tv Counting the Cost Al Jazeera March 2, 2023 2:30am-3:01am AST
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a date, as you would might expect. here the mayor of symbol a crumb, marlo has spoken, saying that there is a need to strengthen buildings into the largest city that have of course, been extreme fears of a similar quake happens in a stumble. what the impact would be announcing the buildings will be strengthened from as early as next month and announcing that around a $110000.00 and buildings have already applied for checks to make sure that they are strong enough. now politicians in northern on and then great britain are examining the text of the winds, the framework, the government's new, post br, exit deal with a use. it aims to change the previous arrangement. be controversial. northern item protocol union, as politicians in northern ireland say, some issues remain while the hotline breakfast support, se, they'll go through the deal with a fine tooth comb. ah, i've a quick check of the headlines here on al jazeera israeli police of crackdown on
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hundreds of people protesting against prime minister benjamin netanyahu plan judicial reforms. major roads are blocked off to organize as cool for a national day of disruption. the proposed changes would limit the power of the supreme court while getting greater power to the government. these really army says it's detained for palestinians over the killing. alban is really american. on monday, the palestinian health minister says a man died of gunshot wounds following a raid at the act. but chapter refugee camp in the occupied westbank. neither abraham has more from the about java refugee camp. we are standing in front of the house that was surrounded earlier today. people here are telling us that shortly in the afternoon, they were taken by surprise after it's way the forces arrived here and surrounded the house, but they were in civilian clothes. so they didn't know who they were up against before the shooting and a we've heard witnesses say that there was an exchange of fire, maybe a little bit of its kit coming from the palestinian side. the greek prime minister
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says the head on collision of 2 trains on tuesday was caused by tragic human error . the station last has been arrested. at least 40 people died and dozens injured in the crash in the city of larissa. the u. s. house foreign affairs committee has voted to give president biden the power to band tick tock. the app was already banned on government devices, security concerns. nat geo, as governing party candidate bowler to new boot, has been declared the winner of saturday's presidential election. the opposition labor party has announced it'll mount a legal challenge over the results. russia's foreign ministers held talks with his indian counterpart ahead of a meeting between gee 20 foreign ministers. india continues to purchase russian oil as many western nations of place functions on moscow due to the war in ukraine. stuckey as president russia type heard, one has indicated that presidential and parliamentary elections will go ahead on may 14 as previously announced. it was speculation. the vote could be postponed off
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the last months, devastating earthquakes that killed more than $45000.00 people there. so those were the headlines. the news continues here now to 0 after counting the cost statement that's watching. informed opinion far right extreme is there. it's me else and need to be tackled as soon as possible. frank assessments. there was a joke about the interim government that it, it's not in for, i mean, nor does it gather insights story on al jazeera ah, i out of there on the cloud. this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you'll look at the world of business and economics this week, one year off to russia's invasion of ukraine. the west is still rolling out
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sanctions against moscow, but are the measures hurting financially and who's paying the price. also this week from an energy crisis to shortages of food and fertilizer. the war in ukraine has appended the global economy. in many ways. we learn how bakers, as far as cynical a k plus india's largest international carry, us seals, the biggest aviation dale in history. as it seeks to reinvent itself, but can india compete with well, exist airline? ah. so then the rubel reduced to rubble and the economy cut in half. so said u. s. president joe biden off the unprecedented sanctions on russia nearly a year ago. the country's banking energy and manufacturing sectors, access to global trade and the oligarchy. they've all been targeted in an attempt to undermine moscow's war effort. but russia continues to export oil and gas in the
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war, rages on. and while the institute for international finance predicted, the russian economy would shrink by 15 percent last year. in fact, it dropped by just over 2 percent. making weapons for the russian armed forces has kept the nation's factories been agriculture, construction and hospitality sectors. they all grew according to russian statistics, but manufacturing and retail trade saw a decline. well, living costs in russia had been rising for months, leaving people struggling to pay for essentially, and with a rouble weakening against a dollar more tough times are expected. alhashan reports now from moscow war sanctions and the global economic downturn are reducing. what dash i can put in her shopping basket to feed her family. just. we began to focus more on essential products due to the fact that prices have risen. we buy what we need, no extras, because the priorities are already too expensive. for example,
