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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2023 10:00am-10:31am AST

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the you, it is always of interest to people around the world. this is been going on for a number of hours with a gap in use of the reports story from an international perspective. we try to explain to our global audience how this could impact the life. this is an important part of the world, and our view is very good at bringing the news to the world. from here. in syria citizens are collecting evidence, a show of crimes committed against civilians. we've moved out of syria now about $600000.00 pages of material so that one day they can bring the aside regime to justice. it puts a human face on the charges. it's a dead human face, but it's a human face. syria witnesses for the prosecution on al jazeera. ah.
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ready ready 365 days of war, thousands dead and millions displaced as the warn ukraine enters its 2nd year where live and keith, where ukrainians are preparing to mock the 1st anniversary of the invasion. ah, okay, talk to mrs. al jazeera life and also coming up china calls for peace talks between ukraine and russia. as part of its proposal to end the conflict. the un passes a resolution calling on russia to withdraw its troops from ukraine. and in other news, we hear from the earthquake survivors in to hear you say that he's scared to go home, that the buildings have been declared safe. it's
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been one year since russian president vladimir putin announced the military operation in ukraine, leading to the largest war in europe since world war 2, thousands of people have lost their lives and millions have been displaced since the start of the conflict on the front lines. russia controls much of the territory east to the, to the pro river, but the ukrainian counter offensive in the autumn reclaimed sways of land in the north and the south, including the key city of hassan. now the focus is on the city of back moot which at present, lensky sex has been reduced to ruins by the russian offensive. cha, stratford is in cave and take a look at the key moments from the past year. on february, the 24th 2022 was the 1st wave of russian troops crossed the border. russian missiles struck it past became clear that blood may putin's insistence that he would not invite ukraine, that beat ally. it was
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a multi pronged attack quotient forces crossed from ben roussel, advanced towards keith, was a similar push in the northeast. oh, and in the east towards ukraine's 2nd city car cave. at the same time, mainly pro russia separate his forces, a tax of towns in ukrainian controlled areas of don ex ganske, ukrainian president. not yet in his trademark military fatigues, cold for help till november. i had a conversation with you as president joe biden. the u. s. is starting to gather international support. paul planning and brave ukrainian defense quickly scalp at putin's immediate plans to take give the russian army columns will soon bogged down and smashed water. know that a whole wolf, the enemy pretty calculated their communications in logistic needs and their supply warehouses were across the border. this meant that after 2 days there were stopped without fuel, ammunition,
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and food. and they lost the effective management of their troops. on the 1st of april, ukraine announced it had recaptured the entire region around cave dead civilians. some with their hands bound behind their backs were discovered seemingly with a hippy shot. russia was accused war crimes. the russian army which ukrainian intelligences had planned on taking control keeping 3 days itself at a story humiliating defeat. in may, after months of intense fighting in the port city of mariel, the last remaining ukrainian fighters surrendered as a star steal plot. but ukraine by now was receiving what would become tens of billions of dollars worth military aid. autumn counter offensive liberated tens of thousands of square kilometers, including the city of care. so watch out the preparations for the counter offensive started in april by june when we had received western weapons,
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we were better able to hit their supply lines, command centers, and weapons, and fuel depot. we could also attack the reserve troops as they approached the front line keeps going up. but since december, ukrainian gaines have slowed to a virtual standstill, russia has made small advances in eastern dawn by using what ukrainian forces say waves off the wave of infantry soldiers and mercenaries from the wagner group. some of the heaviest fighting continues around the town of buck moot. where many of the estimated $5000.00 civilians who remained there refused to be evacuated. officials here and here on their western allies, convinced that russia is about to launch what they describe as a spring offensive. more sophisticated weaponry, such as tanks, is on its way from nato countries, but with no end in sight to the fighting. many are asking just how long ukraine's allies can fund this war. despite their lead is saying, it is a flight,
