to go that far. friday, a car out a 0. the south african president, 0 or on the 1st has been reelected to lead the governing african national congress . this means the president will lead the party into the national elections and 2024 delegates at
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a conference and johan is already chosen the folks over former health ministers. whether because a president has been embroiled in a burglary scandal involving hundreds of thousands of dollars, i show k g is a political analyst. she says 0 rama says reappointment is across the case of better. the devil, you know, be, was quite a widespread view that despite his wrist and scandal regarding his game resolve a pallet paula, they believe that he's the better off to evil, shall we say, because i quote one anonymous thought. who said to me, well, you know mister, i'm opposed a demo concerned. he's no fun. whereas mister keys is concerned billions of ran the money that was supposed to go to a p p e during the cobra pandemic. so that's probably fine. and i think that's what made the difference will many people also billing that the economy would probably new di had mr. michel the not in relate to that will be
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a in the top leadership be naturally bigoted. and the national working committee have a large number of people who are entering the around the as indeed he has within his own cabinet. he had people who didn't tell the party line last week during the votes on whether he should be or not. there are people coming to the conference and spoken out vocally that they think mr. on the who should go. so to have those people at the top executive level and to try and work with what are the enemy within your own party, it's going to be very difficult. her testers have gathered and su don's capital hard to him to mark the 4th anniversary of a revolution that toppled the former leader on modern best year. there also calling for an end to military rules. security forces have reportedly fire tear gas done. grenades disbursed the crowds near the presidential palace approaches come 2 weeks
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after a military leader assigned to deal with parties to launch a new political transition. a palestinian french human rights lawyer expelled from israel, says his deportation as part of a program of ethnic cleansing. sala, how moody has worked as a legal representative for palestinian prisoners. the israeli government accuses him of having ties to a bound group on sunday, he was deported to france despite objections from the government in paris. this continue with is doing in jerusalem. for me, i really resist are getting this decision. i really continue my right to be maybe so keep reaching so argentina's champion footballers are on their way home after one of the most
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thrilling world cup finals and the tournaments 92 year history. they beat france on penalties, and cats are as the game and did 3 all after extra time. thousands of found pack streets near the lou sales stadium to watch the winning team's parade. it's a crowning moment for captain leonel messy delivering a 3rd title for argentina. he also received received the golden bowl as the tournaments best player, monica ayana, kevin m one, a series where fans have been celebrating argentina's. when arjen tines are back at work to day, but many of them just went to sleep in the early hours of the morning, there were massive celebrations all over when a side is in. it lasted until very, very late. and they won't be the only ones because people are now preparing to celebrate your arrival of the national team, which is expected to land here in when a site is in the early hours of wednesday,
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around 2 30 am local time. what people don't know is whether the team will be received in the presidential palace or not. many argent tines do not want this victory to be politicized. the country is divided. it's going through a very serious economic crisis with a very high inflation. and people don't watch football, which has united the whole country in a huge celebration to be used by politicians on one side or the other. it cannot, she, i believe the salary hope this time is not politicized, but one thought, nor the other. this tribe is for our time by arguing times. now we also spoke to many people who are recovering from the great emotion, but they felt watching this very, very tense game against brad. one man was telling us that he even felt big during the game pressure,
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just drop down. but luckily he recovered and he's here to celebrate. and another woman told us that she was buying all the newspapers, that she could to keep this historic moment forever. are crossover sabrina's areas and speak to her as a bosa to raise or the team is on their way home. how much excitement is there ahead of that arrival here with me? i, i'm right here not far away from a say. so that's the airport we're. the team is going to be arriving later tonight . probably very early on tuesdays morning. this is the art in time food will association training come where people have started to gather here, to wait for the national team. let me show you who's been coming here. all of the children there from a to football club, not far away from here. they all dream of being football players. their names are having, i mean, this little one here is one italy on in. he's 8 years old and he's hoping also to
