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tv   The War In June  Al Jazeera  June 4, 2023 9:00am-10:00am AST

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similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter why you called out you 0 will bring you the news and current affairs. the houses in here, the hello i am dire in jordan doha, with the quick reminder of the top stories here on alger 0 rescue operations of the sites of india as was trained as often decades of ended. more than 300 people died and nearly a 1000 engine 3 trains collided. unofficially enquiries now on the way report suggests the signal failure was to blame when they consume sharif as more from the sites in the soul. as we have the paper from the state national disaster management,
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suppose we have the file please, we have the police, we have the person and all of them out here. and in fact, as we see these cottages looked like little boxes just thrown around into the farm land around the place. it's going to take us before they are going to be able to fix these. and a lot of the rails have just blown out. so they all knew real, so it'd be long before this. this route is going to be functional because many trains have been cancelled. and that brings up to the other part of the thing the families are trying to get to. it's hard for him to spa hot for them to get here because many trains that cancelled. lucas reported to that's even buses that can so many of them want to reach to the hospitals around this place. some of them have moved to another city called cut up the most use the and do it all the. we know the debt told is going up to about $300.00. so a lot of things happening on the ground you of calls and hospitals in moultrie is people are trying to look for loved ones. those have gone, find the family members. i just hoping there's
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a ray of hope that maybe we will find them and we'll find them alive. there's also the also, i'm sure they hope they hope and pray for the best. but as of now, the official said that this is what they all going to be doing throughout the day, despite the he, despite the human, see dozens of people onto the left side. i can see 10 split up. the only stop when the of finishing a bit of uh uh, taking some rest and cooling off the rest of type hood ones been sworn in for 3rd most tuckers president. he's unable to new cabinet, including for my international bank of limits, simply because finance minister, it's seen as a shift towards a more orthodox economic policy form intelligence chief, how confidential said as foreign minister in the site, this is a day to protect the price future of our children don't, i mean they let us put a saw the resentments and, and go during the election period. nissan of elk grove that's find
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a way to reconcile resentments. if hots have been pressure hot, let us show the construction of the century. a tech you don't realize the 100 that of us 3 of our republic together. and that a celebration as a whole, with all 85000000 people go to a solid engine a. it has more from anchor. the biggest challenge being finance. as you see, i remember jim chuck is somebody who's trusted and really respected vote, but then took an outside as well, who's been do a possibly try and take the economy away from fixed interest rates, trying to deflate the a rising inflation, try and move towards a an economy which is more an investor friendly process and set a goal. i've continued for the day, it follows the conviction of opposition need some co 15 people have been killed in the army has been deployed to contain the unrest. ukraine's capitals been targeted
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by russian. their attacks in the early hours of sunday officials, a key has been on boarded every night for the past week. totally at least 20 people injured in any pro apartment 3, is there any soldiers on one to gyptian officer had been killed during a rev exchange of gunfire along the israel, egypt, buddha, both countries are drawn to investigating the incident. a john is defense minister, at least young food says he's open to communication with the us military. he spoke of a strong without dialogue and the single least said china wants to avoid confrontation, but one color weight interference, and it's internal affairs. with that 3 chinese us note server tend to earth off to a 6 month stay in space. the cap to another sions, you 15 mission land and, and among go, the china built its own space station off that was excluded from the international space station. so those were the headlines. these continue 0 now to 0 after the war in june states. and thanks so much and bye for now.
