tv The Bottom Line Al Jazeera February 27, 2023 9:00am-9:30am AST
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document their journey from civilians to soldiers. as the fighting intensifies the tools of their trade become weapons of war what will be the toll for ukraine's brave hearts? witness on al jazeera. ah hello, i am dire in jordan and dough, but the top stories here on al jazeera, a palestinian man has been killed and some palestinian homes torched in another day of violence in the occupied west bank. but i just flare up happened in the town of how water on it follow the killing of to israeli. settlers is ready for to say they're searching for palestinian suspects. additional troops have been deployed on security checks have been stepped up early on sunday officials from israel and the
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palestinian authority. how talks and jordan and agree to deescalate tensions. those discussions have been opposed by several of palestinian factions including hamas. venus think it a bit had a label on which i like. we strongly condemn the palestinian authority's participation in the secure he meeting with the zionist occupation and kaba. this meeting aims to curb the intifada when the revolution of our palestinian people in the west bank and jerusalem. this participation means that the security coordination between the occupation and the palestinian authority is very strong and is not suspended like the authority announced him at this meeting is against national unity and represents only some powerful leadership and the palestinian authority. the what is required is to hold a regional arab summit to support our people and the resistance. the senior arab politicians have held meetings with serious president bashar al assad and damascus . the talks were aimed at bringing syria back into the arab league. syria was suspended from the group in 2011 after i sat conducted
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a crackdown on mass protests against his rule. this quickly descended into a civil war. moved to end, the serious international isolation have intensified since he was hit by earthquakes earlier this month. and he's $59.00 migrants have died in a ship wreck off the coast of southern italy. they include 12 children, officials say the boat travel directly from turkey, those on board or trying to reach europe's with the mediterranean. more than 80 migrants have been rescued in nigeria, a balance of being counted off the saturdays presidential and parliamentary elections the tightest in decades. some areas in one province extended voting until sunday, after long delays of met address as more out right behind me is the headquarters of the electoral commission here in lagos. and after more than 24 hours of delay, since the close of paul's people are beginning to get results for local governments have so far been announced here. and then the process will continue throughout the night and probably into to morrow morning. what is concluded here will then be
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transferred to our buddha, and that's the process for all the $36.00 days and the federal capital territory. this could take maybe a day or 2 before officials will finally coordinate the results in announced to nigerians who will be there next president. now in the coming hours you k and e, you leaders will hold talks in london to finalize a new deal for northern islands, post briggs, trading arrangements. it requires the region to follow some e u laws, so that goods can flow freely into the republic of ireland. without checks at some northern ireland political groups say this undermines the regions connection to the rest of the u. k. an explosion that a crowded market has killed at least 5 people in southwestern pakistan. it's unclear who was behind the attack in bar can in baluchistan, province, police say, a bomb placed on a motorcycle. it was definitely by remote control. at least 16 others have been injured. serious civil defense group. the white helmets are warning of the growing
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threat of cholera and readily held areas as a result of the earthquakes 3 weeks ago. the group says the damage to infrastructure and sanitation has been massive, and it could be a real catastrophe. also reporting cracks in many residential buildings and schools, leaving them too dangerous to use football fans and turkey had thrown toys down on to the pitch during a match in istanbul. ah, it was from the children affected by the quakes. toys rained down after 4 minutes. 17 seconds into the game to mark the exact time when the 1st earthquake shook the region. according to the urine, at least 7000000 children have been affected. thousands of people gathered in cities across mexico to protest against the government's plans to cut the budget of the elections watchdog upon and say the changes threatened democracy and accusation that the president mat under as many loafers oper door denies. those are the
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headlines. the news continues here now to 0 after the bottom line station. thanks for watching bye for now. ah. ready i have steve clements and i have a question. is there any way to end the war in ukraine? let's get to the bottom line. ah, exactly one year ago, all out war broke out between russia and ukraine at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives. but it's a deceptive anniversary, because since ukraine's independence from soviet russia, more than 30 years ago, animosity had been rising between the 2 neighbors. and there's been a low level war going on since russia annex crimea. in 2014, the conflict is divided the world into 2 main camps. one of them is strongly anti russian, and the others more ambivalent for many leaders in the west, including
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u. s. president joe biden. the idea that borders and countries are sacred and no one should be allowed to erase them, is worth fighting for the rest of the world takes a more nuanced approach, citing hundreds of years of shared history between the 2 nations, ukraine and russia. but with total military victory for either side being highly unlikely, and no negotiations on the table. is there any way out of this war? how many more anniversaries of misery is the world going to mark and for ukraine and the west? what does victory even look like? today we're getting 2 views on the war in ukraine, one from moscow, and one from washington in a moment will be speaking with andre cartoon off director of the russian international affairs council. but we'll start with admiral john kirby coordinator for strategic communications at the national security council in the white house who's just returned from poland, where he was with president biden. and will kirby thank you so much for joining us today. my question to you after the president's comments in, in poland, is our americans hearing what our stakes are in this conflict in crisis.