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the democracy. they cannot lose. stafford, i'll just 0 here. let's go live, not to the ukraine capital case, where we're joined by saying that the rob is saying we understand presence lensky spoken. what does he have to say? that's right, to mark this anniversary, the ukrainian leader has made a very rousing 15 minute long speech that he's posted on social media. you know, before he became president, he was a media tycoon. he knows how to message, but this speech is very different from what he was saying about a year ago. admitting himself that the last time a year ago when he spoke to people, he spoke for about a minute, he informed people of russia's invasion and he told them to be strong. but we are far away a year later from those selfie videos and the messaging from the president and his leadership from underground bunkers, from the safety of, of underground shelters,
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recording celsius really seeming like a government that was caught a little bit off guard by this invasion what we're seeing now is a very polished president, a war time leader who has been tested and who has proven that he can withstand the pressures of an invasion of war in his country, making this speech, calling out for people to remain strong. and really it is, it is very different from what it was a year ago. this is a leader who has, has gone through the hardships of this russian invasion, has pushed back against a larger invading force, has secured resources for his country. and now going into the next war is encouraging people to stay united to stay the course. and he's got the weight of the western world at his back. so it's a very different ukranian leadership than we saw a year ago today. and then, given what he said, then what's the mood on the ground that well,
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you know, the word resilient is something that says journalists will have to come up with another word for because it's used over and over again to describe the ukrainian people. and it really is one that fits, we speak to people who say that they really echo the, the resilience of their own leadership. they will stay the course. but they also say that they are feeling everything at the same time. they feel confident, but afraid they feel motivated but exhausted by this war. and they say that they want peace, but they want to redefine what that piece looks like. what piece with russia means they want to redefine, they don't want piece by acquiescing to russian demands. they say they want peace to victory, they want all of their territory back. and they need to do that by getting more weapons from the west faster to end this war quickly. the hope is that it's over shortly after the spring, they do not want to see another year of war. they do not want to celebrate any more war and adversary's for now saying, because we live in key for us. thank you. well,
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china has urged moscow and chiva to hold. p stokes is part of a 12 point proposal to end the conflict in ukraine. let's go live now to beijing. we're katrina you joins us now. katrina tells us more about what china is proposing . well, china says its main concern is preventing the war and ukraine from spiraling out of control. and that's according to a 12 point piece. position plan released by time has foreign ministry on friday. and in this document, fading seems to be putting itself forward as a mediator. it says it wants to see a ceasefire and a gradual dis deescalate of the fi saying now china says it's calling for an end to rest and sanctions in russia. and his hold on moscow and key to hold peace talks. the plan calls to the establishment of humanitarian corridors for civilians, as well as steps to ensure grain can be safely exported from the region. it also
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warns against the use of nuclear weapons in the conflict, as well as attacks of nuclear power plants. now, since the beginning of russia's invasion of ukraine, bating has said it's a neutral party when it comes to this conflict, but we have seen bating meanwhile, it's how it's so called north limits friendship. we the rush, it keeps on saying at this relationship is only getting stronger. it's called it rock solid since a beat that the beginning of the war in ukraine present. she did thing has spoken to putin personally 3 times and beta has refused to condemn the invasion of frame. conversely, we have seen no chinese official at a high level present. she jenkins himself speak to lensky or any other member of ukrainian leadership. now the united states says that china support of russia is going to go even further that they do is considering supplying rushes with it with weapons. but so far this is something that they deny. my 1st in beijing that katrina, thank q. we're going to stay with this and that's bringing victor gao. he's vice
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president at the center for china and globalization. he joins us from basing. welcome to the program. so overall, then how critical do you think is this 12 point proposal from china? festival. what china has proposed is the only viable. ready framework for ending the war being ukraine. now, whether china does the media issue or another country does mediation, that's another issue. so let's separate these 2 things. whereas other countries are prolonging the war, you're praying, leading towards greater em all sufferings of the civilians in ukraine. what china is urging for russia and ukraine to do is to end the war, achieve a cities via and use diplomacy and negotiation to resolve whatever disputes there are between them and restore peace debility development for the ukrainian people.
