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tv   News  Al Jazeera  March 10, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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she is the ukraine war, becoming a forever war is america's global leadership, increasingly fragile. what will us politics look like as we had to the presidential election of 2024. the quizzical look us politics, the bottom line. in the face of the cost of living crisis, the u. k. chancellor is set to announce a spring budget, but with thousands of civil servants that despite the pain ambitions, will jeremy 100 people to announce more money to the public services full of the story. as it breaks on al jazeera, ah, iran in saudi arabia announced they are resuming diplomatic relations and reopening embassies after talks in china. ah,
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i'm thorough venue, 8th grade to have you with us. this is l 0 alive from doha. also coming up to day police in germany say a mass shooting at a jehovah witnesses center was carried out by a former member of the community mass protests, c, georgia scrap it's foreign agents. bill. moscow accuses the u. s. of instigating into russia. sentiment, a british prime minister is in paris to push joint efforts to stop migrants crossing the english channel. ah, and we start with breaking news as saudi arabia and iran announced that there are resuming diplomatic ties. the deal was struck in beijing. the 2 countries released a joint communicate with china on that deal. iranian state media have posted video from the meeting. the kingdom broke off ties with iran, back in 2016. let's go to alley hush him. he's live in toronto, lee. what did they actually agree on?
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let's start. there was a real, the main agreement is a resuming guy, diplomatic relations. and within the coming to months, iran and saudi arabia will have that embassy sat in both capitals, also reviving the 2001 security back between the 2 countries. this is the main points that was announced in the company k. and a based on that, that means these are that area and iran are going to be on, on the track of diplomacy after being 4 years on the track of confrontation. this is very important, especially with the, with the, with the deal happening in china. this is another issue that many people are asking on. the role of china is now playing in the region. this is, and you all, it's introducing itself as a mediator. and as a country with leverage that it's kind of using this leverage to bring together to
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main drivers at what already fighting. or let me say at least that extension between them in several places. it was that it's in yemen, whether it's in iraq, whether it's lebanon or syria. so this is the main issue that was announced in the company. katie ali, if i can pull back the curtain a little bit. and just before this happened, and before we actually got the news officially, you had warned us to look out for significant news coming out of iran. how surprising was this to you? well we were thinking that that is a possibility to see a breakthrough on the a for on the nuclear talks fraud and not the nuclear talks itself. bought some small deals around the nuclear talked just like what happened last week when the i e, g visit that there on we were thinking that there is a possibility or at least there are indications that is a possible prism swapped up. that's going to happen between the u. s. and iran, but when this tweed by new news came on and said that sham honey,
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the secretary of iran's national security council has been in a foreign country. i haven't talked with another a state, and this will have big impact on, on iran and, and the region. there were a lot of guessing over here. however, with respect to a saudi arabia and iran. it wasn't under the read that actually because everyone was thinking of the nuclear deal and also because these talks halted like and a couple of years ago, a year and a half ago, there were, there was a path that was going on in, in iraq. there was in the rocky mediation and this iraq imitation a succeeded in getting the iranians and the saudis, together during the former prime minister will suffer codley miss codley. miss era brought them together in back that $45.00 times after that the both sides didn't really meet on that level. however, they had other meetings on the security level in omen. my alley hush,
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i'm reporting live from there on thank you very much. my turn now to a diplomatic correspondent, james basie joins us now live from the united nations. james, taking a keen interest of this on this of course, james, for as long as i can remember being a journalist, the rivalry between sheer iran and sunni saudi arabia has been the defining feature of the dynamics of the region. what is this change? this is, i think, a pretty big moment. i think it's about that is about the rivalry of these 2 nations. but it's also about where the saudi positions itself and saudi traditionally is positioned itself very close to the united states. it has had a security arrangement and energy arrangement with the united states since the 2nd world war since the foundation of the kingdom of saudi arabia, the u. s. would provide protection and saudi arabia would provide energy. now it is moving, i think, to a much more multi polar relationship. it's opened
