tv Counting the Cost Al Jazeera April 9, 2023 6:30am-7:01am AST
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actually using this in daily life and the answer is no, he does manage to convey a message in serbian though. yes, sir. yes. yes, it sits on with our service it. i wish the whole world. a happy easter. i'm the soap dispenser. oh, with their songs to saw, it's not only one to send a message of survival, but also of being a slavic people were very disturbed with the war. currently in europe, it was unthinkable for us as a community that this could happen. we need our connections with slavic people, like we've had for generations. so we hope this will will end seems to soft hope to get more government support to keep their language and culture a life they say, after surviving for more than 1500 years, it would be a great loss for it to disappear. steadfast and al jazeera spray wealth, germany, ah,
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you're watching al jazeera, you're headlines to day after a week of high tensions and violence in israel and the palestinian territories. prime minister benjamin netanyahu was facing another wave of protests against his government. his attempt to overhaul the legal systems for the largest demonstrations in the country's history. this latest rally comes against the backdrop of unrest following israel's storming of the alex a mosque earlier this week or so sorta as more from televi. the people have just left the area here, the couple street at which has been hosting the demonstration sees weeks here just to let a better go. tons of houses this is riley's, were here and protest in the government's judicial overhaul. so i have been talking to some of the protesters here, the said that they feared that the country under the most a right wing government in his roused history is more and more turning into
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a dictatorship. and there's been more violence in the occupied west bank. his really settlers stopped vehicles and attack palestinians near police checkpoint north of ramallah. also there was a 2nd settler attack in the village of deer, beloved, and a 20 year old palestinian man has been killed by his really forces in the west bank town of as soon i had as i'm asleep, was reportedly shot in the chest. and stomach is really forces of killed $97.00 palestinians since the start of the year. israel says it has bombed a military targets in syria, in response to earlier rocket launches in the occupied golan heights. syrian state media have reported explosions in the vicinity of the capital, damascus. israel saying it targeted syrian army facilities. 31 children have been reunited with their families in ukraine after being taken to russia. cave accuses moscow of deporting them. ukraine says more than 19000 children have been illegally sent to russia, but moscow says it is protecting them from war. a china is continuing its military
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drills around taiwan for a 2nd day. the defense ministry reported more than 70 chinese jets crossed the median line of the taiwan strait, which acts as the unofficial barrier between the 2 sides. beijing seas, taiwan as a break away province. as the war and ukraine moves into the 2nd year, we bring you the latest reports from both sides of the comp to people to experience this one in conversation with no hes studio be unscripted seeks to find the common solutions. thousands of brazil's indigenous population will come out in the capital, brazilian, drawing attention to land disputes and local concerns. in the lead up to date al jazeera explode the environmental significance of action, and inaction al jazeera covers. the latest ongoing developments from the had on,
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on ethics to address iran's nuclear developments. april on out is era. ah, i know a lot in the cloud. this is counting the costs on al jazeera and you'll look at the world of business and economics this week. it was an unexpected, a decision by opec plus to cut oil output is cent, price is higher. so why did the saudi lead group cut production? and how does that affect the fight against inflation? we'll say this week, the u. k. agrees to join the asia pacific trade block and the prime minister says the deal demonstrates the real economic benefits of britain's post wrecks it freedoms. but does it classify? carrillo needs more than 3 trillion dollars by 2030 to avoid the worst effects of
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climate change. but the continents received only a small fraction of the required financing. ah, so the saudi lead oil producing group had. ready signal it would hold oil supply steady to maintain a stable market. but in a surprise, move the opec class lines, which includes russia, slashed output by more than 1000000 barrels a day. it's 2nd cut in more than 6 months. is fair. this could send oil prices back to $100.00 a barrel and may raise tensions between riyadh and the united states, which has cooled on the kingdom to pump more oil in a bit to tame inflation, may consume shutting. has this report us preston, joe biden downplayed the impact when major old producing countries announce production cost, the but it's rapid markets and send all prizes soaring all alliance. opec can its allies, including russia,
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known as opec plus account for about 40 percent of global crude output. it's a pretty big deal. i mean, they were picked plus, had been signaling previously and that's kind of the steady as she goes output strategy. but if you take a look at their market behavior in recent years and months, i mean not so surprising, right? so you know, all. busy had been showing weakness, it had been under $80.00 a barrel persistently, which is seems to be an informal floor now for, for the saudis. at least you see oil at or under that level, you have to figure that the, the saudis, or at least thinking about taking action prices have been volatile in the past year . on april the 3rd, bran crew traded close to $85.00 a barrel just weeks before it did to a 15 month low of $70.00
