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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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gal states has resulted in thunderstorms. i just went full the system here and back round. it still got snow but is quite long way north in canada has been stopped in the rocky managers. that's moving gartner into the plains. ah, the up to years ago, the grazing the damage caused to the precious grass lance, a chilling is being reversed with one of the world's biggest, other conservation projects. they're pretty emblematic of the pedagogy and if they're plentiful and their com like this one is new now that the system is coming back and that they feel no stress in that fire. i far re wilding patagonia on al jazeera. ah
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ah another i'm the clock, this is a news on life from the i'll coming up in the next 60 minutes. turkish authorities raised to deliver aid to areas that are still cut off more than a week after 2 powerful earthquakes. she report from a military helicopter on route to remote villages. this is more than just another minute, real break. all these are all families get a lot of anxiety. nation says it needs nearly $400000000.00 to bring what it called, life saving relief to earthquake victims in syria. after serving 8 years, the scotlands 1st minister mister urgent mounted her resignation. ukraine's president says, his troops are fighting for every metre of land as nato allies meet to discuss sending more weapons to. ah, it was for coming up to buy
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a music beating harrison's yama in the 1st leg of their champions li, knockout time. ah m. so we begin this new saw with the race to get a to remote harris in turkey. i cut off by 2 powerful earthquakes. it's been 9 days since see of quakes topple tens of thousands of buildings in turkey, and in syria. aid has been slow to get to some areas. the death toll in both countries stands at more than $41000.00. and that figure continues to rise. every day. sammy's done has been on board a helicopter as it delivered supplies in a demand province. i well to look out for the camera out the window. you can see how difficult to write it. everyone in the world struggle to get paid off of these areas you're going from now. they come up with, you know,
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it's a very difficult terrain to access. i imagine even on a good day, let alone what every like the size of it has been moved by. like now people that's been out with a couple of days ago from areas around saying we need help with mobilized results. find good health. frankly, we are quite excited about the population size. there would be a struggle for anyone with charlotte they getting paid out to these areas. we're now on the way on the left is a very situation here. this is another, not exactly sure what the condition is. all we know these people know that a few days ago there was a hell. we've got
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a helicopter that loaded all off you out. give us a shot. i've walked inside. good public health boxes. all flo boxes, when you told military, well that this is more than just a melva military operations. i say going over you know, this is more than just another minute real. this is all, these are all family. this is all i i think there's a lot of design. i'm also now i think any moment where about the line because i think if you bear with us, i think we're landing now. may actually be able to see.
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all right, so i think we're landing it looks like on the call. hold on. let me see if it's right. i don't see anybody. all right. this is where you live. normally, the goal that comes to my head, frankly, go to help you with normal conditions, like load it up. like most, jo, wow, i'll be able to show off of that now. i mean, how would you know that the size of the mouth is alive raises? there's a light opening between the mountain. very, very difficult. there is a road making route. i might just very different areas that florida falls down. but again, everybody on another call. hopefully people are relatively old.
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we know they'd be great, but i hope people fill in a relatively good position of apply that has all that as soon as we live, not to get in the way of delivery via so we're going to stay where we are, unless you will. they say, live right now, just to give you an idea of what a policy spoke about. that is saying that vivian are the millions of people i've been buying the i just get out my window told me about it or i went on the ground. now the military, i'll take you the book with
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the law with . okay, here we all the bill of lading all with our boy baby. medical with
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away with . okay, more people all make you get to the helicopter. like the jewel with an aerial with while you out with
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the one the adult with level. all righty. that is going on with
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ah, with
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all my good is ready and emotionally hard moment because i want to get out to those people like me look like a grandfather and so many young children. well, we have to go. we have to go extraordinary inside of the reality of the relief effort. now 70 deka has been to the image of god ton chevy. we showed you just the devastation in the remote villages. we're now going to show you what it's actually done to the earth that were in a cemetery. and you can see that the earthquake even disturbed the dead. and then in the ground, you see where the earth broke. when that immense magnitude earthquake hit in this area, you even have a fresh grave here to we were being told by the villagers that this line actually