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a diplomatic relations with iran. why? well, i think there are so many different factors. alleys certainly mentioned some of them the ones to i think that to, to bring in our number one, the iran nuclear deal. saudi arabia, i think, has seen the other option, which is the option proposed by prime minister netanyahu. and certainly the israelis with the us working is that broker have been trying to woo saudi arabia to join the abraham a course. but if there is no progress on the iran nuclear file, the way that the strong way that netanyahu wants to push things, then i think the saudis pretty wary that that could potentially lead to, to war going forwards. the other issue, of course, related to that is the issue of the palestinians, the saudis, strong supporters of the palestinians, traditionally. and was that going to change with
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a deal with israel and abraham accords? well, i think certainly saudi arabia joining abraham records any time soon seems to be to be off the table. the war and yemen. ali mentioned that, well, that has been dragging your needs nearly 8 years. it will be just few days time since saudi arabia intervened in yemen. fight against the who thees who saudi arabia claim are backed by iran and saudi arabia claims that he's been for miss also have been provided by iran into saudi arabia. yes. that he's got a sort of shaky truce on the ground now, but saudi is still very much involved there. this could be perhaps, and i'm sure here with us, they'll be looking at this very closely. the beginning of piece talks and then just go slightly further afield. on the war in ukraine because i think that's also a factor here. remember that iran is very close. so water of
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russia, and it's worth telling you the saudi foreign minister has been with the russian foreign minister. so gay love roth in moscow in recent days. and james bay's reporting from un headquarters in new york. thank you. ron and saudi arabia have long had an adversarial relationship. let's take a look back at some recent events to put some more context around this for you. the 2011 arab spring saw protest movements against the status quo in several countries in the middle east. saudi arabia accused iran of inciting protests in bahrain against the royal family. an accusation which iran denied as the civil war in yemen began in 2015. saudi arabia, back to the internationally recognized government and targeted who the rebels stronghold. it is believed that iran back to the who these in 2016 saudi arabia, executed a prominent shiite leader who support the descent within the kingdom. there was uproar in iran where protest is burned parts of the saudi embassy, and in 2019 saudi arabia. state run oil company was hit by
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a hootie drone attack. 5000000 barrels a day of crude production was impacted. iran denied any involvement. anon. tabitha, i. e is c o and the think tank, the center for applied research and partnership with the orient. that's a middle east focus thing. thank. he says this is a notable step forward after years of diplomatic efforts. well, it's obviously something that we will have to really cautiously monitor in the upcoming weeks and months. the statement also says that both sides have 2 months time to in fact, we opened the embassies and maybe really dispatch ambassadors and these 2 months or also it's a lot of time in this particular part of the world. so we will have to wait and see, i think that the context such as syria, iraq and lebanon have been increasingly conflict between these 2 countries. yemen is still a big issue,
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particularly for saudi is security interests. so we can assume that there has been some progress made on the yemen file with regards to syria. we're actually seeing initial steps of the saudis to reach out to our side. we have been seeing this for the past years. so i think those context in which they were on 2 opposing ends or somehow coming to a bit of a closer and more convergent position. what is interesting is that we have been used to anti american sentiment slogans and speeches in iran. but i would also argue that at least from the fall of 2019 onwards, there is also some disappointment, some increasing skepticism inside saudi arabia, towards the role of the united states in that particular region. the security umbrella is no longer an actual idea that the u. s was supposed to build for 1st nigeria and its allies. so there was
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a need also sends insider ravia to, to think in a different way about how it can secure its territory and it's borders. and it's interesting. china, of course, has a real big interest in not seeing the security context around the persian gulf region to descend into chaos, to the center, to situation we saw in 2019, when the waterways of the strait are for most were the sights of different explosions. and attacks. so there is inherent interest for the chinese to try and use their leverage, that they have towards both react and to run. and to make some efforts to balance these relations and to finalize what the iraqis and romanies had in fact, started and police and germany say, a gunman who killed 6 adults and an unborn baby at a jehovah witnesses hall was a former member of the community. they say he shot himself dead as police entered the building in the northern city of hamburg. during the whole has this report move