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a barrel. and in early march 2022, after russia invaded ukraine, crude rocketed to more than $130.00 a barrel. analysts won the cuts will push our prices and make it more difficult to reduce the cost of living. anybody that's producing oil is going to benefit from this oil producing countries, lots of spending going on in those countries. lots of lots more investment upstream in producing more oil as well as, you know, social programs construction plans, you know, lots of infrastructure, spending, those countries. i suspect that's going to continue, and it's also going to push, you know, inflation in the rest of the world. the move comes as global economic growth flows . it's also likely to further race tension between saudi arabia and the u. s. which had all the producers to increase output to bring down prices and consume sharif al jazeera for counting the cost. well, joining us now from edinburgh is toby and sold that he's
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a principal. i mean analyst at the risk intelligence company, a various maple croft and toby and welcome to the program. it's not so much steady as she goes. why this move now? do you think? well, that's the, that's the $1000000.00 question right now. i think it's fair to say that the, the announcement pretty much caught everyone off guard to some extent. i'm probably as a result of that, we've seen a fairly broad range of, of different explanations for the cause. some of them leaning more towards this being a political decision and then others, you know, leaning more towards just being market based. and i think when you look at it now in a couple of days, and you know this definitely several layers to this cause. of course, the official line is that it was a precautionary measure aimed at stabilizing the markets. now of course, opec doesn't officially talk about prices, but at the same time, it's not really controversial to say that the prices that we saw earlier this month kind of moving down towards $70.00 per barrel, was
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a lot lower than what i would like. and then you have another really interesting angle at the moment, which is once the saudi energy minister of jealousy of been some on, sometimes referred to as a b. s. has been talking about now for some time. and that is that opec wants to keep oil market speculators on their toes. and so part of this car was probably also intended to, to kind of send a shot across the bow to, to short sellers. so really, the short answer here is that it was probably a combination of, of trying to support process some concerns over demand and the global economy. and then also making sure that speculators as, as a b s put it quite finally would be out like hell. and then as the argument the that some is saying that saudi is i like to study and full of $80.00 a barrel below, which it will never go now. yes. so, i mean, i think when you look at most of the old price forecasts for this year, they have been kind of ranging between $80.00 and $100.00. and the thinking there is that, you know, as you say, you know,
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opec is trying to defend $80.00 per barrel. and then on the other sort of, and i guess you have the united states and china trying to, to put a ceiling in other on $100.00 per barrel. last year we saw the united states uses s p r strategic william results reserved quite extensively. that probably prevented a major surgeon and price is beyond what we saw. and then again, china as well has a very extensive s p r that you can use to kind of try and put a ceiling and just sort of counter the opec floor if you like. right, and for russia, for them it is good news that the price is right. yeah, i think it's a so for all producing countries and higher prices is good up to a certain point. russia and opec has to be careful. of course they don't push price is so high that it starts to, to impact impact demand, a tense time for the global economy. and now for russia, there is obviously the element of the, of the g $7.00 price caps. but when you look at sort of the, the nitty gritty of,
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of the global trade and then the way that oil trade works is really difficult to make that water tight. and to make sure that it works properly. it's very hard to say exactly how well the, the price cap is works so far. so the bottom line is still that, you know, higher prices. well, this is good for russia. and you know, price is always been a sensitive topic when it comes to politics. but it's, it's clearly even more sensitive now that you have, you know, the war and ukraine and the fact that, you know, increase revenue franchise, you know, it's good for russia and then the russian war effort. so that part explain why all prices become such a sensitive topic, even more so than in the last 3 years. so what about the us side of things that you as president joe biden says? it's not as bad as we think the prices have shot up by what i sent, which is pretty hectic. yeah, i think the yes, reaction this time is really interesting. i think you can contrast it with last autumn. the last big overcoat which took place last october and the u. s. came out
