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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 25, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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price for the war against terrorism as going on. so money we meet with global newsmaker and talk about the stories that matter on al jazeera. february on i just need rhinos and tigers, in old coach to the brink of extinction. one or one he's discovered how they're 14 happy turned around a year on from brussels, evasion of ukraine, al jazeera looks at the impact and asks where events might lead from here. rigorous debate, unflinching question. up front mark lamar tail cuts through the headlines to challenge conventional wisdom. nigerians vote in what's likely to be the most closely contested election in the country's history. from those that will dictate those who confronted people impala, investigate the youth and abusive power around the world. february on al jazeera ah,
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germany finally decides to send leopard 2 tanks to ukraine. the key hopes will be a game changer in the war against russia. ah, 11 o'clock, this is out 0 life. and they're also coming up. a twisted lebanon's investigation into the port explosion. the chief prosecutor ordered the release of all the accused detained for questioning. i fed up south africa's main opposition, holds rallies, the people against power that are crippling the economy. and from japan to china is a big cold snap to sweep across the stage, you will have a report now, after weeks of reluctance, germany has finally decided to send leopard to. thanks to you, craig chance i left sholtes or full support t. for course, nato allies,
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against inflame, in the conflicts germany will deliver 14 of the vehicles from its army stock. would also allow partner countries to send a german made tanks from their arsenals. this app is this which tish duffy and up just him that we support ukrainian coordination with our international partners financially with humanitarian means and also with the supply of weapons. and one can see that in europe, we and britain are the countries that have supported ukraine with arms. the most germany will always be in the forefront when it comes to supporting ukraine. we are the country that does it with the greatest energy in on the large scale through stairs. what mccain has more on shelter decision from bunyan. he said that he could understand that there are people in germany, german citizens who have real concerns about this decision about the idea of allowing german made tanks to be used fighting russians in ukraine. but he believes this is the right thing to do. and we heard him speaking,
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we heard him say that his country and the united kingdom are the ones who are helping the ukrainians when terms of arms the most. that's the note that he's trying to set here. but some of the questioning, basically saying, why did it take so long to approve this release of the tax? why couldn't it have been done much sooner when the need for those tax was so apparent some considerable time ago for different countries have reacted to the news and said, well, we are prepared to do something similar, most notably across the polls. spanish government, the dutch government, the finished government of all sad in different ways. they want to do something similar. the key here is that they're saying that, but we know something here in berlin that the russian ambassador has reactives in a condom nature, re weigh and said that germany is forgetting the historical legacy that owes to russia for what nazi germany did to the union of soviet socialist republics in
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world war 2, that's the sort of language coming from the russian side of things here in berlin. but across the continents, there seems to be, well an acceptance of what mr. shots is decided, and the idea that they want to join forces a president of what it means. lensky praised the decision by the german chancellor stressing once again, ukraine's gratitude for the release of a leopard at tanks. the kremlin has dismissed the plan as absurd spokesman dmitri pest. gov said keys allies were overestimating the benefits to ukraine's armed forces. he should not blue again, the search and blue book. you can get a good thing. so you can go to be sure to you. i'd be you've given a piece of pledges me to concept see best at me and obviously you can use us. but the united states is expected to approve several,
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and one abrams tanks in the coming us white house correspondent, kimberly how get as more from washington d. c. what we expect to hear from president biden is an announcement of sending approximately $2.00 to $3.00 dozen m one abram tanks to ukraine. now, what we're expecting is this is going to be in the neighbourhood of what would be referred to as one tank battalion. the president is expected to argue that this will make a strategic difference on the battlefield in canada, coordination with the partners in ally sending their heavy armor as well. but what we know is given the large number of kilometers that this is certainly going to need the contribution of other nations. and so we expect that the u. s. president will be encouraging other allies to step up as well. given the fact that this will be, will be a matter of months in terms of delivery not weeks. now, the other argument that is coming out of all of this is the fact that the pentagon
