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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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this early on, but the pri monsoon heat is now starting to gather even the hor, pakistan sing 37 sailors with a chance of some showers shots, showers into central parts of saudi arabia over the next day or so. it is let its course flooding, but it stays fine and try for that ha, ah, it's a $1000000000.00 money, no drink operation. the coal mafia is bigger than the covenant with financial institutions, regulators and governments complicit with. right of the strike in a 4 part series. alger 0 is investigative unit, goes under cover, a southern africa egan, philip 90 percent, who is dylan? once it's slowing, it's perfectly brandon. good part for on al jazeera resetting ties up the years of animosities to kia and egypt close to restoring full
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diplomatic relations as their foreign ministers meet in ankara. what challenges do they face, and what does it all mean for the region? this is inside story. ah, hello and welcome to the program. i'm tom a cry after years of hostility to key and egypt rebuilding their ties. diplomatic relations plunged when egypt president overthrew democratically elected later mohammed morsey and 2013 to kia cents has hosted a number of muslim brotherhood figures who fled egypt. the egyptian government criticized that sang anchor with sheltering what had called terrorists. the 2 countries have also been at odds on libya, an energy exploration in the east of the mediterranean le decade later attempts to make their relationship could have wide spread implications in the region. they
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could affect political links, presidential elections, and economies. katia lopez, holy yon has more to the just after a decade of political animosity to key and egypt showed there many ties. a high level meeting like this one between their foreign ministers had long been considered near. impossible yet, it took place last month in cairo between egypt, summer sugary and his turkish counterpart may have looked shovel show glue. a shift from hostility to friendliness was 1st indicated when shockley visited areas into rocky, yet devastated by major earthquakes. it's all a far cry from 2013. that's when president of the father of c. c. lead a coup against egypt. first, democratically elected president mohammed more see how he was backed by turkey year, and president reesa type air to juan condemned. the move relations between the 2
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nations took a turn for the worse, especially after turkey, a provided refuge for rejection, dissidence. many of them leaders of the muslim brotherhood hiero calls us members terrorists in the conflict in libya and caro banks the countries internationally recognize government, but cairo, so pores warlord collie for half dar and his forces in 2019 took. he is signed a maritime boundary agreement. with libya and that further fuel disputes with egypt over energy exploration in the mediterranean sea. now egypt meets help to support its economy and that something to a kia could provide. and their to on is seeking international support ahead of a presidential election and may their attempt to warm ties apparently sweeping years of differences and turning former rivals and to allies, katya lopez, civilian for insights, story. ah,
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okay, well let's bring in our guests now. joining me in ankara is yusef alabama an international security and politics expert and retired colonel. and stan bull helene, sorry, autumn, associate professor of international relations at assemble midden yet university and in washington dc. hello al, a nanny, a senior fellow at arab center, washington dc, a non profit organization dedicated to political and economic understanding of the arab world. a welcome to all of you. thank you very much for being on inside story today. helene, if i can begin with you are the one once called c c a tyrant cc his id to key it has been protecting terrorists. i mean both the still in charge of the respective countries. so what has changed to get them to this point? well, we are once again with missing another chapter in the middle east history,
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let's say, because the, there's a companion graph richmond between various countries. and so you can see it. and this is something quite positive in turkish foreign policy as well because we have only small amounts of time left to the general elections and presidential elections . and this kind of warm up looks fair, has a power to effect for an offense, as well as internal affairs. and i guess we should have a broader look to the approach more between turkey, egypt in the last couple of months. as we remember in the mid march, our foreign minister was show the went to the title to get closer with the interruption regime. but at the same time, we now have education, foreign minister in our kara, and in a broader perspective, i think this is the continuation of the approach one between 2 can gulf countries including united arab emirates and solve the hour of the l,
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as well as he's getting closer, which is while it's patient in the last couple of months, let's say this is quite helpful for churches side because especially in terms of the mediterranean energy security. so can need us such it moved to get closer to formal rivals or enemies. let's say, because it's almost impossible for turkey in terms of turkish and gender traditional turkish foreign policy as well to be at all of it. so many countries at the same time. the reason we see a similar thing that church is getting closer with his ride, with even with greece in the last couple of months after the terrible earthquakes that he's a turkey. so we are witnessing the officer of the earthquake . so this is a quick diplomacy which makes the countries at least to repair their relations
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after such a terrible incident. kellall why now, why was this happening now? do you think? i think for different reasons, tom or some of them relate to the domestic affairs in each country, or some of them relate to the regional, repositioning, and shifts and the global issues as well. if we cover the 1st level of analysis, which is the most effective, both countries are facing severe economic crises over the last couple of years. and you 2 different factors among them as the year of it. 19 ramifications as well as the russian war and or cream. egypt has been facing this crisis over the last couple of years. and that is the valuation of the different bound as we know. and the president living of foreign debt as well as inflation. the scene can be applied to cherokee as well, so both countries is felt that this is the time or now was the time to amend the relation. the 2nd is the region of shifts. as the previous guests mentioned are