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the . ready 15th of may 1967 a parade military might. to celebrate 19 years since the founding of the state of israel. but this public display of power took place under a dark shadow. the previous day. egyptian president come out of the north side, had ordered his forces to take up positions along the buddhist with israel. the last few men
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pass on fire some and that monica must see the volume, the da, the life of. so i give them has and still every 3 weeks later, on the 5th of june, 1967 is ran launched loud against its arab neighbors. often only 6 days of fighting chief total and victory. defeating the armies of egypt, jordan and syria. the costs meet with him in search of the i mean sion shave it plays that mean it what somebody hoshal by story. that's right, but it's, i'm like i'm in the summer. the music stuff ish for yeah. we have where the noun is released as the 6th day
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with israel's territorial gains would change. the map of the middle east, the, to this day is really occupation of these lands, is the main bought a piece. in this turbulent region. is huge territories which he's really ami a conquered conflict intoxicated. everybody was intoxicated, no one could even think straight. but the story of this who is much longer in the 6 days of fighting its roots, lea is aaliyah 2 decades before the 5th of june, 1967, the,
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the tennessee, the 14th of may 1948 david sinus leda david fen, gloria, and declared the establishment of the state of israel on the day, off to the declaration, 5 arab armies and took palestine. the lebanese attacked from the north, the syrians, iraq. he's an jordanians from the east. but the most serious threats came from the south. the different army advanced to the village of even that fishes 22 number to us from that of eve developed
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a very thin line of soldiers who were defending what was practically the last line of defense of that of you. but the pressure on these rallies was relieved when are you in broke? a truce came into effect designers. the movement purchased arms on the european black markets. the arable armies, of course, enjoyed mainstream supplies from a states. the french supplied the lebanese and the syrians, the british supplied the egyptians, jordanians and there at peace with a constant stream of arms. the 1948 to the united nations imposed and embark on arms shipments to the middle east . and the british and the french abided by this and bar to win the truce. run out these re lease now, but to set out to expel the arrow balmy's from palestine. the
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theme i made the last could you have cobra kenneth, the 4th 3 of the city, you can check the loan, funk the on the bottoms via the him. the newspaper he's going to have a lot of the, i'll be made some the one about the by the end of october, as is really troops advanced. and egyptian brigade was in so cold as a palestinian village called on fellow john. among the offices trapped in this pocket was a young major. the man of the most of the, with the army is locked in a stalemate, egyptian and is ready. delegations met on the island of rhodes. under the sponsorship of the you and the offer a month of bargaining,
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they reached an honest disagreement. well, 1st of all, they had to put them into the fighting. i believe with egypt wants to get out of there as much as israel wanted. and then the question was mostly about evacuating the for legit bucket. did you know through tauriel demands from his room. so it was relatively easy to reach a cease fire by the summer of $194911.00 on jordan and syria had also signed almost disagreements with israel. in the jewish state now extended over almost the whole of palestine. our territory was reduced to just a few small enclaves, eastern jerusalem, and the westbank were placed under jordanian control. the gaza strip was to be
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administered by egypt. in the midst of defeat, the model of the north side conceived a plan that would change the future of egypt. a movement that would be known as the free offices can see them in the system and outrage from us. how do i buckle 11 jobs that are going to depend on what i kind of figured? a said that when the heavy set of took a but v c and the for the washer development at a level, i mean the will, the other, some of them were, of course, presented at out well for him or the guests that are the 3 years after the end of the war,
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the free offices struck in july 1952, they launched occluded to egypt. king photo was deep, round and sent into exile. lieutenant colonel, good man, i've done that, said the most to mine behind which was now cold. the july revolution. quickly rose to be the country's defect, to lead to the israel. this news arouse deep rooted fees and keep a stable can retirement home of israel's founding. prime minister david, thank or yes the victorian all the time. see here this one day in new. come all at the to with rising the world and we do nights the colorado blows the guess is and that she or
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the prevention was enhanced when less it will probably be monday and february 1955. then during and return to political life. this time as defense minister the just a week of to been grant took up the post. 150 is really paratroopers, led by major ariel sharon, was sent to attack and egyptian army base new the city of casa 40 egyptian soldiers were killed. and many more injured the, when the girl came back,
