tv News Al Jazeera March 24, 2023 10:00am-10:30am AST
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says to synagogue resources before its own citizens. this has left many senegalese, wondering how much will they benefit from their own country's resource. because so far for many young men, opportunity means boarding one of these fishing vessels to travel to europe. legally, the government hopes that the gas project will stop this and bring jobs here at home. i want us to profit from the gas because as soon as we start extracting i expect that electricity prices fuel, even food prices will drop and become affordable for us. the senegalese coast guard appears in the distance, not to protect fishermen, but the precious you resource destined for europe. ah, china says it's driven away an american war ship for a 2nd day from the south china sea. the us in 6. it was international
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with i money in say, this is out. is there a lie from day also coming up? india's main opposition policies go to the supreme court accusing top government agencies of targeting opponents. the governing b. j. p al jazeera goes on to cover in zimbabwe and investigation. finds that a senior diplomat is involved in an extensive money laundering scheme and adding some color and flavor to ramadan. people in garza observe the fostering mumps in the shadow of conflict and blockade. ah, hello and welcome. the united states navy has asserted what it calls navigational rights and freedoms off to standoff,
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the chinese military and the south china sea. beijing says that a u. s. warship was driven out of waters near the parasol islands for the 2nd time . this week, washington denies any wrong doing, saying that it's vessel. the u. s. s. millis was conducting a routine operation in international waters. with china claim sovereignty over almost the entire south china sea, despite an international call saying that the claim has no legal basis. let's bring in on a tank and he's a senior fellow at the ty, hey, institute. he specializes in chinese political affairs. he joins us via skype from beijing. thank you for joining us, sir. so the u. s. says they're setting their navigational rights in these waters and according to international law, they all correct, is it china who's in the wrong here? well, international law is the young close, which is un conventional laws are the see actually the u. s. is not a signatory to it, but it says that it has the right to enforce that. china,
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as you said earlier, claims on on 9 dash line very, which includes these islands. the real issue though is why is the u. s. choosing this time when you know you have broken countries, afghanistan, you have problems in almost throughout asia and the developing world. you have banking issues, they're debating. take talk at the same time that there's a 31.5 trillion dollar overhang of debt in the u. s, so i'm just struggling with ukraine in the picture. why is the u. s. going into these waters at all? well, it is the 2nd time in a week that a u. s. destroyer has been pushed out of these waters by china. if it happens again, how will china react? well, i don't think that china wants to, you know, have any kind of escalation in this. they've done so before. remember, the theory is that the u. s. is protecting trade, but it's china who's sad. this r, c e p, this regional economic gob comprehensive economic partnership,
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which is now one of the largest economic partnership in the world outside the north american corridor. so it's, it's hard to believe that they would interfere with trade that would, in essence, heard china. it's the u. s. as i said, it's people are puzzled why with all the problems in the world is the u. s. pressing this at this point, there's a lot of feeling that china's initiatives with in terms of ukraine, in terms of going, are you russia talking piece, and also trying to bring powers in the middle east together on their own terms with iran in saudi arabia that this is perhaps the u. s. testing in different ways, how they can kind of push china or contain it last time in the us course have huge amounts of military power in this area. how dangerous is the prospect of some kind of military confrontation in the south?
