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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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most important to me is talking to people understanding what they're going through here. it does either. we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing 2 years from me and mars military. coups the balance of power is shifting. as thousands of pro democracy activists join forces with ethnic minority insurgents forming a united front to take on the military. people in power goes behind the scenes to reveal growing optimism that the coalition of peoples defense forces could transform the country's future on me and mas front life. on a just me, the me. ready workers across france go on strike him protests against government plans to raise the age of retirement.
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ah, hello door carl, this is alex. is there a live from doha. also coming up at least 4 people are killed and dozens injured in the stampede outside of football stadium. in iraq, i'm idea nathan jesse leim up a deal worth thousands of protesters have come to the capital to demand the resignation of precedent de novo. out of the and a surprise announcement in new zealand. jacinto, a done says she stepping down as the country leader. i know what the stroke takes, and i know that i no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice. ah, we start in france when nationwide strikes against present a manual, my calls proposed pension reforms are still under way the government announced
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plans to raise the age of retirement by 2 years to 64. unions have joined protesters, same the move as an assault on the welfare system, but a smith is in paris. ho, frances biggest unions of joint forces to lead this protest itself is unusual. they don't often come together. axel, personally from one of the biggest, the cdc excell. what are you hoping is going to be the result of this protest? well, we hope that the result of this protest will be workers from both private and public sector making the decision from now on not take a step back further and we want to defeat the government due to me, the general strike to defend the government plan aimed at raising the retirement age from the current $62.00 to the plan, $64.00 with the government is hoping most french are against microns reform of punch system. but most branch agree, the pension system does need some sort of recall. so what do you do? oh, well, the pension system needs to be reformed,
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that we completely agree with goodbye reforms. of course, we named at improving the french and system and by improving the printer system, we have a simple analysis which is that the printer system were founded approximately 70 years ago. when the country that had just nipped 2nd world war, where we have much less money than today, how do you pay for both? when you look at the amount of the b and b, the amount of shareholder the of the profits made by the shareholders. and the amount of wealth at this rate in the country today, we are saying we should use a bit more of that wealth to fund these inventions. we're all workers go to public and private sector rather than pretend with and reaching those were all different if it's a safety net to terms of who is going to use the benefit of the wealth, our labor grades. and that's where we on strike today. thanks very much. so the unions are hoping this will evolve into a broader social movement, protesting the government policies, not just a pension recall, but although also protesting about the continuing cost of living crisis that there is in the final of the arabian gulf comp has going ahead in the rocky city of basra,
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despite for people being killed in a stampede outside the stadium earlier football fans, but trying to get into the stadium, alice before the match. many of them without tickets. math would abdullah, he'd more on the atmosphere in the city since the stampede. the people of bus route tried to forget this time he that happened at the entrance gate of that main is stadium which is allocated to host the final match between iraq and oman. many fans blame their football association as they say, if we're not doing enough to regulate that, that gets, it saves and that according to them has resulted in black market saves the say, that's a major part behind this time. p. that has caused that as part of the coast, the stampede, as many fans who did not manage to buy tickets. they tried to push
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their own way through the entrance gate of the stadium to see their heroes in action at the stadium. but despite this pilot, this time pete people here from across iraq, they mingle with other football fans from other gulf states. they try to highlight the country heritage, the cultural heritage of the city. there is some thought of carnival light atmosphere here. they say they're proud that their country is finally posting this tournament. after more than 4 decades is where any forces have shot and killed to palestinians during a raid in the janine refugee camp in the occupied west bank. their deaths take the number of palestinians killed by israeli forces. best bumped to 17. am on con has
