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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  February 28, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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contention extra charges for unit ice cream drivers. construction site, they say, is a long standing practice. instead pushing back to say, the government is using them as political prawns made difficult economic times and ahead of next year is general election. kim all to 0. so you can find that much more on our website. you can get video on demand right there. al jazeera dot com ah, that's up story on al jazeera, you and says that at least 2 people in northwest in syria have died from an outbreak of cholera in the aftermath of the earthquakes. the syrian opposition one civil defense says there are more than $560.00 cases of infection. the spread of disease is result of widespread damage to the regions, water systems, and infrastructure. bridge demand,
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and density therefore, critical items. 10th being the obvious example. rising prices, australian supply chains into the, into the region, beginning to fly and suppliers to detection border and also cross into damascus and aleppo. this is essential and most welcome of the markets no longer readily supplied. prosper operations, the son of these poor items as the need such costly but necessary. critical infrastructure is about a damage. opposition? parties in nigeria are calling for the country's presidential elections to be cancelled described in the process as a sham members from the labor party and peoples democratic party. silly lost faith in the entire process. the national electoral commission says there have been
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technical glitches involved saying which took back took place rather on saturday. counting is still going on with early results showing the ruling all progressive congress or in the lead european parliament is banning. take talk from staff phones for what it is calling security reasons. it follow steps taken last week by the european commission. on monday, canada banned the use of the chinese on social media, on government issued mobile phones and the white house as, as federal agencies to remove the app from their systems within the next 30 days. ukraine's president vladimir zalinski is warning that the situation in the eastern frontlines city of buck mood is getting worse. regional separately does say nearly all of the roads into the city and now under russian control, where the areas spend the site of a bits her deadly battle there for more than 6 months. now,
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you are firmly up to date. those are a current top stories do stay with us. the stream is coming up next and then we will be back later with more headlines. take care, bye bye. or week the look of the world's top business stores from global markets and economies to construction and small businesses to understand how it affects tardy drives. counting the cost on al jazeera ah welcome to the stream, i have a dean. asylum seekers in temporary accommodation in the u. k. are living in fear following a string of protests calling for the removal with the far right groups exploiting
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local grievances to booth their own agenda. today we look at the abuse and intimidation that vulnerable people are experiencing and ask what can be done to keep them safe? ah, joining us today from london, diane taylor, a journalist at the guardian, who writes on human rights racism and civil liberties. he's cressy chief executive officer at migrants, right? network and n g o advocating for migrants and refugees. she's in london. and sophia con, roof a researcher at hope, not hate. who has examined far right groups across europe. of course you can also join today's discussion, just send us your comments and questions through our live you to chat. see i want to ask you so many different angles here. so many things to discuss. what's the headline here for you based on your reporting? so the research i would, sam paying the most attention to right now is how,
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how it's escalating, how the number of, for example, fall, right? activists who go to hotels to harass asylum seekers have doubled between 20212022. so 102 percent increase is kind of shows how important that part of their work is for, for i talk to this and it really works. this is the thing that gives them the views and, and helps them spread the tension into the local community. so, you know, one of the, one of that tactics is going into a local community and spreading leaflets, you know, with rumors about not room as stereotypes and conspiracy theories about fighting age. men coming for you know, to harm and can not pure white goals. and that sort of rhetoric. so i would, i would definitely say that's an important headline. and as you were speaking there, we were looking at a map that showed just how much this has been proliferating and sort of spreading
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across the u. k. we also have there is the map, as you can see, i think in just a year, i mean 100 percent, maybe 500 percent increase in certain areas. i mean it's how can you can what looking at this, just all those dots for audience. i mean, this is not an isolated issue, right? no, but we have to, as you said, keep it in context. so 102 percent increase the other huge than the number. that's the increase of fall, right? activists going to these, you know, as a, find them see a common accommodation, things are asking to assign them seekers pretending to be, you know, a local journalist or, you know, trying all sorts of different methods, right? but there are relatively few. i mean, in the grand scheme of things that are relatively few people doing this. you know, for example, a big increase in number is a woman named amanda smith who goes around doing this. and she visited a $124.00 hotels in the last year. but these videos are then spread online in
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anti migrant groups, you know, fall right groups. and that, that's the part where there's, you know, huge amount of misinformation room is going on and a small number of people impacting or having a much wider impact on line. and. 5 you also mentioned those leaflets, diane, i want to share with our audience this one. for example, people accusing the tory party and these far right extremist groups of kind of using the same language. if you will hear things stop the invasion that you can see there in yellow thing, they must act now calling for people to go protest, of course, that language, stop the invasion coming straight out of the mouth of a certain politicians. i just want to ask you, diane, i mean, reporting on this consistently as you have, how would you frame this in terms of the crossover between the far right politicians and the media sort of in, in flaming this situation?
