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tv   News  Al Jazeera  June 4, 2023 2:00am-2:31am AST

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we miss the king a certain way before we have kids with devastating consequences. they definitely don't care about their client. it's just all about the money fault lines travelers to miami, to investigate the rise and injuries and deaths related to personally and fucking if those doctors are this the price of perfection on a jersey to the new beginning. it took kids at preston's project. tap add one on bales. these cabinets begins a 5th time in office, the commentary, jobs. so this is all just there were lots and also coming up israel and egypt say they will jointly investigate a board. a skirmish which killed 3 is rarely soldiers and one of the chips and
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officer clean up operations begin as rescue as fine. no more survivors of the india is, was trained as austin decades killed 288 people and thousands of serbia and spent the anger against the government to mass shootings. last month, the tech is preston's budget. pat and one has been sworn in for us. the tub is 2 decades in power. have now been extended by another 5 years. these new cabinets includes a format, merrill lynch economist who will be the new finance minister. so i'm say he's appointment suggests that while move away from years of unconventional economic policies, some of been driving reports from anchor a lots of intermediates him really mostly to noon. he started the decade in power.
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as president, bridge of the out of the one begins is to as president the days events began with deal with of office at the grand national assembly, which predicts the republic. that of the one made it a point to pay his respects to the founder of the turkish republic was to come out at the top. some see it as the beginning of a healing process for the politically divided nation is due to the next 5 years. we will continue to work hard to realize l vision that the century up to care, to protect the a tunnel brother who developed nation officials from 78 countries, including heads of state and prime minister, attended the set of many among them, the secretary general of nato, took he plays an important role president of the one, acknowledge the challenges of government faces human as we enter the century of turkey, our goal is to be among the top 10 economies. in order to do this, we will produce value added goods. you know, they become an energy hub and invite the world's financial parties into eastern goal, but we were facing a polarized world following the ukraine. ward,
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mom and turkey is mediation solved the ensuing food, chrysler everyone will benefit from this balanced approach, not just or to you the economy, the means, the hot topic of conversation. it took a high impression of the currency and the highest current account deficit decades are all, ma'am, it's tough. but often a bit to campaign at the one push toward unity and heating system don't. i mean they couldn't have looked at it? let's put aside the resentments from the election period. if the is resent meant, let's find a way to make peace. let's all work together for the construction of the century of took here. and to implement that vision, president edwin has chosen his most trusted people. much him check us treasury in finance minister. he's an economist and served as deputy prime minister from 2015 to 2018 to how confident is for the minister now. he was previously the turkish intelligence chief n l. e. erica has been appointed interior minister. he was the former governor of his them both your struggle,
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that is the new defense minister. he was the head of the armed forces. the decade in power is going to be the biggest as yet for president fidget pay of out of the $1.00 overcoming, intended and extend the challenges is the himself and his newly appointed cabinet. we'll have to prove that met tom, a job without the bureau or the residential policy on car z, and they're all is senior associates for the european leadership network. explains the reasoning behind that one's new habits appointments. well, i mean, if the role of the central bank and it's going there is to return to what it has always been, which is more independent aside from the government policies, then it would be a really welcome move and the possible candidate that has been raised to publicly at this moment is somebody use received a ph. d from princeton, but also as a investment bank background abroad as well in united states. so these are very positive signals. we will wait to see but obviously appointment. so one thing, and the other thing is whether president, i don't want to use extra, going to give them. but what is really interesting about oldest appointments is
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when you take all load them together from foreign ministry to defense minister, even intel, your minister, these are all to do is that the one can count on to keep everything. so that then enter into pull that makes or cause any pull that to go missed you if you like. i think the message from all of these for the next 10 months. and if not before, the next few years is going to be that i do on is focusing on strengthening again his political position, addressing some of the concerns that almost cost him this election and pursue his reason for this move century up to the public. and he's giving oldest q portfolios to people that he trusts to deliver the and egyptian security officer and 3 members of is ready minutes. we have been killed during a rec exchange of gunfire along the shed. boy, that is ready. and the gyptian authorities have opened the joint investigation for