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we now 8 lease fishing before the people and most quarter, paying more for less dash. i can only afford cheaper goods. this, in general, the cost of the se basket has increased by 30 percent. we spent a more of our budget on groceries in before because wages have remained for same and food prices have risen. western sanctions imposed on russia have led to major international brands pulling out of the country. local companies are trying to fill the gap last year, it was possible to fill this basket with more goods for less money. that's not the case anymore. after nearly year of what russia calls at special operation, and ukraine exports are saying the government is trying to control prices. but that doesn't seem to be working. although property rental prices are fallen the last year, utility bills have increased by 9 percent, according to official numbers. big data experts say gay gantski says people are
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only buying what they need, says linear austin that i want appear on your part. you missed you. unfortunately, the rise in prices for a central goods is faster than any increase in people's income pre approval, but people are adapting to the difficult situation with their reducing expenses. not, not related to a central good sort of club. what survey says? inflation has reached nearly 12 percent in the last year. what grad, faster mill prices are rising above that last year. his department of, i'm with your name in moscow. there is an approved minimum wage which of about $280.00. but it's obvious that living on the minimum wage is quite problematic. let me officially moscow says the conflict in ukraine is having the minimal impact on the lives of russians. what on the ground, the reality of fears? very different. well enjoy. now from london by maria, she guinette, she's a senior fellow at the international institute for strategic studies. maria, welcome to our dessert. so the bottom line is, the situation in russia is not quite as abiding said it would be
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a year ago following the sanctions. but it's still a very difficult situation for the man and the woman on the street. absolutely, we have to say that after a year of sanctions, the picture about their effectiveness is rather mixed on the muckraking. on a level, the economy has proven to be much more resilient. if we look at the numbers of g, p is constructed only by 2.2 percent last year. inflation unemployment, the manager below. we haven't seen any bank crown. the financial system has stabilized under the picture, the criminal wants you to focus on that. everything is going according to plan that the russian economy is strong enough to wear the distinction storm. but that the trick was sanctioned, that it's hard to capture them in one nice number and put it on the slide in terms of the macroeconomic figures with things that they need time to unfold. and they
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have cumulative effects across sectors because they, they, the companies. so it's hard to give you that number. so we have to zoom in on the design of things, how it has been adapted to them and the role of the country. so as time goes on, the effect of the sanctions will become more obvious, is that, is that the case? yes. so that the idea was anxious that they need time to unfold. simply because as the wisdom in one sector, for example, did the energy sector. you have the implementation, it's oil embargo last december, and we'll see an immediate impact on the russian budget. and the kremlin pain, our $160000000.00 euros per day in last revenue. if we add the embargo, fine products at that number in the high,
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over 260000000 euros per day. so it's a cumulative, it doesn't mean the will have a shock effect. the sanctions will make russian economy collapse. but that, and the, the effect which will unfold over time, but not enough to have a visible effect on the war effort on russia's war. if it hasn't just weighted putin's reverse policy, it was sanctions. it's all about your expectations, right? if you have height and expectations, the sanctions will stop the war. that's not the case. to have to be clear about the limitations of things and what they can do. they can constrain nurses ability to describe the colonel in of capital technology, and that's with where she was, expert controls and conductors with distinctions on the energy sector. but they can still work with me. they can shave the conditions in which this water will and, but we have to be clear, realistic, what they can do on the battlefield. then the russian president is selling it as an