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be a football player. all of them come here to show their support for argentina. national . i didn't miss you know, in our didn't tina today a very, very big miles saying that in a country i've been struggling with an economic crises with not simply because i believe, i think went right here at this meaning center where we are right now. there's thousands of police officers that have been deployed here, the long lines of trucks and security officers that have already been located all around the area because thousands of people will be coming here later today. many of them are hoping to accompany the national team towards the center of when a site is where they're going to be going through, then whether they call you or that's the most important avenue in when a site is celebrating with the people, it's not clear yet whether the team is going to meet with president,
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alabama for amanda, if he did not frontal to carter, mostly because i didn't times are very superstitious. and of course, there were fear that if he was there, the team my know to win and that's why he stayed here. and i didn't do now. but let me tell you one more thing. how important this victory is for this country. neonatal messy, an example for many in this country, one of the flag they're bringing here. it says you celebrate, you suffer, you lose, but you never give up. and that's the message that teachers here culture here are trying to give children are in this country learning and messy family man. a football legend, an international star. now he is the winner of the world cup. now he's a man, an example for this country, and that's why thousands of people are expected to be here to show their gratitude such a huge moment for the country. there is i thank you so much sir, isabel reporting from one as i read. so let's look at the legacy than off this world's carp. more than a 1000000 people and catherine,
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tens of millions around the world was the tournament. the government says this world cup was historic. now, just because it was staged in the middle east, but for what it leaves behind osama bin jarvis reports from healthier meals to satisfy cravings, intellectual sustenance, nurturing hungry minds. lou, horrified at this cafe into her speakers, have been hosting weekly discussions on a variety of topics, including palestinian resistance and women's rights. young people say they want to challenge stereotypes about the middle east in general, and other in particular. the owner of this cafe doesn't want to be identified because she believes only her platform deserves the spotlight. philosophy later on and not open discussions are very important. what we have here is a platform. we gather people and we spread knowledge and we hope our platform will be bigger and more influential in the future. and was kind of check of the woke up
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has been a catalyst for others moved towards in knowledge based economy. and the sports industry is capitalizing on intellectual property by their in merchandising rights . are broadcast revenues. but the broadcasting rights from the far will come, i will be $2000000000.00 and i p rights and spots globally. right. reach $50000000000.00 sir 2 years ago. so there's a lot of connection between ip yet spots at cut us hesser ambition. re, to be a technology in our andy center. it's well to enable an environment of growth and creativity, but as amended, it's labor laws. people's legacy plans include funding a labor excellence hub in partnership with the international labor organization, or the ilo works all over the world, and rarely do we see change happening at this pace. we recognize that significant progress has been made, but we also know that there are many challenges still. other utilities, acknowledged reforms are neither going to be temporary, easy or quick. that's where vision to t 30 comes in a long term plan, so the work to improve things doesn't stop with the world cup. one aspect is
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investing in art and culture. exhibitions, showcasing artworks from across the i rolled. another initiative focuses on catering for people with disabilities to ensure that included in mainstream activities. the government says the world cup is just the beginning. confident it's changed the perception of millions about them, at least now it's looking to diversify the economy. oh, it may have been a football tournament, but it's legacy and putting in the region will remain for decades. some on the job without a 0 dollar. still hands on the al jazeera news, our ukrainian military shit down at least 15 russian drones to protect vital infrastructure. i'm bought them at the new deli, with the family, have gathered to my medical license for the disney, and the government hasn't with
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off we go with your weather update for the middle east and africa. nice to have your long. so the biggest story on tuesday is those wind starting to finally taper off through the gulf. actually, i think wednesday will be the better day. but you will notice an improvement by tuesday 24 degrees for us here in doha, up and down. pakistan fairly settled, not much to report 30 degrees in karachi. there's been some cloud cover at times, but that's drifting further toward the east. a disturbance for the southern end of the caspian sea means it's going to generate some showers in baku 7 degrees right now too. far away from ted on, at 11 off to turkey, or we go and watch cooler era here really entrenched 9 for is stumble still breezy still cloudy. here, just 3 degrees in the copper capital conqueror. and even that cool spreading across the grease single digits for acids central africa. so we've got these solid bands
