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tv   Up Front  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2022 5:30am-6:00am AST

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or thing, we have this very beautiful culture. we have dads, we have drums, we have. so it is natural that's, you know, would want to do films. if you look at how the current industry developed, it was just about volume people just kept creatine, and creeds, and people loft, entertainment. people wanted to watch it. you have a lot of filmmakers as well now, who want it to be standard, like we want it to go places we want it to have, you know, to, to have the proper structure. but then we also have few makers who think that or who want our fumes to cross, you know, to the tilt. so the global or north and you know, for the war to see because we now need the, the exposure. we need the film industry to be developed to that will have, you know, people can actually get paid and be able to leave off their earning, asked creators, for me or my hopes and dreams for my career in the industry would be that festival . to tell stories that very, you know, genuine, to me it's very important for me to tell stories i feel need to be seen by the
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world ah, resolve 0 and these are the top stories. more than 200000000 people in the u. s. for under whether warnings is a bitterly cold storm sweeps through north america, the arctic blast as lot hundreds of thousands of homes without power and caused major travel disruption forecasters are calling it a once. in a generation weather event. a record breaking snowstorm has hit parts of northwestern japan killing at least 8 people. it's led to traffic chaos, disrupted railway services and cut power to thousands of homes for casters are expecting more severe weather. in the coming days. there been protests in paris after 3 people were shot dead near a kurdish cultural center. investigators are considering a possible racist motive for the attack. a 69 year old suspect previously jailed for attacking migrants has been arrest unopposed. sure,
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it is not certain that the killer wanted to assassinate these people, and there is little doubt that he wanted to assassinate people here in paris and did so specifically to target kurdish people. and he was clearly targeting foreigners, we need to know from the judicial inquiry presided over by the public prosecutor, whether it was specifically for the kurds. but for the moment that there was no evidence to show that the civil m. 23 fighters who have seized large areas in the democratic republic of congo, have pledged to retreat from a strategic frontline position fighter se. they'll give up the town of cuban buck. east african leaders have been pushing for an end to the conflict. this forced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes since october investigators and ethiopia, se flight software failure caused the crash of a boeing 737 max passenger plane in 2019 their conclusions tally with previous investigations, which blamed faulty sensors for sending wrong data to the planes flight control system. this caused the aircraft's nose to pitch downwards. there was
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a similar crash and indonesia involving the $737.00 max earlier that year. china is battling a wave of corona virus infections that has hit the elderly population hard. this video shows dozens of body bags piled up at a funeral parlor in the southwestern city of cha ching. but beijing has reported just a handful of deaths. it recently changed criteria for registration of covered 19 fatalities. the news continued here in al jazeera after upfront. and talked to al jazeera, we also do believe that women of afghanistan was somehow abandoned by the international community. we listen, we up a huge price for the war against terrorism. as going on in some money, we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter went out to sierra. french economist, thomas pity is one of the world's leading voices on any quality. as most indicators continue to show the gap between the rich and the rest getting bigger tickets, his latest book, a brief history of equality, seems to strike
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a more optimistic note. so can we say a future with less rather than more inequality in an up front special asked renown economists then author thomas, picket thomas pickets. he thank you so much for joining us on up front. yes, so, so inviting your latest book is a fascinating one. it's called a brief history of equality and one of the things that stood out to me is that it's rather optimistic if you say that we as a society are on a long term journey toward equality. at the same time, you acknowledge that any quality exists at what you call intolerable levels. but you also say that the path toward a more equal world is not a clean and neat one is not a linear one, but that we go through phases of regression and what you call ident a. terry, an intro version. oh, what does that mean? weight means that, you know, things are not always as simple as we would like them to leave,
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but i really want to stress, you know, as you said, you know, just to stick dimension of this book because, you know, in this book, a brief history of equation you know, 1st i have tried to be, you know, shorter and more accessible than my previous book. it went to just centering, get to do your g, which are easy to read. it's just a, it's like $2260.00 benji. can you read in your we can also, and i try to synthesize you to what we have learned from these, you know, compared to international research program and a, since, you know, the 18th century and key conclusion, which i, you know, try to clarify. maybe was not sufficiently clear in my previous book that in the long run were indeed a very good movement to, well, it was indication to some extent the agenda,
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like what do you wish to request? you know, of course, in all of the dimensions there is to, to, to do. but as compared to, you know, where we were 2 centuries ago, one some, 3 ago i, i really want to stress that through a sequence of major core transform mission, core transformation. so shorter you go to get an order in it all comes from mission . we have moved to a world that you both really cool and more prosperous and in the long run, you know, rise of mo, an economy could. it could equate is absolutely, you know, impossible. to separate from the rise of them gross madame economy prosperity. but you say that you say that it's not as simple. you say that it's not as simple as we would like. and it seems to me that one of the ways that it's not that simple is that there are these periods of regression of retrenchment. there are these step backs talking about that. well, i'm going to talk to you about that, but you know,
