tv News Al Jazeera January 20, 2023 2:00am-2:31am AST
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driving to the refugees, striving to co exist with nature. okay, so what's going on there is the assimilating. what happens when an elephant comes life off to conflict on al jazeera watches, the ra is here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say? we'll take the time and put extensive thought into reporting from under reported areas. of course we cover major global offense, but our passion lives and making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine libya, yemen ha ha, ha, region. and so many other we go to them, you make the effort, we care and strength. ah, i facing off with police tens of thousands march in
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peru, don, demanding the resignation of president dina, belong to ah, let me back. this is al jazeera alive from dough, also coming up, we talked to ukrainian commander about how jim and made leopard tanks could help change the war against russia. us hit says $31.00 trillion dollar debt limit. the treasury says it's taking extraordinary measures to avoid a default on huge demonstrations and prompts against the government's plans to raise the retirement age from $62.00 to $64.00. ah, thousands of demonstrators in peru are holding a 2nd day of mass protests of the capital lima, that demanding the resignation of president dina velocity and an end to police violence. more than 50 has died in confrontations with security forces since
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protest began last month. following the arrest of former president pedro castillo, were falling. developments in the peruvian capital is marianna sanchez, who joins us now live in marianna. how all these protests evolving? it seems that the list of demands is simply getting longer and longer and the police response firmer and firmer. that's right need. when we have seen in the last hour that says some people have flashed with police in the area. hardly, i'm in that is just a few blocks away from here and i asked this was happening. we saw a group of a rescue team rushing out in this same street going in that direction. and after that, in about a few minutes after that, they brought down a wounded person. one of the members of the rescue team told us that this person
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was seriously wounded in the head. we don't know what kind of wound he has, but what we know is that there's been a lot of what's to me asking what kind of weapons the police has was going to use prosecutors, we're going to be escorting, accompanying the police to verify that these were instrumental materials used that were allowed and were permitted and legal to counter the protest need. ah, but to so far there's a lot of people still marching in the streets of the capital and they are a walking or very energetic for many hours now. me? yes, marianna, we're looking at live pictures of the scene rows of riot police and large numbers of demonstrations as well. is there a geo political dimension to the protest? marianna, for, of course is rich and natural resources not to mention liquefied natural gas. many
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of the protests, of course, are from indigenous communities. yes, me, well this is an angle to it. for instance, we were asked to knock in the very remote village, which is very close to cool school. i have who told so very close to postpone people were telling us, well we have resources that are very odd that are very close to us. why do we pay us so much money for our gas or gas bills are very high, but that's really secondary. i think the most important thing here is that many people and most of the people who voted for a former president bill, august the you're now one, she's promising to be delivered. he offered irrigation programs, he offered an agrarian reform, he offered a change of loss. i've talked to additional reform, and actually that's,
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that's not what people are getting. so what, when they see that castillo is gone. they are here because they want those promises to be delivered. and they believe that the, you know, will not be, is a traitor. and she will not deliver on those promises. so that's why the main voice here in the streets of the capital and around the country, our voices for her resignation. i, marianna, i mean the coven governments of dina, belong to have previously blame some of peruse neighbors for stirring up process. is there any evidence of any external meddling and all of this? well, actually no need for the prime minister. you know, a lot of it, they have been saying many things like that. if it been ever more able what i was a former president of believe me, i was meddling. and paula did that. he was sort of organizing things. munition was
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coming in from from bolivia, some things that they have absolutely not been, it have showed any proof of it. and they've also said that the drug traffickers, that drug money was, was financing these protests on that illegal miners were financing these products. but i think that the answer is in the telephone at me because every one, even in the most remote areas of this country, everyone has a phone and everyone. we've seen them people in the highlands in remote areas where there was no, no, no foreigners, at all. people looking at their phones, listening to what was happening in the country and understanding corruption, understanding the political instability, and people really having their own opinions on what is happening in the country. this is not, these properties are not led by people. these are the people themselves who are
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leading themselves into demanding the resignation of the not to have the rights of the people who have for so long been disenfranchised in this country. and that's why they have come here to the capital the name marianna. many thanks for the update, myra sanchez, there in the previous capital. lima on a 2nd day of protests. now ukraine's president is calling for decisive action on fir, the foreign weapon supplies the head of a meeting of western allies and germany on friday followed me. zalinski urge them to deliver more sophisticated weapons including german, made a leopard battle tanks leaps. she, she'll call him up till there is a vaccine against russian tyranny. and there is a vaccine against his weapon. it is no and there is a list of countries that have it. there is a specific list from us that we need want to helped us helping them no dialogue or just help the group resource is we need to do even more militarily in order. and
