tv News Al Jazeera January 4, 2023 12:00am-1:01am AST
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africa direct on al jazeera, the american people have spoken. but what exactly did they say? is the world looking for a whole new order with less america in it? is the woke agenda on the decline in america. how much the social media companies know about you, and how easy is it to manipulate the quizzical look us politics? the bottom line, examining the headlines, how big a breakthrough is this story moment for all towers, research, unflinching journalism. i can see the part of the tree where 2 of the bullets hit their about my head high, sharon personal stories with a global audience. nature is so much more than income for shareholders. it's the library else. my people explore an abundance of world class programming on al jazeera. ah,
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this is al jazeera oh. hello there, i'm dealing with donald. this is the al jazeera news, our alive from london coming up republican kevin mccarthy loses the 1st 2 runs of voting for speaker of the u. s. as of representatives after hard liners from his own party, but against him. the u. s. express is deep concern after israel's new security minister stokes tensions with palestinians with a provocative intrusion into alex a most compact. mm. brazilians lying the streets of san tall sas pitfall. legend pelley is carried to his final resting place and recriminations in russia where some politicians are demanding punishment for military commanders after the killing of dozens of russian soldiers in
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a ukrainian strife. and in sports, premier league leaders arsenal are being held by newcastle. it's currently mil at mail at the i'm ritz stadium, plus ah, christiane evanardo has been unveiled at his new saturday from our nasa and says he took the opportunity as he wants to give a different vision of the country. ah, one welcome to the news. our republican kevin mccarthy, his last to 2nd ran to vo, seemed to be the speaker in the house of the us house of representatives. after a hard line, as from his own policy, again voted against him. while the republicans took control of the house with a narrow wind in november mid term elections that mccarthy was considered the front runner, but he's now twice fallen short. the 218 vote majority that's needed. the democrats, however, have united around. they are no money. keep jeffery suit finished 1st in the 2 runs
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of voting so far, i was the 1st time in a century that someone vying for the wall of house speaker hasn't one in the 1st round of voting with john hendrick. joyce, me live from capitol hill. hi there, john. bring us up to date. well, the clerk is on the floor of the house that suggest we're about to hear nominations for a 3rd round or voting, and for a 100 years. as you point out, this has been a pretty boring process. they nominate somebody on the 1st ballot. we have a decision. everybody goes home. this time we're on ballot 3 and it's very unusual that that happened. the last time course was 1923, and then it is only happened once or twice since the civil war era. but sometimes it gets really long. there were a number of balance in 1855 to 56. that lasted 2 months. we don't expect that to happen here, but in the twenty's they went to 9 ballots. that this could go that way. what
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happened is a group from the freedom caucus has objected to this election of kevin mccarthy as speaker. they feel like he wasn't enough aligned with their views and he has sort of gone back from moderate to very conservative and they are sort of the trump wing of the party, the portion that still supports president trump and his ideas or rather a former resident drunk and they don't appear to be giving an a 1st to vote. they were 19 votes against mccarthy. he could only afford to lose 4. and on the 3rd vote, it is not clear that something is changed or the last vote jim jordan was nominated, which was a little strange because jordan had just stood up and nominated kevin mccarthy. there were a couple of other people that might be consensus nominees, at least defining of new york steve scully's, of louisiana,
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who is the deputy to kevin mccarthy. so this could get very interesting, but mccarthy says he's sticking it in there. they need 218 votes just to adjourn this session if they want to go out and negotiate. so all when it goes to ation has been going on in the cloak rooms outside of the main floor in the house. but right now it looks like we're going to get mentions once again, including a nomination for kevin mccarthy. and we'll see what happens on this time. whether that margin grows from 1900 or shrinks, or whether it stays the same. and if it does, is going to have to be some arm twisting in those co grooms, or at least some inducements offered. john, how far does this breakdown and republican unity go? this has been going on for about 1415 years. it began with a tea party, and this is a group of people who had become more mainstream over the course of the years. but part of what they are all about is disrupting the normal flow of business. and they
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don't mind it all that this is embarrassing, larger republican party because they feel like it's forwarding. their goals among their goals has been weakening the speakership and increasing the power of individual members. so they've got kevin mccarthy to agree that it only takes 5 members to vote, to recall the speaker, to the speaker. well, after that they wanted it to be just one member who would be able to vote. they still need a majority to actually throw them out. but what that would do is cause disruption it like leaving a letter on your desk with your resignation on it. on the day you enter office, it would severely week or this week and the speaker, and it would make the republican speaker much weaker than nancy pelosi was. she was the last democratic speaker of course. so we'll see how this goes in the coming hours. we would expect it to be resolved within the, in the days. but sometimes these things do go on longer than that. it's been over a 100 years since it has the engine there. don't live from capitol hill. john.
