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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 11, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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intelligence the most sad to report on arab palestinian and islamic figures center kia, mar, sometimes i regret you, and you don't even realize you've been recruited. al jazeera world explores a dark surveillance under world beneath the diplomatic surface. mcfadden, he stumbled on al jazeera, a new generation of young people are more politically engaged in the one that came before. welcome to dinner ration, change a global theories, and attempts to challenge and understand the ideas and mobilize youth around the world. in south africa, it's women who are at the forefront as the woke generation. you must never ever get tired of developing resistance strategies, and they're just ignite, the passion to stand up and by generating change on al jazeera. ah,
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this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm rob matheson, this is the news are live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. police in germany beginning victim climate. protesters from a village has plans to expand a cold line fuel tensions during an energy crisis. rebels in ethiopia, ticket i region begin hunting in there. a heavy weapons underwood deal signed with a government, protest and bangladesh, the opposition's calling for the next general election to be held under a non partisan administration. perused, president faces a genocide on murder investigation for her handling of political violence that's killed dozens in the past month. and i'm given ash, with sport, our saudi arabia is linked with another major move in the sporting wowza after buying went out and new casa united is now being reported. the kingdoms agreed to
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take over w w e. wrestling. ah, we're going to start this news are in germany where police in the northwestern village of lord suassa evicting climate activists to allow the expansion of open pits, coal mine accords rejected. the protest is request to stay and please have started removing them more than 1000. protesters have been counted, lloyd stuck since sunday while step vast. and his joining me alive for the protest camp at lloyd stuff. and there's been quite a lot happening there in the last few hours stuff just talk us through what's been going on. well, the actual eviction awfully. so that has started early in the morning as soon as the day broke, then a police moved in very quickly into the village and circled the whole village. and a lot of her activists have been removed already were in front. barricading and
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blockading the entrance to the village, but another group, and it's not clear how many of them are still here, but they all are holding up in the village itself, in the houses that are still remaining of this village on the edge of the gas. while a mine there on the roofs, they also inside of the buildings there on, on poles. and they're really trying to buy time to make it very difficult for police to enter these houses. so police at the moment is just standing by that we know that they have signed in specialist or from the police force itself who have scales to actually climb into this house. but also in 3 houses like 1020 meters high. so it's been a, quite a challenge. police has called it's a very complex and potentially dangerous operation. and as you can see in, in our report, it's been and tense situation in the last couple of days building up to this good. there's no justice, they shout the arms locked climate activists from across europe gathered in the
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small village of litter at determined to prevent the neighboring coal mine from expanding. with all legal means exhausted, police start removing activists from blocking the wrote. the initial operation to cli access to the site begins relatively peaceful, but has roger to little ram the river. she cries us, we have global warming, so think it's worth ah, but then police start to move forward more forcefully. the move turns grim with pulleys and activists now clashing there's a real fight now between the activism that police here at the village of little ha lease was trying to push forward toward the village a bit. but now active is a really trying to push them away and you can see it is a real scuffle going on. here behind me, work is from the energy company r w e,
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who operate the gas while open cost mine immediately start to clear the barricades . the climate ministry did not want to speak on camera, a spokesman explained that more coal is needed to ensure security of supply. but that the government will face out coal completely in 8 years from now. this can't go any further. we know that we don't need the coal under let's a lot for energy safety and it needs to stay in the ground for climate. police are calling and reinforcements from all over germany for the main eviction operation. one, they describe as complex and dangerous to make balmore, they have 3 houses of 10 meters high and even higher. we need special is to remove this occupies without endangered in any one. we are science to legally and consequently prosecute any offender. and we have been ordered to clear this location and we shall do the map. the police say they will aim to avoid using violence, but only if the activists remain peaceful. protests us have build
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a system of observation posts around the site. i'm afraid i'm scared all the time a little bit some some sometimes more on time class. when the cups are coming. i'm super scared of and i know how they act and holiday for people to do what they want . police say the main operation to clear the protest camp itself is expected to take several weeks well, during the classes this morning, there were some injuries and also some people have been detained. police has not confirmed us about how many people have been detained so far, but these people here are still holding up. the show to luke is not going to be empty. we will compile it until the bitter end, and they say police really have to make a huge effort to try to remove them from here. stuff. thank you very much. indeed. that's awesome. talking to some advantage of us. well, let's take
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a closer look at how germany uses cold by the end of last year. it was the nation's biggest source of power supply, more than a 3rd of the electricity produced and fed into the electrical grid. now, other sources of energy were wind, solar and natural gas. germany has a plan to stop using coal power by 2030, but at the same time, the usage of coal is accelerating. it's because of the war in ukraine, resulting in an energy shortage. germany's replacing russian gas with coal power stations and now restarting, expanding and staying open for more years than planned on oleg. bruckner is a political analyst and professor of political science at stanford university in berlin. and he's joining us on skype from berlin. very good to have you with us, sir. on al jazeera, we had one protest there, instep vaskins report, saying that the call in this particular village wasn't needed for energy safety. is that accurate? do you think and do you think that this protests are actually going to have any sort of impact on germany's plans?
