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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 10, 2023 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] a wherever you go in the world, one airline goes to make it feel exceptional. katara always going places to go. i care about how the us engaging with the rest of the world. we're really, it didn't take you into a play. you might not visit otherwise at feel as if you were there ah, 4 days off to the powerful earthquakes and check in syria. the death toll has exceeded 22000
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a year on the clock, this is out 0 live from de also coming up a syrian man warned to death of 3 of his children while being thankful to us survived. 2 people killed in a car, remy attack of the bus stop in the occupied westbank and ukraine says it's repelled a barrel of russia. miss alice strikes the gates is capital keith. ah, so it has been 4 days since powerful earthquakes hit sudden turkey, northern syria, more than 22000 people have died. i wanna come on despite freezing conditions, rescues off finding more survivors. the girl and the boy were pulled from the rubble in your ducky or took up such teams all working relentlessly. but chances of finding more people alive, a fading by the hour. well,
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it's like his presidency has been tearing the affected areas in the south thrust of type o one spoke to some of the victim, staying in shelters. he was in the a man. earlier on friday, the president defended his government's response. as administration has been accused of being too slow to provide help. ok. sucks lot of that. yes, mr. of course the have been shortcomings that problems the government has faced and responding. but i want to inform you that our government and all of our institutions from the moment these are quick struck, have been doing their very best to help everyone welcome to was having to dine. it's falling developments from the tucker city of a donna with nightfall. yeah, it's cold. i think i got to move a little bit out the way that you can say and people are digging through at this stage. i mean, they've got the heavy digging equipment, but they're also having to dig through with shovels. this is a nation living
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a crisis on multiple levels. the issue of people try on the rubble is also the issue of those who were pulled down to live needing treatment. and usually at this stage in the game, if you look historically un operation, 5 to 7 days, that's usually when operation starts to wind down. no survivors have been found in the last 24 hours. somehow today they found at least 9 people alive in the rubble in kitty khan. a lady was found that 6 people in her time, others in got them on mateusz. so that has been the glimmer of hope. and it's giving motivation to be able to keep on digging quite an unusual situation was the one rescue work today, i believe in miracles, the vice president said yesterday they put 338000 people into shelter. that just gives you an idea of how many this place people there are off as we've been
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standing in our life position today. people have been coming to me saying things like i need trials of another family was sitting in the tree. a mother also a cancer patient thing. i'm too afraid to go home. it's really impacted me though. the mental strength of some of these people, when i often do, you need help. can i help you? she said, no, god will help us. the strength of character, the people i showing is ready touching let's enough for muscle said who has more from cut them and rush, the epicenter, the disaster. the city is happy and lots of tragedies. so nearly a 1000 buildings have collapsed here. and about 6000 people have died. so everywhere particular, the center of the city is destroyed and you will see the rubble across the city. but at there had been a moment of hope and joy
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a little while i go right over there where the vehicles are still working. at 3235 years old man, a disabled man hit man. his name was chasm tata he had just been saved alive. he had been rescued by the rescuers here. so it was a moment of joy for the family and the people around. when he had been taken out from under the rubble, he said that there is another man close to him and he said that he is alive and right after that. now the rescue team are stepping up there affords and trying to dig deeper and deeper, hopefully to get him also out alive. so right over there, right, i guess the more there was another building. it's also called legally level down and just leave a lego. the dead, the rescuers called order complete silence and they had listened to their rubble. they said that there is a voice, so they call the ambulance and now they're at the airport or stepped up there as
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well. they are digging into the robert hall trying to reach below and hopefully to get him also alive to guys young tech where stephanie, deckers, funding the rescue recovery efforts. the hospitals have been a capacity. there's also an issue of people i'm missing loved ones looking through the more it's, it's really a bit of a challenge on all fronts. but i here and got the on top. of course, this is a major city to the situation here is far better than it is in other areas. we also have been in an area where they were doing a rescue or it's not rescue. actually, recovery operation are pulling out for bodies today and the relatives there are 2 waiting, sitting in the freezing cold. they will remain there overnight. and many of them telling us that they had lost hope that they were now simply waiting for the bodies to come out. also, brief, good news. very good news and packages. what everybody needs here. a young girl was pulled out by a spanish team in the same town,