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killed the sister of a man who lives in that house further down. this is the gray. fatty is going to show you those. this is a newly newly buried of course. part of so many people over 41000 people that have lost their lives in this devastating earthquake. but looking at the ground really gives you a sense of just the power. i mean, and of course we don't need any more in the sense of we really showed you the devastation of what it's done to the buildings. but the way this ground has been lifted, you can see here as well. and then you see this massive crevice crater that they have started to fill out where the earth literally just split apart. and so this gives you a sense of just the enormity the, the, that the power of mother nature that has caused such destruction. i mean we, when we were in the village in our last life, just before we went on air, there was an aftershock and we've been feeling the aftershocks i every day and
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every night. but we were standing on the village ground. yeah. and it literally shook, and you could hear the sound and this is a very light compared to your the 7.8 and 7.6 earthquakes that caused such a devastation. so this just gives you a sense of just how violent that was. well, the scale of the damage from the earthquakes now becoming clearer, turkish government says, 40 percent of the buildings in car, a man mirage have been damaged in an antique here, half a stretches would have to be demolished because they're considered unfit and 50 percent of buildings in hattie were also damaged. the interior minister says it expects to rebuild the affected areas within a year. russell soda jones's live now from the city of at a man in the southeast and resort. as we were saying earlier, this, this story has truly come home for you because this is your home town and you know and must recognize all too well the scale of the tragedy. indeed, nick,
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so it's my home town. i have a report that's on many crisis areas in syria, in ukraine and young are the many other places and have seen many of dramas, but is wanting different to report on my home town city that is hit by its hardest . and the biggest disaster of is known history. i have lots of friends that are now gone. many of them that are very much close to me. we had but amazing, many of amazing shared stories here. we how laughed here. we have john here. there started here prepared for the university is here together and now i know that i will not be able to call them and to have a chat over the phone with them. or when i was at the city, i will not be able to meet of them and grabbing a coffee. it is. it's quite a painful idea. it's quite difficult to get used to that, that i will not be able to hear them to me. stop them again. it's quite difficult
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to get used to that. however, here this is a shared story off houses of people in this city. you can see that right behind me as, as the clock tarver, this is one of the symbol off at the amman and the clock has just stopped at the moment when the earthquake hid the city for 17, a. m. over a week ago, this city was severely shaken for over a minute and just 9 hours late later again, 4 to 5 for 45 seconds. it has been shaken severely and as a result, 1175 people have died. and then 1175 buildings have collapsed and at least a 1000 people have died here. so you can see that right over there as a cor laughs building there. and there are tom that has thousands of that sigh that
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are spreading across the city. people here says that the time the life has just stopped here. still some of the rescue air force are quentina and the machines are working over there. you cassie, people rescue teams and of course families as well. they're hoping still maybe to have their below with one's back, but alive hopefully. but if not, at least to have their bodies to give them a per a bit, a proper burial. however, here in the lust during that it starts it from the last night on that haven't been any one west came out of the rubble alive. and you can see that the wood, the focus of the work year is gradually shifting from finding the buddies, tu, tu, tu, tu? colleen in the battery? and of course, they're waiting challenge. now the growing challenge now is to put away the essentials till doors tens of thousands who have, who have survived here. people are now living intensive is dozens of pan cities
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that have been set up in different places. off at the amman, however, did to put the, the supplies quite vic here steel. they need to stay warned up, and the conditions are very much tough during the night, especially. it is quite cold here and particularly children. they really need the warm clothes. they need the heaters to stay warm my have as their mayor. and he said that unfortunately the number of the death was 4 t ashley is going to rise up to 15000. they said that they are going to set up more can cities and make shift camps. however, still this city has gone through so much that it is much more to be done here. of course, sir, that's the situation idea. man at russell said a reporting there from the time tom, thanks very much indeed, russell. so going across to a don and now to an air base there in southern turkey, some is a dan, is standing by for us at sammy, we just saw a few moments ago, few minutes ago, up in the air delivering age are back on the ground. now tell us more about what's
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happening and what you saw. you know, it's one thing nick to read the newspapers. it's one thing to actually see the situation on the ground. and it's a whole nother level to actually be in the air flying over the devastated zone. you get a sense for just how vast the damaged area is and you get a sense of how big the challenge is to try and get aid to people. you know, you read about remote communities is another thing. when you're actually on a helicopter and you go over these areas and you see a little cluster, a village which is just a little cluster of houses, nestled on top of a mountain, and then you fly for several more minutes and you come to another similar scene how do you go from community to community in terrain like that and get a to people?
