tv News Al Jazeera May 13, 2023 1:00am-1:31am AST
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the, the, the cost of aging food is the foundation of human civilization. but food today is a global commodity. 50 industry does not make money, how many people will be on and how it's cultivated. the contentious debates, public interest and the public safety is definitely not taking precedence and in depth examination into agribusiness and the conflicting interests play industry doesn't want any regulation. they just want to put the products on the market. the price of progress on o g, a 0. the is there any strikes on garza keel?
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a 6 commander as the officer is not meant to have days of strikes on the besieged territory of left the $33.00 palestinians dead. the hello. i'm sorry. i'm to my z in london, you're watching l g 0. is that coming up on the program? focused on for 5 minutes to enron, count has gone to fail. a day off to the supreme court, ruled as a restaurant corruption charges was unlawful. tucker's presidential candidates, prepared for a fine old campaign push out of sundays. historic votes. john hendern of the us border with mexico coming up. i'll tell you what has changed since new rules came to the border. the officer, full days of fighting on the international goals for sci fi, the conflict between israel and the palestinian on group islamic jihad appears no
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closer to resolution on friday. a 6th is lama jad come onto was killed. he died one in his writing and miss sile struck an apartment building in central gaza, including those members of his army jihad, a total of $33.00 palestinians have been killed since tuesday. one. the person who is also been killed in israel funerals continues to be held for the palestinians, who was killed in the is riley as strikes. some one is of close on his, on the job to escalate rocket attacks against israel. human aside begins our coverage because districts has been bombarded by israel for the 4th day in a row. the latest round of violence began after israel assassinated 3 commanders of the eclipse brigades. the military wing of the palestinian group is logic g had these rarely strikes that hit. their homes also killed their wives and several children. in the last 2 days,
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israel has increased it's targeting of civilians, homes. dozens of homes were entirely destroyed and hundreds more has been rendered and inhabitable thousands of people in garza are now displaced. deal this year, families home was one of many targeted. the family says they just have time to flee for safety. the destruction my girl rubble and fly a they have done to old down. we weren't able to save any belongings from our homes . my furniture and my son's furniture. i'll close. everything has all been done. or israel says it is targeting islamic jihad fighters, ballasting infections in gauze to have responded with beverages of rockets, some reaching as far as stellar view negotiations led by egypt. the traditional
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medi yager between israel and the palestinians have failed so far. miller, ballasting, officials have asked the international community to do more to stop israel's aggression than just condemning it. and then we send out the matthew almost to set the money, place them up. we speak clearly to the international community and is concerned. organizations are not required at this stage to show concern or fear what is required of them. a lot of his blood should. these logs with the last the homes that have been targeted, and a lot of this brutal aggression for the full day in a row. it must take serious, practical and responsible action to stop the occupations of question against the people who hold if the patient accountable and hasten to supply. because the strip was always needs and essentially supplies in depth about the human serious situation and gaza is fast deteriorating. hospitals are over whelmed and stocks of fuel and essential commodities our dwelling. israel continues to shop only to land
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crossings with god. so the sole power planting. garza is warning to shut down within 72 hours. if you will, supplies are not restored. the situation remains tons with fears of further violence and retaliation. hospitals are already struggling to cope with the influx of air strikes, victims, and a shortage of crucial medical supplies. given a c l to 0, gaza assignment one joins us live now from inside. cause and it did seem maybe a couple of days ago, the gyptian pro could truce might be a possibility. but i hope sightings, any sort of low in the fighting. what's been happening this evening? yes, marianne, for the last 20 minutes with head simpler as bindings at the city overflowing the eastern side of his date of birth on the side of the southern side of the goals of
