tv Witness Young Plato Al Jazeera April 11, 2023 4:00am-5:01am AST
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rune to a world that seem both exciting and soon at work. the grandmother of 6 had access to company funds. she began transferring money into her past account, starting with small amounts every week. if i didn't steal, i couldn't fly. she only stopped when she was called by that time she'd stolen more than $260000.00 or $64.00. when i went to prison, it's just crazy and i spend night a month away from my family in prison on carrie johnson and dough. how with the top stories here on out there for people have been shot dead in the us state of kentucky. police say a 23 year old man opened fire inside a bank. police say the suspect was an employee. several others were injured, including a police officer. the gunman was also killed. john hendern has more on the developments
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from kentucky. we know that police got a call at 8 30 am louisville time saying that there was an active gunman inside old national bank in downtown louisville. they arrived within 3 minutes at an exceptionally fast response time. when they did, they found the doors lock. the bank was in open yet, so they smashed through the windows and immediately engaged the shooter. now, 9 people were sent to the hospital after that 3 of them were police officers. so that tells you a little about how violent that confrontation was. democratic lawmakers, justin jones has been reinstated in the us state of tennessee, on the heels of this latest shooting. while he was expelled last month after leading a gun control protest following a mass shooting at a private school in nashville. 6 people including 3 children, were killed. it's these coast guard has been conducting rescue operations to save 2
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migrant boats. one vessel with $400.00 on board has been a drift in the waters off the coast of greece and malta. the other with about 800 people is off the coast of santa cruz in sicily. pentagon officials say the release of top secret military intelligence posted on social media posts is a serious risk to you as security. i say the documents were formatted a similar fashion to updates given to senior leaders. and some of the images appear to have been altered or taken as very, very seriously there is no excuse for these kinds of documents to be in the public domain. they don't deserve to be they in a, in a public domain that is, or to be protected. so we're going to get to the bottom of this. and then if there's actions that need to be taken, as we learn more about the extent of what happened here, will obviously take those u. s. officials have confirmed
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a mis saw that tack on one of its base is in syria. the attack happened late on monday, near the kanaka oil refinery, and they're as or there are no immediate reports of casualties or serious damage. the u. s. military targeted iran back militia positions in the region. last month. ukraine and russia have made another prisoner exchange something the sides have done regularly in the war. this time, moscow has freed 100 ukrainian troops, kiva released 106 russian soldiers. there been more protests in israel against planned judicial changes. critics say the changes are aimed at handing more power to politicians at the expense of the supreme court. their concerns the amendments could pose a threat to democracy. israel's national security minister is a mob been there has joined hundreds of israeli settlers in the rallies, supporting illegal settlements in the area. the march started 5 kilometers from the
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palestinian town of laura. and there's been a spike in violence between palestinians and israelis. no, we do not surrender to terrorism. nathan avatar, no, and television, whatever, surrender to terrorism will surrender no matter where. but we are here to say that people of israel, a strong, i see the protestant television that we are forced to send soldiers to. now they understand why i insist on setting up a national guard. we need the national guard to defend the people of israel in all cases. i say happy holidays to you, and we are here to stay here and continue. in northern thailand, people have been warned to avoid outdoor activities because of high pollution levels. well, air pollution in thailand's 3rd largest city chang, my is 20 times about the world health organization's recommended level pollution levels have risen because of forest fires and cropped burning in thailand. and neighboring countries. oh, those are the headlines in use,
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a time give me a call. okay. all right. just by our side. me after all you chosen and you want to look to them, you want to keep a home. why destroy at all? and it is fear that conscious it all. and i know the both sides are protest tonight to the the complex are going to kick them over and counseling how things are trying to get rid of them. if you have a look at this board,
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this is your area. and it's like a say no or from the middle east, you're probably here. you see documentary that but the middle east, that boats area. but see the thing as see the straight here. and this photograph this street was call her straight. this actually as you walk at the front gets of the skirt and i presently the sixties and the 70s. so put your hans up who who lives the nam straight now here presently, let's just say this here is your own area, but you feel like see your grandparents we come through this. we should be very, very pro. whenever my grand great from the good never, never gonna say because of our dangers. it was. but honestly, i said on our bank she got shot. i r a mom. right. because like the ira monterey shot, the police right at the dinner back like you can't get it. i