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it is a herculean task that lies ahead of authorities to try and reach old people. i think this is something that the world is going to struggle to deal with for a while. we now got off for helicopter and we understand they're going to be loading up and going to other communities. the focus is to try and get as much as possible done during daylight hours when the weather conditions are, are best for this average. basically what the turkish military has established as an average to reach out to all of these communities in it is a huge task, nick or semi me thanks so much indeed as is it on reporting that nearby, we'll be back with you as the afternoon was on there in the evening. thanks very much. i mean is it on reporting from donna intech? yea. well, despite the old survive is all still being pulled out from under the rubble and in
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the past few hours is 74 year old was rescued alive and carmen rush. she had been trapped for 227 hours more than 9 days. an earlier 42 year old woman was rescued in the same city. 9 others were rescued on tuesday. the world is watching. individual is being held in london in honor of those killed him last week. so if quakes and we can speak now to a salesman to approve said he didn't. whose chief executive officer of the montana civil society network. and one of the events organizer sort of official and she joined us live from them from london. so, so just tell us a little bit more about the event and what's being held and what you have to achieve. sure, so as syrians living in the, in the u. k. and as syrians lacking the legitimate government to work with them, act on their behalf. we as civil society organizations and london have come together to form a space for us syrians where we can stand in solidarity with each other more in
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together, but also receive condolences from the wide there public. we're very thankful that we had the opportunity to open this space yesterday with the visits from his majesty the king and the mayor of london saw the khan and other officials were also at welcoming the general public of that you pay will have fundraise lots of money millions for the rest, once of the ethnic wake and syria and turkey. but with art, we are also using this phase to raise awareness of the get past effect situation and syria and the lack of response received and the different areas interior. with that, under the government's control or, and the northwest areas outside the government control. indeed, it must be so hard to be so far away when your homeland and your people suffering in this. we're definitely it is. what's more heart breaking is to see the lack of fax and from that you and
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particularly, and from the international community wide, we stand in solidarity with each other here. why we the see of condolences for the victims of the quake and syria. we're also working hard with the f, c, d o, when other officers to demand an accountability for syrians victims not only of the quake, but of 12 years of the conflict and off decades of oppression. we need to hold you accountable for their lack of accent. for days, but we also need to work hard with the international decision maker to find immediate ways of access to intervene and to support the great efforts that are at carries on by the civil society organizations on the ground in syria. the government of syria has a proven track records of manipulating aid and off a divergent. we've seen that in cross lines, convoys entering deceased areas. we've seen how these convoys have been tampered
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with lives in medical supplied vital medical supplies being stolen from these convoys. so we're trying to find legitimate ways that allows you one and the international community to intervene and support the effect that people directly at whether that's in governmental area or in the northwest and non government health areas. you level criticism there of the syrian government. indeed at the you and as well, what more would you call on the united nations to be doing well, we definitely require immediate action. this, it was the site to organizations on the ground, particularly in non governmental area, have done amazing jobs, but they are themselves victim of this quake. and they've been working a tireless the 247 for the past days to rescue whoever can be rescued from under the rubble. there are lots to be done at the moment. there is an immediate there. there's an urgent need for immediate action to have an international dean,
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gold to support these organizations with the and the, the removal of rubble and clearing off of the space says, making sure that the buildings are there that have not been destructive are cells and people can go back to their buildings if they're not yet destructed. there's immediate need for medical support than medical supplies equipment in general. this all needs a political well. the fact that aid to syria has been largely politicized by the government, but also by the international response. given all the complexity of the conflicts and that this disastrous, an earthquake has hit award, thorn country has actually hindered the response significantly and we need to work together to find immediate way that this isn't too often cross border 8 to syria. come has come really late and there has been multiple other options that could have
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been activated to save people on time. unfortunately, now it's time to warn and, and to find for alternatives and to seek a dignified way to vary the victims. but still, there are urgent when it's area needs students of his society are raising these than all the platforms. we just need ears to listen to these and a genuine political well to act, to respond to these needs. okay, so, so we appreciate your perspective. thanks. so much for joining us and then it did a chief executive officer of the american civil associate where thank you. all right, let's get a view from on the ground in syria for that we can talk to him a small, he is a team member with a non profit syrian form join just now from finishing it live. and oh my you, i understand i've been traveling through it live this week. tell us about your experiences, what you've seen, what you found. okay, 1st of all, let me offer my condolences to the families of the victims in boston, syria,