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i want to stress that indeed it's not simple, but in the end, in the long run, that's what that's always been complicated. so just let me take an example. you know, the process to, well, no, i quoted g a very much at the end of the 18th century, you know? so i bought a question during the french revolution. and also, you know, the slave river in some mine, which is the 1st major success slavery in the story. as you see, you know, to beginning of the end of slave and quote, on your side now is the process, you know, the end of communities and the end of it not move with short inequality as continued in the 19th century. it was the final abolition of slavery. there's a rise of voting rights arises. you need to refresh at least 4 men then continue to use the 21st century. was the rise of a sort of fragile independence of, you know,
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countries that were producing a rise, a social security progressive taxation and it continues today with and, you know, what's worse examples come on is that, you know, it's never been seen before. and it's, it's always been a complicated political process encouraging could you could issue and so forth for years. and so you know, the fact that it's not important today, and that to a phase of regression and that it's complicated. it's always been like that. but in the end, in the end, you know, the world is moving in this direction to, well my quote g and you know, the message from the book is that people will say that she's going to stop there and that we cannot make any and will move to, i'm going to always beings consented to view of the world as always. ok,
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we've made progress, but you know, now that's, you know, you know, i mean, you don't want to know what g we've done already. so much. are we not going to go back to where sucrose, you know, not going to go back to slavery, we're not going to go back when there was no social security, but that's enough. this is not going to continue. well, in fact, this is going to continue. this is not going to be easy. it's never been treating, you know, in almost political movies issue just like you are. but, you know, in the end, this is a long run. so for the man, so i quite g as that, he's inseparable from madame nikki, in general. and you know, i think especially at a time today where indeed we see read risha and caesar were in ukraine receipt in the most are research relations for there are lots of programs, but i think it's also important to bring. i have a question, i have a question about those. this is not, you know,
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so i have to think of absolutely not to not have a course. i had a question about those problems that you raise. and i'm, i was thinking specifically about trump ism, i was thinking about rex it in the u. k. of course, the rise of nationalism in india. all as examples are these, the kind of moments that you would refer to as the regression. we're still in the long trek toward equality, but these are the, this is the one step back we take. we take the 2 steps forward. yes, no, it's the south dakota regression indeed. but you know what i want to stress the regressions. and you could also mentioned a country and of course shows a very strong, a pretty good i think, to a large extent was those in europe. yeah. you know, this is a consequence of the fact that we are start thinking about a different economic system and moving to, well, the more inclusive and again,
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talent and to start thinking about changing as you can reach them. and then people are for 20 years such that there is only one economy course that you cannot change it. that goes on months. they just have to accept, you know, the only one way of dealing with the program. and the only things that government can do is to control the girl and the identity. then of course, you know, 20 years later also feels like the young to you. but if you put on the sessions about controlling identity, actually she's confronted by the fact that we have stopped thinking about transforming sequence. so this is what you know, i'm trying to bring back in the conversation. because if you look at the 19th century of the 20th century, you know the. busy rise of social security, the rise of, of progress effects asians arise of more cool political rights both using
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countries as well a just like this where type and this is also what brought was it you will be dish and you know with a name of yes or object and in the name of contract, that's a challenge. and that's the standard from steven if you don't have anymore offer, you can get that from early tomorrow for sure. and we can get qualities. and he's, when identity gets back, one of the things you've laid out is a kind of big picture, long term analysis of equality, right? you said that over centuries equality has increase in, in one of the best indices of equality growing is the economy. but when we look on a shorter term basis, that is to say 2 decades rather than 2 centuries. we see the gap between those who
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have in those who don't between the rich and the poor going the other way. is there reason to believe that that trend will be reversed? why would we believe that that trend will be reversed in and go along parallel with the rest of history. where social 400 damen, chums of a quarter. gee, where we continue to make progress in the past 20. so if you look at gender recorded your reassuring recorded g. i mean, it's not that the situation is perfect today. you know, so you're going to work for sure. but i'm just saying, as i said about economic equality. yeah. yeah, no for sure. but that's, that's part of it. now when it comes to monetary ecology of income in west, i mean you are right. we have not moved in. and what i consider was a good direction in research, but you're getting the wrong, we are moving the right direction. so just let me take some example. you know, if you think of the conversation we had last year about