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but the destruction is immense. and there is the challenge. also, when we focus on, you know, the, the recovery operation and the injured the living tragedy really, which is the over 300000 and probably much, much more than that, that those who are homeless displaced, who cannot return, will a delivery to parts of the disaster zone in turkey has been challenging because of damage, roads, and highways. but at smith is on a vessel carrying aid to the quick hit area in the country. so one of the biggest challenges i've been getting a to where we did want to do this by boat is one of those best ways of doing it. we're selling to some of the doc, where the boat full of essential we've got a, we've gone blankets, a recall nappies. and also there's a lot of diesel fuel aboard diesel fuel goals or having heavy lifting the dig it, would it be in the rescue this vessel especially,
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but normally would be out of it normally would be out fishing, but it's now taking all this aid equivalent on this boat to about to contain and so for both of sale today, adding a couple of different boards on the sullivan southeast in turkey. and it just means they taking traffic on the road and they can carry a lot more long a lot more quickly and get it right to the heart of where it's needed. the most devastating one of the most devastating se with the syrian government has reportedly approved a delivery to rebel held. there is outside of its control earlier series president bachelor site and his wife visited a hospital in aleppo. in his 1st report, a trip to the earthquake hit area. more than 3500 people have been killed in syria . aside has accused western governments of politicizing, the catastrophe, and the delivery of humanitarian aid. as they say, the west has given priority to politics over the humanitarian crisis,
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but this isn't true to give priority to something, both must exist. a political situation exists, but the humanitarian is non existent for the west or sex trucks. carrying aid from the united nations have now arrived in northern syria. it is the 1st convoy to reach rebel held. there is in the country since you have correct, but then how to reports much more help is needed. lives lost, shattered by mondays, earthquakes, northwest, syria's humanitarian crisis, made worse. the region was hit just as hard as cities across southern turkey. but here the people devastated by over a decade of war. wait for help. already. millions, live intense. the quick has made tens of thousands more homeless, but it holds 9 members of our family and living in this team. we lost our homes, we need everything. clothes, food,
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the children are always hungry. we have nothing to keep rescue teams have been working non stop with little resources and alone as hopes of finding survivors fade . they say they have been abandoned by the international community to face the worst disaster they have encountered. requests for heavy machinery never came on thursday. the un acknowledged search and rescue operations covered. 5 percent of the devastated sites. while the last 27 members of our family into quick 7 bodies have still not been, let's see if the civil defense needs help. the cross border aid operation from turkey, a resumed on thursday after it was disrupted partly to damage to infrastructure on both sides of the border. but the un was criticized for providing what many said were in significant supplies. it says more assistance is coming. agencies, however, say politics is getting in the way of using more direct and effective routes. are
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report laid out several concrete ways that that could happen. opening additional cross border routes from turkey, opening up cross line channels from other parts of syria, including the north east towards the rocky border or the south. obviously there would need to be a lot of guarantees of non interference that the government would need to accept in order for that channel to work and then an air bridge. government areas to are in a dire situation. un agencies which operate there are promising to scale up response across the country. but to cross the front lines they need approval from damascus, which has been accused of using access as a political pressure. and to use more border crossings will require a un resolution because of the objection of the syrian government and it's russian ally. so what we need is to scalar existing type of, of response that existed priority of quake. mean the question of cross playing a cross border is almost
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a moot point in many ways because what we need is somebody that works. medical support is needed to an already crumbling infrastructure. the crisis deepens in this war torn land center holder, elisha zita. well, one second man lost his children away from the earthquakes and nasa walker says his people are more used to bombs and tremors as sonata. this note is from hippa, a hubbub. and this is he bought my eldest daughter who died of believe that god help me m with her dad. with that she's gone. my god, sorta sorta for when she or marsh it was around $410.00
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a. m. how shook implant one her to move on? if you know a plausible theory, i ran out of the house and said please god, let one survive. i just want one of my kids on when i went out, i called for fossil mashaila mason on saw. no one answer it while i thought didn't make it there dead. oh, i'm well have you thought the law? i'm sure you will. a shabby josha. few moments later the guys came to tell me the kids are alive. fi, so was already dead. but didn't want to tell me both fi cell a mess in. can't see 3 of my kids. fi cell was holding his brother a boat died paula. their mother was hold in if they were both dead when they got them out on a hipaa was holding her sister is sarah who also died on her lap. said me how also died near her siblings. but they did a bit. are you serious?
