tv News Al Jazeera March 6, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm AST
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one months after 2 powerful earthquakes had tequila and syria, many are still searching for their missing relatives. displaced by war made homeless by these quakes. tens of thousands of syrians are in camps, still waiting for help to arrive, report from intellect. ah, hello there, i'm this darcy, attain this is al jazeera life from door ha. also coming the head of rushes. wagner group says, has fighters positions around the city of buck? what will collapse if they don't get more ammunition? and at least 9 police officers have been killed and a suicide bomb attack in southwestern pakistan. ah,
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well it's now been one months since millions of lives were uprooted and destroyed by those 2 powerful earthquakes. that shook southern to kia and northwestern syria . the full extent of the catastrophe is now quite clear. more than 50000 people have died across both countries and millions are displaced. many are also still searching for their missing relatives. from huts i, if ora begins, are coverage. this is what's called a cemetery of the unknown. it's one of the many where those who lost their lives in earthquakes in southern trickier are buried. but their identities were never recorded. like lots of others too, but kara has been asked to give a dna test and apply to authorities for any news of her husband. young high law about his we are done with, shall knew that we still cannot get any news about him. we cannot reach him from anywhere. we looked at every place we were supposed to even to the cemeteries. we know the older wealth bonnie m ago. i don't know if someone took him to hospital or
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maybe he lost his memory because we cannot find him anywhere. but in the weeks after the quakes struck, many of the dead were buried without being identified. now their relatives are trying to find them. mary, i'm, you'll does from what i is a mother of 3. she saved 2 of her 3 children, but her 7 year old son childish is still missing. when on hold on, i don't think his dead. i've never felt he's dead when i believe my son will come back to me safe and sound to file and get it in said. maryam says she heard from witnesses that her son was pulled out alive, or some old lady told me a bull looking like my son was taken by some people, but she didn't know who they were. to find a missing person, family members give samples of their dna to the police and wait for them to check their records, photos, and dna swab se taken from the dead have been recorded since the 1st day of the disaster. the government hasn't officially said how many people are still missing.
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many family members are trying to find their loved ones by putting ads like lees in different parts. so to city, they're hoping that someone will recognize them so they can be re united again. it would oh al jazeera, what i forget her more now with theresa bo, on the recovery efforts there in hattie province. i'm here in the ancient city of untouched. this is the capital of the province of have i and this city has been completely devastated by the earthquake, 14 centuries of history were destroyed on february 6 in this city. if this is home to turkey is old estimate happy. the analogy, you can see it right here behind me was devastated during the earthquake and rebuilding places such as this one is a major challenge for the government. they're saying that they will rebuild cities like this one, but the residential areas, for example, they say that need to be moved towards and closer the mountain side,
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mostly because the difference on the ground that it will make it much more stable. the government is also promising to talk to architect or urban planners, engineers among other things in order to carry out the rebuilding process. but right now this place is an inhabitable thousands and thousands of people have left this area. they've been troubling with water, with food, with shelter, among many other things. and among those flings, are syrian refugees who had come here escaping the war. thousands of them are leaving intense surrounding this area, but many other say that they were forced to flee. oh, these people have been waiting for days to be allowed inside this temporary refugee camp in a dana in southern tokyo home. they were syrian and had been living in this country for 7 years, but the earthquakes last month left them homeless. so marilyn dailey, says he and his family have no way to go that and had them written on the 2nd grade,
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destroyed our house. we left a house with children without any of our belongings. so we come to this camp were syrian stayed, i believe there's enough space in the camp, but we've been living on the streets for 14 days now. the turkish authorities did not reply to our questions on why these families were not allowed in sight. since the civil war, we started in syria to air docks is an open door policy to which syrians fling the conflict. there now more than 4000000 syrians in the country, many i living in camps where they have shelter, food, health care, and an education. but over time, many turn study to resend the support given to syrian refugees by the turkey state . just widespread me for food, shelter on basic services all around the areas affected by the earthquake in, okay, and that has increased the anti refugee sentiment in the country. there are many who would like to see the refugees leave. hundreds of people are living in this 10