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of rain around gab on coastal sections of congo. and we can trace it right through zombie as in bob way and mozambique that's crack crossing over the mozambique channel into madagascar. this is going to be quite nasty and still bursts of rain for that eastern side of south africa. meantime, in the west, in improvement, in those conditions, cape town, coming in at 24 degrees on tuesday. see you later. ah, it's time for a memorable holiday with pegasus. it's time for turkey. set sail for new discoveries. enjoy. have new experiences. hit the shops. make wonderful memories, travel to turkey with pegasus, and with direct likes to istanbul and tried to book your ticket now for a memorable holiday. c y p g s, for our best prices. join africa, premier trade,
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i mean basement the bank income people, intra african trades gives you access to more than 1600 exhibitors and over 35000 attendees from more than 75 exhibiting countries. participating trade and investment deals with over $43000000000.00 us dollars as business and government come together to explore business opportunities registered now brought to you by the african export import bank african union commission, a f, c, f, p, a secretariat, and the premium partners connecting african markets o a hello again. the top story on the al jazeera news dollar energy ministers from several european nations have agreed to implement
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a cap on gas prices. the decision to keep prices at $180.00 euros a megawatt hour comes up, costs rise, months into russians. invasion of ukraine. the high court in london has rules that the government plan to send asylum seekers to rwanda is legal. applying deportation . policy was suspended in june officer a last minute challenge. 3 police officers have been shot, sat during a rate in the southern jordanian city of mine, one suspect was also killed. the officers were looking for people involved in killing a senior commander during protest against raising fuel prices last week. russia, presidents as the trade turnover between his country and by the route for this year will reach $40000000000.00, lumber, boots and travel to meant to meet his counterpart. alexander lucas shank is put in the 1st trip to bella ru, since the invasion of ukraine. the leaders say both countries have overcome sanctions imposed on them through bilateral trade. russia used by the roost as
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a staging ground for its assaults on keys. not both leaders have just held a news conference with the details on this. let's bring in the hash them who's joining us for moscow. so what did they have to say during this press conference? well or in, during this press conference, both futon and deluka shinkel disgusts the a bilateral law relationship between the 2 countries. also, they stressed on their unified, the stance against what they at this is described as western aggression. also, it was really significant them announcing that the as both heads of states that they discussed the creation of the single defense space and agreed to continue the practice of joint military exercises as well as to engage in the development of military equipment. this is one, the other issue that's also significant was then at that location. gus had that
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draw show will begin to try to train the crews off by the russian a aircraft to convert it for the possible use of ammunition with a special warhead and dep bad. there are also issues related to the prices of guys. the cash include said that the price of russian gas for the next year for bella, luce is going to be fixed and also profitable at the same time. and he said that minsk is satisfied with the terms of gas pricing for the next 3 years. and that the price of russian gas for the next year for bella was, as we said, is fixed. so these are the main issues. also, they said that they're going to implement a more than 600, already implemented more than 600 measures out of 1002 for integration of economies between the 2 countries. a button and was also a commenting on what he described as rumors about the absorption of russia's absorption of better was saying that russia has no interest in absorbing any one.
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and that there is no expediency in this. so these are the main, the main issues that came out of this press conference. also, the russian president commented on the final. deb woke up final yesterday and said that he was congratulated the argentinean president for his country's victory. all right, thank you so much. i to hash, i'm reporting from moscow, while another wave of russian attacks has hit ukraine's capital keys. military administration says it's shot down 15 drones on monday morning. meanwhile, ukraine has in rushing to restore power to cities after russian strikes destroy parts of the energy grid. charles stratford has more from keith torchlight guide shoppers along with shelves, roches almost nightly bombardment of ukraine electricity and energy infrastructure leads millions of ukrainians. spend much of their daily life in the dark. huh.