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well, certainly what happens in this time, you really, it doesn't change the bigger picture. the bigger picture is that germany decided on the spot to finish imports of that she from russia given the high and she dependency of this was a major step. and given that we have a government with a strong say of the green party, it was also absolutely clear that fading out from nuclear hannah, she will not be postponed. so without russian energy and without nuclear. and she is not much left given the fact that the increase of renewables doesn't accelerate as quickly as one would wish. so the last remaining option was to keep on burden coal. if colin is still an option that comes from germany on can be imported from other sources. but this spot gets ago is now transformed
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into an ideological battle. and what we see now is just the tip of the iceberg. and one gets the impression from what you're saying that this is not the only protest we're going to see like this. but one would imagine it's going to put the greens in a difficult position. because being part of the coalition to put off shots and into power, they hold sway and, and air ministers, light energy and eco, the economy and the environment. yet they're having to defend these policies as well. well, for all 3 parties in the coalition, it was very difficult to face and changing environment for the social democrats, it was painful to get the core believes that change is possible. if you're engaged with the rush is no longer an option since the war started in february last year for the green party, it was seen as a terrible move to continue with nuclear, haven't achieved for another round. they don't really want to last the last
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remaining. we use power plants for longer, but it is not an option to increase renewables on short notice. so that's why they have also to swallow compromises and appear in the eyes of more radical environmentalist schools like the ones that demonstrate in the village. as part of that, it's just keeping up its core release and they have for it's an ideological battle . it doesn't change climate change and it doesn't change the energy dependency or germany. but it shows that people are actively engaging in democracy and that's at the end of the day, a good thing, as long as they don't violence ideology side, of course, there are, you can make impact to this because germany is heavily industrialized. nation 8 relies on power in order to be able to function, especially when we're at a time when nations like germany or having to compete with china, south korea and others like that. and one can imagine that this is locking in the
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government to this particular approach because it needs out power in order to be able to survive as a country. well, it is also a drive for further european integration and for more solid guarantee among countries that have something to offer to help other countries to deal with their shortages. we important gather from from we help problems when the droughts didn't allow them to cool that you can call times in the summer. we get to normally tell us until the european union as a provider renewals. and it moves farther to an integrated europe as a positive side effects up is complicated situation which the several crisis overlap. it also keeps transatlantic relations closer, but it comes with painful costs. and what we see is a conflict of interest in a more diversified society in which counseling come naturally,
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if we don't have it's one way of looking at things really interesting to get your thoughts in this book and thank you very much indeed for being with us. thanks for having me. rebels in the field is not to cry region have begun handing the heavy weapons to the federal army as part of a peace deal that was signed in south africa more than 2 months ago to and to your conflict. the terms of that agreement included disarming the rebels, restoring federal authority to guy, and reopen h humanitarian access in the region. united nations estimates half a 1000000 people have died from violence and starvation during the conflict. hundreds of thousands have been forced out of their homes. while malcolm wives following developments from the kenyan capital nairobi, malcolm does this mark the end of this conflict. to going forward is it said that they're handing over the weapons. we've seen some video of that reports from the ground,
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confirming that some heavy weapons are being handed over. we don't know how many. and we don't know if it's all of them. another to go in forces leaders. domain ac previously dominated ethiopia is military and politics for almost 30 years. and when the conflict began between them and the government of prime minister abbey ahmed to stave it 2 years ago, they defected with a substantial fraction of the military that was loyal to them on the peace agreements that were signed in south africa. and also 2nd agreement signed here in kenya's capital nairobi, stated the, as their weapons were handed over at the federal government forces should withdraw from to grant the same time. and foreign forces should also withdraw. now, access is still heavily restricted to gray. it's difficult to verify the claims but humanitarian access has opened up a bit in recent weeks and aid workers are often reported that they've still seen
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eritrea and soldiers that integrate eritrea joined in the conflict on the side of ethiopia as federal government eh, to, to gray and lead is in the community and humanitarian organizations of accused. the era trained forces and militia from the neighboring am hall region of committing atrocities, including executing civilians, abductions and looting villages. it's very difficult to verify the claims of what's happened. the error tray is government also rarely comments in the government of our tray. it wasn't part of the t stools or part of those agreements that were signed. welcome. thank you very much. and he does malcolm web following developments there from the keenan capital nairobi they more had on the news, are including migration, trade and climate change dominate. the north american leaders summit and mexico at manchester, united reached the semifinals of the english lea cup. we're going to show you how