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city in the center of cassandra, m collette a house. my dad has acted all blue is one and she's angry. she says she's living in a tent with 5 other families among them, a premature baby. deborah june. childhood like all civilians have turns, but we turks have nothing. we are living outside in terrible conditions. well, syrians have tons, aren't we, human beings to the turkish minister of defense as more than 40000 syrians have returned to their country in the past weeks. many others here are also finding it difficult to survive in a disaster area and considering other options. clarify that boosting abraham alleys . assyrian journalist. he says he fears the lead up to 2 kias presidential elections in may, could and cruise hostile sent him and toward syrians in the country. some like special like from their rights like side flight parties, considering as like actually more loyal to other parties which is make it like very difficult for our syrians. and if you are trying like to do like little survey
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around between civilians been, i think about policy of or like, politic like here they're just like trying to leave a lot of millions of serious have come to tokyo to escape the war in their nation. now they've lost everything they had once again and have to survive in a country that is not their own. on the earth, quick one months ago have had a huge impact on people's lives wherever you go. their stories of loss of sorrow, even of revival. the government is asking people not to leave areas like this when i'm promising to rebuild it and to give them homes once again. and when you talk to syrian refugees here. and when you talk to those who have lost it all, the only thing they want to know is when they'll be able to have a home. once again, the government is promising to build almost $400000.00 home in a period of one year. people here say they're hoping that the government will be able to deliver while are castanan hudson, i'll borrow has more from the epicenter of the quake in cut them mash. it's been
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raining non stop over the last see hours. another reminder of the tough times ahead for the thousands of people who live in makeshift camps and hard, desperate for a semblance of normal life. in the meantime, people are making a final trip to their damage homes or to the rubble where their buildings once stood to recover their belongings. this is the moment, little a year has been waiting for excavators clear the rubble. she only has a few hours to salvage whatever she can. she has spent most of her life here, and now she has to confront the harsh reality. yoga i am here with my family to collect anything that would help me connect with the path so that the memories of the place and the people i met lives on. this was once my house,
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the authorities keep safe deposit boxes recovered from the rubble. it police stations, owners have to provide detailed lists of their belongings, which should match the least find is people are desperate to retrieve whatever they can from the debris, identity, cause furniture, jewelry and money. and sometimes all they want is only the medicine the left behind as they rush to survive the devastation. the reason they're taking risks is the fear. this could be their last chance to recover whatever the can before is for ever gone. right after the earthquakes hit 11 provinces in southern turkey, security forces launched a crack down on robbers and rounded up looters. the also managed to retrieve cash and gold bars, from destroyed banks and jewellery shops. highly should i call,
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hulu is recovering his brother's belongings. he was rescued along with his family, but 7 other families didn't make it either either all on a day. what can you do? you feel completely helpless in the face of calamity. i found a few items, most polish of my brother and his children. he has at least a few memories now to keep it him. it's all about keeping memory is alive and remembering those who couldn't make it mostly buried in unmarked grace. they are keen on picking up the pieces stitching together their lives, amid with loss and devastation. they want to rebuild the lies and move on. well, many of those left homeless in syria had already been displaced by more than a decade of civil war. and not a judge and family had just rebuilt their lives and yet in a dead. then his wife,
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mother and 2 young sons were killed and quake. and he and his 4 year old daughter survived. ah ah, i oh. when i'm teenagers hung had too much in being kinetic. i had you on such a pain on my side. no. i didn't sweat, she was off from anyone. my husband hasn't had not the sort of federal sort of any and not all of them the must not live with
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those take much. shouldn't they tell you? have probably heard will come. sure. well and the saturday we'll get ah, the latter. and i actually had to, if i let my gym be cut off, i didn't the above one off here. i'm assuming home heck, auction but the woman who had that. and if he's a colonel shake method, i'm about to show the big the messages about how much on this, if in any media, in mission of the upper, i love to hate them at the telephone and she left them.