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opportunity for, for russian companies to fill the void left by those foreign companies that left the country. there might be some short term profits for ration oligarchy. and indeed there is a think that see, and then of the 9 to buy back in town where you see western assets trend is being distributed to oligarch. i knew people suddenly became owners of businesses, but that's very short term picture long term. the picture of the economy is rather lease because the time they go in the multi phase decoupling in terms of energy, commercial, financial, and also technological. so the real a cation of assets is only of short term nature. it's not about the economic prosperity of the russian economy and more sanctions now being added will that run
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things up? will that make a difference? it's not the sanctions of massive consequences. there are areas where we can make it much more tight. but the next thing to package is making is the idea to make it more costly, more cumbersome, for russia to adopt and also to why them the budget deficit has already merge in december. so from the you have just point of view. the idea of things is to, for us to choose between funding it's mountain, military, war effort and also sustained in its economy. and that, that challenge is becoming more tricky how to cover the budget gap. this is why didn't the, while the fiscal policy options are narrowing. so as the war goes on, it becomes harder and harder to, to prosecutes and the war effort is that the thing? yes. so the, we have to look also on. we have to look at the mission reaction,
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what they do in to adapt to this type of sanctions and controls. and here i think that all of those countries is really key, how china will position. and so whether it will provide the since how churchill position, whether it will provide senate conduct the russia con domestic use. so there's all components that need to be in place to have a comprehensive picture of the effectiveness of things. and what about the kind of the balance by the rebound of sanctions, if you like, the effective sanction, don't other countries. it's nobody in the hands of sanctions, let's say on russia to her other economies. the whole concept of smart sanctions is to avoid collateral damage to the outside country and also to spare any unintended consequences for local population. and that has been the case since
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998 since the iraq war. so we can say that sanctions, as a concept is the magic tool that can, you know, split the collab the economy and avoid all of the collateral sandwich summer with this just on the boy, the bill by the share of complexity of things that have been put in place, and we have to say, russian thinks is a one of the most complex now on the table. so certain measures have been put in place from d, u, from the us from the u. k. to make sure that companies are not over compliant when the remember for example, lots of guidance is been issued in terms of shipments of fertilizer or a grain, but that's not on the sanctions regime. also the price, the whole idea is to allow shipment include in the find that's to the country to not and not to made the situation with right didn't. prices and prices are amera.
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appreciate that. we'll leave it there. thanks very much. maricia geena from the international institute for strategic studies. thank you haven't. of course, the war has caused pain in europe to energy prices, sword after russia largely cut off gas to the continent. european countries scrambled to weed themselves off russian supplies to try and ease the energy crisis, diminishing household income's, and while efforts to become carbon neutral by 2050 have accelerated in some countries. other nations have reopened old coal plants. natasha butler reports now from eastern france, with its half timbered homes. the small eastern french town of missouri. sholtes is steeped in history, but it's a community firmly turning towards the future. a decades ago, the mer launch the project to build a hydro electric plant. it came on line 4 years ago and now generates enough electricity to power the towns public buildings,
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a huge asset. the time when energy prices are rising, routers circles off, ineptitude, being self sufficient when it comes to energy is something everybody wants to know, particularly as prices are high. but here we certainly feel more relaxed because ominous our buildings upon but this plant. so we have barely any extra costs. solar panels on roofs reduce lighting, and better isolation for buildings are all part of the mess plan to generate enough electricity one day for the whole town. and since the war in ukraine motor schultz is become a model for other communities looking to do the same, jeremiah grew more taller, likable to change, but we can't do it alone by the has to be collective approach. what we're doing in this town could be done nearly anywhere, or the push for energy independence in this town is the sort of project being encouraged across france and elsewhere in the european union. as the block accelerates its effort to transition to green energy because of the war. after the