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still live, i know in foreign kindergarten birthday on conflicts and that's done for intern gardens. there are a know what that that there would have been here. the scene as well. and what had happened was this was going to here was the next area that would have been maybe or 95 percent here. catholic with the 5 percent here. protestants here, but lived in our community war party, our community, the shooter from me, and part of our community. and unfortunately, rather than any of the homes here for catholics to move in within, within that area, the loyalists who actually moved the mode set fire to their homes. the impulses was pulled up for protection and see unfortunately we're the end of the year, 2020 and the important forces have been replaced with brick walls and corrugated or
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under cold interfaces. has no here pressure on many of you are aware that we still have peace walls and money. we're not, we're only, we're not as we're that these people exist separate and to communities. the people are still fighting over functions and conflicts. they're older. why don't the smith faces so are all part of one. i don't agree with com at the school, but not as part of years ago when they catholic and protestant were fatal completion problem there to the people. conflict. pay the origin or religion. okay. congregation to the language. so how you say, and then the politics and religion in the culture sort of separation of us are not
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people like world part of long from land. i guarantee that everybody in the class has, like i'm on their own goal or anything related to them that are protestant and i should gone all again. i'm sure those are angry because i'm like fresh, 50 years room and stuff. we all play the same color shows for all. yeah. ah, in oh, i
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uh sir, can i put that under the p once in peter? or do you need me to stay here? that okay, can i, can you say please come every week. right . must i let me talk to them. what's wrong? what's going on this one set up for me now can done to my turn on. i did don't. right. ok. tell me this was this impulsive, was this something that you didn't think it was just that if i laugh, know what my, why would it because it took so he took garrett tracy to test her. no, i did. not. right? she was not. ok. so what one of the se,
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but an emotion is the idea is that you have the great strategies in place to control these emotions. because you're moving onto the big screen next. and i need you to be able to control those emotions because i don't want to get in and bother you leave here yet you see the red. okay, separate. so these are 2 things that we're going to have to address, probably wanting address. the idea is that we're going to see donna make you want to come down to the board unit, the decision 1st, what what you to do and how can we move on from there. ok. i don't want you to going into class and being upset. but if this is dealt with, maybe move on to the rest of the day is
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a good day that a lot of that i saw trying to my brothers, what do you say receive that appointed but okay, but here's what do you think? that's right. shar shark. okay, this is a shark. move. yes. what do you think? you see and he sees a shark. you see a triangle miss. what do you see? you just see me. ok. well, she has. what say you're seeing i more than an am. what do you see and does anybody see, although them am, i mean different in a mountain? so you see it mountain he sees the point. he's an am. tell me this definitely says it's a mountain, put your from what you say, definitely put you film doing everything. it's definitely not going and then your
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hon like this, if you think, i'm not really sure. okay, well let's see if we can change your thinking without a late feta. well, let me see if i can change your thinking again. are you ready? yeah. give me a current turn in 3 on ok, so it doesn't have a everybody has their phones up for home. did you notice har? everybody has different thinking on what was drawn on the board that's. that's from us face. all the vote. philosophy is all that they've got different thinking and
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listening to the voice different thinking and not to change your thinking. so don't think i've always re okay, voice cargo or the cargo or the guy? the ticket near? yes, it's a te teddy. so that's what happened. yes, thomas, he took my chair. so that's what, shoot a problem. all right, you man, what should you soon? i is our next one is next. got a little bit . sorry too. okay. and also side a wellness. i know so. sorry. oh
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no. so so. oh yeah, one l o m a n n e r. i'm just up here all day eric, our lady over there that they she, they were more than you whenever you said lesson. got that wrong. i'm sorry. is that? okay, well i'm to let it run nice. i think we're ready to look got the philosophical question because what is x question is here? or lay phase, whatever hockey and happy life is hard, labor is hard. yeah. sales go on. i'm hoping that you come to the board and i hope i'm hoping that if i wanted to questions on your actions this morning we're, we're very good and you're and you are marshal for, for what you said and for your action, let's not, let's not have it again, i ok ah,