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i don't know what i was writing, but all the funding and some of the home phone give and it wouldn't kill him for him. no more money. i haven't been home either. submit those to the $100.00 and you can watch how special coverage, mocking one month since those quakes into kia and syria care at $1800.00 gmc i'm still coming up here on our desert. we'll have all the rest of the day's new
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wave of organized crime hits ecuador, as it becomes a major, cocaine trading. huh? ah, march on a, just get a station and its aftermath. we have more on our continuing coverage of the earthquake disaster in turkey and syria. rigorous debate unflinching questions up front smoking the montero cut through the headlines to challenge conventional wisdom. 20 years on from the start of the iraq war, we examined how the past 2 decades have shaped the country. and the major challenges confronting future generations documentary that inspire witness brings world issues into focus through compelling human story amid widespread industrial action and the cost of living crisis. the u. k. government seeks
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a way to turn around it's faltering economy march on a jessina i the dakota oil pipeline snaked through indigenous land, but no without resistance broke right in front of the bowl and they were beaten, arrested, and shot as protested. they all beat it. and so proclaimed, which had protected the women of standing rock on al jazeera lou. ah,
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hello again. you're watching al jazeera, i'm this darcy tay here and are huh. let's remind you about top stories. it's now been one month since more than $50000.00 people were killed in the too powerful earthquakes. that shook southern ticket and northwest and syria, inter kia survivors are still trying to identify the remains of their relatives and across the border and syria. many survivors in the rebel controlled northwest stuff still waiting for vital aid. a sheil outside government has put restrictions on a distribution and some rebels to have blocked deliveries from government health areas who rushes defense minister as visiting areas in ukraine under moscow's control. so get sugared toward the port city of mario pole. to oversee reconstruction efforts, there the eastern ukrainian said he has been under russia's control now since may. it witnessed a month strong siege in the early days of the invasion. on shore group visit
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coincides with renewed criticism of his ministry by the head of russia's wagner mercenary group. if any provision says his fight as position around the eastern ukrainian city of bachman could collapse unless ammunition promised by moscow arrived soon, he says the extra militaries and brought supplies were promised back in february. provisions says he isn't sure if the delays are due to bureaucracy or to betrayal. you see, she would go if vulcan pmc retreats from bottom book now the whole frontal collapse today. vulcan is the glue holding things together. as i've said, on one hand, we're pulling in the whole, you union army, grinding them up and destroying them, not letting them focus on other parts of the front line on the other were pushing forward and others have to follow us to save face and reputation. the learning that it can be done, it's important to break the stereotype. can we? can't we? yes, we can. if we can, that means you can 2 lads come on. if we retreat then will go down in history forever as people who have taken the main step towards losing the war. when i spoke
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to pablo falcon, how he's in defense in military analyst, and he says there's a long history of tension between positions group and the russian military top brass. the wagner group appeared in a crate and actually in the don bus fighting after this situation. there stabilized in 15 many a fight fighters. they are decided, it's not interesting to fight because the pay is low. there's no offensive faction, a lute. and so they moved into syria where russia began, and operation began fighting there. and already there, there were serious confrontation conference between the russian official military command and the wagner. so always complained that they were bad. we supply that they got got old weapons, not enough nations didn't get adequate air. cars support from the russian military command. and now a wagner moved the back back into ukraine and expanded dramatically. and they're
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there on like western contract kind of contract or mercenary. look, these are front line, crack storm troops. they're used like that. that's a very big difference. they can't get have a heavy losses, but they also are, i have the capability, have shown the capability to advance and very serious situations and can sustain the losses. and more than $60000.00 somalis, mainly women and children, had fled to neighboring ethiopia to escape recent violence and somali land. more than half of them arrived early this week. tensions between locals and the governing somali land authorities have been building there for weeks. a 100 people have so far been killed in the violence. earlier my colleague what madison spoke to somali as president hassan shake mohammed,
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he says his administration is working in a constructive manner to try to resolve the issue. and somali land my government, the standards for the unit of the country. it is a constitutional mandate, and it is the will of the majority of the somali people so, so my land has been there. yes, local progress. a lot of local progress they meet. we appreciate and we, we will come brand or we are brand them that this is, this is good. that was, they did and i will congratulate them. but the, so my live federal government stands for the unit. we believe the unity is the honest ownership unit is political. we want this so my land to come back to somalia and united, but we don't want to this unity through violence. we have been avoided to which war could be a problem in social maryland even for a long time. because you to create a violence is only makes them either worse. now what's happening within so maryland is a barrier. there are regions wanted the unity and this is what makes the,
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the violence or listen to that have been in less anil. so we have been advocating for the last couple of weeks. how can we stop 1st, the violence, and then or been a speech for dialog? so on those is, there is a broadness there. there is, this is 5 and blues and the other is on, the community movers are working better hard. we believe that the buyers will be stopped on then dialogue to start to move. we want a united shore, marya mitchell, my land in her beautiful manner until a dialog on consensus building. saul last on all is a region that claims that they want to unity and does is the principle of the symbolic government. but we need, but i saw new on the rest of so my learn to come to the unit thread, blissful leaves the opposition candidates in nigeria have protested against the
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results of last week's presidential election. they're rejecting the outcome and are planning now to challenge it and cause bulletin knew of the governing party was declared. the winner with 37 percent of the vote at iran, supreme leader says, the poisoning of school girls is an unforgivable crime. ayatollah ali harmony has urged all the art is to investigate the cases and severely punished perpetrators. a new wave of gas attacks was reported over the weekend. more than 300 girls were taken to hospital. at least 5000 female students have now been admitted since november. that's according to an m p. the attacks have also led to more protests. at least 9 police officers have been killed in a suicide bomb attack in southwestern pakistan has happened in the catch district of the province of bulloch as done. several others have also been injured. no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. come on, hider has more from islamabad. according to their due date,
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there was an annual festival that was taking place and a district down of the b. b of cotton, about 830125 or 30 kilometers from where these people were dead. on duty, in order to ensure the security around that festival, they were traveling back to greater and they came under an area known as the ball lawn bought the hayley area with meandering road, according to the board, suicide bomber writing more to bike approach the re near a bridge and detonated the explosives, which led to the killing of dog policemen. and as your mentor and many more injured red, w just on government and sent a helicopter from quite an order to evacuate. some of the most hideous li wound gauge who had initially been admitted to the local arch producers. and they combined military hospital and no one had taken responsibility for the river.