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a minimum tax on corporations as a world news or, you know, i think it's not, you know, a lot of problems with it. but, you know, you know, to conversations that we have in 10 years ago. if you think of, you know, in the presidential campaign in the united states, in 2020, you know, you had to come today for the democratic party, a sunday. and together they were almost out of the democratic primary. and in fact, most on a l, as a young good looking, just very young children that go to, you know, 50 the other didn't measure it just took on the dates were proposing to introduce, you know, progressive when stacks a new or text friend up to 510 best, some young media now, you know, something i wasn't looking at in terms of french just century in 2014, but i can tell you as a time, i remember i had a discussion with her and she told me, wow, that's too much of what you know,
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in 2020, she was competing with who was going to propose that yes. was that so. ok. i know this was didn't we were not implemented but you know, i think you can see that the discussion is changing. so at some point, you know, you have to make the richest people pay more taxes just no other way. you look at the story, you know, we've seen already, situation raises missouri, you know, after world war 2, we are huge probably better than today. and in every country, you know, you had to take a sky will fall, but sorry, the sky will fall is what the rich tell us. they say that if we pay more taxes, we will stop experimenting. we'll stop investing, we'll stop creating jobs, and the entire world will collapse. yeah, of course, but you know, this is already was yours, across with friends at a reach were saying 1945 or 19
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searching ones. income tax was created and united states, you know, the good thing is that we have to serve. and we have research in, you know, the story course and social science, including science so that we, we treat, i'm not actual concrete knowledge about the story corps experience. it and what we've seen run, let me repeat again that when we went for a quality in particular or your back session under reach, in fact, not only good that's but he's what led to even more prosperity, the cultural for prosperity, east product education, and you don't want just us more any, did you want? the broader bottles are pretty sure and this is what made the u. s. and economy in the 20th century. us compare them to return to work very stratified and quote, if you didn't receive them for a g, u. s. were as a country, we are much more you get sort of the difference is that,
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so this is the effect on that one to become rich and cetera truly extremely crazy. so again, let me say, i'm not saying you won't complete it. if i compare, you know, countries over time, you know, i think, you know, maybe you need an income, get a when to fight. in some cases we could, you know, some people say one to 20, but in any case, you know, went to 101 to 200. those are kind of in almost gaps that we have today. you know, it's when you compare countries over time, it's just not useful. so yeah. those are cheaper prosperity is to have always more iniquities simply does not as a test of history. and i think, you know, it's just making a thing of history. i'm thinking of history, one of the things you also talk about is how change is often accelerated through these kind of a crises, the kind of moments in history that accelerate chain, you know, we're one world war 2, et cetera. do you think it would take something of that scale,
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a cataclysm of that nature to reverse or, or shrink inequality at this juncture in history? why no, i don't see is necessarily what we need mostly with, you know, whether it's been successful in story a transformation of done with just some treatment was one of the more we're going to treat in europe is increasingly, what is your system where even corporations, as a right to go to support an action for them and you know, you know, which is some things that you mentioned national today we're not asking with sweden mentioned. and then who would you be a trade union musician as a social, democratic vision, as a social democratic party to go online to georgia and the state give us your freedom to the service of a completely different branch for a project you're using or is this information about income in west look to
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distribute more g right to the west. but to make that a progressive back so that your base or when you get on system for or, and her system for which, you know, it's not that we've seen recently, but yet, you know, it's better than everything else we have seen before. so you have to transform missionaries, quickie musicians from new forms of political parties, political movement, you know, let's go carefully at story what, what, what, you know, that one of the rest of the punch just introduce what matter, you know, new political organization with keep going to well, no, it's, and number 2, you know, the, a competition between monday, so you know, that the existence of communities come to my, that is a french a century. certainly just some of the wisdom to accept in the end. you are still to fight some transform mission software to support systems and then you
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can talk to it that way. in the future, i think there was a competition which china can play to some extent. as you know, roland, you know very much that wisdom countries in particular realize that, you know, you don't offer to the global. so the economy system and in particular is they don't share the worse. there's a don't show, you know, a few score resources. you know, we were referring your new to the discussion about the tax of merchant nurse programs that grow or so you don't get into it just again, 3 countries or south. so not to to split the resources of the tree. then another one of your key argument is how global inequality is intrinsically linked to colonialism and how there is a collective responsibility in the west and western european countries. in particular. to address this past, have you seen any indications that those in power in countries like france, the united kingdom, spain, or belgium, are ready to engage with that past in any kind of meaningful way?
