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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2023 10:30am-11:01am AST

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right, if you want to travel more than the cars range or you want to run multiple errands during the day, and you have to use the public system, there's really still no good country that's got that handled the closest might be supercharger network. that tesla has, for instance, in us, but again, you can find big pockets of the u. s. that have no coverage, and most cars just, it makes people very nervous. they want to drive a long distance and if they can't depend on their home charger, it's very nervous for them. ah, this is al jazeera, these are the top stories. israel's recently, a point to security minister has visited the compound housing, the alex, a mosque in occupied east jerusalem, and moved palestinians cool, provocative. it's a mob been given was surrounded by security forces as he to the site which has religious significance for both muslims and jews. israel's former prime minister. yeah. le pete had warned such a visit would spark violence sort of hierarchy. is that the mount of olives in
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occupied east jerusalem? she has more on bank of his visit. it was quick. it was short and it was in the early hours of this morning and that's no surprise because of the provocation that it would cause especially amongst the palestinians and not just palestinians, but the muslim world. now he turned up of the idea was that he had to go through security with police 1st. it had to be discussed and discussed. 1 further with netanyahu, which happened on monday, but the indication was that this wouldn't happen until a few weeks time. harry was this morning, he turned up, he laughed and before you knew it, there was very strong reaction. and a 15 year old boy has been killed by a stray the forces in bethlehem. the palestine ministry of health says he was shot in the chest by soldiers. russia says 63 of its soldiers were killed in a ukrainian rocket attack on their barracks on the eastern done yet screeching. it's one of the few times that russia has admitted to casualties in this war.
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thousands of brazilians are lining up in the city of santos, to pay their final respects to palais, who died on thursday. these alive pitchers, the football legend started his career in the city, is now holding a 24 hour wake at the villa bell. mirror stadium is funeral is set for later on tuesday, brazil's president lewis and asio lula da silva has held meetings with regional leaders and foreign diplomats on his 1st day in office. they included columbia, gustavo, petro, and chalet and president, gabrielle borage. analysts say lulu look set to focus on restoring brazil's role as a leader on the global stage. heavy rain in saudi arabia has caused flooding in the western city of jetta. flood waters disrupted road traffic close schools and delayed flights of been reports of heavy downpours across the kingdom since thursday. well, those were headlines inside story is now coming out. make sure you stay with us for
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that. as 2022 jewels to place. we reflect on the major stories, did she tell julie now? does he refer series of in depth of looking back at this year and a head to 2020. ah, we're sidney us yolanda sylvia back in power in brazil. his promised to unite the country and undo his predecessors, policies in a deeply divided nation. what can lunar deliver? this is inside story. ah hello, welcome to the program. i'm hash am abolla as the saying goes,
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the 3rd time's the charm for newly sworn in brazil and president was in the us. you learn the silver, commonly known as lola. it's a chance to take his nation in a new direction. he has inherited a bitterly divided country with a bleak economic outlook and an amazon rain forest suffering from decisions of his predecessor, j, a boston arrow, or a large extensive deforestation. but sonata skipped the hand over ceremony and is now in the united states. so is this a new door for brazil and what challenges remain for its new leader? we'll put that on august 1st. this report from our latin america editor this year newman in brasilia. ah, you sworn in president leasing us to let the silva walked up the ramp of the presidential palace flanked by members of brazil's diverse society,
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including an indigenous leader, a black woman, a disabled man, a child, and a rubbish collector. it was a symbolic gesture. they shared the task of bestowing lunar the presidential sash in lieu of outgoing presidential bulls. fernando who refused to recognize his successor, was that it was i vow above 2, we will use the weapons that our adversary's fear, the most. the truth that prevails are the lies. hope that conquers fair and loved defeats hatred. thousands of supporters from all over brazil had come to witness the return of the man they call the people's president. firemen doubts them with water to help overcome heat and exhaustion. many like that piano and that vienna had arrived before dawn. hello, we've been waiting for for years for democracy, for the prisoner people to eat and have jumps loose. political, come back is nothing short of extraordinary. in 2018, he was sentenced to
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a nearly 13 year prison term for corruption. although he was later released after his sentence was overturned, o 8 kilometers from the palace, fierce a ponies camped near a military barracks, refusing to recognize their left during president. they've out continue resisting lula one by a very small margin in a bitterly fought election yell. oh, but his supporters are overjoyed, newly himself was overcome with emotion. when you spoke of ending hunger among the poor nap parked up was a full flight of people at the doors of butcher shops, looking for bones to alleviate hunger. while at the same time, others white to buy imported cars and private jets for such a social chasm is an obstacle of the building of a truly just democratic society. do less promising to reinstate most of the social programs that made him so popular during his 1st 2 terms. he has a war,
