tv News Al Jazeera June 4, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST
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a massive parcel short document trees. a new series of africa direct showcases applicant stories from african to make his millions of most friends from across the globe has too much to perform the stomach pilgrimage. june on al jazeera, the new beginning attack, he is president rejects half as one on belle says, cabinets as he begins a 3rd time in office, the territory. so this is alex is here and the whole set coming out of israel and egypt say they within jointly investigate of what a scottish which kills the street is ready. soldiers, one gypsy and officer clean operations begin as rescue as fine know most advisors
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on india is, was trying to software decades til 288 feet. plus, john henry and new hampshire were conservation is to come up with a plan to do with an invasive species. meeting. the truck is present with zip tab that one has been sworn in for a 3rd time. these 2 decades in power have now been extended by another 5 years. these new cabinets includes a former merrill lynch economist who will be the youth finance minister. so i'm sorry, his appointment suggests that one will move away from years of unconventional economic policies. as all have been job reports from anchor a lots and let me let him really mosley to noon. he started the decade in power.
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as president ridge of the out of the one begins is to as president. the day's events began with the owners of office at the grand national assembly, which predicts the republic and of the one made it a point to pay his respects to the founder of the turkish republic. what's to come out of the talk? some see it as the beginning of a healing process for the politically divided nation is due to the next 5 years. we will continue to work hard to realize l vision that the century of took care to protect the a tunnel brother who developed nation officials from 78 countries, including heads of state and prime minister, attended the settlement among them, the secretary general of nato, where it took he plays an important role president of the one, acknowledge the challenges of government faces suitcase. as we enter the century of turkey, our goal is to be among the top 10 economies. in order to do this, we will produce value added goods. you know, they become an energy hub and invite the world's financial parties into eastern goal, but we were facing a polarized world following the ukraine. ward,
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mom and turkey is mediation solve the ensuing food, chrysler everyone will benefit from this balanced approach or not injustice or to you economy. that means the hot topic of conversation and took a high impression of the currency and the highest current account deficit decades are all, ma'am, it's tough. but often a bit to campaign at the one push toward unity and heating system. do i mean they couldn't have looked at it? let's put aside the resentments from the election period. if the is resent men, let's find a way to make peace. let's all work together for the construction of the century, up to a kia and to implement that vision, president edwin has chosen his most trusted people. met him, check us, treasury and finance minister. he's an economist and served of the deputy prime minister from 2015 to 2018 to how confident is for the minister now. he was previously the turkish intelligence chief, and elliot of the car has been appointed interior minister. he was the former governor of his them both your struggle,
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that is the new defense minister. he was the head of the armed forces within a decade in power is going to be the biggest as yet for president vege of pay of out of the $1.00 overcoming intended and extend the challenges is the himself and his newly appointed cabinet. but have to prove that met tom, a job without the bureau or the residential policy on car was the neurologist senior associates fellow at the european leadership network. he explains the reasoning behind that one's new cabinets appointments. well, i mean, if the role of the central bank and its going there is to return to what it has always been, which is more independent, aside from the government policies of done, it would be a really welcome move and the possible candidate that has been raised to publicly at this moment is somebody use received a ph. d from princeton, but also as an investment bank background at broad as well in united states. so these are very positive signals. we will wait to see obviously appointments. so one thing, and the other thing is whether president, i don't want to use extra, they're going to give them. but what is really interesting about all these
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appointments is when you take all load them together from foreign ministry to defense minister, even intel, your minister, these are all the do is that add on, can count on to keep everything. so that then enter into pull that makes or close any pull that to go missed you if you like. i think the message from all of these for the next 10 months. and if not before, the next few news is going to be that i do on is focusing on strengthening again as opposed to good position addressing some of the concerns that almost cost them this election and pursue his reason for this new century of the public and he's giving oldest q portfolios to people that he trusts to deliver us. and the zip send that security officer and 3 members of these really minutes. we have been killed during a rare exchange of gunfire long that shed border is ready and egyptian authorities have opened the joints investigation for the monk supports not from west to us. the surprising strike against his ready soldiers, nivia egyptian buddha,
