tv Inside Story Al Jazeera June 1, 2023 3:30am-4:01am AST
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south south, east asia, for the peace of particular sing some larvae storms, a month's inch left, rolling those showers in across the south, trying to see whether to it's a south west of cost of india and pakistan. the, it's, every football is doing to turn professional living most appreciate it for my autonomy and thoughts. so i'm going for told them issued out to 0 wells fellows 3 talented. metro plays from the broker as they struggled to fulfill their ambition while working to suffice. i've been on to low income funding, so i am obliged to work and have it waiting on the bench on now to sierra leaders from south america is 12 patients major in brazil that 1st president soon as a silva is calling for more unity and even abuse single currency. so what his plans
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could, they've become reality and what's bringing these countries together. now, this is inside story, the hello. welcome to the program. i'm adrian. instead of going to south america's biggest nation has played host to the continents leaders. it spawns all the drive by brazil's left wing president luis ignacio, little of the silver, to create a regional, political, and economic block. there's strength and unity as the saying goes, i just want a brief hold. a trade union leader will be hoping applies to neighboring states to a single currency to south america is one plan. he's keen to develop to reduce dependency on the us dollar. he wants small cooperation in areas that include trade, health care, the environment of financing, organized crime boss. the presence of venezuela is president nicholas my daughter
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caused some division of life in america, editor, lucy, and human tells us more from present here on what was discussed behind closed doors . it is the 1st time in nearly a decade. the dangers of all the south american countries actually sit down, face to face, actually behind closed doors and speak frankly about the possibility of finally, right and laying out the groundwork for regional integration. it is something that they all feel strongly about, particularly the other time when the world is forming into different rocks. they all believe that the south america has to have a voice with this eco normally important part of the world. altogether they make up the 5th largest economic block in the world. and right now their voices are not being heard because they are divided. certainly that seems to be the the what the arguments that they are making. however, it's been very difficult to bring about president luna when he was the last president of created or not sure. and that is the union of south america,
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nations that was supposed to be the the building block for this regional integration. however, it's still a part when the political pendulum in this region swung from the left to the right . the president of venezuela is leader. last time i rudo was somewhat divisive. some of the presidents believe that he is and also our terry and leader. and they had no problem telling him so to his face, but my buddha was actually very conciliatory. he simply did not answer the criticisms and said that he was happy to just agree to disagree on those issues. in the end, all the presidents were happy to be able to all sit down together for the 1st time in so long and work towards something that they all believe is important. as president luna said after 500 years and that is a reference to the arrival of columbus in the americas, we finally have to be able to leave from the margins and have our voice as hard as well. this isn't blue sill. this 1st attempt to create unity been 2000 days. he led
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efforts to establish eunice original block, modeled on the european union to integrate the 12 south american nations, bought a swing to the political rights on the confident let, to the group fracturing disagreements over its leadership and venezuelan president nicholas my daughter's involvement. let the 7 countries withdrawing off the 2017 south americas population is maybe 450000000. that's around 5 and a half percent of the world's population. this year. the regions g d, p is estimated to be just over 4 trillion dollars, about a cost of that of the e. u. the continent is rich in natural resources. brazil is the 2nd largest producer on or, well actually produces around a 3rd of the world comp up. it's also the 2nd biggest producer of the increasingly source of to mineral. let's see him. so let's bring it out. guess for today is discussion from could i could swear,
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joined to buy it to the airport as pennsylvania, managing director of global. so for an advisory team as deputy minister and celia aid, the former president will go chavez and president nicholas. but do those chief of staff from bay on with joined by guild long seen the analyst of a sense of economic and policy research and for the foreign minister of equitable added miami is danny shaw, professor of life from the american and counter being studies of city university new york. he's also international affairs analyst for the tv network today. so i won't welcome to you will a, danny? let's start with you. president luna to silver has made no secret of the fact that he would like to revive this regional body. eunice or the union of south american nations. is it actually a good idea, though? what chance of uniting is such a divided block of nations? that's because one of the main challenges on a so it could be powerful. now that lula is in power and there's other,