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been tremendously high expectations amongst brazilians are not always dangerous because their expectations that he may not be able to meet rulers, powerful opponents, led by former presidential seattle, are determined to thwart his government at every turn, leaving the new president. little time to celebrate seeing human al jazeera brazilian. so his luna the silver and how did he make such a come back while had already served 2 terms as president from 2003 until 2010. after which he faced a number of legal challenges in 2016, he was questioned in a multi country anti corruption investigation that led to the conviction of several members of his workers party. it was led by a former judge, who was an ally of lola's wyvil jebel, snarl de la was found guilty of corruption and sentence to 12 years in prison. in 2017. he maintained his innocence as he was imprisoned in 2018. but
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lula was freed a year later after brazil supreme court ruled the judge in his case was not impartial and overstepped his jurisdiction. ah, let's introduce our guess. now in sao paolo glenmere garzo is professor of political science at funder so jitter. leo vargas, university. robert nissan. i'm a 3rd, a professor of international relations, or how any university in london, vinicius to come by, you, reader and brazilian, and latin america studies of kings college london. he's also at a tell the anthem, brazilian studies series. welcome to the program, gillard me. many father, the inauguration, was going to be a moment of unity, but at the same time we saw a look at a sort of a very critical denouncing the legacy of his predecessor,
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both scenario. well i, i think that we have 2 separate words and deeds lula has to, to reach out to his supporters to his core supporters who happens to be left leaning progressive. so i think that the migration speech made sense in this logic of reaching out to his, his own political base, his constituents. but at the same time, we see that the composition of lawless cabinets is very diverse. the workers party doesn't have not as many ministries used to have during during lola's to 1st to 10 years in office. so i think that we will have a much more moderate administration and then the ones that we had in the early 2000 . so the rhetoric is left leaning, but the deeds will be a little bit more to the center. these are a stunning political come back,
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isn't it? what do you think that look at the silver should reinvent himself this time to be able to reach out to all the brazilians? how to really much. and so he, he reintroduced himself to resilience as someone who's making the stand for democracy. and he managed over the last few months, the coalition with someone who run it in previous elections against him. so which is to me so that she managed to build a very wide coalition. he managed to get the support of very important figures from his former opposition. ready party called the b, i already the 1st strong on the elections and the 2nd round, he managed even more reached out to more supporters for other political parties. so he managed really to build disco on issue, which is, in a sense,
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reinventing himself. but that is not the router when you're between 2002 and 2 on venice. yes. when, when? when lola left in 2010, he had an approval rating above 80 percent. he was of the most popular presidents in most modern history or busy, but the he said $580.00 days in prison on corruption charges. you have opponent saying that how come we are going to have to deal with someone who has to spend his time in jail, not be our president. what do you think this is going to be a big challenge for him? it will be a big challenge. air, no doubt about that, but it's a quite epic, i would say, trajectory of lula from, from his 1st election and to what we have to day lula. we have so many challenges
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at this moment, and one of them is exactly to harmonize the country again. we should remember that he was elected with a very, very small majority over boss fernando. that is a quite huge part of prison and population that don't support lula. some of them not even support bush on out of but to didn't want lula as well as president and eldest population. that blue the promised in his speech of integration speech yesterday, that he will vote for the entire brazil not only for those who vote for him him, you need to translate that in actions now because that will be seen as, as the biggest challenge. i think to prove that 1st of all, he's not the corrupt he what hugh is acquisitions, we're not, we're not justifiable. and he can manage the contra better. he can return what he has been 20 years ago when he was 1st coming to due to the presidency of brazil. ah, glad of me. the inauguration would have been totally different. the semantics
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absolutely different had jazz ball sonata been there for the passing of the sash. a symbolic move which always from a brazilian perspective means the peaceful transition of, of power in a country that has been beset by decades and decades of dictatorship is, is something that will overshadow the rule of art, luna, in the future? no, no, much to the contrary. i think that you really take both scenarios image as somebody who's not fully committed to the democratic principles of result. ronaldo fled the country a couple of days before lola's integration. he had already said he wouldn't pass the sash to to lula. which in itself is, is the rupture with the democratic protocols. and the fact that he spent 2 months after losing the elections without saying a word and stimulating his supporters to, to keep protesting in camping in front of military headquarters. this in itself
