tv Inside Story Al Jazeera April 4, 2023 8:30pm-9:00pm AST
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in my party or in this country before. so i'm curious to know because of course you are, republicans, you feel like the donald trump known is increasing increasingly, hijacking the republican party away from its true direction and values. because as you said we, we do still see a lot of republican leaders come out and defend donald trump and endorse him. great. and you know, i talk to me those leaders behind the scenes and they don't say the same thing. and so i, i would just really like what is it, the fear of the bones happens with the pattern, but with the base even with the base but, but with, but with high, with leadership, with folks and leadership position. what they will say quietly is different than it will say publicly. i'm and i, you know, i just think it, it really gives legitimacy to his argument. when someone who it is, yes, i wonder why, why i'm hearing what he it when you speak to them behind the scenes and he and you,
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i'm sure you asked him ok, why are you telling me this differently in private than what you say in public? what is the answer? is it that, well, we've gotta stay on the same step as the base of donald trump. that correct? he's probably got, i don't know, maybe 20 percent. oh, super strong supporters. and that is enough to move the needle when it comes to the republican boat, or at least that's how they perceive it. i actually disagree, ah, but that is, that is the answer. that's the only one that i can come up with. and the only one that i can get a when does that is difficult to look in a crystal ball at this point, but this is going to be a long process in terms of the, the court proceedings, right? maybe a year or more waiting for a trial is concluded in a ruling issued what are your thoughts on the mean time of how that might impact the election race?
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right, well i think what it does is sort of why it's the possibility of anyone else stepping in and you even saw it already declared republican candidate like former batter, nikki haley. she has largely cited with trauma issue. and so in the past, traditionally, nothing, you know, would sort of blow up in the media or something bad like this. what happened? the opponents would step in and use that opportunity. you're not seeing that. and so i think is this continues and it is that it can be, it could be model, it could be a year which takes us away. and currently a past the caucus is past the primary and into the general election. it could have sort of a by adding a fact on any opposition to donald trump within the republican party. what does it do? national election race since you've got the crystal ball out of it? yeah, no i, i absolutely think that republicans shall act just as they have the last 3 election
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cycles that donald trump has been an issue in about 2016. he definitely a co county. definitely help republicans. that's because he was new, and people saw him as a business man and a non traditional and spoken mind, but 2018. 202022. $22.00 all proved to be disasters of the republican party and i would expect that will continue for 2024. much, much to my chagrin, and i had in the last hour, a republican, a member who was quite supportive of donald trump and i put some, some questions to him. some critical questions. so you're gonna have to bear with me now. and i put the opposite to you from the perspective of the base. when you listen to the base of donald trump, they have a very different narrative of what's happening in the republican party. they would say that some of those leaders, they would say, yeah, they're quite hypocritical. they don't represent the values that they as believe in
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. and they believe are american values that they're just looking for power. why would anyone want a republican party that is led by such figures rather than donald trump? who in that perspective at least stands for what he really believes in? because i, when i talked many of those orders, they believe in donald trump did not reflective of the values that i grew up as a conservative which was small government, strong defense, a me now working with our allies across the world bridge to bring peace, all the things at ron reagan and george h. w. bush, george w bush, and many more like profess. i don't feel that i feel like the allegiance is da da ha. and this is america that, that have been any though. and so are that those figures like the historical ones that you've referred to, whether it's ron reagan so on who stand for a principal other than donald trump, or is the really the deeper crisis within the republican party that it other than
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donald trump. it doesn't know really what it stands for, other than seeking power for their own personal agendas. i think that's when you happens when you have such a strong personality that comes in and it has become about donald trump. it's become, you're with them or you're against it. and for folks like me that want to talk about the issues that want to talk about the principles to one, talk about what we stand for, which is frankly, what americans want to hear. we're out, they just haven't had that. and so if it's, you know, even though they might not agree with the left and all the things that they're doing, at least they're not donald trump, and that's what this is coming down to you. i just, i'm very disappointed to be that kind of boiled down to whatever he says represents the republican party, because that's absolutely not how i was raised as a republic. all right, thanks so much. jamie's been good talking to thank you for sharing of perspective with us. appreciate it. let's go over now to kristen salumi. she's on the line.