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china sea is extremely dangerous. if you go back to that, they don't in the bay of tonkin dance ex, incident. so the u. s. manufactured a reason to go to war, and this is one of the issues that china is concerned about. you saw that with the weapons of mass destruction claims in rock. ah, so it is juncture, china is very, very wary. they do not want escalation with the u. s, it doesn't serve their interest to have any kind of confrontation in their main trading corridor. but at this juncture, the u. s. really feels strongly that it needs to contain china, that this might be the last chance it has before china becomes economically too, too big, or jag or not to, to put in a box. i mean, you say that china doesn't want to create tension spots. the state of relations between china and the u. s. do appear to be going from bad to west, and china is not blameless. we've got, you know, the issue with the balloons in,
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in the u. s. and so on. is this what china wants? well, i, i'm surprised. you mentioned the balloons in the u. s. has 30 to you to spy planes that fly all over the world, including china, almost daily basis. spying does go on the idea that these balloons were somehow provocations to the us. you know, something visible to the naked eye is kind of pastor us, and i think most people have put that down in terms of tensions. the main tension is china success. they have done very well, they're going to be the largest growing economy this year as compared to the u. s. which is looking extremely shaky and even shake here with this banking crisis and also so this debt overhang. so there's a lot of feeling that the u. s is trying to distract attention. i mean even the issues in israel, you would think that the u. s. would be trying to take a leadership position and trying to establish peace in order and bring the actors
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who are acting outside the international laws to heal rather than trying to, you know, push china. once again, it looks like you asked us, you know, on a 2 front a crusade once against china. once again, it's russia good to get your perspective on a tank in senior fellow at the ty, hey, institute speaking to us that live from beijing, thank you. and some of india's main opposition parties are coming together to keep the governing b. j. p. a vastly misusing its government agencies. the parties say that the agencies have been used to target opponents while members of the party itself of rarely investigated where the b, j, p. denies the accusations and says that the agencies function independently, the 14 opposition parties have follow a case to the supreme court, s k to a corresponding poverty matter whose life rests in new delhi, putney. what exactly are these opposition?
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parties alleging opposition parties? i've banded together to take on prime minister and arrange, remove these, but the gentle party that is the governing party off india, at least 14 of them have approached the supreme court filing a case, alleging that the government is misusing investigative agencies to target opposition. leaders. now this comes a day after up in just one of the just most prominent politicians and the de facto face of the opposition. roha gandhi was sentenced to 2 years for a comment he made in 2019. and this case was filed by of a member off the package and the party in the state of good art in western india. good job is the state where prime minister mo, the was chief minister for more than
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a decade. the eyes of now are gone. he is on bail for 30 days, and he does have the option to appeal this verdict in a high accord. and that is what his lawyers say until then, you know, opposition. parties have been protesting this issue and taking this up for some time now because it's not just gone the, there are at least 2 other opposition leaders that are currently under investigation for a legit corruption. both the leaders have denied this. they've also said that and during the course of the investigation, agencies haven't found anything and have called a this, an intimidation tactic. ok, so how big a deal is this? where do you see this case going look opposition. parties are expected to keep up taking up this issue as they have of the last few weeks inside parliament outside on the streets. they have been protesting this as far as the case is. 6 concerned the supreme court is expected to
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hear it on the 5th of april. that is the date we have as of now. what the timing, as you said, is an important context over here. india is headed for general elections next year around this time actually. and so opposition parties say that these cases are a tactic by the government to sort of intimidate them and make sure they don't stand a chance or head off those elections. now the criticism that and these allegations are not new, it's not just opposition parties. even human rights groups have been saying that since prime minister more the became the prime minister in 2014 india has a witness, a shrinking space for descent. you know, the sentiment is that if you criticize the government in any form and you could be an activist, you could also be a movie star. or you can expect a barrage of cases that could range from allegations of tax evasion. to, you know,