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decided immediately to show this is resolved in this time from the egyptian border to prove locations. and the attacks by infield traders were on the rice at the last of the year. what exactly are what is matters of some of the outcome. so come see what is dumb ibp bodily. getting medina low to us . uh huh. as well as some you and the husbands go to the letting the answer well and that has a lot to that would mean out of the ali the claiming they rejection territorial waters. no. so close the turnaround, straight at the entrance to the gulf of africa, to ship sailing to and from these reports of
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a lot the to strengthen his army. know so, so to more weapons from the west. but this time to no avail. the so in a surprise, move to turn to east russia as new found a minister. i missed the ship. he lost lost no time in taking a personal pod in middle east the fence and he was soon engaged in talks with by the national egypt signed this huge arms deal with chickens. slovakia, which was actually with the soviet union to this was back here, was supposed to supply egypt with 200 aircraft tanks. 1000 kelvin. it was something fabulous. the
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in november 1955 been green, begun a 2nd term as israel's prime minister. at the top of his agenda was how to respond to the growing strength of egypt. now on to the teeth. the 8 months later, the opportunity came when not for the announce the nationalization of the suez canal, the decision that outraged the british and french, the owners of the international canal company. this is a matter of life and death towards all. our portal is knocked with age still alas, for the out of what it is was counting on us is shown these not
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a man who can be trusted under the merchant. and from what convinced that military intervention would be needed to recapture the canal and bring down the upstart small side. but to pre text was needed on the lease. and the beetle was either try to get them off a little. that's what i put in my home. got i'm and most that i really, i felt home is very i looked at the whole i to assess in um, hire a plumber min dealer, but i'll find them with a heavy body of the how to clean myself with ashbrook. i mean, yeah, like anybody on this at all, you've been caught that kind of pop up to you know what, most of this i thought of for for the as the yeah. let me get that out. front onset
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lumiere, illinois. and according to this tripod tight secret agreement on the 29th of october, 1956 is really forces across the border in egypt. even though these really is, was still some distance from the canal burton and from cold for both sides to withdrawal. when also rejected, the ultimate sense british and french troops began landing and food science at the mediterranean and the canal, the united states was not consulted in any way about any phase of these actions, nor were we informed of them in advance. it is our hope it
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into this matter will be brought before the united nations general assembly there with no veto operating the opinion of the world can be brought to bear in our quest for a just in to this tormenting problem. by the end of december, under heavy international pressure, the british and french were forced into a humiliating withdrawal from both sides. the global attention now shifted to israel, still occupying the whole of assign 9, and because of strep. but he's, he's on our side of the little and so i haven't seen a lot of up. yeah. so you have the ease len prince can is it saw by
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then it cut off that is a half plus what possible was all about them for carla know where the which case the final in march. 1957 been dury. and finally, all these really all me to withdrawal to the pre will voters however, he had secuity 2 major gains, the stationing of un troops along the borders with egypt and cause us put an end to the palestinian said that use raids inside is really territories. and israel was guaranteed free passage of have shipping through the tier on straits the site light contain, gave israel actually about 10 years of unsigned piece of the
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egyptian border between 9057 and 96 to 7. there was a total call but the fragile piece on the board is most continuing hostility between cairo and tennessee and israel as a to fight some. and the commander of the air force was devising a new strategy operation focus. i made the say the some ok, the shame low my thoughts deeply happy to us will concept the she i'm not going to look for him. it's almost leaving what see what that machine was a beta. how many can we tell your name and it's a new file. we only want to see an opposite leaving both of them. this network would soon face this 1st major test. not though at the hands of
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vitamins efforts but through the bizell action 7 is really peace activist. even nothing was measured pilot and as a gimmick for elections of 1965, he bought the airplane, painted the twice and put named bees and said if i'm elected to the next that i would fly to egypt, he was not elected to build a small number of people voted for him, but by the time he became very serious of this. so one day without any announcement, he took off this display a being the time blinded inputs, egypt in february, 1966. what's the end of this?