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was rather resistant to sending these m one abrams, given the fact that they require a heavy maintenance. they have jet fuel engines, and there really isn't the logistics to support these, the machinery inside of ukraine. and that's why the u. s. president will also be discussing when we hear from him, the fact that there will be logistics training that will be provided to the ukrainians that is expected to take place outside of ukraine. but it's clear that the president is overriding the advice of the pentagon, pressing a head in response to the needs of ukraine, and the appeal coming from that leadership. lebanon's top prosecutor is ordered. the release of all accused detained over the beirut port larson 2020, more than 200 people were killed when chemical stockton a warehouse caught fire causey a massive explosion. the prosecutor is also filed charges against the judge is seeing the case. i have my job is the deputy director for the middle east at
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amnesty international and explains why the investigation into the port blast is significant for lebanon. we see this as really a battle for 11 on the future. are we going to have a kind of country where those individuals who are responsible for blowing up the country are held accountable or one where they're allowed to escape accountability . as you know, the invest the domestic investigation into the last has been suspended now for almost 13 months. on monday, the lead investigator issued an opinion, legal opinion that he said would allow him to move forward with the investigation. and on that basis he charged 8 individuals, including the top public prosecutor of a son, always act in relation to the last. and he also ordered the release of 5 of the 17 detainees who currently remain in detention since august, september of 2020. obviously the political establishment and all rally around him,
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they said that he did not have the power to move the investigation forward. that the investigation was still stalled and just culminated with the public prosecutor who him health is charged in the case and who had refused himself from being involved in the last case due to his familiar relations to some of the defendants. previously, he issued a decision to remove, to reduce all of the detainees in the case. effectively bypassing judge, started the type you'd investigate to in the case for very complicated legal situation. but we, you know, all this to say is that the political establishment, the ruling establishment, are doing everything that they can to prevent judge from moving forward with the investigation. they are doing everything that they can to prevent the truth from coming out. and for those high level officials responsible for the last to be held to account south africa's main opposition policy has been holding rallies nationwide against rolling power cuts and an increase in the price of electricity.
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demonstrators have been picketing outside the ruling and c parties. headquarters in johannesburg, most households go without power for at least 6 hours a day. me to milla has more now from johannesburg. what's been going on for more than a decade and now people are increasingly frustrated because these blackouts have worse and especially over the last 18 months. so. so i'm away. last year there were more than $200.00. there's about electricity in this year. so far, there's been blackouts every single day, and the power utility is farmers said that these blackouts will continue for at least another 2 years. they say they want to manage it so that there is some level of predictability and that businesses can run, the household can run and people are less angry. but people are still very frustrated by just how badly their lives impacted. now the reason he's a power car to happen is, is what is composed load city is that they cut the electricity to certain parts of the country for
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a number of hours throughout the day to try to manage the demand without that, they could possibly have a complete shut down of the national grid. but you know, the reasoning behind it, most of africans, it is very difficult to swallow because critics would say it's because it's, but it's because there has been a deployment of officials to that to power utility, which is state owned by the african national congress. deployment of people who are not capable of doing the job and they're also issued on the supply of coal, the supply of diesel, which is used as a back up to cold. but also the infrastructure is aging and hasn't been adequately maintained. and the power plants are meant to have open to haven't been yet, and also others have closed. so it really is a very difficult situation for them to try and get itself out of the government has said that he's going to try and push for clean energy or chris yell and is an energy enlisted managing director of e business intelligence. and he says, the government must find a better way of dealing with the old power infrastructure in 20072008.
