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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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these days may bass fence can stream films and capture professional quality photographs. cooper predicts the gadgets will play a role in transforming other sectors. the cellular industry is just learning how to do things like a revolutionary certification revolution, those health care trades, the whole concept of collaboration. so this is just the beginning, but the evolution of the mobile phone industry is provide, can controversy. regulators are concerned about how tech companies use clients data that's gathered by tracking back to vittie, who somehow are governments through have to decide what is there about us that they have to protect as an exam for your medical information. no one should have that except people that you want to have that should be true with your financial information. we haven't figured out how to do all of those exhibit 50 s after the
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death of a may about fan. governments now have to deal with the unforeseen challenges that it's created. but for many, it's a device that county without barbara and get her out to sarah. ah, hello again. the headlines on al jazeera, finland is set to become the newest member of nato. it's a historic move away from its stance off non alignments. helsinki apply to join the alliance after russia invaded ukraine. moscow says it will strengthen its military positions on the border with finland. we will welcome fin them as the 31st member of nato making fin them say, for an hour alliance, stronger. we all raised the finished thank for the 1st time here at the nato headquarters. it will be a good day for freedom,
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security for nordic security on for nato. as a whole, new crane says, rushing drones has struck the port of a desa one cause the fire which has been extinguished. but that is on the black sea and has been used to transport grain from ukraine to the rest of the world. security is tight in new york ahead of donald trump's appearance in manhattan court on tuesday. he's being charge in connection with hash money paid to porn film start stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential election campaign. syria and state media is a 2 civilians have been killed and is really airstrikes near damascus. several explosions were reported on monday nights. it's the latest in a series of attacks on government tell territory in recent days. and the us central command says american troops have killed a senior ice, a leader in syria, and accuse of holiday and a booty of planning attacks on europe. us says no civilians were killed or injured
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in the strike. at least one person was killed and doesn't injured when a train derailed in the netherlands about 50 people were on board when a fire broke out in one of the carriages. the train hitt construction equipment on the track near a village between the hay enlightened city and the large fire has broken out. one of the biggest clothing markets in the bangladesh capital, no casualties have been reported, and firefighters are at the scene, bangladesh as a poor fire safety record in 201217 people died in a garment factory blaze. you have to dates with the headlines. more news at the top of the hour that's coming up right after the stream by 25 years after the good friday agreement and did decades of violence in northern ireland. u. s. president j fight ended to mount the anniversary with a visit to ireland. algebra. examine the agreement to legacy from the impact on people's everyday life to political power sharing installment outbreak stages foraging new realities. i
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think i welcome to the stream. i'm josh rushing, a medic, climate emergency, the u. s. has approved a massive plan to drill for more oil and gas and alaska. that's called the willow project. in this $8000000000.00 development aims to extract at least $600000000.00 barrels of oil from alaska, north slope over the next 30 years. listen to what some alaskan natives had to say about the project earlier this month. at a protest outside the white house. i am had when you want to drill oil on my land. when i know that you will make the animal sick, the animals that my family needs to thrive on. i've seen bully tactics to keep people quiet. leaders raising their voice at you telling us we are brainwashed by big green, an individuals having their worth as an and you back person torn apart publicly by
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their own community and families. the man who lives in the big house across the street, behind me, campaign for the presidency with promises a fight and climate change. president by and how do you want to be remembered 50 years from now? 100 years from now. do you want to be remembered? and known as the president who put america on a path to showing and stopping climate change, or for helping conical phillips increased profits at the expense of indigenous communities and the rest of the world. so this week the stream is focusing on issues affecting climate change. and today we're going to hear more about the willow project and the debate over continued oil development and the artic with us to discuss this in washington, d. c. poly dennett claw a political correspondent, new covers indigenous issues with indian country today in anchorage alaska. nev group, heart direct president of the voice of the arctic in, in new p at that's
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a pro development group based in the last nor slope and in boston. we have philip white, an assistant professor of history and artic in northern studies at the university of alaska, fairbanks. welcome to everybody newkirk. i want to begin with you because i know that those voices we heard at the top are not the only perspective here. a year from alaska, from the north slope. so can you tell us the upside of this project? what, what are the benefits? it's going to bring their through a lot of benefits through the taxation of the oil infrastructure that turns into revenues for the nurse low barrel. that provides for 1st of all living conditions and all of the communities on the north slope. so water, interior projects, police and fire protection, educational institutions, anything that municipal government or a city government normally provides more modern cities the nor slow bird does that for us on the north slope and has been doing that for the last 50 years. and to make it clear, european pro development poly, you've done some reporting with, with locals from up there that have a different point of view. what are the concerns that you've heard?