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our footage records. a gunman, firing many rooms inside a building where a weekly bible study meeting a pitcher hoses witnesses, was taking place outside a stream of police vehicles and ambulances were quickly on the scene. armed police stores the building, finding dead bodies, and many injured and escorting survivors to safety. had the police have confirmed, the gunman was among the dead shooting himself on an upper floor as police entered below. they described him as philip f, a 35 year old german citizen, and former member of the job is witnesses who left the community on bad terms 18 months ago, possibly suffering from mental ill health. the motive remains unclear, but terrorism has been ruled out, have often by li dish. he appeared to be unmarried. i lived and worked in humbugs in 2014. philip philip f. had
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a gun license for school purposes and was in legal possession of a weapon type of heckler and cockpit 30, which was the weapon found next to the perpetrator. o. overnight eye witnesses described a frenzied scene. yeah, no, it's been unwilling to you me. i'm a resident up here and i heard loud gunshots, so i went to the window to get an idea of the situation. then i saw that a man was shooting out of the window with the fire people being carried out and there will probably 25 shots at least that i heard. and after the police got there, there was no gun fire for a long time. then after 5 minutes or so, there was a single shot as forensic work continued. police said the government at $59.00 back as the ammunition during the rampage. the coincidental presence at the time of highly trained officers near the jehovah, witness building they said, had saved many lives. joe, the whole al jazeera and our producer william peacock has these details from hamburg as well. in terms of last night, very keen to stress your forties,
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how quickly police react, it just a few minutes. they said before the 1st ones revived and very soon we were almost a 1000 offices at a point where they did think that might be a 2nd. come, man, somewhere in the area, which of course turned out not to be the case, but included in fact, a special unit trained. in fact, he was kind of situation who happened to be very close by so fast. all went very well. what is going to draw attention? i think in what we heard is this issue of a gun license. so this man held a gun legally will hold you to say he wasn't going to remove sensor, no charge of that had been made against him. but this gun license, someone had complained about anonymously saying before, he might have an undiagnosed mental illness, was very angry of religious people in particular. and his ex community of jehovah witnesses here. they investigated in the center. they went to his house, they found a very minor infraction, but some ammunition wasn't properly locked up. and that was that of all going to be questions about where the german gun laws of really fit for purpose isn't for 1st
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time has been my shooting her. it's not the 1st time has been done with a legally owned weapon and people are going to ask, what do we need to do to stop happening again? georgia parliament has dropped the bill. the protestors feared, would silence the media and opposition. the bill would have forced media and n g o which received more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register as foreign agents. tens of thousands of protesters, whereas in the streets for 3 days straight. and they had warned that this bill was a move towards russia and away from the west kremlin, called the professor and attempted coup. and it's accusing the us of stirring up anti rush and sentiment in georgia. bernard smith has more on this from lisi. there's a lot of relief here outside parliament. the popular approach seems to force georgia government to back down and kill this bill. the ruling party, georgia. dream said it would conditionally withdraw the bill. it supported without any reservation,
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but it accused what it called the radical opposition of spreading lies about the bill. how many people here send the hands of russia? the bill was called an agent of foreign influence. bill was a very similar sort of law was passed in russia and it was used to crack down on opposition groups and human rights watch says that here in georgia organizations and jose would have faith owners reporting requirements and inspection that includes electron monitoring groups, corruption, monitoring group independent media, anyone who got source more than 20 percent of the funding from overseas, the government, but simply that this law was necessary to root out foreign agents and spies the kremlin when i physically about this law that that they had no influence on. i'm not involved in this. lauren georgia still ahead on el 0. sign is parliament signed off on an unprecedented 3rd term shooting thing?
