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tv   News  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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really is responsible for about 15 percent of carbon emissions showing the debates . people have already lost that life. people have the culture of the people who have your say one abroad in this conversation by bringing more voices into it live on youtube. people commenting. i want to check with the power that the visitors on out just their own culture of the cost to put an artificial intelligence transform, economies will disrupt them. germany is looking for foreign workers to tackle a shortage and skills label. plus the electric vehicle price voice catching up. so that accept rate for switch to e b's. counting the cost on al jazeera, the
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is riley as strikes on gauze at kill a $6.00 that colanda of the roof is alarming. jobs for days of strikes on the besieged tower tree of left searching 3 palestinians that the hello i'm r m i z in london. you're watching alger 0 also coming off on the program focused on some of the prime minister and wrong con is granted. fail a day onto the supreme court, ruled his arrest on corruption charges was unlawful. tucker's presidential candidates prepared for a final campaign push ahead of sundays. most will be life from ankara and thousands of migrants face on search and see if the us mexico border is pandemic. era assign them restrictions come to an end, the
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hello and welcome to the program. a lot of the full days of fighting and international kohls for a ceasefire. the conflict between israel and the palestinian on group islamic jihad appears no closer to resolution. on friday, a 6 as long as you had come onto was killed. he died one and is rainy. miguel struck an apartment building in central gaza, including those members. always allow me to have a total of $33.00 palestinians have been killed since tuesday. one is really is also among the dead funerals continue to be health. the palestinians has been killed and these riley strikes. some one is called on islamic jihad to escalate rocket attacks against israel will storage these in garza meanwhile, have been speaking out about the vines. they say they are being ignored by the rest of the wealth. about am i left for the 4th day in a row gauze that has been reeling from the bombardment by the is really occupation forces we're playing with. the international community is turning a blind eye to our plight. um, according to the last report made by civil defense,
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a 139 buildings were damaged. more than $500.00 partly tammy land. well, he also people in federal cause or been describing the moment is writing missiles, hit that holmes. good. now on this one who led the rescission peacefully at home, we received notification to evacuate. we had no idea of what was going on, my sons, wives, grandchildren, and i rushed off of the house, leaving behind everything. i hardly managed to cover my head with the scarf. these right is 53 shelves from an f, 16 war plain. well, not a one more row. i received the cool and there was a man claiming to be from these really intelligence appendix. he told me to one of the residents in the bella and said he's watching. take them all to the main road. we will destroy the entire quote, so they launch the 1st missile. he called me again say i know the strike is coming . sound loud. one is live for us now and gaza. what's the situation then? now?
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or the latest hours i've witnessed several years. so what it was really, it is strikes at many cities of the goals and strips, starting from the north bay plaza and the tunnel and, and a few injuries where we put the by the ministry of health dispute garza from different a sites east and west north and, and, and south where i'll give you my days where it, it strikes, no casualties were reported as well as the mid cities of the goals us to the most a lot, no casualties. also what he pointed on the southern cities because a sub for farm funding. so what we're basically talking about the recipient calls on it have been targeted by this way to ada strikes and the latest our a one significant and permanent event at which it may have came that the minister of, of the ministry of health talked about these. what any crimes of targeting once that is eventually ad building next to a saw hospital and very balanced refugee come, which in damage severely damaged as simple as the departments of the hospital,
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causing a panic attacks to patients, particularly women and children. this has in one hand, the other hand about the statements from the political parties. heating garza, we've had several statements might be slim and you had officials as much as how much is officials talking about the unity of the existence of parties hearing goals up to respond to these or any crimes against the palestinians. and for the assessment for the latest assassination, it took place in most of the eh street a, the targeting one of the. so i'm and you have senior members and you have been 1st need and which is an implement golf course a few hours as a least. lemme get over the military. you won't hear united minutes unable, it has not responded to his assassination. so we, we wait and to see what the following always would hold me reporting that they're always the visa international calls for the escalation and what's happening there is any hope for a cease fire and gaza to we're talking about the people have goals
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also have witnessed it multiple wars launched on them. a fall does have been lost, the children have been lost. women have been lost as well. and the goal is on phoenix. r. a was hoping for a ceasefire or a sense of a normal life, a close to a normal life that they can at least survive with the current circumstances. we're talking about 16 years. the blockade, the have been set up by being with basic fundamental price and grounded byte is really i've ministration. both, those are still a close since day one of this escalation. and of course there are holes. but with the current development in the latest i was with this lady assassination. of course we're talking about 6 commanders of this lemon jot that being targeted within 4 days. and this was the 1st ed, unlike the previous, was long phone calls of. so we're expecting a response into for them hours, but of course folks out of high among the people have goals are to have a sense of at least a temporary cease fire in a, in the next hour. it's um, i'd one in garza that thank you,
