tv The Stream Al Jazeera May 8, 2023 11:30am-12:00pm AST
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sponsible, it shows how desperate some of them all, but it also shows up way. i'm not interested in no mood conversation and normal ways to find solutions. this yanna agrees that under certain circumstances rules can be shots, especially if they are known to a tech sheep regularly. but some politicians want to go further. this is what the bavarian, lita sap on german tv. these x was the guns. i want to make this very clear out of loans have no place here. he's as the future of farming is at stake if was on not cold. the o. p in parliament recently adopted a resolution to downgrade the walls protection status to help farmers. but you environment minister said the block should do more to protect the animals. hunters in germany are urging politicians to make a decision. before people stop taking the law into their own hands. they are also concerned that humans could be next verse. it couldn't happen. schultz. well, if they're smart creatures, over centuries,
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they went through natural selection based on their intelligence that makes it difficult to protect cattle against them. but on the other hand, their intelligence means they understand that if we kill one member of the pack, they will quickly learn their lesson. it's only one of the possible solutions to maintaining a balance between humans and wildlife. a balance that's currently on the threat. step 5, some l g 0 in low effects. any the without is era. these are our top stories. today's government and stuff that i may just set back up the right way. opposition? one the most states on the council that will draft a new constitution. the village was held off the last year's rejection of another, proposed johnson as a more sizing and assuming these gaps or as a war insides meet and saudi arabia for talks, delegates from the army in the par note to rapids support forces have said they would only discuss the humanitarian truce. i know some ends to the conflict. as i
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said, a has more from jetta. very little information about the progress regarding this thomas. we know that they have arrived the days of a visitor, the often negotiations that are taking place in the gym. however, it's still an important steps to win the piece, because this is the 1st time that the water in, inside the wooden part is the kind of mean it's in reference, simple force, that's what the armies are coming together and they're talking to each other. so this is a, this is regarded as a progress was, as i said, so far, that hasn't been any document or statements released by any of the parties. washington has criticized the arab league decision to reinstate serious membership 12 years off to a suspended over a government crackdown on a popular uprising. the state department says a skeptical that president bush auto site is willing to take the necessary steps to end serious crisis. ukraine's as it shut down, dozens of russian drains, talk to in the capital t then over night strikes. russia has stepped off the tax
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ahead of tuesday's victory day celebrations. thousands of people playing. i think fathers and ne india have taken refuge a minute. 3 comes, troops have been deployed across multiple states, off to protest against the majority may take community began last week. they want to be constitutionally recognized as a tribe, which many are against dozens of people have been killed. those headlines, they say change the stream is up next the customer with us will. who would i be and then most of cannot discuss the button. we don't need this for. yeah. so on the sending them not a lot of money from the company, like they said,
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the you don't want to continue on an offer on the called us on the other. you saw the then just so i'm not shooting a box in the i a 70. okay. sense, so watching the stream today, the story of us combat veterans struggling with p t. s the. the major plan to bomb amongst you will not believe what happened next. his stories told him to show documentary stranger at the game. when i 1st saw him, most of this something that right with this guy was let us assume to be that he was walking kind of fast as hey, was kind of down base and back and forth. i was hoping for at
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least $200.00 or more injured. you know, he thought he was doing the right thing or with muscles in his mind when i tell people this story, they tell me that they don't believe that called my mom, the mother theresa and the muscle community. and that's definitely true. i invited him over put on the help it except to mention feed from my heart is welcome the i couldn't never, in a 1000000 years pay this community what they've given me the . so we're going on a journey from hate to acceptance via kind. this joining us talk about the film, the people are on
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a president of the so that makes sense to us in the muncie in indiana, also in muncie, indiana, richard mac mckinney. he's a live coach id hate at twist. the public speaker, which is mckinney can i call you back. absolutely. all right, welcome back. and in new york dos us staff to hell, he directed the documentary fish to phoebe, not joshua. so great happening here. we have a youtube audience who are standing by with the comments ready to ask you a question. so there you go. youtube audience. you can jump in any time we stop mac with a situation where you are planning to bomb. most of it's nearby to you. why over the years i've developed a hatred for as long as muslims and it had it a basically just built and built over time to where i the only
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way that i saw of making any kind of concession on this was to eliminate as many of them as i could move fast, the, the thing for a tablet is somebody who sees all the pay for something different. when you say, then it's like that was people know anything to do with you in the military. the way you could make sense of the killing was told to buy a high off official like mac. this is how you have to think about it. and i want to share that movement in the documentary because it helps us understand what was mac . even think it's, have a look. i was in the military for a long time. around 25 years. towards the end of my military career. i was a totally different person to fact of being involved in so many dis over. here's the crazy man. i don't even know the i probably would
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have been committed if they would actually know the way i was asked the one time i had a discussion di, ranking person, about coping with the streaming max on the ranger sheet of paper target on issues and looked at them as anything but human really problems center. okay. that makes sense. that's what i did. just the baby. do you remember the 1st time you met matt? cool. your 1st impressions. thank you. when i 1st met mac, i mean as a say, or he a look scary and concern. but in spite of that, i respectfully welcome him and with kindness and respect and understood how he was a human. and as we were have best home. i mean, what do you use?