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victoria shopping with a 3 year old son, daniel. they flit fighting. neither home in the care of san region in april, even akila, establishing the authority is tell us they've stabilized the electricity situation . and then there's another attack. it's been like this for the last 2 months is week. he's got used to the darkness and importantly, he's not afraid. we have no choice. we have to get through this emergency services battle fires across cube and various locations throughout the country after another russian bombardment, early monday morning. this home was completely destroyed in a village close to caves by one of 30 so called cam mccaulhey. drones. ukrainian military says it intercepted museum politically, her clothes at her girl because we got used to what is happening. it's scary. thoughts of possibly becoming homeless is terrifying. everyone is scared,
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but we are burying at sampling with it again. maria and denise have to carry the 2 and a half year old son david up the stairs to their apartment on the 13th floor. because electricity is down again. so the elevator doesn't work. he has 10 days after the invasion, as russian forces advanced towards their apartment, blocking your pin. they fled to the netherlands, and then france. they have only re simply return. maria comforts her son in bed. she tries to send him to sleep. denise has put plastic sheeting over the windows for additional protection against the sub 0 winter temperatures. the festival. no just no, it's pretty hard. but we try not to complain because we think of our soldiers living in the trenches in dismal conditions. but on one occasion we didn't have electricity for 2 days, like i had said, so yes, it's cold. sometimes the child is coughing, it's winter, but we can get through this. we wait for spring and victory. located nearby is one
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of thousands of heated tense with generators. put up in recent weeks where people can get warm and charge their devices as work continues around the clock to fully restore electricity and heating across the country. rogers drone and missile attacks targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure are happening with increasing frequency. and that means that many people in neighborhoods like this one face another night without heating and in the dark cha, stratford al jazeera give in the u. k. many ukrainians who have been welcomed into host families face an uncertain future. the government has announced extra funding as refugees extend their stay through christmas. am i hayward reports from lincolnshire at the time of togetherness? for so many this will be a christmas like no other for
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a loaner and have 4 children far away from the place. they still call home, they were forced to flee the bombardment of their ukrainian town and came to the u . k. sponsored by a host family. this feeling that the voice chasing me, it's remain cole. i long after escape. and obviously very glad that we made these johnny and we are here and we we can leave though. i wish it had never happened. alona and her children lived with johnny and his family before finding her own house, but he still supports them. i think the thing that i found was to allow the recipes, the space to actually sort of cover to find the fe whiteford and
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assist them in, in actually moving forward with the lives more than a 140000 ukrainians. arrived in the u. k. under the homes, the ukraine scheme, but there are increasing concerns about rising levels of homelessness among refugees in lincoln, the efforts to support people who come here and deliver aid back home this ongoing . but the uncertainty of what comes next is a worry. one couple we spoke to who didn't want to appear on camera told us they were asked by the host repeatedly when they are leaving. and we were told about a woman with young children who was given little notice to leave. she did eventually find another host, but 65 kilometers away. most of people are here with the gates and it's, it's really hard them to change again the school france and sadly in a put new place without knowing if it's just with 6 months or we will change again
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. many ukrainians have found unwavering support from those they live with, but worries of law or a constant. sometimes we can forget for a moment about the war in ukraine, but of course we know that it is where a difficult doubt off times that there are mod can change very easily from laughter to tears from smile to some said mod. yeah, i missed them because i can be around them now. so. yeah, not easy. but as the year draws to a close, there's time to reflect on what has been a life changing experience, both here and in ukraine. emma haywood al jazeera lincoln in northern england. the u. k is preparing to use the army to cover striking nurses and ambulance workers. more than 10000 ambulance staff across england and wales will walk off the job on wednesday, calling for better pay on working conditions. rail and border control staff went on