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ah, it will certainly the, the current home secretaries to al or brother mine has been criticized of using inflammatory language such as the word invasion, referring to the asylum seekers who arrived in the u. k. on small, but as you say, that's the same language that the far right is using. but what, what we're not seeing from mainstream politicians is any very strong rebuttal of, of what the far right to doing. and that's concerning the far right. certainly very active at the moment, but they have always been around and what, what we need is for our mainstream plantations to put forward acura
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factual narrative, which put the numbers arriving into context and, and debug the conflation. all yeah. see that the far right. keep continually thoughtful, right? then i want to talk about more, what they're actually complaining about specifically before we do that, i'd be remiss not to ask you and to share with our audience, sort of what it's like when these protests happen. so take a look at just to give you a sense really of what it looks like. this is far right. protesters outside a hotel for asylum seekers in nose li, just outside of liverpool. take a look. oh no, i need a
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if i'm not mistaken because i fear shaking your head there but, but is this sentiment directed towards muslims in particular? i mean, talk a little bit about the intersectionality of this phenomenon. yeah, i would say that that's been missing from the narratives as well, even from the migrant refugees that to really know, understanding that targeting islam of phobia play you have the kind of ongoing under terrorism agenda that you know, prevent in itself. i think the majority of the people in some of the hotels are men. they're single men. they have to be for muslim majority countries. and so it's very easy for the far right to use a narrative of as sophia, or you mentioned,
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men coming or fighting men. but also there is a miss lama. sophia phobic kind of analysis on the underlying i think what's really fighting and shaking my head because i can't imagine being stuck inside a space where you've come to get safety and sanctuary. and then you'll threatened all your stuff again. and i was speaking to someone who's been supporting refugees in coastal talent and she said the fear that they, they have they questioning why they've come to the u. k. now, why come here with play for them? see so really uncertain you know, times for them. and this is on top of them having to deal with issues like the earthquake in syria that also you know, having to contemplate, well, i've got this happening here at my job on a got to think of right, right. what's happening with my, with my family and friends about cope. so yeah, it's really worrying. and as diane said, like there isn't not rebuttal,
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it's not coming for the government for sure. but it's also not really coming from the opposition. and that's really worrying when we don't have any really pick parties or anyone really champing kind of refugees right and challenging what the far. right. and, and the software if you want to jump in before any, go ahead. go ahead. no, no, no, please. you're here to import your wisdom with us. go ahead. i don't know about the wisdom. this is just me saying his eyes absolutely right. when it comes to, when she was talking about the, the speed that the assign them see because having into hotels when these types of protests happen. i think communication is such an important part of this whole issue or more like the lack of communication. so, you know, within the migration sector it's very difficult because the kind of new,
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uncertain times in terms of the rise of the far right activity, government has to do a lot more in terms of safeguards. and in terms of, you know, being very bad at communicating with, you know, the locals in the, in the area. and this all kind of creates the situations we saw in that video. right. and there are so many more videos i want to get through, but i want to ask you as well, some of the comments coming in on youtube from peter carson, for example, thing it's costing the u. k. taxpayer 35000000 british pounds a week to how's them in hotels? we have good statement thing. are they really far right and fascists or simply concerned locals that have had enough of the illegal entries. what. what is your reaction to that 5th? i'm really worrying everyone again fooled into the same trap from the same narrative, right? it's about absolutely. we don't feel that anyone should be housed. it's not how you
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don't think house in the hotel you'll be accommodated. these aren't homes that they're creating that being forced to live, forced to live, that they don't have control over where they get sent or how long they're going to be there. and for people to say, oh, are they really? there is a mix of people being bought into these towns to create these love. so the fall right? and mobilizing what they're doing is they are as they have done historically, is mobilizing fluency, the disenfranchised right. that people feel forgotten by the u. k. and particularly after brags, i'm sorry, i don't want to put words in your mouth, but in my mind, i'm wondering, you know, does briggs factor into this? absolutely, i mean, do you remember the post is that module fraud was kind of standing next to which was like streams of men and they were brown and black men and saying this is what
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would happen if we continue to how freedom of movement is also the the issue that we have the, it's not races to talk about immigration, right? so that's why you can pick on refuse, because it's not right. this is will about refugee policies or talk about people in legal illegals. if you were doing this against racialized communities, refugees, it seems to be that the state goes to the moment suffer. go ahead. yeah, sorry, i can't help. but again, just about those comments, which i think are very important comments because that common style being asked a lot online due to the way things have been framed within the media and within politics. but the locals have genuine concerns and they compete, you know, they're completing the, just him, it concerns based on, you know, the poor communication. how things have been carried out, you know, often suddenly assigned them because i just being put into hotels that you know,
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that they have had little information happening and it, it can be worrying and you know, all of that is very true. but that doesn't negate the fact that the far right of trying to exploit that are trying to parachute into these communities creat canton . and from that uncertainty from, from those concerns create tension and hate. and i mean, it just takes one person, i mean, indo the in last october, we had andrew leak who is the guy who threw petrol bombs. that's in michael processing center. so this and he, he was consuming a huge amount of far right material and anti migrant material. so it just takes one of them in that kind of rhetoric and severe, you know, please please, but i may very quickly just i want to get when else's voice in here who is one of those people we've been describing who have those grievances, perhaps even legitimate concerns like many others, but it's again the way this has been communicated and sort of the misinformation.