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was how japan is trying to convince fishermen that releasing treated radioactive water back into the sea will not affect a with that still raining in malaysia potentially an exam later in particular. but the rain isn't as heavy, wouldn't guarantee the forecast continues at trend though, and the still flooding on the grounds. you top it up. it's just not very helpful. the same is true and sumatra. and this part of bornea and sil away c looks rather dry. and now for the philippines admittedly, and of course, the rainy season is coming slowly to an end. as should winter be for a station said attempt has been knocked back again because from the yellow river north was we were about 15 degrees above average. the last couple of days was
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coming down this weekend and that's a developing cold front. so you might even see snow in north korea and this northeast and pol sharon easton siberia. where is the rain, which is really the main thing is for the system works his way in towards japan, which is got a rather warm feel to 20 degrees in tokyo. behind it, suns back out in china attempts is where they should be. claudia sat at the yangtze down towards the pearl river valley. that breaks of light is rain. i think they might still see one or 2 showers up in the foothills of the himalayas. generally speaking, it's not particularly wet yet. we look at pre monsoon heat, still in india, more in the west of the east. the attempt is aren't extraordinarily high. 37 or so, for example, in by and 36 in karachi, ah, with join the debate, you know that the sector seems empowered by history, the government, and stained by the government today they are the government africans. health
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security is also global health security on an online, at your voice, there is no right to defense. there is no right to protest. we can't just keep relying on aid. there has to be some work toward a sustainable economy. at the end of the day, it is ordinary objects that are paying the price. this tree analogy sierra lou. ah, you are with see a with al jazeera reminder of our top story is this, our saudi arabia and iran have announced that they are resuming diplomatic ties. the deal was struck in beijing. 2 countries released a joint communicate with china on the agreement. the kingdom broke off times with iran in 2016. at least 8 people are dead after
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a gunman carried out an attack to jehovah. witnesses hall in the german city of hamburg. german media reports suggest a shooter was a former member of the religious community. george's parliament has dropped a bill. the protesters had feared, would silence the media and opposition. the bill would have forced media and jose taking up more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to register as foreign agents . and the british and french liter, as a meeting in paris with migration as the focus of their talks amended mccoy. and really soon as they are holding the 1st such summit in 5 years, it comes as the british government launches a controversial new crackdown on migrants crossing to the u. k. from france in small boats are watching live pictures right now of the press conference between mr . mccoy, mr. snack, british prime minister, said the 2 countries were working together against what he called the scourge of illegal migration and shooting. paying has been reelected by china parliament as
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president for a historic 3rd term. new leadership team has also been decided all known for being loyal to she. katrina, you reports from beijing, son, tom in a unanimous vote by china's national pupils congress. she didn't, he was re elected as president. he began his unprecedented 3rd term by swearing and to china's constitution was, i pledge to be loyal to the motherland and the people to be dedicated in my duties have integrity and his serv. public interest. he was also elected head of the military are largely ceremonial, the vote signals of the consolidation of power under she who was confirmed as party general secretary in october. the chinese politic now had entered into the era of the winner, takes old politics essentially and shooting pain. is that big winner? if 5 years ago? here with a, with the majority of paula bureau, which was the top level of decision making body. this term he has something
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a lot closer to near monopoly this time around. so we also elected with hon john as new vice president and john g as new head of the n p c. all officials are known for their loyalty to see and they face many challenges ahead. china's economic growth is slowing modest gdc target of 5 percent was set for 2023. paging was also deal with low consumer confidence, rising unemployment and an ailing poverty sector. increasing rivalry with the united states pauses. another threat sanctions on chinese firms have caused what she says are unprecedented and severe challenges to try and his development of friday, china's congress also proved far reaching reforms to various state and party institutions . they didn't argue these changes will lead to less bureaucracy and waste of resources and more efficient policy making, especially when it comes to boosting much needed growth and innovation. but ultimately, it will also concentrate more power in the hands of the party and ultimately in the
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hands. she didn't bring public confidence in. she's leadership was damaged, following a hasty reversal of his strict pandemic policy last year. but analysts say it's had little impact on his power speech and paint leadership is a core priority of the communist party itself. and that the reversal of 0 cove id and the can to sigh so full out from that policy have not translated into to any real political threat in 2018. the communist party abolished presidential term limits allowing she didn't ping to rule for life. katrina, you al jazeera at least 44 people have been killed in an attack in eastern democratic republic of congo. the military says the village of mac, candy and north cable province was targeted by fighters, believe to be from the allied democratic forces. that's a uganda,
