tv The Stream Al Jazeera December 28, 2022 11:30am-12:01pm AST
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have food, we didn't have anything in late november agency, safe pool, boots, left bangladesh. on december, the 8th and indonesian oil tanker picked up a boat carrying about 150 people of the me in my coast and towed it to shore. 10 days later the shrunken navy rescued a 104 people osher lunk, his north coast. the captain said he'd received an s o s message from a 3rd boat, which he feared was about to sink. on sunday, a group of 58 ra hinge came ashore in ladon, village in indonesia, western arch province. and on monday evening the boat carrying a 185 landed further up the coast. it's not yet clear whether this is the boat he had lost a week earlier. like, we need to do further communication and intensive investigation with different parties within indonesia or outside of indonesia. to clarify, if this is the case. at the moment, i cannot confirm the information for now, indonesians doing what they can to give these refugees some sense of normality and dignity after their ordeal. but the future remains unclear. agency say the number
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of a hinge if leading by boat from refugee camps or bangladesh has risen fivefold this year, 22 and a half 1000. the theories that many more will be subject to the sorts of dangers in the month to come. hurry, faucet al jazeera ah, what childers there with lisa hill, robin, and hall. reminder of all top stories. hong kong is lifting almost all of its remaining code 19 restrictions from thursday. it will cancel social distancing rules, quarantines, and p. c. r tests for arrivals. hong kong is to reopen its borders with mainland china. next month. ukraine says russian forces of shoulder maternity, warren cash on an area it reclaimed last month. ukraine's military has resumed a counter offensive in the eastern region of hans to it's major cities remain under russian control. charles stratford has more now on the shelling of the hospital and
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casual a spokesperson for president zelinski said that a doctor had literally only just finished operating or giving us this area in section 2, a pregnant mom when the shelling started. miraculously, so the spokesperson said, nobody was injured in that attack. russia says it'll been oil exports to countries that set price caps on its energy products. the decree will come into effect in february and last 5 months, the european union, the g 7, australia agreed to cap the price of russian crude oil earlier this month. it's one of a series of measures aimed at cutting the kremlin revenue during the war in ukraine . the u. s. supreme court has rule to keep border restrictions known as title 40 to the restrictions blocked, thousands of migrants from entering the country from mexico. the u. s. government impose them during the pandemic in 2020. the supreme court is set to issue a final ruling. next june, at least 64 people have been killed in weather related incidents in north america.
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a severe winter storm battered the region. new york state is one of the worst effected areas. some people have been stranded in their cars for 2 days. heavy rains in flooding over the christmas weekend of killed at least 25 people in the southern philippines. rescue teams are trying to help tens of thousands falls from their homes. those where the headlands will be back with more news and half are here on the al jazeera. next is the stream to stay with us. talk to al jazeera, we also do you believe that women of afghanistan was somehow abandoned by the international community? we listen, we have a huge price for the role of dentist terrorism that's going on in some money. we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on al jazeera thought.