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correctly. there are different changes or the fluid fluid, if liberty in the to right now, different can tell you, trying to shift from the old or policies in order to repair the relations. we saw this particular in 2 key to key is trying to adopt once again, what's called 0 problems, a foreign policy, meaning trying to repair and min delicious was other countries, particularly saudi b, a, u e, syria, israel, and now egypt, as well as if you look at the global changes right now, this competition between the u. s. and china as well as the national, clean all the circumstances. bush, both countries to rethink and to position themselves in order to get benefit, what from what's going on? so i think both realize that we should move a little bit from the past and try to open a new chapter in there to buy that relations. what is, what is very interesting from here. if you look at the bilateral economic relations between both countries, it didn't,
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it wasn't impacted by the political rabbit shop. if you look at the, for it, for example, the trade volume are increased from $7000000000.20 till and 7. now it's $11000000000.00 and there was a 3 volume and he can box the chain between it and, and, and, and turkey, which is very significant with gumps, though they can still change both countries. since the perfect storm bringing them back together at this point in time use if i mean there are many issues that have divided this did the 2 countries over the last decade or so. i mean, what are the terms or preconditions of, of this reconciliation or is everything out for discussion at this point in time? do you think everything probably will be air going to be on the table because as the previous gas mansion that the changing conditions, especially in the vall, down in the area, i am forced these 2 countries to discuss on the table. but i do believe that they
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will put aside the problems that they cannot resolve and they will go further for the issues that they can and move to have been position for. from my point of perspective, they will not discuss the issue about the missing brother food because turkey, all right, his thought took the limit their media coverage, insight to care. but probably no one can pershay to care to accept the museum brotherhood, for example, as a terrorist organization. for that reason, everything will be on the table, but at the very end, they will put aside the problems that they cannot resolve and they will move forward with the issues that they can go forward. as that, vin menstruation, kellall, you pretty much wrote the book on the muslim brotherhood almost literally. i mean, what sort of fallout will there be for them in this scenario? d. thank. i think the hood is already under pressure from what's happening between
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kick and between egypt. what is that, what we should know that dad, the brotherhood has been and character for the last decade that a kid provided them a safe haven, many leaders and members. when they left the country 2015, the found st. heaven and turkey. and he got many chances in order to wear change discussion, you get the fail miserably. they also are facing the internal divisions which impacted that ability to bring about a change in egypt. so they got their chances. now turkey is looking issue as a liability and burden on that under foreign policy. that's why they took some measures over the last couple of ease in order to at least tensions not only with each but also with other regional forces who designated by the way that the organization including so that it be and you eat. so the impact of this approach, my between turkey and egypt is already significant. some of their lead does lift the country, some of them remain silent. and also turkey has shut down one of the most important
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t v, so that i chose mccann moline. it has been shut down the last couple of years. so the ticket, it took measures in order to cool down potential of egypt and i think the impact on the battle would be significant. however, when it comes to extradite thing, some of the doors were allegedly ab but, but in violence, accordingly you can government, i think this was going to happen until now to he didn't do this before, so i, i that was at 30, will accept the egyptian demand or questions about this issue at which might be an issue for a divisions in the future if egypt asked and oppression turkey in order that took to the diet. some of the, those who are involved in violence, according to government taken might not allow this to happen. so this might happen back in relation to the future. your airline, has there been any reaction from the muslim brotherhood and you know,
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to the foreign ministers meeting for the 2nd time and, and is there a fear there that some may be extradited back to which it there is such a possibility. but, you know, we should underline something. i don't think the, the philosophy, at least the fac crawl that the turkish government and the cape ha, p ideology is feeling it. bob. muslim brotherhood has changed. so it's, it's there, it's feel strong, sympathy for them. but at the same time, there are other rules there on the conditions or fail call to take that took to has to follow with well, and for that reason, as my colleague goals so underlined, turkeys putting a kind of separation which stick between itself officially i'm the muslim brotherhood as a, as an organization at the science. same time, i do agree that turkey will not be the claim. muslim brotherhood as a terrorist organization. in my case, i think this will never happen as far as i can see at the moment,
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but for sure there should be some kind of concrete steps from the turkish side to persuade the egypt and side regarding a turkey limitations against a muslim brotherhood. i think the biggest problem or the potential problem is still lying there, which would lead the so it's not muslim brotherhood that say it's time, it's libya and lydia is there, it's very serious. as so many actors globally and regionally are included in this problem. took you to think that there, especially in terms of military, a fax for that reason. i think the biggest problem between turkey took care and egypt is leave be, are not the muslim brotherhood at the moment. and we have to speak about the, the more regarding the future of the nation. because you took the steps regarding libya will be close to the affecting to cues feature relations with egypt. well, let's do exactly that. i mean, there's many issues when it comes to libya,
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obviously the exclusive economic zone, the disputed maritime borders, military interference use of, i mean, how are they going to come to any sort of agreement on any of those issues and do you think that they can? yes, the libya is as my previous guess also, mashonda is one of the most important issues that tripped a comp plan a lion month for both countries. and you know that the intervention of the turkish or intervention is site. libya, especially in tripoli, brought air compared to la piece to the region because there is a stella mate position now inside libya. saw if there is an agreement in order to make an alignment for the libyan shoe. probably that they'll be been striation for board sized for that reason. if the egypt shall sites on the stance that it is also air when vin position for the egypt gauer among and for all it is economical. a