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she's right outside that court house in new york and kristen. we sold the former us president, enter a short while ago that process assumed lead, now has kicked off. well, it's really hard to say to be honest. i mean, from outside here we are seeing police officers. however, guarding the front entrance very much on high alert, keeping an eye on the crowd, traffic stop, pedestrians being kept away from the entrance to the front entrance of the building . he didn't come in this way. he went in the back way. so we haven't seen that the presumably now he should be in the district attorney's office filing the paperwork that he needs to file in response to the charges he should be having his fingerprints taken possibly among the shots, he'll have his background check for prior. why. course, that's
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a formality. everybody knows the president history, not much to discover there. but this is a routine procedure that takes place when someone is arranged in the court and the president has to follow it. and so once he does the paperwork part of this, he'll be let down the hallway passed the camera probably we might get a glimpse of them there into the court room where he'll appear before judge wine merchant. interesting to know, by the way, that this is the same court room in the same judge that took up a case against trump organization against the president businesses in which his one of his top officers was found guilty. and the company itself was found guilty of tax evasion. the president wasn't charged in that case. but this is the same judge who oversaw that case when he appears in the court. he will
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be presented with the charges and have a chance to enter a plea. his team is said that he was not guilty plea no surprise there, even though they haven't been made aware of the charges themselves. and this is how it will go. it will be a fairly standard procedure and the most honest hand or unprecedented circumstances, given the fact that this is a former president. and in fact, the president himself posted on social media as he was on his way to the court house. but the whole process paid those to real. this is what he said on true social, his social media platform. he said, i can't believe they are arresting the exclamation point. so it is a bit surreal. outside the courthouse as well, everything just seems to be in a holding pattern, waiting for news to trickle out of the latest stops. what will he say? well, he addressed the media where he addressed his supporters. his supporters have been
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beating drums in the park across the street from the entrance. some of the detractors are there to sign people saying, trump 2020 or the other sign thing, lock them up. there's just a lot of anticipation as we wait for more details on what these charges entail and what the next steps will be. and just since we're talking about surreal, kristen, maybe it's important to point out and you can give us more detail on this. that being charged criminally, even if you're convicted, that doesn't stop you from running for the u. s. presidency, right? it does not. there is no prohibition on a convicted criminal or an accused criminal from running for office. you can. so
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right now, in the past it would be on thinkable that someone who was convicted of a crime, i would be able to get enough folks to be elected. but we don't know it's this is an, an older charge. some of the details surrounding the stormy daniel alleged affair, he's always denied the affair that came out around his 1st selection allegations of campaign finance irregularities have been circulating as well and a lot of supporters haven't heard them before. they're not surprised that they're not bothered by spoken to many of them here to say that they do this as a which ought to use the president's for himself as a political persecution to to influence the 2024 election
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our course. others say that justice must be served, no one's above the law. the president has had questionable dealings in the past and, and finally they're coming to light that's. that's the other argument being made here. of course, we'll see that 1st can, once the core process gets on the way things get going, but this will take months to work itself out the trial. it's so likely wouldn't take place for another year. and president trump legal team is already asking that the trial be moved to a different courthouse saying that manhattan is too biased against him and bias against republicans. interesting considering it's his hometown, he doesn't see a hometown advantage here because it's so heavily democratic city. you see that as a disadvantage, you have but it's a high bar. we were speaking with a criminal defense attorney earlier you said it would be unlikely that the judge would agree to move the case. but all of these issues and decisions will have to be
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worked out and addressed by the judge and address by the legal team. the evidence presented and collected and hearing the witnesses summit and so on. and it's going to take a while for this to play out. at the same time. the president is also facing charges and other cases or potential charges. these being investigated, i should say, hasn't been charged. he's being investigated for many other cases. so there's a lot happening surrounding president trump and pay trying to use it to advantage. all right, kristen, you know what? let's take a minute to take this in a historical moment. some would say a surreal scene. life pictures coming from new york, where we've just seen a former us president taken into a court house to be criminally charged. now,
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up until this moment, we don't know exactly what the charges are, or at least they have not been officially confirmed. what has been report is that is linked to a payment to a porn star. what has been claimed is that there are dozens of criminal charges which will be unveiled and presented to donald trump today. but officially, of course, we have to wait for the official unfeeling of the indictments to know those details . but no doubt this is a very historical moment. very polarizing 12 for americans are gabriel elizondo was at a nearby park where both trump supports is an anti trump protesters have gathered. well this is really the center of the political universe right now in the united states. i'm in a park, it's right across the street from the courthouse where trump will be arriving to surrender at this small park. the police have divided it in half with barricades on
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the far side of the park. is anti trump protesters. and on this side where we're at now is pro trump protesters, and it's just a surreal scene. i'll walk a little bit so you get a sense of protesters mingling around, banging on instruments, holding up flags. hundreds, if not thousands of journalists from around the world. absolutely, everywhere here and waiting for truck truck. and when he arrived he will arrive in this building there that you see behind me that is where he will be giving. he is arraignment. the police here is, as you can imagine, very, very tight. they're really separating the protesters because they don't want any sort of confrontation or anything like that. but this is where everyone is out right now. and this is where everyone is really, really give out their 1st amendment, right?
