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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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as was proposed for any nation in the history. yes or no. shooting. voted no big picture. us was a question that goes into the very foundation of judy until the cause of its relationship with indigenous people. in the midst of children coming soon on the jersey. the colleges when the of
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the color there i missed of the day and this is the news i live from our headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the palestinian authority and jordan both condemn and cousins by israel's national security minister. and to be all of the most compelling to grant in president gets pages of more support from g 70 does, as he denies russia's claims, it controls bucks more greeks version the 1st elections and the end of bailout spending controls the consecutive 5 minutes that faces a tough questions over the rising cost of living fund. i'm gonna see a newman on the island intake for new coming up. i'll explain how beavers and their dams are helping to destroy our environment. and on keisha statement with your schools, as mentioned at the city prepared to lift the english premium e trophies for a straight time in front of a home fan. so if the, if he helps that,
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the probably begin this news. alan occupied east jerusalem, where palestinians have condemned an incursion by israel security, minnesota into the ox and must compound isn't like been given cause outrage by declaring that israel own to jerusalem. the palestinian presidency has described the incident as a flagrant attack. almost as of highlights the serious threat facing the holy size . these randy government has also been holding its weekly session as an ontological side. near a axa is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so the location of the cabinet meeting was a message to palestinian presents more for the boss and reminder of the importance of jerusalem to the jewish people. the company's infrastructure named them in 56 years ago during the 6 day war, jerusalem united us. but i am forced to say that the battle for its unification is not complete. i and mike colleagues also time of to time to stay and or
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international pressure from those who want to re divide jerusalem. and also from prime ministers in israel, who were ready to surrender to this pressure, to the extent that they were ready to concede the most sacred places for jews, i thought we acted otherwise. well then speak to the locks, he's in west or east and force them as i've been given. it has been chewed to the provocative in the past, but this is really reflective of how things have been going under this government. yeah, we've seen the midst of it and give it inside the i'd like to combine before back in january. he is something of a professional promot, but of course is now the minister for national security. we've also seen a number of israelis particularly settling movement members ultra nationalist inside that same compound over recent months. it is normally open to visitors, however, that not allowed to pray that not muslim. and that seems to be something that really is upsetting. many type of thing and then of course, the backdrop tool. this is attendance period between factions and gauze are in
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these ready guffman. read it to be recent cease far when it comes to the fighting between islamic jihad and these really minute 3. and of course, also at the moment this last few days, quite a tense period here in jerusalem following a march that was once upon a time supposed to be a celebration, has turned into much more of a provocation. the new sites attendance period focused through the reaction you've been hearing to what's happening today to what we've heard from one of us, the palestinian authority president calling this the acts of thieves this incursion that not yeah, he said into the i like so most cool. yeah. it's quite will not change the reality and will impose is riley sovereignty over it. we've heard from the fight since inside cause the booth is not made you how to say a condemning this action by mr. ben. give a jordan, which is of course the cost $30.00 involved for the site itself. is foreign ministry condemning this in the strongest terms, calling it a quote, dangerous and unacceptable escalation and saying that was part of
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a range of behaviors by is really officials over the last few months, but quite wrapped presents a dangerous trend that the international community must want to stop immediately amongst them with an anxious for us from us through some. thank you very much. i the whole of a 3 day group of 7. it's on it has wrapped up in japan with need is a pledging more support for ukraine. and it's worth russia. ukraine president brought to me as a landscape also made a surprise visit to hiroshima. you denied, but the city of buckboard had for international forces. different medicaid is a james based report. this shouldn't be the day of diplomatic trump. you christ, president zalinski shoulder to shoulder with the g 7 leaders. but it also turned out to be the day on which the crating leader knowledge, the total destruction of bucket moved one on one meeting with president providers. he was asked about the 2nd
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i think, no, but you have to trying to send that. there is nothing they destroyed, there's no later i us presidency landscape for clarification. is the bible for the city still on going to let us know all what people are accomplishing and very important mission them now in baltimore, i will not share where exactly, but it witnesses that department is not occupied by russian federation as of to date. like the of the international visitors here, this weekend presidency. lensky paid his, sold him respect to the victims of war, the president, 15 months office countries invasion by russia. lang, a reset the memorial to those who died in the wills, 1st, nuclear plumbing, almost 78 years ago. ukraine is only one. the full countries do have given up the nuclear weapons, but it still has nuclear power plants and fighting around. one of them is parisha has been heavy,