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is a terrible sign for, for boss on out if he wants to run for president again, back in 2026. so i think that roller, if he leaves the inauguration process stronger than he enter it, because he, while he had, he received the sash from members of brazil, civil society. so that was very symbolic. i think, and lola manage the way to get around the absence of the former president. so that was a good thing. you know, fortunately, brazil doesn't have a tradition of presidents elected president passing the session was elected president. this has only happened once in 35 years, but still i think it was very symbolic moment that buller could take the most of it is that we're talking about whole scenario. who has refused to concede
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unequivocally. i raise a huge influence over his own supporters. could this be enough to maintain the tensions similar is simmering in brazil? this is the big question. what will happen now with all his supporters, as one of the colleagues said previously, it is very unlikely that all those who voted for both from our own where urban supporters of both for now. but there is, he has a strong, a number of supporters who will remain in the streets and who might get support from other sectors from brazilian society. and the weather also now will be their leaders or is the big question for him. he remained silent for a couple of months. he left the country. he will be out of the country for a month,
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at least. so this will very likely have an impact on his stature as the leader of the opposition. they didn't listen to all here. political advisors wanted him to address the people to believe, to present himself as the leader of the future opposition. he did none of that, and he surprised us in the past was to become a president against the expectations of most everyone who was following the electoral processing back in 2018 and to august of 2018. but so he surprised us in the past very many times. he surprised his score in the elections last year's elections was also very surprising. ready he might surprise us in your cher, but for the time being he last,
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he lost some stature and he lost some influence over the voters, voted for venice. yes, luna said that there is no spirit of revenge. however, he made it clear that those who made mistakes would have to one of those mistakes. now when you look at milton arrow, he faces his length to 5 separate inquiry inquiries. is it an indication that is likely to be prosecuted in the near future? just a matter of time r e i believe it is, and it, we should remember as well that yesterday there and integration one sounded, it came from the crowds was cra shouting, no amnesty, no amnesty. minnie, exactly that. the population that support clueless will. they want some responses for what about what happened in brazil this last 40 years. so bushel now has no sort of immunity that he had before as, as m p in brazil. he is now needs to respond in the common justice. so i believe
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that a very, very soon after deed integration debts this week, already maybe both are we start to face some sort of inquiry from the justice. we should remember as well that one of the 1st actions of lou lane, his government today, worse or yesterday even was to, to suspend all the, the secrecy that of also not established over some of his decisions secrets is on the dears. so what we will probably see is some sort of inquire and probably some sort of prosecution against abortion out in the coming months or ears less. try to unpack what happens next for brazil glare me. now, lyla, made it clear that here will undo all of the legacy of balsa. now let's take step by step analysis. what happens next when it comes to the deforestation of the amazon? what is he? what is he likely to do here?
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well, i think that there are 2 paths that lula is very likely to follow right now. the 1st path is international lula has traveled to the cop cop 27 meeting in cairo in terminal shape story in egypt 2 months ago. so there was a clear demonstration that low will return to brazil's previous commitments on, on climate change in all the environments commitments that brazil, and that the boss and ministration has basically destroyed over the last 4 years. and the 2nd path is domestic. one of the things that we saw hon sonata was the dismantling of pretty much every single environment. it protection agency, the, the regulatory agency, the environmental legislation, they have been destroyed by both sonata and lula, will probably re instate the firm legislation on the environment. of course,
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it's going to make many people, many organized groups, very upset, specially those predatory groups in the amazon and organized crime in another other sets of groups. but i think it's very important to demonstrate domestic commitment to the environment. and of course, is going to bring many farmers, and many people involved with the amazon to his coalition by offering them sustainable alternatives that both natalie have simply disregarded. so i think le has a very positive track record on environmental protection. this will look back into the early 2, thousands lula was responsible for the greatest reduction in forest clearing in the amazon over his time in office. so i think it's challenging, but of course slowly is up to the challenge in his it was very emotional when he was talking about poverty in his country. but how can the man and of a political party to work a party that has been tainted by combustion?
