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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  December 20, 2022 8:30am-9:01am AST

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and verified, exaggerated or incomplete. some human rights lawyers are planning to challenge the law, the exercise of a freedom of expression, which is, oh, it is also critics to our government. it whether it's, it's bad performance is it's bad services and so on. which also done by the very glass the people in, in, in asia. even if attempts to change the code are unsuccessful. tony says he won't stunk. speaking out. his latest comic shows how those who challenge the criminal code may become its victims. jessica washington, out to sera to carter. ah, your geology 0 me so robin to her reminder of all top stories, the congressional panel investigating master attack on the u. s. capital has called for criminal charges to be brought against donald trump. it follows an 18 month
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investigation into his role in the january 6th right. the former president denounced the charges as fake in addition to being unlawful, as described in our report. this was an utter moral failure and a clear deer election of duty. evidence of this can be seen in the testimony, a president tramps, own white house council, and several other white house witnesses. no man who would behave that way at that moment in time, can ever serve in any position of authority in our nation. again. he is unfit for any office. the supreme court has extended a controversial trump era immigration policy that all supposed in 2020, allow the government to use coven 19 protocols to block the entry of migrants on the border with mexico. formal hollywood film producer harvey weinstein has been found guilty on 3 crowns counts of sexual assault in los angeles. the 70 year olds
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already serving 23 years in jail out to be convicted of rape and sexual assault. at his 1st trial in new york, you energy ministers have agreed to impose a cap on gas prices from february. is the latest attempt to curb an increase in energy prices since moscow reduced most of it scans exposed to europe by caught in london as role that the u. k. government plan to send asylum seekers to wander is legal. the plan to deportation policy was suspended in june after a last minute challenge. and playing carrying argentina's champion, the footballers has landed in white as i read. you can see the plain taxing there from it's easier airport, it's the heading towards its destination. it press cool. place where they plays will the board and be taken to a local hotel on the airport complex before they move into the capitol. more news at half, not to stay with us,
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a coming of age story in the community. fighting to preserve parity in an ever changing world. thing on an ancient way to, to the, to generation award winning documentary. i'll just say, well, follow the group of young men on their right to pass the tally in the road. sorry. i've read this they could work on out is there. ah, i hello, i'm molly inside. this is counting the cost on al jazeera, your weekly look at the welding business. economics. this week, working from home office or a mixture of both bosses and walk has differ of the future of what place is remote
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working here to stay and all companies ready to make that shift. also this week, employees are trying to turn the tables and take that power back at work. the global economy face is oblique, outlooks, a could the balance shift to words, employers, global employee management and well being were rising for nearly a decade. but now they are stagnant, so what is driving unhappiness at work and what makes an ideal working environment? ah, the pandemic push companies worldwide into an unplanned experiment of remote working to keep businesses going off to strict safety measures were imposed. now that employees realize that working from home is possible, many are reluctant to go back to the office or at least not full time. around one quarter of work is globally would quit or start looking for another job if they
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were told to return to the workplace 5 days a week. that's according to a survey by group of economists. the study also says work is would take a 5 percent pay cut to keep the option of working from home employees and countries where commute saw a long prefer the remote working option. in indian china, for example, commute times average more than 90 minutes. almost double the length of us work is women who are more likely to be primary caregivers for children or other family members. valley working from home much more than men. another survey by microsoft shows that bosses on work is disagree about productivity when working from home, well, 87 percent of workers felt they worked as or more efficiently from home. 80 percent of manages disagreed. we've done our own little survey in the united states and turkey. let's listen to what work is there had to say. i think just in general,
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the topic of working remotely is really important in our culture right now because a lot of people need flexibility to raise their children and to have healthy families. so i love the shift that's happened. and i also really like what i do, which is very one on one of course, but having flexibility, it's been critical to the stage of my life and being able to be a single mom. flexibility of working at home is great because you can play around with your time, but, but i really miss the other. the other part. so i, you know, i guess at this point it would have to be sort of a mix. but i wish it would be like 3 days in the office, maybe to out. i personally don't have any pressure to go back and i think it's been really beneficial to me. i think a lot of people feel that way. you know, i'm fortunate to be able to work from home and it's given my life like a bit of a better, a better boost in some ways because it's a lot easier to work. life balance is
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a lot easier to deal with where you from home. yeah, i think the office is more comfortable. my house is close to my work, so it's not an issue. the working environment is important for work quality, even if your salary is adequate, you will be unable to perform well. if you're working conditions are deplorable, doesn't tell us i prefer working from home because i'm constantly on the computer. all of our meetings and discussions with colleagues and managers take place on line . i don't believe face to face work is necessary, at least not for a long time. it's not. it's not just about the workplace. workers are also demanding flexible working hours. a short work week is now being explored as the future of employee productivity. the 9 to 5 work day used to be a standard for all employees. now many countries like belgium, the united kingdom, iceland am sweden, are experimenting the 4 day work schedule. employees will work 4 days