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an armed group that's pledged allegiance to isolate un security council team is in the country for a 3 day visit. as fighting with rebel groups continues in the east. the foreign malaysian prime minister, more hidden yes in has pleaded not guilty of corruption and money laundering charges. he's accused of abuse of power and misusing coban 1900 funds were hit in says the accusations are politically motivated for as louis has more from qual him for this. he's the 2nd malaysian leader to be charged for corruption after losing power. we did. yes. in his p that not guilty to all 6 charges, 4 counts of abusing his power to obtain $51000000.00 in bribes as party and 2 charges of money laundering a sum of $43000000.00. he's alleged to have committed these offences during his tenure as prime minister from 2020 to 2021 and faces up to 20 years in prison, and a fine if found guilty. this is part of political and selective. patricia
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is not an option because you have to go to thought and let the court decide what the real situation. and i am in this son until proven guilty by the charges relate to a government economic stimulus program launched during his time as prime minister o outside court, dozens of his supporters rallied to defend him. debbie and i did god, was it wrong that he helped us? he's here in court because he was helping people. what's wrong with this? what's wrong with this government? the charge has come less than 4 months. often we edens alliance lost a general election. the poles were closely contested and returned, hung parliament, it rifle on what abraham was eventually appointed. prime minister, 6 out of 13 states are set to hold local elections by the middle of this year. that
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again, expect it to be closely fought and seen as a referendum of thought on the new administration's performance. we'd in support to say the charges an attempt to weaken the opposition florence louis al jazeera while alone, poor japan is preparing to release more than $1000000.00 tons of water from the destroyed fukushima nuclear plants into the sea. but neighboring countries and fishermen have opposed the plant. jessica washington reports these fish are part of a mission to convince those who don't the safety of releasing water from one of the world's worst nuclear accidents into the ocean. what article i took that here at the marine organism breeding test station we raised flounder and abalone with treated water containing ordinary sea water. i think we are able to show that there is no change in how they are growing. this is part of a plan to solve a problem more than a decade in the making. in the aftermath of the 2011 earthquake and sin army which
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destroyed the fukushima plant, water used to cool damage react to cause and contaminated rain and ground water was stored in these tanks. but they're almost at capacity and authority, say the time to release the treated water is fast approaching. the tokyo electric power company has been treating the water, removing various radioactive materials. but some fishermen say they aren't convinced and they fear their efforts to rebuild the fishing industry in the years after the disaster are being undermined. renada with oh no, i think it's still too early to release the water into the ocean. it's to thought i'd understand if they discussed it with everyone beforehand, but they haven't talked about it yet. some neighboring countries, including china and south korea, have also voiced their concerns. and some pacific nations have pushed for japan to delay the release of the water until implications for the pacific ocean. and islanders are clearer or great. it's one doesn't allow the key point here is the
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ocean. there are concerns not only within japan, but countries mainly in the pacific ocean. we should do or at most from a scientific point of view to prove to those countries which we are dealing with it thoroughly. but i think is what we are lacking the most. the water release will take place over 2 to 3 decades and could start in coming weeks. jessica washington al jazeera. a several runners in the palestine marathon have honored the late ellis's. you're a journalist, sharina ugly members of her family and sam from the municipality ran and t shirts showing her picture koreen was shot and killed and is really cylinder, while an assignment engine mean in may of last year. well, earlier i spoke to carmen, got us the director of public relations of the bethlehem municipality, and she explained why it was so important, the owner she read this is that it is the by municipalities. so i should be in from her family,
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from the city. we are proud to shoot in you mean her life represented bus best way and her shooting and being marked you that that show the whole work, the palestinian case and the obstacle that we kind of thing in and lead on databases, especially stops because of the journals so today, during the microphone, all of us, the spoken word, the t shirt with on it and a statement that says the word never because we still getting that should be alive amongst amongst and anyway, i was calling the journalist. you speak about this to reflect that in case the whole work how is punished and in less every day. and the article
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as a result of measuring was from bethlehem, of course. and it's actually an event that she covered earlier in her in her career . that was separately from this, the marathon and you, you touched on this carries a political message. tell us about that. yeah, actually you didn't get the last 2nd found in the janine and novelist. we didn't go to that. so try to talk the words and so to speak, for their support from the whole word about this situation and but despite everything that's happened, we said no one said to live in peace. we still call for justice and the whole.


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