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welcome to the stream, i'm josh rushing, sitting in front of me. okay. the world health organization is leading a public awareness campaign aimed at tackling high rates of debt by suicide across africa. and it's urgent governments across the continent to do more for people in crisis. so today we ask, why is there a mental health emergency in africa? hey, look, if you're watching this on youtube, seattle box like right there. we have a live stream producer waiting, get your questions and comments to me. so i can get him to our expert turn the show . so let's do this together and it's really important show today i can use your help, but i want to warn you, we're going to be talking about some sensitive issues that include mental health and death by suicide. ah, joining us to discuss the mental health crisis across africa, avi way, for nanny as a senior officer at united for global mental health. she's in cape town, south africa mosca cosa, is founder at mind. lab africa, mental health care,
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non profit. she joins us from kampala, uganda, and from jose nigeria, we have ruth tilley kado. she is a journalist in a mental health advocate. alright, avi way, i'd like to begin with you. and so you're sitting in south africa and yeah, 6 of the 10 countries in the world that had the highest suicide rates are in sub saharan africa. but 3 of those countries are actually within the borders of south africa. so i'm just, i want to ask you what's going on there, what's happening with mental health in south africa? so yeah, as you said, we definitely have a mental health crisis in south africa. the biggest challenge is that we have a challenge of avoidance. we don't have the right policies, and there's still quite a lot of stigma when it comes to mental health challenges and mental health as
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a whole. and we have 23 suicide deaths in south africa every day. and then $460.00 attempts of suicide deaths in south africa every single day. so at the moment it really is a crisis that we're in and we don't have enough services as a country. there's a 93 percent treatment gap. so it means that the number of people that need access to care and the people that receive care, i'm not enough. we don't have enough services. a mental health policy lapse in 2020 and it has not yet been updated. many of the mental health service workers are not trained enough to serve the people that are in their communities. and so that really leaves us in a space where we are constantly being reactive to the mental health crisis. and not necessarily being preventative towards positive mental health. whether you one is
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trying to do this campaign. i want to bring her doctor joseph. uh boring is the director for program management. that the who, here's what he has to say about this. millions of people, needy care do not have access to service use with encrypted conditions leading to staggering debussy, pearson social disability, substance abuse, and even suicide ended and africa. the african, me, john as the highest 3 top suicide globally, iran 11 out of 100000 people die by suicide every year. and it is if bob give global average of 9 be 100000 people. so liz, he's talking about the suicide rights there, and i to me, suicides in this issue are the canary in the coal mine. but they're also kind of the tip of the iceberg of a mental health crisis. i don't know if we need to focus as much necessarily on
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suicide as why those numbers are so high and that's kind of the broader mental health crisis. now here in you god, you're joining us in the middle of a power outage. is that right in? in uganda, you got about a one, a 1000000 chan in a, in the air of kampala. so you, i think we have a delay that that's okay. i'll be patient as my question, but in uganda you have a one and 1000000 chance of meeting a psychiatrist. meaning for every 1000000 people that live there, you have one psychiatrists, but if you're in a power outage right now, how does the country, i guess tree out what they need to address here? do they address, getting you more steady electricity, or do they address? getting more psychiatrist. i thank you for your question. you know, very tricky question, but all the answer would be to get more electricity rate. we've not, but it to
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a point where we take mental health very, very seriously. like you've been for population of 4546000000. definitely one psychiatrist. yes. and it's very disheartening. you know, we can go, we can blame all of our african mental health challenges we can say, or there's a lack of awareness. however, they are people on ground doing that, that work, right? that's what we do. that's what i really does rate, but we have, we have a policy that we haven't access, right? so it's not just enough to say it is nor when it or to blame it on stigma. but we need to ask ourselves as that particular question, where, what are we doing to address it? what action are we taking to address the mental health crisis and i'll tell you, feel free, we aren't doing enough. okay. does. if i me don't work,
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i'm coming to you. i'm coming to you and you're here in nigeria. actually want to set you up with a bit of a package from out to 0 reporter mohammed address. he did this, he was showing kind of children who have been in boca rom camps and they're receiving this kind of psychological support. after the camps, it was run this clip born and raised quarter. i'm cams, these children are experiencing for the 1st time what it means to be a child. oh, they're part of the 6000 victims and family members of bull caught on fighters who send it to nigerians. the georgia forces in the past few months after a few weeks of psychological support, those helping them are surprised by the rapid trustful mission. they see. you see a lot of them coming into desert space thinking very distress thinking hungry. what alpha weeks of engagement. oh, because me and give them full theme one sometimes depending on how we see there wasn't a b, c and all of that. so we offer the engagement, you see