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one? is it and with that as we'll see, if i will send over that, i will say that the egyptians treated him very nicely. they did not let them into egypt, but they let him fill his tank goverlan and sent him back. the 10 slight had revealed the weakness of egypt defenses. but israel still had a major concern to make 21 a high performance, super sonic. so if you had to fight to inform the phone of the arab forces, but it too would soon give up its secrets. in august 1966. any rocky pilot planned israel with these make
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he had been offered a 1000000 us dollars to defect. but it would turn out to be was every cent donation for our chief test pilot of the air force check the airplane and when you all its disadvantages of the make $21.00 which was the error plan of the warning the enemy hands it was not long before with these readings, had learned about the meeting was put to the test, an actual combat. in april 1967, the buddhist skirmishes with syria escalated into a full scale aerial without down 7 aircraft. it was such a big story and these are in the airport in the weeks following the special reports, possibly originating with soviet's intelligence began to come in,
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the israel was massing, it's on the, on the syrian border, the kind of turned escalation that's sped north side into action on the 14th of may 1967 fugitive gyptian troops into saw 9 the most definitely when a so if you need well in the, in the me of tennessee as far as getting that whether to be seen that i have loved, she mean about that it is about the been in the home, but i'm, it was a lot out the how would in that that the zoom out to had them. so the
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but small said also saw an opportunity to try to roll back the games. israel had secured following the 1956 was the on the 16th of may, egypt, us the u. n. to withdrew its peacekeeping troops from sine 9, the weekly to know some, announce the closing of the, to your own streets to it's really shipping news of most there's actions, boat people out onto the streets all across the arab world. how's the tamia? it'll be if it hasn't been hollow. so we just looked at the moment. let's see. i see it while i'm in the, in the sun that well,
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the thing is you could have certainly both of them to send us the feel better, but they call the you the, the, him a, the israel's, and you will cabinets on delivery as cold. took the decision to open hostilities. on the 5th of june, 1967. the air force was given the green lights to launch operation, focus the aerial attack. it had been rehearsing for years. these really had to roll the dice, which would determine the future of the states, the, the latest news as it breaks. and while some authorities are looking into declaring last generation of criminal organization, they are receiving some support from society,
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with detailed coverage. these read the ministry hasn't, should give edition orders for the home, some of which are funded by the european union from around the world. if so, we'll see here it has to be in my, in the tyra as people tried to find still way out are basically entities. does the un fits the purpose was like many critics sites, just pump solutions doesn't get anywhere near enough done to the amount of money that is poured into its hard hitting in to be this. do you think look to their lives on washington enough for money to go on its own and build it's on thoughts providing on for centuries, people have been taken care of are. so i have every confidence that future generations will do it as well. you the story on tools to how does era approve or reject the most progressive constitution ever proposed for any nation? and there's 3,
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yes or no shooting. voted no. the big picture us was a question that goes into the very foundation of judy until the cause of its relationship with indigenous people, the muscle and the midst of should positive on the jersey, the head of them or a kind of indo hobbies the top stories on al jazeera, best you, oppressions of the sites of india is, was trained, is all set in decades have ended. well, the 300 people were killed and 1000 in just in a crash involving 3 trains. and official inquiry is on the way report suggests, signal failure was to blame of a lot of things happening on the ground here of calls and hospitals in moultrie is
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people are trying to look for loved ones. those have gone, find the family members. i just hoping there's a ray of hope that maybe we will find them and we'll find them live. there's also the also, i'm sure they hope they hope and pray for the best. but as of now, the official said that this is what they are going to be doing to out the day despite the he, despite the human, the dozens of people onto the left side, i can see tens, but up the only stop when the of finishing a bit of a are taking some rest and cooling off this. right? yep. top. other one has been sworn in for the time as tucker's president's. he's unveiled a new cabinets including former international fine government, somerset as finance minister. them for intelligence chief, how come see done? most of us for administer the site. this is a day to protect the prize future of our children. i mean, they let us put aside the resentments and angles during the election period. nissan
