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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 23, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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it has strengthened global alliances and deepened divisions with far reaching effects on the lives of millions of people. worldwide. in a week hood special coverage al jazeera explored every aspect of the conflict, the human, the political, and the economic, and the possibilities of resolution. ukraine war one here on, on out there. new to moment. they treat it by a fame and a multi $1000000000.00 da da chin to pull her and mission i with haitian and culture edition hollywood freeman on i just
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even ah, ah, you're watching the news are alive from a headquarters in delphi. i'm getting obligated coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel launches airstrikes on gaza after rock hurts. are fired from the territory. funerals are held and the occupied west bank after 11 palestinians were killed and is really raid in nablus. i'm families, aidan live from tier care what incredible stories of compassion emerge from the rubble of, of quite trapped under the rubble and cheering for their lives. we hear from a family that recorded its horror of turkey as earthquakes, and survived posts, as the war. new crane nears its 1st year. we look at its impact on children,
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me. i'm john nash with school. it says manchester united in boston and prepared to face off in the amazon just as 15 failed to make that dominant counts in the champions league, allowing light pick gates from the 1st leg with a one overall i hello, we begin this news. our with is really strikes carried out on the gaza strip. it happened in the early hours of thursday morning. they targeted what they say were high mass military sites. and this amateur video appears to show one of those missiles landing hours earlier. 6 rockets were fired from gaza into israel. the israeli army says it intercepted 5 of them. no casualties were reported. all this coming after hammer said it would be responding to the killings if at least 11 palestinians during a raid by is really forces in nablus. and occupied westbank on wednesday,
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more than a 100 people were injured in that rage. let's get reaction from sort of hide us who's joining us from western limb sarah over to you. yeah, well the idea the are these ready for says did release the statements saying that they intercepted 5 of those 6 rockets that came over the wrong garza, one of them landing in the field. so there are no injuries hoping that there's not going to be any more escalation from this. they will came to highlight the places that they targeted that they said it had hamas weapons. they showed an image showing that there was a hospital nearby as school civilian homes, and they were saying this is proof that hamas is choosing areas where the all within a civilian densely populated areas. because the gaza strip is extremely that the population does. it remains on the israeli occupation now since that statement.
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they've also been saying that the security level pay a high in occupied areas that she occupied east jerusalem with more security on the streets. they had warned they are expecting that there will be retaliation attacks . and that's why they're stepping up to security, especially after the rage. why now the number of people that have been killed in occupied west by policy is just in less than 2 months since this new right wing government to power is a little over 60 people. so that just gives you an idea of where this, these, the tax and his violence is heading, moving forward, but also in occupied east jerusalem and occupied territories such as the west bank palestinians are protesting against what happened yesterday. and in not that it's a general strike that's including banks, we've just coming hit the officer saw plenty of stores that have been closed. bakeries that have been close as well as school students have decided protestant
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issues that they won't be going to school as a strike against the situation of what happened yesterday. all right, thank you so much, sarah. hire out for that update from western saloon. we can now cross over to garza and bringing him to say she's joining us from there. so how hire attentions and the gaza strip, you know, and what are palestinian group saying about the next steps? yes, theory in. so what was witness to in all the previous escalations, they're launching of rockets from the gods. a strip is that they were in response to any israeli attack that has happened or in the west bag in east jerusalem, or even here or in the gaza strip. or the policy you groups have made it clear in their statements is should i ever after every air strike and even after this last air strike by islamic jihad, they said that, that the of the, of the people of the gaza and the policy in people have the right to defend
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themselves and what a d, a resistance has done in responding is a very fair response to the aggression off the occupation towards the palestinian people. how must confirmed the same statement and added to it that the general strike and protests that are taking place, hearing the gods, the strip and the launching of rockets comes as a confirmation that all palestinian people are one and that there is no division between the west bank and the gaza strip, and so they are watching and monitoring closely what the occupation will be doing in the west bank in the coming days. okay, now thank you so much for that update from garza. and over in the west bank funerals are being held for some of the 11 palestinians were killed by israeli forces and nobliss on wednesday. neither abraham has more from it. i'm a law plug ins are still laying their loved ones to rest this morning to