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with so much still at stake for ukraine presidency. lensky had meetings with some of the other countries invited to the g 7, including the leaders of india, australia, and indonesia, notably not with the president. presently, the silva. he did get good news on the fight to jets. the us has dropped his objections on nato allies giving you a i'm f sixteens. i probably really would present unless the after the 7 meeting. and then with the staff, i told the united states together with our allies and partners, going to begin training. ukrainian pilots, in 4th generation fighter aircraft including f, 16 to strengthen ukraine's air force as part of a long term commitment to ukraine's ability to defend itself. up to a decade ago, that was a ga to rush. it was a member until it was kicked out fully bionics ation of crime. in 2014 today, president's the landscape was with the leaders of the g 7 as the representative of the 8th country in the room. it was
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a very powerful symbol for developments back home will have solve the atmosphere for savanski, even though many ex books, but the fact mood strategic importance has been the place. it's a place west so many lives will be lost in the last year. and the uncertainty about its fate, costs a shadow onto landscape, visit here to another city synonymous with the destruction of wor, james phase out you 0, russia, cost on fashion popular has one hour from keys on the back of the backwash. it is often very difficult to know exactly what the situation is. a inbox most and the last 24 hours. we have heard claims and counts. the claims deferred from the both of the front and the russian. most recruit things that his forces have taken full control or fact most well, those claims were denied by officials here in key, but also by presence lensky on that visit to japan. now, according to the commander of the cranes grad forces,
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the what he is saying is situation environment is difficult, but it is under control. he says that ukrainian forces do control if i move out of this eastern city enough, he says to be able to enter it if they need to do so should the situation change and he added rather critically that the situation could change. indeed, he also said good ukrainian preset made some advances on the flanks around the suburbs of black moat, suggesting perhaps to some points that they might want to insert the city, or at least what is left of it. but what is special is that here in ukraine, whatever happens in black moods, is watched very, very closely by ukrainians, because so many ukrainian troops have lost their lives that it really has become a symbol of this country's resistance. well that spring in melbourne, i don't know why he's a retired jordanian enforced general and joins us now from london. and as always,
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competing narratives here present the landscape insistence that lockwood is not occupied by russia. how much weight would you be giving that a post claim and count to the claim as part of the prove again, but what's going on? and it's is a full google which is very sick and ukraine special. but let's assume that it's being sold and the, the, i think committed candidly, it's not very significant, particularly yes, they have committed to that the ukrainian because if they want to control the whole done bus, they, russian, they must, they the level of risk and could i have my task and the going v as through the 2 big guy way through the 504 or the fall jack, i think the down there is very difficult the very high to rain at the screen and i see could be to to come to the deal sense of the russian,
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but there isn't maneuver going on the trying to be c, g beseech the city of bash most. and i'm not quite sure that they will be successful. i remember the what just a couple of weeks ago, the wagner chief, you have getting burgers and he was threatening to pull out as box what saying they were running out of ammunition. how did we now get here was the russian system is very centralized and i think the approach it and is that it is a globalized to do it in as everybody knows. and i think this spot to hold. so a prove, again that it's me see and the for the war again, things is not clear, not uh, very clear picture. what's going on on the clean impression was, but i think that how much is it has been folding this assume to oh, well,
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if russia has indeed taken off much, i'm curious about what you think the next move will be. that's obviously been chewed speculation about when this you can't encounter offensive mike again to i don't think the cleaning uh well they have to condition to do this content attack or fence the like the cold men. they like get a power of the they like the, you know, like the of 16 what they're talking about. that's what they cut out. 5 to 6 month best minimum and a crash program to qualify the pilots one. that's a good day to you. if 6 the, the and the other the cold but wouldn't not change a strategic changed it to see or change the tire for, for the credit union all for that action. what i see now is a, a war in a defensive. they show the trying to like doing an attrition, what electrician from both sides,
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but things wouldn't stay as this, i think polluted in a way they will. he would say that the cheese that i think his objective by an extreme before the don't best agent and became a head. so if i need counter offense, would be and through the terrace on getting the land to bridge between the media and the on best, that would be very hard. they need to call them to stay on site, the russian women doing very well. but i don't show the actual, the, sorry moment i do your talk about the care that they need. i'm curious about how much of a difference these latest western alms commitments might make aside from the sixteens . we know, obviously there are versus long range missiles now and use as well. has that made any kind of a difference at all? you mean the storm shadow of the this color friendship cold months, which is
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a very good me side by the way. and then we'll just talk it, but it has some constraints on the cranium to it inside the cell, which that's me because it, for this piece of good book and for hitting command control the just to combine sex up. but to also, i could say again, they will have some stuff to geographic, but they will not change to tie one moment i will know of advertise or any an air force generally speaking to us for longer, always great to get your thoughts. thank you for joining us again on how to 0. so thank you for calling. meanwhile, china has a curious the g 7 of trying to damage its reputation. how corresponding katrina, you has one out from beijing. the china has responded angrily to the g 7 summit in her rush and accusing the group of smearing, bathing, and distorting facts. firstly bathing denies that it's guilty of economic collision, pointing thing is instead of the united states and what it says,
