tv News Al Jazeera January 13, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm AST
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authorized is unfit for purpose and is fueling environmental catastrophe. people have power troubles to gonna to uncover the dirty secrets behind the world's fashion addiction. that white man's clothes on edge is eda. when the news breaks, it's designed to represent a bedouin has now become a place to welcome fans from around the world when people need to be heard. and the story told, this area of size will, will be an island within a 100 years. with exclusive interviews and in depth report, sarah, germany's largest going to great afford show you how to come to our g 0 has teams on the ground to bring you more award winning documentary and lives. ah,
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a chinese export shrink in december as global demand folds highlighting concerns about global economic recovery this year. ah, 11 o'clock, this is out there. life and bill also coming up. a new study reveals exxon mobil publicly downplayed climate change that science is predicted, global warming from fossil fuels in the 1970s, thousands of supporters, a prominent ship politician, material solder have gathered in the iraqi capital for friday. pres and a special council is appointed to investigate the discovery of classified documents and u. s. president, time and full. ah . so we begin in china where the latest economic data has prompted fairs, but further slow down the global economy. despite a record annual trade cert. last year,
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chinese exports in december fell to the lowest since the beginning of the pandemic in february 2020 demand has been hence is china's largest trading partners. the us in europe risk slipping into recession 2023 growth forecasts for the world's 2nd largest economy. have been cut roughly 8 percent to run 5 percent. that's off the rapidly spreading outbreaks, falling beijing's decision to ditch it 0 credit policy last month. rich kimber has more now from hong kong, holding out hope for a recovery. these days, fruit salad, mrs. gwen has few customers, but she's keeping her shop in beijing open and hoping the upcoming lunar new year will bring some good fortune to tell you that our businesses lie, restaurants are doing much better. nowadays. there are more customers seized, a guffman east cove igniting policies. but i am selling fruit and nuts, and serves us do not good. these things are not daily necessities. and since people
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don't have their money, they are more careful with spending widespread coded 19 outbreak in china in recent weeks has crippled consumer spending. millions of people have caught the virus or stayed at home in the hope of avoiding it. the government says everything is under control, but there is signs it's rapid dismantling of pandemic policies. last month is undermining the economic rebound. exports fell in december and century production shrank the most since long term locked downs. 8 months earlier. in some places, frustration is boiling over the factory and central china police confronted workers who are protesting against layoffs and low wages. i missed say that chinese cove at 900 challenges have global implications, as some of the world's biggest companies, from automakers to smartphone makers. if they think disruptions to their chinese production lines. apple is reported to be accelerating plans to shift some of its
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operations to india and vietnam supply chain analysts say that set to become a growing trend is salt by you can predict it's not going to be predictable. that's the, that's the problem that borders everyone. and if you just try to draw a contrast between china and let's say, even in many countries, in se, asia, their policies are much more predictable. they are not ticket, they have not been taken such an extreme measure to, to control goals. and their practice actually basically are more in ny, all of the western companies economists are forecasting a longer term turnaround. many predict that after coven 19 infections of peaked china could still achieve annual growth of almost 5 percent. but for businesses that rely on chinese spending and manufacturing a long term recovery may be too long to wait. richard kimber al jazeera in hong
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kong was mattie became, as the china director of the economy intelligence corporate network and has more of the challenges with china's economy in 2023. i don't think any one anticipated that china would go from having probably the restricted, the strictest restrictions anywhere in the world to almost nothing in just a matter of weeks. and i, you've seen the kind of the authorities now trying to navigate searching infections and pressures on health care system. so whereas we previously previously had supply chain disruptions because of china's kind of off economy, the threat of flash lock downs and 0. cobit, we now have concerns about supply chain disruption because of outbreaks and the inability of kind of supply chain of low normally. and so it does have implications, i think, for china's competitiveness and you know, the recovery overall that we've also seen in 2020 to a lot of n c's and foreign investors hit the pause button on china because of the uncertainty of 2022. now some of that uncertainty was global. you know, the disruption of only crimes, highly transmissible,