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i believe they are, and of course that was a main purpose of the the president going to keep up this week as well as to poland and delivering a major, a dresser in warsaw to make plain to the world, certainly to the american people but, but to the whole world, what's at stake here with the war going on in ukraine and particularly going forward. now there's been an incredible unity in support for ukraine over the last year. sadly, it's been a year and now we're heading into our 2nd year. hopefully it won't last much longer, but we've got to stay resolved. we have to stay united and the president wanted to make that case directly to people all around the world of admiral house foreign affairs committee. chairman michael mccall is asking for the administration to do more to give more lethal weapons to give longer range missiles to, to, to amp off. essentially, our military support in the side. there are other republican say do far, far less in fact do nothing that what we invest in ukraine is distraction from
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needs in america, adding to the debt, et cetera. i guess my question is, what's your directional course in dealing with republicans on this conflict? i think i make a couple of points. first is that we have really had continued by cameras and bipartisan support for the kind of things, the kinds of things that we are trying to do for you create in it's we all get wrapped up in the weapons in the systems, but it's, it's, it's beyond that it's also the humanitarian assistance to financial assistance. and when you talk to the, the new house leadership, you'll hear pretty consistently from them like german mccall. you mentioned that speaker mccarthy that they recognize the stakes here. and they want to continue to support ukraine. so we're not taking that for granted, of course, but the number of republicans who are in the opposite camp are small and they are not in the, in the, in the key leadership positions. we're going to continue to work with congress going forward. we have enough resources to get us through much of this fiscal year through 2023. and if we need to go back to congress for more, hopefully we won't,
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hopefully it will be over. but if we have to, we'll do that and we can do that with a confidence that again, leadership on both sides of the l are very supportive of this number 2. and this is not unimportant as we recognize that there are even there are american citizens who are like, likewise asking many of these questions about continued support for ukraine. and i would say that most americans understand the idea of independence. it's a founding ideal here. it's something near and dear to all our heart, our hearts. and it's important to remember that that's what ukraine is fighting for . it's very independence. mr. brewton is not backed off. his strategic goals of subsuming ukraine into russia. he still wants ukraine is another province is. so it's fighting for the very idea of independence, something that all americans can understand. and number 2, if we've waiver, if we flag, if mr. poot and succeeds, we don't know what he'll go after next. and the cost in blood and treasure through
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the united states, as well as to our allies and partners, could be exorbitantly much higher than what it has been in terms of the resources we've applied to help you create over the course of this year. me ask you a question and i'm not entirely comfortable with, but you know, we have a lot of folks that are defining this conflict as not just about ukraine. it's about the future of the norms between nations there, imbuing it with lots of sort of larger order questions. i guess my question is, if so much is at stake, why do we fear so much escalating it if the stakes are that high? because i think we could all understand steve as bad as this war has been for the people of ukraine and for cranes, cities and towns their children. that if it escalates and becomes what mr. prudent has claimed it has been falsely since the beginning a war between the united states and russia, or the western versus russia, or nato versus russia. if it escalates to that level, it's not only going to be much worse for the people of ukraine than it already has
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been. it will be much worse for the europe, ian continent, our allies and partners, potentially the world. it is important that we do not speak conflict with russia, and we don't by end of propaganda that we're already at that level. because again, i think we can all understand that. the stakes of that kind of conflict would be just exorbitantly worse for again, people of ukraine are our partners and the american people. from your perspective, what are the requirements for an off ramp or an end game in this? i know you've basically said in the past that vladimir putin could end this tomorrow by pulling the military out, going home and end of story. but on a realistic basis, is there an end game or something that we might be looking for as we move forward to this next year, where there's something other than a sent another never ending war? we all want this word and as you rightly said, we should get in today. we do the right thing. clearly. stevie shows no signs of, of being willing to do that. and so president gorski has put forth a,