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just comments that you've made in public and so opposition party said they will be even outside the court be taking up this issue. they, i expected to be protesting over the next few days. ok. thank you for that poverty metal there for us in new delhi, north korea says that it's military has tested what it calls the new on the water drone state media says the leader kim john oversaw and attack simulation using the device as well as cruise missile tests young young has stepped up with our testing this week to coincide with joint military drills between the us and south korea. a senior diplomat from zimbabwe had agreed to launch more than a $1000000000.00 in cash in what he believed to be a meeting with chinese criminals. that is the finding of al jazeera his investigative unit. the diplomat was recorded making the offer in a meeting with undercover reporters as part of an investigation i al jazeera and
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networks in africa. that used goal to loaned a vast sums of money. who bet angle is a british zimbabwe. businessman and the presidential envoy, he claims it the claim he claims to have made it to the africa. forbes rich less in 2013 is net worth is around $60000000.00, and he calls himself the profit of success. alexander james has this exclusive report prove to see you in under cover reporters posing as chinese criminals, meet one of cimbawe boys most senior diplomats that i'd like mom was a bit of a compass, but on the special envoy, i'm a represented. all the prison is i can find conference, i can fine to different government with the prison getting involved women with the trip. no. luba angel is also an evangelical preacher. that only goes who says he has the gift of prophecy with powers to heal the sick. it takes the power of god, but it takes somebody to believe it was something to happen. ladies. angel was
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personally appointed by president emerson, man and guy gua, to bring investment ins as in bob way. use my assist ambassador lodge assigned to promote zimbabwe brand. zimbabwe economy has been devastated by corruption and more than 2 decades of sanctions imposed by the united states and europe. the local currency has no international value. the country's biggest owner of us dollars is gold. you want to gold, gold, we can do it right. and we can make the call right now and it's done with the president off. um my, my has a decision right? this minute. the president of zimbabwe mine has federation is henrietta rush. wire . the warning president, golden by golden, the maybe send a private, big, big up gold every week. i do it for
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$5000000.00 can be cleaned every week. we get going with 5000000 in re me. yes. green. finally, the ambassador is not bothered that the cache is being laundered. it's money that cannot be declared in the country warden who divorce i'm $60.00 that we don't, that we're the no, we don't want to. so he explains a plan to smuggle the dirty cash in t, as in bob way, using his diplomatic status. right? no, i can do i get that with 1.2, video info to written, written differently. he conducted under the vienna convention states agree to exempt diplomatic luggage from apple, such as a new linens and what was the moment i don't get when you get in digital medically, ambassador angel henrietta rash way. and president, man and gaga did not respond to our request for comment alex on to james al jazeera
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. and you can watch the 1st, the full pallet series in the out there investigation, gold mafia. the laundry service on friday at 12 gmc still had on al jazeera, tough questions for take talk. the ceo of the chinese social media giant gets grilled before us house committee, about data concerns. and it's the wells most infectious killer. we look at the work being done to en, cheaper closest once an thorough ah . when the news breaks, some buildings that had already been damaged, have been further pushed over to one side. others that were close to collapse when people need to be heard. and the story told, i couldn't tell them that i was a musician. while i was supposed to be burned with exclusive interviews and get
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through pools, each centimeter of the stump represents a year of life. al jazeera has teens on the ground to bring you more award winning documentaries and lives frank assessments. this treaty provides us with this hopeful moment where countries could come together and stop putting in place the rules and will allow us to treat this global commons with the attention it deserves . inside story, on al jazeera lou . ah oh, come back. he watching al jazeera mind to fall top stories. the sour china says that a u. s. worship was driven out of its territory in the south china sea for the 2nd
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time this week, washington has denied any wrong doing. some of india's main opposition policies accusing the governing b. j. p of misusing government agencies to target opponents. the b j. p denies the allegations and says the agencies function independently and the head of the worlds fastest growing social media app has faced 5 hours of questioning by u. s. house committee. take talk, seo was grilled about teenage safety and data security. mike, hannah has more from washington dc, thinking it was a rare moment of bipartisanship in a divided congress. welcome to the most bipartisan committee in congress. we may not always agree on how to get there, but we care about our, our national security here at issue here are free speech rights, federal control, social media, and national security issues in recent days shows the 2 and his team had been lobbying in washington including eating each member of the committee,