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just want to let you know some of the developments as well that these 2 policies have been injured during caches in the occupied westbank. the is riley military shots. it's part of sending use inside the roof. count on friday, according to palestinian health officials, one person was seriously injured and has been taken to hospital the course and focused on has gone to the former prime minister and run con, 2 weeks failing, multiple corruption charges. on the 1st day, the supreme court ruled his arrest, the suite was unlawful. cons, right, fled to mass protests that resulted in at least 8 desk solid. and john made reports from the capitalism of on the high court has gone to the amount fund unprecedented relief, multiple benches have ordered the police love to arrest him. well, just in this most recent corruption case,
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but even charges he doesn't know about the fall, the prime minister denies the courts are doing him any favors relief. i am at the high court and they had no reason to arrest me. i was abducted. this is the law of the jungle. it feels like martial law has been declared. i use a voltage run sacked on the property when fund was arrested. since it was removed by parliament and the vote of no confidence left here. on his chinese, the ministries wrote in politics and the you with the senior intelligence officer of being involved, what he called and the fascination attempt opponent say honda is attacking the same people who brought him to power. it's not the security and i think that's one mind the army, the democracy in the, in the army. the army is getting relying my, what is happening right now. the cabinet held an emergency meeting, and the key was the judiciary of double standards. watch a video just like the court as an iron wall to protect him. run con, there was no precedent for this, not just in pocket stones,
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but anywhere in the world. well, basis cases are being formed against us. the courts were blocking investigations into cons. corruption of the alliance of parties that forms the government has blame hon for the violence in looting this week. accusing him of calling timing and carrying out the tax on public facilities. he does have lashed out to the courts. specifically, the chief justice of breakfast on the line has no special force against focused on supreme court, which is accuses of showing biased interest favorites. and brought con, of thousands of political workers from all sides. are all set to come to the streets this season, the political insurgency and focus on is far from over. some of these are without, the vera is all of us a turkey as president and the officer shall line. so making that final pitch to vote as before, sundays, presidential impala entry elections, it's expected to be
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a tight contested vote. is being held against a backdrop of a severe economic crisis. the latest opinion polls put off position and how does it come of, can it's a w and just a head of incumbent rush of type a do on of to the withdrawal of a side policy candidates or the crimes and is dismissed obligations of russian interference. and the talk and selections, say the false position, candidates click terribly, made this claim on social media. this is we find it unacceptable for another country to interfere in turkey's domestic affairs during the phase of an election or in another period. we are holding an election yet. it is absolutely unacceptable to interfere in our election process in favor of another political party. i wanted the whole world to be aware of this. that is why i made this call openly with the tweets tibbets, you mean uh spanish my the room. we very much value our relations with the republic of turkey. i. we really do because the republic of turkey has sofa taken
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a very responsible solver and, and thought out stats on a whole range of regional and global problems that we face. and this position has made a positive impression on us. this is why, of course, a country that values by lot true relations moreover, will not do anything with regard to its partner. so we strongly reject such statements of middling in turkey as elections. we officially declare that there can be no interference of any kind. and if anyone has provided come out to lead sterile with this information, there lies from as well as our joins as live now from ankara, we had any move from your position on these kinds of russian into, for as hasha with money. and basically these tend to buy what they have been think over the last 24 hours, which is basically the thing that the russians bought in full is pregnant. whether
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this client of the fake material into social media, including a video material, they say it was with the aim of the, the, undermining the chances of the position to win this election. and they say that this is something that the dismiss warning that this could have an impact on the future of relations between turkey and the russians. if the opposition wins the presidential election, i was talking a while ago to id, but generally is a member of the others in coalition. and he said that there's definitely going to be a reset in when it comes to flooding policy. and that the, the what they will do the best to ensure that when it comes to dealing with countries, including prostate would be on the basis of cooperation. but at the same time, on the respect of national sovereignty of a turkey and the opposition over the last 2 weeks has been insisting that one of the reasons why they would like to be strong ties particular with us. and the a you is the say because this is something that which is going to further