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of elk grove. let's find a way to reconcile resentments if hearts have been price on the shoulder of the construction of the century. a techie, young realize the $100000.00 of us 3 of our public together. 2 and let us celebration as a whole, with all 85000000 people, the ukraine's capital is being taunted by russian as a tax. in the hours of sunday, officials, a keefe has been bombarded every night for the past week. and these 20 people were injured in to meet for an apartment block was hit. stein is defense means the lease on food says he's open to communication with the us military. he's spoke up a stronger law dialogue and sample lee said china wants to avoid confrontation, but what tolerate interference in internal affairs? as i headlines that's gets you back though to the will into
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the cairo the morning of monday, the 6th of june, 1967 a day such will change the history of the middle east. the plane is waiting to take off towards sinai. marshall, i've been hacked. you mohammed, deputies supreme commander of the egyptian armed forces is making a morale. boosting visit to troops deployed on the borders with israel for the last 3 weeks. but this gibson show a strength was put to good use spies. really media memories of the holocaust were in both for suite is rainy's. they were facing
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a threat to the very existence the difference with the nazis. a mazda not so was never mentioned by name in the people media. it's a times what's called the junction tire, and that's what his name in washington us president, lyndon b johnson issued a stock phoning to which of a side should start the rule. it was a thinly veiled threats to the egyptian leadership. it's done all the extra math. how the how do i use come on. i have the most of a lot, but you know, somebody that is sort of the vin uh to the cause of what to go. yeah. there are thoughts when and the but have a mobile. 3 a little has default, but initially,
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i mean, but thought about when i went to how to cover a slot you or i'm not the last one on how to dislike. the in fact is around the apparently the under dog was far more prepared for me than any of these are the phone and the is really cheats of stuff. it's how could it be to the front line to meet troops waiting for green lights. the on the these action of muscle is a head to mobilize on it forces all in order. and also to thing that we showed side coast. and this talking 1st was in the eyes of
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the gladly and the action, the what we call an aggressive action of the the, the opening attack would be the much rehearsed operation focus on the an aerial strife, to destroy the egyptian, as on the ground, the in the early hours of the 5th of june, 1967. these really asked who was prepared to deliver the 1st blow. when we wake up in the morning and came to the briefing room vote on the blackboard hour, which was the $745.00. the 200 is really jets. took to the
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the that they would have rights to very chips in as fields. but exactly 7 45 am. to avoid radar detection, they flew fast. most then west stood with the mediterranean turning south. the plains came in from the north, not from the east, as the objections had anticipated the lives in green bay. they would do that. and at a given the feeling because of another of attends a lot of them on the with us stuff. that's cool, but it's in the way
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know everything is very easy as you train many, many times before his costs are located. very easy on the ground is not far from zuraw loose was not the big problem to strike. then immediately you're so big torches with the smoke over all those airfields. it turns out enough to g late late are submitted a bunch on go and send that home whitehead can says if that a so through mold on august 11th, which kind of medicine has their mandy? soon as in nancy, how you all could they know how to sit in the corner of the dental for the last 3 months. by mid day,
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these release had successfully attacked 18 fields. the objections had lost 80 percent of the air force. more than $300.00 planes destroyed on the ground. the kind of machine. so for the same i thought a 0 to refresh the keys on this in addition to the message, if i go with going, but fish on the go, we will fix the bottom a go in the some of them out of the 5. go with that on so i think ironically, cairo radio was caring false reports of the total failure of the enemy's air attack . with news coming in of egypt, supplier and success. jordan,
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syria and iraq. now launch their own as strikes and these will feel should be able to be shown news every single shanty that you know, there's a sound video then in the field it's death to flesh as soon as seen that. so they will play or somebody's in the snow will decide the manual to him, them to say they mean the ineffective though they what those attacks gave these really is a free text to white in the scope of the whole operation focus was extended to cover fields in children, syria and even a key base and iraq h 3 or the only base for mistake would reach is low. and the only base in which we coordinate with the laptops feel it makes sense
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like that today. i take a mazda base, not far from the west coast, quote of god, the syrians last costa aircraft, c h 3 f field and iraq was put out of action. and jordan's air force was totally destroyed. by sunset on the 1st day of operation focus had guaranteed israel total as superiority in the skies over the middle east. the, the arab armies would now be fighting with no support the, the outcome of the war has been field or anything.