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a 10 point proposal, and he is called for a just peace. we are working with his team to see how that proposal can be operated, analyzed, and there's still a lot of work being done there. but for negotiations to occur, both sides have to be willing to do it and both sides have to be willing to do it in good faith present. zalinski has rightly said at this time, he can't see himself getting to the table given what mister prudent continues to do inside his country. and for mister prudence park, he obviously is interested in any kind of end right now or negotiated solution as he continues to bomb ukrainian. cities knock out the heat, turn off the power, try to brutalize ukraine. people steal their young children and bring them off to camps inside russia. and of course, continue to prepare for what looks to be more offensive operations in the spring. so unfortunately, sadly that the environment is just not conducive right now to a negotiated settlement. what we want to do stephen is and you've heard the president say this, we want to help ukraine's forces succeed on the battlefield to continue the success
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that they have seen in the last year. so that if and when president, when ski is ready to sit down with president putin, he can do so with the wind at his back. he can do so with it from a position of strength because that's what he's going to need to carry those negotiations forward. to some, to some level of success. you know, i've talked to many of your colleagues john about who've had meticulous attention on china and what it's doing or not doing. and over this last year, i guess a good story is that the u. s. is assess that china has not been a back stop or in key technologies in military provision for russia, but there is now concerned that it might go over that line. do i worry that china, that we have intelligence that is now seeing a shift in the chinese, russian, i guess, partnership or relationship in a way where we will soon be real adversaries to both of them tied together? is that a concern of yours? it is, we want china to join the rest of the international community and condemning this
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invasion and not, and holding mr. newton accountable, and certainly not doing anything that allows his military to be able to continue to prosecute this war against the ukrainian people. now we have not seen them devote lethal assistance to the russian military, but we have seen some morning indications that they might be considering that sort of move. and i think we can all agree and all understand that, that, that is not only not going to be good for the cranium. people if russia can gain more lead to assistance from china. but it could actually make this, could escalate the conflict beyond what it already is and nobody wants to see that . so we said that we've seen these indications we will see and watch what china decides to do. but it is concerning to us that the china continues to appear to deepen this relationship with, with russia at a time when russia should be made even more of a price than it already is. when mr. put and should be held to account. and when his and where his troops should not be inside ukraine fighting again against the
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cranium people. so we're, we're, we're certainly worried about what we see on the diplomatic front between china and russia. right now, i know this is, it is an odd question, but i guess my question is, are we doing enough? you've met presidents lensky now, number of times you, you've been on the ground there. you've been with president in poland. what is missing? that can help give the lensky more tools than he has the day? well, president sky has been unabashed, as you know, stephen asking for additional resources and certainly having them show faster and we are working as hard as we can and lock step with him and his military to give him a more advanced capabilities. so that so that he can again, continue to succeed on the battlefield and, and that's support has evolved as the war is evil. when the tanks were starting to roll towards key, everybody was talking about the need for stingers, and javelin anti tank missiles and, and of course we, we raised those to the front so that ukraine could win the battle of chief. then in
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the spring, when mister bruton decided he was going to concentrate on in the don boston in the south, a pool is troops out of keen and car keys and elsewhere. it really became an issue of long range fires artillery. and these vaunted high mars the advance rocket systems that we provided to give the ukrainian cranium military. the ability to strike deep behind russian lines inside ukraine than air defense, obviously rose to the for, as mr. put and shift attack and tactics yet again, and started raining down cruise missiles on civilian infrastructure, and we're, we're now working to get them a patriot battery and there'd be more air defense capabilities coming forward here . this week. you heard the president talk about that in poland. yesterday, and now of course, we're waiting now since a waiting. that's not a good word. we are watching as russia prepares for what will likely be offensive operations in the spring. and so we are taking advantage of that time to train ukrainian battalions outside the country on what we call combined arms maneuver. so