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a week while getting paid the same in the same benefits, but with the same workload. joining me now from preston in the united kingdom, as adrian writes, he is the director of the institute for research and organizations work employment at the lancaster, school of business and enterprise. thank you for joining the program. what do you think the biggest or more surprising trends you've noticed in the world of work since the pandemic started? i think we've the most important and meaningful change in the world of where is the difference in terms of why people work and how people are working. i think since they, upon barrick, obviously remain working in hybrid working has that has grown significantly where people are choosing to work in different ways after remotely or more often in a hybrid working environment where people are choosing to pop from home. and also pop from the office,
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but i think also real big change in the way people work. and what people want from work is to prioritize health and wellbeing and flexibility in the workplace. that might be working different types of ours to see and personal circumstances. and really thinking casserly about excuse, so she's been out stress and mental health and wellbeing working from home. and as you say, clearly has become popular with workers. but not all employee surely do want to work from home today. i mean, personally, i know i prefer that boundary between my work life and my home life. so of course, and obviously different employees have different circumstances as well. it's really, really important in the world. the work must really important for employers is to think about employee and also work environments and work conditions that those personal circumstances and with the pandemic and returning to
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work after the time dummy. it was a lot more flexibility and people would like and to work much more on their own. so it's about organizations offering that sorts of flexibility to personal circumstances. always thing the ship to as working from home across all sexes or does it tend to be more white collar workers? well, obviously it depends on the fact it does depend on how and possible working from home a professional factors affected the baseball can be of course, people can work at home and more than say, in retail policy and those types. but i think also what we're seeing is that changing modeling sense of businesses and what they're offering, what that digital infrastructure is becoming in place where organizations are offering different options and not just working from home or working in the office,
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but also the actual whole different environment that people can come to work in different places, different times. yeah, that's an interesting point. that's as technology improves that is clearly becoming more and more of a thing. i mean, tell us a bit more about it. so what we're seeing prior to the panoramic to assess the next 10 posts on time, it gives the rise and digital infrastructure where rogan nations and using digital technology to connect employees in different ways and in a physical contact. these are things like working space as we should be in a dramatic rise over the past 5 to 10 years, but certainly takes time dammit, but also organizations and large organizations. thinking about physical proximity in a different way. and for example, having office hopes, indifferent fifties, where employees can connect to where removing employees from what we want, physical one, office workspace to variety of different approaches in order to me,
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the different needs to employees and stay flexible. we talked a lot about what employees want, what is it the employees want? are they resisting? especially now that the pandemic is over. the whole working from home concept things working from home requires employees to have a different mindset. it requires trust and to a certain extent required the release of control from how traditional work was done within organizations and a different style of management. so that buses and employees really need to think about how they can be flexible and change their approach to management aid in order to get the most out of the workforce. but crucially, also provide the workforce and with the right environment that they with because we've seen individuals and employees and really considering that place in work and what they want from work and employees have to with that. what about the notion of the 9 to 5 work day or the 5 day week? is that going to become a thing of the past?
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i mean, i know we have some countries or, and experimenting on the food a week. yeah. so i mean companies really looking at modernizing how we're working and we need to know how we work. and i think we need to look inside the job rather than focusing on a conventional way. that's how we understand work and how we understand the traditional working week. you mentioned companies such as uni, leave here with demonstrates can meet business target alongside dropped enough to them and stress and helping tend to work life balance as well. so we've seen many strong evidence from companies like uni labor, but also companies across the world and suggesting it's, it's really counter and this is just longer working out can increase productivity. it doesn't seem to be like that. we've also seen a more e commerce on the rise social media has created a new world of jobs like influences and so on. what does that mean in terms of the
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future of the workplace, the future of jobs? well, school change always implement craze in the nature of work and what we're seeing in the rec, down since the labor markets in the market to have to adapt and with in fluids. for example, what's really interesting in there is we're seeing a kind of a workplace in the intersection between white work and what leisure time, and more broadly, it's another example of pro fall. yeah, i want pinocchio create forms that really and embrace that digital workplace context and think about social attitude changing towards work. and so i expect of basically the sorts of things to be on the rise companies using influences more and more and embracing influence in their marketing budget. so these types of work isn't going away and it's how we about the organizations deal with. adrian, stay with us. i'm going to come back to you in
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a 2nd while some companies have accommodated the remote work option. many others have dug in the heels, but with a shrinking job market. in some countries on the changing world of work, many young employees are re thinking how they want their careers to fit into their lives. they're demanding will pay better working conditions and they're willing to walk away if their demands on not met. employees left the workforce in record numbers in the united states in europe and asia, leaving millions of positions unfilled. last year, the trend was dubbed the great resignation. another phenomena that was on the rise is quite quitting. the term describes workers who only do the job that they're being paid to do. just meeting that job description without taking on any extra duties in order to focus on time spent outside the office. and an unprecedented number of people have changed jobs since the start of the pandemic in wants being