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a lot of changes, you see them interacting better. you see them taking leadership role to see them doing for martha. so ruth, watching this clip, it seems kind of promising. actually it seems you, there are a lot of children who are getting the psychological support that they might need is that common in nigeria is that, is that the situation there where you are? ok, thank you very much. just thank you for having me on the show. so like lee said, well, also my jury to charlie is not necessarily that we don't have the doctor's or there was a lack of awareness that calendar mostly is the fact that we have a silent culture. a culture where something just the top of you can talk about. and so what's in the video, you know, it is really hopeful. i'm excited to see because nigeria and know they know that you know this young people need this interventions. it will people who are just
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kidnapped by vocal her, or bandy, need these interventions because when they come back into the society, i tell you you're not the same people. yeah, not the same people who come back into society and it's difficult for them to acclimatize so they also need this psycho logical health intervention in such a way that you know they can come back and be normal people because what they see in dose bushes is know what normal people should go through. and so yeah, there is a lot of intervention now. there is a lot about when that's the challenge is the idea of the silent cultural where, you know, we don't want to talk about mental issues. nobody wants to identify as having mental issues. and i think you're hitting a chord for list here because in uganda the word suicide, right? i guess the word suicide itself is terrible. yeah. and the act of it is actually get criminalized. i don't even understand how that plays out. do you touch on the yes so yes, suicide is criminalized. it's it's,
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it's an offense. i'm and it never made sense to me because what do you do when someone dies from? so they say, you know, do you try and do, what do you charge them with? it's never made sense to me. and this is, i was actually one of the issues that we were highlighted during our wild suicide prevention day last month. and so yes, there is still a lot of stigma around the web suicide. it's not easy to say speak about in public, i mean as a suicide. and so right, it's a part of my story that i often know mix when i am doing my work around awareness and advocacy work around around mental health. so we are we are also living in sort of a, you know, silent culture. it's very taboo. even from you know, a cultural perspective, if someone died from suicide and they don't receive
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a proper burial over the past year. i know people close to me that have died from suicide or, you know and loved ones of people close to me. and that has been that, that instant that has been the situation, right? so i still need, we have a very long way to go or go in terms of getting people to, or of addressing. and, you know, understanding this over addressing the stigma around suicide. and i keep saying it is our inability to talk about suicide that in the longer and cause is more suicide rates are here. are you tube audience? and let me tell you something. if you don't know much about the world youtube comments, it's not a place where there's a lot of gratitude and positivity, but we actually are getting a lot of gratitude for talking about this today. so maybe people are tired of it being taboo and other. let me throw a couple of comments, were actually getting on twitter and from you tube here. this is from someone in
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the real ship banassi trev viddy. they say the stigma surrounding mental illness in africa is so bad is now become denial. it's easy to jump to conclusions such as witchcraft. people replace prescription were prayer, when things turn to work, they say god's will. he goes on to say, a priest, a pastor, a shake, a clan elder is more trusted than a medical doctor or psychiatrist, a patient refusing prescription from a doctor in favor of rituals. pisses me off because it's suicide based this business in which integrity is obsolete. sad individuals are unaware why he had a lot to say, but anyway, can you pick up on that? oh yeah, definitely it's. it's something that i think in every african culture, regardless of where you are, it's the same thing. culture and religion are imbedded in african just put the everyday life of africans and with mental health. i think what exasperate the
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crisis apart from the style and culture is that immediately when people are showing signs off going into a depressive episode, or if they communicate even feeling suicidal immediately they're really gated to the background. they told that they need to half an up culturally they told, i know in south africa it's usually associated with an ancestral calling. so what people call plaza and you're meant to go and go into initiation for true being a traditional healer. or if you need to go for prayer, so all these different elements of what it is in terms of african culture to be viewed as experiencing a mental illness. but again, as often opportunity. i think with all of that there's always an opportunity. so now it's coming back to how do we actually look at the different systems and societies were functioning in and actually develop programs that work. so integrating more community based services. the something that i advocates for
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locked an african suicide because sitting across a psychiatrist. so it's hard to just immediately the world, the app, there is a level of guardedness, there's a level of holding back and, and already there's just so much taboos sitting within a person. and i think if we bring in elements of community, because community, something that is so important to africans, that in actually when we integrate mental health services, it's important for us to also remember what is culturally appropriate. what can work for people that are operating in the societies and they can just adam the element of mental while be, know we have, if i may jump in. okay, so if i, hey, you know, my great aunt actually committed suicide. so i'm married now, but if my husband's family knew that so money, my lineage had committed suicide, it would not touch me within long spawn. and that is amazing because i just got to