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thank you. when a shy of form, a senior congressional a to to republicans in the us house of representatives and she joins me live from washington, d. c. when i saw very welcome to the program. so it's been a firm no for kevin so far. well, today is a historic day without a doubt, as your correspondent noted, this has not happened since the 1920s. and i'll say on its base, anyone can see this is a huge embarrassment. not only to mccarthy, but to the republican party, as well as to our nation. note it republicans not only looks so divided right now in their inability to rally around one person to lead them. but this doesn't look good for the body. that is, congress writ large, of course, this is only one chamber of commerce congress, but in general, it highlights exactly what's happening with a party right now. the spirit divisions, the argument, and truly taking on the veneer of trump in order to try to decimate the republican
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establishment and bring it how to the american public view. what's happening right now? i think there's a lot of shock right now. we have an electorate, that is, if you really look at it, very disengaged. we have pretty low levels of civic engagement in the modern era. we have high levels of disapproval from the american public for congress. and those have continued to rise in number and job, frankly. i think there will be people who learn of what's happening right now as we speak, the lord of it to night, the lord of it tomorrow, and they'll sort of shake their heads and say, those people in washington aren't like me. they don't do much to serve me. so why should i really care? and that's a really huge issue for our democracy. that this is augur well for a healthy democracy, a representative democracy like ours, when people feel politically disengaged and they don't feel well represented. that's what we're seeing right now, and the republican party is really putting on full display. and we know we keep
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hearing this phrase that this is the far right of the republican party flexing their muscle. so what is it they want their will the end game? it is the far right flexing their muscles, that is entirely it they've tried to do so for a decade and in general, what can be said is that over the course of trumps time in the white house, the house freedom cocher up caucus. excuse me. those far right lingers in congress had actually increase their power. and so here's this moment where they get to really stick it to who they consider are there any is the people within their own party, people like congressman mccarthy who has had his eyes on the speakership for a long time. he was a right hand man to former republican speaker, paul ryan, who is not in congress anymore. ryan was very much a policy guy, but he looked to mccarthy to do sort of the dirty political work to with votes to play the tricks and games that he didn't really care for. and mccarthy did those, well, that them right now he's not looking like
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a very good political animal. and i think it's because he frankly tried to bargain in reason and do deals with this bar. right. members, and what's happened is that he's actually on the losing end. we know who are the fold back candidates. i wish there was a fallback candidate that is not looking like any one good right now and what i say good, i need somebody who has the ability to quickly secure enough boats to show that they can take the speakership. that might be happening right now in real time that flow through off the floor of the house of representatives, but it's anyone's guess. i think there's a lot of embarrassment right now within republicans. they don't know what to do. there are democrats, we're talking about leaving the floor and therefore you wouldn't have to get to that magic number of to eat team. they would simply take a majority of whoever's there instead of boating, present that that is what some democrats are considering doing instead of voting present. but look how keen job, pres the democrat,
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got more votes and mccarthy for the speakership in these 1st 2 ballots. so this is, i'm completely, i chartered territory for those of us who have understood the modern institution of congress. i've worked in it for to former republicans. and i've studied extensively . this is outsourcing mystifying, but there's no other word that comes to mind aside from embarrassing for the republican party and doesn't help them look good as they seek to govern this year, which sets the table for the 2024 presidential race when a shot. thank you so much for joining us, rena, with your insight. thank you. certainly, thank you. opening arguments have begun and the child of enrique tauriel, former leaves are of far right american group, the prime boys. the child concerns involvement in january 2021 attack on the u. s. capital building stereo and his school defendants are charged with seditious conspiracy. and other cas relating to the attack 2 years ago, which led to a delay in the certification of jo, vibrant election victory. now the u. s. says is directly concerned by
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a far right is really minister's visit to alex a most compound. saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, and jordan have all condemned the intrusion, which the palestinian leadership cold called an unprecedented provocation. national security minister, it's m r been given, entered the complex 5 days after becoming a minister. now, a decades old agreement allows non muslims to visit is lambs, 3rd holy, a site, as long as they don't pray. ben give ear has called for great a jewish access to alex a, but prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's committed to strictly keeping the status quo. will the visit risks stoking tension with palestinians ah spokesman said a continuation of this behavior will bring all parties closer to a big clash and has been our leader hassan, nurse rolla says any infringement of the state a school could have even wiser implications. and ha and firewood, any infringement of the alexa mosques loan and the sanctity of muslims and
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christians, by the zionists in palestine and in jerusalem could lead to an explosion are not only inside palestine hello but also in the entire region of you as you will back in the year 2000 or visit by the then israeli opposition leader ariel sharon, triggered the 2nd intifada and tension at the site in may. 2021 escalated into an 11 day conflict. cyber higher reports now from occupied east jerusalem. it was a quick incursion into alex, almost compound under heavy israeli security. it happened in the early hours of tuesday followed by a quick exit a calculated intrusion with it's a mob been given, making a statement on this issue just days into being sworn in as israel's new national security minister. delivery for a lot because our government will not surrender to the threats of how much of the temple mount is the most important place for the people of israel by and when
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maintained to freedom of movement for muslims and christians. but the jews, god will also go, and those who make credit must be dealt with with an iron fist on a bite. all it took was 13 minutes inside the compound, enough time to provoke international condemnation, including from jordan, which overseas the holy site. it's some, an israeli ambassador and protest, while palestinian leaders called it an unprecedented provocation. and now the hum l y 0 is really been love you. the storming of alexa mosque by that is really minister, been given this morning, constitutes a serious challenge to the feelings of the palestinian people. you recall on our people to confront such incursions that aim to make an x, a mosque, a jewish temple. this is a violation of all international norms values, conventions, laws, and israel's pledges to the american president. wow. now deborah unadilla algebra. he considers this cowardly attempt by been given
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a dangerous escalation and approval cation of the palestinians, and the arab and muslim nations. this good bought a religious war in the region and this statement from his radio opposition leader and former prime minister, iowa p, describing the intrusion as a politically responsible decision and showing incredible weakness from netanyahu in front of his ministers bought. there was no mention of the incident in the government says cabinet meeting, while the prime minister's office released the statement saying benjamin netanyahu is committed to the status quo. and oxer most compound is a sad holy site for most sense, but it's also revered by jews under the rules only must them wash it is allowed palestinians are concerned that been given incursion, to set a precedent for israel's new administration. the new ultra orthodox and right wing government has promised to expand illegal settlements in the occupied westbank. where on tuesdays ready forces carried out several raids at refugee camp near bethlehem, killing 15 year old palestinian as am i yet during confrontations?
