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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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tales of those who survived, it's hard to believe for people who didn't see the astonishing story of the polish women and children who endured the siberian glass and sought refuge in africa, never to return again. an epic odyssey of resilience memory is our homeland. on al jazeera african stories from african perspective, short documentary from african filmmakers from ivory coast just to last year from chauffeur report or the buffer from vera. this procedures to russian function and listening for home and south africa. seeing if i, if i would change. and it showed me that i'm actually tracking and fire with africa direct on al jazeera ah
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anger, frustration and arrests one week on some 2 powerful earthquakes. the killed, more than 35000 people in turkey, syria. he's alive pictures for him, kind of mon marashi. ruskie was digging through the rubble clinging to hope of finding ah, my money inside the salvage is there a lie from doha? we have extensive coverage of the disaster, including the world is accused of failing syrians as international aid trickles into parts of the areas devastated by the at waco. also ahead, this helicopter is trying to down water on the flames here, but it's barely a drop in the bucket. as you can see, it's just simply not enough. where on the ground in chile, where by cruise struggling to get the worst our spies and decades under control.
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ah, it's been a week since too powerful earthquakes struck turkey and syria. all the 35000 people have been declared dead across the 2 countries. but the real toll is likely to be significantly higher. aid is still desperately needed. people in north west syria say they feel abandoned by the international community. the. when's aid chief visit to the area on sunday and said the world has failed people there. summon turkey it using the government of a slow rescue was forms in some of the harness had areas the bitter cold and damaged roads and making it difficult for aid to get to those who need it. most and turkish authorities have arrested more than 60 people in connection to buildings that have collapsed. we have
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a team of correspondence covering the story across turkey and syria, but 1st, alexia bryan, looks back at how the 1st hours of the disaster unfolded. ah, about 417 a m local time mandate, 6 february the security camera in the driveway, and cedric se her kia catches the rumble. ah, and the total are going well in another city, 2 hours or so further east. the earthquake sounds like gunfire in jersey, on tip nurses, rushed into the neonatal ward to stop the babies, incubate its falling over. witnesses say the sway and roll of the earth lasted 2 minutes, but felt like a lifetime. and as buildings topple ah,
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crowds rush on to the streets, while ronald thought of it to save themselves soon surveyed the damage they confronted with chaos. run good luck. the magnitude 7.8 tremor was one of the largest ever recorded in turkey. ah, it was shallow and powerful and felt as far away as greenland. i remember. oh wow. across to kia and a neighbouring syria, the rescues began immediately under torchlight and in difficult conditions. ah, ah, ah!
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people digging desperately through the rubble with their bare hands ah, engendering the northern syria rescue was from the white helmet group, pulled out a young baby who being cradled in the arms of her dead, eldest sister, brother barbara. and his 1st light broke, the scale of the disaster became clear. burnett smith reports now from a cemetery in escandone, in se and takia scantrons grave diggers must work quickly. the noise from the heavy machinery disturbs what is normally a peaceful place. all of the booty osland waits with her surviving family for the bodies of one of her sons, his wife and their 3 children. they killed my son because they didn't send a crane to do the rescue. did my son have nothing to give this state?