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some other less leading presidencies involving the mexico certainly moved into more as i've heard of this direction. of course, nicaragua, cuba, ben, as well as long opposed us foreign policy across the atmosphere. the challenges that you know, what if we're both in idle asked type figure is elected in any, any country in the upcoming years that will immediately divide this attempt to unity in integration. so it's very important what we've seen in the past few days with this. we made sure coming together, but there's a long way to go. we see voices the more integration with the north, with the united states and the european union. and they want integration with their own south american encourage neighbors. so it will not be an easy fee to achieve this unity and an ongoing way care, i'm a, is it a, a realistic ambition of
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a south america to have its own version of, of the e u, of african union. how does the confident move past organizations that ultimately turn into clubs for ideologically aligned allies? what. busy tangible benefits would such a grouping need to deliver to out last, the confidence ever shifting political landscape a show. so 11 american integration is normally lost in dream region. it's goes back to the 19th century, south american integration, which is what we're talking about is bit more recent as words in actually a brazilian consensus, probably speaking between the center left and the center, right. it stops in the ninety's even the, the center right then on the president kind of those i was in favor of the south american regional space and then much more excitedly under lula. and the 1st. ready of the century, the community of south american nations was present in 2004, and finally in 2008, the own us with the 12 member sites back that was created as
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a non ideal logical number to go far. and it had 12 countries, i'm on the left. so 100 rights and the only common denominator with joe, you have to be a south american nations. then from 2052016 almost as a shift to the right and quite radical right in 2019, always in brazil, you know, it's also not of a sort of very radical reaction. be right, accompanied by trump and united states who encourage latin american countries to drop the strings of bands and south american unity as a return to the sort of the fall, the monro isn't, which is using latin america. you know, the monroe doctrine that you, us genuine and ship and expressions, they organized the organization which best bodies. this is the organization of american states, which has its headquarters in washington, which is a type that you manage and controlled by the us. and of course, you. busy hasn't really wanted an independent group of states. ready strategic
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bolts on it, such as on that sort. now with a shift to the left, we seem to possibly that you will know sort of the re kindled. but obviously the, the, we saw it yesterday at the summit. i mean, not really was some more reasonable, right? we have just biggest presidents on simple to sort of understand the strategic interest of the region. no, no doesn't want it to be a father. bless this. you want, that was everybody on both for me, all sides of the political spectrum to understand the south american region that is in the south american organizations. and that's what it is in the collective address, a full 12 countries in a wealth which, as you said, the beginning of the show is going to be increasingly dominated by regional box with a new called wall, you know, emerging on the horizon. and you're going to need some kind of regional geo politics and muscle to face the challenges is due to, to me a while, a majority of south africa, south american leaders, a country, a leftist, or a centrist. the region is more idealistically pluralistic that has been for some
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time right now. i mean there is no guarantee is that things will stay this way as i is it, is it perhaps just a matter of time before a grouping like the one that the president luna, the silver falls apart again on ideological grounds. is this the best way to, to achieve the unity among the south american nations that the president, no one of the sofa is looking for as well? that is the price of a lot for seen in less than america. i mean, 11 america, police police are competitive and you can have changes in government and not for nation the power. and is the people of the south america who decided that those changes. and i would say happily to some extent of those other nations happen happen regularly or the other hand, um i would, i mean, president knew that couldn't have said a better yesterday by um,
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by giving an example um brazil and argentina for instance, i have a, a bilateral trade with getting them out to $3035000000000.00 a year. that is, that is massive, but it's very, very important. and in a way he was comparing that for a be to present or not as you know, the to the train that happens every year. this is result of the union that he's probably only ation. i'd be more dollars. so he was by giving that example. i'm explaining that base the integration is effort has to be very for and that the trade between resiliency now is crucial for uh, companies and businesses in both country. so why not finding ways to, to uh, not only improve the conditions for that uh that trade to happen. and, and for example, one of the,