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funerals are taking place in different cities in the occupied westbank. one man who succumb to his wounds after they read in nablus and another who succumb to wounds that he sustained. 2 weeks ago after and his really read on wednesday, it was the deadliest raid into decades. 11 palestinians were killed in the city of nap. it's this is why you're seeing the streets behind me empty the, the stores shot palestinians say that they want the world to know what's happening to them. but also have been hearing from many for the city and saying that they feel left alone dealing with the israeli army, that they don't have any protection. and they took a lot about impunity. and this is exactly why i'm joined here by mr. lee ann from a huck organization. mr. thing we keep hearing policy is talk about the i c c, the international criminal court. they want to investigate what is happening with
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icbc actually, everybody knows that i see prosecutor concluded its preliminary examination 2 years ago and decided to open an investigation into that situation in the city. but as time based on knowledge, no practical steps have been taken so far know the conclude these, this investigation and we have been calling on the court and the prosecutor to take these steps to conclude the investigation. unless this investigation is concluded, we believe that crimes will continue to be committed. and unless sanctions are imposed on the 5th of israel to occupying for we believe that these crimes will continue to be committed once more had on the all the 0 news hour, including the plight of pregnant women in turkey and syria. how the recent earthquakes are written, concerns for those about to give birth, but i'm going home and the us mexico border where us authorities say that new
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policies and a new out of met a real decrease in the amount of people jumping the fence coming up in for carlos altura wins again, but nobody joked. edge still does not see him as his main rival. ah, in the number of people children, earthquakes in turkey and syria has risen to nearly 50000. nearly 8000 after shocks have been felt since the 1st large tremors, 2 weeks ago in syria, nearly 6000 people have died and millions are homeless. many in both countries are concerned. there could be more equates to come. let's bring in some you have done for more. he's joining us from donna in turkey. sammy yes, during what the officials are now talking about is the focus is getting people today
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into contain cities. they stopped that program today. phase one, the hoping to get people into 15000 contain the units. they're also talking about constructing prefab homes. and i have to say when we were driving out on the highways, we did see a lot of laurie's carrying prefab houses, the focus being on trying to get people out of very shaky, unstable living conditions, intense and camps, and so on. and getting them into something that is a little more conducive to something of a return to normal life. that kind of transition can't come too soon. and you just need to look at some of the un figures to understand why the u. n is now saying one and a half 1000000 people are homeless in southern took here as a result of the earthquakes 450-0000 or half a 1000000 homes need rebuilding and saying when it comes to the clean up operation up to 210000000 tons of rubble needs to be cleared away. you're talking about an
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area that's 30 square kilometers, worth full of rubble that needs clearing up. it's a huge operation. oh, we've been seeing over the days, people pulled out of that rubble. i came across one incredible story of a family film themselves under the rubble, assuming they were going to die. and they wanted to send a message to the world, a message to help others on the outside. he will know them. she'll try me. under the rubble take families pinned down by collapsed concrete and struggling to breathe. telephone if we die and this phone is found that our fire was here in car mon rush. under the rubble of this massive earthquake . when they decide to film what they believe are their final moments. but this is not the incredible story of their survival. this is the incredible story of their
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selflessness women. whoever finds this phone, please help me fulfill my promises to people. please give them stuff. a tooth has a 500 lyrics and you own the children from 5000 lire, please, and paid to them on my behalf. the family had collected donations and were worried . the money in their apartment wouldn't make it to the needy. this is what's left of what the code family once called home, the powerful earthquake reduced an entire compound of towers to dust underneath, fatma otto and their 3 children endured 10 hours of agony. incredibly, they were rescued alive, all except the youngest son belie. his mother filmed him, playing with his brother before the quake in what would become his final moments. for in concert, we heard the tremor in the early hours of the morning. the billing shook into the
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children and my wife followed. i called out loud and he looked at me. but before i could pull him out, the building collapsed and surviving an earthquake. and then surviving being trapped under the rubble of your own home. that's an unimaginable old deal. but then walking above that rubble, that can be painful to. we're looking for beloved things like his clothes or books . i had a son here. he talked laugh and slept here. when you're walking on top of your path, each footstep forward takes you back with the shop. so it's very difficult to be here. it's bringing back bad memories. a lot of the each scoop raises hope. each item uncovered pools at the heart. suddenly a mother is confronted with what she thought, but didn't desire her dead son's shirt. some food and tea can fill the void of hunger and not the emptiness of losing
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a son. so you're in the middle of an earthquake. why were you thinking about charity for others? i mean, that's a beautiful thing, but most people would be worried about themselves, upgrade or change, because the money was for orphans, people trusted me with their money. the story of the cooked family has spread into care prompting donations to the orphans partner was so worried about under the rubble. the could take comfort in knowing that through their actions, the old deal that ended below our life has started a new chapter and the lives of others. sammy's a than al jazeera, got a man massage to kia. the incredible fair that of the code of family when i spoke to them and i asked farmer, why are you so devoted? where does it come from your devotion to helping kids. and she told me about a story. she said, when she 1st got married, they were not in a very comfortable financial situation. i kids used to cry for can be, she said. and from that situation, she develops a desire,