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a major new build of power stations was announced some 9600 megawatts from 2 massive coal fired power stations. and these were intended to be completed 520142015 respectively. the reality, however, has been very different. these 2 power stations have been running very light and the one power station is essentially complete, except one of its generators has exploded in the hydrogen explosion and taking off about one 6th of that power station. the 2nd to power station is only one out of the 6 generators is operating. so if you look at these 2 pallet stations, they are delivering only half of the intended $9600.00 megawatts output. and they are running something like yours light from the expected completion date. so we are
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missing a, just from that project alone, $4800.00 megawatts, which is equivalent to about 5 stages of low cheating. and i've had those things come on time and you know, this is the situation would have been considerably less and they have been other delays with other new projects, new generation capacity, and also very, very poorly performing fleet of old and middle aged, coal fired power stations adding to the was of south africa, the people in bangladesh are facing their own energy crisis with fuel costs and power cuts increasing the main opposition party call for nationwide rallies to demand action on the soaring cost of living. it wants prime minister, shake a scene to resign, and it can take a government to take over until election to hold time. good child re has more from the running into this is an ongoing protest. this is the 3rd one investment and it's been going on since august. the more and more the usa tend to be able to
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gather here and just say no appleton in the capital soccer as a protest going on in other parts of the country as well as in other parts of the city. now, given, not just all positions activists that people from all walks of life, we spoke to cab drivers or fisherman, richard polars. we asked them why are you taking part in opposition? party rallies. i said we are here to show our discontent and grievance against the government. because they really haven't been able to pull down the prices. people are struggling here for people with less fixed income and low income. i really been struggling. the full price has gone up since last year. 50 percent. the industrial gas price had gone up, electricity, electricity price have been high last month at least by 5 percent. and the essential commodity price has been rising, at least for a year. and now inflation is high. the reserve is law and our businesses are having trouble to input goods here to better that wider discontent among the public sphere
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among the business community. aside from the election, which is scheduled for this year, december all by january 2024. so there is also a wide spread demand for a free and neutral election out of the 10 coin demand by don't opposition allies, which is $32.00 party democratic alive. but aim is keeping inflation lower than most west african countries for a combination of subsidies, tax relief, and price controls. the government's measures have been criticized and people say that high food prices are forcing families to skip meals and businesses going under . i would address records now from cultural billions because the industry is close to collapse. copied 19 and the war in ukraine have pushed up costs and shrunk profits and they blamed government price control. so making business harder. the price already to is fish. ok. we cannot turn this on the price off off it that's
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him in boots we are using is our growing every day. so it's way are difficult for us to continue to survive. but businesses of received relieve the grammar. ed bill is under of industries received a lot of support from government to back them up after the economic fall out of covered $19.00. in fact, the rising cost of living since in 2021 came down last year, especially towards the end of 2022. for others, government subsidies are helping to keep the price of goods down. the government is largely able to control prices of many items, especially important food that has helped to keep hold price inflation via lower than the most west africa countries. but officials aren't able to cut prices of locally grown food, but the high cost of local produce and transportation remain a source of worry for many i went by the i can look where your money is running out
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and you feel like it's been stolen from you the thinks are expensive in the market . we wonder how to survive. traders like salvage off on say to bring down inflation . the government needs to help small businesses say we lack price control measures only benefit to wholesalers. sometimes we don't make profit at all. for now, benign has been able to avoid the social and economic unrest seen in some african countries due to rising cost of living. but many say keeping it that way will depend on how long and how far the government is willing to go on subsidizing inputs and local produce. how many trees al jazeera could, you know, still ahead here now to sierra. oh yes, a sock came when the whole contract to see what's going old shows how hopelessly with grilled over the top of the head of the conservative
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party and a new leader for new zealand after the shock resignation of to syndrome. ah, how low they will start in south asia and things are going to get cooler across the north west of india as cool as slugs in the likes of rochester. we are expecting some low temperatures, certainly as we get into friday, and the following conditions continue to dominate across the northwest. but went to weather creeps down to more central areas. marashi, seeing those showers and cloudy skies. but further south of this, a much clearer picture that he's coasting lots of sunshine and warm for the wet weather. we have to hop down to sri lanka, we are going to see some intense on the storms here. as we go into the end of the