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one of the ideas that people disable was why not building a common courtesy that would allow the gina to perform that trait exchange without resorting to us dollar. why should not be a trade to use the m o, then ins, and instead of buying, buying a leisure arrangement. so a little more that integration goes into the base practical aspects. like the one i'm quoting at all phrases you can say they, it's very difficult for south american students to go from one country to another and come back to other countries and, and just know exercise their profession wave a degree or a promo thing in a south american nation, so the moment just started moving into that direction and the people see the concrete benefits is going to be very much harder for any other government or because. ready you know, i sincerely, as it could be to explain to their approximations of their,
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their walking away from such a i would say that again, but it's really an intimate just briefly what, what would have a regional trade currency looked like? you know, i mean is, is something that could be, you know, what was in existence in, in we, in the european community before existence of the euro. what do you need a see as you have making is, is you didn't, you didn't actually mean to move for formal common courtesy, because that would require, um, i mean, a long lasting export of converges of the different monetary policy that probably had a, it's a bit ambitious to or probably the sort of that's of the base of the, the company. but why not having, you know, 8888 coming, coming at courtesy that, that simply allows you know, the different central banks to compensate the trade. you know, those who has
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a young there existed in the past, we mean the latin american innovation is not, is not a new idea. what we need is the use of those tools for you is to just the um, the, the into dependency of our other regions as see which, which aspects, which areas of the economy. it makes sense at 3 very further. i want to state one of the v, that's something that for the talked about yesterday. why would some south american nations import their gas or oil from a remote region when the revealed banners. busy have immense reserves just because there's no, you know, there's no by price in the region. so those 5, the, those, the through structures needs to be done. and that needs to be a, uh, some effort in order to, uh, uh, you know, to allow for those for those uh, uh,
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products to happen. okay. tiny, the president of, uh, president my daughter at the summit made some leaders even less leading ones uncomfortable. did president luna to sort of go too far in his embrace of that as well as president to that's certainly been the headline in bloomberg in the new york times in the fall of the us media outlets here in the us. you can even mention that as well. there's no objective analysis. there's no sociological, historical, critical understanding of everything this happened in venezuela, just like there's a rush of all the these that, that is will fall the, there's a new cold war mentality. why shouldn't the elected representatives of all countries as, as the guest said, regardless of their id id, ology, there's a, a geographic unity that they're trying to build. so of course,
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a leadership promote the current and it shouldn't be a invited. it's so important to break this dollar dependency. the debt traps the structural adjustment programs from the i m. s and the world bank and some have done so much damage economy car. and so you can begin to break this historical dollar dependency the supremacy of the dollar. and will washington has consistently done is they have notified any presidency, any leadership, any country that has tried to oppose their uni polar designs for the region. that's why we have, i think, what can only be termed as sensationalism against nicholas. my little girl at luna said that there was very large prejudice against the country and that the image of an empty democratic venezuela was a narrative promoted by the western countries imposing harsh sanctions that
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exacerbate the country's humanitarian. and he cannot make crisis. did he, as jimmy's president, has argued make lights of the human rights violations in, in venezuela? so i think little as approach to venezuela's response to a growing consensus, but isolating venezuela as being counter productive has created actually much of the problems that are criticized. so you can see if you look at evolution of the best way to g d or even the migration, there's been a lot of talk of been sort of migration in the region, but also to the united states. and if you look at it, you look at you have a solution of those figures over the last few years. that's. busy busy you know, the origins lie in the sanction that americans are more and more aware that sanctions i've been. ready using well venezuela for example, not to be able to export since may next portfolio, which obviously least the best way to facing great economic and social on ship. and