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didn't he serve them? he was the best mathematics teacher in hattie. how could that conscience accept this? after all of his service, all survive as contend and prey by the freshly dug graves of their loved ones? not all of the dead have been identified. so they are buried here. it's respectfully done, but there's little ceremony a no mourners, and sometimes not much left to bury. the victim is now a number d n a samples have been taken. if anyone comes looking in the future, only the dead who been identified accounted in the official death toll. some estimates saw that the identity of around half those killed in monday's earthquakes is unknown. the manager here, the cemetery, tells us these plots all the way up to the fence will take about 4 years to be filled up beforehand now in 3 to 4 days from the distraught survivors. the complaint we've heard regularly this past week that the government's rescue effort
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has been too slow. i learned that you are a tyrant. you have no conscience. you took my 5 kids. how could you let a whole family disappear because of a crane? they are still under the rubble for 7 days now. even if they got winded by the quake, they are already dead now. you killed them. turkeys president has admitted failings in the initial response to the earthquake. reggie type heard one says the rebuilding will start within weeks. the frustration here is why did those buildings collapse in the 1st place? bernard smith al jazeera is kendra. okay, let's go to the capital of turkey, uncle, now where said em. custodial joins us live from a crisis center. said m, we've been hearing how the government has been accused if a slow rescue response and many of these hot it areas. and what are they saying to what is the latest when it comes to getting aid out there? they say it was difficult to reach out to these areas at 1st, because
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a because the airports were closed. and because the climate, the weather conditions didn't allow it to happen. and as to having spoken to the officials in the turkish disaster management agency, they also acknowledged that it was difficult for them to reach out to some places there at the very beginning. for instance, what i took is a border city with is, syria is one of them and, and the damage in the city, the catastrophic, especially in the city center on tucker, is a huge on the very 1st day of the earth cake. we had no information about a hotel, for instance, because the runways of the a port a was damaged. there were 3 other a ports like this. but as of yesterday, they, as the vice president and now in south i, a port they resumed lied than the 1st flight from a national, a line carry. turkish a lies landed in on top gap, which will it contribute on
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a bringing the 8 it to the people in need in those areas. but of course, there we have spoken to some military sources as well as the area right now those 10 cities are under state of emergency and a mid 3 is involved. they are providing help into the search and rescue teams and they are helping out for a public cor, didn't they told us that e own the very 1st day since or the most of those cities that was, that were affected by the earthquake were going through heavy a weather conditions it was it difficult for them for the helicopters and it planes to take off as well. that's why they had the used phones which were unmanned and it had no a res. so everything came together. but of course, it's still many say experts have been over warning that there would be an earthquake in that area. maybe it was bigger than expected in terms of the effected area, the scale. but they still accuse
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a government for being unprepared for that. okay, it's in m castillo there for us in ankara to speak to a just let's return back to those pictures that we were looking at on our screen there that live a picture of that box. yeah, there we are. or if you're just joining us, those are from command marsh, where rescue crews are currently working to free a mother and her newborn child. see very delicate work by the rescue workers. apparently they are still alive under that rubble. they've been there for 7 days. so let's go to stephanie deca, who is somewhere close to the scene in kut ahmad marashi. what are you hearing about that rescue operation of that mother and her newborn child? ah, we are at advocacy basically. it's been going on since last night. and there is
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obviously turkish workers here. volunteer is spanish rescue team. i just spoke to that basically they identified with thermal imagery. at least 2 people alive. they said they weren't going to speculate on who exactly they were. there are rumors that is the mother. i didn't new born my grandmother, rumors that the grandmother may not be alive what they're doing now, and we can probably fatty to show you a little bit of a fee. and this is some good news that everybody needs here. if this is going to be something that we end up seeing people being allied 7 days later. so there you could probably see the spanish rescue teams. you have obviously the local truckers workers, the medicaid come in here as well because of now the use of it pretty much confirm that you have at least 2 people alive on to the level. what they're doing is they're digging a hole through what still seem to be quite important here they, we believe them to be 2 or 3 buildings down in the rubble from what were being