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free speech, and that's what's going on right now. between both sides, between the protein supporters on one side and the anti trust protesters on the other. i was taking you back to the live pictures moments ago we saw of course, donald trump led out of his motorcade and he entered that court house. a lot of security around there. well, as he was on his way, we of course were watching his motorcade make its way from his residence towards that court house in manhattan. donald trump put out on his social media page on truth social, the following statement saying quote, heading to lower manhattan. the court house seems so so real. wow. they are going to arrest me. can't believe this is happening in america maga and quote maggie of course make america great again. so obviously that
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conveys the message the, the sense of, of shock can outrage which donald trump is trying to convey to his support. this will. gabriel alexander has been out watching the protest of the both those who are in favor and against donald trump. and gabriel, i'm sure that did not come as a surprise to you the yeah, that's right. signal broke up a little bit so i didn't quite get all of your questions, but i will tell you just give you a scene center right now because it's important to just kind of reset with events moving so fast of where everyone's at what exactly is going on i am behind the court house complex, it is over my left shoulder and this is where within the last half hour donald trump's motorcade was brought in through here through the back entrance of. busy
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the court gave me the whole 10 to give me the jumping in, but we've got some live pictures now looking inside the court house in new york. so that picks up on what you were talking about gabriel of how we saw him moments ago led into the court from that backend trends. well, that is the, those are the corridors of the court house where all of this is unfolding. and gabriel, when we talk about things unfolding, this is a process which could go on for a few hours, right? the gabriel. i take it. you may be having a few issues hearing us. i'm gonna try again. let me try again so i can hear you. all right, great. i can hear you. i can hear gabriel. let me tell you what we've put off on
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the screen here. we've got pictures from inside. we didn't have a 2nd ago. we had pictures from inside the court house, and i just wanted to point out the viewers that, that can take a while. there we go. we can see inside the court again that can take that can take a few hours, right? to get through this. take us through for you is not familiar, maybe with some of the american terms like arraignment, indictments think through what that practically speaking a sure, sure. and thanks for your patience and bear with us here. there's lots of journalists, there's communication issues, as you can certainly imagine, with thousands of journalists here and what have you. but i think we have a connection now. so we're good. know you're right, i'm on the backside of the court house and it's important to just remember this is a, this was handed down by 23 regular citizens to sit on
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a grand jury like what they did is by and dating donald trump. and we can react to repeat this again because it's important. they did not convicted that it's not their job. their job was to decide if they thought there was enough evidence for him to go to trial to face criminal charges. they are grand jury said yes, and that is the indictment. it is not a conviction. this will now go to potentially a trial. that would be the next step for you. and in a jury trial. $12.00 to $13.00 jurors regular citizens would then decide after hearing evidence from the defense and the prosecution. it, donald trump, is convicted. that's important or not that he's guilty or not guilty of the crimes . she's accused of that is very important for all the viewers to keep in mind. so what are we doing now? now we're back up now. now we're after the indictment. donald trump has turned himself in surrender and he's going through what's called
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a do judicial walk through process. trump is saying he's being arrested. that's a little bit of semantics. quite frankly, he's not really being arrested because arrested means you are detained. trump is not necessarily being detained. his lawyers have negotiated with the district attorney and the court on when he would surrender. so that's not really being detained. setting that aside, the process, what's going on inside this important facility behind me right now is judicial facility. i should say is fingerprint, since we've said before, potentially mug shot, a photograph. and then that takes a while. we say why, why? why would that take? perhaps as long as an hour? well, because normally they take the fingerprints and they send fingerprints to the f b i headquarters in washington to then run those fingerprints to see if the person has any outstanding warrants. that's the normal process. that's why there's,
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we have time built into this, quote unquote walk through process. after that is completed, then shop will be walked down the hallway again in this complex, behind me, where he will have his formal arraignment. and this is when the charges against him will be read to him perhaps. and perhaps at that point is when the judge good. what's called an seal. indictment. what does that mean? unseal the indictment means make it public to k. okay. the judge makes it public. when will we get to see it? we don't know. it could be the district attorney posted on his website. it could be released somehow to the journalist, the journalist, we just don't know exactly, but potentially we will see the indictment and that's going to be key because in the indictment will be the actual charges. we know that the charges relate to stem from his a parent alleged money payment to ex adult film star stormy daniels,
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but the potential felony. these are what, how he allegedly paid that money, and what crimes allegedly trumpet might have committed in making that payment. that is key, and that is why we need to see the indictment to see exactly what the charges are. it's been leaked and we've been toll from various sources that it could be up to to doesn't. but let's wait. we'll know probably very soon because in the arraignment process in ford is when the judge will have to reveal to reveal, to trumps lawyers exactly what the charges against him are. and that will be key and we should know sooner rather than later. and gabriel america is watching, right. this is a moment where the nation may be very,