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then this obviously having to trickle down a. busy on a property and on migration and so on and so forth. so i think generally speaking in the region, june, i was speaking french government. but there's a growing consensus even in the main stream diplomacy that the sanctions have not worked. not any of that, not a cheap region change, which was the open admitted goal of the united states, but they've actually created a broader regional crisis. and everybody's kind of set up with this and wants to move on. and i think it's important to this to insert this and this kind of returnable nestled and retired himself, american geo politics and the 12 uh, south american heads of states getting together to discuss they know something, as you said, you know, and agreeing to disagree. and sometimes having all spots for each other, but all sitting at the table and discussing this in contrast to what has happened
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of the. busy 2 years in the organization of american states, it's important to remember the top of ministration actually managed to get the self proclaimed president with no digital one. why know to be the representative of venezuela? you know, it, yes there's, there's no precedents of that. yeah, there was no sort of opposition to, you know, shay or even if you know, castro sitting in some, you know, vented a state of the oh yes, this is from your thing, the very to person academy of the united nations and you know, of the most of the actual for a it's the venezuela or because moodle, you know, an international. busy of the country, which is the government which represents the country, is the government control surgery and control institution. this is international, but somehow the united states and the oh yes, i guess in general, inventive decides to configure the opposition could suddenly take the states or been as well. and the organization sites. and this shocks, i would say, even mainstream that the, sorry, like this. and so what we saw yesterday was not receiving the and then my little
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actually, you know, having a meeting with the other 11 presence of region. some of them who disliked mother to strongly, you know, undoubtedly that is kind of really tough. i say john to negotiate a young to have diplomacy as opposed to just reading change. this incentive regencia engine is way to be ongoing. now there was actually. ready several crew attempts for 19 which failed my buddhist still that i think the general consensus, even amongst people who are presidents who dislike my daughter is. busy they're going to have to sit down with my daughter and come some kind of mothers. you're going to be of some kind of agreement. and i think that. ready rulers, you know, that is a spirit everyone is meeting with my go to yes it okay. to me. i mean, i just don't wanna spend too much with the program talking about the venezuela in particular. but most of you from contact us on this, why is it so important now to bring venezuela in from the cold as well a it is very important because of the one hand that as well as economy you started,
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you know, grow again and, and, but it's a, you know, way have shown that it a, it's, it's problems that nobody deny can only be solved by the others. and that, uh for your appearance as the young mansion. and especially when, when it easy because it's just sanctions and, and, and hopefully we can change products and with was what was a applied for the very doing the top of these ration uh, only rings, you know, are see for the people of the country and, and and um, nice uh, finding solutions, social yeah, driven solutions. uh more, more difficult. so now the, the, the has had overcome. uh, that critical period. it is time for the region to focus on a, uh,
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an agenda that has more that has more to do with what can the country do to work together in order to improve their situation. rather than having an institution that is only there or you know, once that's included in other or duties of countries and basically pointing out what they dislike about the total part of a difference of 2 versus i will be an example uh through know through as being extremely unstable. uh, probably not have the like to need or finishing extern were for, for over a decade and, and still there is no international mobilization, you know, to, to metal in the beginning channel is there why does it happen in that as well? because that is a listen to the where's largest oil reserves, and the, or has had an approach to the management of those reserves. the probably is not of
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the pace of the united states administration or some major oil companies. so again, the reason was they got more sense about the finding solutions and mentoring. so there's a problem, tony, you've touched up on it in, in your last onset, out of the us view, a more united and therefore assertive grouping of south american nations. and i'm, and this regional currency that, that would be designed to rival the us dollar in the us foreign policy establishment is dead set against the success of a sort of a south american improve in unifying currency. michael rubio, last month's on fox news express that if there was no longer dependency on the dollar, if the dollar no longer reigned supreme, then these countries could begin the same which the club, the sanction, the club of the blockaded marco rubio is a, is