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now of utmost importance is the number one that is being measured that is to respect the united nations charter to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the you are members. for example. this indeed will be the cornerstone of whatever that can be done to try to mediate between these 2 competence as well as laws, countries behind that ukraine, because more or less this war is becoming a proxy war by the united states and metals using u grey as a proxy to achieve its own geopolitical goals against russia. therefore, i am so happy that there is a viable framework for ending the war e o cray. and it takes at least a 2 to tango. and in this particular case, it probably will take many parties to tangle together ending the war and creating restoring peace. you mentioned diplomacy there,
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the proposal calls for an end to quote, cold war mentality. what is measuring mean by that? is very obvious that there aren't countries in the world which want to create a new cold war. for example, they tried to separate countries into different blocks, opposed against each other. they emphasized, for example, dividing up countries into groups based on what, not based on fundamental national interests, but based on what they call a values. for example, they forget that there is no common value for mankind. different countries, different nations, different ethnic groups, difference to relations have very different values in dealing with many different things in the world of today. therefore, that the efforts of their separate, separate a separate he will nations into opposing groups is in the sense up creation of
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a cold war. and they use confrontation, conflict, or even war to achieve their goal. this is what china is opposed against. and china wants to create a peaceful world where every country is big or small will be respected as equal. we already behind the united nations, we respect the you and charter, for example. whereas the other countries want to differentiate countries based on what they define as values or ideologies. if you do not call it a cold war based on self enclosed ideological differences, what else can you call it? at this cold war will lead the world into an abyss. it will be a load of confrontation conflict, a war in freaking huge damages and deaths to mankind as a whole. ok, victor gal,
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thank you very much for joining us. thank you very much for having me. thank you. started nations general assembly has voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution calling on russia to withdraw from ukraine. the u. s. ukraine and the you wanted a strong show of unity against russia on anniversary of the invasion for some key nations, abstained, and she had returned see no recalls. this non binding resolution was based on the fundamental principle of the un charter. it is against international law for one member state to invade another ukraine and the you wanted as many member states as possible to vote in favor of their drove a new from recent history that anything more strongly worded would lose support. and the strategy paid off with 141 of the 193 members of the un general assembly voting in favor 7 voting against. and 32 abstaining. the message is clear. it doesn't matter what russia thrice and how it attempts to undermine international
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order. and the coalition in support of ukraine still, tauriel integrity. it fails. these $141.00 countries reiterated a clear demand to russia, withdraw. withdraw immediately, completely and unconditionally, from ukraine's internationally recognized territory. as expected, several key non aligned countries, abstained, including china, south africa, and india. they argued that a resolution that sought to contribute to a lasting peace in the region should focus on achieving a cease for immediate peace talks and addressing the geopolitical concerns that lead to the conflict. and the 1st place chow, hot since the court on king boosting or even enlarging military blocks, lonely, undermine regional security and drive peace further away. the final settlement allow crane crisis hinges on abandoning the cold war mentality in giving direction
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to and respecting the reasonable security concerns of all countries. while we take note of the stated objectives of today's resolution, given its inherent limitations in reaching our desired goal of securing lasting peace, we are constrained to abstain. and even though several northern line countries like my jury and in an easier did vote for the resolution, they'd register their reservations criticizing it for not promoting storks and conflict resolution. ukraine. the you and the u. s. can once again say for a majority of nations at the un general assembly house voted against the russian invasion, even of finding unity on more punitive actions against moscow has proved more elusive schubert, nancy al jazeera united measures still ahead on al jazeera, find out how russia's invasion of ukraine is impacting on bangladesh is 1st ever nuclear power plant. ah.