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so the mayor of new york has been very outspoken, and this is the community that is closest to where the development will actually be occurring and after the will a project is fully completed. the community will be surrounded essentially by oil and gas development. and the looks of community is mostly in new and is about 400 folks who live there. and some of the things that they have noticed is the change in migration when it comes to the animals that they use for subsistence hunting. and the migration patterns have changed, the mayor rosemary noted that her son has to travel some 300 miles because of the migration changes of the cariboo, and also noting that the permafrost in her community has been assigned
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which has really affected the community. and there are a host of other issues that she testified before the natural resources committee last year. so the us has a director of the department of interior. that's actually a native person for the 1st time deb holland. and she's the one that announced this we actually had the video of her or announcing this the president is taking action to limit new oil and gas leasing in important places in the western arctic and the arctic ocean. second, the interior department will propose a rule that will recommend additional protections for more than $30000000.00 acres in the area. these steps will protect wildlife, including caribou, and polar bears and guard the subsistence rights that are so important to alaska native communities. 3rd is the will a project which is a difficult and complex issue that was inherited. these are existing leases issued
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by previous administrations as far back as the ninety's. as a result, we had limited decision space, but we focused on how to reduce the projects footprint and minimize its impacts to people and to wildlife of philip lesson undersecretary holland there. um, there is definitely a tonal shift on that. 3rd point it is you see very reticent kind of announcing those what, what are some of the politics that went into this and why would the buy them administration that seem to campaign on making climate change or priority? what, what, what did they do this? yeah, well that's absolutely right and just to start with by his campaign promise of no new leasing or development on federal lands and so on. on from that perspective, this looks like a major walk back from the, by the administration. and it really looks like they're trying to save face here
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and i think that's why we see those. busy other actions, but we also have to remember that biden is a savvy political leader and alaska is congressional delegation. has been very outspoken about wanting to see this project go forward. and that congressional delegation, especially these are mccallski and alaska is congress women marybell cola are, are really important for other federal decisions that need to be made for other, especially for sen. mccallski judges, that need to be confirmed. so this was certainly a political decision on the biden ministrations are and, and you can tell that they're, they're not particularly happy about it, but i clearly, they thought this was the most prudent political decision based on, on the context, especially the geopolitical context of the ukraine crisis right now, you know that, that, well actually i wouldn't move on, but can you just touch on that for a 2nd? why do you crane change the political decision here? yeah. and so, you know, the united states has historically, you know,
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we had declining oil production ever since the 970 s, because it was like water hydraulic fracturing it really created a kind of energy revolution in this country. and so we have been exporting vast quantities of l. n. g liquefied natural gas to europe, to help replace russia natural gas. so united states has played a new, more muscular role in european and global energy affairs. and there is the perception with this project that the united states needs to maintain a certain flow of energy to be able to support our allies. and that you would see the alaska delegation and other say that energy is best coming from domestic resources. and from the state of alaska. so i'm a broker remembering this next question to you. i want to share my laptop with the viewers. i'm looking at a report from the i e a. this is the international energy association. they are very pro energy. they came out with a report about how the, the world can get to net 0 by 2050. and in this report,
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i'm going to share this here. it says there is no need for investment and new fossil fuel supply in our net 0 pathway mac. do you believe that that new fossil fuel projects will lead the world to the tipping point for climate change faster? but you know, we're in this transition period and you know, by himself mentioned that we're going to need the resource for at least 10 years. we did our new i think that it might be longer than that. so the choice to do it domestically. i think it's a good choice. we definitely appreciate it on the nurse load because of the economic benefits that projects like this provide to our communities. you know, the only other option is to kinda outsource that to other countries and i think that they're making the right choice with respect to it. but back to the heart of that question, do you believe new projects will push the world closer to climate catastrophe? forged clamored cache re, i don't think so. i mean, the u. s. is doing