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a tragedy. let's bring philosophy from this hall, kicking through those doors right through those big blue gates and put in your front door and going into your living room. i'm want to be given you things to talk about. and i'm going to be showing you hard question. your children children are going to have a challenge of the week to it's a challenge, not just for the kids, but for years. well, shakara, you're going to talk with, i'm gonna tell you how to do it. i'm going to show you how to do it. it's in the book. more show you how to question, how to get the best at it. and har, you will become about a question, or when you go back into work, you're going to say, i'm going to use that one. going to use it, and it will work for you. i believe i try not to give you an opinion until the end of the discussion. that's so important because she, if you give your opinion, guess what,
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he's going to follow it. falsify the question. her kind of sad everything changes. and he used that story of can you step in to see him ever twice. so why san is economy because it's different water. you disturb the river, bad to be different fish. so you can't step in the same river twice because everything changes. so we want our children to falsify that statement. well, i have had 2 of the best answers have ever heard. coming from a 2 piece, evans, one said, cert. your dna doesn't change. and i was, wo, i was fun tastic. and in another kid said, we'll sort past those who change her. curtis said, oh, everything changes. no one ever falsified at until they come to one across boys in to p 7 boys to a notch. the beauty of philosophy. some of the things you hear are amusing
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with ah, there's this story called seneca. he came up with tan ways. we can control anger. i want to see, can you boys much? what's tamika? talk to put in hard to control anger. i won't be the letter that we can't wait until either. when you put your hands on your heart and then you breathe in a night, ah, control your breathing, or pond on heart. i give her a swarm when i do not attend medicine. okay. yes. let me do your forever michigan, concentrate on the words instead of give me a life lesson for your paper. ah, i listen that i love about was to these treasury,
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the love music with brain omar help time phone can turn on me. ok, thank you very much. along a little more melanie did. i'm so free when i'm like really ang jack. i just want to spring. yeah. yeah. i'm a good one my bad because if i just screen to lead, i'm only going to yeah, nana can, i get and get even more trouble. right. so i just go up and i ran a threatening head against the pool, and he, i supreme and get a cohen that on the angry relative i don't think sound like was going to have out with i'm yeah, right away. seneca is going to be proud of this course. ok, hon. i think that's what we got in ways we can control our anger according to seneca, here just with removing yourself from
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a situation i'm dealing with it. do we have that there? yes, we certainly do. are we say when they are waiting on your screen, the po or you just relax the lager on it and do nothing. so we'll talk out one just with ok. next one, use art, a music the com, the main that we have that. yes, we certainly don't look at that. we have that as well. ah, we didn't have this one. this is a good one. see yourself as a all there, carson. putting yourself in a person's shoes. so you can see from a different angle. you self deprecating humor. what that means basically is, is that chimera can it can diffuse, it can be yes, i can make a laugh. you know those angle, you can crack a joke or something. and that will take away the anger question. you can laugh at your,
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i mean you see my high tech make sure we did last time. yes. but ok. so can i was rare. ah, schedule relax is will show me the hot technique in ah sh. well i will try. you can contact me get, would you left hand up please. and theresa ryan with your ray con. like with this hon. no, that is quite susan. i kick maybe something the lad try to take. thank you very much. the me, me, me,
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me. from just to make your not have a chat, when you can see you're annoyed and i'm really glad that you sat down by the time as rated up those stairs. you are all set with stuff really good boy. and that was a quick way to bring yourself the day. you want to tell me was how you're feeling? what's going on? okay, you tell me, i let you tell me, really. my friends. i thought they were going to go through or to say that those words off. i ok, i can see you're upset and i see when you're upset and you talk to us and tell us what's going on. we can try to help you. ok, nothing is worth thinking and saying things ok. there's lots of things that we can do to help them and there's lots of things that you do. and there's lots of times when i knew that you're really happy and i can see you're annoyed. like i see you're at night on what we can try to do what,
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what's going on that we can help you. what do you think? can we try to work on it? okay. because i don't like giving him thought and i don't like you feel like you've been baldwin. things probably about some of the strong keep ahead and not saying thought they were only one stride to be spoken the moment. yes. up to the last night she said she was gonna show mr. mark really, but she knows from her doctor. ok. so you've been feeling really soft and you've been feeling we've been lee, your sandwich. france. well, i bought a lease which we have food. okay. the reason they come like a lot saw is a book close, a don't like being dyed nature badly. these doctor said a hostile caught fennel food of rental. i caught me like your but like mrs. re, we like, i don't know what's your favorite? the full pizza, probably domino's telling us picks up your favorite book. a for one hot friends or