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that's why we are hearing the message, anti aircraft, defense systems artillery system, resume munitions, and i said in front of europe in parliament yesterday, i think tanks need to be delivered. and ukrainian, an russian forces remain locked in battle around the front line. city of buck, mood, al jazeera, spoke to one ukrainian tongue commander that, and he told us why the german made tanks would be a game changer. gresham with his the 6th period and with the village nova receiving the leopards, will make us better all around. in terms of firepower, maneuverability, moving target, acquisition, and recoil stabilization, which improves accuracy. it's more powerful in every way. it has modern armor is very well protected and is famous for its safety. along with the challenger, it's hit on because more w mama's more. these tanks would allow us to counter attack and break the defensive line of the enemy, as well as work under the cover of air power and artillery. the russians have powerful and modern anti tank missiles, however,
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they can't destroy the leopard or the challenger, because they have modern armor. the crews are well protected and said this was leo was sure it's very important because the lives of our infantry artillerymen and paratroopers are at stake. it's human lives matter. the leopards will enable us to stop the russians and push them back from our borders. launch a counter offensive and destroy the enemy. pro crane activists from serbia have filed criminal compl against russia's wagner mercenary group in its supporters, accusing them of recruiting serbs to fight in ukraine. moscow has relied heavily on the private military group during the war. however, serbian law prohibits it citizens for participating and conflicts abroad sheet. and yet mirage near spreading hatred among serbs towards ukrainians towards people who have never in history done anything bad to serbia is a crime and that crime must be prosecuted. the spread of hate propaganda leads to violence and war, and that is not necessary here, nor anywhere in europe. in other news, the white house says the u. s. congress will come together and work to avoid
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a debt default. that's after the country hit. it's $31.00 trillion dollar borrowing limit on thursday or concerns. a political showdown could unsettled markets and trigger recession. alam fisher reports from washington, dc. the treasury department warned weeks ago that there was going to be the possibility they would have to take extraordinary measures if the country run up against this debt limit. and that's exactly what's happened in the last couple of hours. us treasury secretary, janet yellen has written to kevin mccarthy, the leader of the house, and also senior figures on capitol hill saying that she's going to start those extraordinary measures to what is she doing not being in to certain government retirement funds for the time being. she's also looking at perhaps realizing some investments yes, government has made and she's also saying that as we move through this process, she's going to have to start moving money around us departments as well. that is going to put pressure on those in the white house. and also those up there on
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capitol hill. the question will be, what can they do to avoid the u. s. defaulting on its debt that kevin mccarthy, when he was elected as speaker of the house, managed to do so by getting some votes from republicans who said that they wanted to see spending cuts when the debt limit came up. now, joe biden, and the white house said that simply not going to happen, that this bill must be passed clean and done. so just like they've done for republican and democratic presidents in the past. now, if there is a problem, this could cause a real difficulty in the u. s. economy and by extension, or with the world economy as well, back in 2011, when republicans and then president barack obama couldn't come to an agreement. the us lost its top credit rating for the 1st time ever, and there was a tremor through the world economy that something that joe biden is keen to avoid, particularly given that the economy seems to be recovering from high inflation and
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high gas prices. and also things are becoming slightly easier for many families and america. so it's going to be a very interesting 2 or 3 months as the u. s. comes up against this debt limit, not on the verge of defaulting. no, but certainly the issue is there and it's got to be dealt with quickly. well, william lee is chief economists with the milken institute. he has more on how politicians use the debt ceiling to push their agendas. this legislation on limiting the size, the federal debt has been put in place in stated 17. and the original intent by congress was to try to limit the amount of federal spending and limit the amount of borrowing it did. but also to facilitate the state that you're allowed to borrow up to a certain limit. unfortunately, this legislation has carried forward a year after year and has resulted in this traumatic kabuki dance, where politicians are using the debt ceiling legislation as an instrument to get their political agenda across in 2011. the obama wanted to increase entitlements
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and increased federal spending. of the republican said, no, you have to finance it, used in taxes and not by borrowing. and that late, of course, of this dramatic, the fall with the late paying interest on our, on our outstanding obligations and those repercussions that were huge, had the world was shot that us would not pay on time. now we are facing a similar situation where yet again, the need to increase the debt ceiling faces us and, and we have different political agendas on the table right now. other countries also borrow in foreign currencies, whereas the united states are issues that us dollars and the holders abroad of the for debt. a willing to take us dollars about a 3rd of us that is held by foreigners, half of that is held like japan. so and japan is a great ally to us and so they're willing to accept dollars as payment. c, u. s. has never faced the kind of constraints of the countries in limiting the amount of debt issues because those have no foreign exchange to pay it off. the u.