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strengthen demo democracy here in turkey. and what can we expect now as the campaign enters its final stage? the fascinating moments here in, in turkey, they do understand this is going to be the, have the, the, the most ties race in the more than history of to. again, this explains that you get a sense of anxiety in 10 sit over the last few days. now as far as the opposition is concerned, it said it is confident it is going to be a, it's development, it's confident is going to win the election and stuff and it's up to for turkey at the same time you have present doesn't play a lot of the running a quantity defending that track record over the last decade saying that they've been doing the best in show that to, to has a better life better livingston does for the to talk is people with more national sovereignty being present. the selection of the about with less than 48 hours before the voting day. it is going to be perhaps more about who's going to be able
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to win the hearts and minds of the swing voters and particularly the new votes. as we're talking about 5000000 new votes as the of the selection, the one who's going to be able to convince them to vote for the i think he's going to be the one who's going to win this election. all right, thank you very much for light is from anchor. there is we're in the final stages of campaigning in those crucial elections. hoshal bi reporting to us. so i had for you on the program, a long road to recovery villages and the democratic republic of congo stopped, was building onto that homeschool washed away as well. will rages in ukraine, finds the hill raman in liverpool. i'll be telling you why the united kingdom is hosting one of the longest running tv music competitions in the world on the call. right, the
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so now it's a lot of disappointment in europe for them having this one, paying more or less in belgium than to both me and the fact beyond this vase which is slow moving should be moving towards the british alternate really full of cloud and right now we've had a rather problem with this disappointment from austria, science was dental is northern greece for last few days. terms of reason debate because of a few holes in the sky, letting the sun come in, but typically it's cold and it should be in the still rain folding on that side of the age we have to and that rate and spreads the right front into northern passes spain and hits the north coast of africa as well, leaving this is a bit of a woman's way twins to instruction, but 19 in london. no, that will necessarily loft into next week. there is a bit of a concentration in the rain falling again near the edge. hicks if i just bring you in here on sunday that supports me wet and cold or something from italy across to crow usher and beyond. i'm looking here in the to needs you probably know now do
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you have you? which was a non show res, disappointingly cold, that for most of north after cause it's hot, dry and dusty. there are shelves coming a long way, no spices to help. but the more typical view would be this taken in some chat, dusty even a sense to the, the,
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or the welcome back to the main stories. now, a 6 commander of these allow me to hide on group has been killed and targeted is ready as try can cause a off to 4 days of fighting. the conflict between israel and a pot of sitting on group is no close. it's a resolution, at least $33.00 palestinians, and one is riley, have died since tuesday. and focused on, of course, has gone to the former prime minister in long con, 2 weeks failed. he's facing multiple challenges including corruption. on thursday, the supreme court ruled his arrest was unlawful. constitutions pop days of protest by his supposes and candidates, and making that final pictures. the vote has at a v. tucker's presidential and parliamentary elections,
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the incumbent rep type. other one is facing an old position of lines that by cannot convey that you don't is in a closely force race. now in other news, united nations as a more than a 100000 children in haiti, risk of starving to death because of escalating gang violence. about 80 percent of the capital port of friends is now controlled by gags and vigilante groups. you, an estimate is moving at 600 people were killed just last month and can nothing 0 force it every day. hazy is government is appeal for international assistance to raise a bow has moved from the haitian capital port to prince. i'm here in the neighborhood and call to friends where be. ringback going to gathered to protest on demand and to in security in this country. they're also showing their sorry diaries before the haitian police, in the past few years done, cutting grease or precedence not pulling the capital for the friends when they control around 80 percent of haiti's capital. but they're extending their influence
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to other parts of the country, telling them to not things have been on the rise and people here say that they have had enough. and in the past few weeks, we have seen the emergence of a movement that is known as white color, which is basically people taking matters into their own hands. we have seen an increase of lynching or village gun members being set on fire on the street. people saying they haven't had enough, i'm not the haitian nationally, i believe that don't have enough storage and i'm not drank enough guns to be able to fight against the gun. since the fascination of president joined in more, you in 2021 tales have taken over, there's intend to a functioning not elected government and that is requesting right now and turned out here to help the govern fights against the guns. people here are saying that they're ready to assist in the fight. they want to secure their neighborhoods that have set the battery cable around this area to prevent them from coming to this