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to found dead at a remote town post in this rugged region. the tenants in the area of saturday morning, soon after a sizable drug test was seized. yeah, we showed the vocal and operational incidents into the dallas battalion in the morning that happened up to another incident that happened at night where the vitality and successfully taught it a lot smuggled relatively in the same area adjacent to it. these ready ministry southern come on the quickly on the scene as part of the response. additional authorities, a security opposite chasing drug smugglers had crossed into israel. located lighted during a search operation that individual killed in an exchange of 5 that left a 3rd is ready sold a dead. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu cooled events serious and unusual, insisting they would be thoroughly investigated. both countries not collaborating on that investigation. a deadly incident that is really official suggest was fall from an accident. the marks out to 0, west or east of them. in ukraine,
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at least 20 people were injured near the city of the, in the pro, what the president for a massive lensky says was a russian attack rescue workers searching for people trapped under the rubble of a 2 story residential building. 5 children among those emergency services building was also hit most of the night is it's that she forces target civilians rescue operations at the side to one of india is west trains is offices and decades of ended. 288 people died and hundreds more were injured in a crash involving 3 trains. and efficient inquiry is on the way, but many of blaming signaling failure how the faucet reports now, in the scale of his crash, almost defies comprehension. a fast moving passenger train rammed into a freight train. minutes later, another passenger train plowed into the wreckage, induced prime minister visiting the scene of his nations west, such as hasta, in decades. hundreds of people were killed. hundreds more injured. emergency crew
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searching for anyone alive or dead. still trapped inside the mangled carriages. survivors described moments of sheer terror. going back now also double, gaudy. herridge started shaking. we got scared when we realize what was going on. we tried to get out. we broke the windows and managed to get out of it is government has been spending heavily on new stations, high speed trains, and other upgrades. but it's critics accuse it fading to prioritize safety on aging that what the carries, 13000000 people are nearby hospitals are being overwhelmed. families waiting desperately for updates. others have lined up in clinics to donate blood prime minister moody when from the truck side to hospital bed sides. he spoke of his own anguish and pain, promising the best treatment for the injured and support for the grieving. can be used or not tempting them be that this incident is very serious with the government
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in the orders for carrying out a thorough investigation have been given and whoever is found guilty will get the strictest punishment. what's called that person will not be sped suck because they're stuck beside yahoo. by nightfall, the rescue and recovery work had been declared over a railway official said that his austin had been caused by signal failure. the diverse of the passenger train onto the wrong track. as a nation moans, it's also questioning a new the safety of the world's 4th largest rail network. how do you suppose it? i'll just 0 or so it is true. so heading for the cost of, oh, often nature requests for them to join the peacekeeping force that the t nato soldiers were injured in on the rest of this week. of the protest by essex subs, tons violent. they've been angered by the appointment of ethnic albanian members who are elected in the votes. the serbs had boy cottage. i said vague reports from that nature of its a city split along ethnic lines. because of itself seems like any of the sitting
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comfortable. but it's one deep divisions. the size is dominated by ethnic albanians, the not by, as an except. there is a, the runs through the middle. the river isn't the only thing dividing ethnic says, an ethnic albanians. there's also a politics, a conflict, and the history dating back to the ottoman empire. there may be a bridge here, but it's not one connecting these 2 communities. it's a dividing line in the south. if me code bang is a great source of the presence of make those comfortable for us on the wizard. we are not afraid to hear because we have the protection of k for our cause of all police must 40 and the cause of a security for it was it was different in the ninety's until 99 when the war broke out. now, it's completely different that the, you know, as long as the international support, the least such good gang, there is no comm, this national falls. there are some citizens on the north side. well,
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once our enemies are still all, we are waiting for a solution. once you cross the bridge, so if you can sex on everything, that makes sense have never recognized the costco self ticket independence in 2008 . they can see that this was of course, the focus part of serbia. even the end of 10 for students is an opportunity to get this message is possible. it said that, you know, one of the north side would speak to us on camera. we've been told time and time again by people here that this is sylvia. all the situation didn't know if he's commotion, but the issue politics in belgrade, and this is the problem, the concept themselves, the victims, both of the race even said the i'm also in recent months, as we have seen, serious violations of collective said being rising. well, government in pristina during the week 2 ethnic albanians were attacked here, please to just a few 100 me to do a customer's in 2 minutes to describe the attack as flushes minissha. both men have to receive hospital treatment, visit to your promises,