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the monks, reports from west jerusalem a surprising strike against his ready soldiers, nivia egyptian buddha, to found dead at a remote town post in this rugged region. the tenants in the area of saturday morning, soon after a sizable drug test was seized. yeah. we showed the vocal and operational incidents into the dallas battalion in the morning that happened up to another incident that happened at night where the vitality and successfully taught it a lot smuggled relatively in the same area adjacent to it. these ready ministry southern come on to quickly on the scene as part of the response. additional authorities, a security opposite chasing drug smugglers had crossed into israel. located lighted during a search operation that individual killed in an exchange of 5 that left a 3rd is ready sold a dead. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu cooled events serious and unusual, insisting they would be thoroughly investigated. both countries not collaborating on that investigation. a deadly incident that is really official suggest was fall
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from an accident. the marks out to 0, west or east of them. in ukraine at least 20 people were injured near the city of dundee, prepped in, want to present the mass. lensky says was a russian attack. rescue will cause a searching for people trapped under the rubble of a 2 story residential building. 5 children very long, those in emergency services building was also hit, must go to noise. it's ministry forces, target civilians. rescue operations at the side of one of india is west, trained, exhausted in decades has ended 288 people died and hundreds more were injured in a crash involving 3 trains. official inquiry is on the way, but many of gaming signaling say you have a force that reports the scale of this crash almost defines comprehension. a fast moving passenger train rammed into a freight train. minutes later,
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another passenger train plowed into the wreckage, induced prime minister visiting the scene of his nations west, such as hasta, in decades. hundreds of people were killed. hundreds more injured, emergency crew searching for anyone alive or dead. still trapped inside the mangled carriages. survive is described moments of sheer terror going back now also double, gaudy. heritage started shaking. we got scared when we realized what was going on. we tried to get out. we broke the windows and managed to get out of problem. it is, government has been spending heavily on new stations, high speed trains, and other upgrades. but it's critics accuse it fading to prioritize safety on aging networks that carries 13000000 people a day. nearby hospitals are being overwhelmed. families waiting desperately for updates. others have lined up in clinics to donate blood prime minister moody when from the truck side to hospital bed sides. he spoke of his own anguish and pain, promising the best treatment that the injured and support for the grieving can be
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used or not that i'm the that this incident is very serious with the government in the oldest for carrying out a thorough investigation have been given and whoever is found guilty will get the strictest punishment was call that person will not be sped suck. this is stuck beside the whole by nightfall, the rescue in recovery work had been declared over a roadway official said that his austin had been caused by signal failure. the diverse of the passenger train onto the wrong track. as a nation moans. it's also questioning a new the safety of the world's 4th largest rail network. i suppose it, i'll just 0. took his troops, saw heading for cost of i often nay, to request for them to join the peacekeeping force that $13.00 nato soldiers were injured in unrest. the earlier this week of the protest by ethics subset turned violent. they've been 9 good by the appointments of ethnic albanian mass were
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elected in a vote. the subs and boy caught it as a baby pulls from mitchell good. so the city split loan estimate lines of the mix of itself seems like any of the sitting comfortable. but it's one deep divisions. the size is dominated by ethnic albanians, the not by ethnic, that there was a, the runs through the middle. the river isn't the only thing dividing ethnic says, an ethnic albanians. there's also a politics, a conflict, and the history dating back to the ottoman empire. there may be a bridge here, but it's not one connecting these 2 communities. it's a dividing line in the south because being is a great source of the presence of nato's comfortable force on the wizard. we are not afraid to hear cuz we have the protection of k for our cause of all police must 40 and the cause of a security for it was it was different in the ninety's until 99 when the war broke out. now it's completely different that the no,
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as long as the international support the least such good gang, there is no comm, this national falls. there are some citizens on the north side. well, once our enemies are still all, we are waiting for a solution. once you cross the bridge, so if you can sex on everything that makes sense, i've never recognized the costco self to create independence in 2008. they can see that this would have cost of focus, part of serbia. even the end of 10 for students is an opportunity because this is not possible. it said, you know, one of the north side would speak to us on camera. we've been told to time and time again by people here that this is sylvia all the situation and you know, if he's commotion, but the issue politics in belgrade and this is the problem is concept themselves, the victims, both of the race even said the i'm also in recent months, as we have seen, serious violations of collective said being rising well government in pristina. during the week 2 ethnic albanians were attacked here. please to just