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bringing this years palestinian death toll to 3. this rate is the latest in a string of more than 40 arrests made in several palestinian towns since his thoughts of the year. alexa was placed on m. i it's coffin. his family says he wrote it as a message to the world in case of his death that he's proud to be palestinian sir height at al jazeera, occupied east. you receive him. the white house says any actions jeopardizing the status quo at alex a mosque would be unacceptable. the united states stands firmly and we've been very clear for preservation of the status quo with respect to the holy sites in jerusalem. any unilateral action that jeopardizes the status quo is unacceptable, and we will continue to be steadfast on that and be very clear on my calendar on the slide from washington dc. hi, there might,
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how likely is this to affect us relations with the new israeli government? well it's certainly going to give her the u. s. administration food for thought. certainly the language used there by the press secretary and acceptable, very strong language in terms of diplomatic terms separately. we also heard for us from a spokesman for the state department and it price, who also declared this to be an acceptable, any infringing of the status quo, any unilateral action against the status quo. but ned price also added that the u. s. is well aware of a precedent for this. he was referring to the year 2000 when ariel sharon, than the leader of the opposition or went on to the aisle oxer compound that resulted in the 2nd intifada, which lasted from 2000 to 2006 net price, making direct reference to that in his comments about the unacceptability of this,
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clearly they are going to be words spoken with the israeli administration. also of great concern to the biden administration is the fact that it would appear that the new israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu did give the go ahead for this because reports indicate that he met with his national security minister in the course of monday. now the national security minister and been given has been visited the alex a mosque several times since he was elected to parliament back in 2021. but now his status as national security minister gives this an added impact and certainly great concern within the biden administration, particularly as we hear from state department, they know what happened the previous time. the status quo was unilaterally crossed my can i joining us there? thanks mike. also said to her is a human rights lawyer who's represent palestinians before these were a supreme court and she joins us live from high for so st. very warm welcome to the
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program. and why did ben give you into the compound and why is it being treated? as so much more than just controversial. ah, well 1st of all, bank sir, and all his a racist right wing gay people like bank there and small rich and all the others have been politically campaigning. not only just to enter or forcibly enter alex and make the provocation and acceleration in the political is tough to school. but also they have been campaigning to annex the westbank and basically stayed provide the political statement that they are the owners of the lamb. the land means the land of israel, which basically they want to implement the biblical as zionist political vision of having israel not only as a state of israel, but israel in all the land of israel. now it is true that we need to go as well
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back to october 2001. back then as sharon a broke into the alex saw which lead that triggered the 2nd intifada and left as well to the killing of palestinians. not only in the west bank but also killing it off, but athenians inside the green line by the israeli police, which it none have been none of the police officer have been indicted until today. we don't need to go back until october 2000. we can just go back to may 2021 just a year and a half ago when bentley or himself opened a branch of his parliamentary office in chicago in order to a reject it a that eviction or into order to basically support the eviction of palestinian families which also triggered what was called another intifada in a or their dignity intifada in may 2021. this is a clear political statement by been very,
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it is not new. therefore none of us have been surprised. he is deliberately and intentionally doing every publication he can, whether it is calling for annexation, whether it's calling into breaking in paul ok, so she knows is sensitive in order to aggressively bring to the provocation. now been very important to know, been very as a regular zionist, like nathan young, like as sharon, unlike the others. the difference between them is that he is a racist, fascist person. that aggressively unintentionally wants to make a provocation. employ violence between both sides in order to implement and show yours fully and aggressively that he is the owner of the land of israel. so center to so some there, sorry to interrupt you. i just, i just want to ask, you mentioned the word violence, there are water, your worries about the potential repercussions about what might come next.