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area. and that's why this place is considered to be safe. but what this people are saying them is going to remain on the street until their country is once again a stable nation. the ussr, she's just saying there's been no influx of people crossing the southern border following the lifting of title 42 was a little that was in place. now this allowed, as far as ease to turn away, migrants at the west mexico board during the pandemic. to avoid the worst they bring cove it into the country with them. so the expiration of title 42 could have a significant impact on board of crossings. it means that title age is now back in effect, that's in the 6 year old law, which you guys have on security secretary alejandro in america says it carries more severe consequences. so people who enter the country without the necessary paperwork. all those consequences include swifty vocation and a ban on re entry for at least 5 years. people could face criminal prosecution if they try to make any further entry attempts. and a new border policy is also coming into play updates decided rules will pop people
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from entering the us if they post through another country and didn't see refuge that under there is john home and joins us live now, he's been following the story from sort of juarez and mexico. how of people that reacting to these you for the roles and the expiration of title? 42, john of the, i think the rule, the everyone here and i mean that so to 10, come a lot of people here, same weeks at some of the months i'm trying to get across enough for so i live in the us, the rule that the most focused on is c, b, p one. this is an app to us. government is broad and not just now it's been there for a few months, but now is going to be the main way that people can off for an asylum. appointment in the us may have to do it remotely from here in mexico. lot of people have been saying that this app has glitches that it has problems and they can't get to the end of it. some people talking to us today have said the apps good a bit better now, but when they try and get to the final part, the process,
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which is actually making a date, so there was solemn appointment. it doesn't get back to the most big 3 young man he's been trying for a month with, with no success is one of the tents just behind me here with the blazing sun, i've had to guess how frustrating that is for people is the us tries to meet their a silent prices sort of on line rather than people looking on the do i, the role that migrant have to look for side of and all the countries before they get to the united states. is that going to work in practical times and one of the difficulties or what else to close to that you are speaking earlier with the head of the international rescue committee of mexico. and he was talking to one of those countries on the route with people and could, and us a so, and us authorities a saying should ask for asylum is mexico know in mexico, the asylum system is completely over stretched. and so where people usually have to was for a site and right in the south of the country, chop is,
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is one of the poorest states. so it hasn't got a lot of results has to offer that. he said, a lot of people go to the next state alone to pass. go with is a real record of people keep nothing migrants. and that's the case all the way up the migrant route here into tumbling test, which is a route that many people take, which is just the black hole of cartels. so that's b o, b is problem and we've asking people to get assign them in countries like mexico or what the my list of it down the route when they do have these problems of corruption, organized crime and not enough governmental results is what does the government in mexico then say, as well, the government in mexico has been speaking, especially president under his money will open the door. we have president or bite and of the us an off to one of those schools is no school that today actually, mexican authorities have been letting a lot of migrants free from the south, which is quite unusual. mexico is usually seen a sort of a pre,
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portable from the united states, a country that usually corporates in stopping a lot of migrants when they get to the south of mexico and prevent them getting to the know they've been that free float. and we've just heard from one of our trusted local colleagues at interpret yula that's following a top of 2 lives, where many migrants paused from the south of mexico that a lot of them are being arrested actually right now, is they try and leave the city and go the renewal, so i think that tells you about mix codes response to the base. there is we'll try to coordinate with the united states to stop any big flow coming to here at the us food. thank you very much. from santa horror as in mexico, john home and reporting to us, we'll hopefully catch up a bit later. thanks john. now volunteers in the eastern democratic republic of congo, china kid debris off the last week is devastating floods in line slides. more than 400 people have been confirmed dead. thousands are still missing. those who survive say they want to start rebuilding as soon as possible. catherine story reports from
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the village of man or could be in itself cubic province. an aerial view of the collective region in eastern democratic republic of congo shows the extent of the destruction caused by last week's landslide. home schools and markets was swept away. hundreds of people were killed. thousands are missing. a major road connecting south in north cube provinces was cut off. a volunteers like a money lend are trying to clear the debris as they look for more bodies. they're working on a bridge at the center of the village by it's no easy task mine up. this is where most of the want to came flooding through when the river bus gets banks. i live near here, right? it's trucking to see the devastation. yep. what's your name? people are trying to see what they can from structures that are barely holding.
