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tv   Witness Ashes To Ashes  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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c, mining sneeze. barker explains what's at stake at the international cb, it authorities meeting and kingston, jamaica i, environmentalists or warning, deep sea mining could cause extensive and irreversible damage to the planet. in a new report, wildlife charity, floor and foreigner, is calling for a full moratorium of harvesting the c for precious metals of the year ends. international c bed or authority. the i say comes under increasing pressure to grunt mining contracts. let's find out more. the sea floor is still a great unknown 75 percent of it has not yet be mapped in less than one percent. has actually been explored, much of its biodiversity is yet to be discovered. but companies want to mind the sea bed for poly metallic nodules, which are rich in the coal bolts, nickel, and manganese, using rechargeable batteries, still making and mobile phones. they are very would be safer than mining on land, where levels are dwindling. until now, the i say has granted just 33 mining exploration permit. but in 2020 want the
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pacific island of now re announced is planned to start deep sea mining using a loophole. that means the i s a has until july to come up with a full set of regulations. if not mining can in theory proceed anywhere. but some countries are pushing back against the pressure to regulate. until until now it's known how quickly the ocean floor and its species could recover from mining impacts . ah, this is al jazeera and these are the top stories, the sour north korean leader kim jong, and has ordered an increase in the production of weapons grade nuclear material reports also suggest pyongyang has simulated a nuclear air explosion. state media have released images of kim inspecting what it says and you, tactical nuclear weapons. north korea has intensified muscle tests and recent wakes
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in response to joint military exercises by the us and south korea. meanwhile, the united states aircraft carrier, u. s. s. limits has arrived in south korea. the nuclear powered warship has been part of those joint military exercises with protests and israel. i expected to continue against proposed over a whole of the judiciary that despite prime minister benjamin netanyahu delaying plans to push through the legislation, tens of thousands of israeli suit to the streets on monday and stayed there until late evening. they called on netanyahu to step down place, use guns, and water kennedy to break up the crowds. public anger has also led to a nationwide strike. critics accused netanyahu of a power grab a fire and a migrant detention center and northern mexico's sealed out what is, has killed at least 37 people. it's believe the fire started in the bathrooms. dozens of survivors have been taken to hospital will me and mars military leadership says it'll repatriate about 1000 very hang refugees from bangladesh,
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writes campaigners are accusing the united nations of breaching neutrality. after it took delegates from the jointer to a meeting in the you, in boats, and a 6 people, including 3 children, have been killed in a school shooting in the u. s. city of nashville. the attack happened at a private christian school. bozer the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera, after witness is a wave of sentiment around the world. people actually want accountability from the people who are running their countries and i think often people's voice is not heard because it's not part of the mainstream news. narrative, obviously we cover the big stories and report on the big events going on, but we also tell a story to people. again, we don't have a voice. i mean, whatever child my dad never be afraid to put your hand and ask a question. and i think that's what actually really does. we ask the question, the people who should be accountable. and also we get people to give their view of what's going on
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with who here's my favorite of all the whole j o b want, can know b is my favorite. he's just so fantastic. what is my light bill? look better. oh, look at my yoga, look. now there's a boy there. you know where he, if you take him out of the box, he a run around all over the floor and talk. and you get, ask him saying things in here for you. i got 2 of them here to be afraid. he got you not tell you the
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reason i like it because i never had toys when i was growing up. a little boy and me just loved a movie and they cared to the full for him test to you know, i'm gonna give them to my key is when i'm with ah ah, with ah, deos, a story. i don't know of ways to save money of the fact that it feels
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a story. ah, i'm telling a story about my life and this is going to take 50 future. do i got 8 done on a take 50. i'm fully these pictures are here in the of never face live ah, nova journey than i had to tell my daughter. but my wife kept telling me, oh you can do it. you got tell. and whenever you can do this, when you get what you know wise can send him kind of things, you know, what is a true a true account of how we live, how we survive in the south. ah,
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ah, when a patient walks into my room, they expect to have a seat and for me to talk with them back to history about their journey. i take that information and i use it to help them feel i need to look at history. and sometimes patients come to tay, hors d'oeuvres, but i can't discarding because i needed only have their patient to live. i'm a physician, but i'm also an artist. i see myself a little bit of both. c winford is, are honest to both from the south and i had opportunity to go to one his our shoes . and there he was. he's had a lot of health problems, hypertension, diabetes, prolong, over 40 years of stress. and i think that stress in appears which you ability to