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that is no examples of the history of the world, of the asian of such a total of strike. and the total of tech may be the only time that you can compare it to this bill that they hold. just jump on me is on the hubble, which was also great. so pleasant. that was almost that they made it been completed in the pacific on the ground, egyptian for firing much better. they had succeeded holding up. he's really on the hit, the objection deputies supreme command marshall. i'm a was about to take a disastrous decision. it's routes planned. his attempted visit to the front line the day before the
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mentor. see me say leave us the us to stop because it just covers your busy night bill this month. a small bus. my thought sweet, sweet carlo seems gotten. assume it's right. how about the shuttle a minute, victoria? how much they are clearly. i mean, sleep the victim, best stop him up, swipe smoke, a female. they meant to say, could obviously miraculously, the plane was able to return to cairo. but marshal, i'm a, had been shocked by witnessing israel's as supremacy at 1st times the, the next day. i'm going to order an immediate withdrew egyptian troops from sinai, an order which led to the total collapse of the egyptian from
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the, the customer, the same. it says at the, i mean sion shave it plays, i mean it was by you cushion basically. that's right. that's, i'm like, i'm in the summer. the music stuff ish for yeah. we have where they come. come on shy sig, i got some sleep last deal. it's called like a shall or no less deal. it's called to buy your vet, live $0.05 for sure. i need to harm i got the glass sheets um we caught that slowed up. levine by slowly on the effective date. saw him get when you should come on, like a lawyer behind, based solely on the, by the 4th day of the war is really troops reached the eastern bank of the suez
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canal. that they had occupied the whole, the sign i peninsula and the gaza strip. live if he has a pod cast, but he let him know part of this much let me know for his own, but it's time for bed. the consent was shooting though it had been enough for the c . r has been hospital people to the previous day. these really is had also taste of success on the eastern front. ending the short lived was launched by jordan's kings crossing by 11 o'clock in the morning the 1st day virtually after we destroyed the junction
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l for us. but jose, in, in knowing that on, on the country and also called him up and said, we are winning. well, when do you enroll chair? he didn't to legal offensive. it wasn't un unable to do it, but he conquered the hills around the government calls it endangered in the southern part of jules. and then as far as, as well only by know, a few 100 yards away as calm is id houses. so this is in the, on the often noon of the 1st day of the these really speaking on their results against the jordanians, news, the bottle soon escalate. and 2 days later,
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a hold of the west bank and jerusalem felt these re lease mister cuz he might have been a, i was just leaving the something that the whole thing will not give you the funding as an illegal out via which they both have to go to chicago and i got a penny on news about linda, how they have been the cost of the like the actual value of the bushes, the color you with the symbol, the with the war old. but over on the egyptian and jordanian friends and ignoring and you and cool for a ceasefire, israel's high come on now decided to secure its voyages with syria. on the 5th day of war is really troops began to climb the strategic goal on heights . on somebody in
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the situation that they need, but it's more than welcome to either have the vision will be a little bit of eventually that a got the i've done a lot of similar steve can many i thought i'd almost as opposed to the one that's out of the customer to call on so what he should, he says, and then what's on the 6th day of the war, damascus read you made an unexpected announcement. syria had accepted the un ceasefire with no advance holding given to the troops fighting on the code on the broad costs faithfully undermined syrian army resistance. the, the man blamed for the armies collapse, was the minister of defense,
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a man who would eventually rise to power in syria. half of them aside. these rallies pushed on and occupied the whole of the golan heights the let me have them up to bots. what are you gonna come up there to see us here and let you out and see that he can walk up, walk up the clock, not. but he is. yeah. but i'm glad you got it. the engine at the end of the 6 day of fighting. and only when the attend achieved, all its goals is rarely accepted. the u. n. c's via the guns fell silent. the arabs had suffered
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a humiliating defeat the web, the yet y'all in the move in april. i know you him or if he isn't in any of this guy, did you need to have more than miss leah? while i had to cut on 40 to come to me on and to say to me on a lot of other people. and then i had ma'am, and when i had a and i'm a month, so the address me the way that we're in the see an hour that allows for full. if you give me a here at the, would you be my had a more opinion of under
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heavy popular prussia. no. so rescinded his decision to step down from the presidency and attempts to regain the lost. our territories began. israel had tripled its size, capturing the sign peninsula, big guns, a strip, the west bank, eastern jerusalem on the golan heights davis songs near with victory. i bumped the huge intoxication of victory. this fuel to unique man headquarters, victory of these lily, army individual. it was it glad to such a d and the history of his land. these riley's boscus and an aura of invincibility. but the victory was just the start of even greater complications