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a devotion to helping kids in need. especially often she said, it's an incredible story that is inspiring people, but of course, it's not only kids who are in need in this area the you and these warning are hundreds of thousands of people who are a needs of basic things like food will. joining us here to talk about those needs is the country director for the world food program of to care. part of us here on the swan a good to have you with us. first of all, we've heard the you and say that up to 900000 people need a hot meal. now days after that emergency appeal, how many of them have you been able to get hot meals going for? thank you very much, sammy. from day 2 of the earthquake, w b has mobilized its internal available resources and we had started already providing food items for kitchens that were providing meals. so far as of today,
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my figures are almost close to 900000. but we believe that they may be more people on the move and these mobile kitchens, kitchens in the months, apologies that are serving companies would require continuous support to cater to these additional people who are moving from locations from the way. where is that additional support going to come from the are appealing the voluntarily funded organization and w p. s. so you on system miss appealing to our partners and donors for funding? because if we have to sustain the emergency operation for the 3 months that we believed required relief assistance, then this is the time for us to show them what we are doing and support the government's response in this relief. and i imagine that if you want to help, of course, people in the immediate aftermath of a, a disaster like this. but you've got to also work on getting them into some kind of self sufficiency, right? people shouldn't have to go on that large number of people for extended periods on relying on others to feed them. how important a plan is coming or is
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a plan coming together to get them in to self sufficiency stage? definitely. prior to the earthquake world for program ran a employment program that we had youths ah, being skilled to do different things, including being chef assistance, who currently are working as well or tree chefs in these places that cook meals are being provided. so i believe it's extremely important to support the government's efforts to take people, coin too early to covey and into livelihood that are more sustainable. and we will continue to support that as part of our overall program that we have in turkey. how important is it that you get people out of tents and into some kind of more stable housing so that people do become more self sufficient? semi as you know, have of much a government is prepared for such a big a national disaster. avi seed that international help is very warmly welcomed and
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as you, when and as doubly of p v are working with our government partners and other international partners to support the effort to help people to a more stable and longer term solutions for shelter. the food needs will continue to be assessed and we will continue to provide the food security aspect and the support from our side for the people will, will be moved to a more conducive a shelter in the coming days. all right, thanks so much part of a thief talking to us and then good luck with the operation. of course, it's not just food needs here. there are need. there are multiple needs for people as you speak to them. and one segment of the earthquake survivors that we need to really talk about is pregnant women. as now, theresa bo reports from shanley over into the care, 350000 pregnant women. need special medical attention. i mean, i left the pregnant and without a home she has been living in attend in shallower, fall to the earthquake,
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destroyed her house 2 weeks ago, a refugee from the war in syria. she has been living into kia for 5 years. and i am looking for a place to rest and hopefully hospitals will be in good condition. we hope the situation will get better. i'm pregnant and the situation is difficult for everyone . the un says over 1500000 houses have been destroyed. and many of the victims are now living in camps like this one. health care is a major concern for humanitarian organizations, especially among women. thousands of them are expected to give birth in the next month, and many hospitals around this area have been destroyed. and that's why it is a concern that they'll be able to do it in a safe way. the united nations has deployed doctors and nurses intent comes to check on how women are coping with a disaster. jackie, they had her baby 2 weeks ago. and this also living in attend
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we are scared and cannot go back to our home because it is all damaged. it's warm here and better for the baby. and there are also providing women with medication and treatments. some are at risk of miscarriage. the u. n. is estimating at least $25000.00 birds in the next month. unfortunately, many of the house places were either destructed or they are not in or, or they are not operating at the moment. but what we are doing within our capacity as you and if gaze job supporting and working together with minister of how to ensure that section and productive hard services are continue. we need urgency to provide mobile as sorry, each clinics and other support services are for to ensure women and goes access to these services. the turkish government has promised to fast track with building. but until that happens,