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turkey. the 2nd of all, i'd like to thank al jazeera to chipping delight this syrian conflict and the syrian a crisis after they're squeaked, which hit on monday morning. in fact, in on monday morning on people who are living in their homes are suddenly an artic quick hit. the area, a lot of buildings are destroyed with the ground. and a lot of people, a lot of traffic under those ruminant, oregon, or syria, has suffered from a 12 years of war and a no and no materials. and no, they are not equipped to face this crisis. in fact, it's bishop especially i think we are here in syria, b a syrian, a syrian a crisis. or is there a political folic sized or the day of cross border? no 8 nor international aid were entered to this area here in the city on for
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foreign we launched a campaign to face via the need of those people who are affected in this and it's a crisis. are we in disrespect we created a lot of her temporary shelter in more than 1010 was in the areas which are was affected in the are so quick. is it possible to get an idea to give us an idea of the degrees windshield? the pin pulls centers will provide those people who would like to say that i'm actually to jump in there for a 2nd. i just wanted to ask you about if you can give us an idea of the degree to which that communities have not yet been reached by relief efforts, really from rescue efforts. how many communities are there out there that are just still waiting? in fact, there were there were, there was a delay in the international international intervention or more than 5 days and no international aid or
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a were entered here in to get into this area. so my, our interior, 4 of our partners on the ground do our best. does that make sense to those people who are affect in this crisis? and i'm sure your best is, is a tremendous effort. tell us a bit more about it. the kind of support that you're giving people when you can in fact we are, we need a more more robins to remove was drugs. we need more drugs. we need more international intervention into this area. nut nuts, dust and food. not just another thing of 8 m r. asthma. we appreciate your time. speak to us here on out a 0. the tomas mom with the syringe for him. thank you very much figures from finish and if not, human rights watch is called the you and humanitarian response worth quake sincere
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. inadequate. the rights group is calling for urgent help for those who've been affected. i would well, as this report that i will held city in town of didn't that his, his close to the border with lucky for 12 years it's survivor battled palms and artillery shells launched by the ceiling army button of quick level. most of it in seconds more than a week has passed since 2 quakes, slightly, se, regional and people here say there is no sign any help is on its way. they're struggling to survive on their own. little hail, early on, 2nd, desperately need 10th. i can stand the cold, no problem. i can sleep anyway. no problem not, but they are women, children and injured who we took out from and the rabble who not care. i just dropped my kids off at the hospital, but a whole body is all blue on it. a lot, casa, for years, nobody talkie a has sent health to people here caught in civil war. but the health quakes have disrupted that and worse,
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and they're suffering. a well you offered in their us. from the 1st day we had around 3900 families who reflected without any shouter. we had 270 buildings that were completely destroyed around a 1000 buildings and not suitable for use. we have 3900 families who have no shelter. last week, the united nations started sending aid into syria through border crossings with turkey. after the syrian government announced it would cooperate. and shortly after its representative visit to the affected area around aleppo, the trauma of the people we spoke to was visible. and this is a trauma which the world needs to heal. and the reason we're here is because we want to raise money for the brave organizations which are helping these people overlap. whoa, is people of syria, other humanitarian agencies and countries in the region half sent 8 shipments by
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air to damascus international airport. but quick survivors in opposition held areas in the northwest. se none have reached them. then we'll still have the full. we want our voice to reach the whole world. but where's the 8? and there are hundreds of people who still need tenants, and they don't even have somewhere to sit, find a solution. whereas this 8 coming from, let's see. it is never going to come here. when we saw that nearly 3000000 people who've been displaced within syria live in the northwest, many have been forced to move repeatedly because of, of all the ask weeks have left tens of thousands homeless yet again. and they desperately need shelter, food, medical care, and clean water to drink, hammered, fun, hunters, you iraq is a lifting emergency supplies to both affected countries. for the refers, the aid will not reach rebel hel, barrison syria. my route up to what i had report now from baghdad. iraq is one of
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the 1st to countries to respond to the devastating kessick wake that has hit heart, both turkey and city. this is part of the materials provided by iraq to those affected by the ethic wake in southern tortilla and northern syria. officials here say that they have set up an a left from iraq to both to kia and syria, providing emergency materials, including relief, materials, aid, foodstuff. these are heaters to help those industries, those people stranded by the quick to get warm in the freezing, cold in southern turkey and northern syria. not only by air, but also by land really, of convoys have been leaving from iraq and also from northern iraq from the semi