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week, the winter weather starts to clear up across nepal. lots of heat coming through here. the temperature continuing to climb encampment due. now that's not the case of parts of east asia in particular japan, it's dealing with the worst storm in about 10 years. that winter storm dropping heaps of snow in the west bringing exceptionally strong gusts of wind. and of course, blizzard like conditions we are expecting. notice to continue into friday. the wind isn't a strong however, up in the north, it's down in the south. we are going to see the wet are and more windy as well as wintry weather. and the korean peninsula, the temperatures dropped down dramatically as that cold air sweeps south that should weather update. aah! from the al jazeera london broadcast center to people in thoughtful conversation. generally whenever you talk about race races, then people like to play with no host and no limitations. our society has
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structural racism built into it. part one of pfizer, shaheen and adam rather for to low pay people tend to be migrant. labor, disproportionately, women in terra ultimately comes down to prejudice. studio b. unscripted on out his era. lou ah or again what you know, the 0 mind about top stories and germany has finally agreed to send its leopard to thanks to ukraine. berlin will deliver 14 of the combat vehicles from its army stock and its also allowing partner countries to send german made tanks from our schools to in crane. lebanon's top prosecutor is ordered the release of all
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suspects detained in the bay report lost in 202200 people were killed in the explosion. prosecutor was also filed charges against a judge overseeing the case. south africa's main opposition party is holding rallies at nationwide against power cuts and electricity price increased. most households go without power for at least 6 hours a day. businesses have been forced to rely on expensive generators. here it was court of human rights was announced. it will hear a case against russia over the downing a flight. i made 17 in 2014 netherlands submitted the complaints all 298 people on the malaysia airlines flight were killed when it was shot down by russian made miss all. it was launched by ukrainian separatists bank by moscow or actor who is an assistant professor of international criminal law at the university of amsterdam . she says this ruling shows the court is ready to move forward with the
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investigation. the court today asset that it is now beyond a reasonable doubt, clear that from april 2014 onwards russian armed forces, russia, military personnel was active in the dom boss. and so that is a very clear statement. and also because of that, russia was under the obligation to guarantee human rights in that area. and so what ukraine in the netherlands of submitted to the court is that russia because they were responsible for safeguarding those human rights and violated european conventional human rights by setting up all sorts of torture camps by killing people by detaining people. but also by like down in flag and a 17 where old people on board died. so this was a flight step, flew from amsterdam, fuqua poor on 17 july 2014. and that was down and the dutch courts already set in last november,
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the dutch criminal court that russia indeed had already overall control and was involved in, in downing this with a russian book miss l system. and now the european court of human rights agreed with that indeed, already from april 2014. there were russian armed forces present and fighting in the dos. and so whether or not russia then also violated those rights will be the next stage, the merits phase. but now the court says yes, these cases are admissible and we're moving to the next step. in germany, berlin's port cancelled all its flight, says the ground staff went on strike to demand higher pay the workers and seeking a raise over $544.00 per month. that's local media report. that stuff have been offered a one off payment of just over $2000.00. last year. germany experiences highest inflation in more than 70 years. and amazon workers at a warehouse in central england have also walked out. they too are demanding better
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pay and working conditions. it's the 1st time the british operation of the tech john is facing strike action in the u. k. where she soon acts as no issue was raised during the appointment process of conservative party chair. nothing's our hurry or the british prime minister phase questions and parliament servers or how is it? tax affairs is tonight ordered an independent quarry, autry merchant. so he agreed to pay millions of dollars, in fact, taxes and penalties just a prime extra grey. but any politician who seeks to avoid the taxes they owe in this country is not fit to be in charge of taxpayer money. oh, well mister speaker, i'm pleased to make my position on this matter completely clay to the yeah. the issues the issues in question occurred before i was prime minister ah, with regard with regard to the appointment with regard to the appointment of the
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minister without portfolio. the usual appointments process was followed no issues, no issues were raised with me when he was appointed to his current role. and since i commented on this matter last week, more information has come, huh. and that is why i have all the independent advisor to look into the matter. i do, simmons is more now from london. the label the kiss, thomas said that this issue showed that soon act simply couldn't do the job. he was hopelessly weak in failing to sack. so holly, he also said the job was too big for him. but soon i came back at these attack saying that this was simple, political opportunism on the part of the labor leader because they had pushed the standards to be much better,
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much more thorough in terms of wrongdoing within the conservative party. and sooner had shown that when he became prime minister by appointing this independent advisor on ethics. and this is where the inquiry is going on. now it is an independent inquiry and the prime minister insisted that the labor party has no right to be attacking him from not actually making the sacking. he said that there would be due process followed, and of course, it would be a result from us inquiring an accident be taking after it. but it isn't just criticism coming from the labor party is coming from within his own party as well as soon as he is being seen in this is perhaps not being strong enough and making decisions when wrongdoing on taxes that furthermore, it was a case that is how we was finance minister when he was doing this. so he was in charge of tax when he was, was wrong doings with taxed the tune of millions of dollars security forces improve her fire target at thousands of protesters in the capital. ha.