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know this, like 3 years ago, i was stuck into my mom. i don't know if she intended to tell me and you know, she just put it out there and i'm like, what, wait, what did you say? and, you know, she goes on tells me the story. but then now i'm happy that you know, several years down the line, we can sit down and talk about this so that people know that even if someone in your family has committed suicide or someone, you know, a loved one has told me that some site that stigmatization has to stop, because if we don't stop the stigmatization, then people will not be willing to come out and talk about the a mental health situation. you know, like you sat, joshua alia, there was a lot that leads to suicide. he will not sneak last trauma trauma could biondo. i'm going to depression and, but here he will not need to us trauma, we don't pay attention to. he someone says, i am trauma nice and everyone laughed and he's like, really traumatized dramatize because of was, you know, so these are some discussions that we need to, you know, talk about more openly,
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sort of people know that didn't need to get help when be a feeling mentally pressed, you know, ruth, i wonder if we didn't do you a bit of a disservice by showing that clip from boca harass with the children because they represent a very extreme example. i think most people would agree might need some psychological help, but really the problems much more broad is much more ubiquitous and is much more common than someone who's been something as extreme as growing up in a book or her arm camp. right. i mean it's like we all deal with it, right? yes, we do. absolutely. and i would say that in nigeria for a lot of hours it, it, we don't necessarily have to be in the book of her. i'm come to feel the pressure because with everything going around, we feel like so many things are not work in. so we almost feel like everyone is sort of like india, you know, buckle her arm camp sort of way because we are so mentally pressure you're, you're trying to get just the littlest thing to work like does good health services
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care. you can afford that, you know, board some people can afford food. so that was a lot of pressure on people. so these are the things that, you know, cumulate into all of you know, so side and, you know, the bigger things that we're talking about now. but they're reese in nigeria, they're really a lot of mental pressure. and like, you know, while over, it affects the men more than the women because most men don't like to talk about the mental issues, you know, lower rate. right. and why did you said that? because we actually have a we can come back, i know you had more to say there, but we have a video comment from someone in the stream community. they sent us into us. the name is eddie kamani. they're about as far away in the cotton as i get from you there in kenya on the other side. and he is a mental health awareness advocate here. check this out to achieve the best possible mental health. i wish to share my boss my journey have landed or do you cannot ignore you wash hands over manian foot. he has class on this off. as for
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africa and mental health, i believe that governments and institutions and workspaces should fund more mental health programs. the solution lies in integrating mental health within the overall health care system and workspaces. and as africans as individuals, out like us to seek mental health move from just being a conversation to action, where you can start doing things and embracing our wellness and fighting the stigma that surrounds mental health. so wrote, there's a man talking about the stigma and talking about his own mental health journey. what do you think about that and africa? man, i know that he's very impressive. very, very impressive. i call an old man, especially those in 90 jeremiah. when you have issues, you know what happens back home. when most men have mental health issues be the result of drinking. they become alcohol is that the way they take out their mental health issues? they just drink the tuple and come back home and sleep or come back home, you know,
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in both get involved in what devices of domestic violence and things like that. that is what they do. so if an african man can talk about it, i think that now is the time for all men to come up and say, look, i am depressed, i have had issues, maybe you my office or how fragile here on day i am utterly depressed and i need to know now is the time to talk about this because it is only a healthy person that can be helpful to see that a kamani they're saying in your praises here on the stream lesson. was that josh? yeah, go for it. why go for it? and so with what, just going back to the bulk of her am cams and whacks, and ruth had mentioned. so there is something called toxic stress. if you're constantly exposed, am to stressful situation, adverse experiences that actually increases your threshold of experiencing what we call toxic stress. that means that in the long term that increases your risk of mental illness increases the chances of suicidality increases. chances of anxiety
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am at risk behavior. so with all of that, it means that the preventative mental health measures are very important. yes, it's important for us to treat mental illness and also provide safe spaces for when people are suicidal. but i really believe from a young age that we need to put in preventative, mental health measures. in other words, we teach people how to find safe spaces and communicate their feelings, teach people how to be able to become self resilient, how to calm themselves down. i know right now self. kay? is like the buzzword. but at the end of the day, that is a part of being mentally well. and the reality is we all have mental health. it's not just mental illness, but mental health as a whole is a spectrum. so every one of us sitting here have mental health that how do we maintain positive mental health? how do we take care of our mental health? it's like brushing your teeth every day. do something every day that contributes