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problem, sir. i do believe that that will be air agreement all the libyan issue from the point of perspective, after exclusive economical zone and the continental shelf issues, i should say that there is no overlapping area in between each a bank to clear the issue is again the libyan continental shelf and exclusive economical song, probably that took years gus, exploration in the libyan continental shelf. and the economical actually exclusive economical zone will be on the lead on this be a to pull apart, but not the overlap. and gary us a little, what do you think of the sticking points going to be for egypt when it comes to to libya? is there a red line that you don't think age of to one across? i think so egypt to cease libby as part of his social security and was so this very clearly wasn't kirk is forces went to libya based on an agreement with the g,
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a. d general national accord a government under storage and, and almost their forces came close to so so c c came out in a very tough speech and he drew that line that they will not accept any further advancements of the either the forces or the gene a forces into certain except as a very critical area for each of the security. so yes, there is, there is some issues, but i also think that both candidates realize that they can be one which is which as the previous guest mentioned, they come to an agreement. and i think the issue is not only between get and take it also between the opposing parties within the be until now they still there, there are many divisions or the elections were, were supposed to place on december 21, 2021 moment. and definitely,
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now we are missing some openness between both parties, particularly in the light of the recent initiative by other by the, the you are in a voice to libya. and there are some hopes that it would take, at least by the end of this year. but both parties either and easter libya led by people have thought of the so called labor national army, the in a and also the, the government to believe it should come to terms and not have to move forward and putting connections, lows and procedures. if this happened, i think both countries like it and typically they will come to an agreement because they know that if this division is settled down, they will benefit a lot economically and strategically as well. helen, i want to circle back to something that you said earlier. the one faces a presidential election in a few weeks time. i mean, how important is this for him? you know, and what is the support like the and took here for forging a closer relationship with egypt at this point in time?
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well, due to our age, we could have the chance to witness many different periods. so let's look for a policy in the past. for, for that reason, we witness see the positive impacts often 0 problem with the neighbors policy in the past. for that reason, turkey know that actually there are so many advantages if he can, it can underline the when, when a strategy what its neighbors, including asia, as a regional partner. it's very easy to the structure relation between turkey, turkey, so b r a, b on. so one, but it's also not so hard to create that kind of an m a t to create a positive optimal fairness in which, especially all of the countries will change, especially in terms of economy benefits. and like my colleague goes to on the line,
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turkish egyptian egyptian economic relations have never fallen down. and in the last couple of years, it's always went up and up. and this is also very interesting because we see a similar terms with the turkish is drive that relations as well because turkey has many political problems, is what it had so many weird times which is brought in the past, but the economy, relational number never vanstone. so, so you need this content potential and it's quite aware that it's very important for you to have for the investment to have a better economic benefits from the region. for that reason, i guess many countries including saudi, or united arab emirates, egypt is ryan, even believe they know that they have so many stuff, james bond, they have better relations. but at the same time, there are some clauses times when some time perfectly. all these countries are trying to show both in terms of military aspects. they are trying to show their
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military pollard, until it has been doing that since the start folks to serial and civil war. and so she was doing that with a husband. she how's, you know, she very significant military equipment which took, she's also trying to sell to media as well. and they were used in libyan civil war in the past. and georgia is there in b. b. i mean to terribly but not really sure. she or egypt are there as russia in there, which is very important. so, and russia is still there and still quite determined to continue its position there by improving its relations with china. and we also see that there's a kind of activity on the united states position as well in libya because after the ukrainian hor, there's a huge energy in security problem regarding your report that we've been using. and i said, sorry,
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very much interest that they leave the us energy newby oil. and you said in the last couple of weeks that there was an agreement between the libyan company and i can company about to construction or to reference a re or in reference to re india and capital off. well, the technical stuff to dig out and to sell it's due to the outside works. so they need the great powers. and we choose rivalry in the middle east between the united states and rising china and russia in terms of africa in terms of that me delete i should use if i want to stay zoomed out for a moment and talk about the eastern mediterranean and how that would be impacted the likes of greece and cyprus, how those countries would be impacted by close to time between to kia and the egypt . ah, the turkish,
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erica exclusive economical zone and the continental shelf has lots of problems, spit to cypress activity degrees. as you have mentioned, but as i said in my previous comments, that there is no overlapping area in between to care and the egypt for exclusive economical songs and for the continental shelf. and so far we have seen, and we have realized that although huge relations, immense relations in between egypt and greece, good egypt has always been the respectful could her turkish economical songs. and also to do sac continentals on speech to care has already declared clearly for that reason, the normalization of relations in between 2 can egypt. we'd have no effect to the relation of ichiban, greece and turkey and egypt for this reason. those full problems are apart from each others. but i should also add that the normalization of relations between 2
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care and egypt probably won't have an effect to the elections inside. took care because the agenda inside to gaze completely a different insight turkey. but i should also, at one not to helene, that the turkish existence inside egypt sorta in libya, edge is very important from the security off. the sar loon, flank security of europe. you know that the russian forces inside a libya must together be devora or poly for half that. and if they were successful, you should understand that the european southern flank, especially the ita live, won't be in the tread off to russian threat, which we know from the ukraine. and other issue about that is the problem is that they thought the turkish existence inside libya, data will be a huge flow of refugee is because of the clashes from libby to the europe to kill.