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trim. this could be a declaration among the speculations about the peace talks or let's say uh hugh, maturing c spy on a binding committee. it is along with us on the potty administrations. it's all about speculations about deceased play out. what are the terms that have been it talked about the bundling industry to go for a fact could be a declaration that cease fire adults have failed so far. we still don't know as a these are 80 a solid on the goals and have not confirmed about the results of, of this a, the situation often. so for a, the president of the government to the media office in, in, in cause of a stated that there is a chronic shortage with respect to the medical equipment and the medical supplies as well as the not the entrance of, of those supplies for the last 18 months a on the other hand, talking about approximately 400 patients of a, from the people of calls of who need to be transferred to the westbank hospitals. and which is why the denied since the thought of this collision coating for they
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had an actual community to interfere under pressure is to commit to subjugation of allowing those patients to be transferred as a almost a 3rd of them via kansas cancer patients. and they are hanging through life and why we are speaking. said i'm a model also stated about the current situation with regards of the fuel supplies. as it had been stated, the since yesterday, the goals up runs in a chronic short a off of the if you will, supplies. and it could take down a many cities in the goal is a step for the electricity to be down in the next a in the next 2 days, at least one day. all right, thank you very much for brings all the way to start from gaza tonight. a summit, one, the court in boca stone, has gone to the former prime minister and run con, 2 weeks by it on multiple corruption charges. on thursday,
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the supreme court ruled his arrest this week unlawful cons of last night to mass protests that resulted in east 8 desk. some of the been job aid reports from the capital s. lama. but there's not, a lot of high court has gone through the month fund unprecedented relief, multiple benches have ordered the police love to arrest him. well, just in this most recent corruption case, but even charges he doesn't know about. the full, the prime minister denies the courts are doing him any favors relief. i am at the high court and they had no reason to arrest me. i was abducted. this is the law of the jungle. it feels like martial law has been declared. i use a voltage run sacked on the property when fund was arrested, since it was removed by parliament and the vote of no confidence. last year, hon has challenged the ministries rule in politics and acute the senior intelligence officer of being involved what he called, and this half a nation attempt opponent say honda is attacking the same people who brought him to
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power. it's not the security and i think that's one mind the army, the democracy in the, in the army. the army is getting relying my, what is happening right now. the cabinet held in emergency meeting and accused the judiciary of double standards. watch a video just like the court is an iron wall to protect emerald con. there was no precedent for this, not just in pocket stones, but anywhere in the world. well, basis cases are being formed against us. the courts were blocking investigations into cons, corruption up of the alliance of parties that forms the government has blame hon for the violence and looting this week. accusing him of calling timing and carrying out the tax on public facilities. he does have lashed out to the courts. specifically, the chief justice of breakfast on the line has no special force against focused on supreme court, which accuses of troy advice in favor of con and as thousands of political workers from all sides are all set to come to the streets this season. the political
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insurgency and focus on is far from over. some of his or without the vera is not by the doctor's president's new position alliance on making the final pictures to voters before sundays, crucial elections. it's going to be a tight contested vote, but of course it's being held against the backdrop of a severe economic crisis in the country basis. opinion polls puts of position candidates, come i get it. i don't know, just as of incumbent hardship. type a do on onto the, this is also the tool of a 3rd party candidates. that's why the stick a stand at the moment will the kremlin is dismissed allegations of russian interference in the turkish elections saying the false y'all. position candidate made that claim on social media to this we find it unacceptable for another country to interfere in turkey's domestic affairs during the phase of an