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a great job as far as you know, the projects to reduce the requirement footprint. you know, i think one of the things we could do is produce a natural gas. they mentioned the cracking down in the lower $48.00 that allowed for the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions within the united states. so i think if we do it responsibly, we could minimize whatever the effects are going to be going forward. well, people were talking about this on social media, found this video, video on tick tock. this is sunny or grunted and i want to share it with the audience. today i am mourning the loss of biodiversity, the increase, and permafrost star, the continued coastal erosion and global c rise as a youth. i am morning the fact that we're losing years of our lives to dedicate to this advocacy work and the uphill battle that is ahead of us. i morning. the fact that we don't have the luxury of previous generations to push this responsibility
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of a transition away from fossil fuels and contending with. we're sitting climate change until future generations and generations are come after us. we will have the time to do that. poly and in your reporting how, how do you reconcile ah, man, the motions in that video. the concern that that generation has and not just that generation about climate change and what's happening and not wanting to just give up, but also my group, what are pointing out, you know, the, the local economic benefit that they need, that there. how do you balance these so i think it's really important, especially when it comes to oil and gas development in into it as communities. one . the fact of the tribal sovereignty and self determination which is local, indigenous governments and officials can decide what they choose to do with the land that they occupy. and so i think when we're having these conversations,
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it is really important to understand that tribal sovereignty and self determination is having these indigenous leaders decide what they want to do. and part of this is that alaska is a oil and gas state. and so the majority of. busy the state's income comes from oil and gas revenue. and so, and part of that too is that alaska doesn't have a state income tax or sales tax. and those are also part of the conversation. and in the north slope borough, the majority of the revenue and tax revenues come from this development and projects like zillow and in places that are so isolated that don't often have you know, access to sort of economic development these projects. you know,
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it's reconciling both of these of yes, the climate change is happening. and then also, you know, the community is me, jobs and tax revenues to continue to uplift and build their communities. and i think 2 things can be true at 112, i'm every got some voices here from you to right now who are watching the show. this is jerry miller says, people like to have a functioning economy where they can afford to live t r. c, $23.00 men, toby winnipeg says indigenous people, digital culture, native americans 1st and then a few other people say it's about time or drilling, and then on john $226.00 as this earth age will be long over by 2050 i. there's a sense of like the for the places that depend on oil and gas for their economy, even with the report that came out the i p. c. c report that came out that said that, you know, we have about 10 years left that i just read
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a report about that this morning that showed what saudi arabia and norway pushed back in the negotiations for, for that report to come out. and i had this feeling not living in a place that depends on exporting orland gas that i'm held hostage to maybe local economic concerns that the future of the the plan. it'll be fine. it's not the future. the planet is the future of people on the planet. but i'm concerned about how, how do you see a path forward where local economic concerns are biting a girl brought up can be reconciled with greater global crisis concerns? absolutely, this is, this is a great question. i just want to go to, i was talk to what about few minutes ago with the economics of oil and gas in alaska because you know, so many people have this long standing perception that alaska is an oil state. and basically what happened is after the discovery of probate, $968.00,
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after the construction of the trans last pipeline system, in $977.00, the state of alaska rewired its economy to run on oil, right? we don't have an income tax, we don't have a sales tax, we don't fund ourselves like other states. and so over the past few decades, this has been true. but what's really fascinating is that we are actually getting the majority of our income today from earnings on investments from earnings on the alaska permanent fund. right. this is our sovereign well fund. so we're actually more of an endowment state today than we are an oil city. and i'd also add that, you know, this willow deal is not a good deal for the state of alaska. we're actually going to be getting less revenue over the next 10 years because of this oil development because of the way that our oil taxes are structured as a state. so i'm, when it comes to transitioning away from that, we've already begun to transition because of the money that we've saved, that we're on gas revenue. we've turned a non renewable resource into in renewable resource. and alaska has some of the