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there are hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people who have been left without a home. biddies i will, i'll jessina shall learn far to keep all the scenes and the stories of suffering and devastation also reaching people in is stumble, hash mahala barra joins us from there. right now. how people reacting to what's going on in the south of the country hush him was i me, as i see people grappling in the south west with a widespread destruction and the loss of life, it is exacerbating their own anxieties about the future. but typically what happens if an earthquake, it's is somebody somebody's the most popular city in turkey is populated, is far larger than the entire population of the area. there was a head by the power for earthquake and the after shocks and, and because it is also a city that says on an area where you have
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a tectonic plates where the northern italian ford, which is running just south of this city. and this has been raising concerns among the people city official had been saying that they have conducted a survey and that they have been trying to been part of the areas which could be one notable could collapse if there's an earthquake, they say that they need to demolish thousands of building retrofit or the most vulnerable ones, but you're talking about a plan that is going to take years and will require a dozens of billions of dollars. this is hops become. this has become a political issue with the opposition thing that the government has failed to deliver on the promise is it made about 2 decades ago to try to build a city that can resist earthquake. the government has been defending it. earthquake responses that he has lost a massive transfer urban transformation of the city of istanbul. but by the end of the day, people are saying we're still up pretty much concerned that our buildings may not
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be able to withstand an earthquake. if it hits a stumble as we're going to see. and this report a race against time for these building inspectors. they're scanning for cracks or poor foundations, then they'll decide which buildings to demolish, and which should be repaired. city officials warned a few days ago that $90000.00 buildings could collapse if an earthquake hits is stumbled. when the mach looks ambient on a limb is there an earthquake in a symbol will affect 4 and a half 1000000 people. this is a top priority for us and should be seen as a national security matter. it has to be taken to the highest level mark levant, act ush, and the bought his house 3 years ago. but he doesn't know whether the building is earthquake. proof. levant is among a growing number of people who no longer feel safe in istanbul. realistic of islam
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luck all, mcclellan, i'm not planning to live longer. in istanbul, eventually i will have to leave for another place. i am thinking about taking my family to effect the city of ogden is stumbled. sits not far from the north, anatolia, and fooled seismologists of gun. my dear john fees, the worst asian site is very safe in terms of a grant conditions. and also the housings are relatively new in the asian site. and but if you go to a european site, only the safe place for the ground conditions are the northern part. as people in the south struggle to cope with the aftermath of this month's powerful earthquakes, people living in assembled fear the next one. for many years, seismologists have a warning of an earthquake, their predict could cause widespread disruption and assemble. this is an over crowded city and a big tourist attraction. and many people are worried. the want to know whether
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that buildings and their city are strong enough to withstand the major quake and prevent loss of life. how sheba balance 0 is stumble. well, the weather is heating up. here in a donna in southern took care not only the weather, but the intensity of the situation, the aftermath of this earthquake as hash and pointing out, drawing up people's confidence, people's sense of security. instability as well as the riverbeds here. i'm gonna hand you back now to darian in dell. ha. yes, i me. thank you so much. we're going to take this conversation forward and fact on the safety of buildings and speak to who like, who kaplan, he's an amorous professor in the department of urban and regional planning and gussy university. he's joining us from anchor a welcome to the al jazeera news hours. so looking ahead, how big a challenge is it going to be to ensure the safety of new buildings as well as
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strength in the older ones? well lived there. first of all, i will have to say that there be half and massive destruction in the region, including yellow, one, column, ts, oh, all republic. so there the outer craig, reduced to she tease is houses as well. and also is there been and therefore all pos, asshole road time for all the people? first of all, i ought to say that and known as a bad planning. what we should do, o, b, o to do, go through it and get you set of aspects of all blood pressure juice. these are all, all written in legislation in laws and regulations rates. what's rings me to my
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next question? in fact, as you're saying, i'm in turkey, at least on paper, it does have building codes that are meant to meet earthquake engineering standards . but why do you think that they weren't in forest and in a lot of cases, as we saw well live, 1st of all of there, we have some defax, all debility age and processes. those defax are also related to the issue and their bare application forms as well as far building housing or for building some others in their bills environments. i aspects, therefore, room there, the cities are, are all together, have to be considered in our regional, a special plan for these aaliyah, an old t ednas. and therefore, we have to her preserve all historical heritage areas,
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natural areas, and also agriculture, loudy us and then building a whole new towns and 2 living. what do you make of the government's plan is saying that it's launched a major transformation or urban transformation plan. so that the cities can cope with the next big earthquake if and when it comes well, live, damn day where we are living on an earthquake, a pencil law as an atoria, as we know leads we all have in our legislation and then the pronunciation measures for each and all planning sheets them all saw her consider such and their aunt, quick and other and that natural,