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very divided, but one assumes pretty much everybody's interested in what's going on. a lot of people will be watching. and if you listen to trump's, campaign advises, they're claiming that all of this has helped him financially re $7000000.00 in 3 days. since word of the indictment spread. the. yeah, that's right. america is watching this and you know, it's often said the world is watching certain things and it's kind of a cliche that it's kind of over used in journalism and what have you. but this is really a case where america is watching. and i think the world really is watching because it is so extraordinary. trump has put out a release saying that since he was indicted last thursday, he's been putting out emails to supporters asking for money,
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saying that he needs money. contributions to help quite with people. this injustice, this campaign has already said that they have cornered more than $5000000.00 and campaign contributions, just since the indictment was handed down last thursday. so listen, we have a traditional process that is playing out in this court room and it's for complex behind that is key because that is what's right now that you did show the process. but aside from the traditional process, we have a political process laying out as well because as we've said before and it can't be said enough, trump is the leading candidate running for the president of the united states. 2024, leading the most recent polls and leading by a lot. so this is not just if degeneration of an ex president who's off retired off on some retirement home somewhere dealing with this. this is
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a man that was the president and is running to be the president again, and it's a leading candidate from the republican party. this is significant because this is q looking forward here. if this goes to trial, which would potentially be the next step in this process, in the trial would be most likely here in manhattan, probably very close to where i'm standing and the trial could take place. wow, the presidential campaign is going on. and well, donald trump could stress, could be the nominee or is party extraordinary. so there is a political process and it's talking about there's almost like a political way get the will. that is shouldn't shaken up the 2020. busy presidential election again, the traditional process laying out at this very 2nd, but also it cannot be ignored, the political process and the political uncertainty moving forward when it comes to
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the republican party and then putting up a candidate as it now. again, the fact is, the republican party leading candidate right now in the polls to run for the 2024 presidential election is currently in a traditional complex in lower manhattan, new york, surrendering to authorities on a criminal indictment really never before seen in american history and there is just so many uncertainties on where this goes from. here, from a political standpoint, it is indeed extraordinarily incredible. gabriel, let me just explain to view as the pictures that we're looking at that is inside the court room, which gabriel was talking about just a moment ago. we saw donald trump lead in that courtroom where he's going through that process. gabriel was describing to us in such great detail. and
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now it's some, it's a matter of waiting the world watching america watching and waiting for that process to conclude before donald trump will emerge once again. and we are expecting later on today, of course, later on, not, not expected during that cold process, but who knows with a candidate like donald trump, who is very much given for speaking on the fly. one can't be sure, of course, when he might choose an opportunity to speak to reporters or make some comments or post something on social media. but we do know that later today, he is expected to speak once he returns to florida at 8 15 pm local time. however, now we can talk a little bit more about the legal process that's going on as we look at the pictures from inside that court room in manhattan,
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new york christian salumi joins us on the line. and kristin, if maybe also important to keep in mind that this is not the only legal challenge that donald trump faces, right? we've got issues related to the, the 2020 election in georgia. we've got issues related to handling of classified documents. and even there is a civil law suit over the defamation and right pride you're absolutely right. there are number investigation at various state and federal level surrounding president trump and his conduct. this is the 1st one to move toward formal charges that some of argued is actually the weakest case against him or one of the most difficult truth because a paying money to someone is a health is not a crime. and they have to connect that to falsified business records,
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then using those falsified business records to cover up another front. so it gets complicated, and other prosecutors federal prosecutors had a chance to try to prosecute donald trump. but he was still an office at the time when his fix, their michael cohen pleaded guilty to charges and claimed that donald trump had directed him to make those payments to her, they decided not to take up the case. at that time, the president was still in office, and that would have caused a whole host of other issues as well. so now we have district attorney brag once again, waiting into that complicated case, and that's why we're still waiting to hear what's a specific charges are and what his legal rationale would be for taking them on. but as you say, yes, there are be january 6 committee investigating the conduct in
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january's fix after president trump lost the election and held rally his involvement and the attack on the congress. they're investigating his election in her parents alleged election and her parents in georgia where he was looking for votes to overturn the results. now they're also the case of how he handled secret documents at mar lago that's being investigated. and as you mentioned, also they will case that goes way back to carol a woman that claims she was raped by trump. it spoke publicly about it, she was she, the president denied the allegation and spoke discredit her publicly. she then took out a civil lawsuit against the president.
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