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election or in another period or we are holding an election yet. it is absolutely unacceptable to interfere in our election process in favor of another political party. i wanted the whole world to be aware of this. that is why i made this call openly with the tweets typically just spanish my the room. we very much value our relations with the republic of turkey. i. we really do because the republic of turkey has sofa taken a very responsible solver and, and thought out stats on a whole range of regional and global problems that we face. and this position has made a positive impression on us. this is why, of course, a country that values by lot true relations moreover, will not do anything with regard to its partner. so we strongly reject such statements of middling in turkey as elections. we officially declare that there can be no interference of any kind. and if anyone has provided come out till each
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darrel with this information, they lie, as well as most of the papers whom present as one in the west has left the country to look to russia and lemme at least the allies. but the other ones, main rival in sundays, but it says that if he wins the country will again tons the west hash. well bar reports on this now from 9 correct. so the sunshine, this to keys, elections are likely to determine the future of the economy. foreign policy and to cause i the entity. it's a big task for the man who has been a pilot for more than 2 decades. cortez accused president was up by you abdul mandel, 14 times with autocrats. and undermining took keys, longstanding ministry and diplomatic relations with nature, the european union, and the united states. accusations the president has dismissed the letter. it's yes it, they'll do it. we don't accept interference. and for an intumescent policy,
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we are developing our relations with regional institutions based on our strategic location which connects europe, asia, and africa. we neither turned our backs on the east for the west, nor do we neglect the middle east and africa was strengthening our ties. but the west to his main rival command, gillis, donnelly's promising major changes telling support is that if you liked it with us at the hands policies and improve relations with the west. so democracy is wise at home. all our main goal is to become a full member of the you and part of the modern world. we are a nation oriented towards the west. we want democracy. the west has accused of the amount of crossing descent and strengthening minutes with ties with russia. but on color, recently endorsed feelings application to join nato and move widely seen as an attempt to us to find the e u and the us the, the close base
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a whether wins over the swing voters and the millions of young to illegible to cost that balance for the 1st time, they have the upper hand or to build if i want to care to have advanced technology like to waste and keep its routes in the east to to save you room tickets. i prefer the waste. it's more advanced. but i also know if my country i would be glad if things change to you. once the dust settles, the wind that may need support from the west to with them the economy, but may not be able to send the ties with the additional parts. and those in the east changing funding policies, one thing, but so key would still have to convince the european union to allow it to join the blog. and it's unclear tense and with the united states will change simply because president avalon is no longer impala. and if the opposition does succeed, it would have to tread carefully to insure any point in policy changes did not emulate currants all lies how sure my bottle, i'll just be right on color. after,
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quite frankly, looking at the long road to recovery villages and the democratic republic of congo as a stop rebuilding off to the homes were washed away. and while wall rages in ukraine as the hill rom and little pools, i'll be telling you why the united kingdom is hosting one of the longest running tv music competitions in the world on because of the price, the fed o'clock pick tonight. and most of australia the last go from there went through wasn't as active as the one before. the still snow on the mountains victoria now so there's nothing more to come. 17 in melvin long. she'll raise these light just pick out for, i think in queens in the next day or so on. even bring some rain on to the coast of
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new south for a baby, even sidney. whereas in west australia does a bit of tied in presence, a little bit of rain here, but the most part not much. same is true for so i found of duty in the rain is rolling up. so your average temperatures in christ church now and ok and above that range on the west side of both fine and that it should be guessing towards the end of the radius season entities. there are also big chiles around and pops up on you . for example, how does a massive right in the south west of charlotte, which of course is welcoming you that which is not cool? there is a sing rain. it's also right on its way through japan, probably not. so welcome, but leave me a honda drive picture from base to china and the dream peninsula, but the social not right and mean bond structure across the southwest. china is linked to this tropical soccer on its way towards the coast of me and my next light to make landfill sometime during sunday as the equivalent to a category full hurricane. that's pretty devastating.
