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tv   Witness Reckoning with Laughter  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2023 5:30am-6:00am AST

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i think best some very young and i wouldn't say she's necessarily engaged with 7 isn't people have called her and see me to my when, who spent 7 years working on the project, there was a number of parallels with her character to them was due just don't get home on sunday. i fell in love with the johnston permanent historian who trajectory maybe because it was the last story that was highly criticized where she was insulted. maybe because i lived in a story to which was criticized. i wanted to defend this to defend the idea that love can exist between a powerful man and a woman of lowest social class. it revolts me that even today we still think that a woman who comes when i pull back round, if she's with the amount of power, is this the self interest can is often quoted controversy but festival directive to have a 5 most as he has one rule in selecting film, did they demonstrate fee mas thinking freedom of speech? do they act within a legal frame? was leaving audiences to decide whether they can separate the thoughts from the
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office, charlie and to the auditor? the, this is, i will just say right, and these are the top stories, china as president choosing paying is hosting a summit with the latest of 5 central asian nations for the 1st time. it coincides with the g 7 mazing of advanced economies, which is being held in japan. jessica washington has moved from she i'm so this is a hugely important not only for china versus central asia as well as the 1st of its kind of happening here in c, on a very symbolic location is a starting point for the silk road. the historical trade routes that went through central asia. so the summit is very much in line with a theme that we've seen in china is diplomacy of trying to strengthen its diplomatic ties with central asia. we saw just a few months ago. that's presidency. jean pence 1st international trip as since the
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pandemic was the cause like sense. and then a few days later in the 2nd sun, the head of it could, it was military headphones that his forces will act. finley if protest tune violent president d m a less so has dissolved the national assembly, which was considering with the to impeach him on corruption challenges. security forces had been deployed outside the parliaments in the capital key to a large number of police have now lift the vicinity of the residents, a form of pockets on the prime minister and run come after spending most of the day outside his house, the 70 year old veteran petition had said police were preparing to detain him again . tom was arrested last week in connection with a corruption case. at least 9 people have died in floods and thousands more have been displaced in northern italy. could be ryan full, has caused rivers to boost the banks and triggered land slides. some areas received half the annual rain full and the last 2 days alone,
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sundays formula one grown pre. and emma has been called off. well, those are the headlines. the news continues here. on al jazeera, after witness, which is coming up next, this to the 5. the
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problem not to do it is to the gray. so was before i believe that i have to go back home to goods which is close to the us. so we're going to. * show that this book, by together the said, the same time a global health grow up the top is the,
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this white man is john hot about it. and this su might be the dirtiest most unsanitary corner of the united states. why everyone called me, or they taught you 0. do like to go to harvard. you don't want your kids just like a name. they can go to any other university and it will be fine. oh dear. i got it out of my system. everyone running around going to that and i'm going to write comment when i tell people yeah, i'm writing comedies that harvard do like what i have to explain i was trying. couldn't do it. no, i'm doing it through comment. no i'm i'm sure i'm so should i
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lose the honda? this would be c o z we i had the this is your best. i had a lot of data for your sound. the full in m b s o m i went to sleep. the next day my phone was exploding all over the media. zion is proposed as most of the 1st jewish comedian ever come to the stage here at the $1001.00 lab comedy festival
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. so please help me welcome to i gave her arabic name. please let me welcome to this page. now i'm in the evening everyone. it's, you're not getting the most out of there. they're just getting. my name is norm, white liberals tend to pronounce my name, so they call me tom ski. my last name is who was stairs, so i have a name of a jewish european professor from mit in a body of a persian wonder woman. my parents are considered traitors, they're left we liberals. so they raised me in a mixed community where jews and published and in lived together. my best friend of an inch is the post and then she looks like did you, how do they look like i from a then a job next to her. when we cross check, find the soldiers, they stop our car. they hit on her and they looked at me and did i get mail id
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please? the phone, a letter that my father received to the military detention on. he refused to serve in the us if i try to soon. so sorry, i brought it with me here. because i have this feeling like it's going to make it into my show. and these are like the 1st memories i have for my dad. just me and my mom kind of alone in the house and my father in prison. and i remember asking all the time questions like, where is that? where his dad this is the 1st uprising. this is the 1st intifada. is a very different outlook on those that are questioning the system. and that was
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a point where we could still turn things back today. it's much, much, much harder, but i think what i've been eating my whole life cruise injury call is going to do with my grandma. i know my mom was pretty much every week. all the time i'm adding a few more healthy things to it. don't tell my ancestors. i'm changing the recipe. man. the 1st show ever had was an english. and that show was so incredible and amazing and people were listening to me in such a different way than i was used to. i love performing in hebrew also, but there's something about, is rarely, audiences,
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sometimes i feel very anxious about. and in a way, saying, it also kind of breaks my heart because from the beginning i kind of know that i'm not going to have a lot of space. i'm on my own community, or even in hebrew like it's going to be limited. because of who i am because of my messages, maybe i'm wrong, but i hope i'm wrong. but this is the kind of feeling the, the so we have couple of building blocks your show, right? so one big building block is like who your parents are. and then the next building block knew they shut off blue eyes. and then you have a series of little thing else with an additional. and then eventually through this i went to the us. i was advocating to work more and more with those sections of society. the usually non spoken to yeah, that are like spoilers of future piece of brands. so there was