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under being told. so a tunnel is being dug this way. another tunnel is being done from the side. and again, it's meticulous work because it's so sensitive when you are trying to get to survivors, we were just talking to a turkish volunteer at another site. he said he's volunteered and many other earthquakes. he went to indonesia, that i have never seen. i have never seen the amount of destruction that we have here. he says, the way we work when we identify his survivor is that they call in the teams with specialized equipment that he does. but it is so slow because we have to take utmost care not to cause any damage to the buildings that are already structurally damaged to perhaps cause any injury or death survivors. so this is why it's taking so much time. i can tell you there's a lot of media here. it's been 7 days a report, a majority. i would say of jeff and destruction and heartbreak. d so this kind of
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news, when people here on the 7th day and that there may be survivors, it's something that everyone certainly is hoping for, but a get a meticulous task and it is going to take time. okay, thank you for that sir. stephanie decker there for us in cut him. i'm not us aware . we believe rescue crews are trying to free a mother and her newborn child. let's go to our correspondence. we're salsa who is life for us on the tech issue. syrian border where aid has been making its way into syria. so talk a situation where you are at particularly in northwest area where there's and so much criticism about aid reaching that part of the country. definitely here is there is a huge criticism toward the international community city and seeing that the national community has helped so little so far. but the only thing that international comment is telling them is that we are with you. but however,
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they said that we need much more than words. so we're in front of g vegas, a border crossing, right? i guess that there is a barbara. how are the syrians side and a little i go, there has been, says 6 trucks from the united nations aid envoys and they just passed the border. and this is, are going to be delivered to the people in northwest and a little bit later there will be another 8 convoy coming from katara. so katerina have the lever, the aid and other did this, the 1st aid convoy yesterday and also with their, their military. it's, are we, there are the medical equipments and the medical teams as well. and now the 2nd one is just about to arrive here. so you can't he see right behind me distribution is quite dramatic. so the funeral service car is there and it just got the buddies or of the syrians, those who were living in turkey and that, that died under the rebels. now their buddies are being taken by this funeral
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services cars and then load it on the other track. and a little bit later they are going to take them to syria, to buried them in, to bury them in the, in the home country. and also there are families as well, these wary families are just come in following in and out. and many of them are here just to pass the board there and hopefully to meet their loved ones alive. so this is the situation that is going on here. so in not where syria that are roughly around 4 to 5000000 people and the age is desperately needed here because it has been more than a decade that the civil war simply has savage nought where syria people were homeless. and you know, they have just made it to the makeshift, the homes of pans and also the shelters. now, the disaster here is just to overlap in a decade long civil war and now the earthquake. so the situation is quite dire. roadrunner as of now more than 5000 people have already died,
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but i bet they have been killed by the earthquake that hid there, that the region. and there are thousands of people or that the thousands of people now are really leaving through the hard conditions, particularly during the night. there is no, tant, nor proper food, no electricity, no water. they have, we have nothing. so that's why the aid that is going through syria is too little, they say they say is too late and too tiny. so houses of homes or so here have been either co last or they're heavily damaged and the that, that the health facilities here are struggling because they're also severely damaged. they're overwhelmed by the passions. those are going through traumas or those who are still injured and they are receiving very, very little on the other hand, rescue air force here are so extremely difficult. so we're coming from the turkish side. definitely did the recitation, the scale of the recitation is unimaginable. however, we can see that that, that,
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that, that the rescue force are relentlessly continuing. and that, that the sounds of the machines that are cause of the working around the clock. but in syria, that is not the case. they, they lack the, the de more than equipment, the more than risky equipment they lack. they do not have the heavy lifting machinery. they do not have the diggers. they do not have the escalators. they even do not have the light to work through the night. so this is not the situation that people can work during the day and have rest during the night. the work, the rescue force needs to continue 24 hours a day. so that's way better of loss of grief. there is loss of grief loss or complains, loss of feeling or abandonment. they say that the international community simply has abandoned us, and we are forgotten already is so bleak, isn't it? sir? russell said her speaking to her spare life from the turkish syrian order. while as we were hearing there from whistle anger has been building and syria was