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a uni latrell sanctions. it's also condemned washington, so putting pressure on other countries to the couple from chinese supply chains on the issue of the east and south trying to see the aging says that it has always maintained maritime law and accuses the group of closing instability in the region . however, china has also refused to acknowledge the fact that much of the territory that it uses and claims as its own is also claimed by many of its neighbors. and finally, the agent has attacked the g 7 for expressing concern of a tie, one and human rights abuses, and should jump to bed and a phone call. it says that these are actually domestic of says that the groups are not metal and as well as other countries. now in the lead up to this on that china has sold to discredit the g 7 cooling at a club of the rich and anti china alliance. replace with genuine interest and while she was developing countries, however, despite its numerous criticisms, the agent continues to maintain strong and important trading relationships with each of the jew 7 member states including the european union. katrina,
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you. how does era staging? how plunging more ahead for you this needs are including $2.00 more in science degree is with sci fi and humanitarian interest as the conflict and says it's $620.00 police in kenya continues to find more bodies of the victims investigation because we have tons and forward action from the end, the payoff says the lake has face the nuggets that's coming up. so the 1st thing is country underway in greece is parliamentary elections. often a campaign dominated by the cost of living crisis. the opinion polls are predicting a close race between the conservative prime minister cutty echoes me to the doctor is on his left to strive all alexis deeper us as i want the country to move forward to have a good name abroad. i think the country is going very well and busy unless we have
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business owners. we want the winner to help us with our business without financial situation. so we can survive the data. i want to better and free a life as we have feeling very big. and for many things, people are not living better and they know it's an area such as democracy, freedom, everyday, life, dignity, working conditions. we're going backwards very quickly. so we have to try and do something well that speak to our correspondent and stephanie to his, she's in the great capital athens for us stuff. do we have a sense of how things might go all the polls are actually going to close in an hour from now, and then we are going to expect those 1st preliminary exit polls at the moment that numbers we have is turned out 5 pm. so an hour ago, around 48 percent. this is seen as a pretty good turn out. what is widely expected um is there to be
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a run up on the on july 2nd. why? because this is the 1st time that greece has voting under a proportional representation system and parliament, the problem is behind me 300 seats up for grabs. and the main parts needs to win a 151 according to predictions new democracy. that is, of course, the routing party is in the lead, according to the opinion polls, but it will not post that threshold. so unless it can form a coalition government and all 3 parties of side, they will not share. then it is going to go to a 2nd round, but certainly we're talking there about the cost of living. we've been talking to people and everyone. everyone actually which is pretty incredible. do we have spoken to? we've been on the island, the roads were now in the capital athens at saying that the cost of living is really something that is of a concern to them. and also you had recently a massive trade crash on the 28th of february that has had a real impact, a lot of anger on the street saying that is really highlighted how the states, how the government has failed. the people i want to bring in our guest
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a new vehicle through mackie. she is a, a structural research and has been looking into the feelings to keep them to use after this train crash. i'm going to ask you, you've been talking to a lot of used all to this train crash in particular, how is this change that perception of this government or their trust in politicians? ok for following the answers, the questions to their insurance. we have launched a the, the we can mention the general distrust the store, the only institution in mentally a guess. the thoughts that good to go over months and the 4 digit code far because the rates are really very caisen, the thoughts as a that's the 8080 percent or 72 percent and about the business distrust. but who can say that the effect. so it was on the, on the, on the institution sort of thing. so there's a lot of spectrum, at least so it's kind of a, like a phone. see this has not to be translated into an in finish and perhaps then from
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the lectures. because also very high, is there a if i run the type of sentence offers a, a see 2 percent and 71 percent and onset the they are going to vote the election of the 21st. the may a 12, and 2 involved to even these there's just like on the ongoing of elections and need the game. and we also have also to note, is that a 70 percent have hover over the voltage during the previous election. so a, we can the putting together all these the that though we can assume that the, the, the vote then you cannot ation is jose oxy. but um, this political auction is a defensive auction because it's represents very low perspectives inhibition from the. busy of the size, what are, what are their main issues? what is the things that the youth is struggling with under this group?
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asking the, what are the major or the biggest? the problem for you in greece and what, what is going to shape your intentionally or the road to a choice? is the expansiveness inflation economy or these economic on the short very high, is that the 40 percent and um, the of accidental span be that was a very dramatic the event that that's true or the, the population is very low. when can be, say i it or she will for making decisions about them are very, very low do it. he shows that the additional promoted, but the concern about the about $10.00 migration or like thirty's to the nation, been said that the issues are the know there are concerns. so it's basically cost of living at the micro level pretty much you would say the marker. so let's see. i know this perspective over. no, no, no, no, no. okay,