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more from ramallah. in the early hours israeli special forces, backed by the army, carried out a rate engineer refugee camp. the fire fight was intense. one palestinian fighter 25 year old, other joe breen was killed. another man and armed and not the fighter was also shot dead. $57.00 jo jawad for it, but were connie was a teacher or a local school? his son describes will happened volatile on her phone on the volume is really special forces into the camp at $230.00 a. m. they stormed the building. adam was standing here. they shot him, were dragging him away. he was calling for help. i was is the closest house? how could we leave? emma? i opened the door. my father and i. we dragged them in warner. they should on my father. my father went out to help a wounded man who was screaming for help. some of these almost nightly rates across yaki, like west back of killed 17 palestinians this year in jeanine refugee camp. many of
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the residents of people who were forced from their homes when israel crated it state in 1948 young people who have never seen their ancestral homes, frustrated by the lack of any kind of peace process. many of those young men and now becoming increasingly hardened. a recent opinion polls suggest 59 percent of palestinian respondents supported an armed struggle against the occupation fill the supply lacking of russia. we haven't seen such support for an armed intifada since the last one. it's mainly due to the israeli policies in the occupied waste bank. increased settlements at killings and rates on a daily basis. the latest is really elections and coles to expel all palestinians. he, israel shows no signs of stopping or even reducing rates like these. and this far right government is openly hostile to old, how estonians a combination that has led to violence of past. this mural commemorates the armed intifada. the armed struggle in the year, 2000 now many here say another reckoning with israel is coming. then the question
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is, what shape that will take? and that question is being asked with evermore increasing frequency, emerald con our desert ramallah. and he government protesters from across peru, gathering in the capital lima for 2 days of mass demonstrations. they won't present in a bowl allotted to resign, and her predecessor pedro castillo to be released from jail. more than 40 people have died since the nationwide protest that started after castillo was ousted in december. a correspondent, marianna sanchez, joins us now live from lima. my out of the protesters have been coming there from all over the country. what are they telling you? that's right laura. we are outside the university of san marcos. this is a very symbolic place because in the eighty's and ninety's students clashed with all the students that were followers of the shining path, many of them or left wing students class with lisa. now these are just students
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have allowed many of these protestors that have come from the provinces to come inside the premises of this university. they have slept over here. we've seen since yesterday. are hundreds of people bringing up water mattresses, food fruit for the people here, but now they are starting to pack because they have been told that they have to leave. now there was a lot of police here this morning. hundreds, i would say $800.00 officers here waiting to see what will happen, what was going to happen with this group. this is just a small group. there are group scattered in other universe in another university and another. a parts of the city, but now people are starting to move towards the center of the capital. the government has said that it is 11800 police officers have been deployed in the most important plazas and areas in the capital to protect up to protect the
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the. 2 well being of the people, that's how they said there's a lot of concern. of course, by what happened in the past few weeks were the army and the police opened fire of many protesters died by fire on there's a lot there are investigations now ongoing on that. so now the government, the prosecutors who are accompanying the police and they said that they have, they will verify what kind of weapons police will be using in this day. we are expecting a large march today and tomorrow, but certainly laura, people have told me from people from costco that are here and other parts of the country that they are here for the long. for a long time, there haven't been, they haven't come here for only 2 days. and the demand does not change the resignation of president dina bowler wattsey. but how likely is it that she's going to answer that demand and step down?