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autonomous kurdish region. now the materials include food is tough. medical materials and shelters blankets. and in some cases, also, iraq has provided fuel and medicine, but because some of these planes at land in damascus. so given the fact that there is political division that is conflict in syria. so the question is whether or not these or all of these materials reach those in this is those affected by the isic wake in the rebel held areas in northern syria. but without through, i had al jazeera by that ah,
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laura, let's move on to other news known scotlands 1st minister nicholas sturgeon had announced her resignation after more than 8 years. she's been in the position since 2014 sturgeon will remain leader of scotland. government until a successor is appointed for this decision is not a reaction to short term pressures. of course that are difficult issues confronting the government, you know. but when is that ever not the case? i have spent almost 3 decades in frontline politics a decade and a half on the top or 2nd top rung of government when it comes to navigating choppy waters resolving seemingly intractable ashes or soldiers horn. when walking away would be the simpler option. i have plenty of experience to draw on. so if this was just a question of my ability or my resilience to get through the latest period of pressure, i wouldn't be standing here today, but it's not. this decision comes from
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a deeper and longer tear assessment. so straightaway to london, rory challenge is up monitoring the story. and rory, what more did the 1st minister after say? well, she said that as a leader, you basically have to have a kind of intuition about when it is the right time to step by step aside and let someone else do the job. and she said the lead, it was a very difficult decision. she concluded that the right time was now, she'd been asking herself a couple of questions recently. the 1st is, was it right for her to carry on as a person? she also said that she was asking herself, is it right for the country and for her party, for her to carry on as leader and over recent months? so. so she basically come to the conclusion that the answer to both of those questions was no. now obviously the job has been taking it a bit of a toll on her. she said that only so long you can go on giving everything to such
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a high pressure job. but she also alluded to have differences between her and some of the constitutional things that she was arguing for, and perhaps views within the rest of a party. and that stepping down would give her party the chance of chasing the lead . a more aligned perhaps with the decisions that it was going to take forward. but we don't know who's going to take over. we don't know when they're going to take over. there is a process but she said, but to take place and she's going to stay in the position until that's completed to say the least things haven't been easy for the 1st minister lately, and law and her political plate. you can say, yeah, show me she was talking that wasn't she about me, not making this this decision because it's short and precious. but there have been many short term brushes. perhaps the biggest catalyst has been the huge controversy over the scottish gender recognition reform bill, which is a piece of legislation that makes it easier, would make it easier for people to legally change that gender sex. the bill doesn't
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make much distinction between the 2 and reduce the age of which is possible to do so from 18 to 60. now, she champions this bill, but it split her administration. it's been a policy and it's split, the broader independence, moving largely the scottish population are against it. so that's been a big difficulty for her. also, independence, the appetite for scottish independence seems to be waning slightly. and for all her leadership, nicholas started has been pushing for a 2nd referendum on independence. she was saying that they would be one declared for later this year, the u. k. supreme court then stepped in and said, no, you can't do that without westman says, authorization. and yes, in the scottish population at large, it seems that the appetite for independent seems to slip now below 50 percent. and of course, that is an issue for the leader of a party that his whole reason better is to have scottish independence. rory,
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thanks. that's really jonathan in london. ukraine president says his forces fighting for every meter in the east of the country for them as landscape made the comments as nato defense ministers, meeting brussels for a 2nd day to agree on more support for. since i sent over a de vieza blue, another nation into the situation on the frontline especially and on it skin, hans g remains very difficult. the bezels and literally for every meter of ukrainian lance. we got confirmation from our partners about more air defense weapons, more tanks, more artillery and shelves. more training for our military was, as it was said today, ukraine must be successful. we're in agreements here. success must come. little was their birth in is that the nato defense ministers meeting brussels and steps, or nato nations, so that they will increase defense spending. one of the aiming for well, they aiming for a lot more than they are spending until now. are you installed to mercury secretary
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general of nato, said the 2 percent. that nato has agreed in 2014 is by far, not enough any more. as he said, we're living in a more dangerous world now, looking at the war in ukraine, but also had the threats coming from china. but at the moment, even most nations don't even a chief dis till percent. only 7 out of a 30 are getting that target right now, so a lot needs to be done. there's a lot of concern about ammunition shortages sir around nato. a ukraine is using a lot more ammunition at the moment. that name to a den, nato can produce so assault a burke was talking about using the factories that they have a lot better and a lot more efficient, but also opening new factories at a very high speed. he said he was happy to announce that at least some countries like germany, norway, the us and france have signed some contracts now at the defense industry to speed up and beef up their military spending. but as i said, a lot more needs to be done. and ukraine, of course, is using