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the kind of. ringback occasions on kind of energy security, commodity prices because of the warranty price. ukraine inflation brought about when part, because of central bank policy related to the pandemic. some of those were global challenges, but 0 cove it and some of the other, more structural issues. pick them on the property sector are unique to china. so i think the question, in terms of what it means for global economy more broadly, is whether investor confidence will be good enough to kind of see that f d i money flowing back in to c. m n c is kind of really be committing to the china market after a year, where many have been asking whether they need to think about risk resilience for their global business in a way that kind of manages around china, including china, to attract market, to abandoned of course, but you know how china fits in the bigger picture to germany where police are attempting to evict, protested from the village of nissan for the 3rd day demonstrated threw stones and forward to the officers on thursday. i just want to stop the village from being demolished. so coal, mine can be expanded. let's say 200 people left voluntary on wednesday,
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but about 300 remained as that wasn't joins us live from the protest camp literally instead, but you're in so i one of the houses but looks very what's happening right? yes, i'm inside of for one of the last remaining houses that have not been infected yet . at the moment it's day 3. i should safe off the eviction of flutes wrap around 1500 police officers. that's still outside trying to clear the village. they have moved forward quite quickly in the last couple of days. but now there's a tunneled system. they've found that there's a tunnel system under the village or, and they don't notice to people at least inside. and they don't know how big this structure is. they don't know how to get into the structure. so that's something that they are occupied with right now. and this last group of activist here have moved upwards to the attic in the last hour or so. and so it's gonna be hard for
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police to get here. the letter that was down is now up, we're basically locked in this situation right now. and i want to show you, if the camera man can, where we are, because you can look through the roof. and you can see that there are some people on the roof as well. if you point to the right, you can see there's people there on the roof. they're still holding up here on the roof to make it as complicated as possible for police to get to them. and one of the activists here since the very 1st beginning, she's been here for more than 2 years in this camp on and off, dina hammett, she is from look to had lives. so now this is the final chapter. it seems to be the final chapter for our village of occupation of looks up, but it's not the final chapter for the fight against cold. so you have decided to now hide here, how long do you think it will take police to get to you it's. we cannot say there,
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we know that they're trying to get into the house from below. but i think they will need to come up here with the cherry picker and take us out. so i don't know might take a couple of hours to. the mood is still quite a beat. i have to say that was music before we have a little orchestra here behind me. there's someone reading from a book. what has he been reading about? i mean, we know what we're doing, so we know it's important to stay calm and safe, even during them in the fiction. and we've been reading a little book written by some friends of mine about hope. and it's about, you know, like keeping up hope, but not through believing and some utopia either can ever be reached. but by, by choosing to act. and we're choosing to act right here to keep 280000000 tons of coal in the ground. and so that is our last hope we are lost. hope the mining company, our w e is actually already in this village as well. right?
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clearing everything the trees already being cleared, structures are being clear at everything that you've been building for the last 2 years. so the expansion is eminence of the mine it seems to be, but at the same time, we know that tens of thousands of supporters are on their way here tomorrow. we know that we are receiving full authority from around the world. and we know that this is not like in the end, this is not about the village. this is about keeping the coal in the ground and keeping it from being burned. and that can still be done politically. the activists were particularly angry with the green party right 1st. in the last couple of years, the green party was on the side of activists. now they're in government, but they say by 2037 years, we will phase out coal completely. this is just temporarily expanding coal mining. what do you think of that? i mean, the green party members of them were protesting with us here a couple of years ago. so that all villages stay and we know that most of the green
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party members are still here and on our side. but the problem is, they're now in the government and making concessions to our w e, which is just the way like from our point of view, how fossil capitalism works there in the government. and so they have to protect and our state has to protect the interests of companies like r, w, e. and that's why they're, they're evicting us. but of course, it also hurts because we thought we might be on one on one side, we thought that maybe that would be a way for the green party to, to stop this mind politically. and i think that's still not over. i think they still have to have to decide on that. thank you so much for joining us life. and of course it's the, the you, the mood is a b, but it's of course, also a very tense situation. we can see from here where police are right now, but they were very close to this building. they were already inspecting it. so we are expecting them very soon up here now or is that we'll join you as dave