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we did it. the sport in russian forces have stepped up the result on a small salt mining town and eastern ukraine with the help of a group of mercenaries. the wagner group is now claiming control over solid, ours city center, where the kremlin says its forces are making progress around the town, but keeps as its soldiers are holding out. latasha bottles. joining us live now from keith and natasha. what more do we know about soda? well, the situation in solar di is not a totally clear what we know is in the last few minutes. russia's defense ministry has said that russian airborne forces are surrounding this eastern ukrainian town from the north and the south. earlier we heard from the head of,
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of the russian mercenary, grew wagner. now, yes, any precaution claimed that his troops were in control of holiday. he posted a photograph of himself and some of these fighters online, but of course, none of these claims can be verified. ukrainian defense officials for now say that their troops are still fighting intense battles that they are undergoing a assaults from a russian forces on the grounds. has an unclear picture in solider. but what we know is a over the past few days. officials at britons, ministry of defense have said that they do expect solid or to perhaps come under a russian control in the following days. mary, if that happens from the russian perspective, it would be something of a battlefield game. they certainly haven't had one for many months, and it would also open up the way for them to make their way and really focus on the town of black moot, which is not far from solid. or it has been the focus of intense fighting between ukrainian and russian forces for many weeks,
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many months now. russians want to try and control the city and in victory there would be symbolic for them. but again, ukrainian officials are saying that their troops on the ground are putting up a stiff resistance is still very much holding their positions. and in order to try and augment those troops in the ground, we've been hearing from ukraine's foreign minister. i believe that the country still needs heavy armored vehicles. they're going to be questions about whether or not they're going to get them from european countries. well indeed, do you know, officials, boats and keys and in europe say that what they expect to happen, perhaps in the coming weeks in the coming months is for russia to try and launch a new offensive. and that is why keep keep saying, look, we need more weapons, all sorts weapons, of course, not only a missile defense systems. we know that, for example, some ukrainian troops are going to be trained on those patriot systems in the united states. in the coming week. according to u. s. officials,
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ukrainian official said they also need things like heavy weaponry tanks. in particular, that's something that ukraine's foreign minister said to germany's foreign minister when she visited a eastern ukraine on tuesday. it has always been a very controversial topic for western powers. they don't want to be seen to be sending offensive weapons to ukraine, but the door has opened. that has been a shift because france, i'd begun to said that it would send a light combat vehicles to ukraine. we're now hearing also from the u. k that i considering sending that challenger to tanks and pressure is growing on germany to sign off on the various european countries that have that german built let but tanks to be sent to ukraine. that is what many european countries are saying they would want to do, send those leopard tanks to ukraine, but germany does have to sign off on them because they are german built. and so far the german chancellor la schoultz has been reluctant to do so. he doesn't want to
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germany to look as if it is in any way escalating this war will send what he might regard to be the wrong signals to russia. talking to us from keith that natasha battle. natasha. thank you very much. indeed. please. from the french capital say they've shot him after we attacked several people with a knife. it happened in the busy garden, nor station in paris. several people have been injured. the suspects now under arrest. tens of thousands of opposition supporters have gathered in the bangladesh capital. they want the government to conduct the next general election under a non partisan caretaker administration. bangladesh had introduced a non political temporary government system to hold fair and national elections in 1990 after the overthrow of the previous military government. but the ruling, a whammy league suspended the system before the 2014 votes. changing the constitution, despite mass protests, tanveer children as more from docker, a massive gathering hair and not boltron in dhaka off opposition party members.
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this is not the only place, though gatherings also in front of the national class pob and across other parts of the country. not this rally has been an ongoing movement. this particular day have been called by alliance of 32 different political parties, and aligns for democracy, moved men which wants to us. but carn present got bend rather than 10 t demands among them as a formation of caretaker government during the next general election, which is due in december. this year, they won the government to divide the parliament and resign immediately and to bring the fort prices under control. many other people from different walks of life had joined this opposition rally, then upset and fed up with the rise of essential goods foil prize, high high inflation that can't cope with the living any more. so this is part of the demand of common people. now the political party said they'll keep on this
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movement till this government resigned and then declared caretaker government to run the election. now they also won the election commission to be reform and have a new one because they said the last 2 elections were unfair. there were rig and there's gunman is here by red rigged election. most of the political opposition later we spoke through here and the common people. they have the same wise. and they said it's time for the government to go and call for a neutral care. they got government to conduct the election. it appears the movement is gonna continue till they have some resolution. and the political crisis seems to have a new dimension in bangladesh right now. indonesian president joker, the daughter, has expressed regret about a number of human rights violations committed in the past that including the bloodshed an arrest that took place in the mid 19 sixty's when human rights group say what was expression of regrets. like other indonesian leaders beforehand does