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best renewable resources on the planet, right? we have phenomenal wind, which are phenomenal sunshine during the summer, right? when we have almost 24 hours of light in different places in the state. and we're phenomenal geothermal resources. so i'm actually abolish that alaska can short a path here towards a sustainable economy while still providing for the needs of its people. i want to bring in another video comment. this is from brenda to bears. she's with keep it in the ground. she's a li coordinator at the indigenous environmental network. that's a i e, and here this one, she has a say the willow project is the next climate bomb. the building of this pipeline is going to lock the u. s. in front of the 30 years, at least, to unnecessary fossil fuel emissions. the ecological and spiritual damage brought on by this project is not going to be offset aid or supplanted and said is going to put the food security health and identity of 6 the new p. f. villages at risk out
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there on the northern slope. the knocks it is one of those in opiate villages and they're already suffering from extreme pollution with the existing oil projects. what's gonna happen to them when they are kerry lu, disappear? how are they gonna supplement their food with local hunting and fishing? with nothing to hunter fish, the willow project is only going to devastate because fossil fuels have always and will always increase serious health impacts for in new york and indigenous communities in the region and around the world. indigenous lands and communities are not sacrificed zones. martinez appraised their climate bod, the sector in general, the united nations. antonio gutierrez, also called the report i referred to earlier, di pcc report this week a how to guide to diffuse the climate time bomb up. what do you think about philip suggestion for all the green energy that alaska could be producing there? why not do that rather than extract fossil fuels?
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you know, i think that the base for the reason that i represent whatever their transition looks like and whatever systems that may be available to put in place, it's going to require an investment. we have an opportunity through the revenues that we're going to generate to be able to make those investments ourselves, to be able to decide what systems we want to place ourselves. kind of goes back to the idea of self determination, right? we had a force to see at the table back in the 1970 is to build a benefit economically from the development that was going to take place. and we have an opportunity to, to utilize that to, to generate the revenues, to move our communities, to the future. you know, what do we actually, is there enough gas available right now with the current projects to meet the needs or new growth bought up in one of his early answers that you know, that the transition is going to happen for maybe 10 more years. and we're gonna meet oil during that time. well, what i would say is that, you know, we have known about climate change in alaska for decades. right. and
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a group brought up the formation or so bureau in 1972, fighting for a seat of the table. and one of the key leaders in that transition was a gentleman by the name of evan hobson and haven't hops in was talking about climate change coming from oil and gas back in the 1970 s. so we've known about this for a long time. alaska had a governor, steve cooper, in 1990, who introduced a climate change report to the alaska legislature. so we have known about this for decades. we have not taken the action that we need to for decades, and now we're suffering the consequences because of that. so i think the logic that, you know, a, it's certainly helpful to have more money, more investment for this transition. but as we look at the global landscape right now, renewables, especially solar, is the cheapest form of energy that we've ever discovered as humanity. right? the scientists have done their job. we have the tools and technology in front of us . and what we need is the political will, and you know, we really need to be deploying these technologies at scale to d,
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carbonized economy. all right, here's another comment from you tube. it says, are they ready for another trump error? because biden will lose young voters, especially after going back on his promise to protect the climate. and i want to bring in one more video comment from our community. this is from j b j, the director of policy and advocacy. at the indian collective we are, of course, very concerned about the impacts to the local indigenous community and tribes that live in europe. where the will project will be built and expanded. not only that, but we are really concerned about what this means for indigenous communities across the world. because we know that climate change does not happen if you definitely put us well beyond that 1.5,
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meaning meaning more catastrophe for vulnerable populations like indigenous communities, rural communities, and low income communities, poly there and get jump and go for so one of the things that i really want to make sure is under to then the context of this issue. is that colonization and america saying with or without you, we are going to develop this land and the indigenous leaders of the artic forcing a seat at the table, i think needs to be a part of this conversation because context does matter. and that capitalism and colonization had deeply impacted indigenous communities. and so we see that here today. and so you have indigenous communities who are reliant on these oil and gas funds because the federal government forced this development force with or without
