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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2023 9:00am-9:31am AST

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we don't sleep at all the people they rescue 8 say they often have to make treacherous journeys to reach the ac off, be able to be to, to safety. so need a government workers and some citizens of wealthy and nations that have been to the house in this way. tens of thousands of people have been trying to leave cde on by land other than have anywhere else to go somewhere. and he's comedy central with you and now stuck here. just they don't have to require papers for the money to go on with travel. i have to go 3 to 6 chip or even today's you can continue that jenny's and worries on today that everyone here has the loved ones left behind. no one knows except be safe. the
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i'm not insight into hong your top stories on al jazeera right wing policies. a leading and diverse for the accounts gets dropped in the constitution for chile. and more than $0.95 provides counts as they all set to dominate the council, which begins walk into of the arab league, his vice had to reinstate, sorry. as a member, 12 years officer, it was suspended. move came during a meeting in cairo, syria was sons by the legal to boston. alas, as government crackdown and protest is in 2011, a fellow good. then the return of syria is the beginning of the movements and nothing in the direction of the resolution to the crisis in syria will take time for procedures to be implemented and it will be gradual. the task of this committee is to follow up on those procedures as well. so it's not the decision to resume relationships between arab states and syria. this is a solving decision list for every country to take on its own up and not open to
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other people have died in floods and land science and the democratic republic of congo, nannie, hall, the victims were children, the scale of destruction in south keeping provinces, making it harder for rescue teams to reach devastated areas 5 and continues. and the sydney's capital cost team is representatives from the warring sides meet inside. the rates are for tools, delegates from the army and the power military rapid support forces of said they would only discount $6.00 monetary entries. nelson and the conflict which has now killed hundreds since it began 3 weeks ago. a boat has capsized in india, killing at least 20 people, most of them children. it happened in town newer, which is a coastal town in the southern states of carla local media supporting the double check. a tourist vessel was a of a crowd as many as passages in the way life jackets rescue operations have been, have had 5 restricted these 27 workers and thought identified of gold mine in
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southern peru. and mine is located in a remote area in the arrow key for region relatives of waiting to hear about the loved ones. the mind company said 175 minus were evacuated during the emergency. on saturday, preliminary investigation suggested a short circuit caused an explosion within the mines tunnel of thousands of people fling esick far. as ne india have taken refuge in military counts. troops have been deployed across monopole stays off to protest against majority may say community ruptured on wednesday. they requested to be constitutionally recognized as a tribe, which many are against thousands of people have been killed. thousands displaced in this condition. we handle some we would upfront a federal debt because they used to kill if they find ourselves. so to save of the life,
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we can take some rifle under post. so that this comes from a place of heidi at least 7 people been killed in texas. austin, s u v mode down to crowns outside of a home in a shelter. suspect is now in custody and has been charged with breakfast driving. the city of brownsville is on the border with mexico and the shelton disease by migraines. it's not yet clear whether it was intentional or an accident were treated as an accident. definitely not trying to figure out right now. it isn't very is the fluid case right now. information might change. so that's why we're trying to progress on at least 8 people have been killed and eva 100 ended in flash, floods, outline sides. it happened in pollutes histone proteins. so the days of heavy rain authorities a consent to damage the crops in the region and won't move bad weather to come. the
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kind of states of medicine has been to class in the canadian province of old bassa, the wall sized force, thousands of people to leave the homes. authorities say more than 24000 people have been evacuated, or 110 acts. if 5 across the province 36 out of control, the area is experiencing a hot twice spring ideal conditions for sparking while 5 awesome line is next. the high arc steve clements and i have a question. this, the rich global north need to press reset on its relations with a much less rich global south and fast. let's get to the bottom line. we live in a world with 2 totally different realities in the developed countries. you've got
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wealth, you've got technology, political stability, well sometimes, and almost 0 population growth in the developing countries, everything's pretty much the opposite. you've got young growing populations. if he access the capital in the latest technology week, legal systems and economies that have yet to find their feet. but here's the rub. neither can the rich countries live without the poor countries, nor the poor countries live without the rich countries. that's why you hear the word sustainability popping up in the global north all the time. the northern or is it figured out that their wealth can't keep growing unless they figure out major changes in associated economic and political fabric of the world as we know it today. and of course, in the old days, there was no cash rich partner besides the west to trade with. but now enter china and a few other countries. and now the developing world suddenly has other options. today we're taking a look at how one country france is approaching this challenge. were talking with priscilla zachary approval of the french minister of state for development,
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and before that, a member of the european parliament, not a minister. thank you so much for joining us on set today. do you think? i'm gonna ask this respectfully cuz i know you have such an unusual pass. you were born in greece, you of greek name raised in italy, member of the european parliament of you're now a french minister. and it's very unusual because you have a lot of identities wrapped up in, in europe. and that you're a big yeah, you united that kennedy would many nations have complicated histories in france as a complicated history with the african continent of a colonial past. and when i talk to african leaders, it's still out there in the air. you can feel sensitivities about colonial path. are there elements of this that explain that why francis stepping forward that once once to create a reset with africa and or the african leaders, you're dealing with open to that reset. thank you for this question.