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i know is you know, why, and that's a basic number that i didn't, i guess get scary things but, but welcomed with kindness. like what we do disagree. things. scary. think well, he's doing in the mosque. i mean, this was part of the palm, right? well actually me being in the mosque was not part of the plan. in order to i, i wanted tangible evidence i, i knew what i believed to be true to the facts. the thing was, is that i want it to be able to, to show my daughter, even though she was going to lose her father. i wanted to show my daughter that see these people really are evil. and i went through the source. yeah. i'm joshua hugh. we're trying to place this story together and tell this story for documentary form. that moment why we see mac. oh,
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we see that mac is pacing the mosque now is terrifying. and for a long part of the documentary, i think it's going to end in an awful way. did you do that deliberately? well, we, we wanted to tell a story with some, with a new kinds of heroes heroes like, like baby and like her, her husband solver. and we wanted to make a film that didn't just preach to the choir. and you know, so many film so many documentaries, even ones that i've made and i think end up preaching to the choir and we wanted this film to be different. we wanted to, we want this film to, we want people to watch this film. ready maybe need to watch this film. i need this message need to understand. i have a better understanding of, of muslims have a better understanding of their own biases. and we,
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so we told the story in a way that was, is very gripping and draws you in and hasn't almost a true crime. tell me what i'm saying. and this is not going to end. well, joshua, for a long time. yeah, i mean we, we took around that. it's a, it's a true crime. yeah. story. was it without a crime. best guy. yeah. and so, yeah. so yeah. so because i wasn't happy and you know it's a, it's a story about sky. no, i just felt that the best phone number that might have been nothing all the way for you this a little bit. well, why you nothing as well. i mean, i totally agree with josh. so he did him and his team did such a wonderful job of piecing this together. and a lot of people have come up to me after they watch that. they says, oh my gosh, i was shop. yeah, i thought it was gonna add totally different twist. you know,
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and they had told me when i saw me being interviewed, they thought i was being interviewed. i was actually in the and i thought you went out and i was like, oh yeah, i got a reason how to district get access to prison to talk to mac. i was i was confused . i was like, wow, i yeah, i thought i thought you were in a lot of trouble just to be you also noting as joshua's talent, that's how we want it to tell the story. yeah. yeah. i think uh, i think we were to assume the kind to him, we did not put him in jail. that's why he's not in jail. we will totally last to be able to welcome him for him and save his life. all right, and they're like, no community members like, yeah, i think of the job done was done by joshua, how would he percent? that's a documentary to me to watch it. and i know when i did interview, i'll give you a little bit of background why i did it by the one i truly watch. i said this, the entropy who wants to have the story. and i would like to talk, this is
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a real thing. this is the profession and it was done in how he put these pieces together. and the student had happened in 2000 and mine or was in this was he was working on in 2021. it's been a while, but very impressed how we did the intentionally, that it was amazing message. and i think that's what i, it's very dear to my heart because of the message how we shed this through a documentary. and how he organized it in a short 30 minutes. uh huh. yeah. so it was very much i passed into that 30 minutes . you feel like you've watched an entire feature film by the time you get to the end of it? there's a lot of tension in the documentary and there's a pop way. i'm not pulling anything for you because you have to watch. i mean, takes 30 minutes to one year as a pop way. goes to the most because he is planning to do something awful. and
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he needs to tell his step daughter, he needs proof to tell his that feels like it's right. these people are living amongst us. i need to do something about it. have a listen. have a look at this part of the sale that i need to be able to show up for i need to be able to show the rest of the world. so i went to the as long center to get the proof one. and it was one of you with these people because if i walk inside this building, i might not come about. so i walk in the building and all of a sudden it's like i felt my stomach tighten up. just i know i tried to keep my senses about me. i have very anxious. i didn't trust them. i. i considered myself. somebody is a, a, a future new story on out 0. by the end of the night, i figured they would have been in the basement with a sort of math,
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wrote a lot. it got you out to 0. 5. it for thanks way it was a is a garage? yes. the walking into the last of looking into the most that was the moment that changed your life and probably a lot of people's lives in the most because that was the beginning of how kindness of a comes heights to yeah. telephone. so, um, you know, when, when i went in there i was very, you know, i feel very an easy um and, uh, i was met with open arms, smiles. how close you know. uh glad you could be here. and then, you know, one of the brothers gave me a come up to me and he handed me a cron. and he says, read this. come back when you have questions. and i was like, man,