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this is opened by fighting an open train using armor artillery infantry all integrated with air defense to help you cranium units make their own offensive operations possible. come spring. so we are not only evolving with the fight as it evil. we're trying to get ahead of where we think things are going to be in the weeks and months ahead. again, all designed to help the korean army succeed on the, on the battle. or admiral john kirby spokesman for the us national security council . really appreciate you joining us today. thank you. thank you, steve. and now we turned to moscow, where were talking with andre cartoon off director general of the russian international affairs council. from your perspective in moscow. what is the topography of the g, a strategic consequences of this war look like from your perspective? a year into it? i think i've read to limit myself to just one of the room describing the preliminary results. with that,
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i would say the rug would be all the size of the demonstrated technical, every 1000000 and the ability to sustain the initial position is to for your day, which turned out to do better. boston medical needs just to resist the ration actions. it came up like rational because they're actually the system did not load . it does not collapse. the political opposition did not take over the student control. it is related to the work that we also demonstrate it. a lot of them in making and pressure on. and finally, we can talk about the resilience or direct. and then after you had a demo with the site, you know the carpet and to configure the carpet to be local out of the us mantic problem. well, what you've just described are conditions that can simmer for
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a lot longer. you've kind of talked about all the different parties. no one necessarily getting a knockout blow in this continuing. i'm sure you heard, as i did many speeches at the munich munich security conference, saying that what's at stake in this conflict is essentially, you know, the, the norms of the liberal order in the world. you know, the, the fate of democracy in endowing this conflict with lots of other issues, from russia's perspective. and i'm not expecting you to be russia, but from russian's perspective. what are the stakes involved that we ought to be listening to? well, this connecticut and i think it was a 2 day, is that a special challenge to russia? russia? has it conflict? not with the, with the cool, cool collector. and the collector allegedly committed to
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destroying or 2 or after all the medical world. that's why it is so difficult to look for a compromise. it is so difficult to live or because the concept is perceived as existential as something we should of directly connected to the future. russia. evelyn independent country as a society, it, as a civilization, are we basically in, you know, the draft of history, seeing the influence of both russia and the united states go through serious transformation. and we may be as unaware of it as moscow may be, as unaware of it. sure, we will see a confirmation or in the united states just to look at all,
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no rounds out 2 countries or people in their seventies. these generation will not stay power forever. and i will do some very significant generational change. i think that making a couple of years ago, new people in all different perceptions of their role. but their countries are all in the rules on the side. we should also keep in mind that other countries are getting stronger. other countries are getting more active. other countries want to become active leaders in the national system and there is no way our actual, the united states or anyone else can stop it. so the role will be very different in a couple of years for what we see, you know, and maybe the, all the alignment in this very dar, cloudy atmosphere that we have today is this crisis might become
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a catalyst. what changes are overdue changes which are bethany. it could be have been delayed or why the time? i think that we procrastinate. it all and maybe now it's time to speed up is beijing thrilled with this moment? are they seeing, you know, their fortunes rise as we have this proxy conflict with ukraine in ukraine? her, it's hard to tell, but i think the 1st of all, they believe that time is political, their site. it will start, china will get stronger. it will get a moment later in the international system. they do not want to use the night states or what is really important for them. but at the same time, do not want to walk the united states to activity. so i think that the chinese
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position will be ok. let's wait and see how the conflict are was. and then we can probably try to participate in working on it. but what do you think would be on the laundry list of items that russian leaders would need to see to begin taking a different track, or what kind of green we will see in the future. i think that would define the total ambitions of the russian federation. it's lucky if you claim states neutral are you are, you know, or i should get some security guarantees. it's, you know, it's very different picture your grades are deeply engaged with the nato alliance or explicitly interaction. and then i think