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a challenge for the cost of all government. tens of thousands of ethnic said to do all of the be a part of serbia. and comfortable. i started bag. i'll just say to me through pizza, comfortable. tens of thousands of people have joined another anti government protesting serbia as capital bell grade. the demonstrations have become a weekly event, since 18 people were killed into mass shootings last month. for testers are blaming government policies for promoting violence in the media. on the demonte resignation of ministers hi visits has more of the phone bell. great. it's been one month since the rad. sure thing in belgrade is legislative. nicole elementary school. this is the 5th process, was called serbia against violence. when made the 3rd, the 13 year old boy shot dead, send people 9 pupils of his school and the security guard. only one day after a 20 year old man, shot 8 people into village itself. the boundary in both the sacks,
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many were injured. the protest walk in belgrade started after speeches were given on the stage in front of national assembly. process is repeated. they want minister of interior affairs and the chief of intelligence agency to resign. you know, some of the regular 3rd party for electronic media. they've got the concession rights for a happy tv and think television to rest or broadcast. because they say it's their program that promotes violence and hate speech. people giving speeches and today, stage were actors high school students, comedians, and satirical tv hosts. they said that those empowered, the government should assume its responsibility for the mass, true things. the emphasized, all serbian children should look freely to schools and return to the home safely, as well as those in cost of all with dignity. we should fight for freedom of our society. that is what we owe it to the people who lost their lives in tragic shooting. they set might investors, which i'll just get off now. great. so it'd be,
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as government has declared to one month's amnesty for people to handle guns, 40000 firearms have been given up to us bennet. smith's reports from bel grades and protest is say, the government needs to do much more to tackle a culture of violence on. so it'd be as version of the big brother a daily diet to find some pump chips helps make this one of the country's top rated tv shows in parliament when debate doesn't work, fists can floss the. there was a huge problem in serbia. the file as big as separate as a message, the result disputes. that's the problem. vanya is a lawyer for a group that helps women affected by 41 percent of serves. think domestic abuse is the top issue, women face here, the highest rates in your. this is something that even, nothing showed up in the kindergarten are being sold to resolve disputes in other
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alternative measures. and so the, the, the tv and the, what is happening in the national assembly and the messages, know, whoever uses violence, he will be the one who is reading the dispute and will be, you know, giving or, and that's the wrong message being sent all over again. the, you know, the may h children and the god was shot dead at the school in bell gray. the suspect is 13 years old. prosecute as a latch. the boy's father took him to target practice and didn't properly secure weapons. the next day, a 20 year old man killed 8 people in the village outside the capitol. since then, thousands of people protested weakly and bel grade accusing the government of encouraging a culture of violence in society. the problem of violence in serbia is bigger than uh, been work since they're in positions services. that's why the citizens off for other regulations may be tied to gun control legislation and
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fundamental reform even education others. so it'd be, as president alexander boot huge as pledge to practically disarm his country. more than 40000 weapons and 2000000 rounds of ammunition have so far been handed in joining a government, amnesty by the remove in 7, a 150000 registered weapons. se and officials estimate perhaps a similar number on license. it could take years for the state to these um it citizens and they'd have to be willing partners in the bonus. i was your 0 fell great. well, so to come here that was, is there a defiance on the streets of doc. com, following days of protests against the conviction of seneca, these positions this month. so the june on out despite the roll, rain,
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forests and lens plate and come back and find maturity democratic republic of congo is auctioning off oil exploration blocks in the congo basis. as julie struggles to agree, a new constitution, the big picture to examine for the old prejudices against indigenous people holding the country. that was a model votes in general elections with several opposition. candidates locked concerns over the integrity of the electoral process. are ready to be raised. it must, if possible, show documentary a new series of africa direct showcases african stories from african to make his millions of most things from across the globe has too much to perform the stomach pilgrimage gene on al jazeera, in depth analysis of the days headlines. china cannot maintain its current piper, aggressive author in the south, tennessee, and expect the philippines not to continue to drift. talking to the american inside story on challenges. era boston law a will along with, with neither side,