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not go far enough. widow promised his government would seek to restore the rights of victims. then then be good and young tiffany, with a clear mind and a sincere heart. i as the leader of this country, admit that gross human rights violations have happened and several incidents. we diane, when out of deep sympathy and empathy for the victims in their families. therefore firstly, the government and i are trying to rehabilitate the victim's rights fairly and wisely without neglecting efforts towards judicial resolution. peruse and battle president has won a vote of confidence in congress months after the attorney general announced an investigation against bully was a members. if a government on genocide and murder charges and follows the most violent days in sunrise, began in december after the arrest of former president pennell casteel on anna sanchez reports from lima, the inside of business congress. legislative shouted assassin prime
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minister, pamela as he entered the chamber to ask for a vote of confidence. glen, i'm okay, well, we will see a soul you. we declare that the government remains solidly focused on its political action plan to pacify the country. we are not an authoritarian regime, nor do we oppose legitimate protests, but we have as a state, the obligation to safeguard the security of the majority of peruvian yodi and i left it democracy would be defended at any price, triggering anger among some opposition legislators on this i mean, not one of these constant threats from mr. rolla. shameful saying that what they've done is right. that is, that they recognize that the office of the massacres that the proven people have suffered in these days. but that they will continue to do the same or thoroughly has offered help to the families of the victims as part of a strategy to pacify the country. but protesters are not satisfied with any of the
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government attempts to quote the prime minister of battle. and the government wants to build bridges, protesting groups. they sent high level commissions to several areas in the country, but he says people are not willing to sit down for dialogue with them. instead, in the aftermath of the deadliest thing of protests in a month long crisis, shattered families are left to mourn. their loved ones is as i was able to live up . but my son is dead. i am his father. he was 16 years old. i, the un high commissioner for human rights. his urging bid was government to carry out a prompt and impartial investigation into the deaths of protesters and to hold those responsible to account while many peruvians want the violence and destruction to stop. others said that political crisis will only end with precedent dina one what
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this resignation? vienna sanchez, i just eda lima, brazil supreme court ordered the rest of the man who was in charge of public security in the capital when government buildings were stormed on sunday. other officials could also face action support as a former president, jarboe serrato attacked congress, the presidential palace on the supreme court. our latin america editor, the senior reports brazil's capital brazilian looked com to 3 days after the assault on the presidential palace supreme court and congress. but as often happens, looks can be deceiving. here in the presidential palace, the cleanup of sundays attack, myself proclaimed patriots calling for military intervention to unseat newly inaugurated left. when president lula, the silva continues, and the rest of the now dismissed head of brazilian military police signals that the clean up of culprits is far from over. the government concedes the armed forces
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and police have been quote contaminated by what it calls a culture of institutional hatred, promoted by former president, jade bull, sonata, kelley, et cetera. we asked institutional affairs minister alexander padea if security forces remain a threat. demos, his youth interview. we have clear evidence of individuals, military police, or members of the army who collaborated on sunday with the terrorists, or when negligible, they will be investigated and held accountable for their actions before the law. ah, it's not a secret that lulu the silver was not the candidate favored by brazil's police and army under former president bull seattle. the armed forces occupied more cabinet positions than during brazil's former military dictatorship and received handsome salaries. the army refused to dismantle camps of thousands of brazilians calling for military intervention, even as lula was being sworn in just
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a few kilometers away. but an overhaul or purge of hostile members of the army is also risky. at the end of the day, if the government wants to the so the government could blame individuals instead of the whole is the tuition. and i think that's pretty much what's gonna happen in order to not create another crisis for the government to deal with. president lula may indeed be forced to show more leaning towards security voices than he and his left wing constituency would like the country still in shock. the symbolism of what happened here is, was to on no one, the shattered glass windows, for example, represent transparently empower on the mall that invaded this palace. used these open staircases that were designed by brazil's famous architect, oscar ne meyer to symbolize the openness in connection with the people. yet, what happened on sundays, not what they were designed for. and even as these military intervention activists
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to being bused back to where they came from, they vowed to continue fighting. lucy newman, al jazeera, brazil, yeah. still had an al jazeera, some stars returned to the golden globe awards as it emerges from a series of scandals. forgot the knights, big winners, plus ah, the birthplace who do celebrate the religions, re emergence, joint followers around the world. that is what we're going to show you. how defending champions behind made it to witness to the raving gulf company right. ah. with it's a saga forecasts for southern turkey. hey everyone,
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here's those details right here, right now a fire hose of rain for on talia. i think in the order of about a month's worth of rain in 24 hours in that rain is also falling over cyprus. is while this is the same storm system that brought rain and snow to higher elevation over the balkans. you know what we thought would be snow in sarajevo, but your temperature stayed above freezing, so it fell as rain there in time. we've got precipitation moving west to east. so this is some good news for the alpine region. we'll get some snow there on wednesday, more pulses of rain to go for the islands of ireland and britain. and you know, at times this is going to be intense stuff, whether warnings and play notches for the brain, but the winds as well. london, gus, 40 to 50 kilometers parent. i think along the coast of the netherlands. could see those gus at 90 kilometers per hour so that could cause some damage. also got re move in west to east across siberian. nothing major. so let's move to africa right now and it's a windy pitcher from l. jersey to cairo. and when mornings and play for the co sign of libya, could see gus here of 60 kilometers per hour. in time,