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survive as saying that the international community has let them down, and belmont and cast them. i'll resume is one of those angered by the response. ah, well, if one of the i'm here to watch, i remember you have your fill book, the memories here. i see my sister's rush, her son's clothes, and all of them there smells here concert. when they remove everything, i won't come back. i say ok, well here's their car that cost them, their water tank ala baba, the solar panels, memories didn't, was got all this of the shop, sort of the whole world lead the searing people down on the market. if this is struction was in europe or any other foreign country, the whole world would have gathered here to rescue those killed rod on animals. but here no one cares one that left where displace football i don't want ask about. i
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don't know and we were bomb barrel bombs were dropped it but no one cared about us will play on it. i did. oh, we're getting nothing from turkey or not, and not from the government side to them, we hear besiege, still a hands on al jazeera, there's no place like home scenes, all celebration and council, as he ought to the chief leave it late to win in the superbowl, ah, now while it's got reca over the southern philippines as some way see some parts of borneo, barley where it's dried out rather more west, it's become hotter as well. the temperatures in thailand and vietnam in land have been quite high. nearing force decreases early for this heat,
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but you can see from the rain that this is the areas to focus on and that means potential flash flooding. and that's true. a good part of java as well. south of all that and that range extends the top end of australia and you see the arc clad still co kills around to new zealand. what comes out in the 2nd, on the shore breeze means increasing likelihood shares. i think for new south wales least part of queensland, the heaviest is going to be in the north, slightly warmer and melbourne. you're up to 23 now. wow. but perfect courses warm up, you come down along with about 10 degree drop in 2 days down to about 27 degrees. that'll hang round much the same vein. the rain, same area, top and gong more or less from new south wales. but new zealand. not a good story. this is the 2nd day with the remnants of the cycle and are still there. there's been some evidence of flood damage and wind damage. and the warnings are still out throughout the whole of tuesday, as the rain sped, sorry into satisfied and
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ah, the, from the al jazeera london, rural call center to people in thoughtful conversation. i can be in my culture. i can still raise my voice against patriarchy with no host, and no limitations. the pandemic actually exposed to the injustice in our society. part 2 of asthma, khan and hath anake hat in hospitality. we have protected these men poor violent ad bully, hudy b unscripted on out his era. lou ah,
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who watching out as a reminder for top stories this hour more than 35000 people have been declared dead in turkey in syria. one week after 2 powerful earthquakes struck the 2 countries. dest whole is likely to be significantly higher rescue as a currently trying to free a mother and her newborn child, who was still alive. after being trapped on the doable 7 days and live pictures looking out from, cut him on my dash where that rescue operation has been going on for at least today . the united nations aged chief says that the international community has failed, northern syria. you and is hoping to open more border crossings into syria to bring an urgent need needed monetary supplies. ok. china says american balloons illegally entered it's air space more than 10 times in the last year. a foreign ministry spokesman said that the u. s. needs to change its actions instead
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of accusing china after washington announced that a shot down yet another unidentified object flying in its air space. intelligence officials investigating the possibility that it's a chinese, i believe the g goes with the army. we've all ready clearly stated multiple times that the chinese on man civilian airship that strayed into u. s. air space was completely a force missouri accident. as for other so called unidentified flying objects, i have no knowledge of them. but what we want to tell every one here is that the u . s. is frequent firing of advanced missiles to strike down unidentified flying objects is an overreaction of excessive force. let's go to katrina you in beijing. katrina. the story just gets more extraordinary as the days past that what more of the chinese been saying? we're trying to foreign ministry has to refuse to confirm or deny whether the
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additional 3 objects seen over the united states and canada chinese. but china's for mystery did level its own accusations at the us saying that in 2022 the u. s. balloon flew or the chinese as a more than 10 times. now it refused to provide any further details about the location that specific date. it just called on the us to provide more answers. now this follows an announcement on sunday that an an identified object we've seen over the city of she dial that is on china's eastern coast in the military said that they were getting ready to shoot down that object as it's over sensitive slides here in china. that's where the p l. a have the naval base. now china on monday reiterated it sounds that the initial fly balloon shut down by the u. s. and her report was the civilian ship that flew over the u. s. completely by that. it's the squad, the us response as an over reaction as being hyped up. and it says the us expanding