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lisa, it is true that the i'm the new owners, the president, my current trust, me to make a visit, government parties to of the governments in particular, the relationship with the african continent and use the answers. you said the, the fact that i leave the in the state countries, the facts that i have this vision of the word that comes to me a lot and it shows up my country for us. has a rich history, sometimes difficult. as your sister, there are some simple as cars from the past. the but the one 1st isn't michael. all right. the i have to 31st the for the the the relationship between france and the countries over that's the affleck on confidence . is east worse and is his priority. so he walk
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a lot the and you have to the court judge to deal with, or the question of his story. that's, it was not that easy is the 1st president would be that what this means that the, she called the historians. and she said that we have to make a memorial dialogue and the we see that we have a now the new relationship with their ronda. but also all of that is that the dialogue, the dialogue for of jelia and for comfort room investor, we had some things, the restitution of katara at fox in been on this unique in the award. so this is the best but the same at the same time here rosetta, because she says, this is the best we can of the night, but the, we have to look forward. and this is fantastic. now,
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because he address a lot to the new generation, you know very well that 70 percent more or less of the of the african population are young people on the 25 years old. so he said that the for us this year with a new face and but we want to create a people to people to relationship. and then we as we go out the, from the end the, we speak about that and she wants to be packed and this equal to practice. and this is the new story that we create with the confidence not only with the francophone countries, with the, from countries wherever we can create, act and this, and that, this is what they do. you know, i'm always on the field, the i visit those arrived the 20 countries,
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and they can tell you that would change this new narrative. let me ask you a complicated question here. here it's, it's a, it's a little sensitive but the, the new prime minister of italy, georgia maloney and air in the country. if something's come out and said, hey, we can solve this immigrant problem in france just stopped. you know, all of its, uh, you know, essentially its exploitation of africa. i don't want to ask it that way. what i want to ask is, as you're out there cuz you've just defined the partnership, one of the things i've been interested in is how do african see us? how do they see france? how do they see china? do they see us as partners? or do they see america as may be? sometimes we're interested, sometimes we're not. do they see china is providing an alternative? is europe providing, you know, a more stable and i just be really interested in the lessons that you've learned and what you can share with americans. and also, chinese, that may be watching this about approaches to africa. as i have to tell you,
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there's a lot of distrust in africa about everybody's plans for africa. and even in rolanda, where i'm going to be present pocket. all my said, you all to talk about africa and african states as if there's somehow a function of the west or a function of what china is doing with united states. we're going to lift ourselves up and i found it very insightful. so i just loved to get your lessons and any response you have for the italian prime minister that i'd like to say 1st before that the, the uh, the relationship that i try to construct if this uh, relationship of respect of this is very part time. um, i think that the uh with people that they know from the applicant called payments they understand. and this is true. i said to them for 1400000000 of people that you, you are a younger. you have a lot of project. if you're in a market or so,
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yes, all of us we have interest. and this is norma. we have economic interest, but also i this type of features, like for example, when, who fights? i guess climate change. yes, it's a common interest when are you fights of for a global health? yes. at the same time, what the, i explained to them. it face how you create visual relation to see what we propose as from invest. you know, if these, uh, this new 5, the shape of that these base or uh, if you want to, i say, or with their african problem africa solution. and we are there e. so they want, we can support that the we can construct some 6 together, the 1st solution. this is what they called the winter when we called all of us when we, when relationship. but they to me,
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but they'll have to be clear with the people. and this is what they do. yes, will have common interest. but the, and the what they say also to the americans and all we have to respect in the us again, continent if this is quite a pat, this black is all around the world. so what i have to say to my them, maloney, i, i know very relate to lee eligibilities that i know how they, they hospitality the open mind. so i trust the 1000 people france is sending the signal that we have to change the social contract. if you will, between the global north and the global. so why is this a priority of years now? what is it president macro ongoing? and are other nations hearing that call as, as you said, the president mccrendon uh, from uh, 2017 from the beginning of the, you know,
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when she was selected for him, it was very important uh to have this global vision. you know, uh when the complete to arrive the um with the doctor, the address present in my car was in front line because so he wanted to support the access to the vaccines. uh because he said that the we don't leave nobody behind me after. uh uh, uh, we had economic problems in the european level. we had the company plan that was about 750000000000 of your us as a, in 2021. 2 years ago he organized in paris assignment to support the applicant economies. i think what it was, in this case of that the, we start to speak about the relocation of as the are in the, after me just made positive this s t,