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willing to negotiate because the ukraine war becoming a forever war is america's global leadership, increasingly fragile. what will us politics look like? as we headed the presidential election of 2024. quizzical look, us politics, the boston line, the . the welcome back. look at the headlines now. jet tap codes, one has been sworn in for a 3rd time as to if his presence among those pointed to his cabinet. former merrill lynch economy smith. it seems that you'd be the finance 3 is ready, soldiers and one to gyptian office that have been killed during a very exchange of gunfire. each route, egypt on israel said the stand of last at the several 1000 of the gift deserts,
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both countries of dorothy investigating the incident rescue operations of the sites of one of india's west trains is also some decades have ended. 298 people died in a hundreds more were injured and then the crash involving 3 trains. especially inquiry is on the way, but many all claiming signaling failure or us present. so biden's assigned into know a bill suspending the government debt ceiling and diverting what, what is being america's 1st as a default. the white house treated these pictures of biden's signing the bill. it was passed by both houses of congress early in the week. as part of it, by pa design deal between democrats and republicans. heidi jo castro is in washington dc. it says spending a debt stating beyond the next presidential election suits both sides of the political divide. politically, this might be their strategy because notably the deadline,
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the both democrats and republicans have now agreed on pushes back this debate to after the next 2024 presidential election, which is key to the interest of both parties, providing this gives him some breathing room in which he can say that he was able to cobble together this coalition in very divided congress. this also allows the republican party. it's speaker kevin mccarthy and the wide, the even whitening field of potential uh candidates for, for president to avoid having to defend a calamitous default where we just have arrived at that place. but again, this in nowhere solves the crisis that we consistently see come up time and time again in the us. when the debt ceiling approaches, it just pushes this problem further down the road into 2025. as often we see washington do the protests and set a goal,
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have continued for us the day it follows the conviction of opposition the those months. ok. he was sentenced to 2 years and a charge of corrupting the youth. 15 people have been killed in the army has been deployed to contain unrest. nicholas hot reports from the capital. com. this is the car safe, peaceful, and prosperous home to wealthy senegalese and foreigners. and this is also the car, the poor neighborhoods where young people are fighting with security for after court sentenced opposition lead, at least by the sound of the 2 years in prison. his supporters say it's a fight against injustice, employed by president lucky sell to eliminate his opponents ahead of next year's election available as we need to fight. so we won't stop. president mackie cell is responsible for this. we won't let him get his wife. we won't let him stay in power
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or to time it was been sancho. we're not going to stop for it. for them sancho is the voice of the young and voiceless, challenging the rich and powerful. he's calling for an uprising against the government. several people have been killed into violence including members of the security forces. the government say some officers were shot dead by protesters for people like misstep a fighting sancho is not the right leader says this. ok. so is the following safe on tuesday, finding our country. these manipulating the youngest one employed and frustrated with it. presidents always calling for calm and dialogue. meanwhile, the army has been deployed to protect businesses and banks from looting. so much of the interest is fueled by poverty and lack of jobs. well, the economy is booming under president lucky sell. people in this neighborhood feel left out and ignored. president sell has brought unprecedented for an investment
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thanks to the discovery of orleans. but sancho chooses his government of corruption and leaving the young behind for an hour, taking to the street to get their voices heard. nicholas hawk out the card, but audio we spoke to us, so he's the senegalese minister for culture and historical heritage. he says that the sentence thing of this month sancho is appealing to you. this will matter which the opposition lead that has politicized. and this is not a political decision, is to this other decision is going down for a 2 years in jail, or you can present me yes or save 2 years in jail was a fine of 1000 dollars. so then we'll do the following to ship. in addition to what is the physical, what, what do you want to do? one of tools for the rest of the problem. you have the model. so what is what all as you know, somebody with 10, then you can use all the units in the tools and measure was or is as well that if
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this is just taking the kind of prevents into the study and i'm in the, the prison. so this is to say it was because the way it was to be gone is minister of lance and natural results. so says $86.00 people trapped in the mind for several days. a now freight minus and they assigned to each and refused to come to the surface. the fear of being arrested. the government says they were operating illegally title thoughts as having pounded to rescue ships run by german charities, saying they've violated this migration rules. the vessels had rescued several migrants and mediterranean sea. one of the charities that its shape refused to follow the ton in coast god's instructions to head to a distant. to ortiz in sure, they are investigating the mass desk of bose along its northern coast. around 3500