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invasion, the you launched emergency measures to speed up the rollout of renewables, including wind and solar power, as part of the blocks and to be carbon usual by 2050. is a by say, the war in ukraine made us see that russia used energy as a weapon and was no longer a reliable partner. so we had to launch a strategy to replace russian gas with alternatives, including ellen, g, increase renewables, and reduce our overall consumption. it's clear that concerns over climate change, we're already driving the use green transition, but the war in ukraine has injected a new sense of urgency and an awareness the energy independence isn't only desirable, but also a question of security. well, from weight to vegetable oil, ukraine, russia are agricultural power houses and major exporters to the world. of course, the war has disrupted the global flow of goods pushing the prices of food and fertilizer to record highs. in senegal,
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the government is encouraging bread makers to use local grains to keep costs down. nicholas hack reports now from northern cynical st. out of the oven, a batch of freshly baked bread. ah, when russia invaded ukraine a year ago? bread make a mistake herself, smelt trouble? because war torn ukraine is the biggest exporter of wheat to africa. this is excellent. this is what we're looking for. sol wasn't going to let the shortage of the grange stop him from making the best possible loaf. great, we make great brit. this is read that has been cultivated and harvested here in synagogue, the 100 for, for the local. as you can already see, we find a lot more nutrition, better quality is much of a bed of bread because of the real being grown. luckily,
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this is solved ancestral land in the sal region where agronomist planted in experimental variety of wheat that can withstand desert temperatures for i always thought it bigger. it's incredible because at 46 degrees celsius, wheat is growing here. it's a miracle and thanks to the crisis, every once interested in our research and we have no more stalks of grains to give out. samples of the grain are being kept in a safe house. so scientists call this a seen bank and inside these plastic cups are a variety of weeds from across the world from ukraine, syria to mexico. scientists will grow them here in these conditions because since russia's invasion of ukraine, the shortage of wheat have governments in the region fearful of social tension. most african countries continue to rely on wheat imports and food prices have shot up after the war of you and says, 220000000 people face hunger with bread. it becoming unaffordable to many so to november for i didn't of our country and ensure quality of hunger. that is enough
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weeks on the market. if looking at my phone is laughter and from countries are constantly depending on this market. now, there is a shock replacing ukraine's wheat by local grains like marine gas, millet or local wheat is not just a temporary solution, but a gradual change the way senegalese consume beat goods. a desperate attempt, the face of a war on another continent, roughly effecting millions of people across africa. ah, a boeing expects india will become the 3rd largest market for air travel behind the united states and china. within the next decade, the country's largest international carrier is banking on the booming business and once the modernize its fleet and expand its operations, air india has made the biggest order of new passenger aircraft in history worth more than $100000000000.00 at less prices. the airline which is owned by tata sons,
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will buy 250 planes from the european play manufacturer, air bus, and 220 from its american rival, boeing, french president, a man or micron, called it a new success and an opportunity to develop new areas of cooperation with india and you as president joe biden echoed the sentiment, saying the boeing order would support more than $1000000.00 american jobs. all right, let's take this on that for mom. buy. i'm joined by jack, i'm not a man of hon. gigantic is practiced leader and director of transport and it just takes that crystal target. and thanks for joining us here at al jazeera. so air india made it last aircraft purchase 20 years ago. it's completely up ended that now. will this huge deal, turn the line around. do you think? yeah. so thanks for having me. be with you. if i hadn't made a significant announcement in terms of purchase of closer to $470.00,
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i promise been going and ad, but also, you know, add, india has been now the last ignored group and strategy has been put across with both cost of merging. and again, to happen in an extra months or so, and that the question is which will be the added expressed and at a show coming into full. so a lot of regions which has happened and is going to happen. you want to play out in the next month or 2. so i think it's a step in the right direction. and really very much, pretty much the ambition that they have in the being significantly in the growing in the market and to india also for service across the international market as well . so the aspirations of india is quite significant and today's going to be stepping
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up and are getting ready to start. so are paying the fleet in this way presents a huge logistical challenge. just to tell us more about that, the kind of challenges the air and we'll have implementing this. yeah, so i mean in terms of the implementation of the good thing is traditionally between the boys and the us. and they have continued to do that, to that extent. it is, it is not something new for them. and so what has happened will be going on as it's about putting this won't get ready on fashion and, but i want to get to the 2nd part is that adding the add some of the gauging feed. so they have added a necessary position. all have to do this and bring in so it's more of necessity, which for them to go for this kind of change and has it come change,