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a heat wave through south africa's western interior temperatures. there are pushing past 40 degrees, but for cape town at 26. that's actually where you should be for this sum of the year. that's it. we'll see you in a bit. take her. ah, with we i generation of can people, but very ambitious, very united, very puts it and i'm very good that you might be comfortable right now. but not for long. you will soon field the sim hits, we feel every day from today's home kong. then uganda, 3 women grapple with the impact of the front line activists fear future children on a j 0. a investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on al jazeera,
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the world economic forum returns to dabble in january to assess the global economy reshaped by the pandemic and the war. and you, craig, can leaders from government and business prevent a promised decade of action becoming a decade of uncertainty. extensive coverage on al jazeera ah ah, what, you know, just 0 reminder of our top stories this our police and geometry are evicting climate activists from a village to a lot of the expansion of an open pit coal mine, of course rejected the protesters request to state rebels is a good i have begun handing and heavy weapons to the ethiopian army as part of
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a peace deal signed in south africa more than 2 months ago. it also includes reopening humanitarian access and communication. tens of thousands of opposition supporters of other than bangladesh is capital to protest against the government. they want the next general election to be held under a non partisan caretaker's administration. i'm aaron's workers in the u. k. a pressing on with their 2nd to strike this winter demanding higher, pays the cost of living sores. nurses are also funding to walk off the job after what they called bitterly disappointing tolts with the government. the u. k is experienced a wave of industrial action as it battles record, inflation, and a fall in the living. standard. ssl am a hair with johnny, his life from sheffield. and once again, keep medical workers on strike and chain. yes . one more than 20000 ambulance workers on strike to day in england and wales daryl conference of picket lines up and down the country like this one here in sheffield
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. and n h, i suppose is of course concerns about the implications across the service of this strike action and the public to worry about what happens if they need to call 99. but of course i'm going to push it off and they say to turning out, if it is a life threatening emergency and 2 paramedics that we saw her on the picket line. early this morning, we saw about half an hour ago. go out from here. when their ambulance with the blue lights smashing remedies who tell you that they simply don't have a choice about this, they feel backed into a corner and some just starting to recognize the job. what they started out doing that with unprecedented pressure at the moments i'ma. this is, as we were mentioning before, just part of a broader picture of industrial action has been taking place across the u. k. for the last few months in the face of us going inflation, which has been rising at record levels. yes.
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and they've already started, didn't it? with the summer of discontent and as fast turned into the winter of discontent. as you mentioned, nurses are due to go out in a 2 day strike next week and something that they say they are no to lightly, but they feel they have no choice because they say they're concerned about patient safety. we've also got talks about a big a strike taking place in february junior doctors have been violated and i think that's reflect what many in the united the bill is. a crummy says that they say the has simply be not enough funding, not enough staff being put into the nature of course, the government says it is the best thing. widely, indiana chest, but one chief executive i spoke to you last week actually said to me in his 40 year career, he'd never known pressure like this. and i thank you very much indeed. emma, hey, we're talking to us from sheffield. they're not a picket line or the number of attacks against pakistani police has raised concerns about violence by the pakistani taliban. last november, the young group ended
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a ceasefire brokerage by the afghan taliban and ordered his fighters to launch attacks against the pakistani state. as a bank has more police in pakistan on high alert. it comes after the pakistani tyler bond targeted police in recent weeks and threatened the prime minister and foreign minister. but in the province of haber buck to him, while it's the police who are on the front line, the militants have equipped themselves with animals, hates on rapids. no loss, thomas hates, are being used by m militants, or on guns, sniper weapons. and they are targeting policemen. at our at nighttime, on rooftops of the police dition where they're gardening, or unrealistic points. but just days ago, 2 police officers and one civilian were killed during an attack by the pakistani daddy. bon, the situation has angered locals, who fear a return to violence. they took to the street to voice their opposition to the
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taliban. the threat is very real ah, the bach stanley taliban released this training video promising more attacks and declare and gets intention to impose its hard line interpretation of islam clause and its opposition to the pakistan military merit. technologically each, an early push to, ah, very, very disturb because are these, oh, many can see like, or situation life here in a copy cabinet and the people are receiving the rain, some threatening one target lingam. so the situation is very, very ela, a very, very loud move in the capital islamabad, there have been warnings of possible attacks, icons, diplomats and foreigners. 2022. so $150.00 attacks. kodak by the buck stony play, bought, killing dozens of people. one good thing that we have seen in the recent past is