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so let's take a listen to one angry local woman. i'd rather him take a listen. i have to leave him. i think the yes, because it got to pay for them to a to get more money to do what they don't have to do a 12 year old now, then i know sophia, you want to jump in here, so i will go to you and then to diane, because he hasn't spoken in a while, and i want to ask you, diane, what you make of all that information that's being spewed and what the danger is there. but sophia, sophia, sorry, i will be very quick. i just want to say this video perfectly encapsulates the conspiracy theories and the, the type of rhetoric, all right,
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and migrant activists are spreading online. i mean, the videos they share, you know, trying to harass stuff and assign them because it's all about comparing it to the homeless people in the u. k. comparing it to the cost of living crisis saying look there in 5 star hotels. look at those new bikes. who gave this to them and then comparing it to how people are struggling, you know, local british people. so i just want to say that video was perfectly made the point and then what do you think of that video? yeah, i mean, it's very concerning. no, no factual basis for what the woman was saying that there are 2 troops that the far right to repeating over and over again. at the moment. one is the asylum seekers of stealing the homes of british veterans who a force to sleep on the streets because asylum seekers are stealing their homes.
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that's completely factually incorrect. every british veteran has an entitlement to housing, the funds he has don't have the 2nd factually incorrect point is about sexual abuse. perpetrated by mail asylum seekers against white british girls. usually girls who are under the age of 18. and we've, we've seen repeated examples. what will fact, suppose the facts where the forego had been put out and then collapsed and, and found to have no factual basis. well, what happened didn't, and the case of knows me well of around the strange video clip was circulated of allegedly, a white school girl being propositioned by. yeah. we can,
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we actually have, if you want to look on my screen right here, this is on twitter. as you can see, forgive me. this is, i think the video that you're referring to a young man and knows the outside the speed. so tell, approaching a 15 year old girl. again, these kinds of things are, are fodder for, for driving. a lot of these mentality is obviously, it's not something that i guess i don't want to get bogged down in this. and i don't want to just over share all these videos that we have, but i do think it might be helpful for us to look at this one video from. i believe this is a far re group that we've been talking about at a dunstable meeting. this is from twitter showing a member of the for a group patriotic alternative sort of taking the my mike and yeah, at a meeting of a local residence, kind of. yeah, founding some alarms, take a listen. now, don't take us to fools. when you say that these people are refugees, we know they are illegal migrants. if these people are refugees,
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what do they fling from? its very telling that will never turn what they are fleeing from grooves. are they playing from what countries are they coming from? what are they fleeing, what occasion? so for that, i'm curious, you know, that line. i've heard it in the us in the u. k. all over the world really, what are they really fleeing? and is there a war, i mean, even in our youtube chat right here, take a look at this line junior, echoing some of what we heard from that far. i member thing. who are these people, the immigrants, what country are they from mainly and the u. k. economy isn't good right now for many form foreigners sort of questioning why they're there and where they're coming from. what do you make of, of what the foreign number was trying to do there at that, at that protest? i mean it, that, that, that the stereotyping and their bases in china with hate and they're trying to raise basically what the u. k. government has been involved in the past. you know,
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we have a number of laws that we've participated in afghanistan and iraq. that's where people are coming from area where we've also been involved not involved for example . that's where people the thing leading from we would also say people are seeing from the legacy of colonialism here. realism, this isn't a yeah. so the day to is there, it's not difficult to find the homework, very transparent about where people come from. and they have high exceptions rates like yemen, syria, eritrea stone and libya. the that's where people are coming from. i think what i wanted to really ask is a few minutes. you know that people have the, just some concerns and dice, more pounds about people coming into the household. and i'd like to understand what those concerns, all right? because it very much mimics historically when brown and black people moving into
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white majority areas, the same on grade and how white flight and you know, came and came about. and so i, you know, what it's elizabeth, is it, is it based on your racism? i appreciate you making that connection. i think too often things are conflated or at least perceptions can dictate a person's reality. too often we've seen that maybe get the better of a lot of people and because we've been talking about the mainstreaming of sort of, how can we put an anti brown and black or anti immigrant sentiment? i do want to share a clip from january, featuring someone who were calling hi out, or who is. it's not her real name. i should say she's in the silent speaker from eritrea. and she talks about the difficulties that she's encountered. take a listen. every day i stand up at the morning and i e. c. o z, a home in the hotel. is it all is a day? no thing to do?