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dumps the great re shuffle. so adrian young employees as we were hearing that known as generations, the, all the main driving force behind that new workplace trends. why did they feel particularly more empowered than employees if the past will, of course the main we've got really strong labor markets and in a really strong position for, for young work is in many ways genocide is different. they probably face to face communication. that's tech savvy, but you see diversity is the norm and really have a focus on the road, mental health and wellbeing and but also alongside that, right? so we won't pay and go prospects and organizations have to react to this after prior in size and the desires of these types of workers in order to be competitive in the labor market, offer flexible work, clear development pathways and those sorts of things like that in the power struggle between employers and workers who currently has the upper hand. oh,
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currently industry relations, really interesting area for examination. and the u. k. really high profile example . work is fighting back whether it be intend to industrial action such as the royal male or trained strive barracks to be been involved in industrial disputes. but alongside that, what we've got all the things that you mentioned before, the quiet quick thing and the great resignation. and people are really thinking casually about that job roles and instruction was to have with work. and all of these things highlights the type of resistance in the changing rhetoric in the power between work and organizations, and work with forces and employee. employees have to respond that poor pe stress now manageable work close that set and re game that relationship between organizations in the workforce and historical women have always like behind men,
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have ne, when it's come to pay all progressing, their careers is this new generation of women in the workplace, changing related to switching jobs to the highest rates and, and, and right. and women are looking at different ways in which they can get meaning from their work. but i think it's important to point out that women are rules already, you know, oh, so and under represent the leadership and still experience my progressions and gender equality. and tackling equality is still a huge challenge for the global workforce. and they still attend to pay gap, which is related to economic, cultural, social, and educational factors. and some and organizations where they need to still start thinking about flexible work and how much jobs in their organization is dominant dominated by males pay discrimination. the nice things to tackle gender
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equality and more broadly, and audit and support women in the workplace. really need to think about how it tackle issues like can be utilized. ation is skills or downward occupational ability. for example, when women returning to work up to having children. so leaders and managers really african catholic, a blind management processing policy to support women in the workplace. a lot of the economies around the world are starting to flow down. recession is being full cost for 2023. couldn't economic downturn shift the balance back to employees? i think the answer to that really is 3 to the expense in which we cannot make. flo will take place whether it's a significant or drastic flow down, or whether it's something which is a little less the less and work in the temporary economic way down. what really
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changed the way it was seeing? what we're seeing is a really big shift in the way, where the no garage places are interacting with each other. the route is though an economic slowdown will change that power relationship between organizations and work. and it will be really interesting thing to monitor as we go through the next couple of years. as i say, what we know is how large down them will be. and books, it's likely to have an impact on where it is fighting back if, if that continues to experience it in hospitable conditions. i didn't really get to talk to adrian, writes, director of the institute for such into organizations, work unemployment at b, lancaster, school of business, and surprise. thank you for your time. thank you. the whether it is remote working or an office space job and the course any thriving business is productive employees. career experts estimate the more than 40 percent
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of workers would lower their productivity standards in a toxic work environment, while at least 12 percent would leave that job due to toxic work cultures. employee disengagement cost the global economy almost $8.00 trillion dollars. that's 11 percent of gd pay. according to the american analytics company, gallup anthony. the pump is a reset scientist on associate the department of behavioral and cognitive sciences at the university of luck. somebody joins me now from lux back. thank you for joining the program. doesn't really matter that people are happy at work. thank you for the information and yes, it does matter. as matter of fact, when you are looking to have a job, we reduced actually a large part of our life. us work. so it is important. yep. yep. work because then if we have any thoughts on our general well being, then i think from the perspective of an employer or the perspective of manager is also very important because that positive consequences for instance,
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we know that what being at work increases productivity. we also know that happy workers, they are more likely to cooperate and they also the fact that the quick and last but not least, it is also very important from the perspective of policy makers to governments now are considering taking well being as a goal on its own so definitely when being at work and i think what be in general is actually very important. according to pretty extensive survey done by gallup, they found the job. unhappiness is at a staggering old time high. why is that? that? that's actually a very good question. i think what we are doing in our research is to try to understand what are the determinants of hatnus at work in general so that we can understand what's happening today. and we bill, for instance, that one of the most important determinants of being at work is just the curity. and as of today we are in