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now of course, and not only i am worried, i think that everybody is worried because there might be no border to what the bend here will do as the minister and nathan. yeah. jose government, knowing that he has the power, we know, been via a, as a, a, as a racist activist before he joined the government. this is the 1st time that he is a minister knowing that he has a power and he has the ability as well to a to basically have a not only essay but making changes on the ground will lead to huge and aggressive a violence violence. i mean, a violence by that is raised towards the palestinians. of course, the annexation of the west bond would lead to huge violence. i don't know if we're
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going to talk about another in d 5. the only or something that is more is severed. but yes, we are all worried that it will escalate into a severity of violence and aggressiveness that we haven't seen until now. so since a, her human rights lawyer, he's represented palestinians before the suite supreme court. awesome, thank you for your insight. good evening. coming up on this news hour from london, thousands of kurds, travel across europe for a memorial in paris for the 3 victims of an attack on their community. with china, cities get busier, so do it's hospitals w h o advisor? say they want a more realistic picture of the coven? i break happening there. and in sports nfl player, do mar hominid remains in a critical condition after suffering a cardiac arrest during a game. ah
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hundreds of thousands of people lined the streets of santos in southern brazil earlier to bid a final farewell to football. legend pelley, who died on thursday at the age of 80 to the 3 time world cup winners coffin was carried through the city on a fire truck along the streets, packed with fans more than 230000 people attended his week at via bell miro stadium where he lay in state for 24 hours. the funeral procession stopped outside the home of pelias a 100 year old mother celeste, thereon days or donor celeste, as she's known in brazil days before being admitted to a hospital for the final time. pelley paid tribute to his mother on her birthday, saying she taught him the value of love and peace. while the lengthy procession ended at a memorial, necropolis ecumenical, where a private funeral was hailed or an ed sinner on tuesday last un. so petty was in turn that a mausoleum in the vertical cemetery. he said to have chosen the 9th floor in honor
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of his father who wore that number on his centre forward shirt. hello, this is a morgan. apple did pill, i represent a lot because since i was a kid, i saw a pillow and i was very moved. it's like this emotion to die and we're here today his funeral. and you can see that the whole city has stopped the whole world stopped on the water because the pillar should not share much. yeah, we lost a citizen named edson, but the player will never be lost. he's in here here, daddy. yeah, i had the joy, the satisfaction of seeing paula play a villa bill marrow. that's what we always take with us. it is a great joy. and hi, paula. i. oh, paula. well, monica, anna kia is on the streets. is santos where people of course gathered to watch that funeral procession moved through the city. hi monica. what kind of day has it been? well, it was a very, very long day because the funeral procession happened after
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a 24 hour wait president was in us. he will have a few of us who has just been inaugurated on sunday, came a year for this saw to pay his respects to finance. who was the coffin was lying inside the santa stadium. some 230000 people overall were at the wake and at the funeral procession. that was very motive people were crying. they were chanting a 1000 goals of 1000 goals, but it still alive. now there have been some criticisms. people were upset here because none of the big players were playing at the world cup just recently showed up name odd wasn't around or, or anyone else more other players from across the world who wished him well when he was taken to the hospital ill of colon cancer followed by a lung infection which ultimately caused his death. but otherwise is very,
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very representative of brazil. he's up a role model for young brazilian, a black man from a humble, from humble origins who one who was the free world cops are and who after that was built in bath or for many causes. the local newspaper had pictures of him with several famous people. among them are the queen of england who also died this year. so it is was very emotional. the funeral itself was a private ceremony. his son ed song, also to have the morning of his ah thanked everyone for their support. and now this is martha lee. i'm sorry cemetery, where he is. he was late in the 1st and was buried in the 1st 4, not the 9 more like one to the 1st floor. so it would be open from visitors and
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fighting when it will start the. i'm open to the public to come see them here. if they want, so it was a very, very long day, very hard day and now it's almost night. and it was very memorable, monica yanna care of. they're joining us live from santos and brazil. and to those of you who are watching, i do apologize for the quality of the audio on that stream there. and 19 people i now confirmed to have died in sundays attack on a prison and the northern mexican city of warriors. 10 of the dead were prison guards at least 30 inmates who are able to escape during that attack. 7 people have died during subsequent clashes as part of the hunt for them. grave was carried out by on no number of gunmen in armoured vehicles. it resulted in one of the highest death tolls from prison attacks in mexico. in recent years, the director of the prison has now been fired. a former boss of collapse cripps,
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so currencies change f t x has been not guilty in the u. s. court to criminal charges that he cheated customers and investors. sam brinkmann freight has been accused of causing billions of dollars in laws, as in what prosecutors have called one of the biggest financial frauds in american history. he's denied claims that he took customer deposits at f t x to fund another firm by property and make political donations. he was released after his arrest last month and a $250000000.00 bail package but faces more than a 100 years in prison. if he's convicted and has lots more still to come the sour here. you train strike swale workers in the u. k. welcome people back to work with 5 days of industrial action versus u. k. medics warning, overloaded, health care system and delays could cause hundreds of extra death. really? a nova joke of it. she's off the market. the new tennis season, jammah will be here with the options for