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nothing. no school, no home, no wor, no anything. sometimes i see in my fall on facebook or that in youtube, i see is in use and it does get the is not good for today. luigi other, the people that for me not good severe, what can be done. i mean, what should be prioritized by the government, by others in the country to actually protect not just asylum seekers, but sort of tried to limit and contain a lot of this hate speech. so i feel some of the things have been touched upon already, but generally language is very important. so as, as we talked about, the home secretary using the word invasion to talk about asylum seekers and migrants. this is, you know, the type of language we see within the far, right? so there's this inflammatory language that's been used within sections of,
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you know, the politicians by in the media. definitely something that needs to drastically improve in how we discuss this issue because it tis an issue. the country is very interested and also, you know, looking at the sort of headlines, care storm or says there's a case for gps tagging on some asylum seekers. of course, i knew coalition of charities warned that this policy would amount to psychological torture. but, but just the fact that this is where the conversation is. what do you think is missing here? i mean, is the government and police forces? are they taking the far right threat seriously? and when you see these sort of considerations of tagging people, what does it tell you about how they're trying to approach this problem? amendment tells me that there's no the only people in attempting, mike, mike with refugees, right? so those. busy in the room so you know,
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members of the public doesn't really feel like the opposition understand the implications and the impact some of the. busy suggestions have, like, as you said, targeting is an appalling, it's almost like a criminalization of migration of seeking refugee status of protection. surely we're asking people to come here to see the country, not penalize for having chosen the u. k. for that, i want to just echo like sofia, she said, the language has to be talent. and i mean, i'm going to plug i was master campaign, which is doing exactly based on picking all the language that we have have as in all migration notice on the phone, king those trying to offering alternatives. and what we need is really the opposition politicians to take that seriously and think about the consequences of
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that was really, you know, those words really do matter. and again, a pointed out the, the a toggle, i think that they pack in, you know, the question detention center was a key example of how soon as you say and ramp and rhetoric has, has an, an, a consequence in an action. it could be deadly. my service again, we're running out of time, season 30 seconds, please go ahead. i'll take less, hopefully, just one. we're talking about language and who says what be interesting to point out. just a bit of context for the man who was speaking in the patriotic alternative clip in the trach, i mean, patriotic, called, tentative is a fall right? small but luscious group. i mean it's lead us sam call. it has praised hitler and you know, i've supported him. so when we're talking about extreme and yet they've managed through these protests to kind of present themselves as protectors of the locals.
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and you know, we just care about our own people. so it's very important we make sure we know who it is important and it is important so that we will continue to cover this story and i want to thank you. fortunately, that's all the time we have for today's show. but sophia and his i thank you so much for being with us. you can always find us online at stream dot al jazeera dot com. thanks for watching. ah ah ah
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ah. i was in a hands on celeste's working in asia and africa. there'd be days where i'd be choosing and editing my iron stories in a refugee camp with no electricity. and right now where confronting some of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever faced. and i really believe that the only way we can do that is with compassion and generosity and compromise. because up the only way we can try to solve any of these problem is together. that's why i'm 0 is so important. we make those connections every 3 days, a woman is came in,
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the murder of women and unprecedented levels of domestic violence have shocked easily to the call. the violence is more violent, violent men are younger. why does it keep happening? and what can be done to stop it. this is not the price i want my daughter and all the daughters to pay. that's not the country i want. witness them a studio for me is very simple. the question of power on ouch is era. we understand the differences and similarities of culture across the world. so no matter where you call home, we'll give you the news and current affairs that matter to you with their i'm dealing with donalds here in london, the top stories on al jazeera, there are growing fears of a cholera break in the northwestern region of syria following devastating earthquakes.


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