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a situation where job security is on the right. or we are more and more afraid of losing our job. so this might be one of the reasons why we have this increasing trend in job satisfaction. and i think it is worth mentioning is the impact of the working after and then a working was associated with decreases in happiness. this is what we have with my team and we're still black 100 and some economy. so this cost is you know, more insecurity. all that working in my own country gets to reduce what being at work today. what about pe and room renumeration? where does that fall in the happiness criteria of work is what we discovered and even more interesting, from my perspective. as that money don't matter as much as other was thing before. job insecurity or doesn't matter as much as having a good balance between your personal life and your working life. so definitely,
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and i re matters but not as much as its author characteristics. it's not uncommon to see people accepting a pay cut when the change of job because the new job is more practical in terms of working time because the job is more interesting. so definitely important, but it's not the most important characteristic. anthony, we've been talking on this program about the whole phenomenon of working from home that's taken off since the pandemic started work. is that work from home more productive because they are happier? it's actually a very good question because i think what we, what we learned from our research is that the effect of working is very context sensitive. before the pandemic, they were really papers you know, framed, understand whether working from home was making workers happier and more productive . and before the pending, these papers were pretty positive. they were saying that you're working from home, it's more happy and much more productive. but then we thought about this with my mother in law sumburgh and my colleagues at the stuff economy. and we started to
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think that maybe this affects the positive effect of working. my 3 depend on the context, and this is why we look that date out at the beginning of the probably 900. and then actually we found stated, working at the beginning of the time, it was negative on average. and this is not surprising because with covey, the many people were forced to get it work and it was not a choice and not have adequate equipment to efficiently work from home. and when we're talking about to the working group and then the course to think about lock downs. and so the fact that you had your children and you have your family that platform. and you can also exercise after, you know, after day off the working well, just at home. so i think the effect of working on happiness 1st is very complex center. and then when it comes to productivity well, with the university of ross and we collected a survey very recently about the opinions of thousands of worker about productivity
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. why is that working? and actually only 25 percent of them considered that they have been more productive . thanks that they work. so what you will tips to both employees and to managers for what makes a happy workplace? well, i think i think it's a mix of small and big things. i'm thinking about the case of stated working, for instance, i think at the manager level, it is very important to value your teams efforts and, and make them understand what they have been doing. you've actually valued because you know, when you are a worker and when you're working from home, you don't have connection. we don't manager, you don't have this connection. we just seem as much as you used to have it in person. the way it comes to working. i think really bearing in mind that the efforts of your team available is something that needs to be that manager needs to bear in mind. another thing i think that's important is to respect, you know, the boundaries and thinking about that working. for instance, if you are working in a team and you have a very important to send and it's
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a pm 5 pm, you know, outside of regular working time, i understand that sending the man will somewhat help you sleeping better because you're going to get rid of the burden of sending the mail, but we today we have this technology that allows us to program, sending it, sending of an email. so if you want to write an email outside of working time, then you can just program it and make sure that it's since the morning after so that you don't put the weight on your team. so read very small efforts, the small things to have anything i think what it can be happy and safe workplace. the interesting you talked about technology does as it is, it's technology making. people be advancing technology, making people happy at work it's. it's a tricky question because ah, we're breaking into our shuttle prog on set you straight live to one is our is international airport where you can see lee and all messy and the argentinian
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winning fee for well cut team arrive on home soil with the trophy, their plane landed just a short time ago at a caesar airport, where it is the middle of the night, there in gwen as i read the team, of course, having come are all having left. doha, went to rome, and then from rome. they've arrived back home as to what will be ecstatic crowds, a shed jill of events. as you can see, is that the team is leaving the plane. they are headed on to an open top was within the airport complex, allowing the international press call to get their pictures to allow the argentinian people to realize that their winning team having won the world cup in what, after nearly 3 decades is her back home. where it belongs now the team will be taken to a designated location on the airport complex,
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where the team will actually rest for the evening. there is dead aconia who was one of the goals scores there. angle de maria, in fact, to place the event us there. and he will of call sir, be one of the many on that open top bus. as they head to their hotel coach gilley here in the background, the music that is playing a great those i thought we might be able to hear it a little bit more, but it's quite low. it seems on the fee that we have no control over. but call leon messy down the top of the bus, holding on to the welcome tre, very tightly that gold metals around the neck of, with the still ecstatic at that penalty shootout,
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beating friends in that historic fido. many actually saying across the world in much of the national press media that is one of if not the best final in the 92 year history of the world cup. and i think the very few detractors on a site that would say anything. but of course apple work because their input is always be able to get a offense can view. little messy calls. the captain of the team, i acknowledging the support from the public. now there is it, we know will be an open top bus parade later on in the morning as 8 is the middle of the night in argentina right now. and the players will be going to a designated hotel to rest as they come home with a trophy that they have long waited for. of course, the backdrop for the country many will be comparing this way and to their last, when in 1986.


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