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that people love the concern areas lake we must have seen in swat, and in was, it is gone. where the whole population, irrespective for their a party of relation they all got together, they all protested and they thought that is all for now this hope authorities will be able to deal with this threat and they won't be a return to violence. i said bake al jazeera, the world health organizations declared the end of a nearly 4 months there. ball our break in uganda valley's 55 people have died. garden health ministry says it's now successfully controlled the spread of the virus according to w. mitchell and i'll break of the disease ends when there are no new cases for 42 consecutive days. beijing has defended his decision to suspend a short term visit to south korean and japanese citizens saying it was in retaliation to entry restrictions on china and accused the countries of discrimination. after they imposed covered 19 entry restrictions and so suspended
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tourist visas. more country of imposed entry requirements after china saw a wave of cases after dropping stringent covered 19 measures last month. the indian himalayan town of georgia math is being evacuated as its buildings crumble is being blamed on non stop construction in the area and a changing environment. stephanie decker's got more. this holy town in the himalayas is slowly sinking into the mountains. it's holmes, crumbling. it's people desperate about atomic. there's all the chemical guy told me that even bulldog 1000 percent. and now suddenly the authorities are asking us to leave our house and they have not provided us any assistance they have just asked us to leave with us. but we have no way to go, gonna go ahead, let her go, lily, and when i am a government, we will making our house. here we brought bricks, sand, and reinforcing bars. only some days back, one of my sons built a new house,
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but that is also of no use. how will we live here now? we spent everything on this house on whatever authorities a relocating people after cracks appeared in homes. there been reports that nearly 600 homes in hotels are sinking in the north indian town, which has around 20000 people. lucila lowered the man live with us. elk is a must have. yeah, there is come. we'll kick on. the major reasons for this are an increased population, an infrastructure boom, the n t p c tunneled their building and the blasting work being carried out in the region. because of this jo, she math is sinking. structures have developed cracks and people are living in fear, yada jace. math is close to a number of important religious sites in the himalayas. attracting thousands of pilgrims every year. the region is vulnerable to earthquakes and has seen a number of disasters in recent years. experts play melting glaciers and relentless construction in the area. people here already live
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a simple life. losing their homes, leaves him with no where to go. and no way to make a living. stephanie decker al jazeera. a pacific storm is continuing to batter northern california mode day after flooding and mud slides threatened to force thousands of people out of their homes. at least 16 people have been killed since last week, and more than 34000000 have been more to possible floods. rob ronald suppose from the city of santa cruz. the latest in a relentless series of storms battered the california coast on tuesday with waves in some places 7 meters tall. the storms have caused wide spread flooding. as 90 percent of the state's population was placed under a flash flood warning, in many places, water saturated hillsides have collapsed in dangerous mud slides. tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from communities all over the state. we were watching, other people are being evacuated and we just had no idea. it was just
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a shocker. and where we was just, we on believable, you know, seeing the water come in and then it just gushing. just like a river in sacramento, the state capitol utility cruise worked to restore power. high winds have toppled trees and power lines leaving more than 200000 people without electricity on tuesday. in santa cruz, the san lorenzo river, normally just a trickle of water became a muddy brown torrent beaches were piled high with debris. nearby enormous waves crashed against rocky cliffs in one spot tearing away part of a residential street. the storms have proved costly and deadly. people have been swept away in flood waters and killed by trees knocked over in high winds. california emergency agency estimates the damage they exceed $1000000000.00
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and it's not over the fact that we're not out of the woods. we expect these storms to continue, at least through the 18th of this month. or we expect a minimum 3. busy more these atmospheric rivers and different shapes and forms depending on different parts of the state. nearly half a meter of rain has fallen in some areas, forecasters say. downpours will continue on wednesday. rob reynolds al jazeera santa cruz california, the leaders of the u. s. canada and mexico have held wide ranging talks of the north american leaders, summit trade, immigration, and drug trafficking were on the agenda. as theresa bo reports from mexico city. they came together to discuss trade, economic integration, security, and migration. us president joe biden and prime minister just into the door of canada, attended the north american leader summit in mexico city, where their host president ended manuel episode at o stressed the importance of fighting humane solutions to cope with thousands of
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people trying to reach the united states last, truly my social is not a roswell being social problem is cannot be sold with coercion diva. we should attempt to discourage violence and immigration with our humanitarian approach of opportunities for the well being of everyone to real. people are good by nature, folk, but circumstances sometimes lead people to take the pat of antisocial behaviors. but again, we made enormous progress in am. biden said the united states is ready to work on solving the root causes of migration ability. we're trying to make it easier for people to get here, opening up the capacity to get here, but not have them go through that god awful process. we can do more than merely just make legal immigration more streamline. but we could also do it by providing people from wanting to have to leave in the 1st place, natalie is from venezuela. she entered the united states illegally and is now living in a church in el paso,