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well, she has said that she will not resign it also, the prime minister said that she will not resent that this would be like opening the door to anarchy. now, many people who are in here say that be not what you are. they had said in the past that if president castillo was deposed from power that she would leave, and so they see her as a traitor. the reality is that in the latest opinion polls laura 71 percent per will disapprove off her government, 50 percent off for ruby on say they identify with people protesting in the streets of the country. so the situation for her is very dire at to say the least. many analysts are saying that's the only way to calm people down in the country. and there's protests on going not only lima, but in many parts of the country, especially in the south roles are blocked and out people are lighting the tires in
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someplace as they have clashing with police and other places. so the only way analysts are saying to bring down the protest is by. * the resignation of precedent, you know a lot that she has said that she will not do this so we will see what will happen in the next few hours. we certainly will be keeping close eye on events that marianna for the moment. thank you very much. ah ukrainian president vladimir lensky as calling on europe. so shame, more urgency in supplying arms to his country. he was speaking of to me to european council president, shall me, sir. lamb, who's visiting king. we'll teach down to his host. thousands of tangs of the russian federation. bravery of our servicemen and moderation of your greening pupil is not enough force. we need weapons. we, i do need a lot of our to lose systems or adequate number of tanks. the european parliament
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is calling for a special tribunal on what's it's calling russia's crime of aggression against ukraine, onto mosque as to james bays has more. if you were going to have a special tribunal, most experts believe the place to do it is the united nations and the general assembly of the united nations. and although there's talk of a resolution there, no one's actually table and a thing yet. let's discuss this further with one of the key players, one of the nato and e. u countries. bowden arrest goes a foreign minister of romania. thank you for joining us again on al jazeera. let's start with that idea of a special tribunal. does romania favor that? thank you for having me again. yes, i welcome very much. the resolution which was adopted today by the european parliament in favor of, of a tribunal to punish the crime of aggression. the mania has been a very strong supporter of fighting against impunity as far as russia and russian perpetrators are concerned in connection to the conflict in ukraine in march. we
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have says together with many other countries, the international criminal court for crimes were crimes. crime so far against humanity and genocide, we have also well tabled our declaration of intervention with the international court in justice. give me your view of, of where the war stands right now because it doesn't look like any one is winning. it looks like this is going to go on and on and be a very long way. actually this were an speaking on behalf of romania, which is the even a natal member state of the largest border with ukraine. and so we have been at the forefront of the effort to cope with the effects of dorian again. since the day one of the work, i would say that this has changed our lives and it has changed our lives radically and forever. we had to adapt immediately our diplomacy, for instance, at a word time diplomacy type of action. and on this this were prompted us to give an
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immediate and consistent support to ukraine. the next important step i think, is, is an important meeting taking place in germany, in the next 24 as it ramstein air base. that's a meeting to decide among the allies, the allies of ukraine. what additional military help is given to ukraine? still had hair on out to sarah, alec baldwin is set to face charges and the fatal shooting of a colleague on a film set. and why several of india's talk dresses are protesting against that veneration. ah, with here's your headlines for the middle east and africa and nice to see you again. this is the story. a quiet one across the middle east on friday. we haven't been able to say that for a while. and those winds have finally died down across the gulf. so just
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a light ish breeze on friday, mix of sun and cloud in doha with the high of 20 degrees of to pakistan. things of quite it down here as well. we saw our 1st snowflakes of the season in baluchistan, capital of quota, and those temperatures right across the stands, have come up so asked about in turkmenistan, on the plus side of things with the high of 4 degrees. what weather comes pouring in to turkey? this is going to be some serious stuff, pretty much stretching from the boss for as right down to the mediterranean, on friday, top end of africa, this northwest slice. it's unsettled, some showers and breezy conditions, especially along the coast of tunisia, even some sand and dust being kicked up there as well. central africa, whole look at this. tuba could hit 40 degrees on friday and south of this, those temperatures coming up in durban as well. and here's our tropical storm. i think the worst of the rain will be falling north and east of antenna and the river on friday. at a bad day in cape town, suns out the high of 26 degrees. that's it. that's all c as soon
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ah, with the in depth analysis of the days headlines from around the world to try right. extremely there is real and need to be tackled as soon as possible informed opinions. why is the thing the opposition concerned about this rubbish mortgage? when turkey anthea goes on really room to lose, you know, dorothy, this is appointment frank assessments, you know, that was a joke about the interim government started. it's not in for, nor does it got inside story on al jazeera waterloo. ah