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right. we used to rockies to barrel bombs. this is normal to us in the medical but me and without doing earthquake is a god act. this is the 1st time this happens when it was for to 100, been holding people around the world to holding press for the victims of monday's earthquakes needed. abraham reports now from the occupied west bank. an absentee funeral prior was held here to remember the victims of the earthquake. there's a lot of empathy, sympathy here amongst palestinians. they say the syrians and turks stood behind the numerous times. and now it's time for them to pay back the man. the friday sermon said that palestinians know all to well what it means to be displeased. this is why in cards everywhere, to donate, even those who don't have a lot. he said that a little could go along the way. it's a new nation. i knew that if only we can do more to help. we had heartbroken. we'd want people, me, those who conspired against syria suffer. it's all because of the u. s. and the
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threat. they want us arabs to stay behind them. so them who got aaliyah. we do what we can, we can always do good us and our children, even if it's a little besides donations. palestine has sent a team of paramedic civil defense officers to turkey and syria on thursday. we're more than 70 palestinians were killed in the earthquake. most of them in syria where more than half a 1000000 palestinian refugees live. at least 2 people, including a 6 year old child, had been killed in a running attack in the occupied west bank. the driver, repulsively targeted people, waiting at a bus stop. the 30 year old driver was shot dead at the scene. is ready, forces have arrested for people including the wife of the driver. the attack happened near the illegal israeli settlement of remotes just across the green line close to occupied east jerusalem. the police arrived at a fast pace, but the terrace was neutralized by an off duty police officer who was in the area
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neutralizing the terrorist and stopping attack from take from developing into something much greater. the police commissioner and the police commissioner jerusalem will have arrived on the scene without a heart. it is at the scene and has more 2 people were killed in this latest incident. the 3rd in just 2 weeks, the 1st one being outside a synagogue. and just behind me you'll see there is the ultra orthodox jewish community here, which is offering their prize to those that have been killed at the bus stop. where that incident happened. it was carried out by a palestinian from occupied east through salem, and he has since been killed by a security officer that was off duty now been given. the israeli national security minister did visit the site earlier and he made it clear. he said that they will come down hard on the family, the area for the attack,
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because this is the 3rd one to be targeted against is right. and he's now, what he did say was that he had asked for a full closure of the area where the attacker comes from, which is known as well. but he says there's a legal issue. he also wanted every single call to be checks. now what we do know is that for arrests have been made, including the wife of the attacker from occupied east jerusalem. and all this comes at a time where israel is increasing its rates on occupied territories. it's also collectively punishing anyone who is related to attacker within their facility, including demolition of homes was still had heron out. 01000 to forced to flee is m . 23 fights is closing on a key town in easton, the democratic republic of congo and freedom from more than 200 political prisoners nicaraguans government releases dissidence and sends them to the united states.
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ah, this is one of the most astounding technological revolutions in all of this for make our planet great. the day we have to meet the c o 2 emission targets, lecture casual major mitchum in motion. the need to be mind to where people are just talking about wind and solar, is it that's going to solve the problem? it won't. the world of business and commerce is driving energy transition. it's the promise of clean energy and illusion. the dark side of green energy on al jazeera
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oh, on counting the cost, the green subsidy, race accelerate. can europe compete with the u. s. on china? president loosens the past ratings and demand low interest rates in brazil, but with hong kong bases the highest rates of homelessness in a decade. counting the cost on al jazeera lou. ah, what job 0 or one of our top stories is and more than 4 days have passed since 2 powerful earthquakes, takia and syria, over 22000 people have been reported dead across both countries. rescue teams continue to dig through the rebel search for survivors. often by hand.