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strike earlier this month. health minister is urging all sides to resume talks. jona hall has more from london no immediate sign of the government backing down no to the demands of unions for higher wages and better conditions. it would of course, be hugely damaging for this conservative government to be seen to be giving in to the demands of striking workers, britain in the mean time bracing for a 2nd highly disruptive week of, of the sector industrial action. a big numbers being taught to adopt a course around the cost of all of the economy, particularly retailing hospitality in the run up to christmas. and there are real concerns about the effects that nurses and paramedic strikes will have on the health sector, the health service, the national health services many say is on the brink of collapse. the unions broadly speaking, say they're members of the subject to government conflicts or therapy pretty much that he can on the crisis of 2010, low pay, a real terms weights, conferences,
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have not kept place. paste with inflation enough is enough. they say they will do this for as long as it takes, as their members now face an additional squeeze through a cost of living crisis, high energy costs, and spiraling inflation. the government is remaining, says foss, as i say not willing to, given, it warns that higher pay will only raise inflation further itself, already eating into the pay packets of ordinary workers and in an apparent effort to win around public support, away from the strike. because the government wants a higher pay would have to be paid for with higher taxes. thousands of farmers in india have rallied to the man more state subsidies and financial support is the cost of living raises. they say the government hasn't fulfilled promises made after repealing contentious laws last year. probably mattel, reports from new delhi and impromptu, dont is broken out at this rally new delhi. the song comes from the western state
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of roger's tom, one of the many regions represented here, thousands of farmers from across india have gathered to demand the government, lower taxes on fertilizers and other agriculture equipment and increased financial support. now got yeah, not. we won't prices that earn as a profit. right now we are not recovering our costs. we are very deep in debt. for 3 generations, we have only been passing on debts. the sect is reeling from multiple crises, including extreme weather patterns and reduced output. this demonstration was caught by union with close ties to the governing bgp. it comes months after farm was ended a year long protest against 3 laws. the said left them was all and benefited by corporations hominy. the prime minister nadine's removed the fund needed evoked legislation in november 2021. right. i'm gonna fall with data mining merrill deed higher prices. i did this yet. the government set up
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a committee to address that. i love. mm hm. more these meetings, insincere. i had one committee member see that considering a combination of policies to resolve longstanding issues, i commit to we have to remember one thing for for murdered is the his crucial concern is the bottom line. what is he getting order? so we have to ensure the farming remains web and for him without losing sight of these other object is that that's really the sort of big relation and, and also the agricultural group and for security. both indians live in rural areas and nearly half the working population mixing, living from agriculture. analysts say policies need to be more inclusive. so i think constant dialogue, but not think at the national level thinking the local level. think andrena level state governments need to be involved. local level activists that need to be in ward and pharmacy doesn't need to be trusted as, as a stakeholders rather than as,
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as people who are, who are only disruptors in darwin hold a general election in 16 months. and some observer, see, it could give pharmacy the upper hand in negotiations. pathname is the largest iraq new denny. a hosted situation continues at a counterterrorism center or northwestern pockets on several pakistani taliban detainees seize control of the facility. late on sunday, they fried prisoners and took security staff hostage demanding to be taken to have gone to stun. come hider has more from his lama bands. bearing les this particular fisher late day, which belongs to the account. chatter them, department is located and a highly secure area within by knew which the capital of that district by new apparently there were many fight dollar bond on were being had that they were being interrogated at this highly to kill facility. and it
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is during that and dedication, according to the report that we have received that the one of the interrogator day, but to grab a hang gun. i then headed to heart daisy fisher. today, one of the interrogators and for $71.00 night is also to lay down their weapons. i'll read many of the people who have been arrested dead. you get all of on buckets on fight dead to have been dead facility day of got to go over the diet . come found the military fisher forces and the security for have now gotten and all of the area. the news black out, the places in lockdown, residents have been told not to move out of there rather than case the god of fear that there may be an escalation dog. also, according to the provincial government, in order to come to some sort of a negotiated settlement. so indeed their 10 standoff facility in bundle.