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r. so our viewing public may not understand the are called special drawing rights. and i special drawing rights are really reserved for the big stakeholders of the, of the institutions. right. so you're talking about the reserves of these special drawing lights. so exactly, and on the best time we spoke about had been been doing of as the are, that's nice that we can relocate, that this was been, you know, the, we can relocate, we can say the rich country, the rest of the work, for example, firms are we are located, underlay the 20 percent of the web guns to relocate 30 percent. and there are many other countries that we continue now to call all the countries to support the lease . because uh, the global south need our help. and the, you know, i was with him uh uh, in september in new york and the,
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he spoke about the new back the with his out. and here we are. so we are here in the, in the june, we're going to organizing paris a bic, send me a fine us. so somebody where, or the counties, or based edition wouldn't be there. you know, very well of that the, the vision was present in my car is that the parties is the safety of multilateralism. and the, what i'm going for getting eyes beside me where we'll have the member states of from the 7 just do 20 uh, the prime minister of bozza. so yeah, mostly a, of course of those. so from african countries, the low income countries, it will be an inclusive. so, i mean, because we need the, of this difficult moment and the was the work of a crane. and the we see the consequences deflation. and also the question
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of access to energy. the question of for the security, be so many problems that we cannot face by ourselves. we have to face all of us together. well, i want to talk to you about this summit. and i also recently spoke with a barbados prime minister, me a motley about her bridge town initiative, which i'd like to get into. but i think when you think about the challenges that are on veiling right now, and i've recently interviewed the administer of finance of jordan, the minister of finance, of rolanda, the minister of finance, of, of other developing countries as well. and the, the, the regular message i hear from them is that the big nation set the weather for the world. and they are the victims of the weather. and whether it is focused on food security, as you said, or climate expectations malawi, having one of the largest and longest period of psych loans in its history. if you
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go to the bahamas and a hurricane sat on the top of the bahamas for 48 hours, major, major costs and changes. and i understand this french initiative that, that president background is taking on. where is the united states and this, where's the u. k? where is the g 7? why does it take us summit in paris to move to help some of these countries? based on the, we're leaving the, the civil period. as you said, the will have to face overlapping crises. and this is difficult for all of the economies, and particularly for the front giles and the low east comes countries. and and um, you know, it was here in october during the annual meetings here in washington. and the uh the american posts for this reform of the worst bunker and the owner of
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the g 7 countries. and the we see now that the, we understood all of us, that there's no time to lose. it's time for action. because you spoke about climate change, we know very well if i think of the example of africa and they blame us, there is counsellors, they say that the you leave your life. but the pollution from our cold goodness to it's only 3 percent. so you have to help us because if we have to face the climate change and the we have to do this on deputation mitigation you, we need this the money. and this is why this is the very 1st on me thing here. and i think is that is the 1st time that the concrete,
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to me, all the stakeholders, agree that'll have to move on. so this your is a very forth because we start here. but that's to, you know, we're going to have the decision to me think after we are going to have the part assignment g 20, the valuation of the is the g as in september, after my case, it's called 28. so the question is that in every spec, including the price we have to go forward and to deliver. because every time when you go to a couple 28, for example, um the question is that we cannot create every time a new fund. this is not the solution. we have optimize order id and the money that we have. and of course, united states a, we knows that the of a to pen gauge meant. but the after the question is because of the political system
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that the we've problem is the uh, the question of the is the, are the question of the climate, the finance we have to leave about. i had the 1000000000 of uh, of dollars. but we know that here the congress broke the so if these to also for me on the paternity to say to the congress, please, we need to your house. but we look at the, one of the interesting things that i've talked to development leaders from finance, central bank governors, but even heads of government from the global south nations, many in africa, but not only africa. and they are looking for relief. now the urgency that they feel that is being ignored is really substantial. they say we're living through a storm now. and so the bridge town initiative, which is a prime minister motley and roger shaw the, the president of the rockefeller foundation have written a piece in