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a few 100 me to do a customer's in 2 minutes to describe the attack as flushes minissha. both men have to receive hospital treatment, visit to your promises a challenge for the cost of all government. tens of thousands of ethnic sets who would rather be a part of sylvia. and comfortable. i cited vague, just data that through pizza, comfortable, the 10s of thousands of people have joined another antique government protest, and so the as capital bo grade. the demonstrations have become a weekly event, since 18 people were killed into mass shootings last month. protest is all blaming government policies for promoting violence in the media and are demanding the resignation of ministers and bush, which has more from now. great. it's been one month since the match shooting in belgrade legislative in the car elementary school. this is the 5th process called serbia against violence. when made the 3rd, the 13 year old boy shot dead 10 people,
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9 pupils of his school and the security guard. only one day after a 20 year old man, shot 8 people into village itself. the boundary in both the sacks, many were injured. the protest walk in belgrade started after speeches were given on the stage in front of national assembly. process is repeated. they want minister of interior affairs and the chief of intelligence agency to resign. those, some of the regular 3rd party for electronic media to cut the concession rights for a happy tv and think television interest or broad costs. because they say it's their program that promotes violence and hate speech. people giving speeches and today stage were actors high school students, comedians, and satirical tv hosts. they said that those empowered, the government should assume its responsibility for the mass, true things. the emphasized also being children, shriveled freely to schools and return today home safely, as well as those in cost of all with dignity. we should fight for freedom of our
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society. that is what we owe it to the people who lost their lives in tragic shooting. they sent my inventions, i'll just eat a bell. great. certainly, as government has declared the one month, i'm the steve of people's a hand in guns. 40000 firearms have been given up. thought has bennett smith, not a force from belle great protests to say the government needs to do much more to tackle a culture abundance on. so it'd be as version of the big brother, a daily diet to find some pump chips helps make this one of the country's top rated tv shows empowerment when debate doesn't work. this can fly. there is a huge problem in serbia, the bylaws, biggest, accepted as a method to resolve disputes. that's the problem, tanya, is a lawyer for a group that helps women effective binds 41 percent of serves. think domestic abuse is the top issue, women face here,
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the highest rates in your this is something that even at nothing showed up in the kid and got in or being taught to resolve disputes in other alternative measures. and so the tv and the what is happening in the national assembly and the messages, know whoever uses violence, he will be the one who is reading the dispute and will be, you know, giving or, and that's the wrong message being sent all over again. the, you know, the may 8 children and the god was shot dead at the school in bell gray. the suspect is 13 years old. prosecute is alleged. the boy's father took him to target practice and didn't properly secure weapons. the next day, a 20 year old man killed 8 people in the village outside the capital. since then, thousands of people protested weakly in belgrade, accusing the government of encouraging a culture of violence in society. the problem of violence inserted, b, r is bigger than
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a been worked in staring positioning services. that's why the citizens off for other regulations may be tied to gun control legislation and fundamental reforms, even education, others fears. so it'd be as present alexander boot huge as pledge to practically disarm his country. more than 40000 weapons and 2000000 rounds of ammunition have so far been handed in joining a government amnesty. but there are more than 750000 registered weapons, se, and officials estimate perhaps a similar number on license. it could take years for the state to these um it citizens and they'd have to be willing partners. in the bonus. i was your 0 fell great. so the head here on out, is there a defiance on the streets of desktops? following days of protests against the conviction of senegalese opposition, the response on the front just to say to you have the sites on
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a 3rd trophy of the season after lifting the fake, the the route to you by visit customer. let's go with here. headlines for the americans and right off the bat, an update on tropical storm. arlene is it dissipates, coming into western and central cuba. it's going to dump a bit of rain there. will keep tabs on that, but also a lot of rain coming in to southern mexico. not impacting mexico city up to 31 that is well above average. in fact, closing in on a record for the month of june us call states, we're seeing the storms bubble up through texas. one ingredient we have here to fuel those storms. high temperatures look a little rock arkansas up to $35.00, but it's the complete opposite for the us. ne. cool,