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really like parish crim cuz you get the puts more reasonable man. yeah. all right honey. yes. you read? yeah. one of the good reach is make me all right. you got my food too much here in a bit like a little i can you get the treatment? my weight is 20 inches in length. i do think he call them because he's worried. he's worried about you and he cares about you. and you're very lucky that you have to neither to look for. yeah. so what's out the up satellite? so number one, what would you like? what's the biggest thing annoying? yes. the jewish database. okay. that's right. i see a fee that i for my well yeah mm. hm mm the great thing about being in these present out
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a network like conscious era is that it's a truly global operation. if you will, child is here, you're seeing news from parts of the world that other networks just don't cover. you're getting a truly global perspective. we have an extensive network of bureaus around the world. we have many, many colors, phone books in all corners of the globe. if you really want to know what's happening in the world right now, you need to be watching al jazeera. it's a $1000000000.00 money, no drink operation. the co marsha is bigger than the company with financial institutions, regulators and governments complicit. i'm always going with it. is it right? i'm just try that in a 4 part series. i'll just here is investigative unit, because under cover in southern africa pittsburgh, we can fill it. 90 percent of once it's falling. it's perfectly brandon. good. park 3 on average is 0. coveted beyond well pay can without
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hesitation, fought and died for pow wow. it finds out, wow, that we live here. we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with people and power investigate exploded and questions. they used to a round now to sierra out and i'm carry johnson in doha with the top store is now on al jazeera. 5 people have been shot dead in the us state of kentucky. police say the 23 year old man opened fire inside a bank where he was an employee. several others were injured including
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a police officer. the gunman was also killed. democratic lawmaker justin jones has been reinstated in the us state of tennessee, on the heels of his latest shooting. he was expelled last month after leading a gun control protest following a mass shooting at a private school in nashville. 6 people including 3 children, were killed. italy's coast guard has been conducting a rescue operations to save to migrant boats. one vessel with $400.00 on board has been a drift in the waters off the coast of greece and malta. the other with about $800.00 people is off the coast to that sort of cruise in sicily. pentagon officials say the release of top secret military intelligence posted on social media poses a serious risk to u. s. security. they say the documents were formatted in a similar fashion. to updates given to senior leaders. u. s. officials have confirmed a missile attack on one of its basis as a conoco oil refinery deer,
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as or syria. there are no immediate reports of casualties or serious damage. u. s. military targeted iran back to militia positions in the region. last month. ukraine and russia have made another prisoner exchange something the sides have done regularly in the war. this time, moscow has freed a 100 ukrainian troops, kiva released 106 russian soldiers. there been more protests in israel against planned, judicial changes, critic say the changes are aimed at handing more power to politicians at the expense of the supreme court. there are concerns the amendments could pose a threat to democracy. national security minister him up and give their joint hundreds of is ready settlers in a rally supporting illegal settlements in the area. the march started the palestinian town of water and irish nationalists routed on monday against the good friday agreement. this year the events was not sanctioned by authorities and security measures were ramped up,
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balance had fled at the march in previous years. while those are the headlines and he is continues here and i'll just say are, and that's after witness the oh, [000:00:00;00] i chose the picture. your favorite, please go there in your main to be good again for my hobby, please. this is a, please call reference alice presley price to beautiful please. so in my mind that i get stripped, i go there and i remain, nor for maybe 2030 seconds. and then all of
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a sudden i've been good again. and i want, i want you to do as i want you to think of your favorite place and then 10 seconds are going to go that you want to close your eyes. you want to see what for you, the way it works you, me. ok, want to think of your favorite place. you read a, have a place, close your eyes and go are not in your i see it in your mind. concentrated on your favorite with no one else in the room, just j and your favorite place. okay. dress. what some of you like to share with me where you just ran, take off a word to go with my my question, the space space i want to point to go and now who tell i'm go, i'm swam in my backyard as you go back down,
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which is made on your face, but it's made and everybody else has been. so can you see why it's a nice challenge? because once you practice it will become a part of you whenever you've been stressed, you'll know close me eyes. i don't it, i please take yourself away from the situation while i walked up this mirror is for people to stop. not go. yes. i see. yeah. i can see what the do know a school for the children who were thinking of i think, and that's why i want this mural to be reflective of that. when you, when you see this other murals up there, here. wonder what's the mentality now?