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aah! while numbers are out of whack in terms of temperature, still across central europe. hey, there. thanks for joining in. while above average got some rain sliding across germany and poland, but some big changes come in here. we'll chat more about that in just a 2nd. but as this what, whether bumps into colder air, it's going to generate about 10 to 20 centimeters of snow for also, you can see that colder air has punched across helsinki and moscow. but watch as you start your weekend, saturday morning dark of the blue and the purple, the lower the temperature here. moscow minus 26, even warsaw minus 7 few days ago. you're about 19 or 20 degrees. ok back to the here and now it's stellar's stretch of whether through spain, a plenty of sun, malaga, 19 degrees for you. fog has been an issue for is stumble. could certainly see that
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continue a look at all this rain in iraq. that's likely to cause some flooding a rain and winds combo though for the coast of egypt on tuesday, high temperatures. and like i said, 35 degrees. and as we dipped toward the south, a solid band of rain is stretching from vinto crate through to the su too. could see some thunder downpours mixed in there in time for the western cape province. just a few showers in the mix. cape town has a high of 22 degrees on wednesday, and now you're in the know we'll see you soon. take care. ah! for science this, the evidence is irrefutable. but american climate change denial stubbornly mistrust of the fact. despite soaring temperatures, raging wild fires and shrinking water reserves, the world's largest economy is still split along ideological lines. so kind of ever
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reach consensus to avoid catastrophe. climate wars are 2 on a just 0. there is no channel that covers world news like we do as a roman correspondent. i am constantly on the go covering topics from politics. the conflict is environmental issue galeb. this camp is like nothing you've ever seen kerry. so what we want to know is how did these things affect people we, we visit places in state, even when they're no international headlines. they're really invest in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, lou ah,
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our minds of our top stories here on l. jesse, the leading contender for republican kevin mccarthy's lost a 2nd ride for voting to be the speaker in the us house of representatives after hardliners from his own party voted against it. it's the 1st time in a 100 years the election has gone to a 2nd round. democrats, dominique, i keep jeffrey secure more votes the mccarthy in both of those 1st ramped saudi arabia, the nightstand. roberts and jordan have joined palestinians in condemning the intrusion of the alex. i'm also by is really national security minister. it's amar been give year, the palestinian leadership described it quote, as an unprecedented propagation and hundreds of thousands of people lined the streets. a sentence in southern brazil's made a final farewell to football legend pallet's who died on thursday at the age of 82, the 3 time world cup. when his coffin was carried through the city on a fire truck. mm . now days after ukrainian attack on temporary
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russian barracks in the eastern city of mc keith cup, some russian politicians, as well as a former commander of pro russian troops, have demanded punishment for commanders who they say ignored the dangers of stationing troops there. in a rare disclosure of troops, fatalities rushes defense ministry said on monday that 63 soldiers were killed in the new year's eve attack. ukraine says about 400 russian soldiers were killed and 300 wounded rushes. military leadership is facing criticism. after reports, the soldiers were being housed alongside an ammunition stump, which was in was within range of ukrainian rockets will eventually been held for those killed in southwestern russian city of samarra. where some of those troops were form. the service was followed by a minutes silence. before flowers related a soviet area, a war memorial, it's one of the deadliest attacks on russian forces since they invaded 10 months
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ago. ukraine's president says russia is ready to launch an extensive campaign of attacks by iranian made. drones have brought him here salons, cases, russia is trying to exhaust ukraine. mind when we have information that russia is planning a protracted attack using shaheed drones. it is probably banking on exhaustion, exhausting our people now. anti aircraft, frances, our energy, but we act and do everything so that the terrorists fail in their aim as all their others have failed. tens of thousands of railway workers in the united kingdom are staging or have begun 5 days of strikes. now, just as people head back to work after their christmas holiday, pay and conditions remain at the center of the dispute and one union both says the industrial action could last month's harry faucet reports from what's usually one of london's busiest stations. the british commute is it's a case of new year, same strikes, tens of thousands of rail workers from the r n. t union began
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a 2 day walk out on tuesday kicking off a 5 day run of industrial action across the rail network. this 1st strike leading a skeleton service in some parts of the country. none at all. in others, it has been really hectic, especially getting to work has been really difficult. but fortunately, again, you know, with technology, it does help that we can work from home. so i completely understand that people have the right to strike and i support them straight and also coming back christmas . but also you want to do is and have delayed travel. trains are still running, particularly at major city hubs like this one, but they're running about 20 percent of normal capacity starting later and finishing earlier in the day, passengers are being told not to travel at all possible. those who are making journeys, having to plan accordingly. the unions won't pay awards that reflect inflation currently running at nearly 11 percent and they're resisting proposed changes to working conditions, including more dr. only trains and more mandatory sunday working and members work