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you're going to advanced in the social media yet, or 2. and 3 of you goes also be the cost of life, little to that every day life. this is the thought we can say of their function to know of their modifications, issues and thank you. thank you very much. so that gives you a sense of a lot of disillusionment really among the youth. and interestingly, we were just sort of phoning station and we were talking to one couple and asking about their perspective and they both last and the wife said, well my husband doesn't care because he's leaving, he's going, they're both actually going to germany. and she said, i do still kept because i want my both to account for the future of greece for the one day that i will come back. but they were leaving because they said the situation here was simply too difficult to know opportunities. and that is something that we have been told across the spectrum really from young to old stephanie decker that for us in athens. we staying across those results for you as we get them here on out 0 from out. thank you, sir. moving on and through don's army and the power military rapids support forces
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have agreed to a 7 day humanitarian. se is fine, broken by the us and saudi arabia and comes into effect on monday evening. the 2 sides have been locked in a power struggle. now since mid april, more than 1000000 people have been displaced by the fighting and at least 850 killed. both sides have failed to on a previous si size. well that speak to have a move and she joins us now from under my hipaa. is there any reason to think that this humanitarian sees 5 will be respected and that a might make it in well, for many people here in the gap. and so how to, i mean, other parts of sedan because this agreement encompasses not just for the entire country, especially where areas of active pricing is ongoing. now people say that they going to wait and see how it falls on the ground. it doesn't come into effect until about $945.00 local time in the evening of monday, which is around 1945 gmc. but people say they've seen the previous these fires that
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have been agreed upon by both sides and how within minutes those these fires were violated with sounds of heavy artillery being fired by both sides and the sound. so sound a fight the jets flying overhead. now the difference between this, these fire and the previous these fires is that this one is actually signed by both sides by this with the news army and by the rapids support forces. and they will be made a monitoring mechanics and that includes 3 members of the iris f 3 from the so the news army and 6 from both saudi arabia under united states to make sure that there are no violations, that no side use heavy artillery. and that there know as strikes and, but for minutes aaron corey doors are opened, which residents who we speak to here in the capital hotel in the western region of dar for say that bill wait to see what happens on the ground monday evening. they don't expect so much, but tuesdays and wednesdays is when they ex, they're going to be monitoring to see that they're going to be any sounds of artillery. they're going to be soldiers that are stopping them at checkpoints, whether it's in consumer and other parts of sudan. and they say when they feel that
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they can move freely from areas where there's active fighting to stay for areas. and when they see the humanitarian, a talking to trickle into the capital hotel and where it's needed, that's when they'll know that the ceasefire is holding. and the freedom of movement is explicitly positive, the steel for civilians as we go into the sci fi. how about do we have a sense of which side might have the upper hand here when it comes to territory? while there are some areas here in the campus, i'm kind of doing better under the control of the rapid support forces and the other areas under the control of the army. now, from the 1st day of the fighting, both have retained controls of major places. they are assess, has retained control of the presidential palace from the 1st day of the fighting. and the so the news army has been taking control or has been under control and the general command of the army. that's where they wrap it. support forces were trying to answer from the 1st day of the conflict, but i think it's still very much ongoing just over an hour ago or so. we were able to hear the fight suggests and see them flat launching s tracks in the northern
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city and the northern parts of the capital costume in the city of buffy. and in parts of central costume as well. it looks like both sides are trying to get an upper and handled with the other before the cx 5 comes into effect. so both are trying to make games on the ground as trucks are continuing, we can hear the sound of surface. the am is helping 5 by the rapid support forces, the at the moment with sight, with some parts of hudson under the control of the rapid support forces and other under the control of facilities army is largely a stalemate on the ground. hidden logan now corresponding to on the ground in under mon, thank you have a well that's now bringing rich and brandon, he's the regional emergency director for the eastern mediterranean of the world health organization. he joins us now from kyra. richard, i'll stop by asking you what i just asked out corresponding to him, but now given so many of these fires that haven't been respected, do you have any reason to think this one will be different? it is. i'm sorry, i didn't hear the full question because you came in breaking up and i'm sorry for
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that, but uh, i think you were asking about the ceasefire and the likely 50 that would be maintained. well, the track record thus far is, is not right. uh and uh, we have very, very serious concerns about the con, the, the next 65 holding. uh, but we are planning on humanitarian or operate operations based on the fact that it will be respected by the, by the warrant potties. we have no other option because the, the humidity ern situation is absolutely dial right now. uh and uh we have a 25000000 people in need of better turn assistance across the country and, and we have to move uh as, as best we can. uh, so we really do have to hope to the, the polish, the conflict, respect the safe spot. richard pos of the bill includes both sides, commission to evacuating. and i'm standing from controlling any public facility and creating hospitals and will say refraining from using them for military purposes.