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a lot more also for the next months to come or either start version of the picture in brussels. let's get the picture in moscow as i'm a bon jovi does reporting from arizona woods mosque and we'd saying about all of us was so far, no direct reaction from the russian government on this meeting in brussels. but russia has, for the last year, made its point that nato is using ukraine to white ridge, a proxy war against russia. we've heard from the russian foreign minister talking to the state duma today saying that the quote it's reached. the west has reached a point of no return in using ukraine as a bridge head against a russia he called the west of peddling lies against russia, especially when it comes to issues such as the north steam pipeline. and the russian foreign minister has also told the state duma, that the russian presidents, the actions are to,
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to carry out this search special operation is yielding results. russia has not been really involved in explaining its position to its people, but it's been telling them that it is an existential issued that it had to go to war. and according to moscow, it is making headway as i'm effects that is on average of either in moscow. well, a new report says russia has suffered significant losses in its invasion of ukraine international institute for strategic studies, so that russian, the russian military last year last around 50 percent of its t $72.00 and t. 80 tanks. 15 percent of its fleet of su, $34.00 jets also lost ukraine. meanwhile, as a lawson fighter jets, it's try to jethro estimated, be lost during the invasion, but due to western assistance, you currently reg, ukrainian armies artillery and armored vehicles are going through a trends formation speak to ben barry, who's a senior fellow for land warfare with internationals institute for strategic
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studies, jones is now from london. ben. so to what degree and how serious are these losses for russian? well, they are quite, quite serious. for example, they see no legion, a standing intelligence agencies recently released reports where they said the immediate rushing threat to benefit nations is greatly reduced because of the way the ukraine was brushing policies and inflicted considerable attrition on them. but we should remember much of the russian air force and outside the black sea, much of the russian navy remains except and ukraine also has its intelligence agencies and his policies, but they're capable of inflicting other source of damage on europe. we saw the very suspicious underwater pipeline explosions. and of course, we have seen murders in europe that have been directly attributed to russian secret
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secret services. so when most european defense ministries and they say that russia is still a clear and present danger to western europe and tonight, so i think that right and what about uh, from the credit point of view you credits on forces of suffer. patricia may 28 percent of its fighter jets estimated to be lost during the invasion. one of the implications about well of course ukraine um most of its land equipment has been getting a lot of new equipment from makes allies in the west. so some of that has been replacement. russian patent equipment such as t 72 tanks and soviet caliber artillery. but increasingly, ukraine has been given more western weapons and the mon weston ammunition full that indeed, it's my judgment that had that material not being done
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a t t crane. russia might well of achieve much better results for itself than it has done so far. now the, i suggest one of the final checks being used for you. craven now has a very dense network of defense is on the ground. but of course they're always going to be gaps and grains a very large country. so, and she's start again, defense is called me everyone walks. so when it comes to the russian cruise missile attacks, where the cruise missiles illusion through the gaps and the rush in a fight is, can quickly go there and attempt to shoot them down. and that's probably the most pressing requirement you've crane asked in the fullness of time. it also wants to be able to do as strikes on russian ground force is right, but for the day after tomorrow, right now. so what about the knock on effect for other countries like poland accelerating it's military modernization? south career emerging as a major defense supply. in europe,
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china increasing it's military spending largest ever in absolute terms? correct. well, we've tried this this year in the last year. since the previous miller should balance that no less than 20 european nations have declared significant increases on the defense budgets. now, some of that has gone into a assistance that has gone directly to ukraine. others has gone, as you say, with the punish on forces in building the capability to better defend that countries and he did any for rush russian attacks. so what we're seeing now, the 2 factors, both of which make difficulties for different ministries. when you spend money, the 1st one is a significant effect on inflation, which from many nation so effectively not much of the percentage of increase. the 2nd one is going to industrial limitations. it's quite clear that many of the
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nation and europe stop on the mission and spend pass was as full as they needed to be to them to fight for 3030 days. now, i'm turning on production lines, for example, turning on and not to re ammunition production is no simple. you can't just do it with a flick of the switch. you go to build the production line, you've got to assemble the sub components and necessary materials. and you will say got to train the staff to work on the production line. and i'm munition, you don't want to take risks with this, you know, fitting a notary shell with explosives. is something that doesn't allow for any short cuts if you want your ammunition factory. still the status is still really standing, but i will have to leave that to appreciate your expertise. i have been very senior fellow for lunch with the international see for strategic studies. thank you. thanks very much. 4 people have been confirmed dead after psycho gabrielle battered