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sleep so how many hours of sleep you get a night very for 3 or 4 hours. mm hm. and as with the medicine, the, without the medicine, what you get with that promotion, i get nothing. and this been going on for a long while for youth. whenever you do oil pitches, he gets it, you have to go to the doctor and she has to talk to and he has a double opponent, medicine in order to get some rest for use. post traumatic stress disorder ear, so he traumatized you again and make you re live, which we had gone through. exactly. and the thing is that sometime acknowledge in the history, does that help some people to heal may have other people in that mean? oh no, i don't think it the, it's a different corner. are there feeling is my can,
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isn't i? he'll do it. ah, good year. bla put hope and my are now not much says everything is done from the page. there's not much hope in active shoot them. so i thank you and my man, i go back one hour. glad to to you. i can remember guy gave me a good memory. we're not plantation. and that was the early sixty's. it don't take long for you to realize that something's wrong with taking garden everyday. all day you start out on your roles, the j. c. you spend all day, you never get to the in the year at the time out 14,
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i ran away from not home, but i ran away from the country who i was doing everything at all possible if you live a different type of life lesser sick. this, you know, i'm working to you this man, i go to the night 3 or 45 o'clock in the morning when she okay. she was, she's down there like bullet the trauma. then he's in trouble. you have to go to sleep in the rest. i've seen it increased as you get older the dramatic stuff less when we have a problem. but know that it wasn't really need to get done. sometime he wakes up completely up, carlin, whoever it is this run and then we call him by name. he'll be saying stop if
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i don't take my medicine and i can sneak with passion, i'm going through. if i'm dreaming, i may, i may punch, pet fleming . go back to discard and i'm carry by john a civil rights movement. and 40 years old. when you are part of the moon, me, you make a name for yourself. and all of white people know you and they are waiting to get their hands on as plane in jail for a year, with no charges left in. so i took a roll of toilet paper stuck in, in a john flooded jail. and when they share came back,
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he came back in. he was gone through staying with me, the cheek, me 2 or 3 times. and back the 3rd time he kicked me out of the sad, i will let him kick me in. war ran his legs and i threw him to the ground. and he went for his gun. i took away from him and he's beg me not to shoot him last well, i'm not going to shoot you, but i will lock you up. so i'll lock them in and say on an athlete, went to his house of civil rights workers. i bought the woman answer the door i told her, will it happen? she went to the next room and call the police next thing and no error, white man incurred with georgia, standing out in the yard early in the trunk of a gore. about a 30 minute rat and julie opened up the trunk. i saw the rope hanging from a tree looses, appraised as ran like to hang people. when they put her over ram,
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our feet pulled me up in a tree. here come the endeavor to shave the lock in his ear and he's got a knife and he come up and he grabbed my primary paws and he took his laughing, stuck me. they was gonna cast a rate me and then hang me and burn me. i was 90 years old and they i am bleed like a pigs in a tree. ready to be smooth like a hawk. and then another white man grab is off and told him don't do that to we got better things we can do this. i took my shirt, rolled up between my lay like day. wow, good job. so if we man need to give us a massive ah
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my mother's tell me, she said you cannot internalize to pain if you internalize at pain, it just chips away at you. this country, no one really generally talk about the people who lynched sometime, they were many people. they put him in a water, but wait, sort of bam, would never see him again. sometime it would take the bite as a customer is sale to pieces. sometimes it would take to bite up the list and burn it up so the families would not have anything. those are ones that were recording. what about the ones that were dot recording? it was close to 3 to 4000 people who would niched, and
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a lot of these people never got a fin. it was often too dangerous for the families to retrieve those bodies. and some time there was no bodies to retreat. is not just black history. this is american history. ah, you don't survive a lead ye, you leach, you deep. i just happen to be one man. that was say, i had had hurt me. he'd have jumped me from leon may be will actually. yes, it helped me back because his room and no one wants to talk about the
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1st time i saw you i was trying to medically speaking, i was trying to figure out why does he have these on his he over chang marks. well one more than the other, i just want to just go stressed my punch in pain. oh, i didn't learn a bond for my mom, so were working on the highways and byways and when you hear them more, i hear you hear from mad is me. well don't she low? that's the lean. we're again on a chevy. mm. wow. i like the car. it doesn't make me cry. oh.