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so through and that that's low of refugees from libya to the europe be, should never forget that 2 issues. yes, of course, i should also underline that this created the tension between care and age of those . well, because their job is maybe as a national security problem, and for 30 libya is quite significant in terms of many aspects. but this is not as serious in the long run. it's serious, but it's not the same thing that egypt sees libya as the national security problem, as, as been, as a need for, you know, there's significant for egypt. so i do agree that your position india was somehow beneficial or preventing the crisis in europe in southern europe as they should be . but i also shoot underline that this created some other problems regarding the regional partners like egypt. ok. we spoke about this a little bit earlier,
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but it seems like, you know, as many countries have been divided by the board and ukraine and many other issues at this point in time. these just as many that are wanting to become friends again . i mean, we've got saudi arabia and iran, syria and saudi arabia, kata, and barton, now to kia and egypt. why do you think there is a coming together of these nations at this point in time all at once? i think this is because of what's happening and i will do all it now. i will be sink, may be one of the hallmarks that happened over the last century. this is and you will changes that's happening right now to look at that. i sure wouldn't clean this or the 1st long term war since the 2nd world war was talking about now more than 14 months of devastating war that's happening now and the heart of europe. this has a huge implications for the international system and the global politics, and we see their medication this already happening right now over the place. we also see the rising not only competition,
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but also the conflict between the u. s. and china, and we see the china, the china chinese attempts in order to have and not the only economic infant was battles, political influence in the region. we so have a very important development over the last months when china broke up for the 1st time apiece or is dunkin of relation between the at, on. and so that would be at the something significant. and then there's a lot of what was happening in the region and also in the global live. and so i think all these countries that you mentioned, tom came to a conclusion that they need to re position themselves, that they need to rethink the relationships arctic and a lot of what's happening. so we, so now what approach man and assumption of relation between your, on the side of you, the same is happening between is already the and syria sim is happening when there isn't in other countries. so we see significant changes right now. so now we can not speak of long term foes or long term friends. it's all contingent upon what's
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happening, either originally or internationally. i just like to add something about the smithsonian issue, i just very quickly. yeah, very quickly. i think this would be one of the most dividing issues between kid can egypt for 2 reasons. one of them is you establish what's called the east method. any and guess for them in 2090 ethics, it secluded took you from that forum which includes other kind of such as your dental italy, france, and cyprus. and we know, but it will that cyprus and these are the main adversities of turkey. the main fault of tricky and they have good relations with egypt. so would you sacrifice it's racial with these 2 countries in order to appease, satisfy, take your or something else? the 2nd issue is that until now, it is not the limit or the democrats. they are by the time borders and this is an issue that we need to look at when it comes to the future relation to both countries. ok, unfortunately we have run out of time. thank you very much. it's going to be
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fascinating to see how this plays out. thank you very much. so 3 guests today use of alabama helene, sorry out in cali, l 90. thank you very much for being on inside story and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website, al jazeera dot com, and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. handle is add a j inside story for me. tell mccrae and the whole team here, bye for now. ah with
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the levy breech on the powder river is widening that's ominous for the town of pyro downstream. as more storms bear down on the farming community this week, out of 1700 residents were told to evacuate. the county of monterey has performed more than 170 high water rescues. as a result of this lighting, these storms are the result of atmospheric rivers, long currents of waste, your in the air that caused rain and snow fall, california has experienced no less than 10 such ones rare phenomenon since january, an impact of climate change and a probable trend into the future. ah, one robot has an indo, how the top stories and all 0 long delayed president swap is underway in yemen
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