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new zealand north island, the victims including a volunteer firefighter. the storm has now moved into the pacific. but you zealand is a dealing with the destruction. widespread flooding and lance lights of force thousands of people from their home tourists visiting new york city hoping to experience a winter wonderland might be disappointed. there is no snow in temperatures balmy and that says nearby regions have been seeing wrinkled snowfall out 0. gabriel is on day reports now from new york. on a recent february day in central park in new york city. you'd never have guessed it was right smack in the middle of winter. look around, people are dressed like it's spring or summer. wait, hold on shorts and a t shirt in central park in winter. where is the snow? new york city average is around 75 centimeters of snow every winter. so far this
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year, only about one centimeter has fallen. i do this. no. i like snow in winter. so i mean this is not normal winter. i feel so overdressed right now, and that's probably because i am. it's really too warm to be wearing these gloves. i certainly don't need this scarfs that probably don't even need to be wearing this jacket right now, but it's out of habit because it's mid february and it's supposed to be cold. but it's not temperatures on this day, nearly 18 degrees celsius. 15 degrees above the average temperatures this time of year, rather beautiful outside right now. look at this sunshine. crazy right. i love it. you ever seen new york in february like this? never before the northeast of the united states has seen all sorts of weather records this winter. in buffalo, about 600 kilometers from new york city,
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they saw more snow in december than any other winter in the past. 50 years in boston saw a record low temperatures in early february, down to negative $35.00 degrees celsius with wind chill, which i experienced 1st, an brock and fuel. on my finger tips through the gloves meteorologist say the extreme temperatures are caused in part by a weather pattern known as la nina. but also something else. climate change, as you know, the global warming, our winters are warming, and all weather now is taking place in an atmosphere. it's fundamentally changed, shifts warmer. it's more moist. and our weather is all occurring in that changed atmosphere. a new reality perhaps with new yorkers, 1st enjoying the warm weather. but now beginning to ask themselves, will it ever snow this year? because this isn't normal. gabriel is dondo. ouch is eda new york
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at pallets, canada also experiencing warm temperatures. and that means beloved tradition is on thin ice. literally, normally thousands of people stay to long ottawa's iconic, a widowed canal when it freezes over. but this year the ice is too thin to support their weight. it could be the 1st winter in half a century that no one is allowed to skate on the canal. like i, i can't remember the canal not opening and when to turn in i'm cookies. this is lynn long period. i think it's really too bad for all the businesses and all the people to find joy. but i think it's a really good point too for everybody to recognize the impact that climate change has on us here at plenty more. still to come here and out there, including the sports skiing and shooting. we'll hear what it takes to big to be good at via ah,
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african story from african perspective. short documentary from african filmmakers from ivory coast, just to lesson from chauffeur to play with the bus for fun, for his good, a function that moves things oh and south africa. if i, if i saw it changed, and it showed me that i'm actually tracking and fire with africa direct on al jazeera oil companies. the biggest companies in the world had a very deep understanding of the climate crisis before the rest of us. and yet they did not tell anyone else. that's where the crimes 40 years of denying their own scientific evidence. i feel that i could important them to change their business plan. this was very naive decisions that have plagued our future. it's just pure evil. i don't know what to say. big oils big lies ought to on
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a jessina. lou . ah have a good a welcome back time to sport now and it is advantage by munich and that champions league last 16 target price has your math driving champions one the 1st lake in paris, one mill with this go from mccain's because it means it p. s. g have now lost their last 3 games and all competition. second, like is in germany, that is on march, the 8. in choose days of the game, a similar they beat spurs one milk in italy, or ham diaz at school. the only go of game that was just off the sub minutes. later on wednesday, dockman play chelsea and his club rouge,
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a gates and figure. there is a huge game and english premier league as the talked to teams, arsenal and match the city faced each other in london. a victory for city would see them replace asked no of the top of the table. the gunners were denied when in their last game because of a mistake by the video assistant referee. the manages manager says he's been impressed by his pass response and great energy i since it, since i arrived, am after the ran for again from the staff from area to the club. he was a mixture between anger and desire to play them their next game. if they beat us because they are better, is a sport. i will be the 1st one gradually. dom, who demand perfect perfection from everybody. for 9. this is minister to be done. so you want it ok, fight to you know, take it from our hands are still in our heads and out of our play that never done it. but we want to use that energy that will enter that angle that we have inside.