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the beautiful morning. you got your long johnson. ok good. then i can walk in a ga much again. you've been leaning as me. i'm for li, live again. don't you, sad almost armstrong, george her as leave it there. right. he, i'm give me now. well, to put it in a do that. oh. you pick. i'm the phone. you know with we used to for water in there were good. they got hip there. oh really? yeah. on the grey way more put a brick in. did you the new i'm rick at it. yeah. oh god, i didn't know that i bought a blue
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a new i did where to put tomorrow the 20 night trying to pull it all together. pain. nathaniel, you know that painting idea with k k. k. yeah. could you bring it to me in springfield? ah, i decided to have a few for the over 4000 african americans who had lynched in the united states to close that chapter. a move for america has to do the same thing to help here this country you'll get some pushback with people. why you understood adam? has mr. enough, people saying, ah, that's so depressing. i say, would you say just to present, try hang a from a tree. ah, what can i do? i can't bring them back, but i can give them
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a prayer. ah, ah,
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good evening. i'm dr. shirley jackson, whittaker. and the question we ask tonight is, why do we need to be here? we need to be here because our country needs to heal and some bad things happen in this country where americans tortured other americans due to the color of their skin that went on so long in america. what are you going to do about it? because i remember as a little girl, when we went to a funeral and in law there casket in the ground, the minister was se ashes to ashes. a lot of people never got there. so we are looking back in history. so this patient can live looking back in history for this patient, can dr. we look back in history so this patient can become very strong,
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but his patient can only live and get stronger if billed, willing to look back. mm. so tonight we start, there's an african proverb, the says, you speak my name and i will live forever. so tonight we will speak some names. my name is sierra. ah jim. ah, my name is mary turner. i was the 19 year old, pregnant wife of the wonderful haze turner. my name is lorna thomas and i am representing unmanned mm. but when i confronted his murderous they left me and burned my body. i named kaya bellamy and i represent representing eugene.
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they ripped my unborn baby out of my belly and sharing his death along with my i'm james house and they told me i had a choice either i could die with my son. or i could watch him dime live to tell the story. i had no talk i had my wife no children looked after to live for now as my son cried and begged and pleaded for his life, they bound his hands and feet and forced him into the river. and as i stood trembling with tears running down my face, watson, my son, said to the bottom of the river,
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never to rise again. never to rise again. so in unison, we haven't you representing speak that name? ah ah, ah ah, ah ah ah, it is. oh
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oh then that is my bet. it is. drag me down. even did they that been florida some years ago and even today now this dragon, me down shan't risk a
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generous when they are my bill. j ref. running for my life every minute. but as after i don't know what to do a man about with and he didn't seem like a low budget dad to say, hey, this is wrong. it hurts me to see him in that campaign. for the thing is there needs to be raised. we commit to the ground, these bodies, and these souls, and let us for ever remember and reflect upon the lives that have been nameless and
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unknown for many years. ashes to ashes, dust, to dust. ah, a few ears. i hear me for those that are lie, given respect to those that have to i think they want it to be remember and to have the right of passes the right to move. ah ah
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i j v o. my god leo, i take i go to the grey wood where i get all the lead. now. the whole and lay back. he was 0. strength was done to me years ago. the austria only back. josh, in the message. you're not changes. i can change his world on the way. i'm not a big enough man to do there, but i can put a danny which is just keep going and go and go. oh, i wish you could see me. now. i wish you could see the work that i'm doing now. mom. i wish you to be
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with me. i hope you have been looking down looking down there to do in this lab work. i guess mama you wanted to reason that i keep doing yes, you are in a post colonial world. the scars of european imperialism run deep nowhere more so
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than in the democratic republic of congo, where a horrific history still shapes the president. a visceral yet intimate insight through the eyes of a whistle blower and a patriotic military commander. witness presents this is congo on a jesse either with a story, things fantasy with being sold. the notion that you offset all the carbon we generate this carbon offsetting actually work. what these be done isn't worth sitting in the pro is net 0, just a catch phrase. net 0 missions that's there, right? you know,
1:00 pm
climate child poly re examines the myths and illusions in the struggle against climate breakdown. all hailed the planet episode want on al jazeera, around 10 women are being murdered in mexico every day. almost always by men, an epidemic of gender based violence that threatens to spiral out of control. now specialists police squads run by women, a trying to reverse the trend and bring the perpetrators to justice. what can be overcome years of macho, culture and indifference? behind the scenes with the fem aside detected on a jessina ah ah.


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