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we've been hearing for weeks now that many hospitals in the capital aren't even operational, who's in charge of them. you know, it's a, it's an incredibly important point to find out best estimates. now, perhaps 2 thirds of the hospitals across the country, not functional. we know that some of the warring parties of had been occupying both hospitals and, and the central public health with large hurry, which is vital for controlling the spread of, of disease outbreaks of which there are several ongoing in the country. right now. it's hard to really determine, uh, you know, uh who is occupying which hospitals. but the, the evacuation of military forces from health facilities is absolutely key because people are desperately in need of health and she monitoring assistance. you can imagine there are high levels of, of injuries to, to the high levels of violence. patients who just need basic medical care. patients who are required dialysis on, on it, you know, 2 or 3 times a week. they,
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they lives out treatment by the lack of access to health care, women who want to give this in a safe and clean environments, particularly if they have a complication of their pregnancy. they have to have access to health care and, and we were very, very concerned about the risk of escalation of disease outbreaks and older conditions or more outbreaks. so our health facilities have to be functional. we have to have those military forces out of those clinics out of those hospitals, out of those with borrowers and richard, just to be clear, when you say these facilities are being occupied, these uh military who've taken over the facility that they're not using them as medical facilities, but they're all the just using them as a base, some thoughts it that's our understanding. we don't have full details. um, but we, we do understand that they have, have been using them because of district teaching location as military bases, whether they're using them also to, to care for, you know,
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the wounded soldiers or even window civilians. we don't have a lot of detail on that, which i do want to ask you a fairly grim question. as we go into these 2 into the sci fi, i'm wondering whether residents have had an opportunity to bury the dead. obviously that has a lot of health concerns as well. yeah, with the insurance. there's often a lot of concerned about dead bodies being a source of disease. it's not as big a concern as you might imagine. the of the dead bodies are usually not a source of the spring disease, but it's more important for the family, the cultural community a prospective during the day. and we do know that a lot of a lot of did pete the did have nothing buried. there were still, unfortunately, courses on the street in some areas. so it's not so much of public health concern. it's more of a community, familial, the family concern, have cos rich, and you mentioned chronic diseases and the spread of, of infectious diseases as,
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as worries. was it your priorities as a w, h o going into this week when it comes to aid? what will be your focus to? yeah, well you know, as i mentioned, you know, we want to capitalize on the opportunity to cease fires, giving us so with district continuing to do to distribute lots, saving supplies, basic emergency kids, trauma supplies, nutrition supplies, we've already been able to reach uh, 7 states across the country mainly the east, the south and then caught to, we have uh, another uh shipment uh, we've had full contain a large arrives today in port students were expecting another, a lift of around 21 tons of supplies arrived tomorrow. so getting those supplies out to the hospitals to the clinics is bottom, the front line health work is we've got to take out head off to them. they are doing a remarkable job under incredibly difficult circumstances. we also have to,
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because of the risk of infectious diseases, we're trying to get out of violence system that out of the bar trees working again properly. so we're working with unicef to get the vaccines out to the community scave. the vaccination program has, has been disrupted and again that, that risks, disease outbreaks so that they're out amongst our priorities for the next few days . also coordinating the health response. we're working with partners in 20 state inputs to data to try and pick the mapping of the needs and coordinating our collective response. so we address gaps and don't duplicate as, as best as possible. we to, that's a very, very long list. i one the, as we talk about suppliers potentially getting into the capital, how realistic it is to actually get the health services up and running again. and obviously there are huge constraints will. so when it comes to pass now, you know, absolutely, i mean there, there's been a lot of the health workforce,
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a lot of people have left and even the as good as you rightly side getting the supplies into account seems a real challenge. we've only been said we haven't been sending and become voice. we've been sending in small amounts because, you know, as you've heard this, been a lot of leading of supplies. so it being very targeted, we're trying to be strategic. now. if the $65.00 gives us the opportunity to bring in big convoys. oh, well, i'm good and we're working very closely with administrative health and good policies, including doctors without borders and you know, targeting distribution of age to those places that are going to get the operation or as soon as possible. the bigger concern. you know, we've got a little bit of the east cupboard, we've got some of the couch and cupboards when desperately concerned about what's happening in the west of the country and particularly in 54 with the needs are enormous. we didn't have good visibility on those needs because of the lack of access because of the insecurity, of course. but we're looking at options that are even perhaps bringing united from
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from across the border and shed hopefully that the level of successful change as the cease fire goes ahead. richard brendan at a regional emergency director for the eastern mediterranean of the world health organization. thank you for speaking to us and out. is there a sun? we wish you really all the best with your walk. thank you very much. thank you. a hostile ahead here on al jazeera, china revised to roll out that sol tentative to check g p t. as $378.00 as quote for more standards to regulate artificial intelligence, technology conference boards and golf action from the pga championship, including the revenue class to find themselves on top of the leaderboard. and that's coming up. so the now the change of savings pretty apparent. 90 for most of south america. this is
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winter coming in. now, let us know in the full cost for the whole on the in chain science is santiago, which is seen him just come back down to where they should were. after 20 i tell you a few days ago, there's a good deal, claudia, and breezy, and cooler in option tina that really need and also the river plate where the seas no changes and quite so won't be as big. charles are in the full cost of panic. why then beyond that, the significant rate is in western columbia and possibly in panama. now this is potentially heavy and land slides are often been the result of this. so that is certainly a risk in collaborative stuff in panama. and the significance of this here is big rains in hispanic era. and maybe you took some k calls that. so we'll move away from the bahamas. leave your draw picture in cuba and jamaica now then it was a fewer sharon's in mexico still very warm by night in costa rica for example. the current argue that's been the case now for weeks will nice and pretty warm days,