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they're sinking in here. boston just 15 degrees. but welcome rain coming into play for canada's nova scotia province. to help with the unprecedented wildfire burning there. to the west we go in the heat is on in canada is prayer provinces, alberta, saskatchewan manitoba. when to pick up 32, but with the humidity it's feeling closer to 40 in time we see those storms roll off the rockies in colorado. that's bubbling up. some of the storms that we've seen in texas and for the top end of south america, weather alerts in play for how much rain we'll see in ecuador, and it looks like showers. maybe some storms rolling across the river plates onto the day of 17 for you on sunday, of the quote to you by visit castle, discover the world of difference determination. i'm somebody who don't really need to we, i'm losing freedom shot. so just 16
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people, corruption and compassion averages 0 was a selection of the best films from across our network of channels. the the welcome back or mind about top stories based on the jet tab, the one that has been sworn in for a 3rd time as to is presidents among those appointed days. cabinets is full month by residential. columbus mac met some sect you be. the finance minister 3 is ready . soldiers, one and gyptian officer has been killed during
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a better exchange of gunfire as well. each of them. israel said this done the last for several hours against deserts, both countries of georgia, the investigating the best to operations of the sites of one of india's west trains of sauces and decades of ended. 298 people died and hundreds more. what injured and the crash involving 3 trains officially inquiries on the way. many of they being similarly as us present joe biden has signed in to know a bill of suspending the government, a debt ceiling. and a betting was, would have been america's 1st as a default. whitehouse tweeted these pictures of bite and signing the bill. it was passed by both houses of congress in the week as part of the bipartisan deal between democrats and republicans. party. jo castro is in washington dc instead of suspending the debt ceiling be on the next presidential election,
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suits both sides of the political divide. politically, this might be their strategy because notably the deadline, the both democrats and republicans have now agreed on pushes back this debate to after the next 2024 presidential election, which is key to the interest of both parties, providing this gives him some breathing room in which he can say that he was able to cobble together this coalition in very divided congress. this also allows the republican party. it's speaker kevin mccarthy and the wide, the even whitening field of potential candidates for, for president to avoid having to defend a calamitous default where we just have arrived at that place. but again, this in nowhere solves the crisis that we consistently see come up time and time again in the us. when the debt ceiling approaches, it just pushes this problem further down the road into 2025. as often we see
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washington to protest and set a goal, have continued for the day or following the conviction of opposition, need those months. ok, 15 people have been killed and the army has been deployed to contain unrest because hot reports from the capital costs. this is the car safe, peaceful and prosperous home to wealthy senegalese and foreigners. and this is also the car, the poor neighborhoods where young people are fighting with security for after court sentence opposition lead, at least by the 2 years in prison. his supporters say it's a fight against injustice, employed by president lucky sell to eliminate his opponents. ahead of next year's election. i've had to go out to north carolina. we need to fight, so we won't stop. president mackie cell is responsible for this. we won't let him get his wife. we won't let him stay in power or to time it was been sancho. we're
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not going to stop for it. for them sancho is the voice of the young and voiceless, challenging the rich and powerful. he's calling for an uprising against the government. several people have been killed into violence including members of the security force of the government. say some officers were shot dead by protesters for people like misstep a fighting sancho is not the right leader. is this ok? so is the following safe on tuesday, finding our country, these manipulating the youngest one, employed and frustrated with it from the presidents, always calling for calm and dialogue. meanwhile, the army has been deployed to protect businesses and banks from looting. so much of the interest is fueled by poverty and lack of jobs. well, the economy is booming under president monkey, so people in this neighborhood feel left out and ignored president, so has brought unprecedented for an investment thanks to the discovery of oil and
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gas. sancho excuses his government of corruption and leaving the young behind for an hour taking to the street to get their voices heard. nicholas hawk algae 0. the card gun is administer of lands and natural resorts. it says $86.00 people trapped in a mind for several days. a now free its miners in the sun, 2 regions seems to come to the surface. the fear of being arrested. government says they were operating is equally administer, samuel average, and a for told i'll just say are the government is working to tub in legal mining. we have a set of measures. we are committed to performative measures enforcement measures, which we believe by giving us some progress all be to increment out. oh much now. yes, we are restriction of unemployment in gonna address. i see that gives you many possible the world particularly arise and not to put the covered equipment making crisis.