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very, very strongly than and threatening no consequences. and really trying to push it back against that cause. and what it actually happened was that it ended up being counterproductive. and in the sense that the us reaction just drew more attention to the cart and probably amplify the impact of the car. so it looks like they've, they've learned their lesson from land from that time. so it's been more me to this time. the white house has said that, you know, they don't think this cost is advisable right now, but they're still coordinating with opec. they apparently were given a heads up beforehand, you know, broadly speaking relations between saturday and yes, you are going through a difficult moments. but you know, both sides are trying to manage this and it looks like it's, it's been a lot better manage than last october when, when things are really kind of reaching a boiling point. but it's interesting is that because the u. s. is well to large consumer of oil, but also the world's largest producer car. just stop producing more. oh,
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i mean to think that this is where it gets really complicated with different types of crew grades going to different refineries. you know that the oil comes from, from your sales sector, which has accounted for the big surgeon in us all production of a particular grade, generally speaking. so there is still very much a global market and, and what happens in the rest of the world definitely impacts prices at the pump in the united states. again, you know, the strategic petroleum reserve is something that u. s. has used effective in the past, but when it comes to refilling that, you know, some of those volumes has to come from oil that isn't from the united states. so it's, it's, it's, it's not a local market is very much a global market, so that, that is why it's, it's difficult for united states to kind of push back against the steve cards, you know, especially because they, they make massive releases last year. now the biggest release ever so you know, they need to keep some of their powder dry. they don't want to do a drain the reserve to march. so it's looking a bit more difficult for them to,
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to counter opec this year. but, you know, we have to remember china's role here as well in china can also use it's a strategic petroleum reserve to try and, and put a ceiling. and prices at the moment, you know, are sitting at around sort of $85.00 per barrel. so we're not anywhere near 100. yes. so i think just for now, you know, all of the main act as a kind of just watching to see what, what is going to happen next. but the try not to panic and trying to stay calm. and how will this affect the global economy in the fight to gaze inflation? yes, so as you said, they've already seen a bit of a spike in all prices, as in the futures market and in the short term. and you know, it's probably not something that is going to push oil prices outside of the range that most forecast expected for this year. but at the same time, if you do end up with brand crude, say, you know, 5 or $10.00 above where it would have been without this cut, then that's all. this is something that ultimately will be, you know,
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post on to consumers, especially with transport costs. the good news, i suppose, is that you know, that extreme gas prices that we saw last year, especially in europe as i started to come down somewhat. now, with this increase in oil prices, that's going to eat into that somewhat so, you know, even though that price isn't sort of search massively yet, you know that the cost is still bad news for governments that are trying to bring insulation on the control, especially at a time when they are really concerned about growing social economic pressure and the potential for civil unrest as well to be and so that great take your analysis. thank you. thank you. ah, law, many british businesses complain that britain's departure from the european union has increased their costs and heard exports and imports. and the office for budget responsibility expects the exit from the e. u to reduce the u. case output by 4 percent over 15 years. but breaks it
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supports a say the nation could capitalize on joining trade rocks with fast growing economies than those closer to home. the u. k. just joined a trade pat with 11 asian pacific nations. it's biggest trade deal since breaks it . well, the comprehensive and progressive agreement for trans pacific partnership or c, p t, p. p, was established in 2018. it includes australia, brunei, canada, chilly, japan, malaysia, mexico, u zealand, peru, singapore, and vietnam. membership of the c p t p p loosens restrictions on trade between members and reduces tariffs on goods. more than 99 percent of u. k. exports to the 11 other countries will. ready now be eligible for tariff free trade. the deal also aims to cut red tape for british businesses. firms are no longer required to set up offices or be residents of the packs member countries to
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provide services there. the trade area covers a market of around $500000000.00 people and will be worth 15 percent of the world's income once the united kingdom formerly joins. while the u. k has signed trade deals and agreements with more than 70 countries, and one with the e. u, since his departure from the block in 2020, the terms of the majority of those agreements were rolled over from its previous membership of the e. u. the australia deal was the 1st trade agreement negotiated by the u. k. since breaks it, the u. s. is a significant trading partner accounting for at least 16 percent of total u. k. trade. but a free trade deal between the 2 nations has told. well, johnny is now from london, is vicki price, who is the chief economic advisor at the center for economics and business research? vicki, welcome. by its own reckoning, the u. k. government estimates this will increase economic outputs by less than 0 point one percent. so really just how significant is this?
