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tv   News  Al Jazeera  March 15, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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family, it's fixation, volleyball, dreams and i was just either go or a big i'm plaque, to bangladesh, looking for safety after facing military, correct? on in me i'm, but this is what she's dealing with now. are make shift home at this refugee camp. ben cox was bizarre, went up in flames on sunday. the fire has swung the spotlight back on the struggles . the charm of and tragedy is based on daily basis by everyone here. this fire is a reminder of the many challenges facing their own hang, or refugees there caught between the increasingly dangerous situation in bangladesh and a new political reality off a homeland now led by the same military hunter responsible for the crackdown that forced them to flee in the 1st place, ah new turmoil on the market after credit suisse has hit
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a record low in the ongoing fallout from the collapse of silicon valley bank. ah, lauren tenants is out there, alive from london, also coming up below. dick has 14 days of morning after tropical sa can friday kills at least 225 people and washes away entire villages. flash floods turn roads into rivers and kill at least 13 people in areas of to kia, devastated by last month's earthquakes. and the u. s, as the harassment of its surveillance, trained by russian jets in the black sea was intentional. it's not clear if the physical contact was ah, us and europeans markets tumbled on wednesday and new concerns about the bank.
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credit suisse trust in the financial sector was already shaken off to, to launch us bank failures in the past week. they're messes are now worried about credit suisse, offer its biggest lender, saudi national bank said it would not be able to offer it more financial help. it shares plunged by 24 percent on wednesday to a new record. lo, dragging european bank stokes down along with it. the u. k. stock market suffered its biggest fall in more than a year with a foot to $100.00 tumbling 3.8 percent. dow opened the day with a decline of more than 600 points, with all sectors trading in the red. as banking fears, spread across global markets was cost to kristin's louise on that wall street in new york for so kristen, why did a swiss franc spook us investors? well, credit suisse has banks here in the united states. it's a global enterprise in word that it stocks were falling in europe at the opening bell here at the new york stock exchange, sent us stock tumbling as well,
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re igniting concerns about the banking sector. here in the united states, concerns that were raised over the weekend after the government had to step in and rescue depositors add 2 banks that shut down. and those were what are known as regional banks. here in the united states that closed in those regional banks which aren't subjected to the same kind of rules and scrutiny as the big banks are, have been the focus of concerned for investors here today. in particular, those banks have seen their shares dropped the most, but also big well known banks like city bank, goldman, sachs, j. p. morgan chase, also seeing their starks fall down in some cases between 2 and 6 percent as worries are re ignited over whether or not the banking system here is up to the latest challenges and per killer with interest rates rising so much recently and the
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impacts we've felt beyond the banking sector. now we're seeing an impact across the markets. here are the major indices are all trading in the negative today at one point the dow jones industrial storm, more than 2 percent. it's recovered slightly from those lowes but still trading in the negative. and again, it's not just banking stocks. we're seeing commodities, oil prices are lower and money being poured into government bonds, which are seen as a safer investment in times of trouble. as a result of that, their yields are falling as well. we've had today, the chief of does us securities are b. as you see the securities exchange commission and try to reassure the markets that they're on top of this, that they're investigating, they will prosecute anyone for irregularities or for misuse that would lead to
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global instability. but clearly the markets are still a bit rattled by this latest development. kristen, to new me. thank you very much indeed. ah, 200 people in malawi were killed when i can. freddy ripped through southern africa for the 2nd time in a month. the commercial hub of blanton seen the most damage with flooding and mud slides. hundreds of people are missing as having to minute reports from banta. this is one of the most recent bodies found at soldier in the city of blunt aya. as men carried by foot 2 more to the nearly 10 kilometers away, they shouted frustration angry. they are no rescue services. 3 days after the worst of the flooding and mud slides that hit this area, david period is still searching for for missing family members. know who you call
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a few things, you know, and it is the team in their party. so any government offices, when nothing, he will it all people, the people that most people are where there's now several meters of mud and fallen rocks was once a village, dozens of homes were stepped away, few on high ground by the strong winds and flooding. hundreds of people on the thing and it's evident in a place like this, where people say just a few bodies have been recovered compared to the number of people missing. and the search is being made all the more difficult. as the rain continues, people use makes of bridges to escape the widespread flooding. and as the search continues with whatever is available, a man's body is found within the muddy hills. and around him what remains the bits and pieces of other lives at once. what can we take the rest to be our grievance or people can be that you a few wherever