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right. so there's a lot of replacement going on as well as the afternoon as well. just protecting the perspective and india pretty and has about close on the don't wait 40 that has about 40 on the audio 70 on. so we can kind of see that much of this will be times of replacement off the current. and the other part, the other headlines have gotten pretty much fried in them. so even in india, indigo, the complete is pretty much, you know, and hands from a customer experience. they have to get those steps up to get it in the new ad crashing august 8. and that sticks into the production and the fan, the fuel consumption and eventually be able to be so this kind of video and ends pretty much up to date such as an ad. india has
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a history of running in and hence they will be able to kind of integrate with both of these players. now ed trouble rebounded pretty quickly in india after cave. why was that in building within comparison to the international part? um and yes, i think a lot of that goes into the basic is more than the vaccination because we were able to make it mandatory for all of them and made it also affordable and accessible to the larger population. and many of them went through this early on. i mean, the over didn't really significant lee in the 2nd part by 21, but then they did on the bombs back that industry bounce back and you're seeing the blades and adeline travelers and linked to the office. and hence,
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that correlation played out really well for india. the 2nd part of it, there's also a lot of people who are on that, on the domestic se, want to come back and office is opened up. so that's next to the 2nd one is in terms of the domestic buddhism that also really in the last one, jack. and what about from a sustainability perspective? because by an enormous fleet like this isn't exactly looking towards a carbon neutral feature that yeah, so it is one aspect of it. but today it's, i'm an old on probation if you look at and in india, this is significantly still based off in terms of our old or transportation. so the kind of migration which is happening in india from the villages into the cities is quite significant. so the explanations are high up from capital very
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low in dozens of in not be and all of this needs before we can stay below and overhead. so the transport that we have is, and the profit, somebody's in the back and the population which goes by and is finally fairly, less income. so 140000000 of vienna population of 1000000000. so you get the straight so it's very miniscule. and hence, going forward, we still have a long way in terms of our journey deviation perspective. and in many of these adeline's and how we are able to kind of get us crash coming through, been held by police using the carbon footprint from the oil to the new.
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alright, jag and we'll have to leave that thanks very much. and if your prospective heritage 0, thank you. thank you. thanks a lot and that's, i'll show you for this week. if you'd like to comment on anything, even to me, clark al jones, please use the hash tag a j c t c does drop as an email, counting the cost at our desert dot net is our address. as more for you online downs dot com slash ctc, that will take you straight to our page. individual reports, links and tire. so it's for you to catch up. but that is, it's for this edition kind of because i'm nick long from the whole team here. thanks for joining us. the news is coming right. ah ah, along with
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. ready too often of canister is portrayed through the prism of war. but there were many of canister thanks to the brave individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction. an extraordinary film archives spanning for decades, reviews the forgotten truths of the countries modern history. the forbidden real part one, the birth of afghan cinema on a just a busy military control room received a request for help from aries, more numerous than the pens to write them all down. the military decided to send a helicopter to carry aid out to washington. so it's one of the many earthquake hit village is high up in the mountains of a remote part of seldom to keep everybody. oh, when we get that, we will still climb survivors people alive and able to help unload this stuff and
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get help to the people who needed the mon, i think what landing it looks like on the call. all the very see. now here we are. people that made it all, i get you through the military. they're taking the boxes with the turmoil of nature may have conspired against people and of quake sounds. but the, a definite has let some light through the very gaunt pounds on the horizon. with his writing forces write a refugee camp in the occupied west bank as tensions escalate across the reach of ah.
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