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which has also been true. western kind of the temperature is still high in calgary . and that will switch is called prompted the far as in western canada is going to be quenched some water with this incoming rate, which will be quite significant. and could, to course, implanting the the, the, this convening is taking place during a critical time for the global economy. we're going to hear from a slate of leaders and business and government. you'll speak to why we need to strengthen our trading ties and vicious green transition plans enclosed the skills grab somebody. companies are struggling with the are you ready for that to be to be in charge your experience? that's more than just the hospital visit. welcome to talk to you,
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the visit health turkey a website to easily get the best price over and benefits from our high technology. dokie awaits you with it's causing a health technology and expert doctors. have took a higher to health the. the, [000:00:00;00] the all come back to watching out a 0. i'm just as you take here and uh huh. let's remind you about top stories. palestinians have condemned to the as radius of jersey ministers. incursion of the ox and loss compounds. and some of the vehicles outraged by declaring that israel,
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owing to jerusalem ukrainian president, lot of me is lensky says, his troops are still in buffalo. that's off the russia said that it had captioned the city and the disputes. the dumbass region conversing is currently underway in greece as parliamentary elections. of the campaign domination by the cost of living crisis opinion paused, predicting a close race between the conservative prime minister cutty have caused me to attack us and has left his rival alexis to press on police. and can you are continuing to examine bodies as a site linked to a cove. the remains of another 3 people were discovered on saturday, taking the desk told to at least 200 and 38th. nothing web reports from a lendy. james and his mother survived the cold from which hundreds of people have died. they will follow us of canyon evangelical pasta pul mckenzie. they asked us to hide their identities. most of the survivors are being held by the police. this
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is why mackenzie cooled people to live with him in the remote arid forest tennis coast. he told them to fest stuff that children to death and then stopped themselves to reach having james says his brother rescued him. he's visibly emaciated. his mother denies, he was starving him. a james says yes before he was inspired by mackenzie's preaching in touch. this fish on his messages were okay or young, but they changed from 2017 on he told us to stop going to school and to pray. instead of going to hospital, he was a senior person, so we believed him in no bates and this was pulling mackenzie's to 10000000. they use this done right here. every sunday, i'm preached to crowds of hundreds of people who gathered here. thousands more watched on these television station and on youtube is increasingly radical preaching through criticism from some but in
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a context where the government is widely seemed to work only for the benefits of a wealthy few and is criticized. we provision of public health care and education. his messages of rejecting the states. i'm with the entity resonated with many others. hundreds of them from kenya and beyond, followed him through the forest over the last 4. yes. the search for, for these and survivors has been going on some more than a month. investigators have said they may have been organ harvesting. will police brought here from other places. so the police operation has since become heavily restricted. if so, let's get the most input to x 2. 15 board is today. nobody's authorized to talk to the fact that except the regional chief who announces the numbers off to each day of digging things, rights groups who were among the 1st to raise the alarm. say they've been excluded from the post mortem,
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if you don't allow human rights and the media to allow us to pick your nation's. everybody's speaking listening with that the government has a 100 each or the, the people to do this may be protected by the government. mackenzie's been in jail for 5 weeks, a waiting prosecution. he was arrested several times before but released. the government sets off a commission of inquiry to look into what happened. meanwhile, people are still being found alive. some of them have refused food and medical treatment saying they want to continue on that jenny, to having james says mackenzie shouldn't go to jail. susie one can buy, i'm happy to be alive, but i don't condemn mackenzie who is a preacher with his own. believes i can't say anything good or bad about him, but i would advise people to go back to the bible and interrogate his preachings. gibson,
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the town's mode has now been filled twice over. the 2nd round of post mortems is due to starts on tuesday. hundreds of people, a still missing malcolm web out to 0000000 the can. yeah. it all polls have closed in east timor with 2 freedom sizes, the same as the front front as her prime minister. both seen as heroes and southeast asia is youngest democracy about us era talk about the final result might not be 90 days. so lined up in this thousands, a cmo is proud of its democracy with moon, 80 percent of the population registered to invite a very the kind of finance. i mean, just look at the capital city, denny, it's difficult to get electricity into the water. the pots, the i choose, must fix the road, see electricity, and provide clean water. that is what i want from the new government. easily done to be the winning parts. you must work with other parties for the next government. no one can claim the victory by themselves. everyone must work together to build
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this nation for the good of the people. 17 parties, awesome testing, selection, and national congress. the team arrays with instruction is the advisor not include map. so it was a rebel, come on, a journey in the nation of the patient is trying to push the country's oldest policy, franklin out of government, and it's challenging, still a freedom fighter, hard time and stuff mario, terry, the to allies in the struggle for independence. now definitely surviving that privilege it is very important to to embrace good guy are approaching id of the i see that he is in the team. so this is a really critical election because it's locked into the bottom, which there's a place to transition to younger generation. the. this is the 5th column in selection, the since is table, gained independence from indonesia and 2002 important issues of both include the economy, which is heavily dependent on oil and gas, as well as a curing. you incom from terrorism,