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a question that may only be answered if and when help eventually arrives from read amolla. also there are bland tie. m allow we and he, certain people have died in flash floods in south east and to clear a region devastated by last month's powerful earthquakes. heavy rains inundated the cities of sulphur and idea, man turning grades into rivers and washing away the tents of those left homeless by the quakes. quinton monahan whittled ah, this man had a fortunate escape. police rescue workers and civilians have been helping to save those stranded by floods in southeastern, trickier. several people have died. in many areas, the emergency services were overwhelmed. you see this area is completely submerged . all thirties couldn't set up pumps to discharge the water. here they were called stranded here, but they couldn't find pumps to discharge the water up because the flash floods are
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hitting areas already struggling after last month. devastating earthquakes that killed more than 48000 people. families forced from their homes by the quakes are now being flooded out of their tents almost over but fell through. as you can see, we managed to relocate our tents and moved to the park. we managed to surround the tents with stuff to stop the water coming in. how the mayor of san yorba was heckled as he surveyed the damage. many were already unhappy with the government's response to the quakes after yet another disaster. patience is running out. heavy rain since tuesday night had brought flooding. not just a sun yorba but all the other cities, like andrea men, authorities have shut down hospitals and schools. in some areas rescue work is underway, but their fears the death till will rise bent and merlin, al jazeera united states, as the collision between
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a russian fighter jet and the u. s. train was likely an unintentional act. the pentagon says the unmanned reef, a drone crashed into the black sea on tuesday, off it was hit by a russian aircraft, even though it was in international airspace and pose no threat. a russian for mr. sika le roof says that the u. s. was quote, ignoring as space restrictions that russia had established in the area. and moscow says it will try to retrieve the wreckage of the bread. i just got off the phone with my russian counterpart minister. sure. you. as i've said repeatedly, it's important that great powers be models of transparency and communication. and united states will continue to fly and to operate wherever international law allows . and it is incumbent upon russia to operate as military aircraft in a safe and professional manner. she pretends he joins us live from the pentagon,
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so just had that brief what else came out an independent living? i think the, the reassuring tone is what i think a lot of us are focusing on now because this is the 2nd day in a row where we've had us officials insist that they think this was some sort of pilot error. potentially the baseband were off, actually that was a snatch of war, and they wouldn't be drawing on that. but that's what the us and so sticking to it story that it's, it's re put, drove and was being menaced and international is actual ass space. these, these russian jets were poor and fuel on it. and then $11.00 of the jets attempt to that maneuver got a bit to place and struck, struck the drone, which then have to have the crash line on the black feet. the chairman, joint chiefs saying that the drain was now and 45000 feet of water broken up. there was nothing useful on anyway, that was a response to the russian,
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the russian announcement a few hours ago that they are going to attempt some sort of salvage operation. but over the russia narrative is entirely different. they sent us that was being provocative, flying, unmanned, very cool, with its transponder switched off towards the russian territory into the russian military theater for the ukraine ukraine war. it was clearly trying to gather actionable, military intelligence for the ukrainian military to attack attack russian forces and the russian se. but the drone took invasive action and then have to crush land because it sort of lost it lost control. but even the russians, as well as a couple of hours ago was saying, look, we'll always, we're always there for communication with, with the us. we are relations of all time low. we've always said, well, communicate with us. so i think this is where we're all signing. so i sighed with relief. is it both sides emphasizing that? even though relations are very poor, this is all about
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a lot of this is about keeping lines of communication open. and she was just playing out politically in the u. s. a. it's been very sick. so ready. there's been a big debate about the blank check. that's jerry bud. keep saying he's going to give to your credit. it's become a big issue. and the republican party, the 2 leading presidential candidates, donald trump, and run to sounds as he was declared both saying look, we should really, we should really be looking at whether we should be trying to get into these, these positions or unintended consequences with nuclear armed rush raise it really the strategic interest. so as i once or the republican party would just say, look, this is more proof that we should be getting out. they wouldn't be saying that this public opinion was telling against us us black check that we've seen that in the pose. and you also have the, the nia collins on the democratic party who's saying that this just shows we have to confront the russian bear even more severely. she returns, thank you very much. the court and pakistan has ordered police to postpone the