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yes, the demonstrators want president, did a good are said to resign and new elections to be hill road to his school for national truth. falling weeks of unrest will and 50 people have been killed. a crisis again in december half the former president petra castillo, tried to dissolve congress, and was arrested a series of powerful storm systems of swept through the southern state of texas, a tornado damage electricity lines at houston, leaving about a 123000 people without power torrential rain and strong winds called flooding across the city. no serious injuries were reported. was several people have died in japan as a result of severe winter weather, the cold snap blood to canceled flights and disrupt to traffic after causing chaos in other east asian countries. earlier this week, others are as where the present and car leg as more it may look like a winter wonderland, but the once in a decade cold snap,
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the blasted japan was far from pretty, sparking extreme weather warnings across east asia and bringing record low temperatures, icy conditions and snow storms to the region, causing travel chaos in south korea and japan, during the busiest lunar new year period pick or, or hoard thought. it was quite a white house or it felt like it suddenly turned twice. so i guess the driver couldn't see and crashed. the strong winds are believed to have caused a cargo ship to sink between japan and south korea's j. u. island. rescue workers search for crew members in gusts that broke records in northern japan. new snowfall and temperature records were also set across the country. and just days early at china recorded its lowest air, the temperature of minus 53 degrees celsius in its northernmost city. but that didn't stop the clean up operations on the street. i swift about 6700 meters of
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snow. yes, starting from noon. my face may be frozen, but my body is worn. with another cold blast on the horizon, north korea has issued an extreme cold alert. that's heightened concern for the people in the poorest areas. as temperatures tumble, car leg al jazeera, chris hipkins has been sworn in as new dylan's prime minister follows the surprise resignation of to cinder, done last week. it faces the task of reviving the government's waning popularity ahead of a general election in october. adrian brown has worn out from wellington. this has been a quick and orderly political transition on wednesday. jazz hinder arden left parliament for the last hung mob by colleagues and supported the gathering was a reflection of this country's wide cultural diversity. the transfer of power was completed when chris hipkins was sworn in as new zealand 41st prime minister. his
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deputy is carmel zeppelin, the 1st person of pacific islander descent to hold the position, the post confirmed by governor general dane cindy cura. the 1st mari to hold deposition hipkins who led the government's response to cobit 19, has promised to focus on what he calls, bread and butter issues. when gender are then became prime minister a popularity was undeniable, but a ratings said on a backlash against kobe 19 restrictions increase food costs, rising mortgages, concerns over crime. analysts say people simply want someone to blame, and that person seems to be just inter arden. yes, i think she to her absolute every stop over the coven, an inch, the shootings, and all that. so the thing that she's dish lost here. my go towards cmj. i know what the stroke takes and i know that i no longer have enough in the tank to do it
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. justice. last thursday's announcement was one that few saw coming. an unusual acknowledgement from a world leader that she was burnt out vicious abuse oh. on the streets and online res, concerns over her safety. she's received death threats and so her child, the next election will be in less than 9 months. which means hipkins may not be in the job long, especially as opinion polls show labor now trading the conservative opposition. our journey is leading office at a time of her choosing. although she'll remain in m p for 3 more months. and at 42, she still has plenty of time to ponder, a new career and the one she's left int he on the bottom of my hand, the greatest privilege of hon. adrian brown, al jazeera, wellington, ah,
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and again this is outside.


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