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s. can always pay off the debt by pretty dollars. but of course, at least the massive inflation around the world. well that a 1000000 people in france marched against plan pension reforms. president manuel micron wants to raise the retirement age by 2 years to 64 union. so the move is an assault on the welfare system. bernard smith has moved from paris. friends unions wanted a big turn out for thursdays nationwide pro to emphasize the strength of opposition to pension reform. they got their wish, this was central paris. most french people accept the pension system needs reforming, but more than 70 percent, according to the polls are posed to emanuel microns plan, to raise the retirement age to 64. when you look at them out of the b and p, the amount of shareholder the, of the profit made by the shareholders and the amount of wealth at this rate in the country. today, we are saying we should use a bit more of that. well, upon decent pensions, we're all workers go to public and private sector, rather than continuing to meet and reaching those raleigh directive as the site.
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the french president on a visit to spain says franz can't afford to keep things as they are. not a peak if he's the prison colonel in countries where people live longer, where we have created strong and fair welfare system, which rely on equality between generations. at moments where there are fewer and fewer people who are economically active and more and more who are retired. if you want to peg between generations to be fair. this reform needs to be carried out. train drive as teachers and stafford refineries as well as public transport workers, were among those who walked off their jobs. trauma, frances biggest unions of joint forces to lead in these protests. that's unusual or not. so united these days. and the unions themselves are not as powerful as they once were, but they hope that this protest will expand into a broader social movement not just against increasing the age of retirement, but also hence the continuing cost of living crisis. the unions of characterized reforms as an assault on the countries welfare system because i'm
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a teacher and i think i'm going to be tied to when i'm 64. so i am not sure i'm labeled to 50 children when i'm sick one or only both of them are like if we youngsters are not only here for ourselves and 30 years old. that's what my parents are close to 60, and they would have to work 2 or 3 more years. the pension reform still needs to go through parliament when micron has lost his absolute majority. so he's hoping to get it past with the support of conservatives. bernard smith, al jazeera paris, still had an al jazeera accent. alec baldwin is to face charges over a fatal shooting on sat in 2021 and a bruising encounter for rinaldo. as he takes on messy p. s g in his 1st game and saudi arabia ah,
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now it seen huge amounts of snow in the rockies and it's a bit more still to come. but this winding cloud in the northern plane stays up to the upper midwest, could produce reco, break the amounts of snow again. but it's only this general larry, the east coast remains relatively warm. we see that she knows no really dance east coast has been staying on the canadian side and is more come here minus one. and then plus one inter on to gives you a risk of freezing rain and then a bit of red snow. notice the pacific coast, fine warmth, well, sunny, at least, but nothing like the rain instead of recent times. and the cold that fell down across the caribbean is showing itself in low temperatures and paste like nicaragua . but generally speaking, things are up again, whether it should be nozzles at 26, rather than 18. for example, up in the bahamas, we've got warnings. i have of take you very heavy weather and the west side of
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columbia, possibly in ecuador, these big showers around, and they stretch down to walt rio there warnings out here, but frequent shatter, afraid by day it argentina jerry speaking, son has been back again, but you can see it's generating big showers, thunderstorms running up through a good part of central argentina in the north, the sun is out and he's no longer quite as hot as it was. ah, with the, from the al jazeera london broadcast center to people in thoughtful conversation. jenny, whenever you talk about race, the race, people exit to play with no host and no limitations. our society has structural racism built into it. part one of 5 shaheen and adam rather fed low paid people tend to be migrant. labor, disproportionate, the women in care. what ultimately comes down to prejudice. video b, unscripted on al jazeera
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lou. ah, they're watching out here. i'm a reminder of our top stories this out. thousands of people are holding mass demonstrations for a 2nd day, improves capital, these alive pitches that demanding the resignation of president dean ballasa. at an end to police violence. ukraine's president is calling for decisive action on foreign weapons supplies the head of a beating of western allies in germany on friday. lensky urge them to deliver more sophisticated weapons, including german made leopard buffle tugs. the white house is assured americans congress will find a bipartisan solution to avoid