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an agriculture whose mouth is the solution lies in the greatest sunrise exploration project occasion between a stable at a stretch. yeah. but it's been stored for years, having a gosh reactions where to process the gas. the region is going to be keeping an eye on the election because of the implications that holds for the greater sunrise hydrocarbon field. and that's development, which is located off the south coast of the country and timor was a need for an investment to develop that field. to use, but it is expected to determine the window 75 percent of the voting population younger than 65. if there's no outward majority policy with the most. but we'll have to negotiate with smaller policies to form a coalition that could take away sarah clock out to 0. or global temperatures all set to reach more than 1.5 degrees celsius above pre industrial levels. in the next 5 years. 250 climate scientists have gathered at cape horn and
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southern today to try to find ways to mitigate the changes a lot in america, edison, lucy and human reports now from never. we know island located in the jeep horn archipelago, the sub antarctic region of chile is the southern most part of the americans. before antarctica itself. it's one of the very few untouched areas onto this. with 2 percent that 98 percent of christine water and pre industrial revolution, air debris piece is kind of a you'd ethic part. but the realistic part that has survived the impact of more than maybe so to offer. so that was these kind of not the level that bodies scientists here are studying climate change and global warming. peak most captures, more greenhouse gases than all other vegetation combined. so um this enormous pete bald climate change experts, frederick colossal has installed sophisticated instruments that measure how wind temperature,
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ultra violet light among other factors impacted the covalent stover gives us the thought that a flux of seo to maintain that is a method of capturing somebody vehicle systems that would allow us to predict what could happen is the plans, the future. these dead trees of the work of beavers who have no natural predators in this part of the world. they swam here from neighboring southern argentina where they were 1st brought for the for industry and where they've already caused massive destruction. satellite imagery reveals that there are these 36000 beaver dams likes the one you see here on this cape horn island alone. that deprives trees and pants of oxygen, which in turn rocks, the settlement below and turns into missing emissions of that greenhouse gas in this area have increased by $5.00 to $10.00 fold. what can be done in the provinces capital part of the williams. we were invited to the inaugural global conference of
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the cape horn, international center or chic. it's an ambitious initiatives by the julian government in the university of myra yan is to identify, predict, and mitigated environmental changes to physicist. my p s from coastal has just come back from installing them. we do are logical station on remote horn island that provides critical scientific data via satellite real time and talks it go on its own is regulating that global warming and a climate change is that we're witnessing. so whatever happens that will impact the entire world without exception and it's some researches are right that this will buy and target region is a precursor of what the south pole may soon become. scientist need all the information they can get to see and human out to sierra nevada, you know, island, chile a how still a head here on now is there not just assist event and celebrate that teams?
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said english premier league title in a row page. we'll have the details for you in the in hebron boys bri ethan slide picture button. this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces at times. 12 thoughts, an awesome arrested delicacy told tale assumed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination separately, restricted disguise. above had brought a witness documentary on a jersey to in a world where the news never ends. understanding what's behind the headlines is more important than ever. it takes listening to the people behind the news from the holes, the power to the people in the street,
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to the journalists reporting their story. it's that intimacy that makes every international story local at heart. i'm only could be that post of the take a daily news podcast powered by the global reporting of algebra. find us where ever you get your pod cast, the the the welcome back. well g 70, it isn't. japan of called for more standards to actual trustworthy artificial intelligence. they say technology like charging between needs to be immediately assessed. meanwhile, the one of china as long as technology firms is preparing to allow us to similar chat boss. and as jessica washington reports from tangent it comes as the
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government that is working on new a regulations. in this paging show room a products made by one of china's largest technology firms proudly on display, including this image generator, just input instructions in chinese and it can create almost anything provided the keywords don't contravene any censorship laws. by the, by do, has the investigate and work on a, i for more than 10 years and a, with a 1st company to start occupational intelligence, research and development in china. this week the search engine company says it's generative a chatbox. it's and so to chat g p t is ready for its full launch. pending government approval, regulating a is a priority for the aging new laws came into effect in january banning the use of ai to create and shift false information. and the draft regulations released in april companies will need to ensure the output of
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a systems reflect socialist values and do not undermine the state power or encourage violence or discrimination. china is quite a hate in terms of regulation, and it's actually proposing some of the strongest possible regulation that we've heard from any possible country this week. as g 7 leaders imagined japan, they agreed and i development should be in line with this shed democratic values. experts say governments grappling with the challenge of regulating a space, developing at such a rapid pace in terms of which countries are leading the way it was very clear that europe and in some respects just behind china. so the leading the way that all the countries like united states or are you just beginning to address the concerns, the potential homes that come from these technologist is great, interesting. i products from chinese consume is thousands. came to this commercial exhibition to see a range of products for most trying out. such technology is still
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a novelty. almost $500.00 exhibits is us here at this conference in 10 showcasing some of the generative these robots are trained in classical chinese calligraphy was a particular hit, but x would say interactions in the future likely won't be so fleeting as a i becomes more integrated into daily life, jessica washington, which is 0 changing china, as well as time for sport and pieces and celebrations for football fans. yeah, the type that makes them happy when they, when the league like mentions to city of them for so the time in a row, the new, the crowned champions of being discriminated and about the party started in front of their own friends at the, at the stadium city were given a god of on a by opponents chelsea as they walked out of the tunnel to a sea of fans decked out in sky blue shirts. this is so the suit successively died