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texas. they were either president by they gave us an amnesty or, and opened the door for us. and on our way here, he closed it up and now we're stuck in limbo, several hundreds of thousands of facing the same uncertainty. there was lots of expectations and new announcements were going to be made. that would have an impact on the lives of the hundreds of thousands of migrants on both sides of the border. immigration advocates say that north american countries should do much more to solve the ongoing crisis. the 3 leaders also work to repair their differences over trade to door and notice, or rather have expressed concerns about jo biden's efforts to increase domestic manufacturing with his by american programs. but the 3 found common ground on strengthening supply chains and reducing their dependence on imports from asia. to day we discussed how we can build reliable value chains on this continent for everything from critical minerals to electric vehicles, to semiconductors. this is good for workers,
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good for consumers. good for communities across our country together be we present the largest tweeting block in the world, accounting for roughly one 3rd of the global g d p. while these agreements remain, be all agreed that corporation is essential. pity, so i'll just see them. mexico city auto supreme court dropped a terrorism case against a well known prop professor of egyptian origin. after an al jazeera documentary fund hovers, was charged with dozens of activists in november of 2020. in january last year, the program called what is hidden is immense aired on al jazeera that reveals the charges were based on false evidence and fabricated accusations. hafez is best known for an annual report into european islam of phobia. and is one of the founders of the austrian muslim youth association. the golden globe awards returned to television screens in the us after it was taken all fair because of controversy
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about corruption and lack of diversity. austin, butler was named best actor in a drama for his role as elvis presley lost an absence. cate blanchett, one best dramatic actress for her role in tar, the boundaries in his sharon, one best comedy on musical, the most prestigious prize best motion picture drama was one by steven spielberg's autobiographical film, the fable man's and b. c's. correspondence, gina kim is in beverly hills in california. she says the golden globes had something to prove after last year's controversy. the show took on a little bit of a hey, we know we're kind of coming up from the bottom tone. it was irreverent. it was edgy, but the night truly belonged to steven spielberg. this is considered kind of the opening of the awards season for hollywood. and he to come the biggest prize of the night which was best drama for his film. the fable mens which is loosely based on his life, he also to come best director, best comedy, went to the band she's of in
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a sheer in which if you saw it is a very weird movie. and it was a kind of an under dog because the other weird movie in that category, everything everywhere, all at once, was supposed to win. but instead that film to comp top awards for its actors on the tv side. because the golden globes does award that the top honors in both tv and films, genres are the best drama, went to house of the dragons, which is h. b as follow up to game of thrones. and comedy went to abbot elementary, which was already heading into tonight. with 5 nominations more than any other tv show it to come 3, including best comedy and to top acting prizes. so i had an al jazeera, my tomato moments of the dr. ronnie is 3 time champ is forced out of the race details coming up with general. ah
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ah ah ah ah oh
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news. ah ah, sorry about the sport has gemma. thank you're all, but let's start with another huge potential move into the sporting world by saudi arabia, that all reports that the kingdom has now agreed to by w. w. e. wrestling. welcome everyone to i was biggest wrestling probation already has a 10 year deal in place to hold events in saudi, including its crown jewels shows. these reports come days off to w. w. ease of former boss of vince mcmahon returned to begin a sales process. he since been elected executive chairman of the board daphne's
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door to stephanie resigned as chairwoman and co, c. o is no official comment from a w w yet, but if true, this would be the latest major move that saudi arabia has made in global sports, trying to look at either 11 of the top football teams, our nasa board, christiana, rinaldo. they took over newcastle, united in 2021 with the club currently sitting 3rd in the premier league in motor sports. saudi began the holding of formula. one race is last season, part of a multi year deal. the dak valley is currently taking place that too, and has been it since 2020 saudi has held some of the world's biggest boxing fights, including the match between alexander sick and anthony joshua. the country has also backs the live golf series at which for several top names. but phil mickelson defect from the more established p jaytal creating a major rift in the game. while back to you and i was, i went on last has the night as a clause in his contract,
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which commits him to helping saudi arabia bid for the world cup. the country is reported, considering a shelter hosting in 2030. but i wanna say when our main focus is on the club and working with his teammates to achieve the 2nd the 23rd, he woke up host or host a set to be confirmed for congress next year. well right now, saudi is also hosting the spanish super cup round madrid are preparing to defend that. so i, so this was the team training. the king fought international stadium in rip off the home ground. all right, now, days new club, nasa, they face of valencia in the semi finals late on wednesday. while it's ball selena against ro, better than the other last full ty ahead of sunday, the final was about to go back to the fans very close to us and there's a great atmosphere. so i really like playing here and on christiana, it's a fantastic signing for our nasa. we wish christiana all the best because he's a legend of our club, just like garrett bail, he's decided to retire and we wish him all the best for the future. he's in the
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hearts of all the ra madrid fans. when newcastle saudi arabian ages took over 15 months ago, they wanted to make the fire one of the most successful teams in europe. and then now a step closer to a 1st major trophy in more than 50 years. that's off. they beat fellow premier league side left to reach the semi finals of the league cup. what a moment for defender dam done a lifelong process, and he put them ahead for the club before linton made it so you know the book. that's why in the long manchester united also one there was a final pull but a thick tree in a row. in all competition. i can johnson and you know, in for man market rush the to like go to make it in italy. hold is interval. the vibe to get to get comma in the corporate. tell you . thank you. rich, gave it very i b side. palmer. the lead in the power at martinez equal to insight