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towards a positive mental well b. mirsky. pick up on her i'm yes, i'll just quickly go back to what ruth shared about, you know, are addressing men's mental health. so what we've noticed, what we've observed over the years is generally in the health care system. women have better health seeking behavior than men. so even if it was something like a cold or during cove, they'd that woman is more likely to seek out. i treatment and health health care. i'm yeah, treatment of some kind am which isn't the same for men. however, addressing mental health and mental health challenges amongst men, what we've discovered, what we've seen locally is it's important for us to consider rich reaching men where they are. yes they have, they, they suffer more from, you know, they are more from depression, suicide rates are a high among men. so they are the most bull bull. when it comes to these
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conversations, sions that help them. how do we ensure that, you know, they have this covers, you're breaking up no worse. i want to mean it. i know it if it find them. oh there says ruth, one of the things i read was the, then we look at the suicide numbers, but they represent a successful suicide temple, represent one and 20 of people who actually attempted it. meaning the problem is much drive 20 times larger than what the actual numbers say. can we use the last few minutes of the show here? everyone has some tips on what you would advise people to do, who might find themselves in the mental health crisis route. the, do you have some tough like that that, that the you could share? yes, i think the 1st one would be, i think you, joshua das, sorry. i think the 1st people would be that be aware than their reason, a mental health be aware, you must be aware, you know, we are very easy to speak out where we have like a headache. we have malaria back in west africa. and people just go to the hospital,
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so when you have you feel the mental pressure, it could be as little as just feeling traumatized about something or just feeling depressed about some issues. please go on, speak, help. don't wait until it becomes to be. so be a way, be very aware that there was something called mental health and it could affect your lives. you don't do it says be aware and seek help was do you have some tips for people? and there are people in our youtube chat right now talking about their challenges what i would say is it's okay not to be okay. and if the, that acknowledgement, preston, 1st of all that eventually leads you to will lead you to, to, to secret support that she'd need. so it's important to be mindful and say, okay, it's okay to be okay. the same way i have a headache or flu is the same way i, you'd need to address, you know,
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whatever mental health challenge are going through at the time. and on the way, what are you got for us? just to follow on the ladies again, identifying your feelings is very important, but also reaching out to 24 hours suicide help lines. i know they are quite a few in africa here in south africa, we have the south african depression, and anxiety group is a 24 hour helpline in terms of suicide. and you can call them and speak to someone that's an anonymous line. and then also reaching out to community groups that work with people that are meeting mental health services. so really just taking those steps even chantelle stansell speaking to someone that you trust. yeah. and that that is my, my main encouragement. all right, so that's i think that's where we're going to end it today. i want to take all 3 of my guest arby way liz. ruth, for be more to come on and talk about something that is taboo, but is even more important. and if you're out there and you need help, i promise there are people that want to help you. there are crisis lines that you
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can get to. so that's all we have time for today. but you can always find us online at stream. got al jazeera dot com take care of yourself, right. thanks for watching. ah. african narrative from african perspectives embark on an opening, a new series of short documentaries, by african filmmakers from nigeria, south africa,
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and cameron rule unified property, prop and space, and turn it into a ford forest. as don't crush a song, gorilla garden and modern peanuts of camera, africa direct on al jazeera, the latest news as it breaks. this particular sub station has been in free separate effects. why fix russian we saw with detailed coverage, they had hoped that the us would relax water pandemic restrictions this week, which was likely had better their odds of getting in from around the world over 3000000 people to talk to the 3 and one sided. their support for you, and then maybe i may not know if he he came from a wealthy background in paris and became an artist against his families wishes. he went on to bring a fresh perspective to oriental, if painting falling in love with the hiring culture,
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making algeria his home and converting to islam. o g 0 world tells the story of left it in the knee and his unique artistic work. the french orientalist, on alta 0, lebanon is facing a range of crisis. political, economic, and humanitarian. children are hungry, and many people are jobless, while others die at sea. in the midst of the despair, one group is often overlooked. they don't have enough money to buy something to eat . al jazeera goes to the heart of palestinian refugee camps in lebanon. the full report stories of a forgotten people on al jazeera. ah .
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