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on a conference found dead in the past week. officials suspect the cause of death could be related to what the birds feed on in the ocean waters off the northeast coast to the united states, heating up faster than most of the world's oceans. that's close the population of an invasive crab spaces to multiply nearly wiping out the local soft show club industry. for 100 went to portsmouth, new hampshire officially not trying to turn environmental catastrophe into commercial success. beneath the waters of the atlantic ocean within sheltered estuaries. across station invasion is transforming the new england coast. there, horribly invasive. and you know, you find them hon. just about every continent as warming waters. dr. mains, iconic, lobsters, northward, invasive european green crabs are filling the gap. surging in number and devouring
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the regions. muscles gallops in class and they tons and tons of the shellfish here in maine we have soft cell clans which was historically speaking, i think main 2nd largest fishery. and the landings there have really, really plummeted. as these guys have become more pervasive to get to their prey, the teeming, massive green dig into snip through a live sustaining ecosystem. mike macy and a handful of entrepreneurial new englanders say at least part of this illusion amounts to poetic justice, eating the invaders in just a few centimeters across the green. crabs are too small to pick for. meet the restaurants, such as the black trumpet by the melting lightens in, serve them up, whole list, fried soft shell crabs. you crush them like like basically popcorn. anything season them with, with anything you want and it blew my mind at the tamworth distillery in rural new hampshire. will robinson is pouring,
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cram trip or whiskey. it's $65.00. a bottle. really. the x factor is there, and that's part of why the story is taken off. obviously here, your crab and spirit, it just makes, makes most people want to kinda throw up in their mouth a little bit. but i can get them to taste. it completely changes their mind. at the dawn of the 19th century, there were no green crabs here. they arrived on the shores in the cargo holes of european trading vessels for 200 years new, england's brutal winters have kept their numbers steady. but now with global warming, water temperatures have risen and grown more hospitable, and their numbers have grown out of control appears line, i think now even fisheries specialist struggle to quantify them. there's a bad as bad, a great crowd that you can imagine as a stars in the, in the haven't really the, it's impossible just to give you an idea of the numbers we have. you take one female, so you can produce a 180000 eggs and one clutch. and sometimes they have 2 clutches a year. few believe new england can eat its way out of its green cram problem. but
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these culinary pioneers are working to turn the tables on the ravenous invaders john henry and eleanor 0, portsmouth, new hampshire. the weather is up next and inside still able to look at the brick summits and how imaginations are looking to join the cup to stay with the of the of a series is pumping in quite a bit of humidity for a southern pockets on hey, they're those details right here, right now, great to see you. so karachi will feel about $45.00 with the humidity. we do have some storms, probably not through parts of below just on and punjab provinces on sunday. let's go to india and talk about that southwest monsoon. it's now cutting across the
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southwest of through long kind of about halfway through the been goals. so that's really where the biggest down points will be. se asia looks like this were blanketed in rain up and down the philippines, but we have dropped those extreme flight advisories. for the western besides. okay, let's take all this off, paint the colors on dark is the red. the higher the temperature, hong kong setting, a record for it's hot is june day getting up to pretty close to 38 degrees. here's our forecast on sunday. most of the rain falling across the yangtze river valley. that's a point into shanghai. so it's talking forecasts there. and speaking of saki well, japan's onto island the pacific coast. anyway. dallas with rain all had to do with tropical storm r, y and our seasonal rains, half a meter of rain there, but that system is now out over the pacific. so with the sun out, it's allowing the temperature to get up to $27.00 degrees in tokyo on sunday. sounds good and sharp. we'll see you soon. take care. i. the
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is the conflict into time continued. so correspondents are on the ground to report every angle. if the stories have been on good between the hours and the 6 needs are me available, beat ages is say that a 100 i'm soothing is refugees. why you have to be registered under what kind of an excess pay this this food does not get to where it is needed. so it may not get there at all. the challenge ahead is nor stay without just the rest of the business development for administrators of the bricks. group of nations have met to discuss expansion and ways to challenge us dominance and the global economy. the block shift the balance of the world's trade and power or is it a political pipe dream? this is inside story. the
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