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our space. oh our rules. so, and we have to start with a plan. first of all, including architecture include inc and loud, be a construction engineering. she will engineering if you're looking all order engineering aspects plant 1st of all, as a regional plan for all of the earthquake destructor, the audio, and then they have to build all powered al taylor. first, we have to meet the basic needs of their earthquake, which items by constructing, quantify temporary shelters in the short den, medial dirt. so during this time, we have to also add their conduct all jones as you go and your
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physical air procedures and to renew the maps as an added air bag burger conducting air plans. okay. regional plans and soon to plan. thank you so much a mr. of a lie go cap line for speaking to us from ankara. thank you. still had only l 01 is our formula one cars, another gp bikes take to the streets of cats. hard as motor sports fans come out and forth. that's coming up in sports with jam ah, with it's still cold in east year, but no longer is it cold and windy was outbreaks of rain or snow. gently underneath his anti cycling temperatures are low,
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but the wind stop loading the sun as i mean keith could reach 0 today. it's still cold and doomed is minus one. and jamie, speaking, eastern europe is still fairly cloudy, but the biggest changes to the west where it was 2 days go spring like in the south of france and in spain. it isn't now at the warning out for severe snow in many parts of molten spain that he's going to be significant to the stumpage. however, it won't last for probably more than the day, but how we get to friday, the whole things expanded. he still got rain or some snow on high ground in france, and the same is true morocco and algeria, but spain itself looks fine again. now there's still a change taking place in central europe. this code normally means more snow on its way through germany and a cold wind even if you don't get that. for example, in brussels from 6 degrees down to 4, add a bit of windshield and snow shows. it's gonna feel really light winter has returned unexpectedly. you know what's happening up in the north west of this part
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of africa, but there's also an increase the likelihood of rain on the coast of west africa. ah, the 2 ukrainian filmmakers joined the army to fight against russian separatists in 2014. they document their journey from civilians to soldiers as the fighting intensifies the tools of their trade become weapons of war. what will be the toll for ukraine's brave hearts? witness on al jazeera. ah, ah.
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lou. ah ah, hello again. the top stories on the al jazeera news, our israel has carried out air strikes on the gaza strip, is really army says it struck what a weapons manufacturing site and in milledgeville, compound run by hamas. and israel is saying those strikes were launched in response to 6 rock. it's fired into is really territory from the gaza strip. the is really
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army says it intercepted 5 of the number of people killed and earthquakes. and turkey and syria has risen to nearly 50000 un says at least half a 1000000 homes. me rebuilding but hundreds of tons of rubble cost to be cleared. first. china says it will propose a plan to end the war in ukraine. beijing is expected to unveil that initiative on friday, which marks one year since rush. i began its invasion of ukraine. let's go to osama bon jovi joining us from moscow. so are we learning any more detail about what this plan is? what it is? well kept secret because john has been talking about this piece plan for the last few days, but it hasn't unveiled it as yet. this morning we've heard from the russian foreign ministry that it was not part of the discussions between china's top tip,
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the mud and the russian foreign minister. but it does not rule out that better. this plan has been given to both capital, moscow and key for them to have a reaction ready before china and builds that. but this is where china wants to be a, an arbiter which sits in the middle and tries to negotiate between these 2 sides, which remain far apart when it comes to how to in the war. and in summer, what more do we know about these russian claims that ukraine is reportedly about to attack the breaker region of trans mistrial and neighboring moldova. what are they basing those claims on this is according to the russian ministry of defense and tensions have been simmering. but being just now in moscow, as the new government has taken charge, you saw a few days ago where most of a cross blocked it's a territory. and this big of a region of trans mystery is a small strip, which also holds one of the largest weapons depot since the 2nd world war. so
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russia have been concerned because it believes that the rest and powers are going to try and make and that the front because trans history is very russian troops are stationed as well to secure the weapons depot. but there has been so far, no confirmation of how this attack about apparently is going to take place. and what are the details about it? but russia believes that the right thing, the militia, the age of in ukraine, which seems to have a new not see the background is planning and false flag attack. we're still waiting to hear any more details. but this is russia, again founding the alarm bells that it could face and the front in moldova. ok, thank you so much. some of the, just a for that update from moscow. now we can cross those in bas robbie. he's joining us in the ukranian capital key. so sirens have been going off in the capital. what is the feeling around the country and around keep where you are as that one year
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anniversary approaches in well, this is certainly a city that is especially cautious of what's happening around it at the moment. we've been preparing here in the capitol. ukrainians have been preparing for the potential of another attack by the russians. another invasion of source to commemorate the one year anniversary of this war. they've been expecting it for some time now. so they are on high alert. we had an air raid alarm over the capitol this morning. we've heard reports of an, an identified aerial vehicle of some kind, possibly a drone or a surveillance or reconnaissance balloon. it is unclear. still, exactly what it was. air defenses were operational, there were explosions, heard around the key region, most likely air defense is at work. now, most of the aerial attacks that come into this area come from a firing positions that the russians have in the black sea. they come from the east,