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they give me the all the evidence. and they're going to explain it to me like this is great. yeah, yeah, at but, but as i was piecing the 2 together between how i was being treated and what was in the koran. my impression of islam was the people who had been shooting at me again and the when i came here and i started reading the scripture and knowing how religion works to where you're supposed to live your life according to the scriptures as closely as you can. well, i solve that in, muncie. i didn't see that overseas. so that tells me that obviously the people in muncie are actually a true or representation of what is what i'm really is. and it changed my whole perspective, you know, and that's when i started understanding that more, more about human beings and they,
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they make the decisions they make. and the ways that they act simply driven by gree joshua who are looking very thoughtful, articulate those thoughts, go ahead as well. i think that when mack went to the mosque, he had just had a big argument with his 8 year old daughter. and you know, she had yelled at him because he said something is on the phone, but he said something negative about muslims. and his 8 year old daughter confronted him and said like, what are you thinking like, what's wrong, what's wrong with you, dad? and that's when he went to the mosque was in the week of that arguments because um, you know, he wanted to make sure he was right. that he, that his plan to bomb the boss was the right thing to do. and this little 8 year old had made him question his plans. and i think that when he went in there his, i think his guard was down a little bit. i think i think there was a tiny crack in his armor. there was a tiny, like opening for love to come in,
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and when he met b, b, and solver, and joe mo and the other members of the mosque. and they were so nice to him and, and so kind and welcoming that are kind of blue as mine. and i think he didn't know what to think. but he started to think like maybe i maybe i am wrong. maybe maybe i've got this whole thing wrong. and it was amazing moment where, you know, be through her kindness i think started to change his mind and melt away the hatred that he had in his heart. and she didn't even know. like maybe you didn't know anything about what his plans were. no, i did not as you know, i mean i would do the still, i knew on that i was less than the family that we on ways to get a stranger. my father also took care of the people as in the homeless and when i came across anybody, because i had to do that, is your choice and taking care of
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a i don't you do. and then my husband being a medical doctor work in his office, experiencing 2 things. it's still funny. now we have done with all cop walks of life and we have comforted all kinds of people throughout our life. and we have give them place in their home that has been with us for months and weeks to, to before we let them go. and the same thing though. so when, when i did this was a matter of what i thought of me to invite him over. nothing. i'm sitting on the table where he was sitting with us having a demo. and i think that also was part of a way of life for me, but it was a huge impact on math. and not just having welcomed him in the sense that it especially and then inviting him over to a house or she had a meeting with him and sit down and listen to his story. i don't think he had this kind of body spread and i could send him being bought it and listen to me that something impacted him a lot. and then obviously continuously that was not only that thing. and we also
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give him a part of the leadership when i ask him to be the president based on the same student association. and you say, what are you supposed to be? i don't know what i'm doing that. so now what do i want to help you the same as out as a guy either. so yes doesn't. what is that what? how can he be head of the month? see most how is that possible? because what happened to you mag? this is a little bit between you going into the most being very unhappy with your muslim neighbors and then you became walked so well. first of all, i became the president of the muslim students association and at boss ball state university here in muncie, mac. uh, and that was shipped to it's in forgot to say that you'd, you'd be nice. you became most of them. well yeah, i was getting into the well yeah, i became a moves me so,
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so it's weeks he comes in and he's asking my husband and the other people that i want to become left to them. and the husband say, now what are you talking about? mac, no, you need to study more than get ready. now i can look back, talk about that. all right, go ahead, right? yeah, yeah, so, yeah, so that's an interesting story. so. so 8 to even go back to just a little bit. no one knew about this plan about my everybody that knew me knew i hated most, but nobody knew the extent of my hatred and nobody knew that i was planning to do anything. uh, my wife didn't even know until after the fact she knew when the f b i showed up at the house. i know that opened up the door and we'll get back to that. but when i went there, and finally, after all my studying and my, my conversations and, and i and all the,
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all the acquaintances i was touched. i was touched by the koran. and, and i, i had to be a most i, i just had to or it was funny because i went into the mosque on a, on a friday. and for juma and i went up to the doctor and there was another brother. right now you're showing off, but g, but you went in surprise, right? yes, yeah. okay. yeah, so, so i was a, so i, i went up to solver and another brother. so uh and says, hey, i want to take chicago and they both, it was funny because they both looked at me. they both looked at each other. they looked back at me and they said, no, they said, you're not ready. you need to learn more, right, right. right, and i, and so i looked at them and said, well, then we all have a locked door and they live both both um with back each other and both of them