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charges has been in power for 13 years until the impeachment of jeremiah roost have . how can the party of the and under president beach out of the people convinced them that they are genuine about the need to clamp down on poverty? well this has been a very long standing committee for the 1st time he reached power back in 2002. he spoke about hunger signal and this time he's speaking about inequality. so i think that these are very strong messages for him as an individual, as a person who migrated from their number go to some power. all one went through very difficult personal times. ready and then who was a union leader? so all of these speak to him very, very personal way. and so this is i'm, this is a commitment of the party. this is very important. so i think that as
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someone also said previously, here we are people we believe in deeds not saying what he's saying, but he so he, we need to translate this, these words to deeds. but he started already doing that by negotiating this transition or remaining with the 600 rail support to the poorest people in the popular in the brazilian population. so he made that a priority, even before he became effective, the president to it shows a his commitment of course, people in the country. then it is today replicate the same achievement or 2003 when brazil came out strong economically with an unprecedented economic growth. well, lulu is taken at brazil in a, in
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a world that's not the same world that he had in 2003. so the economic crisis today that affects the entire planet, it starts in very hardly in brazil as well. so we need to take that into consideration. rule is not returning to the brazil that he had a 20 years ago. so the challenge are bigger now than it has been in the past and even in aspects like environmental phase, if you allow me to return to this point, i think what and to remember as well, that at the same time, 20 years ago, marina silver was the minister of environment and she left few months after the beginning of the government because of this agreement with what has been really acting as policies towards the environment in that 1st looters government solar will have now as well to prove that his government will be not the same as it has been 20 years ago because there was also some negative aspects that happened in the time in environmental terms as well. it's the pure that brazil built. the bellow,
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wanted them, that had a huge impact environmentally to the region of the amazonian in brazil. so i think was aspects needs to be taken into consideration towards not the same one. and we hope that lulu not try to repeat the government he did 20 years ago, specially correcting the wrong doings, or at least the mistakes that has been made. 20 years ago. dilemma the fact that there is a left this wave now in latin america with 6 of the regions, several largest countries. electron, leftist leader says 2018. could this be good news for lyla? well, i think so. i think it's a window of opportunity. let me just pick up on what of uses has just said, i think that because the world is different than because brazil is not the same as the one of 20 years ago, brazil's no longer an emerging country, as he used to be. i think that the focus of brazil's foreign policy will be pretty much on the regent. so,
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lola will have to revitalized regional integration mechanism such as marcus or an eunice or a brazil abandon units are back in 2019. so i think it's high time for brazil to revamp these regional institution. a institution reason is the gratian institutions, and of course, one of the greatest challenges regarding south america is to overcome finished, well as human, terry and political and economic crisis. so in order to bring south america back again, in order to use this pink ties that has swept across south america, positively lula will have towards rest of neurons, viruses and that must be his original priority. number one and his are brief. if you don't mind, he would have to revoke also know that his revoking what's not as gun laws immediately here, we'll have to tackle education and health, particularly when it comes to health. we know what happened in the past was 700000
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people who lost their lives to cove in 1009. people say that was one of the biggest mistakes of the boston. our government is going to been easy. right for. for luna, it won't be easy from no point of view from the point of view from the international part of your from economic point of view. from, from the government. you want to be an easy task, but fucking the to raise up to the challenge. the manager been very strong, her coalition, he managed to bring very, very smart people, to his government, his minister of how cation, all of these individuals have a long experience experience and are showing that didn't know what they're speaking about. so his team is a top notch team and he has good the wise and the history and the background that allowed him to
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work with president in order to negotiate different things that really a lot easier to go through. he's really hard and time will tell us, if not i will be able to deliver the promise is that he made finish. yes. my, you know, because i on is on the saudi good because i was, i really appreciate you and i thank you and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again. any time i visit our website and dot com for further discussion, go to office book page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha, inside story. awful. join the conversation on twitter. i'll 100 is i. j inside started from the hospital and the entire team here in the hot bye for now. witness inspiring films from around the world. they shall not stop the violin and
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mosque is showing us how vulnerable spaces online truly are when they are controlled by billionaires of logo documenting facts on the ground. i'm not a journalist, people trust individuals, more than the news or a purveyor of the state line. how can you show the destruction of a political war and still be a political unchecked? the media can be stored narratives of reshape realities. the listening post keeps watch on al jazeera. we town the untold story. ah, we speak when others don't. ah, we cover all sides. no matter where it takes us. a fan of sir guy from my i am power in pasha. we tell your stories. we are your voice news, your net al jazeera. this is a region that is rapidly developing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflict,
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political upheavals. some of those who talk to elsewhere is saying that they fled after hearing that other villages had been attacked. what we do in al jazeera is try to balance these stories, the good, the bad, the ugly, tell it as it was, and leave the people who allow us into their lives, dignity, and humanity. ask you to tell their story. ah israel's far right national security minister is accused of deliberate provocation after visiting the al acts of mos compounded occupied east jerusalem. ah, the barker this is al jazeera alive from dough, also coming up. russia.


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