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aggressive. thanks for that. in the meantime. thank you. now, oil giant exxon mobil accurately predicted climate change decades ago, but downplayed its findings. that's according to a paper published in the peer reviewed journal science. it is the 1st to fully analyze the company's internal research. exxon mobile scientists produce more than a 150 studies on climate change over 40 years. they projected temperatures would increase by 0.2 degrees celsius, on average, every decade that matches the current rate of global warming. the authors of the study say the research was astonishingly accurate, improves exxon mobil knew as much as academic and government scientists. but the company claimed until well into the 21st century that climate science was uncertain and that there was no proof the use of fossil fuels contribute to global warming. so let's take this all. we can speak to stephane singer, his are the senior climate science and global energy policy advisor at clamor
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action network international joins us now from brussel. so stephan now we already knew exxon knew about the impact of fossil fuels back in the seventy's and eighty's . but now we know how much they knew and subsequently went to great lengths, not to disclose. yeah, that's 2. i think the new science saw, which was published by the science magazine, joined, researched by young, the potsdam institute of climate impact research. and the harvard university showed very clearly that a exxon was cheating. exxon was a lying and exxon was basically suppressing the science which i had funded starting in mind in seventy's to look as a kind of plat, pleasurable exercise or entertainment to look into what the climate would do if it keep on burning fossil fuels. and when, once it turn out that the scientists are very clear, very precise murray,
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science based, they set, oh, holy cow. and i dismissed the scientists. they closed the unit and tried to press all that knowledges and all the documentation. there was no publication apart from the staff which was then recovered later on as to partners to set before the 100 documents, which were then analyzed by scientists to show that the exxon scientists and which were working in acts on part of exxon had done exactly what other scientists had been doing in the intake government or pedal on climate change, not, not answer on themselves as on themselves. said that those who talk about x or knowing a wrong and that these papers, a 150 papers also have been made available to the public but not at this point in time. this came on the later of the pressure of the public of the pressure of media, of the pressure of government. this was de kate's. later exxon. exxon ceo's,
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i lay raymond and others happy openly and publicly denouncing the what they called the siri of climate change. as a kind of curtailment of energy use for poor people. they have been politically, completely ignoring that one in order to maintain the profits of the products, which has been the oil as one of the largest oil companies. okay. i hate to be cynical about this, but one wonders had acts on publicly come clean about what they knew back in the day back in the seventy's and eighty's. what difference would it have made? would it have, you know, change our approach to fossil fuel extraction because energy we still needed was net i think it would have changed to some extent are at least for the governments because exxon was leading a very strong anti climate or anti clean energy coalition worldwide. was other fossil fuel companies, they were leading that and we're saying it's all nonsense. what these tree huggers are saying. it's all nonsense. it's wrong. exxon in particular was one of the most
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aggressive companies, was very hostile strategies. they went into developing countries at the time of the kyoto protocol and 9097, the mentor developing countries and told them never agree with the norse on curtail in your mission curtailing your missions because they want to grow their industries . at the same point in time, exxon, this was larry barnes, the seo, he went back to the congress in the us and told these guys and said, never agree on any curtailment or for fur c o 2 emissions because this house will not do it nicer. right? so this was a strategy of accent and they were successful. okay. finally, oil companies like exxon now facing a raft of litigation from citizens, dates and so forth, accusing him of deceiving the public. how might that develop? do you think? i hope that litigation works. of these guys gonna be penalized and, and, and dom. and i say if you look let's,
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let's look at the last year 2022. if you look at the fossil fuel profits, exxon had more than $20000000000.00 us dollar profits. i'm not talking about revenue turnover, just profits in the search quarter of 2020 to the projectionists from scientists and from other people from observers of the market with all fossil fuel companies in the run of the year 2022 will have profits of record more than $400000000000.00 us dollars. now us me, how much money is going into renewables and energy efficiency and clean technologies? hardly anything, or going back to fossil fuels or 7, we'll leave it there. thanks for that says different thing of the from the global energy policy, global energy policy advisory financial number. thanks a lot stuff. thank you. i still had here on out there. ah. 2