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arrest of full prime minister iran con, until thursday of intense scenes, near cons. house between his supporters and officers who were trying to arrest him . a warrant was issued for con, after he failed to appear to his lamb about court is facing dozens of charges including corruption. but she says a politically motivated ida has more from it's about some ron khan's party had gone to court, saying that heavy handed tactics were being used against the residents of m. ron conrad, the support that dad and a quarter started a heading into the origin partition that was filed by the budget on j deacon south . i did an order that w. sure. not gary out any further operations on 15 d m d on turn day. now, all so important to know that for the last 24 hours,
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the police and supporters of enron con, have been scalped, fling basically scuffling, broke out after the police drive. direct them earlier yesterday by their supporter then responded to police. dear guy, thing would rock throwing, and dad of course, exacerbated the situation, but political tensions are very high indeed. no one knows what there's going to happen within the next few days. and although the government is determined to address them, ron con, they have not been able to do so despite their best effort, i haven't called in day paramilitary force in red. so indeed i draw mm. are being played out, i in pakistan. and of course, as a result, there been protest in other parts of the country last night at red. still to come this off, our more support for struggling families in britain. as you guys finance miss john bales has 2023 budget on yet another day of strikes today we face to finish and
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nasa unveils sleeker more flexible space suit. time for astronauts turning to moon . ah, the who's are drawing in warm air off the atlantic for western europe have one here. so the details right here right now. so look at these temperatures dublin 16 degrees, but there will be outbreaks of showers across both the islands of ireland and britain. and we can follow this trail of disturbed weather for the northwest of spain and coastal portugal. and it's warmer surge of air is infiltrating central europe already signs of a 12 degrees in zurich on thursday. it says when shift to south, south westerly, that 18 degrees on friday now by next week everyone's going to be in on this. so tuesday, march the 21st especially around the balkans. any places closing in on 20 degrees
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back to the here. and now though, for the southeast of turkey a, there has been some flooding in the earthquake zone, still showers across the country. more steady and persistent rain in on tale. off to africa, we go. it's a windy pitcher through the coast of libya, the northwest of egypt, and will keep this theme of when going for south africa. the co sign got fear of about 70 kilometers per hour. now this is scooping up moisture off the indian ocean and dumping it into the province. of course, you don't tell so showers in durban, but the height of 26 degrees on thursday. ok, i'm out of fun. i'll susan. ah, iraq, a nation riddled with land mice and an expert dedicated to defusing them, one by one. equipped with only a knife and a pair of wire puckers,
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the faces death every day. but does his work make him a hero or a target? witness? the d minor on a jazeera ah ah, one of the top stories and rogers era, us and european stock markets tumbled on wednesday with new concerns about the bank credit suisse. it shares plunged 24 percent on wednesday to a new record, lo, dragging down european bank stokes with it. at least $225.00 people in malawi, have been killed off to soccer and freddy ripped through southern africa for the
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2nd time in a month. the commercial have a flat tire see in the most damage, the flooding slides and united states as a harassment to one of its drones by a russian fighter jet was intentional. but it's not clear if the collision between them was the re pedro and crashed into the black sea. on tuesday, russian foreign, mr. sega liberal, says the u. s. was ignoring s face restrictions. syrian president bashar assad has renewed his support for the war and ukraine while meeting russian president vladimir putin. but he just met in moscow in president assad's 1st official visit outside the middle east. since the devastating earthquakes in syria last month, russia is stepping up efforts to improve ties between took here and syria. president assad's visit consulted with the 12 anniversary of protest beginning which led to the syrian walls. i would like to take this opportunity during my 1st visit after the start of the horn ukraine,