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the this convening has taken place during a critical time for the global economy. we're going to hear from a slate of leaders and business and government. you'll speak to why we need to strengthen our trading ties and vicious range transition plans enclosed with skills gaps that so many companies are struggling with the the the
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combined main stories, a 6 commander of the islamic jihad, i'm group, has been killed in a targets. it is right, striking gaza off to 4 days of fighting the conflict between israel and the palestinian on foot know close to to resolution. at least that you free palestinians and one is riding of died since tuesday. jesus in life pictures with it until we want to bring you from the city of la full. this is west. the forces of the former prime minister in ron con, have gathered outside his residents. now any are quotes and focused on granted in run con, 2 weeks fail is facing multiple challenges including corruption. on 1st day, the supreme court ruled his arrest was unreal. folks constitution spot days of protest bias of forces. and they have gathered now outside his residence to express that supports for him the candidates and making the final pictures. devote his head of the tuckers presidential and parliamentary like and seeing how much i should
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type the other one is facing an opposition. a line said by come on, can i still new and a close the fault race? now the other story, the following closely to the us authorities saying there's been no such as people crossing the southern border with mexico of the expiration of the title 42 little now this was the legislation that enabled authorities to ton migraines away at the board during the pandemic, but people will now facing new measures that are coming into effect next week. those rules all facing legal challenges, the 10s of thousands of people have been come to avoid this for weeks out. there is john henry and reports now from the board. a city of out of paso, texas, at the us southern border immigration agents are enforcing new rules in threatening migrant to cross illegally with stiff new penalties. we are only expanding the lawful pathways. people need to take them because what they are going to encounter
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at our border is border patrol agents who will take them into custody and remove them. we're going to be delivering tougher consequences. those consequences include a 5 year band for those who are deported and possible criminal charges for those who return and cross illegal migrants who traveled to the us through mexico, from latin america will be required to show they've applied for asylum in another country in been denied some of these restrictions are going to be basically stricter than what cobit, the cold restrictions would actually have entailed. the 1st question they're going to ask when the time is that okay, you're asking for silence? did you get permission or have you sort asylum and mexico? and the answer is no. that's the end of that conversation. then they're, they're basically turned away. a humanitarian parade program allows 30000 people from venezuela, cuba, haiti in nicaragua to enter the us for 2 years while they see permanent residents, obviously. and they can hardly real quick. and i would ask president biden to help
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those of us who have come here. so that we can improve our lives. president joe biden, who said creating a simply path to citizenship would require action from congress, record numbers of migrants. they've been crossing the us border and recent days, but of homeland security. official says, since the rules changed, they have not seen a substantial increase. a federal judge on thursday issued a restraining order barring the us from automatically releasing migrants when border patrol holding stations philip. that could mean at the end of their journey migrants will face increasingly crowded conditions. john henry and l g 0, el paso was a 1000000 serrano as director of the southern border communities coalition. she joins us now. can you explain to me why you are at the moment and what you are hearing about the situation facing those it to us mexico border
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a hi. um yes, i think the for huh. i mean me. so i am currently in the, in from bill county and the community assembly see that all right, uh, the us mexico border where for the last a few weeks and then cabman and l during come in has informed me on your grounds here in san diego area they are to wall, that's the separate mexico from the united states, this a migrant, probably the 1st wall and have been congregating. and there's one thing in this outdoor inc. cashman, they are 100000. we have numbers go up and down. but the best estimate that we have of just this woman time in the primary leech of families is about 500 people. we know of the existence of other incumbents and other areas that just not visible for a public ad. these are folks that are right. many days ago,
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as for us at 4 to 5 days in our outdoors, just waiting for border patrol to process them. some border patrol agents are telling us that they don't consider them to be in custody yet for books are not able to leave them. there are daily hip gowns, a border patrol is putting wristbands on them indicating the day that they are right. and also at the time the once or twice a day they will come out and have one bottle of water one brand name of our can. i'm just to be crystal clear about this or you're so that people can understand you are at the us mexico and san diego, correct? this is new video on the river. and so you have hundreds of hundreds of asylum seekers who are waiting to be processed. but that just as of stuck, that without any up, you know, hygiene, food, clean water, all or supplies there in these make shifting comments. that is correct. like i said,