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a debt default after the country hit its $31.00 trillion dollar boring limit on thursday to alec baldwin is to be charged with involuntary manslaughter over the film set, shooting in 2021 baldwin was pointing a gun on the set of the film or rust when it went off. kenning cinematographer alena hutchins films amara who was responsible for the gums on set will also be charged with involuntary manslaughter. u. s. judge has ordered plane make a boeing to face criminal charges in court next week, over 2 crashes of its 737 max jets. he comes after some victims, families rejected a $2500000000.00 agreement negotiated by the firm to avoid prosecution. 346 people died in crashes in indonesia and ethiopia around 4 years ago. both were blamed on a faulty, automated flight control system, or my can joins us live from washington,
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d. c. for more on this. and mike, how did we get here given the boeing had previously won immunity from criminal prosecution? while this going back, that was in january 2021. when a boeing reached to deal with the justice department in terms of which it paid to $2500000000.00, including $500000000.00 towards the relatives of those killed. that appeared to be that term growing was granted a relief from further prosecution for at least a 3 year period. that was the same texas court in which the relatives then in october last year, brought another case to the judge. arguing that they should have been notified of the deal before it was agree to the judge and this is back in october, agreed at that particular point saying as well that those killed in those crashes were victims of a crime. making very clear in his opinion that there was a criminal action. now in his judgement today,
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the judge has repeated this particular point. and in addition, has now called on boeing to send a representative to be arraigned in that texas court house. on the 26th of january, in other words, the judge is saying you have criminal charges to answer. you have got to come before me so i can tell you what those charges are and you will plead, or whether you are innocent or guilty of these charges. am i war potentially? does this mean next to one of the world's biggest airlines? that a, do we know what charges the airline will actually face? there's a lot of factors here that are very unclear. the judge it would appear. we'll be presenting these charges to boeing. but here's the important point. should in fact they appear in that courtroom. there has been no comment from boeing or indeed the department of justice on this particular judgement. yet, however, it's inevitable that boeing will appeal this judgment. and there's a possibility to that the department of justice could appeal this particular
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judgement and try and prevent boeing from appearing in court and his charges being resuscitated against boeing. the reason for this is that both justice department and boeing believe that they do not want to revisit. these are reparations that were made by boeing. if this case is reopened, that it means that, for example, that $500000000.00 that was paid to the relatives of the families may be in jeopardy. so there's a lot of factors behind here. it's not certain that boeing will appear in that court. that is going to be up to the judicial process in terms of what boeing does in terms of appeal and in terms of what the justice department by do in terms of an appeal. ok, very many. thanks, mike. mike, canada and washington dc. it's already forces of shot and killed 2 palestinians during a raid and the jeanine refugee camp in the occupied west bank. their deaths take the number of palestinians killed as ready forces this month to 17. in ranken
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reports from ramallah. in the early hours israeli special forces, backed by the army, carried out arrayed engineer refugee camp. the fire fight was intense. one palestinian fighter 25 year old, other joe breen was killed. another man, unarmed and not a fighter, was also shot dead. $57.00 jo jawad, 3, but were connie was a teacher or a local school? his son describes will happened one of 2 and her phone on her young is really special forces into the camp at 2 30 am. they stormed the building at am was standing here. they shot him, were dragging him away. he was calling for help. i was is the closest house, how could we leave m m? i opened the door, my father and i, we dragged them in warner. they should have my father. my father went out to help a wounded man who was screaming for help on some of these almost nightly rates across the occupied west,