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a foreign affairs, a magazine about this is to me, it has 3 parts and i apologize folks, i'm going to get it wrong, but you'll know 3 parts. one, we need relief now on debt, debt servicing and interest rates. part 2 is we need access to loans that somebody buying a house can get a loan for 30 years. their loans are marked for 7 years, or 10 years, or 12 years. they don't have the length of time. so they need new loan instruments at low interest rates rather these 5 percent. and the 3rd thing is we were talking earlier about gobby that there are these initiatives around there. they saw some of the public goods problems in the world, like we were doing with cove it in vaccines. but there are other public goods problems. if we did these 3 things, it would change the picture for the developing world for the global south substantially. do you think those are doable? in june, i asked the paris summit for a new global financial pack. i think that the,
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what is going to happen in june and i hope, but if he's that the, we will have a declared ation, a political declared ation. this is very important. that is not the question also find out if the support difficult. wheeler and the what is going to happen in price . they are already before working groups and they are working together. there is the question of that, you know, very well if i think of example of classic and counselors from some the rosanna and other counties. uh they cannot the effort for this is huge. me a 2nd the the issue that we're going to discuss is they're all over the private sector. you know, the public money. they cannot change the words, but they can be the guarantee of that risky. so the private sector has to come and has to be involved. if of course,
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it's nothing that's what the bows. so they know what the make in this month of finance. philanthropy, they have to all of us. they have to participate me because it is not possible. let me also ask you about the i m f and the world bank. these are bretton woods institutions created after world war 2. and they've largely been in place for over 70 years. i mean they're there uh, been kind of the pathway. are they broken? are they flawed? do they need to be before that have to be able to form. this is a new santori 21st century. we have so many challenges so far has changed. about 8 to know 1000000000 of people that was is james, and we can see so yes, everybody wants to be part of this new history. and i think that's also a basis to shut out of there to serve us and we'll still proceed. so yes is the
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time to change. and finally, do you see china, which has become a topic of great focus in the united states. but these are international institutions. china is a major stakeholder and shareholder of these institutions. you see china playing a responsible role in these discussions? will china be welcome at the june meetings that you host in paris? is china being frozen out? or is it being included in these conversations on global development? i have a responsibility to engage china because china is part of the solution just that i was picking them both of them that when i go enough, for example, and the we speak with many colleagues. so the question of that, uh, if we want the results trying to must be backed up with the solution, or when the we fights and guess the climate change. 10 must be part of the solution
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. so yes, we have all our specificity. let me ask you one last last question. matt administered this, been a very fun conversation. one of the other things that irritates african theaters, while they are not happy that ukraine was invaded. and they feel like they're being invaded by climate, by poverty, by water shortages. and there was a fast tracking, i think this number is right of about $25000000000.00 of aden loans to ukraine. really pushed over night and for the entire african cotton it. it was about $8000000000.00 and it was slow. and they feel in the process of priorities of the rest of the world like they are systemic, leading they collected and the ukraine situation is for them. evidence of that. how do you feel? and i'm very clear on that. and i said also when i was in the dear
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sea or i go to the head or from the or nothing double. sanders and the on the, in the, my mission made for the, for you, for example, we increase the, the development finance. and i call the also the private fridge 6 to, to be 5 to and the to invest enough for yeah. so no and in my country in the 4 phases in micro on it, as i told you, they are not. that was found this, well, i want to thank you for joining us today. chris, who was that grow up hulu francis minister of state for development. thank you so much for being with us today and for your candor. thank you very much. so what's the bottom line? it's hard to imagine that the rich countries of the g 7, some of them, former colonial powers, were notions of superior already run really deep in their national dna,
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are suddenly going to change their behavior and start giving, developing nations real support. plus, there's always been a brewing anger in the developing countries who just can't get enough breathing room and are being crippled by debt. the global north claims to care about developing countries and tells them we care. but honestly, the cards are stacked against the nations of the global south who can't succeed because the system is biased against them and they're constantly being set up for failure. now president, background is convenient world leaders to press reset and relations with the south . so maybe there's a little movement, maybe not enough for hope, but at least to wait and see. and that's the bottom line, the the 5, either the
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really understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so now my to, when you call home, we'll put you in the news and car into trash that match it to you. the .


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