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what's all come with a small you know, we're still in control how you want to one. yeah. you still have us to finish with total name type of thing. or song said there are 3 functions of the mind. remember this? ok, the 3 functions of the mine are the past 2 way to remember the present to wits at hand and the future to which it expects. there are a lot of people who can move in sales from the past and they have the baggage and, and we've talked about, you know, hard, we need to respect differences in the line is gathered to block the route to the front door of holy cross, girls primary school, police and soldiers and black, the catholics began to walk to school. some children already terrified
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miss williams began to tighten a what happened here was all the more something because of the presence of the children, they're supposed to be the inheritors of the peace process. and how many young lives here are scarred already with how many boys have shopped? there was a who i tell me what the hell when we say how them just the,
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the probably just my mom because i'm like really buying. she says she was like, start there was a little but child under dr. montgomery like cover one half my history on because she's like what would happen when she was really cross court call. it can be discuss done for like people that they felt like got like the years of the for to, for not long ago. we should all just be normal. like, feel free. i'm on the people that are you me, but up should i hang up and say they're top painting
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do you do you know or not can i can embrace and i thought i done it in the, in the night here. did you lose your temper? no, i don't know. he lost his temper because he stopped me 1st because everybody cool. conner going down and car goes on for a shopped in so what is the idea of been a friend? don't any referring cur range rover? what do you see a. 6 well, important for is still an important question. not much. not much. so he's not a friend. or a friend. well,
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does to use congress oppress my you can use my pleasure because so why do you see there's a phone call that cause a dead human friend? hark your idea of a friend of important person. anything else for me in the advertisement home a lot. but when he was probably protected, has he been a friend in the think protect and i will maybe at the 1st 40. is it fair? great then no, but it's like he took to bring him from isn't yes. so yes.
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so you can see don't be in your friend again. if he stops fact, the arctic he is keisha hard way is that you're doing this or? well, sometimes one is taught all the time in that and sometimes okay, so equally addressed on the on to maybe not act the way car has off is there a possibility that we can move on and be friends it yeah. for the wondering . gotcha. counting way of like in
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every time i, she these kids as my she and i have a class and a fate and it's just bringing me back to bring me back there. i think that i when i couldn't control things, laid no control. i was like those kids, i sorted everything, i got a fake fightin and when the drink comes end and you really can't manage her emotions and ah, that things just got worse for me. just just went from bad to worse. and
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how your bathroom do you want to. ok when your eyes it costs a full crew. think about not. yes. if you yes, it's possible to pay for it. now. can you say why? because of your franco black nashua. it's not free for franklin work off of it. it's possible, but at the same time it's really hard because of your franklin of not from i'm just total blackness yourself, vanka, you're franken federal blocker. so i, i didn't, and i wasn't thinking of anything but you know, up in ranch find the said the rule, my eyes done. you know, i same of route as he seemed fertile as early as cream it. ok, so it when you, when you were trying to think of nothing, you imagine that your eyes had rolled to see your throat. yes. oh i thought, but listen. not thinking at 1st thinking remembered as currying philosophy. everybody's opinion cross boys. 9. again,
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we have with no confirmed reports of anybody with krona viruses, or i will be in for a public an a no, we're all very well read on this corona virus. i. this one of ours is real and we want to do the best for children of the story. yeah. and i so that's what we're about. we have, we are, but children. so just say well, stacy, of falling. that to form a point in time. ripple and melody, monthly. yeah, well, i read the book, but superstar warren in your super juice or stay in love with the almost i remember you go is that must be one of our rooms in this new uniform. i suppose it is a going okay. anybody in your class? you know? no, no, and i 1st angle what was the 1st day?
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yeah. oh wow. okay. i hope it goes. great. look brilliant. anyway. yeah, i got my own mouse. don't worry about how beautiful i think, but i will listen. have a great if they don't generally do it right? yes. right now you're representing only girls to pronounce. all right. once a holy cross, boy, always really cuz remember lot. okay. are you a, i know we're luck turn. you can spend a lot of came on the internet. so the question i'm asking you is this what experiences have you of bullying on like an anonymous to consolidate? i'm touch nicole named so i was plan minecraft on hunger games. they just messing around. and then i was, as i think like i got a friend request from someone. i accepted it and she was sent to me. come for me. i forget what she said to foam,
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but we're on and she said she a man i, i told her that i am his own and i started a doctor and suddenly and then just went back to plan how you handled that well, which platform? i said, i'm a smart friend and to say your garbage. someone might fit on that kind of my story on the cover it up on your story. you're going to tell yourself your work. they just pick it up. i'm going to come to my family.