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a representative of the republicans of the us foreign policy establishment was, was very, very afraid, has been cut off because could find a ride into it. right. and that's fine. but possibly, the in the past could find our mexican city in mexico city could find being so all roads these days seemed to lead away from washington. that's why there's so much fear. that's why the guy behind this qu, attempts against pedro castillo in, bu, in the now supporting the cool government of, of the board. why did the ed representation in, in brazil? yeah, yesterday. and they doing everything depended towards the gabrielle portage board. it seems to spend more time seeking cut out this than he does washington, when his own country was the victim in survivor of the 9111973. cool. so i, i certainly think that bodies has to sit down and re examine his talking points in
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his priorities. we've seen a more polls. lopez over the lord, we've never heard the mexican presidency since the 1950s speaking these national nationalist and international as the terms. so i do think overall the 2nd iteration of the pink tide, the synthesis is more a south american integration and in, in unity and true self determination. but his way hearing is many, many challenges come and from the academy of the north who doesn't want to see the rise of this multi part of the world. it's on the horizon and it's in construction right now. in brazil you are in south africa or in across the world. okay. then it at the game, we've got about 2 minutes left of, of the program. and one final question to, to what extent is president lula trying to establish brazil as the regions lead
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to how to of the south american states view brazil right now? and are they willing to, for the line behind it politically? so i think it's going to take a little while there to governments and so i did some it yesterday who are kind of resist the idea of when i so i mean one of them, the government, a 0. why the president accepted or not? so what i'd like to use of a breakfast that, you know, that's really what it looked like at the time is still the color presidents obviously for the, for the present of you're why i'm just like, how do you kind of uncomfortable tablet and to have to go back in, where's all the other ones? maybe they were in favor of at the time that they weren't actually present. they weren't actually the ones that left the union. so it's such a problem to go back in and uh yeah. accepts lunas uh invitation. so i think it's gonna happen in the medium to long term. we now have 7 members who are not sold out of the 12 original members. so there's still 5 countries that have to go back in the columbia to new york life hired why they put all the other 7 assignment back in
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with brazil and argentina recently going back in the month of april and yeah, brazilian leadership and who is the to ship a short phase in a row, and it's an old resident dream or a true south american subsystems, uh, the atlantic ocean of south america, which is dominated by medical school, but common market. it's designed to add on the pacific, the indian side, the pacific. historically, the community evaluated states the lines uh, but those 2 subsystem don't really communicated each other. and one of the historic jump let's go. goal is to present things to try and unify posit pacific coast to the atlantic coast in one big geo political area. okay, not just markets, but political area as well. and i think that's likely we've know that we've had the exception with us and not as i think i'm speaking on. and i think it's likely to continue and visit in foreign policy. and i think it's likely to be successful. gentleman, we're out of time manufacturing day for being with us kind of products, phones alone. get on long and then
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a shall. i. i thank you for watching. don't forget, you can see the park and i get it any time by going to the website. i will just 0, don't com. this way you'll find it for further discussion, join our facebook page that's at facebook dot com forward slash a inside story. as you can join the conversation on twitter handle at a dre inside story. for me, adrian, for the good of the team here at the off, thanks for being with us will see you again. bye. for now the the . you had a white judge why prosecutor white cops and this placid 16 when it happened,
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gets nailed. i've been in prison more years than i've been for you on the street. there are some folks born may. if it's their child who is making these mistakes, they don't believe that they're going to add gold fines' troubles to tennessee to investigate why the state has one of the longest sentences in the us for juveniles convicted of murder. 51 years behind bars on a jersey to allegations of a level with secret chinese police stations. that shock waves around the world. when ace investigates claims of chinese influence abroad went out to 0. the, the things i pushing
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the want to blow by the perspectives we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so now my to when you call home will for you to use and car and fast but match it to you the feel what you will just bear with me. so robin, in the month of all adult stories, the house of representatives in the united states is about to vote on a bill to suspend the nation's debt ceiling. repub.
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