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the charm offensive carried on tick tock itself. i'm super excited to announce that more than 150000000 americans on take on decimals half of the us. but congressional critics, we're not deterred, chick talk, is a grave threat of foreign influence in american life. it's been said, it's like allowing the soviet union, the power to produce saturday morning cartoons during the cold war. but much more powerful and much more dangerous. and i'm an aggression and shown to the committee disturbing, tick tock, content that was found on the feed of a 16 year old, who killed himself by jumping in front of the train. it's alleged the content contributed to his suicide. we must save our children from big tech companies like yours. number one, we will keep safety, particularly for teenagers as a top priority for us to insisted tick tock didn't share information with the
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chinese government, saying the company would take steps to ensure independent monitoring of data use. all protected us data will be under the protection of us law. and under the control of the u. s. that security team, i was a few liberal members of the house of oppose the move to shut down tick tock. the primary fear that this would be against the 1st amendment, the freedom of speech clause in the constitution. but it appeared the majority support either shutting the app down or forcing the sale to a us company. the f b i director has told congress that tick tock represents a national security threat. the federal government has ordered that it be removed from all federal devices. the previous administration attempted to shut tick tock down, but the move was stopped by the court and whatever merges from these hearings. this likely at some stage to be a protracted legal argument based on 1st amendment grounds. mike hannah ojo 0
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washington ledger cheaper closest has long been known as the silent killer. although over 19 killed millions during the pandemic, t b has killed many more throughout the decades. who may call some serif has the details. she will kill losses or t. b is a disease that's preventable, treatable and even curable. yet it's killing $1600000.00 people each year, making it a leading infectious killer after coven 19. it's caused by bacteria that spread through the air and mainly affect the lungs. the pathogen is hard to detect. no country is free of t b, but these 8 nations account for more than 2 thirds of infections and deaths globally. all age groups are at risk, but people with poor immune systems at
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a higher risk, like those living with h. i v. in 2021, nearly a 100. 90000 people died from h i v associated with t b. the only license that seen the b c, g is more than a 100 years old. it's effective in children, but not adults who account for most transmissions. t b is treated with antibiotics, but it's resistance to drugs is rising. with only 7 years left to reach the world health organization's end t b milestone the races on for a new and more effective vaccine. ok, let's bring in video christian and she's an investigative agenda, is focusing on health and is the author of phantom play? how she's the closest shaped our history. she joins us from go. any thanks for joining the program. video. you've been quoted as saying that she be close. it's
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not cove at 19. is the plague of the century? is she because it's really worse than coven. i don't want to compare these 2 things in such a way, but yes, yes, because with golwood what's happened is the, the papa john's or justice that they may be equal. but our response to colbert has this role origin see which you get and global held. if well, the countries are at risk, we saw this with ebola. now seeing the tv tv has tv was the world leading infectious disease killer, but bulk over and now a school it is a big tv has again become the was getting infectious disease killer. but because it mostly affects refugees and immigrants, and black and brown nations, i do show di, board and countries the that is no urgency to contain a,
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the same way the soul with colder. and that actually does profound damage to the program. yeah, it, it is a disease that's been around for centuries. so why has it not been stamped out yet? it's been a per ancient bacteria, but it's aw, the bacteria is a muscle mutate though. and what we now have like india, is one of the it's the water still spots globally. and we see joker stance trains of t b now. and when you get sugar, c, b, you press drug grid to be the you don't get like if a patient gets infected, they don't start with drug sensor sensitive dbi. so it's the kind of bacteria that's also, that's also ok. so, you know, a 2nd crisis has been forwarded on to the fullest one because what you're seeing is the dawn of aust, antibiotic error because most of the modern bottle for like the biotech,
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i'm no longer working on these new trains of tv. and, and this is a curable, preventable disease as he was saying, and the lead up to this conversation. and it has been managed so badly that we are now in a very disturbing situation where it just spreading relentlessly. and we don't have, as you said, there's no new waxing that are vaccine candidates in the pipeline. but they should be concerned about the just as much as we been about colored. so what is the solution then? what needs to be done to eradicate this disease? i thank you for the question that actually i've covered the for your that kids though we are not like a point where there is no opportunity where lot can be done. there was so much investment in diagnostics diesel for