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refusing to back down to pull it down to president amount, you will, ah, with to still raining fairly heavily in central some therapies. there has been for several days giving the risk of floods and landslides, of course, the total amount was fall miss several times the monthly average for warranty citizens, sudden philippines. now this rain is drifting slowly away from the islands, but it's still there for another day or so. that is the concentration though, of where the rain is. if you look elsewhere, this was a paucity of sumatra gets a few showers. you might get something called long burn up to the far south to thailand, but otherwise it may be dryer than it might be expected to be. but it's wet season in northern australia now is just daily big thunderstorm,
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which i think will be welcome in land in queensland, but it will produce flooding for the sas. and we're looking to see sidney. get a 30 which we don't think it will do, which means to probably have a record breaking spell of not hitting 30 last a warm in melbourne at 35 and 38 is hot in adelaide, beating pers 30 to the next day. sunday is very similar, we credits 129, he and his generating thunderstorms victorian, the foss avenue. southwell, as well as the new zealand, the quiet where the remains is a light ish breeze, which means the sunshine will feel quite warm and generate quite a few light showers. ah ah, ah,
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ah, ah, ah, ah ah, there we go. you're watching out 0. remind of our top stories the saw, and china has reported a record traits up as of $877000000000.00 for 2022. despite severe corona barrage restrictions, however, exports for december were at the lowest level since february 2020. in the pandemic began, i pitches from germany where police are trying to evict climate doctorates from the
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village of luther up for a 3rd day. protest is want to stop the expansion of a coal mine, inspect thousands of people will join them on saturday. for search is claim x on mode bill accurately predicted climate change a decade ago, but downplayed its findings. report in the journal science says it's a mobile project. the temperature rise of 0.2 degrees celsius each decade. thousands of supporters of the prominent shia politician worked out outside the hub gathered in baghdad for friday prayers. it is the 1st show of force since widespread demonstrations last year, calling for political reforms. let's go straight to baghdad and we can speak to mahmoud. otherwise we joins us from it. so i guess question is why is, is happening now with medicaid is happening get now 1st of all according to lead the resentfully did the shopping them up the so that it because visit the anniversary
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of the birth of but thought the mazata that of that prophet mohammed peace be upon him and also the anniversary of the fittest. the unified friday prayers cold upon them by the late chat politic mohammed us of the father of shadley that amongst themselves. but on the other hand, i couldn't till many people did it because you can see and, and he right behind me, thousands of them looked at other. i've come here to put a form at the mass congregation friday, played us up with his request. but what lies behind this, he says that it comes at this special time to show according to many people to show that others support us. tell that that is still very strong and they can make a come back at any time. remember, this is only 3 months after his arrival or problem. it's a book known as the coordination of framework. manage down succeeded to push. there
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are no money to take, i'll place them on how much i yeah, i so danny d months and i've talked to, danny saw that his rival took office. according to these protest, as nothing has changed yet specially economic reforms that have been pulled for by many people across iraq, 40 years now. so despite the fact that these worship, i say that it's a religious occasion, but what lies behind the season that they want to say that what a song we can mobilize our forces at any time. and also we can pose a threat at any moment is could be interpreted in all make contacts locally a message to their arrival, namely their pro irena known as that coordination. net framework that we will not let you go with offices with the government. we will still here standing in the opposition side and also internationally that looked at us other and his supporters
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that the world has been witnessing in iraq, especially during the violence period. they have not been banished, they have not retreated, they can make a comeback at any time. oh, i remembered appreciate that. thanks very much. indeed. remoter reporting from that, a very large governor, and by god, thank you. no more protests have taken place, improved to demand the resignation of president inequality. demonstrate is also want an end to police violence. protests began last month when president pedro castillo was impeached and arrested supporters. one new elections at least 43 people have been killed. most of them civilians. a special council has been appointed to investigate you as president joe biden's handling of sensitive government documents being revealed. a 2nd set of papers was founded december. this time it is private home in delaware, the 1st branch of files was uncovered at one of biden's form offices 2 months ago. it was only made public on monday, a white house correspondent kimbry huck. it has this the discovery of