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to renew my unchanging stones serious dance in supporting this war against the old new naziism. our stance doesn't only stem from the strong friendship that we have, nor does that stem from the loyalty you've shown us. as dawns comes from the world's need to day for rebalance. otherwise the world will hit towards explosion and destruction. 12 years since those peaceful protest began in syria calling for the removal of president bashar assad. thousands of syrian b now to read all held areas, marking the start of the uprising and continuing to call for the fall of i said, hundreds of thousands of people were killed in the wall, and millions were displaced. many continue to live as refugees. as president harless that remains in power. the war treated one of the world's worst military and catastrophes in decades. millions of people remain uprooted from their homes and living in rebel controlled parts of northwest syria. norco marsh
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spoke to some of those people in italy. syria has been devastated by conflict. millions have died or been displaced since an uprising against the rule of bush began 12 years ago. despite their losses, people say they have not abandoned their cause enemy. oh, when i lost my house and my little sister in the bombardment of eastern or lateral, i also lost my leg and was hospitalized for weeks. we were simply asking for the basic human rights, but instead of listening to us, the syrian regime chose to wipe out the country when the un estimates more than 400000 people have been killed since the conflict ruptured with over 13000000 fling, refugees are becoming internally displaced, they say that despite their desperate situation, they remain hopeful for a brighter future for the next generation journal, on the last, the people who prefer to live in these harsh conditions rather than under our subs
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rule, we have the saying, we shall perish. but the syrian regime won't rule us, many steel the whole that the years the struggles were necessary. no matter the consequence. for hum to believe that what view does the rebellion against the state was in fact, unavoidable. given us our don't abuse of power and condition or be cut into henry. yes. and what's going on with actually stopping now is never an option. the uprising expose the true face of the international community as well as the true face of this regime. if you asked me if i would have chosen the path 12 years ago, i would have said absolutely yes, even though we lost so many companions along the way, there are sacrifices will not go in vain. if we stop now, our children pay a far greater price. i shall, i'm off on mac and it's only a be marginal in it in spite of the absence of long term solutions and how to aspire to a peaceful life for his children,
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sears are honoring the 12 anniversary of their uprising. a day that i scanned to represent hope and resilience for them. although knowing that the road ahead would be longer difficult, they say that they will never give up until they fulfill their goals. no, cassandra, at live. israel's military says it shot dead, a man carrying explosives on monday who had possible links to his buller american has more from occupied his tuition. while they released the statement saying that the man is believed were crossed from lebanon into northern israel. and there was responsible for planting an improvised explosive device, a bomb was severely wounded in israeli. the statement goes on to say that the beginning of the week, an explosive device of set up near the mcgee don't junction in northern is all where in israel system was seriously injured. now, the security forces then work to try and find who's responsible for that. they set
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up a number of roadblocks and checkpoints, and they said that checkpoint where this incident took place, where the israeli army shot dead. a man they said was responsible for planting that device. they said they found more exclusive devices on him. they also found guns and weapons. now i preliminary investigation by the israeli army suggests that this man is actually linked to hezbollah. now the incident is incredibly serious for israel. the border between 11 on israel is no impenetrable. have seen things like this before, but it hasn't happened in a very long time, so it is a very serious security breach. so serious, in fact, that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was on an official visit to berlin, who flew today that visit was supposed to last until friday. he's actually on his way back on thursday. it's likely that he's going to address the nation. it's also been taken very seriously by israel security establishment. they've been in number
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of meetings the last couple of days. the fact that there was a gag order meant that this is how seriously they take it was a real concern to them. now is the type of explosive that was used out. his vala haven't commented. although i was ready politicians as while you blame them. but like i said, the army being a bit more careful, say they're exploring potential link security forces. instead they go will have surrounded the home of opposition. that was man sancho in the capital deca as the 13 ban rallies by his supporters. so close apparent confinement comes on the ease of a trial that could determine his eligibility to contest. next year's presidential election, supporters had planned 3 day show support before the ban. growing tensions in the wrong up to 2024 election. it could be present lucky. so stand for controversy. herschel 3rd term, which the physician says is unconstitutional. tens of thousands of people who have again been protesting across france in