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i think the significance is mainly not highlighting the fact that the u. k wants to be a global player rather than necessarily the implant you may have on g d p, and hopes that that will lead to maybe more tre deals with more countries, possibly even joining. there's thought to ship them in their suggestion, the south korea and maybe china. my do so as well. of course, you know, expand the reach if you like to, you. k has been trying to find new areas to trade with the realities that of those 11 countries right now in this partnership, 9 countries already have agreements with the u. k. some of them had been rolled over after we left the you. so they were, the result of breck said, so we tried to do more or less, what was there in terms of agreement within the you in those countries. but there are only 2 countries that we haven't made any agreements with so far on the trade
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fronts and those on malaysia and brunei. so that's probably why the gains and g d p are so small, but there have been no deals that we have signed more recently. in addition to the 69 that we've rolled over so, so there is a lot of activity going on to just a guess. you know, the, the world to believe that this is global britain. but of course, the loss of the trade or some of the, your trade is much more significant in terms of its impact on g d p. what tell us a little bit more about that, about how much trade is being lost and how much further the guy has to go to try and replace it. there is also a disagreement as to what actually happened so far because, you know, depending on the analysis that you do, there is confusion in relation to the impact of coverage. there's also cost, you know, the impact of the war in ukraine and all that has messed the figures up a little bit if you like. but there is no doubt thinking anything you look at. if
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you ask companies. and if you look at the trade with europe, and if you look what's happened, since the cobra restrictions were lifted, the u. k. has been facing more costs in terms of trade with the u. has been reducing these trade with europe more generally and hasn't been able to pick up in terms of the potential trade. it does like other countries have done since the, the reduction in loss of coverage restrictions. so that suggests that breaks it has had an impact. and the loss of trade with the u. wish has remained. of course, our main trading partner is going to have more permanent or impact on the u. k. economy, which loads and loads of export as are already complaining about. and also of course on the input side for just about to final introduce more restrictions at the border. so that's going to complicate matters even more. as far as this deal is concerned, who gains who loses small firms,
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particularly lose? i think this is one of the problems you can sell very easily to a region near. you know, you can't really sell that easily. 2 places that are far away, the costs are quite significant. so big of firms would be able to perhaps benefit wolf from any deal that we do with countries in the asian pacific region. but the truth is, of course, that if you look at the deals that have been done so far, such as, for example, the new ones with strayer and new zealand. and also what may be the case with some of those countries that we may be joining in this new agreement that we're going to have the progression agreement for trans pacific publishing that my joint is concerned that agriculture in particular, is going to be an area that would be hitting the u. k because it looks like some of those deals that we've done so far, give more benefit to the countries that we've done the deals with in terms of
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accessing our market in food products that we getting in return. so that needs to be sorted out because we do know that our farmers have been worried and complaining about this. so one would imagine that that would be taken notice of in whatever happens next in environmentally. what about you case, the case climate commitments? are they say that this will encourage deforestation. why is that? well, i mean, the, the worries that if we are likely to be importing more products from places where, you know, some of those environmental issues are not that you know, seriously taken then that's going to have an impact. but it's interesting what may be happening in the u. k, because i what we have been seeing is a shift away from producing our own products to really being much more concerned about the environment. and therefore encouraging farmers not to plan to care jane
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resource station. it's like a re wilding in the u. k. countryside with the war in ukraine particular and with serious concerns about food security. what we might be seeing in the short term is a reversal of that and a lot more emphasis on producing our own good. so it'll be interesting to see how those trade deals fit in with that new environment. and i think this shopping and changing perhaps policy is, is not going to be good for long term sustainability like the resilience of us army and sex during the u. k. vicky price, thank you. he now from devastating side clinton floods to unrelenting drought. african countries are suffering the worse consequences of climate change despite contributing less than 4 percent of global compet emissions . and the estimated to pay up to 9 percent of their budget to respond to the extreme weather events. yet a new report by the climate policy initiative, the says the continents only received the 10th of the annual climate finance. it