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. last mentioned it's also they slipped in 6 years and it did not take long for those 2 steps. they will start to see on chelsea and this match who dan over is. scrolling the internet, it's one millet hawthorn cities and still have the tried the presentation to the scene to us to the get these are in deep trouble in facing relegation from the premium. you're going to be using 3 ones with them. so he didn't see the final day of the season needing to be taught to them and hoping other results go. they way if they all to avoid the drop price and if qualified for your, for the 1st time in the history, they be old lady relegated south hampton $31.00 on sunday. if in ferguson school in twice, that means they'll guarantee the spot in the road put comes from the get the very least a point from may relating to match it with upgrade them for the euro for the given state. or the bron james on the lake is around the village of elimination in the n b a playoffs. they were already too down heading into the game 3 of the western
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conference finals against the denver nuggets. the brawn and as they davis did their best to get them back into the series, but it was a nuggets who came out on top of yes, again, jamal and mary touch screen with the 7 points. and 6 us us as well because of your kitch added 24 points as the nuggets one by 11 in the now just one went away from reaching the in the finals for the 1st time around just the games. over in delaware, we have some opportunities that we didn't come through, so i'm just get ready for monday and there's, you know, i do want and so, so one game series for us, i'm not gonna say that i'm scared, but at the noon i'm, i'm worried because of them, they have lived on the other side and he's a, he's capable of doing everything. how can i just lay down? let's be them, you know, on all 4. so, you know, we know next games gonna be another tests that are coming more aggressive and even more aggressive about to be more aggressive. you know, so because we more into it. so we know has come in and we've got a locked in and know that, um, we can do it to the 2nd golf major of the you and it's a rebel live to
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a player who sets top of the leaderboard brooks cap case one shot to your heading into the final round, but there are some big names in the chasing pack. david stokes rounds up the action a very wet day in new york, but the conditions didn't phase. brooks kept one of the rebels. you quit the pga for the saudi arabia back live to last year, rolling 5 thirty's to record the round of the day on saturday. they put in 6 and the post every one shop clear. the field trip to infinity 2nd to the messages last month has previously one full mages including 2 pga championships. one more would seem complete patrick and emulate those 2 great. these players get nicholas and tiger woods chasing, kept good. there were 2 players, one shot back on 5 on the part handler. this corey code is a new region play a big so hopefully you showed some great spin control on his way to a level paul round of 17.
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the 2020 us open champion price and december. another live gopher also went round in 70 . he's 3 shots back and the world number 2 skokie schifflit is what in the mix as well. despite the 3 of the power round, the $73.00, the american is to in the pop talk to face with justin rose, the englishman looking to add to he's only major victory at the us, open a decade to go where we met, who isn't always the, the know the not every shipment is be particularly outspoken against the live to break away players, but he'll need to make up 5 shots on the final date to start capco. one of the shots of the day went to arden's public harrington. the 2008 window of this championship rolling back the is the 80 told the remains 14 shots of the page. they be soaks, which is 0. elaina read back in is impressive season continues of. she won the
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being opened finals thoughts at at 11 p. m. local time in roads and the wimbledon champion was already set off when her ukrainian opponents and galena kelly now retired with a sigh injury pretty back in a also one indian wells this year. and which the australian open final, she moves up to a career high school in the world, rankings of the friendship and each thoughts mixed thoughts reeds on grandson. chapter 90 mary is withdrawn from next week. spring sharpen battery has pulled down to prioritize the gross cold season. in the build up to wimbledon, the 36 year old has any pay that run and get us $1.00 since 2017. laurie is the licensed big name to withdrawal from the to and the funding russel and the dell. and nick, curious how sergeant tina made a winning start to be on the twins. he woke up hoping to emulate the you know, mrs. world champions of last year. the 6 on what is managed by have you must sit on a have to fight from a go down to beat. is becky's done to one or can see that initially didn't qualify,
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but for given the 2 and the fee for splitting the easy off the right to stay just for refusing to host israel's team and the whole smash little treasure. it has won the pizza states, which is the 2nd leg of the procedures triple crown series. it's a record, a previous waiting for you to train above a message. but once again, it was mode by the death of another of methods, cases which enter the leg and then the called race and has to be put down. 2 weeks ago, 7 horses dining 10 days at churchill downs, leading up to the kentucky derby, send credit to boise settings. all right, that's all the small things that will be related with mo, most of you. thanks so much. well, that's it for me. and as long as you pay for this new, that doesn't go away, i'll be back in just a few minutes with multiple site,
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the thousands of h to be pollution from asian countries ending up in western vans and private collection in a true pot, special with $1.00 oh, $1.00 east fuller's requests to return hazel stolen us effects recognizes one of the best football managers of all time. the transport beyond mystery phone thinks a nice day you were born. and today you know why to meet the look of this. the why are some dagger talks to al jazeera place the gate and they will send is drex ruby. don't consider the scorching come up as are personal children rush behind these trying to intervene for 5 days. we are forced
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to do this. trying to integrate this way because they know what should frustrated issue force interesting doors west of precedence, west the united nations west 2013. it's funny, blah blah blah. for now the only option for these migrants to venture into the desert at nights. but the walls were the 6th 2 numbers to reach the regional capital. it was proceeded to ask permission, the more military to its borders. unfortunately, they are the ones committing the times tonight and say only one is safe passage to reach to the countries they are poor, hungry, vulnerable, in no man's land. the


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