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nobody's going to be crisis, but nonetheless, we're providing alternative sofas of livelihood for getting and you, we have with very abuse just program of what tentative. neither would an employment job. we have provided alternative means of miami community mining, which is lawful, which is related as well as the broader sector. all this must be mining in industry, so we do not condone even my. china has criticized the us software to choose beijing over fusing to hold talks to avoid potential conflict. it's a super powers taking positive defense for mincing of pool known as the shangri law dialogue. so its living reports from single year at asia is because the security summit, the us outlines its vision for the region defense. secretary lloyd austin, says countries represented here have a responsibility to keep the asia pacific safe and secure. our shared goals are quick to deter regression and to deepen the rules and norms that promote
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prosperity and product conflict. so we're stepping up planning and coordination and training with our friends from the east china sea to the south china sea to the end, you know, co scotts from the us, japan and the philippines, holding maritime drills and the south china sea. the 1st such joint exercises security analysts consider the region a potential flash point. the us regularly conducts freedom of navigation operations against china is aggressive a session of its territorial claims. for the chinese senior kind of argues that it's american actions that cause instability makes this region moss come from patient taking the animal, you know, challenging was difficult for reading more countries to communicate with them. as
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a separate session, the british defense minister address to beijing sent as a global power role. now navigating the consequences of china is rise by size opportunities. and those challenges, lifting vast numbers of people as in poverty, trading with the world. and the undeniable truth that none of them is fundamental global issues can be sold without engagement with china. much like last year, us china relations are dominating the summit. this year, however, the chinese defense minister general lieschen food has refused an invitation to meet often because of us sanctions on him. the 2 sides are blaming each other off of lack of dialogue, this on it rather than bringing that us and china together as highlights as how far upon they all, as well as the difficulties in bridging that gap. lawrence, really alj a 0 single, a foot. well now in the manchester city or in size of a treble of trophies of to winning the english,
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i say come to goes from the look i would go, going to, i should say, helped them to a to on when. and the 1st all meant just a final and the which is before the one of the plan much is do you know what the steps to the store to this as a final didn't pay? it's a work. you'll click on the one bullying months just to city into the lead us to just 20 seconds. this go, you know, history. you know, it to sound the way back into the game, things to assemble from jump really needs. eventually video assistant referees convincing the unfilled official that this was a misdemeanor worthy of a spoke kit. and the cell phone numbers hopefully accepted the opportunity to make the school 11 to a man was the senior,
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gave me leave early in the 2nd hall again, it was good. the one with the strike at this time a slice of case could be made for the savings if you know to keep it with the hey it is i've been very united with chasing the wrong trophy. double having one of the lead up in february. but it was frustration for united big names, both on and off the pitch assigned to take down it when the stadium and the final minutes. it will city who are you going to united just couldn't find the decisive so you don't get much it's finished. see one city is they cut when it's for 7 times winning titles of habits. that still means everything to manage. if headquarters your to be the big club. you have to be, you have to have lights. and the pressure like this kind of games like
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a fairly good when you have a lot of these players and it'd be important game they is when they are more you are becoming an adult. i talked to him following the success and the premier league city already have the hands on c major trophies the season and the biggest prize could still be to come when the attempt to win the 1st european champions lead time. so the final against in smoking is coming up next up today. and the richardson l g 0, the is out there and these are the top stores. now, a jap tablets, one has been sworn in for us. the time is touched. presidents among those are pointed to his cabinets is form at merrill lynch economists may have met since that he'll be the finance minister, former intelligence chief, how confident and it was so as far in the.


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