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in law as we phone up in the air and their conditions will be ripped to pieces. they have, it knows that not, it wasn't even 1st in the, the thinking about pay hundreds of and then there's a beating contract saying don't fall conditions away in return for a very modest pay deal. the government rejects the unions challenge that it's preventing the rail companies from making a deal at the same time, insisting inflation matching pay awards with hon the economy. there's a fair, reasonable payoff for on the table which 2 of the trade unions have accepted the r m t sadly decided to reject it has to be an offer that's fair, reasonable for the taxpayer, as well as for the people who work in industry. and we will go to see some reform in the way the industry operates so that we have a proper 7 day railway that passengers can rely on network rail which runs and maintains the tracks. so such a deal is within touching distance. there are reports that improved benefits rather than pay or under consideration. so now though,
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this winter of strikes i'm disruption rose on harry faucet, al jazeera london. the pressure on the u. k. national health service is intolerable and unsustainable. according to medic, there warning, there could be up to 500 extra death caused by delays in emergency care every single week and more than a dozen and a chest drops and ambulance services to clear critical incidents over the festive period. where we shall ins explains that emergency service is struggling to emergencies growing with england hospital waiting lists or the stories of people who called for an ambulance and waited hours like mary jane, lonnie who's 87 year old mom fell one evening and hit her head 30 arrived at court to the following morning and so i stayed last total of 10 and a half. i was waiting for the ambulance, then there were another 10 hours inside the ambulance outside the hospital. i
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believe the hospital, the, i need department folk pushed that they use in the i'm going to say the back of the i'm going to say stretches out the next award has. what is individual stories like mary jane's there are stories told by data. so he is a stat for you if i'm fallen ill or got injured in england in november and taken myself off to accidents and emergency as a strong chance, i would have been one of nearly 40000 people that had to wait more than 12 hours to be admitted to a hospital department. now that is a 355 percent increase on the same figure from the previous november. according to the royal college of emergency medicine delays like this costing me 100 to 500 lives every week. the causes pinch points and blockages to fall wards and star shortages. we also recognize the big pressure that was being played through in terms of ambulance handle. the delays is largely triggered by those who
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leave hospital, but delayed in doing so, we need to free up the capacity. but as pretty much any one involved with the managers, why this much cherish national institution is so critically ill. and they'll tell you this, what we're seeing is the result of 10 years of under funding under staffing. and under resourcing, the n h. s. what the pandemic has done is it's aggravated the situation. the system inside of say, is now brittle and unable to flex with the seasons or surprises. many, many winters have been challenging. but what we've seen this year is that the usual level of winter pressure that we might see would usually a beat in the summer. you'd get a bit of a respite, you'd be able to do more work and then the winter pressures would come again. but this year it became so pressured that the whole summer felt like winter level pressures. so then when we got to winter, we were already at a much higher based flight of pressure. when will the, and a chest get better,
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will get better. the doctor's prognosis, his gloomy, not for many months, and not without serious financial help, rory shannon's, how to 0 london. thousands of cards from across europe of travel to france for memorial, for 3 currency were killed in paris last month. a 69 year old mans been charged with murder for the shootings at a kurdish cultural center. some of inch of aid has more. ah johnson t as the company the coffins of the 3 kurdish refugees killed in paris on december . the 23rd. the funeral seems to have united the kurdish community across europe. thousands gathered in a prison sir berg to bid their respect. many have come from other regions of france and neighboring countries. the community is disappointed and afraid after the kurds were shot dead in the tent district of the city, which is all to a large goodish community. relatives of the dead, an act of a se, there insulted as curds and as french citizens. because they feel the state has
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failed in its obligations. this yes, not all of us. we want justice and truth. we are used to conspiracies and turkish good in france. we would like to know what's behind this, who did the killer meat when he was in prison? who is this person being called a madman? we want answers. our customer had to mercer and we are from syria, iran, iraq and their gear. they're also angry at the goblins in their home countries. the gathering provided an opportunity to express their political views as well. we thought herds playing repression would be safe in europe. but when we're targeted in the heart of paris, that raises questions on how will see european countries that is supposed to be democracies. the anger is also directed at french authorities for not declaring it a terrorist attack, and some will additions agree, prosecuted have her say, did like dental of the french state must be more transparent. the fact that the crime is qualified as
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a terror attack should not be related to the color of skin of the perpetrators. every racist attack is a political act and a terror attack. the 69 year old white male accused of the murders is awaiting a formal investigation and trial. the bodies will now be taken to the kurdish region of northern iraq and turkey for burial. generally marks 10 years since the killing of the activists in paris and the latest 3 killing have reopen. busy on whom they've been demanding an investigation for the last decade, but are afraid that once again, they're dead will not just plumb a job in all. the vera paris fishing is threatening to take reciprocal measures against countries that impose colbert 19 restrictions on people traveling from china. those travelers and are required to present a negative corbet 19 test us japan, italy and cuts are, are amongst the nations that introduce the new measures after reported surge in infections. when we end up with you shortly, downtown golden rule,