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north korea says it's months away from completing the development of a spice satellite, state media say an important test was conducted on sunday. south korea, as military says, it's carefully analyzing the details along with the us to get to it is a lady. it's not appropriate for us to mention every single public report on north korea. however, based on the detection data, the south korea us intelligence with dorothy is assessment remains unchanged. that north korea launched a quasi medium range ballistic missile yesterday. specific details are being comprehensively analyzed by south korean and us intelligence authorities regarding north korea. recent massage development unit can, has more from sol toward korea. casey a day is basically explaining that 2 medium range, ballistic missiles that we saw fired into waters to the east of the peninsula on a sunday. and they are calling this a final stage test for
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a reconnaissance satellite spy satellite with the aim of hosting satellite photography, as well as various systems such as data transmission and ground control. now it says that the vehicle carried a mock satellite as well as multiple cameras, transmitters, and receivers, and was fired at a loss to trajectory of 500 kilometers. and the satellite images that they put out you're seeing there. although they are quite crude compared to the global standards, they are quite a progress from what we saw at the beginning of the year. back in february, they had conducted a similar us by satellite camera, test and back than it had only show the contours of the korean peninsula. and as you saw there, we saw the engine port as well as the center of sol, which of course houses the sold presidential office. now speaking of the
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presidential office, the national security council did convene a meeting on sunday in reaction to those ballistic missile tests on sunday convened them and its continued publications as potentially putting all korea at harm's way on its own militia prime minister in war bro, he has won a vote of confidence in parliament days after he was chosen to lead the country and was asked by malaysia king to form a coalition. governments after november is contested general election. the vote is expected to cement his hold on power and bring political stability. florence louis has more from calling them for. thieves, result of the confidence vote is largely as many analysts had predicted that onward would be able to win the vote of confidence easily. and this is partly because just on friday, he had signed an agreement, party leaders from his unity government had signed a cooperation packed, saying they will, and sure that his administration is able to complete
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a full 5 year term. and they want to ensure political stability. now this is important, malaysia has experienced political and state instability since 2020 and also there was no clear winner in the elections. in november, the results returned a hung parliament for the 1st time in malaysian history and on we had said that he would hold a confidence vote on the 1st day that parliament convened to prove he has majority support. and now he has won the vote of confidence. it was through a simple voice vote after a debate in parliament. this will give him a clearer mandate going forward now, but he still faces many challenges ahead. he will have to steer the country through a and expected global economic slowdown next year. he will have to unite and increasingly polarized nation with divisions in race and religion. he'll also have to check, rising religious extremism, and he's not expected to be given an easy ride by the opposition. they've already
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turned down his proposal of a unity government and dismissed the confidence throat as a gimmick. still ahead on the i'll just renew our the twitter boss must, might have been through an opinion poll, initiated by himself. ah, african narrative from african perspective. whatever has been done before, can be done even better as long as a human being is doing it. you can do it. i knew series of short documentaries, by african filmmakers from mozambique and kenya from this is actually i so key team in east, in central africa, giant little choppers and kenya ice like africa direct on al jazeera. ah,
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he saw newly ah ah ah ah, countries from around the world have signed a deal to protect nature and promote conservation at the un biodiversity summit in canada. at least 30 percent of the world's land and marine areas have been put
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under protection by 2030. it's the most significant effort made by governments so far. the u. s. is not signing the agreement, which is opposed by the republicans. that agreement focuses on vital ecosystems, including coral reefs, with provide habitats for marine life as well as food, an income for millions of people, but many are under threats. catherine saw reports from southern kenya, where a fishing community is trying to reverse the decline. in the indian ocean, a garden is being grown under water. these conservationists spend most of their days nurturing and pending to corals that have been damaged. the fishing community of cor witten had set aside this space to save struggling corals and bring them back to life. lead down mom must sit, is one and borrow mentalist who's helping with this loss of carl. you're also looking at wave action. for example,