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a push back from him, from the one they didn't want to from that they didn't want to be part of it. it was too risky for them and they told us of who's, who needs to work with those extreme israelis who the palestinians, that's their responsibility and a ruptured my belief that there was like a traditional avenue to do piece work through. and it led me to start making jokes on every tv about m. b. s. like and, you know, like this rupture led you to that. yeah. getting ready to perform for the harvard, he led out to american news. it is my biggest responsibility to speak to my people. they're coming from a place where i believe they have more to learn and they can do better that need to be part of the change for the students. know the things that i'm saying they don't come from an ignorant perspective. the press doesn't come from an ignorant
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perspective, never. i'm not telling them anything new, but jewish or is really have to hello. hello hi. am following me. i have already showed up today. so the few minutes, most of a year when i was 7 years old, they decided to raise me in the only course distance community in his room. and 2 years ago, a big fire room. and so
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a lot of security forces in firefighters rush to rush to the community and the, the tried to evacuate all the jews, and all the arrows from their houses by the neighbors. no one moved from their houses and the firefighters, and that you have to immediately and use of the firefighters go use that you will be able to come back and use the it was a good show. consider everything else actually to let you in because they would never like being active us from. do you suppose to be right? but it didn't bring you even though to your views a more progressive than
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a lot of people. i know and still it's interesting. she got an invitation because he's an artist because she is doing something of that so that's you know, more approachable to them. well, that's as radical about using cultural work. yeah. you know, she gets to use comedy and art to get in the door when you wouldn't otherwise be able to get what you use the media. it was this faithful and that's what you did yesterday. we're going to go to new york to perform at the famous 30, rob, the factories the students in the audience were like no,
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i can't believe that we're here for god the the world health organization officially, the credit a ton w cases has surfacing in new places every day with at least 98 countries in territories. now, reporting infections close by the end of the day to my inbox is a festival of cancellations. and i have no idea what to do at a higher version. an mc campus would like to know one around i think i've come to terms that i should leave the
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cambridge this is a to the the and i've done this or something
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this for me sure. versus the i feel like god is looking at me and telling me, oh no. you thought you're going to be a big shot in america this year. come come. i'm taking you back home. i have other
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plans for you or the hi um. my niece ma. how's it hello, this is anna from, from a shelter mountain on a fine english and it seen a diploma much more money. believe this plan is a cell that's available now. is it the fund clearly not. can you go to the be any so that's on the
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on the key to close to pull him the ability to find, you know, the 100 how posted in survived all these years in closures and um, restrictions of this is pretty hard. oh the
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the the nipple, the desktop you book you come through memories vall that off the tennessee mon associates, one of the photographs still don't of the cost of the show, but it does so typically the clinical on the zone provision roseville all those months.
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okay. gotcha. and i got them on the ocean. i am the, the monitor, the visa as the middleton. this you soon bye. mark. the simple the the one of the only places where people are gathering, hiding, meeting each other and no restrictions. hotel, the
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nightstand, the i mean to be late night and ugh, every, the ages, only 10 years old is religious victims. everything, everything the basic to the same scenario with
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we're all year under very unique circumstances and we're getting the same. so we're getting, you know, same treatment and the toxic identity issues in a trade and stuff that i'm used to seeing outside and that exist outside. it's just absent here. it is totally in the future of the one state solution that is not in apartheid state that doesn't separate us and doesn't divide us into higher keys. this is the closest i've seen. i don't want to sound like a cliche because obviously, you know, the inequality and, and, and everything still exists, but i cannot find it here. and i don't want to be looking under the ground to find it the
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the, the a y that's on the line. no that's really
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the anger and grief on the streets of elk you find east jerusalem is how i was very late on sunday night. thursday to we are all the luck was chased and killed unoccupied. east jerusalem yard, who is autistic, was walking to a special needs school near the lock. so most compound, when he was confronted by his ready security courses. the
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the the why it's closed and the beast enveloped with a police magickal a month ago. not the 1st time in the building and said everything on the same, same case it from you stand up because of some of what seems holding both of the thoughts that mean by instinct on the funding is to get it the list and the 1st name is vivian and show him a note that he was full of clothes on the clothes off the yahoo! he's promising to carry out the annexation. the vehicle is waiting settlements as well as large parts of the joint, and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has run types of agents with virtually no open source, would be the log of some weeks between testing facilities being set up in jewish areas, uninterrupted. in speaking up here is scarier
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because there's a bigger price to pay, but i'm not going to shrink myself the the names of the asset, minnesota. the the,
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the brawn boys bri ethan slide picture button this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch, plays really forces at times 12 thoughts. an awesome arrested. a delicately told tale assumed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place for even a child's imagination. discrepancy restricted the skies above, had brought a witness documentary on a jersey to the
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a meeting of minds you need to compose. fragments. architecture becomes in a reno in assembly, where you can place all these evidence together and start seeing things architect, vitamin, and photographer trevor pac man, pod one. another thing that i really want out of art, which is not simply things that are trying to see the world, but things that give us the lives of how the world could be different. judy, i'd be unscripted on, i'll just say around the strengthening allowances that china is prestons plays host to a range of central asia nations to boost trade and security across the region.


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