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these folks are already on us brand. so here in san diego, there's not just one wall that separates next to the, from the united states. there's 2. and there's a space in between. and that is a perspective where a migrants are spent, obviously, right. and how many people are necessary for roughly, how many people are we talking about and how long have they been there full? so there is a, they are multiplying, come in. so one where i'm family map, it's about 500 people, primarily families. so a lot of children, a lot of elderly women and men in the time that they've been waiting. it just depends as some of them arrived this morning. but a lot of them have been here for several days up to like a, i believe the old, the ones i've been here the lot i'm this is about 5 the sick bay. i mean, i, i suppose you know that we're all people who are fleeing persecution. i'm not sure i've had a chance to speak to many people the,
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the process that happens now. those that didn't have credible asylum claims will wait for a quote hearing, but i suppose that will be of those who, you know, if, if it is established, they don't have a credible claim. could be expelled immediately today said that they will be sent home or um yes, uh, the ones that i talked to the coming from all over the world. uh, there's a lot of colombians, but there's also a lot of people from turkey. um, i talked to folks from um, just the brochure of different countries. um, all of them with their own unique stories and the reasons why they're sleeping. but everybody very fearful of going back home and they are just looking for safety. they are coming here. i'll just once again with the hope that they will have the opportunity to present their face for a silent well, we are seen though, also if local folk, your, every day average person here in san diego come in now and providing water,
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providing food. we're the support of some of our organizations because border patrol is not doing that. so these folks are outdoors waiting for 2 or 3 or 4 days, no shelter or no food, no water, no access to our restrooms. these are, are in humane conditions in which people are being uh, 15 in and not one second. it just with the hope that they will be given the opportunity to be processed by border patrol and started their asylum. clean still wants to awesome. okay, good. now what about the issues with this app? because our correspondents were telling us just audio. there is the c, b, c, b p one app for people that know that app is not. that app is not working properly . i suppose now because we are going from one set of rules to another. this measure type of 42 is expired. is there an anticipation that is going to be very k all
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taken when conditions are already very difficult for people who have the right to seek sign them and trying to do so? that is it. is it going to get even more classic and difficult for them in the coming days and weeks? yeah, it is. um i everybody that i talked to that i had the opportunity to ask them if they have heard of the v. p one, for the most part, most people don't even know of the change in policies in our country and our find them profit. and those people do have her heard of the cd p one. all they tell me is they give up. the app has a lot of difficulties. if you're not the math, not everybody has the latest technology to be able to access it. you need the internet access, you need a resource. that is what i tell you what to. i mean, i tell you what level, let's catch up again soon to find out, you know, what is happening that thank you very much for bringing us that information. appreciate it. yeah, thank you for having me. just a quick bit of news from the congo volunteers in the eastern part of the country,
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kind of kid deputy, they're off to last week's devastating floods in line slide old and 400 people were confirmed that thousands are still missing. home schools and markets was swept away . those who survived say they want to start rebuilding as soon as possible. the creating 1st of all, the music lensky will not be allowed to address half a noise grand final of the relations song. contest u. k. city of louisville is hosting the event instead of last year is when is ukraine? unless you wanted to make a surprise of parents via video links, but you're a vision, say they don't allow for political statements. so wrong and reports from the full in the streets. if a student with univision banners, the funds are getting into the spirit of the occasion, the eurovision song contest is in town. and oh, boy does believable that the competition was won last year by the police orchestra, who represented ukraine. they should have hosted the event c, a rushes invasion meant it couldn't be held in keys. so the u. k. also to host the
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event on behalf of ukraine funds from across the world of to send it on the city and the north west of england. it's a once in a lifetime experience and many mindful of the reason it's in liverpool was from mid wells and we've waited decades for the your vision to come here. so we can come and enjoy your thought. all style i know with sharing it with you pray. we hope this we'll do well. everyone's enjoying the city. little pool city is really busy. everywhere you go every step, you will take in supervision and it's amazing. yeah. for the 1st time, and you were a vision history, a major cultural event is running parallel to the cold and test reflecting ukraine's autistic prowess. 12 thinking inflatable 19 gilles sleep national song, but at the country, a perched across the city, decorated in patents reflecting the regional author of the country. the woman behind the idea escaped keith. on the 2nd day of the conflict. i want them to
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see how different places i want them to be. this installation called protect the beat surrounds nelson's monument. it illustrates how awesome culture under attack, up to the end of april this year, the humans cultural body, unesco officially recorded over 250 odd and cultural sites have been damaged by conflicting ukraine. the last time livable hostage, a major international cultural event. it was when it was selected as a european capital of culture and to $1008.00 as it was then the city is a pause and a symbol of historic. yeah, here to live a pool, was this, the yellow line been on? it is now being re painted in the colors of the ukrainian flag, those organizing the events and installations across livable, a clear why that doing this. we wants to create a whole program that has those emotions in it. then.
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