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informed opinions far right extreme is there is real and need to be tackled as soon as possible. frank assessments. there was a joke about the interim government that it's not in for him, nor does it got insight story on al jazeera. ah ah ah. ready the catastrophic series of earthquakes into kia and syria has taken thousands of people's lives and left many more homeless. a major mobilization of humanitarian
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support is underway. ah. our teams on the ground will bring you continuous updates to t n. syria quakes on al jazeera lou ah, the watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stories now. it's been one year since russia launched its invasion of ukraine, leading to the largest conflict in europe since world war 2. it cranes preston that says it was the longest day of our lives. thousands of people have died with millions displaced. china is urging moscow and keith to hold
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a peace talks and introduce a comprehensive see spot. ukraine says a proposal is a positive sign and expects beijing to show more active support. the u. n. has adopted the resolution, quoting on russia to withdraw from ukraine immediately. 7 countries voted against the reservation. while india and china were among the 32 nations that abstain bangladesh is economy is being impacted by the war in ukraine. in many ways is 1st nuclear power plants is backed by russia, non western sanctions on moscow threatening the future of the project, but set to end a power crisis. chandry has more from cooper in pub in the district. in 2013 bung with assign its biggest ever contract work. nearly $13000000000.00 under the dill, russia state run company rossiter would build a country's fussed nuclear power plant. mosque was providing 90 percent of the funding for the project, but western sanction against russia,
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imposed after its invasion of ukraine, a threatening to undermine the scheme. some expert say the only have minimal impact, the short term we publish and will be dead. and i don't think of no one can continue for longer period because countries will find a way to resolve that money transfer to russia from bangladesh as payment for equipment for the project have also stalled. last month, the u. s. sanction ship carrying equipment for the project was turned away after bangladesh failed reprisals from the west. but not all the equipment comes from russia. our machinery comes from western europe, so functionals should not have any impact on that. our works are progressing pretty well. and i think all the, all the worse will be finished on still nearly 5000 russians and other expert trips are working on the scheme. many restaurants, shops and small commercial establishments have sprouted up in this remote town in
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not this bangladesh. they're here to catered for the influx of thousands of russians and other foreigners, as well as people from other parts of bangladesh working for the nuclear power project. the local economy and the community appears to be benefiting de la can in a russian's ukrainians, fellow russians, and others shop here and they all hang together and they get along well. they don't seem to have any problem. the conflict in ukraine seems to have very little impact here. you're a bargainer is ukranian and says he has no problem working with the russians. i've been living here for 2 years and i do like it here. yes, my family right now is safe in ukraine. hipaa felicia here. i don't to speak about conflict. these companies don't i don't them mind about his company? i think it'll hold it here. ah, doesn't matter what happened?
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alexander is a russian working at the nuclear plant and didn't want it to be identified. he thinks sanctions are having no impact. i don't see any kind of problem think it's very of and related to verify some kind of western science, his care sat where it goes out. fun with us. government officials didn't respond to our zeros request for an interview. moscow and washington's rivalry may be posing tests for doc has policy of neutrality. but here on the ground, the future of this project, sims, bright, sun, recovery al jazeera report, bangladesh. we have a week long special series on the far reaching consequences, all the ukraine. we're a year into the conflict. make sure you tune in late as we march the 1st anniversary of the war with special needs out. i could have an 100 g m t, and 1600 g empty. ah
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m. almost 50000 people now confirm dead in the earthquake, so it took here and syria. millions are in need of humanitarian aid and counter survivors or without shelter. a 1000000 and a half people into clear. i've also been left homeless. me while many of those in turkey here whose houses are still standing, say they can't go back. i said vague has sent this report from garcia's tap, cold and afraid. fallen 3 earthquakes in the space of 2 weeks. many people don't feel safe in their homes. they're sleeping in the open areas like parks and corporate america on the took me i said when it's dark, my son starts to say, mom, can we go to the cafe mom? the chandelier is shaking. when someone touches the table, my son gets afraid and says, there is an earthquake, my children feel safe are outside. so we stay outside in our cars. the fire keep their hands warm, but it's the kindness of strangers that warms their hearts. also filed at our house