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is deflected effort, eating down the roof on the 44 year old is trying to get the psalms. there are 27 years on his 1st appearance at the stadium, and he denied and inject, again went into extra sign, but before he couldn't keep out francesco abbey, who wanted to feel that placed in the final defending champions bahrain have made it to infancy. the raven gulf cut in iraq. they fought from a go down to beat to cats, off bahrain school twice in the last 20 minutes. the 1st isn't and go the asian champions. the cats are then gave away a very late penalty veil here, confirming the humble abdullah use of hello put away this will kick boy to you on victory. bahrain said top of great, be with 6 points. what are you going to have to wait to picked up their 1st victory of the competition? they scored a goal and stuff which time it to be to you a one,
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nell, and they now sit level of 3 points with 2nd place. he waits on record at 10 time when as of the gulf come to the m b i now and james hardon scott, his 2nd straight, triple double. as the philadelphia 76 is beat, the detroit pistons hot and finished with 16 points of 15, assists, and 12 rebounds is one of his assist, setting up joel and bead who came back from injury with a game high. 36 points, philadelphia winning easily at 147 to 116 steph curry came back from injury for the golden state warriors. and he got $24.00 against phoenix, including some trademark, 3 pointers. but it was the sons who came out on top 125 or to 113, beating the warriors for the 3rd time this season. nope, i joked edge will play a major role in the breakaway professional tennis players association. he'll be joined by women's. that was number 2, alms jabber and 6 of the top players to form the executive committee of the organization, which has divided tennis. it sits outside the current governing bodies,
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the atp and w t, with the may name of increasing play a power joke of it says they are not calling for boycotts or rival tools. the 3 time at that car valley champion color finals have been forced to quit this year's rice after a big crash. this was the moment he just caught during tuesday's night. faith in saudi arabia. the 6 year old was being allocated to hospital when he changed his mind and insisted on trying to finish the call. unfortunately too badly damaged sebastian lab picked up his 3rd stage when the rally and defending champion. and alex here has an april lead of one hour and 43 minutes. that is all your fault for now. i'll have more a little bit later on. jemma. thank you very much. indeed. celebration is mocking the annual voodoo festival of being held in bending followers from around the world have been attending the event, but there is still a stigma which surrounds the practice of voodoo and some of these wrists reports from the coastal town of widow for voodoo, worshippers is
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a ceremony like no other than the music and dancing the color and the mysticism with a touch of susan middleton, an american vote priestess rank high in the hierarchy? i feel those spirits are many of them are associated with natural forces, like the elements, water by earth burst through the air. and what's on the thinks i mean is fascinating. ah, she says her religion is widely, but deliberately mis understood. it is associated with diabolical forces. it's a cliche, largely driven by hollywood fit on, but it's a very deep spiritual tradition. this ancient, all of our cosmologies, originated in africa,
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so made so marvelously hung salmoneus poacher. what many, many divinities, hulu has its roots in west africa, with grinning, considered its origin for where it's exported to the rest of the world by sleeves taken from africa to walk on plantations and its back in west africa. that worshipers from all over the world gather to celebrate every year, winning officially recognizable doors and religion in the ninety's. after years of suppression, the government now considers it as a fundamental aspect of the convers how to do an identity. this festival has been celebrated for the past 10 years, as some abrasions on religion. i'm engine for religion followed by millions. yeah. in been a republican on millions born, especially in academia, a lot of reaches go into the food festival days of sacrifice and rituals that many
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find disturbing. but vo to supreme leader called the pontiff, disagrees shaking locally these colonizers macros as fetish. but rudy is not all about worshipping dolls or blunt lettering, it's not about magic. we do is a complete belief system that does a lot of good things. i didn't believe the regents of, i've decades of european onslaught. and was of i for many more saint georges to come a degrees out. you see it out with the clock is going to be here in a couple of minutes with more on all the stories. i roll my for some place or being with the buy ah ah,
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a in depth analysis of today's headlines from around the world. what it did was a to them they have to find because they do a wouldn't get in frank assessments. do you think diplomacy still spends a chance? i'm not very up to about any kind of negotiation informed opinions. everybody tweets. everybody's on tick, tock, tick, tock doesn't vote. you have to rewrite a winter, it's going to have a whole there pretty soon inside story or jazeera harmful pathogens are increasingly affecting our lives with terrible consequences. a new documentary asks why that. we've learned any lessons from the h. i. v epidemic in the fight against coven 19. how we ignore the global. so to put profits before people won't cost
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a time of pending on all just wants to mass social workers, paid michelle nie a visit at her. michelle is a single mother struggling to get by on a meagre income in one of the world's most expensive cities. she can barely afford the basics for her. and to stick daughter since the start of the coven, 1000 pandemic, there's been a big rise, and people seeking relief for charity work is it's been particularly demanding. 28 percent of social workers quit that job last year. many of them left the city altogether with i'm political uncertainty many relying that help find it difficult to get the support they ah.


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