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back of killed 17 palestinians this year in jeanine refugee camp many of the residence of people who were forced from their homes when israel crated its state in 1948 young people who have never seen their ancestral homes, frustrated by the lack of any kind of peace process. many of those young men and now becoming increasingly hardened. a recent opinion polls suggest 59 percent of palestinian respondents supported an armed struggle against the occupation for the supply. lucky of russia, we haven't seen such support for an armed intifada since the last one. it's mainly due to the israeli policies in the occupied waste bank. increased settlements at killings and rates on a daily basis. the latest is really elections and colds to expel all palestinians. him. israel shows no signs of stopping or even reducing rates like these. and this fall, right, government is openly hostile to all talis linens, a combination that has led to violence. the past, this mural commemorates the armed intifada. the armed struggle in the year,
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2000 now many here say another reckoning with israel is coming. then the question is, what shape that will take? and that question is being asked with evermore increasing frequency, emerald, con our desert from a low or one of the longest held policy in the strait prisoners is back home after 40 years behind bars. there were celebrations in the village of ara to welcome home, how eunice, he and his cousin were convicted of kidnapping and the killing of an australia soldier in the 1980s. rights groups estimate more than 4000 palestinian prisoners are in australia jails. several took wrestlers in india are protesting, after accusing the head of their federation and other coaches of sexually assaulting female athletes. one of india's most high profile wrestlers, vinnish paul gut, says at least 10 women was sexually exploited by the president bridge. beauchamp sing for hogarth says she received death threats from officials close to saying he denies or allegations against him. these are some of indians,
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most celebrated athletes, and they've gathered. yeah. in the heart of you again, yes. wrestling against that. there are some serious allegations and sexual harassment. they're also alleging you treatment by the organization. now some of those for testing. c have once every medals for india, including at the olympics, they came up fairly my lab beam already. i am an award winning athlete and i believe it is my duty to support women who are speaking out against issues like harassment, corruption, and assault in a way that we were not able to. we now days on the president of the federation is a parliamentarian and a member of the governing body. gender pos, me has deny these allegations. actually say they want the government to intervene and want to respond by the end of the week. a local government on women's rights group has all the sports ministry and in the army,
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being an international, not just still a demand on medical leave include a sacking off the presidents awards, including a new delhi. the final of the arabian gulf cup has gone ahead in the rocky city of basra, as despite for people being killed in a crush outside the stadium for bullfighters were trying to get in hours before the match. many without tickets the tournament which the home side one has been played by a logistical problems. for football fans have seen what could be a fitting end to the decade, long rivalry between super styles christiana went out early in a mass same as an exhibition match. they were playing in, turned into a go fast the game between parasol man and a saudi. all star team was played in red for worse on how much said the support. hobble star fever has been running high all week in saudi arabia. more than 2000000 fans reported the attempting to get tickets to seal in our mercies by sans
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el monte connor re add all star team. headline for christiano rinaldo. i'm very excited about them. i am very excited to see missy versus amanda de la much mindy. between them, i'm very, very excited. those lucky enough to see the game were treated to a golf east. messy who just last month, a lead argentina to walk up. gloria cutter opened the scoring just minutes in se i'm not supposed go. rinaldo didn't waste any time responding. he won a penalty in pretty painful fashion, and he converted with ease for his 1st goal. since moving to saudi arabia, not all the way out season say we're now there wasn't finished there. the 37 year old school, the 2nd showing the killer instinct, another fans will hope to see on a regular basis. oh, i mean,
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he lives in both legends made their exits around the hour mark their efforts warmly appreciated by the sell out crowd. going on to win 5 for on what was a memorable night for the fence and the match that was about more than just full full for saudi arabia. the major big events that are going to be happening a lot. so one of them, one of them will be about 2029. what's age? asian liter games? which is, you know, again, an incredible picture to look forward to it always. i'm also like saturday others from hopefully to have the 2027 asian problem. you know, i'm, you know, you know, we hear about like the world cup bed, you know, nothing officers. yeah. but obviously that's something to keep an eye on. this much could turn out to be messy in or now those fine on encounter. but what we've seen from a tonight there's plenty of hunger for their legendary rivalry to continue.
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