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was marked as slightly damaged, but we couldn't enter for 2 weeks. we didn't have gas and water. we had babies and small children. so we stayed here for 2 weeks. we were lucky, this restaurant open its door to us. so instead of staying in attend or sleeping in the car, we stayed there. may god bless her. most of the city of tomb again, have been told by authorities the homes are safe but many don't believe that there are no fish in numbers on how many buildings are secure and does he enter predictions of further earthquakes and social media of heightened people's sense of fear no learns going through our house was tricked by the authorities and we went back in. the building was marked are slightly damaged with 95 percent non damaged, but the walls are cracked psychologically. but we are afraid to go back in, especially after the aftershocks, the and the latest earthquake. miss wife says she'd rather brave the cold said the 9th floor of the building. it shakes every time just enough to show. we've seen
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residents across the city. the thing in the cars and in the park, they've been traumatized so much by the earthquakes that nothing can reassure them . to return to the home. i said vague. i just got the tip doesn't appear. robert bride joins us now live from kinder. an in turkey, a rob attention seems to be turning to trying to accommodate all the homeless and not just in a short time. but what are the prospects for something like that? that's a nice question. the longer term you look become more complicated, we are in the port city of its candor and with that, so it's a lot of devastation after the quake. in fact, our team was here 4 days after the initial quake, and it was very different. see. and then just back and give you a look at what it's looking like this friday morning. i'm all of the streets around here. there were a lot of buildings collapse. a lot of people died in this area, but also a lot of people was saved from the rubble. this was
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a scene of intense rescue operations in the days straight off the quakes. but here, as with all of the other provinces, affected by the earthquake question is now turning to how you look after all of the people who are made homeless from these earthquakes. and there are massive operations all across this whole earthquake region now being undertaken. something like 329000 tents have been sent out are being used and that's still not enough. that's still more 10 so needed. people are now looking at the longer term solution, such as putting the setting up cities of shipping containers to home, people for at the intermediate term or that longer term. of course they need to start looking at building replacement homes and there are some very unofficial plans being talked about starting as early as later this month or beginning of something like $200000.00 home. i've mentioned by president one. the authorities here again trying to give all kinds of assurances about these homes to,
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to reassure people that it is safe to move back into solid structures once more, the fact that they'll be low rise, 2 or 3 stories. also more importantly perhaps that, that alone, they not come within $500.00 is of a fault lines, but it is still an ongoing issue. and of course we still having small quakes. there was a quake thursday evening yesterday evening in the district of deaf the i know people were injured in that, but again, 2 homes of the buildings that had been damaged collapsed as a result of that ongoing. quite well. mcbride, thank you. her student protests has have been voice in her anger. after raids buys very forces killed 11 people injured more than a 100. they rallied in the occupy to westbank cities of ramada, nablus, and hebron. the protests were organized by palestinian group, lyons den or news continues here in al jazeera, after inside story stated,
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ah, ah, that the obvious cold in europe is actually sitting in the east where the cloud is falling into my obvious. i mean, that means temperatures are blue if you overlay the colors, which means 0 or below for retired, but the sun is disappearing. and that's true of all these eastern european countries where we just had a couple days in our sunshine. it's going to feel cold, especially whether wind is on your back in the low countries or in germany, light brakes of lightweight all way down towards the coast. the black sea is much cooler in france. that slot, improving in spain. i have to say, and you could argue at some point of view of temperatures is improving in ukraine and moldova, where it's been freezing, it's come yet, but that's including a wind cloud adding coming, right? so improve it, maybe not, right? would you're ok in turkey and now the sunny's eye throughout the day. so was most
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countries in central europe not enjoying the change to clarity and increasing the cold, even steady weather for time? it will slightly improve afterwards. and then the rain comes into spain and portugal. it looks quite stormy and much rainy, which will be reflected in once more, quite a big jump of snow with aptis mountains. the axis man is up in morocco and rain crossing into algeria and was a slow change of season. does not increase in the rain likelihood around the coast of all these west african nations where clouds meet mountain west struggle gives birth to true passion where faith is more just with what humanity defies. expectation with freedom is always worth fighting both and untold
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