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which still plague the middle east to this day. israel found itself governing and being responsible for millions palestinians and the newly occupied gaza strip westbank and jerusalem. i took about 6 months to rome, around the newly calculate territories is hosting the westbank and does site. and they came back and they said the look, uh uh there was another people there and they have a national movement. so what do we do? either we, we conquered them in the create the sort of in about a higher state. or we have the low to put them under control each the
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state because there's room in the west bank and gaza should be a basis for the future negotiations theoretical condition of their rights to have the state of their own environment state to go in the west bank and gaza. the what is real chose was i'm still remains the 1st option. in the aftermath of the war, israel declared what is called the unification of jerusalem. the entire holy city was placed under is really jurisdiction, including christian and muslim. holy sites, the we, uh, the government and the only government in the area. that is to say that we have
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obligations and privilege and you choose their obligation in paradise to maintain law and order and to provide the paper with services and the way suitable standards of living as a government. like every government was its citizen. furthermore, and in defiance of international law is really settlers began to move into the west by the territory. they called judea and samaria. the lands which they wanted to circle in were the corps in parkland over the jewish people. in biblical times, this is where judy as an emerged. so was natural that the would be this missy and the courage to settle those areas. even perhaps even clear out the arabs from these areas. this didn't happen. the jewish settlements were placed there,
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and this is made things much more complicated for peace making care. in addition to the west spine settlements with spreading in the gaza strip sinai, and on the going on heights the and as these railways tightened the group on the occupied territories, it became clear they had no intention of returning them, the pedal itself. and it's so easy to get a human holiday. okay. the problem to get sent to my most of them is that will go into a lot of way more people via that a guy. so that's an electrical and locked into so easy at the end of my quarters and i think the wolf come to the middle of the pool. a phase of looked into something a little box. one of them said multiple to matters. what am just to give you what i
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mean? i don't think all right. well then yeah, bring my volkswagen in october 1973. after just 60 is the arabs aiming to restore the territories and the dignity would launch another move. the israel was about to receive the shop from mind of the fund resiliency, if thoughts, a ted combs could forever in the war of june. 1967, the the
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reviewing the headline start searching what they say which has decided to go live was a really a full scale innovation, exposing how the media is used to shape the one factor that never seems to make a difference is true. it never happened and how political power can suppress free speech. you tried to record that need to be in poverty. the police must have seconds. we are on the coast of the listening post you guy to the media on tuesday. around is the conflict into time continuing some correspondence or on the ground to record every angle. if the story has been ongoing between the hours and the 6 needs are me for the flight available agent to
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say that a 100. so i'm assuming this refugee is why you have to be registered under what kind of access pin this this food does not get to where it is needed, so it may not get there and all the challenges ahead is your stay without just the rest of the maintenance given the. all right, so june is that when you this month of the year in doha, no surprises with our forecast on sundays are way we go with it. great to see by the way, a lot of sending dusts being spun up in eastern saudi arabia because of these wins . and the heats coming down from iraq into kuwait. so your temperature is well above average, but the winds not as powerful as they have been. gusts 55 kilometers per hour, less so for the nama and buffering $35.00. and for us here, and the, those winds will per crow round to the northeast. so that's going to pump in a bit more humidity. you're going to feel it on sunday to the sabre is also given us humidity's southern bulk hassan feeling about 45 and ask about at 38. that's
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a month ahead of schedule is the temperature we'd expect to see for the month of july, a wind it off the black sea, inducing some showers for western and central turkey and off to africa. we go. it's unsettled in the northwest. some periods of rain here and for central africa, most of the action will be around the gulf of guinea, coastal camera room, equitorial, guinea and galvan. and as we dipped toward the south, you know, the name of the game. we've got another cold front pushing it into the western cape providence. this will last cape town with rain and wind. those wind gusts likely to exceed 75 kilometers per hour on sunday, facing the on counting the costs, the fault brings and ship. yes, again, but why is the depth savings so contentious in the us? germany slip central recession, it could drag the rest of europe down, plus by jerry as new, bulky $1000000000.00 oil refinery is expected to transform the nations industry.
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counts in the cost on elders era investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on alex's here, the india in 5 minutes and arrange a meeting, promises to punish those responsible for a train crash that's killed, more than 300 people whom i call some chevy from the side of friday's. massive accidents involve saw on the way a clean up operation to clear out what is evidently a catastrophic news.


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