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confrontation when it comes to the issue. and on monday, trying to form 3, we ended by saying that it is the u. s. and not china. that has the largest network in the world. ok? katrina youth f for us in beijing. israel has carried out s drawings against several in garza early this monday. this video shows the attacks in the palestinian enclave. israeli media, se hammers, weapons sites were targeted, no casualties. it is roles, cabinet has recognized 9 illegal settler outposts in the occupied westbank despite past us opposition. a far right? finance minister said $10000.00 housing units could be built in separate areas. existing legal settlements, the palestinian authority called it an open war against the palestinian people. washington has yet to comment. and a 21. your palestinian man was shot and killed during an israeli rate in the city
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of nobliss in the occupied westbank is 5 others were injured and follows. a raid which took place on sunday that saw is ready forces storm the home of a palestinian man. the st. crockett drove his car into a bus stop near the legal settlement of rummage. grease rallies were killed. new zealand prime minister says 25000 people have received emergency assistance. arm to sy clone. gabriel battered the north island. some people have lost their homes and thousands, all without power. authorities. a warning the west is yet to come. several local governments to declare the state of mergers, sienna urging people to leave in south central chile thought, as from as far as 3000 kilometers away, a being deployed to combat the country's worst. forest fires and decades. any 300 fires remain active, and new ones are appearing, especially in the restive our county region are latin american ab salisia,
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newman reports from gather, rena. yet another wildfire out of control. in the albany, a region firefighters call for more help. unable to contain this blaze, when of hundreds of active fires that have been spreading throughout south central chillies until late january, ah, the commander of the fire fighting brigade tells his men to evacuate order of it, but to confirm the situation here is very complex. the fire is advancing very fast, so we are withdrawing to a safer area. well, we review another strategy. this helicopter is trying to dolls water on the flames here, but it's barely in the market. as you can see. it's just simply not enough to deal with the magnitude of this fire here on this mountain or hill with the fire go
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way over on to the other side. and they're only about a half a dozen fire fighters here right now that the smoke is it is it is really, i'm possible to breathe here. weeks of intense heat and strong winds, compounded by years of drought or feeding the flames. but that's not all right, with this you look, you can give you the 30 percent, i think up, which are the neighbors said they saw 3 people with bella covers, who started the fire back there and other neighbors say they saw green car and a pickup truck. starting fires while they tried to put out the fires and one area they saw how the people in cars lit others all over the place. and i love it then yellow shows us the house where she grew. and with her 8 year old grandmother lived until tuesday, as the bladder theatre put out on the vast majority of the fires have started in forest. joan by timber companies, who've long been targeted by rebel indigenous, my put groups,
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and who carry out what they call acts of sabotage against chilion companies and farmers. they claim this as their ancestral land, but so far, no one has taken responsibility for the fires, which are hurting ordinary residence. many of them also my poaching you, but i will let alone you will get together. what hurts most is that this was the last thing left of my deceased grandfather. he built all this with the sweat of his brow. the loss in property, livestock, and human life is incalculable. at least 30 people have been arrested for negligence or for deliberately lighting these fires. a curfew is also in place from midnight to 5 am. but nothing seems to be enough to stop mew towers of ballooning smoke from emerging. c in human al jazeera, gardena, chile. the kansas city chiefs have won the super bowl and a nail biting victory against the philadelphia eagles. celebrations are in full
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swing in the mid west. g, f 138 thirty's fine. securing the victory with a field goal which is 2nd to play. it's their 2nd when she found out the match in glendale, arizona, and celebrating their teens. second, super bowl title in full absolutely. enjoy today's game to me when you come to the super bowl, you want it to be a game that's worth watching. you want it to be a game towards close, just like it was tonight. i'm. it kept both our eyes open from start to finish. so we were extremely excited to be here. i mean, listen, we have to rush gina for all bird up in the super bowl. you can't be that you kind of ask for anything better than most you to use matched up and a close game like that. it was amazing. absolutely amazing. so of course, it was a little shaky adverse, of course, patrick baldwin, dale of battles, bremar's over. he came back like a trooper white, always an army corps, and the rig i gave him credit.


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