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we believe that some countries of imposed entry restrictions targeting only chinese travelers. this decision lack fine to think basis and some practices are unacceptable. we family oppose any attempt to manipulate epidemic prevention measures in order to achieve political goals. we will take counter measures based on the principle of reciprocity culture. in response, the white house has said that covert test on travelers from china are based exclusively on science. as cobit measures are eased in china, life in major cities is starting to return to some sort of normal. but the medical system is on the strain with many convince beijing is drastically under reporting the number of cases. just 3 new co va death were reported for monday. katrina gue reports now on beijing. in wood tree bay, jing the pace of life is picking up. people are enjoying being outdoors after weeks of staying inside, after a wide spread curve at 19 outbreak. yes, on food cells,
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traditional suites from his cart to welcome to the lifting of restrictions in december only. what year is good if and did all the restrictions. oh, everyone can come out now for was good for contra. no. you should always in lockdown. you have no income for sure. he says business is better now than it's been in years. the 67 year old had covered 19 last month. many of the people we spoke to in this neighborhood have told us they also called the virus province. at least the 70 to 80 percent of people in this area got co reads, wealth turned under. we all got sick to those who have recovered. life has returned to normal tests and health courts can't are no longer quiet and to restaurants and public spaces. tuesday is the 1st working day of 2023 and the streets here are busier than they've been in months. many businesses have reopened and most workers have returned to the office. but it's not just the streets that are crowded. hospitals are full of people seeking treatment for covered 19 the chinese center
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for disease control and prevention says less than half a 1000000 people have been infected nationwide. but scientists say cases automatically under reported. the government insists the situation is under control . when the issue is household goods or torture nationwide our medical resources have not yet reached a situation of tied supply. we have anticipated a substantial increase in demand. so we are well prepared for those who are healthy . this relief that the use of locked downs are behind them and many are looking forward to a new sense of normalcy. katrina, you al jazeera paging. still have this nice our south korea sets up efforts to encourage people to have children with one district in so offering 1500 door, baby bonuses, thousands of fans, charnise, welcome christiano, and all those to saudi arabia. as he's officially unveiled as an al musser player.
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ah ah ah ah, as i've korea has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world and the government wants to change that and it's increasing child care support to encourage young people to start families in his camp reports not from school. the 1st babies of the year in south korea twins held by their grandmothers and another buy a new father. a welcome sound in a country that has been at a population death cross since 2020. the number of deaths consistently outpacing
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birth on the president says the government has poured more than $220000000000.00 into increasing the fertility rate over the past 16 years without avail or provision. meaning we need effect of policies that are based not on populism, from about science and data. nonetheless, the incentives will continue the latest a monthly stipend, effective january. first mothers in south korea will receive an equivalent of $550.00 per month for child until that infant friends one that parent pay is set to rise to 800 dollars next year. for those who are from here, the district of condom which has the lowest fertility in soul a one time birth bonus of $1500.00 a week or higher. if the infant is a 3rd or 4th child. when eugene is expecting her 2nd baby next month, she walked away from a career and education consulting,
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where she had her eldest he on. she welcomes the cash for additional expenses such as nappies and bottles. but the real help she needs an extra pair of hands is still out of reach that, that kind of service that i really need. because says i have 2 children. if one is sick, then i need to go to the hospital, but i have to carry my infant 2nd child to go to the hospital with my 1st child. and it will be very difficult because it's not like my husband can be here like 247 . he needs to go out to work. when sociologist says the government has missed the mark, pointing to young people who face low wages and unstable employment prospects, which leads to increased competition. gen and brewing distrust between genders, children are a life long commitment and many young. all those find it difficult to think about being responsible for the one person's life when they're not sure about their
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future. so furthermore, some your models are constantly exhausted and higher as a result of working long hours as lifespans increased economist project that by 2050, for every 100 working south koreans, there will be 76 dependence. both minors and the elderly. the government will need to decide how to prevent the demographic imbalance from tipping into a fight over a limited resources unit. kim, alt, 0 soul. now let's get all the de sports news with jeff. thank you, julie christiane. even now they have been officially presented to fans at his new saudi arabian club. i'll nasa and says he took the opportunity to give a different vision of the country. ah, that was the reception that ran out. i received it from support as you packs out the 25000 capacity stadium to welcome at this superstar signing he's joined on
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a 2 and a half year contract with a salary of 206000000 dollars a year. the 37 year old was a free agents after his high profile splits with manchester, united. but our partner and children joined him on the pitch and he says they support the decision and a happy to be that in a row morrow more. it's dawn. i one, every i played the most important love in europe and for me and always the new new challenge. glove told that i'm giving you this opportunity to to show and do all not only for the, for the football, but also for the generation of the young generation, the woman's generation as well. for the young boys. and for me it's, it's a challenge. but in the same way, i feel very, very happy and very problem. i can say now as many opportunities in