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a 2nd batch of classified documents. this time inside the garage of president jo biden's, private residence, has made it difficult for binding to quell this latest political controversy. people know, i take crossfire documented classroom material seriously. white house lawyers revealed the documents for found recently and relate to biden's time as vice president under president barack obama. the white house lawyers and says they immediately turn the documents over to the national archives. still, the department of justice is appointing us attorney robert her, a special counsel to investigate whether biden broke the law. i will ensure that mister her receives all the resources he needs the conductor's work. the white house insist it's cooperating and is denying any impropriety. it's in the statement of her from his lawyer, richard, somber, and at the end, he said,
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we are confident that they are a thorough review will show that these documents were inadvertently misplaced. still, it's in administration under increased scrutiny earlier this week, while biting was at a summit in mexico. the white house admitted lawyers found it similar secret papers and a washington d. c. think tank called the pen biden center. the president says he doesn't know what's in those documents, but the discovery has prompted charges of hypocrisy. in january 2022 classified documents were found at the florida residents of former president donald trump. a justice department special council is also looking into that case. biden has called trump totally irresponsible from his handling, but classified materials, another foe, paul, by the, by an administration, but treating lot differently based upon your political beliefs. it's one president
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trump one way, but treats president buying the whole different way. president biden's republican critics are also questioning why it took so long for the biden administration to reveal the existence of the document. the 1st batch was discovered on november 2nd just days before the congressional mid term election. it only became known to the public this week. kimberly, how can al jazeera, the white house buildings that are cracking and collapsing in a town in northern india are now being demolished. authorities have moved hundreds of people to safety since the town of joshua mouth began subsiding, satellite images show the ground has sunk by up to 5 centimeters and 12 days. more than $700.00 homes and buildings develop cracks and recent bumps. in this largest power producer. and t p c denies. claims as tunneling construction work is to play . japan says it's planning to release 1000000 tons of waste water from the focus
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she, my nuclear power plant into the pacific ocean. this year. it has been storing water that was used to cool damage reactance after it's meltdown almost 12 years ago. transfers its filtering technology removes all radioactive materials, so try to him, which is home a few small amount. the plan has been endorsed by the international atomic energy agency unit. kim has more on japan's announcement from south korea's capital of so telco has called it an unavoidable problem. and it has been a lightning rod of concern and criticism over the 2 years. as the announcement of the initial plan, now we have a general timeline, some time in the spring or summer months to begin the release of this treated. but still radio active nuclear waste water into the pacific ocean. now room at the focus you, my dieting, nuclear plant has been running out with more than 1300000 tons of the waste water in tanks, after cooling, corroded reactors over the near 12 years since the magnitude $9.00 to earthquake,
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to release about water to take place a kilometer from japan's pacific coast could extend decades and tokyo insist that the water will be treated and say, containing only trace amounts of tritium, which is still radioactive. many consumers, as well as environmental groups, are still unconvinced, including those in neighboring south korea, which is among the top consumers of fish. you're going to pan didn't always all. i think the government must take a tough response to this. you're going in total would be able to do like a shimmy and other seafood. but if it happens, i'll have to think again it cut back on eating, how long they will do as fishermen and japan watch to see what this could mean for their sales. the i ace as it will monitor the entire process. sol says it will also with top priority on the p. all safety police in south korea are recommending
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$23.00 officials be charged in connection with the halloween crowd. surge that killed nearly a 160 people. please said to tell prosecutors of friday that failure to plan for and control the crowd lead to the crush in october. so please expected a crowd of 100000. people deployed a $137.00 officers to tackle drugs and crime experts say pedestrian safety does not adequately prioritize. somali as president is called on his fellow citizens to come together to fight al chabad asana. shake him armor. describe the arm group as bed bugs who must be eradicated. the address crowd to modern mogadishu during a rally, organized by the government house about has been fighting the government since 2007 . i don't have own in in i could. if you see someone, you don't know in your neighbourhood, please ask him. who are you? if you can't ask him, please call us and tell us that there's an unknown person in your neighbourhood. then we will ask him, what are you doing? where did you come from?
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