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again, your watching officer has reminder of our top stories. this. our protest is in france. reposing present manual my calls plans to raise the pension retirement age . my 2 years to $64.00 indians have joined, protested, walking off a job that railway schools and refineries the gulf cup final match is taking place in the arky city of basra, that despite for people being killed in a stampede outside the stadium, aaliyah and thousands of anti government protested, marching through police capital lima. they want to present in a policy to resign and her predecessor petro castillo, to be released from jail. actor alec baldwin will face involuntary manslaughter charges over the film set, shooting in at 2021. all to him was pointing a gun on the sat sat of the film rust when it went off, wounding and killing cinematographer. helena hutchins. a correspondent rob reynolds,
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is standing by 1st in los angeles, rob, i called, and we'll be charged. what's been the response from his legal team? well, there hasn't really been any response yet from la baldwin's legal team that i am aware of laura, but, ah, he has consistently maintained publicly and in press interviews that he did not pull the trigger. baldwin said that the the gun somehow malfunction and that he had been told that it was a quote unquote cold gun, in other words, a gun without any lethal rounds in it. so he has a denied responsibility for the death of paulina hutchins. now it's taken 15 months of investigation to get to this point with our old when as you mentioned, be charged with negligent. ha, messiah ah all. also the armorer on the film,
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a hannah gutierrez, read, has been charged with a similar offence. she is the person in movie parlance. the armorer is responsible for the safety of all weapons on a film set. and in addition to that, assistant director, dave halls, the person who actually handed the gun to alec baldwin as pleaded guilty to negligent use of a deadly weapon. ah, mary cormac, alt wise. the prosecutor, in the case said in a statement that the every single person on a film set is responsible for the safety of weapons. and to be absolutely certain that there is no live round in the weapon during rehearsals, or, or filming up. but there are several things that we don't know yet about what exactly happened on the set of rust. the central mystery in the case is how did
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live ammunition get mixed in with the blank rounds of that has not been a disclosed the ord salsa. at least a released publicly by the prosecutors or investigators. authorities did find 5 other live bullets mixed in with the ammunition the, the blank ammunition that was on the sat of the western movie rust. ah prosecutor, andrea reed said in a written statement, if any of the 3 persons charge had done their job, helene hutchins would be alive today and she sells us also said that the evidence clearly showed a pattern of criminal disregard for safety on the sat of the movie ross, which is being filmed outside of santa fe, new mexico. as i said, baldwin has repeatedly claimed that he never pulled the trigger bought a f, b i. and now, as of the weapon itself, determined that it was impossible for it to have fired without the trigger actually
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being pulled, the case will move forward in court. it's possible that they, the case, could go to a jury trial, or that either of the or both of the defendants could plead to a lesser charges. ah, it is not expected that the baldwin will be placed under arrest and transported back to new mexico from california. 8 will receive a summons for preliminary hearings, and that could actually be carried out through a video link as has been done during the cove. it epidemic a pandemic in new mexico. so, ah, a, another chapter in look at was and is an extremely a tragic incident that really has rocked hollywood in is also raised questions about safety and the necessity of using a blanks. ready or, or, or weapons that are even capable of firing ah,
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a round there are now in this era weapons that the cannot be used to fire and the sound of explosions and the, the, you know, smoke and so forth. it comes from where it can be done by means of special effect. so this is probably going to create some changes in this type of, of, of film a going forward. laura reynolds, thanks very much. johnny is that from los angeles? now the u. s. government has due to hit, it's that he won at point 4 trillion dollar borrowing limit on fast a. the says the stage for political showdown between the buy demonstration and politicians on capital help and efficient joins us now live from washington, d. c. so allen, treasury isaac nouns announced extraordinary debt limit measures. what's going to happen what we knew is going to happen when you to day would be the day that america would hit the debt limit. and those in the treasury building
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behind me had said that they were going to take extraordinary measures to make sure that they didn't default immediately. and so janet jaelyn, who is the treasury secretary said that she could take some steps that would stop that happening. tell me or june and she took go as far steps to day, sending a letter to kevin mccarthy, who of course is the new speaker of the house and also the senior ranking members on important committees on capitol hill saying that she was taking the 1st of those measures that will mean essentially that the u. s. government won't be paying into some retirement funds. there are other funds that they won't make immediate donations to as well, immediate contributions to contributions as much a better word. they're also looking at what they can do about moving money around the governmental system. so from one department to another. and then they will look to see if they need to realize some assets that they've got some investments, whether or not is time to cash them. and all of this trying to stop the u. s.