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here, all many clubs in, in, in brazil and australia, us even in portugal as many club tried to fight in. but i give it to war to this well for the opportunity to do development, not all the football but the other part of this amazing country. and i want to give you different vision and also country of the football. the perspective of everybody . the numbers are quite staggering. when you break down what our days reported salary 206000000 a year. works out roughly $17000000.00 per month. 4.3000000 a week. 600. $13000.00 per day. more than $25000.00 an hour. $425.00 a minute and how about this $7.00 per 2nd? saudi football analysts, iceman, the outweighed re, says that the sunny ran out. i could very well just be the beginning for leak and
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indeed nation that has lost the ambitions. let's wait until we 2030 more, which is the benchmark or the deadline for a lot of these initiatives. by that time, i think the target will be that the saudi becomes one of the top 10 in the world. and by that time, i think, as you can see from the dominance in the aging champions, the, the, the sports in the, the content has been huge and it's taking a big shift. and the next big step is just to be a big competition globally with regard to the other big top 5 european leaves in addition to the others, the amount of investment in saudi football and sport in general. and the kingdom has been enormous. and i think it's only going to be going up from here to try to get big names. will know maybe that might get messy, maybe latan grandma bitch, any, any of these players that we would normally see, go towards previously china, previously about or previous or until now to the united states of america,
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where the am, unless they could be coming towards saudi arabia to play football, say the english premier league carries on without rinaldo and leaders awful. miss johnson move 10 points clear after being held to a goal is joel by new castle also started well, but it was new counsel, you have the best chance of the house. julian's and heading over at the back post just before the right hand side when it closed. it was just over some minutes ago gabrielle mos in alleys header. she asked why sites mill mill finished also extend the leave over manchester city, 8 points that they have now play the game while new hospital and now unbeaten in 13 league game was hoping to manchester united it proved too strong to warmer fidel chocolate. a brazilian midfielder, cassandra handed the heist the lead in the 1st half. and then the advantage she doubled. alley in a 2nd. how about this run from the left back? sure. from inside his own half, it appears as if he's done his job to set up the opportunity only for the boy to find its way back to him. to finish the move. marcus phosphate lace added
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a 3rd for every 10 houseman and films the fine season continued with a one. no one ever left the city away from home. i talked striker alexander mitchell once again, only n doesn't lose one mail it to the london club mail 7th in the table. and a f l player de mohammed remains in a critical condition in intensive care after suffering a cardiac arrest and collapsing on the field during a game on monday nights. the buffalo bills safety was given its cpr aft being huts while tackling at cincinnati bengals opponent t higgins. he was transferred to hospital and the game was suspended. as since been a sergeant support for a charitable campaign set up by hammond 2 years ago to purchase toys for children in need with a the $4000000.00 donated in the hours following the incident. i'll say this about a de mar hamblin. ah, man is a really personal thing for me. a bit of pittsburgh. and now young may i be in
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a pittsburgh i have known that guy probably says he was about 12. just got a lot of respect to love for him as a human being. and his commitment to the pursuit of his, our goals and dreams of doing what it is he's doing right now, which is play in any nfl and to watch him make personal decisions. and, and, and make that a realization on it's just an honor to get to know young people like that. well, number 5 and yvette jock of inches and his 1st singles when of the new ton of season, the sub is warming up for the australian open and adelaide and faced concert and action of france drunk of it. she's playing for the 1st time in australia since being deported over his cupid 19 of vaccination status. last year. one the much 6362. it says 30 of straight singles. victory on australian soil industry goes back to 2018 for time a duck. alrighty. when at nasa, ality has taken the lead in this yes race, despite a poor showing in choose days a 3rd stage in saudi arabia. the competitors had to endure
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a route that included stunning canyons and rocky tracks. but it was treacherous at times. heavy rain cools the stage to be shortened when the action came to a halt, france is a girl and as she sharita was the winner of the stage, and it was in the 13th place at the time. but like a tory has now moved into a room late as all your sports from me for now. it is back to duty as alan did she? dear tim, a. thank you. will that sit for me? jillian? don't hold for the sneezer. i will be back in a moment with developments from the us house of representatives were republican. kevin mccarthy appears to have lost a 3rd vote to be speaker. keep watching and we'll keep you up to date season. ah ah
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and january oh now which is it? a process is to promote a message of peace and reconciliation while visiting the democratic republic of congo and sat sir doug. his 5th visit to africa as head of the catholic church, rigorous debates and unflinching questions. up front, cut through the headlines to challenge conventional wisdom immersive personal short documentaries. africa direct showcases african stories from african filmmakers can public private partnerships. so some of the wealth most pressing challenges when government business in civil society does meet for the world economic forum, senegal host, the all africa musical was a celebration of talent and creativity from all corners of the african continent. january analogies, era,
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harmful pathogens are increasingly affecting our lives with terrible consequences. a new documentary asks why that we've learned any lessons from the h. i. v. epidemic in the fight against coven 19. how we ignored the global serve, to put profits before people. and it won't cost. ready ah, time of pundents on august, are they protect his old profiteers? a free speech mosque is showing us how vulnerable space is online and truly are when they are controlled by billionaires of lago, documenting facts on the ground. i'm not a journalist, people trust individuals, more than the news or a purveyor of the state line. how can you show the destruction of a political war and still be a political unchecked? the media can distort narratives and reshape realities. the listening post keeps watch on.
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