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but many of them come from the border with beller is from the russian side, where there are a large amount of russian troops stationed in this morning. we heard from the operational commander of forces in the north saying that his unit had observed some worrying developments across the board and beller, russo mobilization of troops, large convoys of unmarked vehicles, carrying equipment and soldiers wearing uniforms with the pixel pattern that they say is typical of russian troops, and they say that this is the clearest indication so far that russia may be preparing another full scale or some kind of invasion ahead of the anniversary of the war tomorrow. now on the eastern front, front lines remain static and bullet are remain the main operational centers. but there is a growing concerned that along with the anniversary, there may be some action from bella who is something that the ukrainians have been saying all along. but after the trips from the u. s. president joe biden, as well as other officials, spanish, and italian leaders in the last few days,
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there is a great deal of bolstering of sentiments, of the people here, the war. so the support for the war has very different now there was a year go support for the ukranian war was 58 percent among ukrainians last year. the latest polls show that 95 percent of ukrainians are happy for the happy to see the war. carry out its, carry out or continue to go on and meet its final conclusion which would be a ukrainian victory. ok, thank you so much for that update from cave. well, generation of children in ukraine is having to deal with the realities of war. many have lost the parents or been separated from loved ones. and the un is warning of a looming mental health crisis with one and a half 1000000 children at risk. here's a once again, he reports from her pin, which was occupied by russian forces for weeks aid workers operating on the front lines and ukraine. se the countries young are in trouble. sounding an
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alarm difficult to hear over air raid sirens. everyday things are going in the wrong direction, potentially, until another re from the parents. children not away from their friends til them away from moments unless there is peace and soon the mental health of the youngest victims of this war will only get worse. the lives of more than 7000000 children upside down since the beginning of the war. i grew an example women last year. this time you with them have children who would say, hey, this is the sound of this messiah. this is the sound of this tank. or this is a machine gun noise kind of thing. but now thousands of millions of children, of losing the tangled grows they're exposed to the war. as little leaders talk about selling more weapons to ukraine. children, seeing the war up close, often stop speaking and become unable to socialize or connect with others. the most
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vulnerable are those closest to the front lines. where there is relative peace. there are reasons for hope. in european, the sounds of joy replaced the sounds of shells. a year after russia's occupation, families are finding ways of getting back to normal animal law. as it is amusing at that time, i couldn't understand how he could been the 21st century that a war could start. i was trying to keep my daughter calm for children, the most important thing is to feel safe and communicate with their classmates. when we return to air pin over time, they allow children to attend school. and we are very happy that teachers are using remote learning for students living as refugees outside of ukraine, extra classes, and whatever else they can offer. to turn what became a flash point back into a place of learning,
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teachers say they think their school was deliberately targeted even after the repairs. you can see where the shrapnel and bullets hit the side of this building. now it is much easier to repair obvious damage like this, the teachers and parents we've been speaking to say it is much more difficult to repair the kind of damage. you cannot see. the educator say they are trying to make sure a generation is not lost to the war. are you glad to be back in school? are you happy school started again. how did you feel when you go into schools? this is very happy. i'm speaking with this is very happy go into school. it could take years to rehabilitate those in ukraine school system. but for teachers here, every child back in a classroom bye. okay. bye. is a child save zane basra, the old jazeera aeroplane. well, we have a week long special series on the far reaching consequences of the ukraine war
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a year, into the conflict. make sure you tune in these hours where we will explore both sides, military strategies and how the war is feeling and new global arms race. a senate candidates from nigeria is opposition. labor party has been shot and killed in the south east. this is the latest incident in a state of violence ahead of saturday's election house, which also reports from a new, gu israel by fortunate, generous civil war known as if i, after all, with them in prison. if we are between 967 and 1970, that attempt at cessation in the south east home to the able homeland, ethnic group killed more than 1000000 people. but when, when you finish the retire lieutenant colonel is wide about a new generation of fighters who say not enough people from this region have influence over nigeria, politics, security, and economy. i'm suggesting that the flag will mitchell think deeply and see how