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falling into default, because that would be a big problem. a big, big problem economically in the united states for be a big problem for the global economy as well. and we've seen when there's been that sort of stand off before back in 2011, the republican said that they wanted spending cuts. then president barack obama said no, no, no. eventually they came to an agreement, but because of the uncertainty that was created in the run up to that point, it was the u. s. last, that top credit rating for the 1st time ever in its history. so the treasury department, joe biden, there are others who want to make sure that that uncertainty doesn't start creeping into the markets, particularly as the biden white house seems to think that there is an uptick in the way that the economy is working here in the united states over the last couple months after the, at the high inflation issues. again, this is all this and causing all the closing of a political fight. so how destabilizing is that gonna be for government?
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absolutely, we have the battle lines already drawn as the republicans when the bid kevin mccarthy, speaker. he did deals with a number of lawmakers and they said that they wanted to see spending cuts when it came to the question of the national debt, joe biden. and the white house of said no, no, no, it's got to be an absolutely clean bill. just extend the debt limit, that's all we want. nothing else make it clean. i. and so that, that, that has been set up as a fight between the 2. but it's essentially political chicken, the republicans want spending cuts. the democrats, joe biden are saying that that's not going to happen, that you've passed these bills before. for republicans and democrats, you've got to do the same thing again. it's no question of which one blanks, but of course while they're discussing this, it means that they're still uncertainty in the u. s. economy. and the closer they get to me in june, when janet yell and, and treasure department says there's nothing more i can do the more uncertainty that creates the more volatility in the market. and the more likelihood that
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america could actually default not going to happen to day. it's unlikely to happen in the future, but becomes an issue if they don't actually sort this out in the next couple of months. and their sam, thanks for joining us from washington, dc. and his ellen's prime minister to send her a dance as she's tapping down next month after 5 and a half years. an office, a damn is widely praised for uniting the country of the christ church mosque attack in 2019 a tougher sectional champagne at the beginning. of the crone of iris pandemic, and been credited for keeping the death toll relatively low cost of living crisis, an unfulfilled election pledges have caused some turns popularity to decline in recent months. this summer i had hoped to find a way to prepare not just for another year, but another 2 because that is what this year requires. i have not being able to do that. and so today i am announcing that i will not be seeking re election and then my team is prime
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minister will conclude no later than the season of february. hong kong has announced people infected with coven 19 will no longer be required to quarantine. the business help has been scrapping the loss of its restrictions and opening back up to the world. thus weak high speed trains between hong kong and mainland china resume service. if was beijing's decision to end is controversial, 0 coven policy. despite a massive wave, infections across the country, indian wrestlers are protesting against the federation that governs the sport, their accusations of sexual harassment against its president, who has denied the allegations of lisa, also demanding better training conditions. back natal has more from new delhi. oh, the country stop wrestlers, a back of this brought a site in the heart of new denny. they said the president of the federation and
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other coaches had been harassing women for years that also alleging corruption and ill treatment of athletes at national camps. they gave you a deputy warden at you though not at all. there are coaches in the national camps who are favorites of the wrestling federation of india and the sexually assault wrestlers, and misbehave with women coaches. they have again been employed at the national camp in spite of my raising my voice against them. the federation's president is a member of parliament and the governing bought the jent, the party. he's refuting the allegations of don't middle but again, these are not the charges that i can just let go of an investigation should definitely be done, but only time will tell who will conduct it. protesters include some of in just most decorated athletes. wrestling is one of the few sports where indian women have one medals, including the olympics. they say they're raising their voice for all female wrestlers in india, wrestling, it's probably on rural and down many athletes, colon regional, patriarchal norms dominate, chide marriage, and forced abortion of female fetuses is common. but in the past decade,
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women wrestlers have broken barriers to believe international sporting korea's protest as see sexism is rampant and indian sports where there are few women in leadership roads to happy book. hold sadie, look a lot of girls see their future in sports. so it's good, they have all come from marginalising, poor families, and we take sports as a measure of mobility. and if they are subjected to this kind of harassment or b hall, can we keep quiet? that's why we have come forward to support them. yes, it backs up. the government has asked the federation to respond to these allegations. a national coaching camp has also been cancelled. these athletes are determined to have their voices heard and said they would keep protesting till authorities take action against the federation chief bothering him at the al jazeera new delhi. ah, the without a zara. these are our top story.


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