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a disease. so all the molecular testing that people using for covert can be on to t b. so there is more diagnosis, so we can bring in more people and diagnose and treat them on their, on your piece, on your medicine for the full time that actually do treat drug tv. but they are on the pack and not police exactly the same way that we apply think vocal with vaccine to be for your back and for now please don't need to be affordable to i really appreciate your time. unfortunately, we have to stop the video christian investigative janice, speaking to us from go a thank you so much for your time. now, during ramadan people and the besieged gaza strip usually prepare for a month of fasting prayers and celebrations. many are preparing for the possibility of further conflict with israel as to answer for was on garza have taken place during the holy mumps, una outside reports from gaza. city. as people in garza prepare for
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ramadan, their excitement is mixed with tension. for many cars since the muslim holy month is a time to come together with family and friends to break fast and share meals. but for some the memories of conflicts and wars when they've previously celebrated are casting a shadow. blossom is that i bought a hall. we want to feel the joy and happiness that ramadan brings to our homes and our children. we have many sad memories, but we will not tie them with ramadan. it's not fair to make this month a month of sore honey. either bob o, severe about it. we have referred all essential foods and dates were our customers during this whole month. we know it's difficult time, and if any escalation breaks, we'll have to store all these food and lose a lot, but we hope it will be fine. and people will enjoy ramadan peacefully. despite this most constancy of preparing for ramadan,
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with the same enthusiasm and joy, they have every year families are busy decorating their homes, shopping for special foods and buying gifts for loved ones. what you see behind me is called the colored neighbourhood by the people here. they fainted pictures on the walls of their homes to celebrate and welcome the coming of the holy month of ramadan. life has been in stabling garza for many years with ongoing conflict and frequent outbreaks of violence. patrice intentions have been particularly high with fighting between israeli forces and palestinians in the occupied west bank and east jerusalem. and that sparked hears of a wider conflict. alas, i believe, or would the mediation of egypt and other regional and the emotional countries has been restrained from escalating the situation with those will both agree also about that as well. keep pushing against the palestinians in numbers on june uh within
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a lot. so most that might lead to on the very limited escalation with, with this room which my mother last very long the international community has repeatedly expressed concern about the rising tensions in the occupied territories . the united nations has also expressed concern, but about the potential impact of any conflict on those in godsa whose lives are already precarious. you may see it al jazeera godsa. okay, that's it for me, molly site denise continues here. now sarah can may of next inside. ah hello, as we head towards the clocks moving forwards for rest,
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summer time by saving ours across a good part of europe. temperatures will start to slide away so we got winds coming in from the atlantic, bringing in some mild, rare breeze. wet animals, this windy weather, said he back across north western parts of here, wester, weather to into a good part of frost, northern areas of spain and portugal to the fine weather at the moment that's located i which was the east i which was the balkans asian for the hungarian plain as keeping it settled for the time being but the west a weather will gradually win out. so there we go. temperatures 40 batch around 13 celsius in london. the 16 therefore paris, blustery showers streaming in some way. whether maybe some wintry weather, justy, stabilizing things there, across the alps as we go 13, friday, at ray, making his way up towards the baltic. states seeking further south was 25 in belgrade on friday, 90 degrees. that rain sets in for rest, saturday, north and west of that generally looking at more unsettled weather down towards the southeast. in improving pitcher course at east side of the mediterranean,
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much of southern year, it will be fine and dry say in improving picture we do have some wet weather co studies. the side of the met for a time that will make his way further east was turning cooler in cairo. ah, join the debate. we know that the center seems empowered by the government and stained by the government. today they are to government. security is also global healthcare is annette online at your voice. there is no right. there is no right to protest. we can't just keep relying on aid. there has to be some work towards a sustainable economy. at the end of the day, it is ordinary objects that are paying the price. this screen on al jazeera israel has scrap the parts of a lower barring testers from some areas of the occupied westbank tension has been.
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