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the voice of indigenous people. this development would have happened, and so when we're talking about that, i think that that needs to be a part of the conversation as well. and then also when we're talking about green energy, you know, their conversations now about lithium mining and how close those are, you can be more precious. that's tomorrow show on the stream we're doing lithium. yeah. for people like me, the drive and electric car. we've been talking about oil and gas is leak. well, 2 miles my turn to get it with the the lithium question. i'm glad you brought that up, but in a correct, i want to give you a chance to respond to poly. do you feel like this was forced upon you by colonization and the u. s. government? i think at the time in the seventy's they were going to drill with or without us, they were going to extract the resources of the north slope. and in order for us to provide for our communities, they set up in our slow bar, early leaders. i'm set up in our slow burrow and really and knew that that there was going to be the revenue that was made available. we were actually sued by the
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oil companies as well as the state of alaska, 11 that shoot in court to be able to develop inertial barone have been providing for our communities ever since. and it is an important context that we were, we were forced into the situation that right now with the borough, with the last claim settlement act and were utilizing the tools that were made available to us to do the best that we can to support the people our constituents, in the different regions across the state. you know, given the choice app, you had another, another choice like someone was offering you an equal amount of money for green energy project there. what would you take that list if you know, i think that we're open to any ideas to replace the revenue, right? we could replace the energy probably a lot easier than we can replace that revenue, right? so it did. you can have one without the other necessarily, cuz then you just thrust communities back into potential poverty. they might not be able to pay that energy bill doesn't matter where it comes from. so you need the economy economy to be able to support, hey, real quick,
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we got less than 2 minutes here philip. we did a show yesterday about a new pipeline project and uganda and tans in the what is the worst was supposed to think when they look at the us starting new fossil fuel projects. while kind of wagging the finger at places like you got a saying, don't add to climate change. yeah, absolutely. i mean i think this by the administration, the us i think have lost a significant amount of leverage and credibility with this decision. at the same time, we also have the bind administration passing the most ambitious and aggressive climate legislation and us history. ready the inflation reduction. what we can certainly say is that we know that there's a carbon budget. we know there's a certain amount of oil and gas that we can burn before we exceed these planetary tipping points, right? you often hear about 2 degrees celsius, referred to and with the willow project. monaco philips is about $58.00 a barrel, which is relatively high cost oil. and this is oil that's gonna be produced in the
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20 thirty's 20 forty's. well, into the 2015. and so what we know with this project is that, you know, the, the folks who are developing this are planning on there being a lot more oil and gas in the future. and not keeping to the carbon budget that the scientists say that we need to stick to that that's going to be our final word. i want to take all 3 of our guests for being here with us today. and as poly perfectly set up for us tomorrow, we're going to be talking about new energy. we're going to look at electrical vehicles and what they need to be more sustainable going forward. so i want to thank you for watching today, and hopefully we'll see you on the show tomorrow. a
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ah ah, holding the powerful to account. as we examined the u. s. seats row in the world on al jazeera, the arctic home to the semi people and natural resources needed for competing climate change. an important part of the battery supply china for europe. they don't think it is pete also have to say human rights as other people can nations mate, welcome from oil and gas. now balance that green obligations with the rights of indigenous people. you can't choose solutions for us in the snow for future voices from the optic. the money talks money,
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williams on it just either breaking down the headline, still exposing the powers attempting to finance reporting. what did you do? what to investigate? why didn't you off this extra question? there are many during that said, fencer, it will have, but you think effect on subsequent stories. the listening post doesn't cover the news. it covers the way the news is covered to suppress moderate. and in some cases, amplify the content you see on your timeline. the listening post on the al jazeera al jazeera sets the stage 311 here. 5, i have been deployed to faith just one item in global experts in discussing the idea of being to your country been established in democracy. it was bound to fan explore and abundance of world class programming of it least leave to bask in life impacts designed to inform, motivate, and inspire you on.


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