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freezing temperatures in the snow have been slowing down the effort. at least 2 people, including a 6 year old child to be killed in a remi tech in the occupied west bank. the driver reportedly talking to people by t at a bus stop, the illegal is ready supplement of russia has lost a wave of miss all attacks across ukraine. these images from the region and separate egypt show the destruction in the area. several energy facilities and other buildings were reportedly hit. russia has been targeting civilian infrastructure for the past months, causing blackouts around ukraine. sen buzz. robbie has more now from ukraine's capital of keith. these 3 waves of attacks and dozens of rockets, missiles, and unmanned kamikaze drones that have been fired from the air, the land and the sea,
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from all directions into ukraine. this morning and going into this afternoon, ukraine's president vladimir zalinski returning to keep after a successful visit in europe and the u. k. comes home to this kind of welcome and is likely to because of these waves of attacks is likely to be reinstalled. and in his demand for aircraft fighter aircraft jets, as well as longer range missiles to try to take back the skies over ukraine. we haven't seen any mass casualties, but that may be because russia continues to try to attempt to target civilian power infrastructure. the electrical grid, your current energy minister has now shutdowns in several parts of the country, leading to blackouts in several areas after missiles hit thermal and hydro generation facilities and high voltage facilities in at least 6 regions. and that continues to be a problem for ukrainians. that are coping with a, an electrical grid that continues to break down from these russian attacks. now this is likely to have some kind of diplomatic fall out as well. you print
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government has said that attractive missile fired from the black sea crossing into at least 2 nato countries. aerospace, they say that romania and moldova, their airspace was penetrated by a russian missile before it came into ukrainian. aerospace, moldova has summoned rushes. ambassador author, allegations of russian missile violated its ass base before hitting the crane. its government has resigned after 18 months and power on temperament to get it to jane's base is more now from brussels. clearly if this miss all had gone over romanian space, that would be a very serious matter because romania is a nato ally. but romanians issued a statement saying this was lightly a cruise missile that came from a russian ship in the black sea close to crimea. it says that it flew over the space of ukraine, moldova, but i quote, without ever infringing remaining space, they say the nearest point was some 35 kilometers from the romanian border. meanwhile,
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moldova has some of the russian ambassador tumult over to explain why the miss all threat flew over moldova. but there's been an even more serious development involved over in recent hours. and that's the resignation of all day. the prime minister, natalia, government sca, she's resigned. we think mainly for economic reasons, economic problems in the country. the soaring inflation also a fuel crisis in the country. but it is worth saying that fuel crisis is in part because of the ukraine war, because russia has cut the fuel supplies to moldova and to its pro western government. it also was telling you that was a separatist area in moldova. and in that separate area, the central government has no control. those that run that separatist area are largely seen as the pro russian president lensky who was here in brussels 24 hours ago warned this was a very dangerous moment for moldova, when he was meeting
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e u leaders. and he said that his own government had recently intercepted a russian intelligence plan to overthrow the government of mold over thousands of fled their homes in democratic republic of congo. his violence broke out between am $23.00 fighters in government forces in an eastern town, and $23.00 widely understood to be backed by neighboring rwanda claim. it denies. malcolm with reports now from san jose on the main road to the country. second biggest city of goma, some sense of no monitors returning to the town of soccer. okay. but it still tend y'all, me repelled and 23 the tact but fighting has continued since we've heard heavy explosions up in the hills. taking place, not far from where we are, some people have returned. others are still cautious, waiting to see if m. 23 fighters will come back dinner tonight. when we ran away when the fighting stashes. but we don't have a place to go. we have nothing to 8 and i've lost some of my children. i can't go