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they can bring us into the equation to our slides, the syllabus, under handouts, the people, the boys who are warren alleged to badly nigeria southeast has seen an increase in pre election violence, kidnappings, and continued agitation from some to split from the rest of the country. dozens of people have been killed this year in a row you to abuse your breast lobe, robin or breast robber. i believe no kids. you know what all, i become difficult for them to tell her that liberty a free dog does i midra instincts, a man what really breed them. so i don't want to be free presidential and parliamentary elections are on saturday. some polling stations will not be used because of insecurity. security force to say they will guarantee lower an order. i don't normally to tell you how, where we do it's not i'm telling you is ups would do it on every one. we have the
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liberty to aside the franchise. insecurity is not the only issue for voters. rising unemployment and economy are major concerns. this market is usually busy at this time of the day. a lot more people would be here looking for good deals and bothers what it's quiet with the shortages of cash. banks often run out and that's effectively everyday life in nigeria, president mohammed, uber. harry is serving his 2nd and last term. many nigerians hope waiver takes over from him, will quickly turn around the economy and result lingering conflicts, harder matters, al jazeera integral nigeria, the you are says new measures impose that southern border and january have led to a decrease in the number of illegal crossings. townhome and reports from tuana the united states has changed the rules for people from haiti, nicaragua, and cuba,
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who went to the country legally across the southern border, and then asked for asylum before they were allowed to stay while the request was processed. that meant they were exempt from title 40 to a public health order. the u. s. has been using to refuse entry to migrants, but no more. the u. s. has done a deal with mexico ensuring they stay in that country while they wait us authority sites were to dissuade many from crossing illegally. a drop of 42 percent between december and january and hells. an example is from nikolai, were jumped the boot offense to us per asylum, thinking he'd be able to stay. but he was sent back to mexico. now he's in a shelter in p one. now, you might see over the phone with me if it was still in the correct and i had found out that the talk to was gone. i wouldn't have come with an animal that will please us authority. incoming president biden's administration perhaps had to do something
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the last fiscal year. they were reco numbers of apprehensions of migrants on this, the southern border. and they were under a lot of pressure, especially from republicans to get those numbers down. the new strategy has other elements to rewards, as well as penalties. one is the humanitarian pro program for applicants from haiti, cuba, nicaragua, venezuela, to stay in the us for 2 years. as long as they have sponsors their us, his place to take up to 30000 people a month. the new app has also been rolled out for those already at the buddha. allow them to book appointments with us officials rather than wait and queues or unless controlled by non governmental agencies. but those we talked to in the same shelter as unhealthy, having problems using the app, especially getting the confirmation email. they said needed for the appointment. but if you look up the i lost my appointment on the 1st february because the confirmation email didn't arrive. all it says is system error, system error. but pastor, oh, but roberta,
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who's in charge of the shelter still thinks it's a good idea. he just needs to be modified server things. nothing is going to go down because people are entering into the app and they know there's a legal process that they're going to do it. so they're not going to hire coyotes and then end up being kidnapping. human traffic in is going to go down because you have an access to how to do it legally. and it's going to bring security for the life of the immigrants and also for, for the border and heal from the can. i work. he's now trying to use the app, waking up at 3 in the morning to try and book his spoke sofa. he's had no luck. john holman, al jazeera, if one stella had only l 0 news, our panama book, their spot at the women's world cup for the 1st time. that's coming up in sports with germany. ah.
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with a
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whole lou . ah. hello again. time for the sports in serious drama. thank you drain, let's begin with the champions league and manchester city were made to pay for not taking my chances against leipzig, the fast leg finished all squire in germany, while in some land took control of that. i against 40 david steaks rounds at the action. we deserve it, but we saw some dodgy defending in the champions league on tuesday. a wednesday was no different life's eggs loose pass gifted the opening. go to read more as to put manchester city ahead in germany. but despite dominating possession, city miss several chances to pull further. claire with earling holland,
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having an unusually quiet night. it cost them eventually when your sco gaudio headed in for leipzig, who had been on a full game winning streak in the competition. 21 year old defender leaping, highest to level things up. oh, you're quite good to go and would have restored city's lead straight to wait. had it not been for the quick reflexes of leipzig keeper, yamil plastic it finished 11 and afterward city boss pet. guardiola did his best to cheer up his players ahead of the 2nd legged manchester as they continued their quest to win the trophy for the 1st time there was had zone. so when you had done that to his up, it was really good sick of you think it to put the like it does a minute. it wednesdays or the game in some alum beat ports i will kneel at the sun syrup, substitute romilly, la caca, getting the only go with 4 minutes left after ports. i had been reduced to 10 men