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these are our late to, to do, to fight, you know who we are and maximum to, to try to retain that idle. if you open it because the other one was better, safer, has confirmed that saudi arabia will host the next club will come in december. the announcement comes just a few days after real madrid lifted the trophy morocco sidey will become only the 6 hosts of the competition which began in the year 2000 mercedes formula. one team have revealed their car for the new season. they returned to the all black color, once again pitching their traditional silver arrows look last time it was to show support for diversity and equality to now the decision has been made the li bits of the car unpainted in order to save weight. mercedes finished 3rd last year behind red ball and ferrari. this is the most exciting time of year when you get in the 1st time you drive out the pit lane and you get that sense. okay, got the power you got there, the ceiling,
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mechanical balance theory working. that's sort of exciting to see. it's clear that we've seen the car now in contemplating. is she fast or not have you cured some of the problems? what are going to be the challenges that respond on track, and that is a bit and big. nolan talk good says he's playing to win as he gets ready for his return to the pga tour. the 15 times at major champion hasn't played in 7 months because of the leg. injuries he sustained in a car crash back in 2021. i would not have put myself out here. if i did say i could beat his dress and when the event, ah, that's my mentality. and if i wasn't ready to when at this love, i know i am very rusty. but i've come off rusty situation before and i've done well . germany is hosting the the world championships in barcelona sport to combine skiing and shooting. we met an up and coming athlete in sweden who explained help being fast on skis is worthless unless you can control no pulse
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thing. my name is kelsey also. i'm a 3 this bartlett from gothenburg originally completing at the national swedish level it cross country skiing with a tour. basically, it's the right we're live with every human being the table can turn a 100 percent. every time, like normal costs come to the teen youth, seeing kind hourly how the rate is going by the boss, and you never really know until the last 2 things completion. but if the biggest part is that you think in all different states, and if you want to be on the podium, you have to do here in those to soon it's one of their tougher courses in the word cup for it's lot. so he'll see no played easiest off. he'll are down here all the time. so maybe take it a bit easier on the law and don't be complete nascar on the fact. you are thing.
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even regular press, if you think they don't have the, the policy or the like we have, i'm maybe 18190 in policy into the fuel thing. and then it's really us managed to get to parts down. and in the few things you learn to control the movement in the, in the rife, and in the body of when with breezy. before i shot a lot, they steal, the more tired you are been to come in to the future. they are hard to the few things going to be on the last few thing. if you want to completion, it's always a lot with the law filters. all the hard to say everything can be adjusted or fixed for the person who's using the full. and it's also used to weigh a little lock, it's a heavy and to be like he's the tooth or we have a really big lead in like in the young, those in the child part,
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lot of activity with grade. but i think i really hope to develop in sport like to keep in the elders like we're not so many a lot of people stop doing this and get into a regular 9 to 5 today life. i may try to avoid that as long as i can. both ponying is the adult life as much as i can have plenty more sport coming up in a couple of hours. but does it mean not for this news? i, i'll be back in a couple of minutes and we'll have a, a full half hour of use here. right? ah, ah.
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ah, knowledge is here. where ever you oh, worked out, is there english since it's lordship, as a principal presenter and as a correspondence with any breaking the story we want to hear from those people who would normally not get that voice is heard on the international news channel. one moment i'll be very proud of was when we covered the napoleon quake of 2015, a terrible natural disaster on the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story was very important at the time rushes rule in ukraine has dominated well,
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he's for the past 12 months. devastating for those in the line of fire or directly impacts. and it has strengthened global alliances and deepened divisions with far reaching effects on the lives of millions of people. worldwide in a week had special coverage al jazeera explored every aspect of the conflict, the human, the political, and the economic and possibilities of resolution. ukraine war one year on, on out there. ah .


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