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there's been an escalation in the number of our di, against the police force that security portrait. they were their deadly attack or not much which carried almost $100.00 policemen. there was an attack in the city of karachi on a senior police official office. and of course now the new job and the ball lawn area of bluetooth on i universities across the dentist on have reopened after the winter break, but taliban thirties still ball women from attending. the university ban is one of several restrictions imposed on women since the taliban seized power and in 2021 and police in the u. s. city of atlanta have detained a 35 people. and what they say was a coordinated attack on the sides of a proposed police training facility that he's a group of people broke away from a peaceful protest to attack officers and equipment used to construct the new facility. now in ecuador police are struggling to contain
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a months old wave of organized crime. the south american nation has become a transportation hubs. the mill, the multi $1000000000.00 cocaine trade from the u. s. am to the us and europe. i was under, i'm get your reports from guy q, where the young and paul, the most affected by the violence police traffic stops in ecuador, largest city. guayaquil are far from routine these days, armed officers where bulletproof vests and most have their faces covered as they look for drug gang members that have been terrifying the city. to day they found a possibly legal gun in this s u. v. wouldn't they miss a needle? in january, we arrested a 145 people in this neighbourhood alone. we found more than 18 weapons short and large. we want people to feel safe that travel, they weigh akila, become the epicenter of a turf war among national and international gangs. bombings and killings have become daily occurrences as its port as turned into the main transport hub for
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cocaine trafficking, ecuador, geographic position between the world's 2 main cocaine producers, bureau and columbia. the use of us dollar us currency, and corrupted. both state institutions made it ideal for the drug cartels about and ecuador used to be a safe country. in 2017, we had $5.00 homicides per 100000 inhabitants. now it's almost 5 times that what it shows is that the government didn't take the necessary precautions yet. we know cocaine production had moved closer to our borders and nothing was done in the most vulnerable communities to prevent the growth of the gangs. hernando, best years of a human rights organization working in wire kills forest neighborhoods confirms that the social impact of drug trafficking has been devastating better both after the cobra 19 and the mac, we saw organized crime gangs becoming stronger and stronger at a time of high unemployment they offered a way to survive. now fear one fiddle leave your house to denounce,
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speak up. poverty and lack of opportunity have made kids from neighborhoods like this one on the outskirts of guayaquil, an easy prey of criminal organizations grants and turning them into the cannon fodder of their turf wars. in response, some residents of organized the free football school to try and keep the kids away from the lore of using and dealing drugs. but the organizers fails us anonymously for fear of retaliation. that is not enough. don't any other can say i know we had a recent case of a kid 15 years old who fell for the money he was offered. you know, they think it's the best they can get. he ended up killed with 17 shots. i felt the world collapsed. i knew him since he was 8. it makes you feel impotent. he'll allison gonna be at the i'll jessia while you while that said for me in the stars he had hey for now, but don't go away inside stories next and i'll be back with
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a news hour for you after that to stay with us. ah. hello, the weather is lost. he sat fair across southern parts of the arabian peninsula, farther north, a little more cloud. then all the parts of saudi sea was seen some where to where the thick cloud, making its way across northern areas of the region on this system here. that's the one that brought the strong and gusty winds across assyria, driving across iraq, some a quater weather coming back in behind over the next couple days. but a lot of whether they're from the caspian. more than parts of the go with du. dustin sad, just mixing his way in across the region, add you in the see some rather way, whether that 2 across northern parts of saudi arabia as we go through the next couple of days. it's warm enough in doha temperatures. 31 degrees, well above the seasonal average. temperature is close to the seasonal average. now for cairo, things have east of here, warmer i, which was a north west and cooler still a few shower santa northern parts of algeria and
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a scattering a showers across a coastal fringes of west africa over the next few days that plenty of showers along the spells of rights to lurking away there just around that southwest corner of madagascar. this is tropical sites. i'm freddy, of course. it's back in town or this bring in more very heavy rain right at the most at b channel. it will feed some heavier. right over to was mozambique over the next couple of days. fuchsia was to the south africa. ah, but al jazeera goes beneath the waves with a team of women, determined to save the dolphins, will share the same with amazing and using a variety of scientific techniques to study their behavior, we can monitor them for their vocal photos and behavior. we're able to how they're adapting to their new environment when they make science.
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