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a walkers or something like that. but it's hard to tell. i think a lot will depend on the situation of the you know, one of the questions i have is the tension between a global war and people in oklahoma saying, hey, our schools are crumbling. why are we spending tax dollars on the conflicts so far away? and not understanding that global stability matters them at home. and this is classically, we've seen through human history, at least in the modern era, what drives and fuels populace movements. we've seen this frustration between the domestic and the international really come into conflict. and i'm, i'm interested in whether that's part of the calculation here that, that the west from your perspective and you know, us very well whether our resolve is shaky and wobbly in this conflict. because there are other choices this societies want to make. it might be one of
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the year considerations or in moscow. indeed, we all know that in the work of the attention span, the general public are, is limited. you know, who knows what happens tonight, states after election. so 2024 knows what happens in europe. so there might be some expectations that the weapon confusion is not the teaching but tactical to be replaced by somebody within particular states like the united states or between states like between the 2 sides of the atlantic ocean. so there might be, are some expectations that are actually now cannot wait. i
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observe the left of the unit here are the arrow that on the other hand, i think that a national resource is limited. limitless optional might be resilient, but definitely cannot sustain their worried bodies. will last rayleigh. so i would say that there are significant, reeks on both sides regarding the ability to sustain these conflicts for an extended period of time. right now i would not know what size more real live, and more goal and how this result will be sustained. i just be interested as someone who studied the united states so much. what blind spot, if any, do you see in america's leadership in calculus right now? the balance of power and the rules could change so dramatically since the beginning
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of this century. it is literally impossible to restore the unit so i can all the night the little little before and we are on the limitations not only of the but if you just have the right now. but also of the strategic limitations which exist in the world. it doesn't mean that every night state will necessarily get weaker, but it means that other countries. ready get stronger and they will try to get there. they are sheer decision making power in the role. so i hope that the united states will do the best practice to multilateral is are working both with partners and with its opponent. and i also believe that the united states might consider, you know,
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it might be rather signified approach the rule. the why didn't the rule into democracy is a better focus is the rule does not so black and white. there are many shades, many colors to the rules we checked out to be taken into account. with that we will finish great discussion. i always learned from you, director general of the russian international affairs council, andre cartoon r. thank you so much for joining us today. if we so what's the bottom line, whether both sides finally decide to sit down at the negotiating table and make tough compromises or not? here are the 2 things to keep your eyes on this year. one more and more folks in the western world will wonder why their schools are crumbling and life is becoming more expensive as their tax money funds. this war, their worries may lead to more populism and test the resolve of the west to keep up it's financial support, which is crucial for keeping ukraine afloat. and to more and more folks in the rest
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of the world may wonder why this far away war even matters to them. many nations like india and china and others haven't drawn lines of right and wrong in this conflict. and may resist american pressure to isolate and punish russia. as the world divides between 2 big camps on ukraine, the risk to global stability and internationally economy growth could be staggering . there's just no sugar coating it. this is going to be a tough, flawed, and that's the bottom line. ah, the u. s. is always a well, this has been going on for a number though, with you against the use of the whole story from an international perspective to try to explain to a global audience how this could impact the life. this is an important part of the world and how to do this very good at bringing the news to the world from here. women, ron micro businesses are key to center goals development and to improved food security
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. access to finance helps them succeed. since 2014, nearly a 180 micro enterprises, collectives and small businesses across synagogue received concession re financing . these loans were made possible by an initiative administered by the q 8 good. will fund the q 8 fund partners in development. ah, hello, i'm darren, jordan and dough. with a quick remind at the top stories here in al jazeera, a palestinian man has been killed and some palestinian homes torched in another day of violence and they occupied westbank. the latest rare up happened in the town of ah, what us it followed the killing of 2 israeli settlers is.
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