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home because they're fighting and my village, the store in this market, normally part full of traded sa k, is a hub because people buying and selling agricultural produce and other items from all the surrounding villages. fear the traders have come back to try and sell that was because i'm at the door, but i renewed yesterday to goma, but today i called some people and they told me there was a small sense of peace. so i opened my business, and 23 is widely understood to be backed by neighboring rolando vices carry rwandan military equipment. everyone to deny is fucking the on the mall congos forces of an accused of arming militia up in the hills to help them in their fight against them . 23. the government denies that there's no sign of any of the factions backing down for the conflict. and the nicaraguan government has released nearly all its political prisoners. they would been put on
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a plane to the united states. nicaraguans destry says they would traces to have been deported. she returns he has more of the friends and family of the release prisoners gather the washington's dulles airport to greet them. they and those who landed in the us express a surprise, what happened a new or new to we were obviously not told that we were going to be freed. we realize it when they gave us our clothes at night and took us to another cell. and they took us in some buses without knowing where we were going. among the prisoners, those who led the 2018 protests against the government. and the connection in jose received us funding accused of attending to overthrow president daniel taken. the opposition of the us have maintained that these were civil society figures attempting democratic change through the ballot box. following the release will take us and they've been no deal with us. when they came to ask what our interest was, we said none. let them take them. that's all it was not about negotiating. we're not asking for sanctions to be lifted. we're not asking for anything in return. it
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is a matter of honor, dignity, patriotism, and for them to take their mercenaries away. the us state department also said this was a huge natural decision by the nicaraguan government, over at it. it was also the product of concerted american diplomacy and that the channels of communication were open between the 2 countries. the action opens the door to discussion of other matters and mutual concern. united states remains committed to a dialogue with the government. a drug will amuse and other matters and will continue to support an incorrect when it's not clear yet whether they tones may lead their members of the nicaraguan government and will take it at his family or on the sanction by the u. s. government. she ever chancey al jazeera washington to chinese astronauts have completed a space walk outside china's new space station, g and gong on thursday. it is the 1st space walk since the completion of the space station in may. schanzer 15 crew was as sent into orbit last november and is
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expected to return to work. in may burt bacharach the legendary composer behind i say, a little prayer and walk on by has died at the age of 94. a house is a song writer and performer, wrote and scored 73 top 40 songs spanning 7 decades. his melodies were brought to life by some of the most influential musicians of the last century, including aretha franklin, elvis presley, frank sinatra, and the beatles. and that's it. for me, mcclark, the news continues here, announces here, ah, ah, hello, welcome to look at the international forecast. we have got the potential for one or
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2 showers into to kia and into we're syria as we go one through our sas day. but i think it's not anything like as heavy as we have seen recently, the key factor is that it will remain very, very cold. in the coming days, further south is being cool enough in kuwait 15 celsius. recently 18 celsius temperature, starting to bounce back here. as we go on through, sat down, we're getting up to route 24 by sunday, some re sleep the snow pushing across into iran by that stay south of that. it's generally dry and some warm sunshine coming back here in doha, around 24 degrees. there's plenty of sunshine, but of the said it does remain very cold across a good part of the gear. we see your temperatures, sir, getting no higher than around 8 or 9 celsius for aleppo, and over towards southern parts of here as we go on through sat day is the overnight temperatures, of course, that give greater cause for concern. and once again, we are falling bit below freezing and that will be the case for many days to come. got some wet weather, some windy weather, just grazing the far north of africa,
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some showers the possibility into tennis years of some showers there into northern areas of libya, and staying rather unsettled for northern egypt. ah, how do you state controlled information? moscow is one of the most valuable piece in the world. it has an incredible facial recognition technology. how does the narrative improve? public opinion better? no walker asked, how is the 2nd gym? they can least framing the story? the video spread like wildfire, they denied the passport in your brain. the listening post dissects the media. we don't cover the news. we cover the way the news is covered. it's been nearly a year since russia invaded ukraine. president waterbury zalinski is now seeking more weapons and hoping to join the european union. but what can you membership


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