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floodwaters can gushing down the hills, bring waves and rocks trees in march. most of i was being treated for broken bones and bruises, some already foot to better equipped hospitals in the province. some of the injured people are in this health facility, dairy cover as well. but the doctor said they are running short of medical supplies as these health center survived. the lawn slide. prudent re got and other health work cuz i've been working round the clock for days. see that by then? you could look when i'm, when i'm on my down, we have no medicine. the patients don't have enough food. the government is helping with that, and people are traumatized. they need counseling and that are not enough doctors and nurses, apple people have told us they will be billed to their homes, but they know it's going to be a long, hard johnny. catherine, sorry, i'm
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a could be self keeble, democratic republic of congo. a former us marine accused of killing a homeless man on a new york subway train. 2 weeks ago has been charged with manslaughter. daniel penny turned himself into the police on friday. he was still not feeling holding jo neely in a choke hold for several minutes earlier this month. 30 year old ladies had died in hospital any kinds he was acting in self defense. medical examiner rules need these death, a homicide to 8 on last because chosen choices, new ceo, the former nbc universal advertising executive, linda. yeah. carino will take the range of the social media platform from next month. mosques, as he will continue to have a senior role in the company, the leading, the, the design and technology team building that has been under pressure from investors to boost twist as profits ability. and now the grinning for his enrolled him is that on sky will not be allowed to address saturday nights. the grand final of the year. a vision song contest. the cases you live full is hosting. the event instead
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of last year is when is ukraine? because of roches invasion since you wanted to make a surprise, a parents 5 video link, but your vision say they do not allow political statements. you credit in college, it is still taking center stage though and level pool as hell. rahman reports the streets. if a student with univision, banners defends that continue to the spirit of the occasion. the eurovision song contest is in town, and oh boy does livable know it. the competition was one last year by police orchestra who represented ukraine. they should have hosted the event this the russians invasion meant it couldn't be held in keith. so the u. k. also to host the event on behalf of ukraine. funds from across the world have to send it on behalf of the city and the north west of england. it's a once in a lifetime experience and many mindful of the reason it's in live a cool with from mid wells and we've waited decades for the your vision to come
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here. so we can kevin enjoy your thought. all the style, i know with sharing it with ukraine, and we hope this, we'll do well. everyone's enjoying the city. we live a pool. city is really busy. everywhere you go every step, you will take and sort of vision and it's amazing. yeah. for the 1st time and you were a vision history, a major cultural event is running parallel to the contest reflecting ukraine's autistic prowess. 12 thinking flexible, 19 gales, the national song, but at the country. a post across the city decorated in patton's, reflecting the regional author of the country. the woman behind the idea escaped keith on the 2nd day of the conflict. i want them to see how different places i want them to slice this installation called protect the beat surrounds nelson's monument. it illustrates how awesome culture under attack, up to the end of april issue,
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the humans cultural body. unesco officially recorded over 250 thoughts and cultural sites have been damaged by conflicting and ukraine. the last time livable hosted a major international cultural event. it was when it was selected as the european capital of culture in 2008 as it was then the city is a buzz on the symbol of, of historic. yeah, here to live a pool. was this, the yellow line been on? it is not being re painted and the colors of the ukrainian flag, those organizing the events and installations across livable, a clear why that doing this. we wants to create a whole program that has those emotions in it then also has the best things about ukrainian culture, not so that when they all reopen, what you know when that when they can go home, we can visit them and we'll have that. we'll set ski pride as the countdown begins . all that live at the new crane can say, is welcome. sit back and enjoy the univision experience of being united by music.
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so robin, i'll just.


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