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from things like synonymy and high tide action that goes away, putting coastal communities settlements at risk. 25 percent of the world's marine life leaves among coral reefs, routed to the ocean floor. the corals that you can tell from their color, it's going to take many years to replant others and repairing the damage that has been caused. it's hard work being able to take our artificial beach that we design them into the want to clean those. look at the health as they are. great, so it's an everyday thing. it's intensive. it's been 6 years since people here started restoring life in this waters. they said and now seeing more fish and businesses are doing better. so i got my home, i saw higher men, sometimes i catch for octopuses. it takes me a while, because i have to rush to beat the high tide. on average, i make about $10.00
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a day. my saw the many of those who hand the garden, i'll for month fishermen. they say what they're doing is working towards numbers are rising, the community is thriving. katherine saw all the 0 kili fi county, a great barrier reef in australia, the world's largest coral reef ecosystem. scientists have developed a method to freeze cor larvae to preserve them. the finding is timely. just a few weeks ago, a group of un back scientists called for the great barrier reef to be added to a list of global heritage sites in danger. one of the reasons we want to freeze or the technical word is cry, preserve coral r v is that climate change is altering our reef. and if we can secure or save the bio diversity of coral and their genetic diversity, then we may have will have tools for the future to really help restore the car was
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decided releasing their gammy bundles inside. what they're doing at the moment is collecting them from the water and prepare it's called modern mesh technology, and it allows you to freeze and saw very rapidly being able to free car lobby is really a game changer be. that means we can access car lobby throughout the year. this is going to allow us to take this technology to debrief twitter users her voted for chief executive ill on musk to step down after the 1000000000 are posted a poll and said he respect the results. almost 58 percent of the 17 and a half 1000000 people that responded said he should quit mosque hasn't indicated if you'll stick to his pledge. he says there's no successor lined up. crystal walker is a tech journalist. he says musk never intended to stay on as chief executive for long
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. maybe it was a little bit sooner than he imagined. and i think probably he's underestimated as opposed to the scale of the opposition by uses to some of the decisions that he's made. but this was always never to call abilene run 3 large companies like twitter, space, x tesla, his, nitric car company, all at the same time and expect them to survive. there isn't an obvious success that we can see at the minute in teams or she wants to be in post. we know that there are people who have kind of evolved for the job in the past. we know that whoever gets it essentially going to give them a poison charla sees, are they going to be the pocket of you know, must, because he will still own the spot on biasing for $1000000.00. you don't just give us power over it, or they will be given free reign, which i think it's very unlikely. and then they'll have to do some recent changes in terms of people abandoning platform, you know that there are alternative issues. that's not
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a wall to wall replacement or not kind of why i think so many people are sticking with it. even with all the chaos that's going on is because there's no obvious life for get on to to escape the sinking check. that's it from me for this news hour. we'll leave you with some of the sites and highlights for footballs. biggest offense in cats are a world cup that boasts several 1st ah ah
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ah for with
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join the debate, when we talk about climate change in africa, we should focus on adaptation knocked mitigation on our online at your voice. it shouldn't be exploiting. that's what the, what is being right now is being everything that is going to benefit them more revealing new perspectives like getting this out of proportion. no, no, his reach and has power is what is this proportionate? the street where a global audience becomes a global community on al jazeera, tens of thousands of children were born into or lived under the i still regime in iraq and syria. now many are encamped either old funds or with that widowed mothers rejected by their own communities shaken de la, you think people are going to welcome them after that? of course not an emmy award winning documentary. his that chilling and traumatic
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story for the children throw stones at me erects last generation on al jazeera, unprompted, and uninterrupted discussions. from our london broadcast center on al jazeera. ah. after weeks of talks, e u. energy ministers reach an agreement to cap rush and gas prices. ah, hello, i'm sorry. i'm to my z and london. you're watching alger 0 also coming up on the program. you k court rules plans to send asylum seekers to rolanda are legal. but that people do to be deported need to have their.


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