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needs in 2020. that's nearly $30000000000.00 out of more than $277000000000.00 required annually to meet its climate goals by 2030 or us vice president carmel harris, announce more than $7000000000.00 in private sector funding to help africa combat and adapt to climate change, the announcement came off to her week long trip to garner turns in, in, in zambia. last month. rich nations have failed to keep a 100000000000 dollar a year, pledge to developing nations to help them make the shift to renewable energy and bolster the infrastructure against extreme weather. well, johnny is now from boston, is selling? fuck, yeah. who is executive director of the african climate foundation and board member of the atlantic special economic is if i care, thanks for joining us here on counting the cost. first up, $7000000000.00 that he touched the sides of what's required. it's clear that we
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need a lot more funding to deal with the climate crisis, and i think there are 2 levels. one is definitely dealing with the consequences of extreme weather climate. wonder ability and risks, and the other is also trying to solve little's challenges around bringing down the emission levels of the content itself. as you know, the, you know, the statistics are not really good. there's currently climate damages in a much more launch of songs than what is proposed as possible solutions to dealing with a crisis. so we would need to mobilize, fumble funds from global financial system. why is private funding private sector funding in africa than anywhere else of the world is concentrated in the 4 or 5
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countries, particularly in south africa as being mature market, develop the market, the risk profile of some of these countries seem to be lower. but in general, the rest of the continent is due to the iris continent. but the irony of african countries that borrow tend to honor the debt to much better than many other countries. but yet it costs to get that much higher cost. and so there's a risk perception that needs to be dealt with. and it could be multiple reasons for that is one of the barriers that seem to increase the privacy. and there are 2 levels. one is around the, the slop supply printable. and so the private sector languages for the risk and the other is also being able to match that with the ability to attracted, mobilize funds right onto the,
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into the continent issue that could be dealt with, of course, with its concepts of, of the debt for climate swap, it was where debt is reduced for green investment. some it's got traction, do they? so what do you find that given the post code phase, that there's been a lot of distress, particularly for countries like a furnace. you might have noted to use government as taken original and converted back into a for an agent that was small and said to the government, we would for those certain amount of service costs a year for you to commit to dealing with. ready timing issues and many other ecological issues. and so that's a interesting model. although every country can do just for nature swaps and it depends on how we restructured our capacities to put it together. and
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there's also the ability to monitor and ensure that you know, full for some form of forgiveness ability of the state to implement on the. ready nature swap. the bottom line is an interesting one. initially modeling do a bit. the bottom line is that a developed nations have failed wastefully on this issue of financing, developing nations. is that down to individual leaderships of the nations, or is it down to the big multilateral institutions like the i m f world bank? i think as you know, there are different processes at the moment to evaluate these forms to international multilateral development system. they need to reform the finance architecture. these discussions are happening in the world bank. i m f and many other places. it is also the mechanic process that is going to happen in june.
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there's a recognition that we have to do a lot more to integrate the need for financial climate. this is one of the that the form phyllis will be to, to ensure that multiple actual needs to sions can increase their ability to provide these kinds of fun. as well, in fact, we appreciate that thanks very much. and then we have all shades of this week. if you like to comment on anything you've seen, you just tweet me at 9 o'clock, i'll just please use the hash tag a j c t say all just drop as an e mail continent calls out al jazeera dot net is our address. but there's plenty more for you online at al dessert dot com slash t t c. and that will take you straight to our page, which is individual reports, links and, and date and time episodes for you and catch up with. that's it for this edition accounting cost. i'm nick clark from the whole team. thanks for joining us. the news on al jazeera is next. ah
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ah and i a me in the louis gale citizen journalists are risking their lives to secretly film the ongoing persecution of their people, whom 101 east reveals there never before seen footage on al jazeera oh ah, tens of thousands of his railings out on the streets again to oppose prime minister netanyahu is controversial judiciary reform.
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