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looked back at me and they said, all right, come all right. sure, a mac system, maybe if this was a movie, it will be on believable. the fact that it's real life is extraordinary. audio we spoke to must the football but he's from the ask got american foundation, and there's a big a message to this film if they needed to be one. i don't think that needs to be one, but there is a big a message. and most of the land is on that big a method kits have a list and it's have a look kind. this does change. i think it kind of does change hatred to, to love to community, to connection and, and specifically stranger at the gate shows that in a really beautiful way. and i think it, it also, it also goes and challenges a lot of assumptions that many americans may have about islam and muslims. i think many americans, quote,
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unquote knows about his mom and knows about muslims. but they have never, i spend time and really get to know most of them close up. i mean, joshua, this is why you were drawn to make this documentary because where we are not just in america put in the world right now. how to evaluate people? a new experience, the as a young boy as well, no. a is a phone, it is left it on the phone yet, but you you experienced being hated because of your jewish heritage of jewish background. so that's why you came to the field, that's what drew you to the field. what do you make of reaction? i mean, the reason we wanted to tell this story is because we felt like the story is needed right now. we felt that, you know, as you mentioned, that this is a moment of great division in our country, and that's how you know,
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it's not often that we come across a story about a would be a crime that turns into a happy ending that turns into above that shows the power of kindness, that kindness, that love conquers, hate me. and i was so. ready drawn to the story and to the actions of the, the congregants at the islam, etc. muncie, phoebe and solver, and joe and everybody. and what they did that the way they welcomed mac into their congregation and the way that they treated him with kindness. and it literally saved a lives and i can't think of a better way to convey. ready to the power of kindness then with the story and it's something, it's something we, i think we can all learn from it. so it's something we need to remember that being kind to others, especially people, we don't know, are people that we might have preconceived notions about that that can be
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incredibly powerful, right? and i think that it's, it's a less than we all need to remember. right now, as we sort of live in this time where we don't really talk too, um we don't always talk to people that have different opinions than we do. we sometimes don't talk to people who vote for different the political candidate, and then we did. yeah. and like that's very troubling to me and i think what b b has shown and then through her actions is the power of talking to she didn't need to talk to mack, you know, i think she knew he was different than her. she was even scared of him, but yeah, she also saw him as a human being. and i think that's just something we need to remember and to be to be like the, uh, you know, yeah i maybe i'm right or a sign of that. yeah. and treat others, treat others as humans, and to try to find that common ground. and that's what,
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that's what struck me so much about the story and what being and the congregants did in muncie. so strange, okay, has been nominated for an oscar and i just want to show the moment where um joshua and his production team were waiting for the oscar nominations to come through and they were quite excited. it's let me just show you what it looks like. again and they're just waiting and then you have to tell them when they find out that they would normally they said, oh yes. oh, also one of the executive producers of strange at the gate is malala you stop by and she says, have a look here to believe that people can change and to be willing to change ourselves is our best hope for a better? well, i've spoken so much about this film, it's only 13 minutes and it is available right now. so i'm just going to click so you can see why you can see it w w, w dot strange at the gate dot com. just below the title,
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watch the film here and you can watch it. i guarantee you won't be disappointed. now if you know anything about is um, you know, that we are coming to the end of the whole amount of ramadan. and then there's an amazing bobbie and festivities, and it's amazing and extraordinary. i want to point out you with wish your fellow muslims around the world in a sentence just to be being in a sentence. max is to be the 1st one sentence. i would like, i would like all my fellow of friends, a human being families and muslim brothers and sisters. thank take to wish them a happy and peaceful holidays. okay. and they sometimes a much, much okay, you're a message. yes. to all the muslim brothers and systems around the world as, as well as the rest of humanity, peace blessings, and know that tomorrow it is
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a chance to be better. thank you, matt. thanks. he seems to be the thank you joshua. i see you next time. take care everybody the the leasing of minds unless we dig deeper and ask people questions of what spanish 1st stations of identity and social ideals of life, we're going to always have the same model architects and may a valley at a 100 ravenna talk to. we may contribute us all it takes to create conditions to level the fields, because indian seats, these are shortcuts,
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thoughts of quality studios be unscripted analogies, era, the soaps, i would need to have my grades in the 6th century from pickup, pacey in the mountains, in central europe to teach forrest and present nature many tens of thousands to live in this region. not far from the polish and checked florida every year as east of messina hoffman tries to preserve to so i'll be in tradition of painting my car and so says she gets the x, the symbols, it's special messages for good to count happiness and prosperity. the source of money to preserve their culture for over a 1000 years, mainly because they've missed quite isolated the long piece. what the waste steps are 5 doors to communism naziism and now not at present in native language. the .
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