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ah ah, this is called re cross necker ab was the boss but out most most okay. he always love to say, but jacob, date of loss. ah, without me there was no way to broad blog. so here we have the good colors. yeah. there philosophers come down to so long here. we are coach, coach fab of beam, isn't they all we need the do secure the work? mcgloid herb to say the school oh, you may not want to have been. i spoke with
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family did you get published? should be fatal shooting. carla. i should not be treated. 2 causes tend to detect when we thought the force time has happened, it would be sold. the 2 of them would have what things are right here. then we bought things right jeremy. but right. why has it now? we use the answer. you gimme a philosophy. was brilliant. absolutely. the brady lives the heroes jr. me shes today was just to take
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a bmw socrates people want you to believe their answers and i want you to think for yourself tend to think yourself challenge getting into to hear challenge it. but what if, any anger to hear every thing with all of our families went through. i do not think they want to go through it again and that's balanced voice. valence braves. valence. it never stops. what you voice of the part of scotland?
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not a bright vacant punch, the hardest who can hurt someone the most. but i'm trying to get across here. something that says is, in all of our homes that we're trying to break down of, we're trying to get into the hands of our firms as to why. why do you think regard? why do you want me to be that person? why do you want me to be you and not me? i'm not you. i'm me. oh, okay, i want to show you part 2, question. your pardon? ok. corded my father. i'm his son. he has told me i've always better head back to mother why? no matter what i've got to have by ha, ha, ha, ha, dare school the day. what happened?
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i got, i got hit in the yard there again though. and if you had back you know, apologized, battered the head back. he, when you have back very hard it make you feel unsaid. can you that fried a tiny bit thankful. what sort of a motions or boy you're failing and artic and no sorrow thought she thought yeah, that's the way i say. i had them back. it makes me the same as have i, i don't want to be this in the summertime, and i know you got me to have back and, and i know that's the way you were brought up. i just, i just don't want to have, i want to solve it. i mean, i think all of the teachers in the classroom assistance or could come and talk to you and hope that you, you should turn and, and not tell me the boys had asked. so i'm a, i'm a, i'm a good them. yes,
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ah, blue. we ran not a problem. we have arrest is a problem when a manchester based check born, murray driver decides to take to the internet to tackle racism. he quickly becomes a significant figure in the fight for the rights of roma. people giving a voice to those least her and launching a charity for those most in need. pongo calling
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a witness documentary on al jazeera. ah. well florida sing it dryer to bit the seal quite a wind that significant wind and it's going into the gulf from mexico, cadillac, the 2nd most of the states looked fine and quite warm, but this winter coming back in again to western canada and to the north western pacific states of the us now that, of course is going to be a cold wind to wind means attempts to come down in san francisco. and a once again, although the cloud is kept to the north with snow up in the mountains alone. but in the gulf you go developing area of significant reading for southern louisiana, southern alabama, i think that'll be significant wetness, just developing on tuesday. so the whole system looks like this on tuesday stretching across to mexico and i think we'll get flash flooding. maybe even in mexico city here to drop in temperature, significant one big shout in cuba, maybe maybe in jamaica,
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certainly has been year again. and if you jump down to the southern constant, sit there in the northwest. but we seen flooding as you know, in northeast and brazil, that's all going and it is certainly the wet area. you might see it happen once again. same sort of area, the sas of that rather draw a picture of the jumps as to watch and tina. it's still warm, emerging by a blanket and monte today as well, but this cold wind is on its way north. ah . from the al jazeera london broadcast and tack to people in thoughtful conversation with no host and no limitations this decade is of most consequential dictated. events is dull for too many companies that are doing bad things on the front. in part 2 of human rights activists. q, me 19 and environmental if we known and the teeth, the systems that are not working,
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but the longer that you fight them. the more that things changed. studio be unscripted on al jazeera al jazeera sets the stage 3 elephant here, 5 others. and although i haven't been deployed to save just one enemy, global experts and discussing idea of being dear comes, has been established in democracy. it was bound to explore an abundance of world class programming. of it least will need to ask in life impacts designed to inform, motivate, and inspire you are now to sierra ah, a u. s. politician who is expelled for protesting and seeking strict a gun. those is reinstated to the tennessee house of representatives.
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