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i think they will need them just because, you know, if they don't do it, then you know, china, we gain so much and who are in this house and that's already what's happening. you know, by financing, fracture and managing so so, so if you don't countries, we ask to change a course of action. you know, i think they just started to realize that to a region remember that increase the poor in particular embarrassing the 2015 or climate submitting various countries or not as promise countries in just a moment and to another to show charging audio, to adapt to the consequences of treatment change, which is largely due to the insurance, a bus 2 for centuries. the problem, of course, as you rightly point out, is that, you know, wisdom countries, you know, do not comply with their own promise. and you may never happens. right. and i think, you know, the next step and would be i think the next step in the discussion. does that look,
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you cannot then tell people in brazil all don't do business in russia. don't do business with us. but if you had the same time, you are not proposing because the western countries are very critical and i think, you know, they want to get some leverage in world politics. you know, they will have to change attitudes because, you know, after or rich countries will not exist. you know, we don't pull countries and we don't the system of division of labor and global exploitation of natural resources. human resources, sometimes they're very good man, i'm sorry, as we, as we all know and you know, order which just a world today, a letter on that point of 1000000000. you also talk about electoral democracy's being co opted by the rich or who obviously are opposed to any kind of re distributive economic policy or social policy. do you view that as the biggest
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obstacle toward the kind of real fundamental progress that, that, that's possible it's, it's a, you know, it's a big problem because i think one day, you know, when we look at what we call to the democracy, you know, maybe year around just when we look at this, when we say, well, look is, i wasn't liter democracy, but you're a system where a rich can put so much money to purchase a new job. you know, a big influence was not to meet. you know, it's not real democracy. will say that we are democracy, you know, you should, every citizen should have the same a democracy, give a chance to pay for political parties, principal complaint, so that everybody has equal influence. and you can really equal. and i think gradually, you know, and you know, we would realize that, you know, just see what they were. christian should be. so know,
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this is not what we are and you need when the program. but again, this was already the program. you know, i did a search in windsor income tax was created with united states and yeah, and, you know, the particular vision was that they get the process. so i, you know, i really want to stress, it's always good, but it's always, you know, in the end, in order to, to move in the right direction. one of the things that you have to think about differently is this idea that rich countries are helping poor countries through age and public assistance. you say that that idea is somewhat distorted, and that in fact, rich countries are continuing to profit off of poor countries. can you explain what you mean by that? well, what i mean by that is simply that outflow of profits and you get to don't go outside of what countries and then going to the nurse or to the credit or not is
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actually a crew of you sure. but a, so i think we need to have a complete view of the transfer around it more generally. you know, rich countries would be rich today with, you know, a expectation of resources. that when i talk to centers and we keep everything today, you know, when i hear, you know, rich countries will say, always as a refugee crazy, a neighboring country should take care of that. ok. but when the summer, you know, she dos on. yeah. yeah. and friends needs to go on, you know, you know, the western countries, next money stands i was and jim, it was a way to get a result. so these are kind of like, go crazy talking to them. and i think the solution we get that at some point is that there was just the most prosperous it couldn't actor in the world. so i'm not
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talking to citizens in which countries are well, just going to get in there. not because these are not just rich nationals and where it's just give you the we have to pay, you know, we have to be distributed to all countries, you know, in a traditional and in proportion. maybe it was an exposure to climate change and, and, and you know, global warming and, you know, at some point, you know, i think it would just be acceptable to see year after year rich countries, you know, not respecting what they're saying about putting on monday night. and so i think the only solution is to get to an automatic mechanism. we, you know, you don't have to renegotiate and to bag you please, can you, let's, let's think it cannot work properly. we don't. so the solution is simple. you know, technically we started last year,
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it was the discretion tax of corporation. so it shows that these can be done. the only difference with the difference is that part of the tax revenue and merge national is and you know, they're most distributed not only knows, but also 2 countries or so. so you know, it's not the world as new. don't be as rich. we've never been quite as richly just the question of organization and getting better organized. so as to, you know, as clear the west shows or worse, you know, where that is consistent with our own of short principal. you know, how on the correct you shall receive calls are equal to g g, you know the right to the man to right to dish and the right to. but when are we going to make these abstract can support a reality? and what you know, the miss so they propose is reggie simple. you know, let's look at what happens of us. let's see. you know, all to put you from. so mission's a rise of social security is
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a raise of progressive taxation that happens the 20th century. and let's try to publish it further at the international scale. and then even more ambitious manner also also changed. so i must say you are perhaps the most hopeful of optimistic economists that i have ever met. your analysis is welcomed with for your time here on up front. thank you so much. center african narratives from african prospectives. whatever has been done before, can be done even better, as long as a human being is doing it, you can do it. i knew series of short documentary by african filmmakers from mozambique and kenya. summary, i pointed out again for graduate from that we knew ice okey team in eastern central
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africa, giant little choppers and can yet i slide africa direct on al jazeera 1st on the move. so believe that's why i'm nervous. a sense with
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what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they're going through here, douglas 0. we believe everyone has a story worth hearing abandoned, as a child by his own cristella knows nothing of early life in the republic of hunger . after 40 years living in switzerland, cristella follows a fascinating paper trail that leads from his adopted home to the country of his bare. and the most unexpected re union witnessed it were on al jazeera. ah .


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