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a last ditch bent to stop pension reforms. white police faced off with crowns in paris in the 8th round of demonstration against president emmanuel, michael was plan to raise the retirement age. or they should have been working on the final text of the pension build, which were still need approval in parliament. a vote on that could take place this week. the u. k. will avoid the recession this year, according to british finance minister, jeremy hunt. he was delivering his budget in parliament on yet another day of strikes across the country. the british government will provide struggling families with a $115000000000.00 in financial support as cost of living pressures hit hard. john hall reports from linton ball. britain's finance minister called it a budget for growth, not the shock measures. jeremy hunts predisposed to use last autumn thompson. 2 but policies instead intended to restore stability and faith in government after a period of political and economic turmoil. today we faced the future with
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extraordinary potential. the well bank said that a whole big european countries, we are the best place to do business plays and election in a year and a half. and the conservatives are lagging and polls opponents know that restoring the u. k to growth will be one of the central seems a country or a part of managed decline falling behind our competitors, resting up stack nation of stability as their expiry date looms close. among the measures announced were a series of low tax investment zones to boost productivity in traditionally undefended parts of the country. like here in the west midlands, they were plans to tackle a post covey post breaks in skills shortage, including help to fund childcare. so the hard press parents can rejoined the labor market and enticements to get some of the more than 8000000 over fifty's who left
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the job market back to work. you are a retired g p. what would it take to entice you back to it? oh, my peer group, all retired, qualify from boss back in 1982. there's nothing that we to go back to work now. i think he's trying to go in the right direction. how successful it's going to be. it's another thing, a question that economists say, it's too soon to answer. the current budget is a very safe one. no borrowing. i think that was pretty much striking. but it's is very difficult to insure economic growth without borrowing. you look at the united states of america, you look at you, you look at china, they're all borrowing to generate that economic growth. in the short term, of course, the high cost of living remains britton's most pressing economic problem. and while jeremy hunt did offer more help on energy and fuel costs, in the hope that inflation falls dramatically by the end of the year,
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more significant items like tax cuts aren't likely to appear until closer to the election. this in the meantime, this budget cannot erase the fact that economic pain is sent to continue. that the i m. s, noting the britain will be the worst performing g 7 economy this year. go to hope al jazeera wish, middle thousands of public sector workers have also walked off the job in sri lanka, hospitals, schools, ports, and railways were all effected. a trade union members protested against higher taxes and rising electricity bills. they say the government isn't doing enough to address impact to the countries economic crisis president, which missing and had tried to ban the strikes. nasa has revealed a new space suit design which could be worn by astronauts on the next mission to the moon, which is planned for late 2025 space suits of prototypes and will be used for astronaut training. starting this summer. and fisher has the story. it's what the
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well dressed astronaut will be waiting on the moon in 2025 as nasa plans, a new lunar mission. it's also updating the suit that will be used in so it's very important that you have a very strict safety guidelines in a suit that will provide their redundancy in the reliability. you need to make sure every time human steps put on the moon that they'll be able to do. they need to safely and get back and be ready for the next. the next mission space suits have come a long way from the iconic image of human kind, setting foot on the moon, the suits, then we're bulky, difficult to move around in the last up grade came 40 years ago with the space shuttle missions. this new $200000000.00 design is considered a revolution rather than evolution. a dramatic new way to do what they need to do. it's not taking a piece from say that the current space to and just kind of tweaking it in upgrading there's, there's cases here or there of that. but in large part,
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the life support system is totally brand new. it leverages lessons learned from previous suits so, so where we obviously study what types of failures have been have happened in the past and what worked well and what hasn't worked well. but almost everything inside the life support system is totally totally brand new year. these should design 5050 biometric, his speech agency, nasa, and the private company will be warned by astronauts on the mission taking human and back to the moon. for the 1st time in more than 50 years, we will have the traditional white covering protection from the sundry, the issue. and that mission should see the 1st woman and the 1st person of color set foot on the lunar surface. from there, the plan is that it's on to mars. nasa believes the news, it stretches technology policy before it tries to stretch the frontiers in space. allen fisher al jazeera ah.


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