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of the italians with the advantage heading into the 2nd leg in portugal in 3 weeks time. maybe stokes, out a 0. if the 1st leg was anything to go by, we could be in for quite an ice at old trafford. later as manchester united to take on ball selena for a place in the last 16 of the right league, the sides played out a thrilling tool toward the new camp last week leaving this tight, wide open. in i said one is competition in 2017. that's the last time they lifted a trophy, although they could get their hands on some silver wire on sunday when they pay newcastle in the league cup final. every day we want to give a better frictional fo cells, and we are sure when you fish such big teams as barcelona, you have to play your best. oh, do i sure don't have insurance and so we want to come true to come to the next round. so you're really, we have to get the best performance from decisions and that we believe in it. i'm looking forward to it. baffling
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a coach chevy says united i one of the best teams in europe right now. also, they do have a good recent record against united there and biesen and their last 5 matches against them. but the spanish think lead as a missing key midfield is gabby. he suspended, and petrie, who's injured for over you. i'm was an a woman the form of us out of the last. i think we come here in good shape despite the players we're missing for that's no excuse. we're gonna try and put our best foot forward. it's clear that manchester united to having a best moment they've had for quite a few years and it's gonna be tough. but i think that we've got the team to get through to the next round. panama have secured the final spot for the women's world cup off the beating paraguay one l in espanol header, securing victory in the qualifying by off in class and going wild whole time was surprising is that because this is the 1st time they've qualified for the wildcat they want to 16 in the region. here's how the teams will line up then when the tournament kicks off in australia and new zealand in
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july of panama, go into group f with brazil, jamaica france. thanks to the expanded 32 team format, one of 8 countries that will make the world cup. davey along with haiti, morocco, the philippines, portugal the republic of ireland, vietnam, and zambia, portugal and vietnam face a tough challenge in grief against the netherlands and the united states. while the defending champions to tell us that in spanish topsy, to call us al, crosses into round 2 of the reopen after being delayed by rain, the defending champion came back to wrap up a comfortable with april resilient the next up her face. it's nice for me. 19 year old outcries, one the senior rates and last week off the modem. 3 months out injured in that so i'm the not the one number one ranking today that job of it should've made it his goal to get it back. she won the australian open last month has been speaking back home in serbia. he prays out cross, but says he still doesn't consider him. his biggest rival. i cannot call him my
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main rival. my main rival is still an adult. you know, even though walker was obviously number 2, he was number one is one slam you arguably the next biggest thing in our sport or he's already there. i just feel about the rivalry when a dollar is something that is difficult to eliminate. just because someone is doing great things in the last year and a half, you know, and a doll has been the biggest rival in. busy probably real, remain the biggest rival i ever had in my my career for my well, number one and the murray put in another got the performance to reach the quarter finals. the cats are open to time championed inside the alexander baron, resets in a match which lasted 3 hours. marie plays french, qualify alexandra miller. next organizes of golf. so open championship
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have decided to allow players on the new series to compete this year, including the reigning champion, cameron smith. the other form i opened when is on the list sockets. phil mickelson, hendricks sense and ad louis east hasan is, wasn't guaranteed given that live plaza will be banned by the p j tool in the united states. for me, one teams have done testing that calls the head of the new season, which stops, and just over a week's time in bahrain in october, the sports will once again hold a grown pri, here in castle where there's a huge following for motors votes. as to how market because we are finding out on the streets of the sale. oh
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oh, what about a rally? cause one cause it would be like the one with the hopefully at the end of the year when the right there, we see many in fact, i think growing in both britain is the whole, the deck already champion a now a we had such a great reception we keep pray that, you know, we feel a whole me and i think that the middle east generally has really embraced the one.
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there's a fine be here for performance. can be a problem or displayed when i, when i go with that, like a great evening salary that we missed out, didn't we during the or at the tennyson saturday. right. thanks. thank you so much, john. thanks for watching the news. our on al jazeera. so hell romans have you in just a moment, how much more of the days? ah ah
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lou. ready the catastrophic series of earthquakes into kia and syria has taken thousands of people's lives and left many more harmless. a major mobilization of humanitarian support is underway ah. our teams on the ground will bring you continuous updates to t n. syria makes on al jazeera ah, a weekly look at the world's top business stores, from global markets, and economies to construction and small businesses. to understand
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how it affects our daily lives. counting the cost on al jazeera, a unique, yet endangered biodiversity lies in the heart of one of ecuador, tropical jungles. there was a lot of misinformation about the animals that we have here. and now they're probably allergic to come by. others of conservation in their communities out there a journey deep into the rain forest to follow a scientist and her team's effort to save the flora and fauna. so precious in the region. women make science ecuador is hidden treasure on al jazeera. a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex, so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given crisis or issue a or the smell of death is overpowering as al jazeera correspondence, that's what we strive to do. mm. mm.


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